
高德地图门牌采集员 - 福州连江其他兼职 - 百姓网
&&关注百姓微信公众号,尽享快捷刷新、信息推送、抽奖活动等众多微信功能您只需要:1 &用微信“扫一扫”右边的二维码2 &在微信中“关注”我们&|&|||||高德地图门牌采集员&提示信息设置为“搞定了!”状态后,其他用户将无法查看您的联系方式。您确认搞定了这条信息吗?提示重新发布后可使用“刷新”将发布时间更新为最新时间,并将信息排到第一页。&&3月11日 23:03 &...次浏览 &信息编号: &1278970****&&百姓网号码保护功能介绍&&拨打百姓400转呼电话绝不收取您任何额外费用,该信息发布人仍能看到您的来电号码。联系时,请一定说明在百姓网看到的,谢谢!发现“收费不介绍工作”,请&工资:200元/天分类:& 公司名称:高德地图地区:工作群
1.被动任务(指定地方门牌采集) 每条 为 3积分(比较辛苦,价格高)
2.主动任务(自己添加门牌采集) 每条 为1积分 (比较推荐)
审核 :为高德内部人员审核,审核通过就算有效积分(只要按要求采集规范都是通过的),审核周期 3-7天。
你可以选择全职或兼职,多劳多得,让你时刻拥有一份额外收入。该用户其他信息3月5日&鼓楼 - 宝龙200元/天&/&高德地图
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您现在的位置: > 法律条款
1. 重要提示
1.1 在您使用高德地图应用接口(以下简称为 “该服务”)之前,请您务必认真阅读本服务条款(以下简称“本条款”)。为了使用该地图应用接口,您必须同意本条款。您承认并同意,您可以通过下述方式接受本条款:(1)点击高德在用户界面设置的同意或接受按钮;或(2)使用该地图应用接口。在这种情况下,您理解并同意,高德将您对该地图应用接口的使用视为您对本条款的接受。
1.2 您声明您有充分的权力、能力和权限来接受本条款。如果您代表您的雇主或另一机构实体接受本条款,您声明您必须有充分的法律授权使您的雇主或机构实体受到本条款的约束。如果您没有充分的法律授权,请您确保由您的机构实体的授权人士来同意本条款。
1.3 高德保留随时修订本条款的权利,且无须另行事先通知您。本条款一旦发生变动,高德将会在相关网页()(或高德不时指定的其它链接)上公布重新修订后的本条款。您理解并同意如果您在本条款修订后使用该服务,高德将把您的使用行为视为对修订后的本条款的接受。如果您不能接受修订,您可以通过停止使用该地图应用接口终止本条款。
2. 服务介绍
2.1 该服务是指由高德自主研发、拥有、运营的在线地图服务应用程序接口。
2.2 该服务提供的内容是指高德通过该服务提供的任何内容,不论该内容是否由高德创造或被其第三方许可使用,包括但不限于地图及地理数据、摄影图像、卫星影像、交通数据、地址数据(包括商家列表)或其他任何内容(以下简称为“相关内容”)。
2.3 地图应用端是指由您运营或所有的,根据本条款的规定通过使用该地图应用接口来获得和展示相关内容的软件或网站。
2.4 您理解并同意,该服务的具体内容、样式等由高德根据实际情况按“现状”提供。
2.5 您理解并同意,高德保留发布该服务后续版本以及要求您获得并使用该服务最新版本的权利。
2.6 高德在全球拥有自己的附属公司和关联公司(“附属关联公司”)。有时,这些公司会代表高德向您提供该服务。您承认并同意,高德拥有的附属关联公司有权向您提供该服务。
3. 许可及限制
3.1 根据本条款,高德授予您一项个人的,免许可费的,不可转让的、不可转授权的、非排他性的使用许可,以使得您能够在中国范围内以本条款许可的方式在您的地图应用端中使用高德提供的该服务。
3.2 根据本条款的条款和条件,高德授予您一项个人的,免许可费的,不可转让的、不可转授权的、非排他性的使用许可,以使得您能够在中国范围内以本条款许可的方式通过您的地图应用端访问、使用、公开执行、公开展示该服务提供的相关内容。特别是,您理解如下情况:
3.2.1 相关内容仅为了规划目的提供。您会发现因天气条件、施工项目、停业或其他事件可能导致实际的道路条件或方向与相关内容的描述不一致。您应该根据您的判断来使用相关内容。
3.2.2 某些相关内容是由第三方许可提供的,并且这些内容受到第三方所拥有的或经许可所得的版权及其他知识产权的限制。对于这些内容的非法复制或披露,您可能要承担相应责任。
3.3 该服务面向公众服务类的网站或应用程序开发是免费的,但前提是通过调用该服务,您的地图应用端所提供给用户的地图功能和服务也必须是免费的。如果您调用该服务在您的网站上进行商业使用或用于商业应用程序开发,从而直接或间接获得收益,则您需要同高德另行签署书面协议或事先获得高德的书面许可。
3.4 您可通过在线远程调用地图程序接口,以在您的地图应用端中使用高德提供的地图功能和服务,例如实现在您的地图应用端中显示高德地图图片,进行地点搜索、路线规划、公交查询和实时交通显示等操作。具体地图功能和服务以高德实际提供的为准。
3.5 在您的地图应用端调用该服务之前,高德有权对您的地图应用端进行审核,高德有权依据其自身判断决定是否同意您使用该服务。在您的地图应用端发布后,高德仍有权根据本条款对您的地图应用端进行审核并采取相应措施。
3.6 高德有权以任何理由单方面拒绝要求使用该服务的任何申请,高德不对其拒绝该等申请的决定所造成的任何种类的损害而向您承担任何责任。
3.7 对于经过高德审核通过的地图应用端,高德有权根据具体情况独立决定地图应用端的具体接入平台,包括高德现有平台以及今后高德可能开发或获得的新平台。
3.8 一般情况下,高德对每个地图应用端每天调用该地图应用接口的请求次数和数据量没有限制。但是如因您持续调用该地图应用接口的请求对高德服务器负载等资源造成的压力过大,高德有权依据自己的判断对您的调用请求次数和数据量等进行限制。 通过您和高德的协商,如果您同意支付一定的费用,高德可以在向您收取相应费用后取消对您的上述限制,向您提供付费服务。
3.9 本条款未明示授权的其他一切权利仍归高德所有,您使用其他权利时需要同高德另行签署书面协议或事先获得高德的书面许可。
4. 使用规则
4.1 您应保证您为您的地图应用端的合法所有者或经营者,如果您不是地图应用端的合法所有者或经营者,请您立即停止使用该服务,并且高德有权随时终止提供该服务。
4.2 除非高德向您提供明确的书面许可,您不得转让高德根据本条款授予您的任何使用许可、基于您对该服务的使用权设置担保权益、以其他方式转让您对该服务的使用权的任何部分。
4.3 您在将调用了该服务的地图应用端提供给他人使用时,应充分告知其相关注意事项。因任何人使用上述地图应用端产生任何问题或事故的,由您自行承担全部责任,高德对此不承担任何责任。
4.4 您理解并同意,高德仅提供该地图程序接口,除此之外与该服务使用有关的任何设备(如服务器、电脑、调制解调器及其他与接入互联网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费)均应由您自行负担。
4.5 在您使用该服务的过程中,高德为了更好的向您提供服务,可能会要求您提供诸如邮箱、电话、地址等资料或要求您进行账号注册,您同意并保证在使用该服务过程中提供给高德的任何资料均是真实、准确、完整和最新的。如上述资料有任何变动,您需及时更新并通知高德。
4.6 您应自行承担与使用该服务相关的账号、密码等相关资料的保管责任,您需妥善保管上述资料,并对您账号下的所有活动和事件承担全部责任。如果您未保管好上述资料而遭受损失或对高德、其他用户或任何第三方造成损害的,您应独自承担全部责任。
4.7 您在遵守国家相关法律、法规、规章、政策及本条款的前提下可使用该服务。您在使用该服务过程中,不得实施也不得同意、授权或指示任何第三人从事包括但不限于下列行为:
4.7.1 违反《中华人民共和国电信条例》的规定,利用该服务实施危害国家主权、国家安全、祖国统一、社会稳定、公序良俗的行为,或任何不当的、侮辱诽谤的、淫秽的、暴力的行为及任何违反其他国家法律、法规、规章、政策等的行为;
4.7.2 利用该服务实施侵害他人知识产权、商业秘密权等合法权益的行为;
4.7.3 利用该服务批量发表、传送、传播广告信息、垃圾信息及其他违法信息;
4.7.4 利用该服务进行任何可能对互联网或其他通信网络的正常运转造成不利影响的行为;
4.7.5 利用该服务制作、发布、传播用于窃取帐号及他人专属信息、财产、保密信息的软件;
4.7.6 进行任何不利于高德、其附属关联公司的行为;
4.7.7 其他以任何不合法的方式、为任何不合法的目的、或以任何与本条款不一致的方式使用该服务。
4.8 您的地图应用端不得:(1)仅在防火墙后运行;或者(2)除了在开发和测试阶段,仅在内部网络运行;或(3)在一个封闭社区中使用,例如通过受邀请之后才能访问的社区。
4.9 该服务仅供您使用高德已开放的地图功能和服务,对于该服务及相关内容,除非您与高德另行达成书面协议,否则:
4.9.1 您不得对该服务进行逆向工程、反编辑或试图从该服务或该服务的任何部分提取源代码,或获取原始地图数据等;
4.9.2 您不得对该服务或者该服务运行过程中释放出的任何地图数据或其他数据及该服务运行过程中客户端与服务器端的交互数据进行复制、更改、修改、挂接运行或创作任何衍生作品,形式包括但不限于使用插件、外挂或非经授权的第三方工具或服务接入该服务和相关系统;
4.9.3 您不得使用任何漫游器、抓取工具、网站搜索/检索应用程序或其他工具检索或索引该服务的任一部分,或出于任何未经授权的目的收集关于用户的信息;
4.9.4 您不能脱离该地图应用接口单独使用或展示相关内容;
4.9.5 您不得从使用该服务中获利,无论以上使用是否为直接经济或金钱收益;
4.9.6 您不能为了销售拓展的目的,印刷包含相关内容截图的销售附属材料,也不能为了再销售的目的将相关内容作为核心内容整合到印刷品(如印刷地图或使用指南)中;如果您需要按照上述方式使用,您必须联系高德以获得一项直接许可;
4.9.7 除非本条款明确许可,您不能复制、翻译、修改或创造相关内容的衍生品(包括生成或用于数据库),或公开展示相关内容的全部或任何一部分;
4.9.8 您不能预读取、缓存、或存储该服务中的任何相关内容;
4.9.9 您对该服务的使用不能使得您或任何其他人可以下载或获得任何相关内容,包括但不限于卫星影像、可见的地图数据、位置数据(包括商家列表)等内容;
4.9.10 您不能为该服务创造或提供封装。例如,您不得进行如下行为:(1)在您向其他人提供的任何应用接口中使用或提供该服务或相关内容的任何部分(例如地图影像、地理编码、方位、地点或地理数据);或(2)创造一个地图应用端以重现或复制高德地图或该服务;
4.9.11 您不能在以提供商家、居住地址、电话簿列表为主要目的的地图应用端中展示商家列表的相关内容;
4.9.12 您不能为了实时导航、路线规划相关的目的或与之相关的目的,将该服务与任何产品、系统或应用联合使用;您不能为了自动或自主控制汽车行为的目的,将该服务与任何系统或功能联合使用。
4.10 您理解并同意,不论您是否遵循本条款的规定,您在使用该服务过程中产生的任何责任和后果,都由您自行承担全部责任,高德对此不承担任何责任。您的任何管理人员、雇员、顾问或其他代理人的行为,视为您的行为,产生的任何责任和后果同样由您自行承担。
4.11 由于您的任何违法或违反本条款的使用行为而对高德造成任何损失的,高德有权要求您给予相应的赔偿,包括但不限于高德被国家机关予以行政处罚或者被第三方通过诉讼或其他方式索赔等情形,赔偿范围包括但不限于罚款、赔偿金以及高德支付的相应诉讼费、律师费等。
5. 广告宣传
5.1 您理解并同意,您使用该服务时不得以任何形式在该服务相关数据的展示结果或地图页面中关联或展示任何广告。
5.2 高德保留通过该服务相关服务数据的展示结果或地图页面中关联或展示广告的权利,并对广告投放行为不承担任何通知义务。您理解并同意,您必须完整展现这些广告,不得以任何方式改变、移除或遮蔽这些广告。
5.3 您理解并同意,高德有权通过您提供的电子邮件或其他联系方式向您发送商品促销、宣传或其他相关商业信息。
6. 知识产权
6.1 该地图应用接口以及相关内容的一切版权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权,均受中华人民共和国著作权法、商标法、专利法、反不正当竞争法和相应的国际条约以及其他知识产权法律法规的保护,除涉及第三方授权的软件、技术或其他内容之外,高德享有上述全部知识产权。
6.2 您对本条款的同意和对该服务的使用,不涉及上述任何知识产权的转让,上述全部知识产权仍归高德或相应权利人所有。
6.3 未经高德或相应权利人书面同意,您不得自行实施、利用、转让或许可任何三方实施、利用、转让上述知识产权,高德保留追究上述未经许可行为的权利。
6.4 根据本条款,高德仅授予您一项个人的、免许可费的、不可转让的、不可转授的、非排他性的、在中国范围内的,在您的地图应用端中使用该地图应用接口标志的使用许可,并且该使用许可的唯一目的是用以说明在您的地图应用端中使用了该地图应用接口,您不能将该地图应用接口的标志用作以下任何用途:
6.4.1 显示该地图应用接口标志时除了表示您与“该地图应用接口”的关联,还以任何形式暗示与高德有关联或隶属关系、由高德赞助、经高德认可,或者可被合理推断为您的地图应用端所展现的内容由高德创作、代表高德的观点或意见;
6.4.2 将该地图应用接口标志用于诋毁高德和其附属关联公司及其旗下所有产品及服务;
6.4.3 在您的地图应用端中上将该地图应用接口标志作为最大的标记(除非在地图图片内显示);
6.4.4 以误导、诽谤、侵犯、中伤、诋毁、猥亵等性质的方式,或其他高德不能接受的方式显示;
6.4.5 在包含或显示色情内容、赌博、非法活动等非法信息的网站上或应用程序中使用;
6.4.6 在违反任何国家法律或法规的网站上或应用程序中显示。
6.5 您理解并同意,高德可自行判定您对该地图应用接口标志的使用行为是否违犯了上述6.4条的限制。
6.6 除非您与高德另行达成书面协议,您仅能在本条款允许的范围内使用该地图应用接口的标志。除本条款6.4条规定的之外,本条款没有授予您以其他任何形式或目的使用该地图应用接口标志的权利,也没有授予您使用任何其他第三方标志的权利。
6.7 通过该地图应用接口提供给您的地图图片、搜索结果中可能包含高德、其附属关联公司及其合作伙伴的任何版权标识、商标、服务标记、标识、商号、企业名称、域名、审图号、出版号及其他明显的标志。您不得以任何方式删除、掩藏、修改或替换这些版权标识、商标、服务标记、标识、商号、企业名称、域名、审图号、出版号及其他明显的标志。
6.8 您不得以任何方式删除、掩藏、修改或替换该地图应用接口及相关内容中所附的或包含的任何专有权利声明(包含但不限于著作权、商标权、专利权、所有权声明等)。
6.9 您授予高德一项世界范围内的,免许可费的,不可转让的,非排他性的使用许可,许可高德可以在本条款期限内使用您的商标或标志,以对外宣传或公布您正在使用该服务(例如在演示文稿、营销材料、客户名单、财务报告和网站列表(包括指向您网站的链接)中使用您的商标或标志。您向高德陈述和保证,您拥有授予上述许可的全部权利、权力和必要授权。
7. 服务变更、中断或终止
7.1 如因高德相关服务器或系统维护或升级的需要而需中断或暂停提供该服务的,高德将尽可能事先进行通告 。
7.2 您应确保您所开发的应用程序或对该服务及相关内容的使用行为符合本条款的约定、符合国家相关法律法规的要求、符合人们基本的道德标准。如发生下列任何一种情形或本条款其他条款规定的其他终止条件发生或实现的,高德有权随时中断或终止向您提供该服务:
7.2.1 您提供的个人资料或其他资料不真实、虚假或违法;
7.2.2 您所开发的应用程序或对该服务及相关内容的使用行为违反国家法律法规或本条款的任何规定;
7.2.3 高德根据自己的独立判断认为您所开发的应用程序或对该服务及相关内容的使用行为不符高德要求或用户需求。
7.3 尽管有上述规定,高德保留在不事先通知您的情况下随时变更、中断或终止提供该服务的权利。
7.4 不论何种原因,对于因高德对该服务的变更、中断或终止而造成的任何损失或责任,由您自行独立承担,高德无需因此对您或任何第三方承担任何责任。
8. 隐私和个人信息
8.1 尊重您个人信息的隐私是高德的一项基本制度,高德将会采取合理的措施保护您的个人信息。高德保证不对外公开或向第三方提供您的个人信息,但下列情况除外:
8.1.1 您的个人信息属于或者成为可公开获取的信息;
8.1.2 由高德通过合法方式获知且无需对其履行保密义务的个人信息;
8.1.3 通过可以合法披露此个人信息且无需对其履行保密义务的第三方获得的信息;
8.1.4 事先获得您的明确授权;
8.1.5 根据有关的法律法规的要求;
8.1.6 按照相关政府主管部门或司法部门的要求;
8.1.7 为维护社会公众的利益;
8.1.8 为维护高德、其附属关联公司的合法权益。
8.2 您理解并同意,高德可能会与第三方合作向您提供该服务,在此情况下,如该第三方同意承担与高德同等的保护您个人信息的责任,则高德将授权第三方通过高德定义接口调用经过加密的您的个人信息,高德保证第三方不会直接获取您的个人信息。
8.3 您了解并同意,在不透露您个人信息的前提下,高德有权对该服务的整个用户数据库进行分析并对用户数据库进行商业上的利用。
8.4 在您使用该服务时,高德可能自动接收并记录您的地图应用端上的服务器数值,包括但不限于IP地址等数据、您和用户要求取用的网页记录及各种记录、该服务的操作状态以及使用习惯等一些明确且客观反映在高德服务器端的基本记录信息。
8.5 高德不允许任何人以任何手段收集、编辑、出售或者无偿传播您或其他用户的个人信息。一经发现您实施上述行为,高德有权立即终止向您提供该服务。
9. 免责、担保与保证
9.1 您理解并同意,该服务同大多数互联网应用程序一样,受包括但不限于您的原因、网络服务质量、社会环境等因素的差异影响,可能受到各种安全问题的侵扰,例如您下载安装的其它软件或访问的其他网站中含有“特洛伊木马”等病毒,威胁到您的设备和数据的安全,继而影响该服务的正常使用等。您应加强信息安全及资料的保护意识,以免遭致损失。因本款原因给您或他人造成的任何损失,由您本人承担全部责任,高德对此不承担任何责任。
9.2 您理解并同意,使用该服务及通过该服务获得任何资料的任何风险和后果(包括但不限于受到第三方侵权或对第三方造成侵权或因任何资料的下载而导致您的各种设备、操作系统的任何损坏或数据丢失等后果)由您本人承担,高德对此不承担任何责任。
9.3 高德、其附属关联公司及其许可人对该服务不提供任何明示或默示的担保或保证,包含但不限于商业适售性、特定目的的适用性及不侵权等担保或保证。
9.4 除上述9.3款外,高德、其附属关联公司及其许可人不就以下各项向您作出明示或默示的担保或保证:
9.4.1 该服务将符合您实际或特定的需求;
9.4.2 该服务将不受干扰、无中断、及时、安全、稳定、完整或没有错误;
9.4.3 使用该服务获得的结果或任何资料将是正确或可靠的;
9.4.4 经该服务购买或获得的任何产品、服务、资讯或其它信息符合您的期望;
9.4.5 该服务中的任何错误、问题或缺陷都将得到更正;
9.4.6 为向您提供便利而设置的外部链接的准确性、稳定性和完整性。
9.5 您理解并同意,高德作为服务提供者,根据相关法律法规的要求对非法转载、虚假发布、盗版行为的发生会进行必要监控,但不保证具备充分的监控能力。高德对您或他人实施的此类侵权行为不承担任何责任,侵权的责任概由侵权者承担。
9.6 该服务会包含指向其他网站、内容、资源的外部链接。这些网站、内容及资源均由其他公司或个人提供,高德对其无控制权。您承认并同意,高德对这些外部的网站或资源的可用性、真实性或有效性不承担任何责任。
9.7 您从高德或经该服务获得的任何建议或信息(无论书面或口头形式)均不构成本条款明确规定以外的任何保证。
10. 其他责任限制
10.1 您理解并同意,高德、其附属关联公司及其许可人不就以下事项对您承担任何责任:
10.1.1 您无论由于何种原因和在任何责任理论之下发生的任何直接、间接、附带、特殊、后果性或惩罚性的损害。这应包括但不限于任何利润损失(无论是直接还是间接发生)、任何商誉或业务声誉损失、任何数据丢失、替代物品或服务的购买费用或其他无形损失;
10.1.2 您可能产生的任何损失或损害,包括但不限于由下列原因导致的损失或损害:
10.2 无论高德是否接到通知或是否应已知晓引起任何该等损失或其他条款规定的损失的可能性,上文第10.1条及本条款中的其他免责条款均应适用。
11. 本条款的终止
11.1 本条款的有效期应从您同意本条款或使用该服务之日起开始,并且在此之后始终有效,除非根据以下条款的规定终止:
11.1.1 不论何种原因,高德终止提供服务的,本条款终止。
11.1.2 您可随时单方终止使用该服务,您终止使用无需特别通知高德。您主动终止使用该服务时,本条款终止。
11.1.3 国家相关法律法规要求高德终止提供该服务的,本条款终止。
11.1.4 您丧失民事权利能力或者丧失民事行为能力的;
11.1.5 其他原因导致本条款终止的。
11.2 如果您要单方终止使用该服务,您必须先将该地图应用接口从您的地图应用端上移除,并从您的网站、应用程序、服务器或其他设备上删除所有通过该地图应用接口获得的高德提供的地图图片、数据、资料、信息等任何内容和该地图应用接口标志。
11.3 本条款由于任何原因终止时,您根据本条款所获得的一切权利或许可全部终止。
11.4 在本条款由于任何原因终止的情况下,关于知识产权保护、隐私保护、赔偿责任、免责及责任限制、法律适用和争议解决等条款继续有效。
11.5 高德不对因本条款终止而造成的任何损害向您或任何第三方承担任何责任。
12. 法律适用和争议解决
12.1 本条款适用中华人民共和国法律,且不考虑冲突法。如果发生任何与本条款的解释或执行有关的争议,双方应尝试通过友好协商解决争议。如果争议在90日内不能以双方接受的方式解决,双方同意将争议提交北京仲裁委员会作排他的和最终的解决。仲裁应按照该仲裁提交时北京仲裁委员会适用的仲裁规则进行,该规则内容应被视为以提及方式载于本条款内。仲裁裁决为不可上诉的最终裁决,对双方均有约束力。除非仲裁裁决另有规定,仲裁费用应由败诉方负担。
13. 通知和送达
13.1 您在此同意,高德关于该服务、本条款内容变化的所有通知均可通过该服务界面、网页公告、电子邮件、短信提醒或常规信件传送等方式进行。
13.2 上述通知于发送之日即视为已送达收件人(即您)。
14. 其他规定
14.1 本条款构成您和高德之间的完整法律文件,以规范您对该服务的使用。
14.2 本条款的英文翻译版本仅为您的理解便利而提供,高德和您之间的关系由本条款的中文版确定。如果两个版本存在任何冲突之处,则以中文版本规定为准。
14.3 除本条款和国家法律法规明确规定的之外,本条款未赋予高德和您任何其他权利,也未要求高德和您承担任何其他义务。
14.4 如本条款中的任何条款无论因何种原因无效或不具有执行力,则该条款应在不影响其他条款的情况下从本条款中被移除。本条款的其余条款仍应有效并且具有法律约束力。
14.5 为了高德及其继承人和受让人的利益,本条款可以被高德转让。
14.6 如果您是一个公司或其他组织的情况下,在您的控制权变更的情况下,您的资产和业务的承继方应自动受到本条款的约束。
14.7 您对该地图应用接口或本条款的全部或任何部分的意见及建议可通过发送电子邮件到进行反馈或拨打电话呼叫客服与高德进行联系。
AMap API Terms of Service
1.1 Please read the Terms of Service (the "Terms") carefully before using any of the Amap API ( the“Service”). In order to use the Amap API you must agree to the Terms. You can accept the Terms by: (a) clicking to accept or agree to the Terms, where this option is made available to you by AutoNavi in the user interface for the S or (b) using the Amap API. In this case, you understand and agree that AutoNavi will treat your use of the Amap API as acceptance of the Terms.
1.2 You represent that you have full power, capacity and authority to accept the Terms. If you are accepting on behalf of your employer or another entity, you represent that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the Terms. If you don't have the legal authority to bind, please ensure that an authorized person from your entity consents to and accepts the Terms.
1.3 AutoNavi reserves the right to make changes to the Terms from time to time without notice to you. When these changes are made, AutoNavi will make a new copy of the Terms available at
(or such successor URLs that AutoNavi may designate from time to time). You understand and agree that if you use the Service after the date on which the Terms have changed, AutoNavi will treat your use as acceptance of the updated Terms. If a modification is unacceptable to you, you may terminate the Terms by ceasing use of the Amap API.
2. Introduction to the Service
2.1 The Service means the online map API(s) independently developed, owned and operated by AutoNavi.
2.2 Content means any content provided through the Service (whether created by AutoNavi or its third party licensors), including but not limited to map and terrain data, photographic imagery, satellite image, traffic data, places data (including business listings), or any other content.
2.3 Maps API Implementation means a software application or website operated or owned by you that uses the Amap API to obtain and display Content according to the Terms.
2.4 You understand and agree that the specific content, form and others of the Service will be provided by AutoNavi “as is” according to the actual conditions.
2.5 You understand and agree that AutoNavi reserves the right to release follow-up versions of the Service and require you to obtain and use the latest version of the Service.
2.6 AutoNavi has subsidiaries and affiliated legal entities around the world ("Subsidiaries and Affiliates"). Sometimes, these companies will be providing the Service to you on behalf of AutoNavi itself. You acknowledge and agree that Subsidiaries and Affiliates will be entitled to provide the Service to you.
3. Licenses and Restrictions
3.1 Subject to the Terms, AutoNavi gives you a personal, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the Service as provided by AutoNavi in your Maps API Implementation within the territory of China, in the manner permitted by the Terms.
3.2 Subject to the Terms, AutoNavi gives you a personal, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-assignable, and non-exclusive license to access, use, publicly perform and publicly display the Content in your Maps API Implementation within the territory of China, as the Content is provided in the Service, and in the manner permitted by the Terms. Specifically, you understand the following:
3.2.1 Content is provided for planning purposes only. You may find that weather conditions, construction projects, closures, or other events may cause road conditions or directions to differ from the results depicted in the Content. You should exercise judgment in your use of the Content.
3.2.2 Certain Content is provided under license from third parties, and is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to such third parties. You may be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this content.
3.3 The Service is free of charge for public service websites or application programs, provided that your Maps API Implementation must also provide free map functions and services for users to activate the Service. If you activate the Service on your website for commercial purposes or for development of commercial application programs and directly or indirectly obtain benefit, you must sign a separate written agreement with AutoNavi or obtain AutoNavi’s prior written consent.
3.4 You may use the map functions and services provided by AutoNavi in your Maps API Implementation through remote online activation of the Amap API, e.g. realizing the display of AutoNavi’s map pictures in your Maps API Implementation, searching for locations, planning routes, inquiring about public transit information, displaying real-time traffic conditions, etc. The specific map functions and services are subject to the actual provision by AutoNavi.
3.5 Before your Maps API Implementation activates the Service, AutoNavi is entitled to examine your Maps API Implementation and decide whether to permit you to use the Service at its own discretion. After the release of your Maps API Implementation, AutoNavi is still entitled to examine your Maps API Implementation according to the Terms and adopt the corresponding measures.
3.6 AutoNavi is entitled to unilaterally reject any application for use of the Service for any reason, and AutoNavi will not undertake any liability for any kind of damages caused to you by its rejection of such application.
3.7 If a Maps API Implementation passes AutoNavi’s examination, AutoNavi is entitled to independently decide, in light of the circumstances, the specific access platforms for the Maps API Implementation, including AutoNavi’s current platforms and new platforms that AutoNavi may develop or obtain in the future.
3.8 Under general circumstances, AutoNavi does not limit the number of requests for activation of the Amap API or the amount of data made by each Maps API Implementation every day. However, if your continuous requests for activation of the Amap API cause excessive pressure on the load of AutoNavi’s server and other resources, AutoNavi is entitled to limit the number of your requests for activation and the amount of data at its own discretion. If you agree to pay a certain fee upon negotiation between you and AutoNavi, AutoNavi may remove the above restrictions on you and provide paid services for you after collecting the corresponding fee from you.
3.9 All other rights not explicitly given herein still belong to AutoNavi. You must sign a separate written agreement with AutoNavi or obtain AutoNavi’s prior written consent for your exercise of other rights.
4. Rules on Use
4.1 You shall guarantee that you are the legal owner or operator of your Maps API Implementation. If you are not the legal owner or operator of the Maps API Implementation, you shall stop using the Service immediately and AutoNavi is entitled to stop providing the Service at any time.
4.2 Unless AutoNavi gives you an explicit written consent, you shall not transfer any use license granted to you by AutoNavi according to the Terms, create any security interest on your right to use the Service or otherwise transfer any part of your right to use the Service.
4.3 When you provide the others with Maps API Implementation which has activated the Service, you shall fully inform them of the relevant points for attention. If any problem or accident occurs to any person using the said Maps API Implementation, you shall undertake all liabilities yourself and AutoNavi will not undertake any liability with respect thereto.
4.4 You understand and agree that AutoNavi only provides the Amap API and that you shall afford any other equipment relating to the Service (such as the server, computer, modem and other devices for access to Internet) at your cost and pay necessary fees (such as the telephone fee and Internet access fee paid for access to the Internet).
4.5 During your use of the Service, AutoNavi may require you to provide information such as your email address, telephone number and address or require you to register an account to provide better services for you. You agree and guarantee that any information you provided to AutoNavi during your use of the Service is true, accurate, complete and up to date. In case of any change in the above information, you shall timely update it and notify AutoNavi.
4.6 You shall undertake the responsibility to keep relevant information such as the account name and the password in connection with the use of the Service. You shall properly keep the above information and be responsible for all activities and incidents under your account. If you suffer losses or cause damages to AutoNavi, other users or any third party due to your failure to properly keep the above information, you shall undertake all liabilities yourself.
4.7 Your use of the Service is preconditioned on your compliance with the applicable laws, regulations, rules and policies of the State and the Terms. During your use of the Service, you shall not conduct or permit, authorize or instruct any third party to conduct acts including but not limited to the following:
4.7.1 Use the Service in violation of the provisions of Telecommunications Regulations of People's Republic of China to implement activities undermining national sovereignty, national security, national unification, social stability, public order or good morals, any improper, insulting, libelous, obscene or violent act or any act in violation of the other laws, regulations, rules and policies of the S
4.7.2 Use the Service to conduct acts infringing on others’ intellectual property rights, trade secret rights and other legitimate
4.7.3 Use the Service to release, send or spread advertisement information, junk information and other illegal in
4.7.4 Use the Service to carry out any act that might adversely influence the normal operation of the Internet or other co
4.7.5 Use the Service to make, publish or spread software for stealing accounts and others’ exclusive information, property information and conf
4.7.6 Carry out any act detrimental to AutoNavi, its Subsidiaries and A
4.7.7 Use the Service in any illegal manner, for any illegal purpose or in any manner inconsistent with the Terms.
4.8 Your Maps API Implementation must not (i) operate on or (ii) only on an internal network (except during the development and testing phase); or (iii) in a closed community (for example, through invitation-only access).
4.9 The Service only allows you to use the map functions and services already offered by AutoNavi. As to the Service and the Content, unless you and AutoNavi have otherwise reached a written agreement:
4.9.1 You may not carry out reverse engineering or reverse editing of the Service or try to extract source codes from the Service or any part of the Service or obtain original map data, etc.;
4.9.2 You may not copy, change, modify, hook or create any derivative works from the Service or any map data or other data released from the operational process of the service and/or the interactive data between the client side and the serve side during the operational process of the service, including but not limited to the utilization of plugins, add-ons or unauthorized third-party tools or services to access the service and
4.9.3 You may not use any browser, capturing tool, website search/index application program or other tools to search or index any part of the Service or gather information about users for any
4.9.4 You must not use or display the Content without the Amap API;
4.9.5 You must not profit from the use of the Service whether such use is for direct economic
4.9.6 You must not print any sales collateral material containing a screenshot of the Content for purposes of commercial sales lead generation or incorporate the Content as a core part of printed matter (such as printed maps or guide books) that you redistribute for a fee. You must contact AutoNavi to obtain a direct license if you desire to do
4.9.7 You must not copy, translate, modify, or create a derivative work (including creating or contributing to a database) of, or publicly display any Content or any part thereof except as explicitly permitted under the T
4.9.8 You must not pre-fetch, cache, or store any C
4.9.9 You must not use the Service in a manner that gives you or any other person access to downloads or feeds of any Content, including but not limited to satellite imagery, visible map data, or places data (including business listings);
4.9.10 You must not create or offer a “wrapper” for the Service. For example, you are not permitted to: (i) use or provide any part of the Service or Content (such as map imagery, geocoding, directions, places, or terrain data) in an API that or (ii) create a Maps API Implementation that reimplements or duplicates the AutoNavi Maps or the Amap API;
4.9.11 You must not display business listings Content in any Maps API Implementation that has the primary purpose of making available business, residential address, or telephon
4.9.12 You must not use the Service or Content with any products, systems, or applications for or in connection with real time navigation or route guidance or any systems or functions for automatic or autonomous control of vehicle behavior.
4.10 You understand and agree that whether you abide by the provisions of the Terms, you shall be responsible for any liabilities or consequence arising from your use of the Service and that AutoNavi will not undertake any liability with respect thereto. The act of any of your managers, employees, consultants or other agents is deemed as your act, and you shall also be responsible for any liability and consequence arising therefrom.
4.11 For any loss incurred by Autonavi due to your use in violation of laws or the Terms, AutoNavi is entitled to demand from you the corresponding compensation, under the circumstances including but not limited to administrative penalties imposed by State organs, indemnities claimed by third parties through litigation or other means, etc. The scope of compensation includes without limitation fines, indemnities and the corresponding legal fee, attorney fee, etc. paid by AutoNavi.
5. Advertising
5.1 You understand and agree that during your use of the Service, you shall not associate with or display any advertisement in the Service’s display of relevant data or map page in any manner.
5.2 AutoNavi reserves the right to associate with or display advertisements in the Service’s display of relevant service data or map page and undertakes no obligation of notification for such advertisement placement. You understand and agree that you must fully display these advertisements shall not change, remove or screen these advertisements in any manner.
5.3 You understand and agree that AutoNavi is entitled to send promotional information, publicity information or other relevant commercial information via the email address or other contract information provided by you.
6. Intellectual Property Rights
6.1 All intellectual property rights in connection with the Amap API and the Content including copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secrets, etc. are protected by the Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Patent Law and Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China, the corresponding international treaties and other laws and regulations on intellectual property rights. With the exception of the software, technology or other content authorized by third parties, AutoNavi holds all the intellectual property rights above.
6.2 Your consent to the Terms and your use of the Service do not involve transfer of any of the above-mentioned intellectual property rights. All the above-mentioned intellectual property rights are still owned by AutoNavi or the corresponding obligee(s).
6.3 Without the written consent of AutoNavi or the corresponding obligee(s), you may not implement, utilize, transfer or allow any third party to implement, utilize or transfer the above-mentioned intellectual property rights, and AutoNavi shall reserve the right to demand accountability against such unauthorized actions.
6.4 Pursuant to the Terms, AutoNavi only gives you a personal, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the Amap API mark in your Maps API Implementation within the territory of China. The sole purpose of this use license is to indicate your use of the Amap API in your Maps API Implementation. You shall not use the Amap API mark for any of the following purposes:
6.4.1 While displaying the Amap API mark, not only indicate your association with “the Amap API”, but also imply, in any manner, association or subordinate relationship with AutoNavi, sponsorship by AutoNavi, recognition by AutoNavi or the reasonable inference that the content displayed by your Maps API Implementation is created by AutoNavi or represents AutoNavi’
6.4.2 Use the Amap API mark to defame AutoNavi and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and all their p
6.4.3 Make the Amap API mark the biggest mark in your Maps API Implementation (unless it is displayed in map pictures);
6.4.4 Display it in any misleading, libelous, infringing, slanderous, defamatory or indecent manner or other manners not accepted by AutoN
6.4.5 Use it on websites or in application programs containing or displaying pornographic content, gambling, illegal activities and other
6.4.6 Display it on websites or in application programs violating any of the State’s laws or regulations.
6.5 You understand and agree that AutoNavi may decide whether your use of the Amap API mark violates the restriction in Article 6.4 above at its own discretion.
6.6 Unless you and AutoNavi have otherwise reached a written agreement, you may only use the Amap API mark within the scope permitted by the Terms. Except as provided in Article 6.4 of the Terms, the Terms do not give you the right to use the Amap API mark in any other manner or for any other purpose and do not give you the right to use any other third party’s mark.
6.7 The map pictures and search results provided to you through the Amap API may contain any copyright logo, trademark, service mark, logo, trade name, enterprise name, domain name, drawing review number, publishing number and other obvious marks of AutoNavi, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and their cooperative partners. You shall not, in any manner, delete, cover up, revise or replace these copyright logos, trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, enterprise names, domain names, drawing review numbers, publishing numbers and other obvious marks.
6.8 You shall not, in any manner, delete, cover up, revise or replace any exclusive right statement attached to or contained in the Amap API and the Content (including but not limited to statements on copyright, trademark right, patent right and ownership).
6.9 You grant to AutoNavi a worldwide, royalty-free, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license during the Term to use your trademarks or logos to publicize or advertise that you are using the Service (for example, by using your trademarks or logos in presentations, marketing materials, customer lists, financial reports and web site listings (including links to your website)). You represent and warrant to AutoNavi that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the above licenses.
7. Change, Suspension or Termination of the Service
7.1 If the Service needs to be suspended or halted due to the maintenance or update of AutoNavi’s relevant servers or systems, AutoNavi will give a prior notice as possible.
7.2 You shall ensure the application program developed by you or your use of the Service and the Content complies with the provisions of the Terms, the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations of the State and people’s basic moral standards. In case of any of the following circumstances or the occurrence or realization of other conditions of termination provided in other provisions hereof, AutoNavi is entitled to suspend or terminate the provision of the Service to you at any time:
7.2.1 The personal information or other information provided by you is untrue,
7.2.2 The application program developed by you or your use of the Service and the Content violates the State’s laws and regulations or
7.2.3 AutoNavi holds at its own discretion that the application program developed by you or your use of the Service and the Content does not meet AutoNavi’s requirements or users’ needs.
7.3 Notwithstanding the above provisions, AutoNavi reserves the right to change, suspend or terminate the provision of the Service in any time without giving you a prior notice.
7.4 For whatever reason, you shall independently bear any loss or liability caused by AutoNavi’s change, suspension or termination of the Service. AutoNavi does not need to undertake any liability with respect thereto to you or any third party.
8. Privacy and Personal Information
8.1 Respecting the privacy of your personal information is AutoNavi’s basic policy. AutoNavi will adopt reasonable measures to protect your personal information. AutoNavi guarantees not to publicly release or provide any third party with your personal information, with the exceptions as follows:
8.1.1 Your personal information is or has becom
8.1.2 The personal information is obtained by AutoNavi in a legal manner, for which AutoNavi does not have the obligatio
8.1.3 Information is obtained from a third party who may legally disclose such personal information and had no duty to maintain the personal infor
8.1.4 Your prior explicit authorizati
8.1.5 According to the requirements of applicable
8.1.6 According to the requirements of relevant competent governmental authorities or
8.1.7 To safeguard the social public’
8.1.8 To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of AutoNavi, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates.
8.2 You understand and agree that AutoNavi may cooperate with third parties to provide the Service to you. Under this situation, if such third parties agree to undertake the same responsibility to protect your personal information as AutoNavi, then AutoNavi will authorize the third parties to use your encrypted personal information through interfaces defined by AutoNavi. AutoNavi guarantees that third parties will not directly obtain your personal information.
8.3 You understand and agree that AutoNavi is entitled to carry out analysis of the whole database of users of the Service and carry out commercial utilization of the database of users under the precondition of not disclosing your personal information.
8.4 When you use the Service, AutoNavi may automatically receive and record the server numbers of your Maps API Implementation including but not limited to the IP address and other data, the record of web pages accessed by you and users and various records, the operating status of the Service, user habits and other basic records clearly and objectively shown on AutoNavi’s servers.
8.5 AutoNavi does not allow any person to gather, edit, sell or freely disseminate your personal information or other users’ personal information by any means. If you are found to conduct the above acts, AutoNavi is entitled to immediately terminate the provision of the Service to you.
9. Exemption, Warranties and Guarantees
9.1 You understand and agree that like most Internet application programs, the Service may be affected by many factors including but not limited to causes attributable to you, network quality of service and/or the differences in social environments etc., and it may also be invaded and harassed by var for example, the other software you have downloaded and installed or the other websites you have visited contain viruses such as "Trojans" etc., threatening to the security of your equipment and data and then affecting the normal use of the Service, etc. You should strengthen the protection consciousness on information and data security to avoid any loss incurred therefrom. Any and all losses to you or any other person caused by this clause shall be solely assumed by yourself, and AutoNavi will not undertake any liability with respect thereto.
9.2 You understand and agree that you will undertake any risk in and consequence of the use of the Service and the obtainment of any data through the Service (including but not limited to infringement by third parties, infringement of third parties’ rights, any damage or data loss caused to various equipment and operating systems by the downloading of any data, etc.) and that AutoNavi will not undertake any liability with respect thereto.
9.3 AutoNavi, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and their licensors disclaim any express or implied warranty or guarantee for the Service, including but not limited to warranties or guarantees of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, etc.
9.4 Apart from Article 9.3 above, AutoNavi, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and their licensors disclaim any express or implied warranty or guarantee of the following items to you:
9.4.1 The Service will meet your actual
9.4.2 The Service will be free from interference and suspension, and shall be timely, safe, stable, c
9.4.3 The result or any information obtained by using the Service will be
9.4.4 Any product, service, news or other information bought or obtained through the Service will me
9.4.5 Any error, problem or defect in the Servi
9.4.6 The external links set for your convenience will be accurate, stable and complete.
9.5 You understand and agree that AutoNavi as the provider of the Service will carry out necessary monitoring of illegal republishing, release of false information and piracy according to the requirements of applicable laws and regulations but does not guarantee it will have sufficient monitoring ability. AutoNavi does not undertake any liability for such infringements conducted by you or others, and the infringing party shall undertake all liabilities for infringement.
9.6 The Service may include hyperlinks to other websites or content or resources. AutoNavi has no control over any web sites or resources that are provided by companies or persons other than AutoNavi. AutoNavi is not responsible for the availability, authenticity or effectiveness of any such external sites or resources.
9.7 Any suggestion or information (whether written or oral) obtained by you from AutoNavi or through the Service does not constitute any guarantee other than those explicitly provided in the Terms.
10. Other Limitations of Liability
10.1 You understand and agree that AutoNavi, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and their licensors do not undertake any liability for the following matters to you:
10.1.1 Any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damage suffered by you because of any reason and under any liability theory, which shall include without limitation any profit loss (whether direct or indirect), any goodwill or business reputation loss, any data loss, the cost of buying substitute goods or services or oth
10.1.2 Any loss or damage that you might suffer including without limitation the losses or damages due to:
1) The cost for replacing any goods, data, information, services purchased or obtained from or through the Service or the cost for conclusion
2) The deletion or destruction of any content, customized setting and other data maintained or transmitted for use of the Service, delivery error, failure to store them or unauthorized
3) Any content, goods or services released by you using or relying on any websites or resources that external links point to or obtained by you through such w
4)Statements or acts made by third parties in the S
5) Third parties release or deliver fraudulent information in any manner or cause you to suffer economic losses.
10.2 Whether AutoNavi has been notified or whether it should have known the possibility of any such loss or the losses provided in other clauses does not affect the applicability of the Article 10.1 above and other disclaimer clauses hereof.
11. Termination of the Terms
11.1 The Terms shall take effect as from the date when you consent to the Terms or use the Service, and shall remain in force unless and until it is terminated according to the following clauses:
11.1.1 When AutoNavi terminates the provision of the Service for whatever reason, the Terms shall be terminated accordingly.
11.1.2 You may unilaterally terminate the use of the Service and no special notice to AutoNavi is required. The Terms shall be terminated upon your termination of the use of the Service .
11.1.3 If the applicable laws and regulations of the State require AutoNavi to terminate the provision of the Service, the Terms shall be terminated.
11.1.4 You lose legal capacity for civil righ
11.1.5 The Terms are terminated for other reasons.
11.2 If you unilaterally terminate the use of the Service, you must first remove the Amap API from your Maps API Implementation and delete all AutoNavi-provided map pictures, data, materials, information and any other content obtained through the Amap API and the Amap API mark from your websites, application programs, servers or other devices.
11.3 All rights or licenses obtained by you according to the Terms shall be terminated upon the termination of the Terms for whatever reason.
11.4 The clauses on intellectual property rights protection, privacy protection, liability for compensation, exemption and limitations of liability, applicable laws and dispute resolution shall survive after the termination of the Terms for whatever reason.
11.5 Autonavi will not undertake any liability for any damage caused by the termination of the Terms to you or any third party.
12. Applicable Laws and Dispute Resolution
12.1 The Terms shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, excluding its conflicts of law principles. In the event a dispute arises in connection with the interpretation or implementation of the Terms, the parties to the dispute shall attempt to settle such dispute through friendly consultations. If no mutually acceptable settlement of such dispute is reached within 90 days, the parties agree to submit such dispute to the Beijing Arbitration Commission for exclusive resolution and final settlement in accordance with its rules in effect at the time such dispute is submitted to it, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into the Terms. The arbitration award shall be non-appealable, final and binding on the parties, and the costs of the proceeding shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise specified in the arbitration award.
13. Notices and Service
13.1 You agree that AutoNavi may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Service or the Terms, by the posting on the Service, website announcement, email, text message or regular mail.
13.2 The above notices shall be deemed received by the recipient (i.e. you) on the day when they are sent.
14. Miscellaneous
14.1 The Terms constitute a complete legal instrument between you and AutoNavi for regulating your use of the Service.
14.2 The English translation of the Terms is provided for your convenience only and that the Chinese language version of the Terms will govern your relationship with AutoNavi. If there is any contradiction between these two versions, the Chinese language version will take precedence.
14.3 Except for explicitly provided by the Terms and the State’s laws and regulations, the Terms do not grant any other right to you or AutoNavi and do not require you or AutoNavito undertake any other obligation.
14.4If any provision of the Terms shall be held invalid or unenforceable for any reason, then that provision will be removed from the Terms without affecting the rest of the Terms. The remaining provisions of the Terms will continue to be valid and enforceable.
14.5 The Terms may be assigned by AutoNavi and will inure to the benefit of AutoNavi, its successors, and assigns.
14.6 If you are a company or an entity in other forms, in the event of any change of control of the company or entity, the succeeding party of your assets and business shall be automatically bound by the Terms.
14.7 If you have opinions and suggestions on the Amap API or the entirety or any part of the Terms, you may send an email to
to give your feedback or call the customer service department at
to contact AutoNavi.
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