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The Unification Church, founded
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon
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The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity was
organized in 1954 in Seoul, South Korea by Rev. Sun Myung Moon [&One who has
clarified the Truth&]. Some sources say the organization started in Pusan, not Seoul.
Its followers are often called Moonies by persons outside of the Association.
However, this term is considered derogatory by its members, who refer to themselves as Unificationists.
Rev. Moon was born in what is now North Korea in 1920 and was raised in the
Presbyterian Church. He is a Professional Engineer by training. When he was 15 years old,
at Easter, he believes that Jesus Christ appeared to him in a vision, charging him with the responsibility
of completing the work in the world that Jesus had started. During his adult life he has
had trouble with legal authorities, having been arrested for practicing capitalism (a
crime in North Korea), charged (but not convicted) in South Korea of other activities, and
convicted of tax evasion in the United States. During 1948,
the Presbyterian Church of Korea felt that his views were incompatible with traditional C they excommunicated
In 1957, Rev. Moon published Divine Principle which is a collection of his
beliefs, as written by a member of the Church. Two years later, Young Oon Kim moved to
North America as a Unification missionary to establish a church presence there. Many of
the members in the US concluded that some type of apocalyptic event would occurr in 1967. When nothing significant occurred that year, some members became disillusioned and left the organization. In 1972,
Rev. Moon moved to the United States and started a major recruitment drive. A decade
later, he performed the first of many mass wedding ceremonies in which more than 2,000
couples were married. In 1984, he was convicted of tax evasion in the US and sent to
prison for 13 months.
On 1994-MAY, the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of
World Christianity celebrated their 40th anniversary in Seoul, Korea.
It was a type of watershed for the movement. Reverend Moon announced the
merger of all of his religious, political, cultural and
business organizations, -- including the& CAUSA, Free Press International,
International Cultural Foundation, International Religious Foundation, Korean
Folk Ballet, Washington Times -- into a new group: the Family Federation
for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU).
Reverend Moon initiated a National Messiahship program in 1995.
This involved the selection of four families to lead the movement in each
country. One family was from Korea, one from Japan, one from America,
France, or Great Britain, and one from Austria, Germany or Italy.
On 1999-FEB-6, the Inter-religious and International Federation for
World Peace was formed. Its mission is &to implement a system
through which the highest expressions of religious wisdom are brought to
the table at which the world's most serious and urgent problems are being
addressed ... by creating a council of religious leaders within the
framework of the United Nations.&
Since the fall of Communism in Europe and Russia, the Unification Church has been
actively proselytizing throughout that region. They now have a presence in over 150 countries,
with concentrations in Korea, Japan and the United States. Extensive missionary
effort is currently underway in South America.
Reverend Moon proposed the
creation of the World University Foundation to include the
University of Bridgeport in the U.S. and the Sun Moon University in South
Korea. A Unificationist temple was built at Chung Pyung Workshop
Centre in South Korea, to hold 10,000 people.
Total membership is difficult
to estimate, but is probably many hundreds of thousands world wide. Both the Church and
its opponents have issued inflated numbers. It is probable that there are on the order of
5,000 dedicated members in the US, and a much larger number of persons affiliated in some
way with the church. The Church appears to be in decline in North America.
Rev. Moon was the ultimate authority within the Church. The administration of
the various Unification organizations is handled by a board of elders.
While many of the beliefs of the Unification Church are identical to those of other
conservative Christian groups, there are some major differences:
They view God as a single being with &perfect intellect, emotion and will&.
They reject the traditional Christian concept of the Trinity. God contains within himself
positive (male) and negative (female) aspects, which are in perfect harmony with each
The Holy Spirit is the feminine counterpart to God. She is not a person, but is a form
of energy that is derived from God.
Before Adam and Eve's were married in Eden, Eve had an affair with the Archangel
Lucifer. This caused the spiritual fall of mankind. She later engaged in an pre-marital
sexual relationship with Adam. This caused the physical fall of mankind. Together, these
illicit sexuality caused them to form an imperfect family. Their sin led to Satan taking
control of the world.
The church links Communism (the expression of Satan) with Cain and Democracy (the
expression of God) with Abel.
Jesus Christ is viewed as a unique human being who was born without
original sin. After his crucifixion, he was spiritually resurrected. His
body was taken by angels to an unknown location.
God's original intent was for Jesus Christ to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem
humanity, and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve. Since Jesus was executed before
accomplishing his mission, it will be up to a third Adam in the present day to form this perfect marriage and
complete Jesus' task.
By his spiritual , Jesus has made possible
spiritual salvation for persons who accept him as savior and believe in his message. They
will, after death, live with Jesus in Paradise. However, because Jesus did not complete
his original task, physical salvation is not possible on earth during one's lifetime.
Complete salvation (spiritual and physical) awaits the arrival of the third Adam and his
subsequent perfect marriage.
St. Paul is viewed as the originator of Christianity. Through his expertise, he
is viewed as hav ing converted the teachings of Jesus concerning the kingdom of God into a formal religion
about Jesus.
Hell exists on earth. Over time, Hell will be transformed into the kingdom of heaven on
earth. Hell exists in the spiritual world as well, as an extension of life for those of us
who live in hell on earth.
One of the main purposes of the Unification Church is to unite all of the fragments of
Christianity into a single body.
They believe that the third Adam was
born in Korea between 1917 and 1930. (The first
Adam was the individual described in G the second Adam is Jesus). The third Adam will be recognized as
second coming of Christ, the perfect man. He will marry the perfect woman, and will become the &true
spiritual parents of humankind&. Many members of the Unification Church regard
Rev. Moon and his second (and current) wife Hak Ja Han as these parents.
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Church practices:
The Unification Church is a profoundly family-centered Church. Members are expected to
remain celibate during their youth. They are to subsequently marry, have
children, and create an ideal family which contributes to world peace.
The Blessing or mass wedding ceremony is the most important Unification ritual.
Rev. Moon matches up each couple a month (or less) in advance, selecting from among the
membership. Sometimes, they first meet on the day of their wedding. The bride and groom are expected to marry, but can decide to opt out without
disgrace. A Holy Wine Ceremony is conducted this purifies the
couple so that they are able to have children free of Fallen Nature (resulting
from original sin
inherited from Adam and Eve). A special Three Day Ceremony is performed by the
married couple some weeks after their wedding, before they engage in sexual activity.
A Pledge Service is celebrated at 5 AM each Sunday, and on the first day of each
month and on January 1.
They celebrate four major seasonal days of celebration:&
True God's Day,
True Parents' Day,
True Day of All Things.
Chil II Jeol: Declaration Day of God's Eternal Blessing
True Children's Day
Foundation Day for the nation of the Unified World
Dates are variable, and are set according to a lunar calendar.
This topic continues
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the above
essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
E. Barker, &Free to Choose? Some Thoughts on the Unification Church and other
Religious Movements, Part 1&, Clergy Review, 1980-OCT, P. 365-368
T. Miller, &America's Alternative Religions&, SUNY Press, Albany NY,
(1995), P. 223-229
G.A. Mather & L.A. Nichols, &Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the
Occult&, Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids MI, (1993), P. 281-286
J.G.Melton, Ed., &The Encyclopedia of American Religions, V. II&,
Triumph Books, Tarrytown NY, (1991), P. 320-322. &Divine Principle&, Holy
Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, New York NY, (1973)
D.G. Bromley, A.D. Shupe, Jr., & J.C. Ventimiglia, J.C., &Atrocity tales:
the Unification Church and the Social Construction of Evil, Journal of Communication,
Vol. 29(3) 1979-Summer Pages 42-53.
&The Unification Church,& at: &
Kathryn Coman, &Unificationist Calendar,& at:
Heidi Beirich & Mark Potok, &The News That Fits. Long criticized for
its brand of journalism, The Washington Times makes a habit of publishing
the work of extremists...& Intelligence Report, Southern Poverty Law
Center, 2005-FEB-09, at:
&Rev. Moon, religious and political figure, dies in South Korea at 92,& CNN, 2012-SEP-02, at:
Copyright © 1996 to 2012, by Ontario Consultants on Religious
Latest update: 2012-SEP-07
Author: B.A. Robinson
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Aunt Martha
Reverend Moon
Second Policeman
Man in Park
药品服务许可证(京)-经营-This WUWT story from two days ago:
went viral after being linked to by the Drudge report, earning WUWT its best performing day ever with 345,393 views.
It seems to have evoked a response.
Eric Worrall writes:
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon today responded, to reports that a number of key world leaders would not be attending the upcoming climate summit in New York.
According to Ban,
&#8220;&#8230;even though the leaders from India, China and Russia will not be able to participate in the meeting, there are &#8220;other means of communications, ways and means of having their leadership demonstrated in the United Nations.&#8221;
I suggest, Mr Moon, that you and President Obama are currently experiencing a sample of that &#8220;other means of communication&#8221; you mentioned.
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