bestthe best friendss第66关怎么过

&&&&&&&&BestFriends is a game to rediscover your Facebook newsfeed. And to spot who are your best friends, people who know your posts well. "Who posted this photo?”, “W...
BestFriends is a game to rediscover
BestFriends is a game to rediscover your Facebook newsfeed. And to spot who are your best friends, people who know your posts well. "Who posted this photo?”, “Who liked this page?”, “Who said this?”… Get points by picking the right friend among
and you also give these points to your friend. But if you answer wrongly, you lose points, and make your friend lose points too. You give more points to Alice? Well, she is the friend you know the best in Facebook. But wait…since other friends play and have you in their quizzes, they give you points too. Now, who gives you more points in BestFriends? Who knows you best on Facebook? Even if you do not play, this has already started, you may already have BestFriends points and best friends waiting for you. Start now to know and try to influence.
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订阅后可及时接受活动,礼包,开测和开放下载的提醒!呆萌小怪物60关攻略 Best Fiends第60关怎么过_图文攻略_全通关攻略_高分攻略_百度攻略
Best Fiends60关攻略由搞趣小编带来,包含呆萌小怪物第60关怎么过图文攻略,希望这篇呆萌小怪物攻略能给大家游戏带来帮助。尽量全部选择加连炸的宠物,而不是加连子的,15个红肯定没问题,人物升到5就OK。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:连子的时候优先考虑消涂的那个黑盾,以及下一步有没有造成加成连炸的机会,就是说连炸最好不要随便三四个就用掉,六个以上伤害就可以*1.2、*1.5、*2倍,伤害很可观至于箱子的任务其实就是想办法在最下面一排正中摆个横排炸弹游戏简介:米努西亚的小生灵们原本过着平静祥和的日子,直到一天晚上,一颗陨石撞上了棒棒山!一股神秘力量将黏糊糊的当地鼻涕虫变成了一群专吃植物的暴徒 – 现在,这些鼻涕虫又抓住了呆萌小怪物的家人!为了战胜鼻涕虫并与家人团聚,呆萌小怪物们要不断成长并提升等级,发现他们的特殊能力并做好准备揭开棒棒山的谜团。要登上棒棒山,他们必须要成为…呆萌小怪物!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:
呆萌小怪物-综合攻略我最好的朋友My Best Friend
I have many
friends, but Jim is one of my best friends. He is not handsome, but
kind-hearted. We know each other at primary school. He was the tallest in our
class at that time. He is good at study and playing basketball, while bad at
playing table tennis. Everytime he has delicious food, he will give it to me. Moreover,
whenever I feel sad, he will play with me and comfort me. However, he is not
spoilt me. For example, everytime I meet difficulties in study, I would like to
copy his, but no matter what I say, he never give his homework to me to copy. Instead
&he teaches how to do it. All in all, no
matter what difficulties I meet, he will help me. It is him make me realize that
a friend in need is a friend indeed.
&点评:be good at 和&be bad at是一对反义词,前者是擅长于做某事,后者是不擅长于做某事。spoil有溺爱的意思。a friend in need is a friend indeed是一句谚语,患难见真情。
Maybe you will
surprise that my best friend is book. But you don’t need to suspect you hearing,
it’s true, book is my best friend. I like reading since I was a child. The knowledge
in the book makes me feel enjoyable and peaceful. When I am unhappy, I will go to
find my best friend---book. And then I will forget the the things that make me
unhappy and attract by the book’s content. From the book, &I learn the story of Helen Keller, I know the
history in the ancient times, I also know the culture of foreign countries that
I have never been. Therefore, I think book will be my best friend forever.
Tom is my best
friend. Who is he? He is a dog. He is a special dog. My father give him to me
at my 10 year birthday. The moment I saw him, I love him. His fur is white. He is
very lovely. He knows how to make me happy. Everyday when I come back from
school, I will play with him. He is also smart. He will drag my quilt if I sleep
late. Besides, if my clock doesn’t alarm in the morning, he will bark at me. See,
he is so clever that I couldn't help loving him.
点评:sleep late 是睡懒觉的意思。couldn't help 后要接动名词表示禁不住……
Copyright &
南宁博大高科计算机有限公司 版权所有好朋友(Best Friend) - 粉红小猪第一季(Peppa Pig) - 智慧山
好朋友(Best Friend)
好朋友(Best Friend)
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<dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='作者: 高振军 &&'> 高振军
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[00:07.40]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:09.70]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.34]Peppa pig.
[00:19.61]Best Friend.
[00:27.22]Peppa is Waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep.
[00:35.66]HeIIo, Suzy!
[00:37.93]Baaaa! HeIIo, Peppa.
[00:39.67]Suzy Sheep has come to pIay With Peppa.
[00:44.94]Peppa Ioves Suzy. Suzy Ioves Peppa.
[00:48.88]They are best friends.
[00:56.68]Peppa, Why don't you and Suzy go and pIay in your bedroom?
[00:59.95]Yes, Mummy!
[01:04.19]George Wants to pIay, too.
[01:11.53]Peppa and Suzy Iove pIaying in Peppa's bedroom.
[01:17.71]So does George.
[01:21.84]No, George.
[01:23.41]This game is just for big girIs.
[01:26.48]Go and pIay With your oWn toys.
[01:31.22]Peppa and Suzy Want to pIay on their oWn.
[01:33.72]I'm a tiny IittIe fairy princess!
[01:45.87]I'm going to Wave my magic Wand...
[01:49.74]and turn you into a frog!
[01:55.14]George doesn't Iike pIaying on his oWn.
[02:01.45]George Wants to pIay, too.
[02:03.45]No, George! I'm pIaying With Suzy...
[02:07.25]You'II have to pIay someWhere eIse.
[02:11.76]George Wants to pIay With Peppa.
[02:13.66]He feeIs a bit IoneIy.
[02:15.03]George, I need some heIp!!
[02:16.90]I'm making chocoIate chip cookies!!
[02:23.17]Someone needs to Iick out the boWI.
[02:28.28]George Iikes heIping Mummy make cookies.
[02:33.35]But he Iikes pIaying With Peppa more.
[02:39.19]Baaaa! I Want to be a nurse!
[02:41.56]I Want to be a doctor.
[02:43.79]But Who's gonna be the sick person?
[02:55.37]Peppa and Suzy Iove pIaying doctors and nurses.
[02:59.01]So does George.
[03:02.21]Peppa Iistens to George's chest.
[03:04.08]NoW, George, take a big breath in...
[03:06.81]then cough.
[03:10.95]Mm, I think your heart's a bit Ioose...
[03:15.32]...I'II put a pIaster on it.
[03:18.83]Baa! Open Wide, pIease.
[03:21.73]Suzy takes George's temperature.
[03:24.33]Oh, dear, you're very, very hot.
[03:28.04]I think you have to stay in bed for three years.
[03:34.74]Daddy Pig has come to find George.
[03:36.74]Oh, no! What's Wrong With George?
[03:39.55]Don't Worry, Daddy. It's onIy a game.
[03:41.85]George is our patient.
[03:44.05]Oh, I see.
[03:46.05]Can the patient have a visitor?
[03:48.56]Just for a IittIe WhiIe.
[03:50.56]He might get tired.
[03:55.86]Yes, they're for George.
[03:57.57]They're his medicine
[03:58.63]to make him feeI better.
[04:07.34]Um, excuse me, doctor,
[04:09.51]Can you heIp me?
[04:10.71]I have a sore tummy.
[04:13.88]That tickIes!
[04:18.82]I can hear it rumbIing. I think you're hungry, Daddy.
[04:24.89]Then I think I need Iots of cookies to make me better.
[04:30.40]And me!
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