BattleBlock Theater插上手柄u盘没反应怎么办办

購買 BattleBlock Theater
$14.99 USD
購買 Ultra Baby's Co-op Chaos Pack
Includes 2 copies of Battleblock Theater.
$24.99 USD
購買 Can't Stop Laughing Bundle
包含 2 個項目:
BattleBlock Theater(R), Castle Crashers
$24.99 USD
"Charming, clever and funny, this is one of the best new platformers on the PC at the moment. Recommended."
01 月 5 日
The amount of time spent perfecting a speedrun can be off the charts since speedrunners will learn the ins and outs of a game to find the fastest ways to the end. We certainly respect all the hours any player puts into the games we’ve made. We’ve seen numbers as high as 300 in hours spent playing BattleBlock Theater Steam!
Today, two players are putting themselves up to the challenge of finishing BattleBlock Theater Steam within 2 hours and 45 minutes while playing cooperative story mode. PJDicesare & MechaRichter are playing in the 2015
(AGDQ) event on January 5th, 5:00PM PST (Event time subject to change). AGDQ 2015 is a live speedrunning event that will benefit the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
During the BattleBlock Theater segment, our co-founder & art director, Dan Paladin, and our game narrator, Will Stamper, will be joining the event via Skype. During the live stream of the event, Dan and Will are going to give dev commentary along with the host of the event and two other speedrun commentators. You’ll be able to ask us questions while watching PJDicesare & MechaRichter go as fast as they can through the treacherous Theater stages. Not only are they playing the full game, but their goal is running the 100% category, which involves getting an A++ rating on every single stage, including secret stages. They'll be collecting every gem and yarn in the game, and getting the time bonus, in under 2:45.
Come join in on the fun! Do what we’re doing and watch from home or your office! You can watch on the
or watch it on their .
Finally, since this is a charity event, we hope that you’ll consider donating to the Prevent Cancer Foundation through the . There are several incentives and prizes that you could get if you donate.
See you all tonight at the stream of BattleBlock Theater!
2014 年 12 月 22 日
Happy Monday, Everyone!
Today, we're excited to bring you an update with a couple big changes in BattleBlock Theater. One of the additions could potentially affect over 143 million people -- according to the 2013 census of the Russian population. (Or even more since we're not accounting for those people who are learning or have learned the language living outside of the country!) Here's what we're looking at in BattleBlock Theater Update 1.2:
Russian Language Support
We've been working on this for a while now and thank our Russian fans for their patience and continuous support. Еще раз большое спасибо за вашу поддержку!
Update to the Online Menu UI
This will improve searching and viewing different types of available online games.
Minor bugs fixes
We will continue working on ways to improve the game and we are grateful for your support & understanding. If you experience any unexpected issues after this update, please feel free to let us know in the forums or in a support ticket that you can create here:
Thanks again and happy holidays!
Shipwrecked. Captured. Betrayed. Forced to perform for an audience of cats? Yes, all that and more when you unlock BattleBlock Theater! There’s no turning back once you've started on your quest to free over 300 of your imprisoned friends from evil technological cats. Immerse yourself in this mind bending tale of treachery as you use your arsenal of weapon-tools to battle your way through hundreds of levels in order to discover the puzzling truth behind BattleBlock Theater.
If solo acts aren't your style, go online or bring a buddy couch-side to play a thoroughly co-optimized quest or enter the arenas. The game also includes a level editor so you can craft your own mind bending trials!
CO-OPTIONAL GAMEPLAY - Work together... or not. Online Play!
Couch Hi-Fives! Best Game Ever! Up to two players in Story, and four in Arena.
ARENAS: Whether you're king crowning or whale chasing, BattleBlock Theater performers have 8 arena modes to teach their enemies the real meaning of stage fright!
INSANE MODE: One life to live doesn’t just happen on screen, it can happen on stage as well. Test your skills in the ultimate campaign challenge.
UNIQUE ANIMATIONS: New art created for the Steam version of BattleBlock Theater! Cat guard makes its way to center stage.
OVER 450 LEVELS! - Single player, multiplayer, arena, we have more levels than Hatty can count on his finger hands.
300 PRISONERS TO FREE! - Having been captured by the native feline population, it’s up to YOU to liberate them!
Earn gems to free your friends by participating in deadly, gladiatorial plays.
THEATRICAL WEAPONRY AND COMBAT! - Jump, push, pull and punch your way to victory! If that doesn’t work you can explode, freeze, poison, or digest a baby! Plus, you’ll be able to bring up two weapons at a time in a game and swap quickly.
CREATE AND SHARE LEVELS - Create works of art in our Level Editor and then share them with all your friends (or strangers). Over 20 interactive block types galore!
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP
Processor: 2.8 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Processor: 3.3 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
1.7 記錄時數
畫面8分(2D逗趣風),角色設定9分(可從遊戲中獲得的扭蛋深度自定角色),故事劇本8分(惡搞取向xD),遊戲性9.6分想體驗跟隊友一起快速跑酷解謎的逗趣關卡嗎?BBT (BattleBlock Theater) 是你的不二選擇!推薦給常跟朋友一起玩遊戲的PC玩家!開Party玩這款也樂趣無限喔!
10.5 記錄時數
You know that point when you are mentally exhausted or slaphappy or a teenager?
That's usually when you want shut your brain off and play something amusing and stupid.
If you can find a buddy in a similar state, play this game together.
The trick to enjoying this game is to not take it seriously.
Learn to enjoy killing and being killed.
If you can pull that off, you will laugh until you cry.
Play for about an hour or so and then quit.
Come back another day when you both are out of it again.
Then just repeat this cycle.If you don't enjoy poop jokes, stay away.
If blowing youself up again and again makes you smile, this is the game for you.
53.2 記錄時數
製作的工作室另一部作品帶著賤賤的配音來了!遊戲類型:單人、合作、對抗、技巧手把支援:支援XInput(無震動)連線模式:最多四人(2P vs. 2P)  如果想要一款遊戲,可以害隊友被雷下水、遊戲中死了又死的感覺或者想挑戰極限的神操作,那這遊戲絕對是非常適合你。遊戲中豐富的內容不只這些,幾乎每個禮拜都會更新頭像,有時你必須完成玩家自製關卡才能獲得,但有些玩家自製關卡超難的拉,常常玩到按Alt+F4。如果也想害別人玩得很氣,趕快自己製作關卡給大家玩吧。
39.7 記錄時數
超棒的2D遊戲 剛入手就愛上它了 計時賽絕對讓你倍感壓力 但通關的成就感會讓你更愛它!!與好友一起遊玩更是滿滿的惡趣味阿!~#!@#@%#$%
That's awesome!!!!!!!
12.0 記錄時數
33.0 記錄時數
69.9 記錄時數
2.7 記錄時數
雖然單人也很好玩 但是多人玩更好玩!!
5.0 記錄時數
The game is very gd , I can play it with my fd
25.8 記錄時數
好玩、好可愛、又很好笑 XD
5.2 記錄時數
8.1 記錄時數
8.8 記錄時數
8.7 記錄時數
3.9 記錄時數
很好玩還可以自創關卡 好友同樂
123.4 記錄時數
The best game I play in this year.
1.2 記錄時數
Let's battle
14.0 記錄時數
豐富的收集要素!刺激的關卡挑戰, 各式各樣的死法, 各式各樣的陷阱!讓每一關都非常的有成就感!非常的精彩! 更推薦雙人合作遊玩喔!!巴哈心得推廣文:
30.8 記錄時數
Once upon a time, in the land of Colorado,I was very bored, in fact I was just staring at my own shadow.That was until, my friend named DT,Said he had found the perfect game for me.&It's called BattleBlock Theater& he said as if he was the creatorAnd I replied, &Eh, I'll look at it later.&Soon later came, and I said with a sigh,&Let's get this over with so I can finish my pie.&After watching the two trailers, my mind was blown!Buying this game, I shall not postpone.I clicked the &Buy Game& button on the internet,and I zoomed through the PayPal process which is actually quite intricate.I waited for nothing and immediately installed,An adventure that assured I would soon be enthralled.Soon enough it was done, and I double-clicked on its name,Waiting impatiently for my brand new game.And just like that I was playing away!Staring deeply into my monitor's display.I was jumping, punching, and boating through any kind of weather,And best of all, me and DT were doing it together.So, I urge you to get out your money,And pay for this game whose humor is funny.I promise you, if you buy this you will not be disappointAs this game is amazing to no defined point.
10.9 記錄時數
+ Fun, challenging puzzles that increase in difficulty+ Absolutely hilarious, incredibly fun multiplayer+ Narrator will have you in tears+ Smooth, smart gameplay+ No bugs/glitches that I've found+ Tons of replay value+ Character customization is delightful+ Fun, charming story- Ending made me throw my funny, but less than I deserved
葡萄牙文 - 巴西
包含 30 項 Steam 成就
名稱: BattleBlock Theater(R)
類型: , , ,
發售日: 2014 年 05 月 15 日
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