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REPLAY 2015年秋冬系列发布(5)
Replay 2015-14年秋冬系列崇尚“URBAN FUSION”的都市美学,糅合多个今季大热的元素,打造别具一格的都市态度。本季秉承品牌传统,牛仔裤、T恤和休闲服饰大玩 Mix and Match,前卫时尚地演绎出都市新品味。经典的牛仔裤和休闲服饰融入崭新的设计元素,尽然流露出后现代美学。浪漫和民族色彩鲜亮明快,外套的设计趋势标志着军装和机车风格的盛势回归。本季产品系列中每个细节都经过精心打造,以大胆的实验精神贯彻品牌的经典魅力。点击图片进入下一页>>
We Are Replay 2015秋冬男装系列主打款式
  Replay2013-14年秋冬系列的美学精髓在于细节,Replay Blue Jeans、Wild Thing 和 Biker三大概念系列将品牌设计哲学完美淋漓的展现出来:
  Replay Blue Jeans 系列-不羁和简约的象征。闯荡天地都可穿著的基本服饰,细节和结构都非常讲究,具备蓝色、黑色和灰色等深色色调,并用军绿色和灰黄色加以点缀。 而作为 Replay 经典单品之一的衬衫,是该系列的重要元素,此次尤以牛仔蓝色衬衫为焦点。设计师选用浅牛仔布、chambray青年布等多款不同的牛仔布料,柔化西部牛仔风格的硬朗肩线,透过不同的洗水效果、图案和贴花缀饰,打造成别具个人风格的牛仔单品。男装除了有经典牛仔款式,还有花朵、波点和格纹等印花设计。女装方面,经典印花选用碎花和白色设计,还有纯色和剪影元素,抽象的大腰果花图案同样展现独特风采。颜色方面,当然是各种深色调的牛仔靛蓝。
  Wild Thing 系列- 作为本季秋冬系列的第二个灵魂,以军绿迷彩、嬉皮民族风为灵感,暖和色调散发出浪漫的气息。迷彩布料、尼龙和丰富的军装元素打造鲜明的风格,精致手工、天然布料、皮革和自然色调为本系列添上自然的柔软触感。
  宽松温暖的厚羊毛提花毛衣再度回归潮流,成为男装系列的焦点单品,也是格纹T恤的最佳配衬衣饰。经典机师风衣灵感来自 Replay 以往的经典设计,具备皮革、尼龙或军用技术布料的款式。风雪大衣亦有崭新的演绎,集合羊毛、棉布和尼龙等多款衣料的特质。而羽绒服则有不同的颜色,其中一款是提花补丁设计,另一款则有仿古着牛仔外套印花。衬衫饰有军事勋章丝带和丝绒领作为点缀,毛衣衣帽边亦饰有民族风格丝带。该系列还有更多前卫服饰,以打造完整的男装秋冬造型。
  Biker 系列&有别于其他两个系列,Biker系列主打激进前卫的风格。从物料、结构到硬朗的外观都鲜明的呈现着机车文化的精神。
  Biker女装系列则表现出一股刚柔并济的气质:短机车皮衣取 Chanel 经典外套的设计精髓,以前卫的喷漆效果打造质感自然的做旧造型。鲜红色喷漆皮裤则有超窄身的人体工学剪裁;淡淡的扎染和冷染色效为各款卫衣添上独特的个性;短皮衣也有三个款式可供选择。整个系列旨在塑造一个果敢而感性的女机车手形象,同时也流露出独特迷人的晚装风采。
  而Replay牛仔裤集合品牌多年的经典美学,在 2015-14年秋冬系列以崭新的款式和漂染效果登场。男装款式的剪裁经过精心打造,新的紧身款式糅合修身和窄身牛仔裤的元素,确保穿著舒适同时尽显修长的身形。经典的合身牛仔裤同样别具潮流风格,改造后的剪裁臀部和裤管形态修窄,展现更加修身的轮廓。
  机车风格的搭扣和斜纹翻盖,为以紧身牛仔裤为主的女装系列更添潮流魅力。本季经典牛仔裤系列以机车服饰为灵感,裤身剪裁注入人体工学元素,就连今季大热的松身牛仔裤,除了前幅舒适松身之外,修贴的背幅都尽展迷人的身段,爽朗中流露柔美的气质。内衬的剪裁同样细致非凡,成熟的韵味尽然展露。本季延续经典洗水和漂染效果的美学,做旧的色调衬以 3D 效果,从皮漆和深浅不一的褪色效果,不同的黑、灰色调和天然泥土制成的染色效果,打造成千变万化的特别视觉感受。前卫的洗水处理将经典的牛仔裤大胆改造,男装处理效果激进狂野,女装则简约优雅,使得每款牛仔裤都展现出独特的个人风格。
  本季牛仔裤集合怀旧 、3D 效果、漂染效果和散发着岁月沉积气息的极致古着效果;皮革、漂白和覆染效果为牛仔裤添上鲜明的表面,珍珠色牛仔裤则有三款颜色,细致的闪石流露极致迷人的气质;运用天然泥土的洗染程序,为部份设计带来独特且风格自然的斑纹;有多个黑色和灰色款式,以及表面加有涂层的染色牛仔裤。
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原标题: 配饰 REPLAY 2015年秋冬系列发布(5)
编辑: 李娜 &&
文章地址: /peishi/0G.html
热点推荐HOT另一种态度!Replay 2013春夏系列男装,灵感缪斯来自纽约大都会!
Replay 2013春夏系列,设计师从Replay的发源地意大利及品牌三十余年的历史中捕捉灵感,更从纽约这个大都会寻找缪斯,包括五十年代曼克顿区的肉品加工区和工人,以及布鲁克林绿点区 (Greenpoint) 盛行的Hipster嬉皮文化,无论何时都处处流露独立自主、不断变迁的风貌。
&&&&&&& Replay 2013春夏系列多元,除对品牌秉承的元素进行重新思索与钻研,对精湛的剪裁工艺致敬,大玩元素外,亦向年轻一代展现独特的趋势。从Replay的发源地及品牌三十余年的历史中捕捉灵感,更从这个大都会寻找,包括曼克顿区的肉品加工区和工人,以及布鲁克林绿点区 (point) 盛行的Hipster文化,无论何时都处处流露独立自主、不断变迁的风貌。
&&&&&&& 2013春季系列分为三大主题系列,每个主题都标志着自成一格的崭新元素。
&&&&&&& Replay
(Replay蓝系列) ——以休闲作主打,产品丰富多样,展现出明亮的夏日色彩。
&&&&&&& 款式多元化,包括一系列印有Replay 的、休闲斜纹裤、色彩鲜艳的染色华达呢,以及颜色齐全的青年布。超轻宽身束腰提供两种选择:石磨,或经典的牛津布及色织布,后者布料触感与棉布衬衫相似,清爽舒适。运动款抓绒及膝,有、、、黄色可供选择,具有运动服的经典设计元素,可搭配一系列色彩丰富且印上运动图案的T恤或长袖运动衫,活力尽显。
&&&&&&& T恤用色丰富,明亮柔和兼备。外套采用轻柔的帆布或超轻尼龙布制成,非常舒适而且容易搭配。衬衫、斜纹裤和背心式等全是款式。连身裙分长短两款,有三种颜色选择;则采用超细莫代尔 (Microal) 为面料,手感舒适,并以水钻镶嵌成代表Replay 的R 字母作装饰。
&&&&&&& Another State of Mind (另一种态度系列) ——设计师延续冬季系列的设计元素,并进一步钻研面料运用与剪裁工艺,例如将经典的人字呢款式以轻身的棉麻布料演绎,用细布和斜纹布打造夏列。在细节处理上,亦选用服常用的钮扣和,符合Replay一贯的豪迈风格。此系列其中一个主要特色是钉在牛仔裤后袋上的纸牌,采用手工缝制,加强品牌对精湛剪裁和手工工艺的讲究和追求。
&&&&&&& 衬衫的设计灵感源于品牌过去的典藏设计:以色织条纹衫和提花织纹衫为主打,加入自然色调如米色、淡褐色、浅蓝色。经典的无领与常见于工装服的细节相融合,令人仿如走进时光隧道。Another State of Mind的设计主线,是将曼哈顿肉品加工区的拳击健身房概念,融入的设计里,并加入编织纱线夹花纱布和对比强烈的淡褐色斜纹布。
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冲浪的世界与色彩,现代都市精神,融合成为 Replay 2014年春夏系列的灵魂所在。URBAN SURF是一场冒险之旅,从缤纷的夏威夷海滩勇闯至洛杉矶海岸,从地下机车世界到迈阿密的流行色调,沿途所有元素共冶一炉。
夏威夷的蓝岸、亮白的细沙,缤纷的色调和盐染的图案,这些都在Replay Blue Jeans主题中体现,一系列质感柔软、剪裁简洁的必备款式,配以褶皱效果和暖色调,营造出飘逸闲适的感觉。洛杉矶的独特魅力尽在另一个设计主题 Midnight Riders/Rugged 中呈现,皮革与金属效果的机车风格,糅合扎染、军装和热爱环保的嬉皮士元素,威尼斯海滩上的街头气息也被融入进来。最后,来到迈阿密,鲜明色调的波普风配以潜水衣料和橡胶面料,还有蓝天映照棕榈树影、红鹤结伴踱步,均汇集到 Pop Surf 主题的独特美学中。
Replay Blue Jeans设计灵感来源于夏威夷的海浪与水泡,一望无际的海洋代表无拘无束的自由,突破时间的藩篱。那些如海似沙般的柔软质感、皱褶和温暖的色调,让人无限憧憬夏日慵懒地在海滩冲浪的美好时光。
旅程的第二站便来到迷人的洛杉矶威尼斯海滩,成为主题 Midnight Riders/Rugged 的完美布景。皮革和铆钉搭配英式刺绣和扎染,让军装风和工装服呈现出别样的城市冲浪的味道。
旅程在一片蓝海中结束,不同色调的海和波浪的颜色,以牛仔装为亮点,进一步刻画Replay 2014年夏季系列的精髓。
极具标志性的Destroyed 磨损处理效果,运用于不同的色调和颜色,打造丰富多元的深浅效果。作为系列焦点主题之一的石灰光效果色调,更为多款服装画龙点睛,如海棉漂染色调、褪色或版补染黑色、褪色的蓝色等,并利用特别的技巧添上荧光效果。其他如激光图案漂染、压色、褪黑色加上层压银和钻石效果;另外还有扎染、皮革绘图及激光迷彩印花等,均为该系列带来丰富多彩的款式选择。
&Take that perfect position, a couple of powerful strokes, pick up some speed, and then stand up on the surfboard.
Feel the ocean closing in around you, and for a few seconds live in another dimension that takes your breath away.
The first time, the first pipe wave.&
Cit. &Dreams up life – Jan 2008
The colours and the world of surfing, combined with an urban and contemporary spirit, resonate throughout the new Spring/Summer 2014 Replay collection. URBAN SURF is a journey starting from the colourful Hawaiian beaches and veering off towards the coasts of Los Angeles, welcoming influences from the underground biker universe up to the pop hues of Miami.
It is through this journey that the Hawaiian landscapes eclipse blue seas, neutral sands, and shades and salt-stained prints, to create Replay Blue Jeans. This is an essential set of items sporting clean and soft lines, along with crinkly and warm textures. While in the City of Angels, shaping the Midnight Riders/Rugged theme, leather and metallic biker allure mingles with the tie-dyes and military style of modern-age hippie eco-lovers amidst the underground and street vibes of Venice Beach. And finally, in Miami the journey incorporates more pop tinged and vibrant colours capturing the fascination of scuba wetsuits and neoprene, of palm trees silhouetted against the blue skies, and of flocks of flamingos. This is the essence of Pop Surf for summer 2014.
So, we begin at Hawaii with the simplicity of the wave and the tube: that parallel universe of water and true freedom, where there are no rules, restrictions, or time constraints. This is Replay Blue Jeans, a line featuring all the shades reminiscent of the sea and the sand, soft and light spaces, as well as crinkly and warm textures.
Here, the feeling exudes a lazy afternoon on the seashore awaiting the perfect wave.
Women are dressed with more femininity, asymmetry and unpredictability. They are given a loose fit using natural fabrics with a cool hand feel, unfinished edges and graded prints.
Menswear also stars images and colours of the sea on shirts, thus continuing the experimentation kick-started with the last collection. Shirts travel through all shades of denim – from the lightest, bleached tones to the deepest blue – and are printed in tone-on-tone hues, or aged and worn-looking, with corrosive stains evoking saltiness. T-shirts and knitwear have clean-cut simple shapes with unfinished edges and neutral colours, and are made in natural materials like cotton and linen which softly and lightly brush against the skin. This collection flaunts shades, delicate lines, trousers rolled up to the ankles for a relaxed and natural mood, shedding light on highly polished details and superlative materials.
The second stage of the journey is the eclectic Venice Beach, which inspired the theme Midnight Riders/Rugged, the strongest theme in the collection.
This is where leather and studs are mixed with broderie anglaise, tie-dyes, military suits and cargo fashion for a totally contemporary surfin' style.
For the female version, hippie nostalgia, very light tie-dye maxi dresses, military Salvation Army jackets, T-shirts with fringes, and all-over macros prints are coordinated with more aggressive features.
These include cold-dyed leather, T-shirts encrusted with studs and stones, and shiny fabrics made to blend in with the most luxurious nightlife influences.
Examples are the mini dress covered in graded macro sequins, or the denim and georgette maxi dress. This is the most fascinating, feminine and strong interpretation of the surfin' style.
Alternatively, the male version highlights the more energetic and biker&s side of his character, introducing military hints into the mix.
Therefore, the leather jacket is matched with cargo pants, and the nylon bomber jacket is combined with biker's sleeves.
The leather is cold-dyed. The T-shirts and shirts are sprayed in places, evoking saltiness marks. Everything is finely treated: the fabrics are crinkly and given all-over prints with an urban and casual mood, drawing from the strong flavours of the underground.
Finally, we visit the sunny beaches of Florida and Miami.
Here scuba, macro prints with a batik flavour, intense hues, and mesh knitwear come together to represent a Pop Surf summer.
Women wear prints depicting palm trees, toucans and hibiscus, or large photographic images on soft or bright bleach-sponged trousers. The T-shirts are oversized, the lines asymmetrical, the colours vibrant, and the mix of materials unique.
Knitwear features chunkier stitches, evoking fishing nets, without losing its lightness and pop colours.
The world of scuba is also put into play, by borrowing rear zip and visual stitching constructions, along with materials such as lightweight neoprene giving shape to mini dresses embellished with sequins.
For him, the collection flaunts trousers with hints of indigo blue and baggy shirts and T-shirts printed with batik, or garment-printed motifs all-over.
This technological navy world is characterised by cotton pants with a macro drawstring at the waist.
The trip reaches its end sinking back into the blues of the ocean, into the waves, and specifically, into denim.
This is how it is at the heart of the 2014 summer Replay collection. And, in harmony with the surfing eco-lover's theme, Laserblast denim is once more in the running. These are the most technological forms of jeans: both eco-friendly and low impact, they lead the way to an increasingly greener youth culture.
In terms of men's fit, the focus is on skinny jeans and less selective and more accommodating proportions.
This is available in a simple version, in a biker style with a front patch and zip, and finally, in a cargo fashion style with closer side pockets.
The development of the regular slim fit has also been given attention.
This now features an ergonomic waist with a higher back, and a more comfortable style in terms of movement. And now a new carrot fit – wrapping the hips but tighter around the bottom – has finally been introduced. Lastly, the denim line includes a new loose fit which is more comfortable and shorter at the ankle.
With regard to the colours, the star is the middle blue tone, from the bleached shade to darker tones, covering the entire spectrum of the sea. Not to mention the bleach-dyed greys, the blacks, and the perfect chalk effect.
&Destroyed& is one of the main treatments, applied in a variety of shades and colours, and utilized at varying stages, from the lightest types to the most aggressive.
For her, more up-to-date fits have been created, as shown by the skinny, the boyfit and the biker cuts.
The latter is offered in various styles such as with a biker-friendly ergonomic zip, knee bands, and visible zips also at the bottom. Both for him and her, research has gone into the midway shades and the Destroyed effect. But the colours are in the limelight, being one of the major themes in the collection.
These appear in graded shades both on tops and bottoms, in bleach-sponged hues, or faded and re-dyed black, and faded blue which – through a special technique – is fluo- other colour effects range from laser printed dyeing, colour lamination, silver and diamond-effect lamination on faded black, tie-dyed, leather painting, through to laser camouflage printing.


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