法比奥.卡纳瓦罗罗 齐达内 戴维斯 他们之间谁和谁曾经在一个队效力

  大牌云集,皇马VS尤文慈善赛名单确定  日 08:45 皇马官网  北京时间6月9日,皇马将在主场与尤文图斯进行一场慈善赛,为慈善机构募集爱心善款。出战的是双方元老球员。目前,双方出场球员已经确定,卡纳瓦罗将分别代表两队各打半场。  附双方比赛名单:  皇马:布约,伊尔格纳,孔特雷拉斯,琴多,罗哈斯,卡洛斯,戈迪略,耶罗,帕文,萨比多,卡纳瓦罗,齐达内,埃尔格拉,雷东多,伊万·佩雷斯,布特拉格诺,阿方索,莫伦特斯,菲戈, 阿马维斯卡,卡伦布,贝拉斯科,桑斯  尤文:塔科尼、费雷拉、比邻德立、蒙特罗、托里切利、图多尔、戴维斯、内德维德、拉瓦内利、尤戈维奇、科瓦切维奇、米尔科维奇、詹尼凯达、卡纳瓦罗、波里尼、萨利哈米季奇、马乌罗、阿莫鲁索  这名单一传播开来,眼皮浅的尤文球迷又叽歪怨念不已了  想要齐达内代表他们,人家不赏脸啊;排斥卡纳瓦罗,又不能如愿拔去这眼中钉  要是本周安胖敲定入主皇马的事,卡纳瓦罗作为皇马的助教代表尤文打半场,尤文这帮心狭量窄眼皮浅的东西指不定更怎么泛酸了
  马卡报刚刚的消息  EX JUGADORES DE REAL MADRID Y JUVE EN EL CORAZóN CLASSIC MATCH  El partido de las leyendas  Reúne a Zidane, Davids, Figo, Nedved, Cannavaro, Roberto Carlos, Peruzzi, Hierro...  Las entradas, baratas: entre 5 y 10 euros  Se disputa este domingo a las 18:00 horas en el Bernabéu  RUBéN JIMéNEZ. MADRID 05/06/13 - 17:30.  El Corazón Classic Match es una oportunidad única para los nostálgicos. El domingo, en el césped del Bernabéu, se unen leyendas de dos de los equipos históricos del fútbol europeo.  Con la Séptima como telón de fondo y una buena causa como motivación, Zidane, Nedved, Cannavaro, Davids, Roberto Carlos, Figo o Amoruso, entre otros, se vestirán de corto para rememorar las gloriosas tardes de anta?o.  Bayern y Manchester fueron los oponentes en 2011 y 2012  El Santiago Bernabéu será punto de reunión de aficionados que aún guardan en las retinas algunas de las mejores jugadas de sus ídolos, esos que verán de nuevo, y de ni?os, que podrán disfrutar por primera vez de la magia de Redondo o Ravanelli, de los goles de Kovacevic y Morientes.  Un ambiente festivo y futbolero con un destino solidario. Los beneficios irán destinados al programa de Promoción de éxito Escolar de la Cruz Roja Espa?ola a través de meriendas extraescolares.  Será la cuarta vez que se repita la experiencia. En 2010, el invitado fue el Milan y se recaudó dinero para combatir una de las causas de fallecimiento que preocupa entre los deportistas, la muerte súbita. Gracias a la recaudación se pudo contribuir a la investigación de este problema mediante un estudio genético.  En 2011 y 2012, Bayern y Manchester rindieron visita a los veteranos blancos y el Bernabéu se volvió a llenar de latidos solidarios, que ayudaron al proyecto de la Fundación Real Madrid en áfrica.  Cannavaro vuelve a casa  Tras sonar insistentemente durante las últimas semanas como posible futuro ayudante de Carlo Ancelotti en el Real Madrid, Fabio Cannavaro jugará el domingo en el Santiago Bernabéu, la que fue su casa durante tres temporadas, en las que consiguió dos Ligas y una Supercopa.  El italiano ha confirmado que disputará un tiempo con cada camiseta, con los dos equipos que ocuparon la recta final de su trayectoria.  El partido, que se jugará a las 18.00 horas del domingo, tiene todo lo necesario para volver a ser un éxito. Grandes estrellas, un estadio excepcional y entradas a precios populares. Las localidades de fondo están a 5 euros y las de lateral, a 10. Es decir, que el coliseo blanco va a estar a reventar para presenciar el espectáculo del Corazón Classic Match 2013.  En esta misma página pueden consultar la espectacular nómina de jugadores que saltarán al césped del Santiago Bernabéu. Un ejercicio de memoria y de a?oranza para los mayores y de novedad para los más peque?os.  Dos escudos míticos, dos clubes históricos y una galaxia de grandes jugadores. En el recuerdo, aquel partido de mayo de 1998, en el que el Real Madrid recuperaba la hegemonía del fútbol europeo ante la Juve.  El domingo se vuelven a ver las caras. Aunque sea amistoso, aunque hayan pasado los a?os, el buen fútbol está asegurado.
  传说中的比赛  聚集戴维斯,齐达内,菲戈,内德维德,卡纳瓦罗,卡洛斯,佩鲁齐,...  门票价格便宜:5至10欧元  本周日下午18:00在伯纳乌  北京时间6月9日,皇家马德里将在伯纳乌球场与意甲冠军尤文图斯进行一场慈善赛,为西班牙红十字会筹集善款。目前双方参赛球员的名单已公布,齐达内、菲戈、内德维德以及卡纳瓦罗四位金球先生纷纷在列。  早在今年4月,皇马和尤文就达成一致将在6月9日的伯纳乌进行这场慈善赛,目的是为西班牙红十字会筹集超过50万欧元的学校午餐计划的善款,善款将用以提供给5000名西班牙贫苦儿童营养餐。  在双方的参赛名单中,众名宿都将披挂上阵,齐达内、菲戈、内德维德和卡纳瓦罗这四位金球先生都将在伯纳乌球场献艺。值得一提的是,前意大利国家队队长卡纳瓦罗将代表皇马和尤文各打半场。  卡纳瓦罗回家  最近几周将可能确定卡纳瓦罗作为安切洛蒂未来在皇马的助手。卡纳瓦罗在周日比赛的伯纳乌呆了三个赛季,这里是他的家,在这里他赢得了两个联赛冠军和一个超级杯。  意大利人确认,他将分别穿上职业生涯效力的这两支传奇球队的球衣,各打半场。  附双方球员名单:  皇家马德里:布约,伊尔格纳,孔特雷拉斯,琴多,罗哈斯,卡洛斯,戈迪略,耶罗,帕文,萨比多,卡纳瓦罗,齐达内,埃尔格拉,雷东多,伊万-佩雷斯,布特拉格诺,阿方索,莫伦特斯,菲戈,阿马维斯卡,卡伦布,贝拉斯科,桑斯  尤文图斯:塔科尼、费雷拉、比林德利、蒙特罗、托里切利、图多尔、戴维斯、内德维德、拉瓦内利、尤戈维奇、科瓦切维奇、米尔科维奇、詹尼凯达、卡纳瓦罗、波里尼、萨利哈米季奇、马乌罗、阿莫鲁索
  Cannavaro potrebbe andare a Madrid con Ancelotti?  “I grandi giocatori come Fabio Cannavaro prima di diventare allenatori devono fare un’esperienza al fianco di un grande allenatore come potrebbe essere Carlo Ancelotti, ma anche Rafa Benitez, per imparare la gestione dei giocatori e del gruppo. Penso che Fabio abbia parlato con Ancelotti dell’ipotesi di fargli da vice, ma non c’è nulla di concreto al momento”.  卡纳瓦罗的经纪人费德勒,就卡纳瓦罗可能追随安切洛蒂去皇马的问题,回答说:像卡纳瓦罗这样的大牌球员转型做教练,有必要在安切洛蒂、贝尼特斯这样的伟大教练旁边积累经验,学习管理球员和球队。费德勒认为,安切洛蒂希望法比奥成为他的助手,但是时间还不确定。
  9:08pm/6/7/2013  #beach#the #palm#jumeirah#dubai #uae #holiday#totocate #paolocanna#italia #photo #atlantis#hotel#soficristi #fabio #fabiocannavaroofficial #binfaraj #seadoo#rxt#jetsky  冲锋舟泊在迪拜湾畔,舟头冲向陆地,看样子是才劈波斩浪回来的。他还在迪拜啊。  而皇马那边,安帅加盟的事仍悬而未决。  最新的消息是安帅准备自掏200万欧元同PSG解约赎身。哎,这样的义无反顾,让人无比唏嘘!  而一众皇马球迷奚落嘲笑此举为倒贴——看得心里极度不舒服。  皇马球迷就没几个知好识歹的善茬啊。  不去那挺可惜,去了免不了遭罪受磨。。。
  Carlo Ancelotti has confessed to being ‘tired and disappointed’ with Paris Saint-Germain’s attitude to his proposed departure.  The Italian is wanted by Real Madrid and is reportedly desperate to take the reins at the Santiago Bernabeu, with Le Parisien has confirmomg there was dialogue between the clubs on Tuesday.  However, after four days of deadlock there has still been no progress, something that is beginning to concern the former Juventus, Milan and Chelsea tactician.  “Carlo is very disappointed with the behaviour of the PSG board. He has not heard from them and does not understand their strategy. He is tired of it,” a source close to Ancelotti is quoted by the newspaper as saying.  “There is no possibility Carlo will backtrack, above all after [club President] Nasser Al Khelaifi made his position known. In his head Paris is already history.”  PSG will try to retain Ancelotti until at least June 20, when an appeals commission will decide on whether to reduce a nine-month ban for abusing a referee on director of football Leonardo, who the French outfit want to take over as Head Coach.  巴黎圣日耳曼迟迟不肯解约,安切洛蒂对此已经感到疲倦和失望。  安切洛蒂铁心入主伯纳乌。而巴黎圣日耳曼也已经在周二开始了谈判。但是四天过去了,僵局的破解并无任何进展。  “卡罗对PSG高层的态度非常失望。他没有听到任何消息,并且不知道俱乐部的打算。他对此已经感到厌倦了。”媒体援引一位接近安切洛蒂的人士说。  “卡罗回归的可能性已经没有了,俱乐部主席Nasser Al Khelaifi表态后,他已经认为自己在巴黎的执教生涯成为历史了。”  到6月20日前,PSG都将尽力挽留安切洛蒂,届时PSG将知道接替安切洛蒂的热门人选莱昂纳多因顶撞裁判被禁赛9个月的处罚能减多少。
  皇马主席佩雷斯“安切洛蒂是个伟大的教练”  意大利共和报6月8日消息  皇马主席对安切洛蒂赞不绝口。“我很看好安切洛蒂在皇马的工作。他是一个伟大的教练。在过去我就试图签下他。”但是佩雷斯不能迫不及待地宣布安切洛蒂接替穆里尼奥。他与PSG仍有一年合同,在解决莱昂纳多9个月被法甲禁赛前,PSG不愿意放人。  佩雷斯在接受西班牙电台采访时表示:“巴黎是友好俱乐部,安切洛蒂还有一年合同,所以必须等待,看看会发生什么。”  佩雷斯谈到了齐达内作为教练备选的可能,说齐达内如果做教练,他将很激动。  下周佩雷斯将和齐达内在马德里评估各种解决方案。  安切洛蒂之痛  解约进展缓慢让人抓狂。据非常接近安切洛蒂的人士向法国“巴黎人”报纸透露,与巴黎圣日耳曼的谈判进入了一个死胡同,安切洛蒂对此非常厌倦和失望。“卡罗对PSG高层的态度非常失望。他没有听到任何消息,并且不知道俱乐部的打算。他对此已经感到厌倦了。卡罗回归的可能性已经没有了,俱乐部主席Nasser Al Khelaifi表态后,他已经认为自己在巴黎的执教生涯成为历史了。”  据悉,PSG目前的策略是拖延和等待。到6月20日前,PSG都将尽力挽留安切洛蒂,届时PSG将知道接替安切洛蒂的热门人选莱昂纳多因顶撞裁判被禁赛9个月的处罚能减多少。  原文  http://www.repubblica.it/sport/calcio/esteri//news/real_madrid_perez_ancelotti_e_un_tecnico_magnifico-/
  多哈6月9日消息  据法国媒体报道,PSG主席 Nasser Al Khelaifi表示,在找替代者之前,巴黎圣日曼不会让安切洛蒂离开  PSG president not allowing coach to leave, say reportsSunday, 09 June 2013  DOHA: Qatar-owned Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) will not allow coach Carlo Ancelotti to leave until a replacement is found, the club’s president, Nasser Al Khelaifi, said according to French news reports.  Ancelotti, who guided the French giants to their first league title since 1994 in May, last month confirmed his intention to join Spain’s Real Madrid, who have recently parted ways with Jose Mourinho.  After various news reports appeared in the French and Spanish media over the Italian coach’s future, a post on Facebook and Twitter accounts of France-based InfoSport on Thursday confirmed that ‘Nasser Al Khelaifi (PSG President) blocks the departure of coach Carlo Ancelotti to Madrid.’ Acording to the Eurosport French website, Al Khelaifi has closed the issue ‘for the moment’.  On May 20, after meeting with Al Khelaifi, Ancelotti said: “My wish is to leave the club. I have asked to leave. We are going to wait for a response from the club who are going to take a few days to decide.” On the same day, however, Al Khelaifi insisted that Ancelotti was going nowhere. “He said that he wanted to leave for Real Madrid. I said it’s not possible because he has a contract for another year — that is our decision,” Al Khelaifi told www.beinsport.fr. According to Spanish newspaper Marca, the Italian is frustrated because of not being allowed to leave and is even prepared to pay half the reported compensation figure himself to PSG in order to move to the nine-time European champions.
  大爱卡纳瓦罗 永远的队长
  Good morning everybody #dubai #madrid#fly #emirates#uae#football #game#halamadrid #vs#juventus#legends#espana#italia#airline#first#class##skywords#platinum#fabio#cannavaroofficial  10.55 am 6/9/2013  西班牙球迷留言  Cannavaro eeoooeee!! Cannavaro eeooooeee!! Un madridista de corazón te saluda y da la bienvenida a Madrid, esta es tu casa.  马德里衷心迎接你,欢迎你来马德里,这里是你的家  (上周马卡的报纸也煽情地说马德里伯纳乌是卡纳瓦罗的家)  尤文球迷留言  ma perche stai dicendo "hala Madrid"? #ForzaJuve. Per favore, Fabio. Sei della Juve.  你为什么要说“加油马德里”?法比奥,请祝福尤文
  北京时间6月10日0时(西班牙当地时间9日18时),第4届“经典之心”慈善赛在伯纳乌球场展开角逐,皇马元老队2比1击败尤文元老队,该项赛事连续4年取胜。  齐达内助攻菲戈远射破门,内德维德传中帮助蒙特罗扳平,雷东多助攻替补伊万-佩雷斯再度超出,布特拉格诺射中横梁。卡纳瓦罗和齐达内先后代表两队出场。   “经典之心”慈善赛由皇马基金会主办,此前3届皇马先后击败AC米兰、拜仁和曼联,本届则邀请了尤文图斯,  多名参加过1998年欧冠决赛的球员在受邀之列。本届赛事所得将捐给西班牙红十字会的学校儿童午餐计划。  齐达内和卡纳瓦罗曾经为两队效力,卡纳瓦罗首先代表尤文出场。  比赛每个半场40分钟,科利纳担任主裁判。雷东多和埃尔格拉都身披6号球衣。卡纳瓦罗首次掷边线球时赢得掌声。第6分钟,齐达内左路外脚背低传,菲戈在门前25米处抽射入右下角,1比0。  随即内德维德右侧禁区边缘抽射偏出近门柱。几天前参加了巴拉克告别赛的萨利哈米季奇下场,尤戈维奇替补出场。第19分钟,内德维德禁区边缘再度发炮偏出右门柱。第25分钟,拉瓦内利左脚任意球打在人墙上。埃尔格拉受伤被帕文换下。第29分钟,卡洛斯左路胸部停球连续颠球传中,阿马维斯卡前点转身小角度扫射偏出近门柱。布约和琴多被换下,伊尔戈纳和贝拉斯科出场。拉瓦内利右腿肌肉拉伤,尼古拉-阿莫鲁索替补出场。  第35分钟,齐达内长传转移,菲戈右路内切再与齐达内配合,莫伦特斯左脚弧线球高出。第37分钟,贝拉斯科挑传禁区左侧,莫伦特斯争顶偏出。  下半时,佩鲁齐换下塔科尼,卡纳瓦罗改披皇马球衣。第43分钟,菲戈突入禁区左侧搓射被佩鲁齐单手托出。图多尔和米尔科维奇出场。第51分钟,戴维斯在门前27米处出其不意左脚吊射被伊尔戈纳指尖一托蹭横梁而出!2分钟后,比林德利左路抽射偏出近门柱。毛罗和罗哈斯替补出场。第60分钟,齐达内左路传中,卡伦布几乎顶到。   尤文第62分钟追平比分,蒙特罗中路短传,阿莫鲁索及时分球,内德维德禁区右侧低传,蒙特罗在门前6米处左脚推射入网,1比1。  第67分钟,菲戈后点冲顶高出,随后他被伊万-佩雷斯换下,耶罗则被布特拉格诺换下。第67分钟,布特拉格诺直传,雷东多禁区右侧反越位传中,伊万-佩雷斯停球晃过佩鲁齐推进空门,2比1。   巴斯克斯换下雷东多;萨维多换下罗伯托-卡洛斯;  桑蒂利亚纳换下齐达内,齐达内随即穿着尤文21号出场,替下戴维斯,帕多瓦诺换下阿莫鲁索。补时第2分钟,伊万-佩雷斯禁区左侧传中,布特拉格诺在门前6米处头球击中横梁,接着凌空补射没踢上。  皇马最终2比1胜出。  皇马元老(4-2-3-1):  1-布约(29'1-伊尔戈纳)  /2-琴多(30'18-贝拉斯科),4-耶罗(66'7-布特拉格诺),6-埃尔格拉(26'4-帕文),3-罗伯托-卡洛斯(72'5-萨维多)  /6-雷东多(72'10-巴斯克斯),19-小桑斯(41'17-卡伦布)  /10-菲戈(66'7-伊万-佩雷斯),5-齐达内(74'9-桑蒂利亚纳),11-阿马维斯卡(56'22-毛罗)/9-莫伦特斯(56'2-罗哈斯)    尤文元老(5-4-1):  1-塔科尼(41'1-佩鲁齐)  /3-托里切利(50'16-米尔科维奇),2-费拉拉(50'32-图多尔),28-卡纳瓦罗,4-蒙特罗,15-比林德利  /7-萨利哈米季奇(17'18-尤戈维奇),6-保罗-索萨,26-戴维斯(77'21-齐达内),11-内德维德  /20-拉瓦内利(33'27-尼古拉-阿莫鲁索;77'9-帕多瓦诺)。
  Morientes, Hierro, Chendo dan Figo bersama Fabio Cannavaro
  (阿斯)  CANNAVARO  "Ancelotti puede hacerlo muy bien en el Real Madrid"  "Tiene un currículum para hacerlo muy bien" en el conjunto blanco, dijo Cannavaro al término del encuentro amistoso ''Corazón Classic Match''.  Fabio Cannavaro afirmó hoy, al término del encuentro amistoso ''Corazón Classic Match'', que enfrentó al Real Madrid con la Juventus de Turín, que Carlo Ancelotti, uno de los nombres que suena para el banquillo madridista, "tiene un currículum para hacerlo muy bien" en el conjunto blanco.  "Es un entrenador con mucha experiencia. Ha ganado la Champions League con el Milán practicando un gran fútbol. También ha ganado cosas en Inglaterra y recientemente la liga en Francia con el Paris Saint Germain. No tengo que presentarlo. Tiene un buen currículum para hacerlo bien en el Real Madrid", comentó el jugador italiano tras el partido. Cuestionado sobre una posible llamada de Ancelotti para incorporarse a la disciplina blanca como segundo entrenador, el exdefensa bromeó y dijo que vendría "andando" o con el coche". "  Vendría andando, en coche o de cualquier manera. Creo que es normal, si te llama un club como el Real Madrid para trabajar no lo tienes que pensar", aseguró. El antiguo internacional italiano, preguntado sobre un hipotético nombramiento de Zinedine Zidane como técnico del equipo madridista, dijo que el francés "lo tiene todo para hacerlo bien". "Zidane tiene experiencia conoce bien el club y a los futbolistas. Lo tiene todo para hacerlo bien aquí", dijo ''Il Bello''.  Cannavaro fue uno de los futbolistas que saltó hoy al césped del estadio Santiago Bernabéu en el encuentro amistoso ''Corazón Classic Match'', que ganó el conjunto blanco por 2-1, con tantos de Luis Figo e Iván Pérez para los madridistas, y de Paolo Montero para los ''juventinos''. "La verdad es que siempre es un placer volver a Madrid. Es agradable jugar con jugadores del Madrid y de la Juventus, futbolistas de este calibre. Creo que hemos luchado, peleado y, sobre todo, el público ha visto un buen partido", concluyó Cannavaro.  /futbol//primera/_248400.html
  Ancelotti the right man for Madrid, says Cannavaro  Defender Fabio Cannavaro believes that Carlo Ancelotti has the best curriculum to do very well as the RealMadrid coach.  Jun 10, :00 AM  The former Italy international has backed his compatriot for the vacant position of head coach at the Primera Division giants  Former Real Madrid defender Fabio Cannavaro has little doubt Paris Saint-Germain coach Carlo Ancelotti would be a success at the Santiago Bernabeu side.  Madrid see Ancelotti, 54, as the ideal replacement for the recently-departed Jose Mourinho and Cannavaro has backed his compatriot to succeed at the Spanish giants.  "Ancelotti is a coach with a lot of experience. He won the Champions League while at Milan, playing some great football in the process," Cannavaro was quoted as saying by AS.   "He has also won plenty of silverware in England and recently won the league in France with Paris Saint-Germain.   "Carlo has a great CV and would do a good job at Real Madrid."  Cannavaro wore the Madrid jersey from 2006 until 2009.
  Cannavaro: "Ancelotti would do a good job at Real Madrid"  Speaking after playing in the 'Corazón Classic Match' at the Bernabéu, the former Real Madrid defender gave a glowing appraisal of compatriot Carlo Ancelotti.  Comentar  EFE 9 de junio de h  Ampliar  | FELIPE SEVILLANO (DIARIO AS)  TE PUEDE INTERESAR  Speaking after playing in the ‘Corazón Classic Match’ between veterans of Real Madrid and Juventus, former defender Fabio Cannavaro spoke in glowing terms of possible Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti.  Interviewed after the match, the World Cup-winner said: “He’s a coach with a lot of experience. He has won the Champions League with Milan, playing great football. He has also won things in England and recently won the league in France with Paris Saint-Germain. He has a great CV and would do a good job at Real Madrid.”  Asked about the possibility of forming part of Ancelotti’s back-room team, Cannavaro replied: “I would walk here. I think it’s normal that if a club like Real Madrid calls, you don’t think twice about it.”  Cannavaro played his part in Sunday’s friendly match at the Santiago Bernabéu, won 2-1 by Real Madrid through goals from Luis Figo and Iván Pérez (Paolo Montero replied for the Italians). Discussing the match, the former Madrid defender commented: “I really enjoyed it. It’s always a pleasure to come back to Madrid. It’s really nice playing with Madrid and Juventus players, footballers of this calibre. I think that we fought hard and, above all, we had fun. The crowd saw a good game.”
  卡纳瓦罗:“哈哈 .... 马尔科那小子我已经揍他一顿了,就别往心里去了!”  齐达内:“呵呵...没事 人我已经找好了!准备要他一条腿!”  旁边两人:“他们说的真吓人!咱抱抱!”
  楼主:SymphonieNo5 时间: 16:18:00  我最初的判断和担心,跟媒体的分析不谋而合:卡纳瓦罗此番能否回归皇马做助教,一切取决于安切洛蒂是否入主皇马。  卡纳瓦罗对此反应非常积极。而且从方方面面来看,他的确将是安切洛蒂在皇马最完美的助手。两人的合作一定会相得益彰。  可问题是,到现在安切洛蒂跟巴黎圣日耳曼都欲断难断。一切都存在着变数。  ========================================================================  嗷嗷嗷嗷~~~~~~八卦里好不容易看到个球贴~~~~~楼主!MUA!  唉~~~我渣团主帅到现在还没搞定!看看人家破车,拜仁,早已经领了先机~~~。如果真的是安胖和大卡来我渣团,不知道大卡坐在伯纳乌教练席是什么感觉  PS:前天的元老赛,看的我略感动~~~~齐祖拥抱大卡的时候,真想哭啊~~时光可以倒流十年吗?
  @随便穿件衣 6801楼
15:39:34  不管结果如何,希望皇马主帅早日定笃  这样悬悬而望、心里七上八下的滋味不好受啊
  @SymphonieNo5 6801楼
15:49:00  不管结果如何,希望皇马主帅早日定笃  这样悬悬而望、心里七上八下的滋味不好受啊  -----------------------------  就是说啊~~~人家主帅已定的,可以早点做下赛季的准备,根据将要制定的战术把想要的球员撸来。我渣团现在MS停滞的节奏~~~~~
  我喜欢照片,因为照片最好的就是不会改变,就算照片里的人改变了  我喜欢他的照片,因为红尘中每个人都在时光的流逝中经历不同的人生变迁,可是他的笑容他的样子却似未曾改变
11 Giugno ‘98 il tuo mondiale era iniziato  原来,他的世界杯之旅始于日
  不知道是不是心有灵犀,昨晚翻查一个资料,正好看到了他98年第一次参加世界杯的这组图  意大利2-1奥地利 蓝衣军团全家福   意大利2-1奥地利 只见球不见脸   意大利2-1奥地利 卡纳瓦罗与贝尔戈米   意大利2-1奥地利 与两个巴乔击掌相庆
  意大利2-1奥地利 曾经的阳光少年  意大利2-1奥地利 卡纳瓦罗抗衡费辛格  意大利3-0喀麦隆 卡纳瓦罗与队友庆祝   意大利3-0喀麦隆 卡纳瓦罗庆祝胜利   十多年了,我从来不知道时光如此匆匆。虽然你的头发越来越短,你的笑纹越来越深,但是在你永远阳光般灿烂纯净的笑容里,我看到的,除了阳光,还是阳光。阳光迷住了我的双眼,我看不见岁月在你脸上的痕迹,我感觉不到时间的变迁。
  昨日中午放出这张图  晚上就传来阿赫利跟西班牙籍教练弗洛雷斯解约的消息  拥抱。。。卡纳瓦罗向这位前巴伦西亚主帅偷了不少师吧  会后有期。。。  蹊跷的是,小卡纳瓦罗也跑到迪拜去了。。。  可以预见阿赫利肯定竭力挽留卡纳瓦罗。。。
  Cannavaro: "A Ancelotti le gusta hablar de fútbol, no de tonterías"  Fabio Cannavaro coincidió con Ancelotti en el Parma y le conoce bien. Cree que encajaría en el Bernabéu. También habla de su experiencia en Dubai y de su futuro como entrenador.  CARMEN COLINO  Seguir @AS_CarmenColino  12 de junio de h  ?Qué hace en Dubai?  Tras un a?o jugando, tuve un problema en mi rodilla y se lo dije al presidente. Me dijo que, como tenía otro a?o de contrato, quería que me quedara como embajador del Al Ahli y consejero. Me pregunta por los fichajes o me pide consejos. Confía en mí. Este tiempo me ha servido para sacarme la licencia de director deportivo y la de entrenador. Creo que ha llegado el momento de ser entrenador. Me gustaría hacerlo en solitario...  ?Los Emiratos es un retiro dorado para los futbolistas?  Se viene aquí para vivir una experiencia, hablar otro idioma y conocer gente. Ahora en el mundo hay muchos sitios donde vivir una experiencia porque el fútbol está subiendo mucho. Cuando llegué aquí la liga era un desastre, un equipo lo ganaba todo y en tres a?os cambió mucho. El nivel ha subido, se ficharon entrenadores y futbolistas muy profesionales y con calidad. Quieren ense?ar a los locales los valores del fútbol, es lo más importante. La selección está creciendo. No es el nivel europeo o sudamericano, tendrán que pasar 20 a?os para eso. Por ejemplo Quique Sánchez Flores cambió nuestra mentalidad y ahora se va...  ?Le gustaría sentarse en el banquillo del Al Ahli?  Claro que quiero y me gustaría, pero en el fútbol hay que coger experiencia, es difícil que llegue un equipo directamente en la mano. Aquí lo veo complicado porque mi presidente piensa que un exfutbolista tiene que coger experiencia.  这一段问了他在迪拜怎么样什么的,以及是不是想做阿赫利的教练。  他回答说他当然很乐意啊,但是应对足球场上的事必须拥有相当的经验,直接上手是很难的(嘿嘿,半个多月前公开支持西多夫是怎么说的)。阿赫利情况很复杂,主席也认为前球员统领队伍是要有经验的
  ?Le gusta Ancelotti como entrenador del Madrid?  Un tío como Ancelotti no necesita de más sponsors, él tiene una buena experiencia para hacerlo bien en el Madrid.  ?Será El Pacificador?  Es un tranquilo, muy profesional. Un tío que le gusta hablar de fútbol, no de tonterías que están fuera. Es muy práctico. Lo más importante de él es que es un gran entrenador, que le gusta ganar y jugar bien.  Fue su técnico en el Parma.  Su experiencia fue muy buena. Me ha ense?ado a jugar con defensa de cuatro, estaba acostumbrado a jugar con tres. Me gusta hablar de Ancelotti más cómo es fuera del campo. No es un entrenador, es más un hermano. Le gusta que le llames Carlo, no entrenador o míster.  ?El Madrid acierta con él?  Hace muy bien porque está acostumbrado a grandes clubes, no está fichando a un entrenador que no ha tenido el mando de un gran club.  Si viene, se encuentra a un equipo dividido.  Eso no le va a preocupar. Está acostumbrado a gente con carácter o carisma como Ibrahimovic o Gatusso. Hablo de él así porque le conozco.  ?Mou hizo da?o al Madrid?  Hizo un buen trabajo metiéndole presión al Bar?a. La pena es que al final se ha equivocado con los futbolistas, ha peleado demasiado y eso no es bueno.  ?Qué le parecieron los ataques a Cristiano, Pepe o Iker?  No me han gustado. La ropa sucia se limpia en casa. Ha sido una pena. Mi relación con Iker es de hermanos, hablar de Iker es demasiado fácil. Lo que le pasó con Mou le va a servir para entender cómo es el fútbol y para alargarle la carrera. Ahora lo va a disfrutar más.  Usted como napolitano, ?Cavani encajaría en el Madrid?  Es un buen refuerzo, pero vale mucho dinero porque en los últimos tres a?os ha hecho gol, trabaja por el equipo y los compa?eros, y corre por tres.  ?Le gustó jugar el Classic Match el domingo?  Ver a futbolistas que han hecho cosas fenomenales no es normal. Ver tantos Balones de Oro en el campo no es normal. Fue emocionante para mí volver a mirar la espalda de Roberto. Su mirada bastaba para entendernos. Sabía que su espalda estaba cubierta por delante. Me gustó el calor del público, siempre me llevé bien con los madridistas. Tuve la mala suerte de llegar tarde al Madrid...  Zidane está para jugar.  Cuando uno tiene esa calidad nunca la va a perder.  ?Habló con él?  No, es muy reservado. Tiene calidad para hacer todo y decidirá en un tiempo corto. El fútbol necesita gente como él de director, de entrenador, de todo...  ?Se vendría de segundo?  Iría corriendo...  /futbol//primera/_594337.html
  AL AHLI WOULD PROUDLY LET CANNAVARO JOIN REAL MADRID  Jun 12, 2013  Yearning for Real Madrid: Fabio Cannavaro.  Quique Sanchez Flores may not be the only big name departure from Al Ahli this summer, with the futures of Fabio Cannavaro and Ricardo Quaresma also in doubt.  Cannavaro, who is a special advisor at the Rashid Stadium, has been linked with a coaching role at Real Madrid should his fellow Italian Carlo Ancelotti become the club’s new manager.  The legendary former defender is an extremely popular figure at the Dubai club since first joining as a player in 2010, but is understandably open to a role with the Spanish giants and working with his compatriot.  “Ancelotti is a very experienced coach,” he said. “He won the Champions League with Milan and has also won things [competitions] in England and France.  “He has a good resume to do well in Madrid.”  Meanwhile, Ahli chairman Abdulla Al Naboodah insisted he wouldn’t stand in his way should the call come from the Bernabeu.  “If Real approached I would be proud, don’t you think?” he said.  Meanwhile, the Red Knights supremo confirmed Portuguese misfit Ricardo Quaresma would be leaving the club.  The winger has been a massive let down following his free transfer from Besiktas in the January window, barely featuring and scoring just once.  His departure will cut down on the club’s bloated stable of foreign players with them already too many on their books after the signing of another Portugal star, Hugo Viana, last week.  Asked about Quaresma’s exit, Al Nabooda added: “It’s always good to make a few million in a summer.”  /football/al-ahli-would-proudly-let-cannavaro-join-real-madrid
  Zidane to scupper Cannavaro's Real Madrid dream  un 12, 2013  Fabio Cannavaro's hopes of becoming assistant manager at Real Madrid appear to have been scuppered after the club's president Florentino Perez hinted that Zinedine Zidane has been earmarked for the role.  Cannavaro, who spent two years at Madrid as a player, is currently technical consultant at UAE club Al Ahli, but has been linked with a coaching role at the Bernabeu should his fellow Italian Carlo Ancelotti become the club’s new manager.  Ahli chairman Abdullah Al Nabooda has said he would not stand in Cannavaro's way should the 2006 World Cup-winner wish to return to the Spanish capital while the Italian has himself said he would "walk" to the Bernabeu to take up a post.  Zidane had initially been expected to become director of football with ex-Madrid defender Fernando Sanz calling it the "perfect" role for the Frenchman.  However, it seems Madrid have other ideas with Perez keen to give Zidane increased responsibility at the club as he prepares to usher in a new era following Jose Mourinho's departure.  "At this point we need a coach who really knows us, and the Italian Carlo Ancelotti knows us because four years ago I tried to sign him and couldn't," Perez told Spanish radio station EsRadio.  "If PSG will let him go, we are happy - and if not, (that's fine) too. But I think this issue will not last for much longer."  On Zidane, who won La Liga and the Champions League during his five years at the club, Perez continued: "What is certain is that Zidane wants to be a coach (but) I think you should not start directly with the Real Madrid first team. He himself does not want that.  "It could be that he serves as (Aitor) Karanka did for Mourinho (as assistant), or he could train one of the youth sides, but above all he's going to help us shape improvements to the squad for next season."  Meanwhile, Perez has again insisted that Cristiano Ronaldo is not for sale despite speculation linking AS Monaco with a world record ?00million bid for the 28-year-old, and instead is focusing on strengthening Madrid's squad.  "Anything that improves us, we will, but we do not have any players for sale," he said. "It's early June. There is plenty of time. Now have to sort the subject of the coach and then we'll talk about players [coming in].  "With me, people don't have to worry. If there is a great player, everyone knows I will try to sign him."  /football/zidane-scupper-cannavaros-real-madrid-dream
  周三,皇马球迷期待已久的一次重要碰面终于发生,皇马主席弗罗伦蒂诺和法国巨星齐达内进行了会谈,齐祖向皇马主席表达了自己想成为安切洛蒂助理教练的愿望。  据西班牙塞尔电台的“横梁”节目主持人德拉莫纳透露,齐达内周三与弗罗伦蒂诺进行了会谈,法国人告诉皇马主席,自己的愿望是在皇马执教,最好是当安切洛蒂的助理教,也就是穆里尼奥执教时卡兰卡的角色。皇马正全力引进安切洛蒂,意大利人执教皇马看上去只是时间的问题。  西班牙经济电视台“点球点”节目也揭秘了齐达内和弗罗伦蒂诺会谈的内容。“点球点”透露,齐达内希望当安切洛蒂地的助理教练,他要在意大利教练身边学习执教技术。此外,齐达内还会依然担任弗罗伦蒂诺顾问的职务,这也意味着齐达内不会像媒体报道的那样担任皇马的总经理。  ================================  不出意外,今天安切洛蒂将入主皇马。  安切洛蒂的到来,使皇马的助教一职立刻变成了炙手可热的肥缺。连齐达内也不愿做皇马总经理而要争做安切洛蒂的助教,不外乎想耳濡目染战术大师纵横捭阖,为日后做皇马主教练扎扎实实积累点东西。  作为皇马主席弗洛伦蒂诺宠信的“自己人”、随时“彼而可代之”做主帅的股肱之臣,齐达内这点心愿,自然会得到主席积极支持充分成全。  而卡纳瓦罗作为安切洛蒂人未至先钦点的助教人选,本来以两人既有师徒之谊又一直惺惺相惜的关系(0809卡纳瓦罗在皇马最后一个赛季安切洛蒂都曾想把他撬到米兰去),可以预见他们在皇马合作将各取所长,相得益彰,特别是卡纳瓦罗,刚开始执教之路便能跟随安切洛蒂这样的大师实战,肯定会受益匪浅,可现在齐达内放着皇马高层不做,突然硬生生插足教练班子,媒体对此断言Zidane to scupper Cannavaro's Real Madrid dream——齐达内破坏卡纳瓦罗的皇马梦,说得助教好像非此即彼只能二选一一样,让人不禁起疑皇马教练组还有没有卡纳瓦罗的立锥之地。  尽管前景似乎蒙上了一层阴霾,但是对于卡纳瓦罗在一个高起点的平台开始执教生涯,我还是非常乐观的
  Fabio Cannavaro tips Carlo Ancelotti for Real Madrid job  By Steven Toplis, Reporter  Filed: Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 18:57 UK  Last Updated: Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 18:58 UK  Former Italy defender Fabio Cannavaro has claimed that Carlo Ancelotti will be a success at Real Madrid, if he is allowed to leave Paris Saint-Germain.  The Italian coach has stated that he would like to leave the Parc des Princes, amid speculation linking him with the vacant head coach role at the Santiago Bernabeu.  Cannavaro, who played under Ancelotti at Parma, has said that he will succeed if he decides to move to the Spanish club.  "He has good experience to do well in Madrid. He is quiet, very professional. A guy who likes to talk about football, not the crap they are at the moment," Cannavaro told AS.  "The most important thing about him is he's a great coach, who likes to win and play well. He's used to people with big characters or charisma, such as [Zlatan] Ibrahimovic and [Gennaro] Gattuso.  "I like talking about how Ancelotti is off the field. He's not a coach, he's a brother. He likes us to call him Carlo, no coach or boss."  Cannavaro played for Real Madrid between 2006 and 2009.
  Cannavaro tips Ancelotti to succeed at Real Madrid  By Will Jones  Jun 14, :00 AM  The World Cup-winning centre-back thinks the Italian manager has all the attributes required to be a success in the Spanish capital if he can agree to leave PSG  Fabio Cannavaro believes Carlo Ancelotti will be a success at Real Madrid due to his no nonsense approach if he is allowed to leave Paris Saint-Germain.  The Italian has stated his desire to leave the Parc des Princes and met with club officials last week to discuss his future with the Spanish giants waiting in the wings.  The former Merengues defender says the Italian's personality and relationship with the players are some of the reasons he is such a good boss and has tipped the coach to succeed if he joins the Spanish club.  "He has good experience to do well in Madrid. He is quiet, very professional. A guy who likes to talk about football, not the crap they are at the moment," the 39-year-old told AS.   "The most important thing about him is he's a great coach, who likes to win and play well. He's used to people with big characters or charisma, such as [Zlatan] Ibrahimovic and [Gennaro] Gattuso.  "I like talking about how Ancelotti is off the field. He's not a coach, he's a brother. He likes us to call him Carlo, no coach or boss."  Zinedine Zidane has been touted as a potential candidate to team up with Ancelotti at the Bernabeu and the Cannvaro believes his old team-mate has all the attributes to flourish in any part of the game.   "He has the quality to do everything and decide in a short time. He has a quality that never goes to waste. Football needs people like him as a director, coach, everything," he added.  The former Italy international believes that Jose Mourinho has had a successful spell in the Spanish capital and considers the public fall out between the Portuguese coach and Iker Casillas to be a learning curve in the Spain goalkeeper's profession.  Cannavaro added: "He did a good job by putting pressure on Barca. The pity is that it ended badly with the players, he fought too much and that's not good. The dirty clothes are cleaned at home. It's has been a pity.   "Iker is like a brother to me. What he experienced under Mourinho is going to serve him better in the future and will lengthen his career. Now he is going to enjoy the game more."
  有趣的语录  Fabio Cannavaro on Carlo Ancelotti: "He has good experience to do well in Madrid" "He is quiet, very professional"   Fabio Cannavaro on Carlo Ancelotti: "The most important thing about him is he's a great coach, who likes to win and play well"   Fabio Cannavaro on Carlo Ancelotti: "He's used to people with big characters or charisma, such as Ibrahimovic and Gattuso"   Fabio Cannavaro on Carlo Ancelotti: "I like talking about how Ancelotti is off the field. He's not a coach, he's a brother"   Fabio Cannavaro on Carlo Ancelotti: "He likes we call him Carlo, no coach or boss"   Fabio Cannavaro on Jose Mourinho: "The pity is that it ended badly with the players, he fought too much and that's not good"   Fabio Cannavaro on Jose Mourinho: "The dirty clothes are cleaned at home. It's has been a pity"   Fabio Cannavaro on Zinedine Zidane: "He has a quality that never goes to waste"   Fabio Cannavaro on Zinedine Zidane: "Football needs people like him as a director, coach, everything"   Fabio Cannavaro on Iker Casillas: "Iker is like a brother to me"   Fabio Cannavaro on Iker Casillas: "Now he's going to enjoy the game more"
  Dads Day 2
the hot dad out there aka
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  BAND with Captain
  17日,在巴西举行的联合会杯第一场比赛中,皮尔洛成为第五位国家队比赛出场数过百的意大利球员  卡纳瓦罗在Instagram上发图道Amico mio benvenuto nel club dei 100 ;-) welcome to the 100-) 我的朋友,欢迎加入百场俱乐部  il giorno più bello... Quante emozioni !  在那令所有人都紧张得颤抖的点球决赛现场,你是队友的精神支柱。  你那坚毅的面庞,让场上场下所有关心意大利命运的心灵,因震撼而平静了。  在这一刻,你让所有的女人,都渴望能成为皮尔洛,依偎在你宽厚的肩头,能用你坚实而并不伟岸的身躯,为她们遮风挡雨。
  卡纳瓦罗,科斯塔科塔和奥多,昨天在皮亚琴察成立了一家CIC冠军国际交流营的公司。公司注资100,000欧元。卡纳瓦罗,奥多拥有12.5%的股份。公司总裁是科斯塔科塔。前米兰经理保罗Taveggia,球员乔瓦尼等人也参股。  新公司将专注于主办足球教学及比赛的夏令营,同时也承接组织意大利国内外的会议、展览,表演,时尚花车巡游,文化体竞赛等活动。还涉足餐饮服务业。  1998年世界杯上,卡纳瓦罗是4号,科斯塔科塔是5号
  半年前,都灵体育报言之凿凿地称卡纳瓦罗会成为2014世界杯后的意大利主帅,并说他会作为国家教练组成员参加本届联合会杯。当时搞得全世界都轰动了,一些意迷都不淡定了。现在,验证这说法的联合会杯比赛已打了两轮,他一直并未现身巴西  现在人家在科维尔洽诺国家队训练基地继续教练课程学习呢。这是6月18日上课情形
  vanity fair 【名利场杂志


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