那个tomb raider macof fairel 在哪

Measuring the Veil - Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki Guide - IGN
Measuring the Veil
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1 month ago
Measuring the Veil is triggered by entering the Hinterlands with Solas. As you go northeast of the crossroads, Solas will tell you that an artifact is nearby. You may run into an older woman mage as well, though dealing with her is not required.
Near that woman is an icon of a cave. In actuality, it's a temple of sorts, though the entrance is blocked by fallen rubble. In order to open it, you need any mage (you, Solas, or another) and interact with the rubble to move it.
Once inside, look for a torch in the first room, and energize that as well. You'll make a lamp of green fire, and you'll take a torch of it with you. Go deeper into the temple lighting the sconces on the way, and after an encounter with a few shades, you'll find a little object that looks a little like a torso-sized rock on the ground. Interact with it, and it will activate, thus resolving the quest.
During the quest, when you fight enemies, you'll drop the torch. Be sure to pick it up, because you'll need to use it to light up the artifact. You can also use the torch to read a rune on the left wall (“left” facing the artifact).
If you're carrying the torch and leave the temple area, the torch will automatically disappear. You can always get a new torch from the original sconce if you can't find it, although it's not necessary once you've activated the artifact.
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4、代理人任务:减免你的War table战争桌任务时间,虽然我其实是修造系统时间做的。。。在百度搜下龙腾世纪审判代理人 Agent即可。
7、星象宝藏 。
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a. Hissing Waste 嘶声荒野的财宝任务The Tomb of Fairel:我是Dragon age Wiki上看攻略做的。
b. 有一个火把扳手解谜的任务,就是那个弓箭手雕像射四个靶子的任务,我也是看外网攻略做的。百度搜到的那个攻略在最关键的地方一笔带过了。。。不知道作者是抄的还是怎么回事。如果谁还没有过这个任务,可以问我。  4、很有帮助的事项


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