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$29.98 USD
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11 December
Lords and Ladies!
With the oncoming winter little nimble and playful, but at the same time amazingly strong and brave creatures can be seen coming out of the woods. And not just for fun, but to protect Praia's denizens from monsters and robbers! They are Halflings - as they've been named by the people. And now they've been sighted in Praia once more, despite the anomalous cold. The cleverest Lords might even convince them to enter their service!
Enter Halfling! Those of you who enjoy the works of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien will certainly find familiar features in this skin.
Only from December 11 until January 15, you have the chance to buy this unique skin for the hero Eraser / Assassin. The hiring cost of the hero is reduced to 29000 silver!
Skin name: Halfling.
Skin features: new animation, new voiceover.
Base hero: Eraser / Assassin.
Price: 99 gold.
Also, on December 12 we will randomly distribute 1000 Golden Runes!
Details on the Golden Runes can be found in the knowledge base.
Note: Should you have an active Golden Rune at the time of assignment, it will be replaced. Golden Runes are only valid for 2 days after assignment.
Hurry to lure the halflings into your castle. Who knows, we might be seeing them for the last time!
10 December
Lords and Ladies!
So many heroes are hired by the Lords of Praia, offering similar talents and wearing similar clothes. Now it will become easier to stand out! Is it the anomalous weather that Praia’s denizens see from the Iron Sea to the Dawn Mountains? Or is it another gift of the Olden Gods, whose presence is sensed ever stronger with each passing day? Who knows!
Whatever the cause, Praia’s Heroes are grasped by a strange sensation on the brink of the new year — as if a new strength fills them! It seems Praia is changing — and her heroes change together with her.
From December 10, we permanently reduce the price of all hero skins by up to 70%! Starting today, any skin will fall into one of three price categories: 99 / 69 / 29 gold!
Note: The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
To glorious battles!
Press Quotes
&I love games that offer a lot of customization, as well as letting players have a major say in how they play the game.&
&Don't fall into the trap of assuming that Prime World is just a League of Legends clone.&
&It seemed too much fun and too good to be true to cost nothing...&
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About This Game
Prime World: Thrones offers exciting heroic battles, waged to prove the superiority of your clan. Collect unique talents and create an army of invincible heroes. Enter into mutual alliance with other clans, for profit and conquest. Raise your clan to the height of its power!
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo/Athlon 64 X2 - 2 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8600 GT/Radeon X1600 - 128 MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 3000 MB available space
Sound Card: Direct X compatible sound card
OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo/Athlon 64 X2 - 3 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 9800/Radeon HD 3850 - 512 MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 3000 MB available space
Sound Card: Direct X compatible sound card
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70.4 hrs on record
Positives:-The support that I've received has been very helpful. -The town / economy building section is pretty neat-Earning exp and gold (same thing) in game to spend on abilities or pots/truesight/scrolls is interesting, being rewarded with more &exp& for last hitting is neat.-Multiple game modes, including the standard 3 lane 5v5, a pve mode, and others that are rotated on a clock schedule-It can be a refreshing game change if you need a break from other more demanding mobas, like Dota or even League______________________________________Neutral:-Bought heroes. I have the opinion that, like LoL and every other game that does this, if you limit core mechanics with currency then it can never be a truly competitive game. Does LoL have competitions and is extremely popular and makes a lot of money? Yes, but McDonalds is extremely popular and makes a lot of money, but I wouldn't call that food.If you want something to be truly competitive and legitimate on a general playerbase level, you can't limit core mechanics to anyone.However, it adds incentive to grind and play, and some people prefer that.-Very simple. It may not seem that way at first with the flood of new information, but once you learn the Talent groups and get the gist of things it's a very simple game. Last hitting or being near creep deaths earns resource which you use to buy your abilities and stats, which levels you up._________________________________________________________Negatives:-Matchmaking. As a newish player, though a moba veteran, I find myself going against people with max level heroes and full rare or epic talent sets, and even some unique ones, when I myself have new heroes with no bonus stats and standard or uncommon talents. This is akin to a level 1 League player with no runes or masteries fighting level 30 players. It doesn't matter your skill level, or even if you're better than they are, there's just a very heavy disadvantage stat wise from the start. This makes carrying any allies very hard, especially if they feed. Normally you would be able to overcome that, but not with the stat advantage in addition.-Language barrier. Over my hours on this game, I've run into one other person who wasn't a friend that spoke or understood English. This could be overcome by a translational chat wheel, or other similar device. One type of ping is not enough to communicate, especially when they're often spammed. As a side note, after playing this game you will actually be thankful for &that one guy& on your team in Dota or League who you thought was bad.I'm going to give this game more time and chances. At the very least, it's nice to go to when I don't want to exert myself on more complex mobas.Until they fix the matchmaking however, I can't recommend this game.
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6.5 hrs on record
Do you have a lot of money, do you like to dominate a video game because you spend more of it than anyone else, then this is the game for you, with the ability to unlock hero's that have incredible stats if you spend enough money on silver production, and the ability to give them incredible items that destroy people which you can create quickly with cash, this game is so blatantly pay to win it's painfull, there's almost always one guy on a team that has the best of everything in the game because he clearly paid for it and whichever team that is wins
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993.4 hrs on record
Graphics - 7/10 - Average - I did not participate in Beta just because of the Graphics, it deter'ed me from playing.Gameplay - 9/10* - Spectacular~! Note*: However, the game is based off of having good talents which if you come a bit late or party with higher ranked people - It's extremely difficult, sometimes impossible to win. Against your own however, it's damn fun.Community - 6/10 - The community is pretty ??????, but if I was comparing to other MOBA's it'd be average 7/8.Customization - 9/10 - Just play and you'll understand, I'd give this a 10/10 but you can't really customize your Character Looks, nor does &Castle Customization& have anything to do ingame neither (Like a Strategy Game set-up prior to MOBA).Replayability 8.5/10 - The game's different characters/classes vary so much that everytime it's something different, each person brings a different build to the table, forever changing, and forever being different. However, it is still a MOBA, you just play it over and over.
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607.0 hrs on record
Pretty standard MOBA like League of Legends but with the twist of abilities being drops from matches.
I really like the ability system as it gives each match a loot feel to it, as you never know what you might get.
There is a bit of a pay to win aspect to the game as you can buy easier heroes to play with using money but even the cheapest hero can be overcome with a good team.
The game is based in Russia I think as the VAST majority of players tend to be Russian which make communication with pickup groups nearly impossible but if you have some friends you can group with defintely recommend it.
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29.8 hrs on record
Single player campaign is horrible and has cycling game modes....why not allow choice of game modes with cycling bonuses to play that mode?
Fun at times, but very short-lived.
Bought gold and did not receive the right amount.
4/10...10 point scale____________________Characters/Customization
+1Game Mechanics
+1Skill Customization
+1Real Money Purchasing
-1Cycling Game Modes
-1Lack of Content (Maps/Game Modes)
-1Lack of Support on issues
-1-I would rate to 7/10 if there was more maps, player control over game modes and better Game Support
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503.1 hrs on record
A foreword about me: I played a lot of DotA back when it was called DotA 3.3 as a WarCraft 3 non-expansion custom map. I played succeeding versions up to 3.7, Danite's Hell, and those that supported game modes such as -aram. I've also been a progression and hardmore raider in WoW and SWTOR. I play League of Legends casually.Now about Prime World:This is a MOBA but it's not just a MOBA.It has the grind of an MMO that both casual and hardcore players can enjoy.Casuals might like the city-building and city-management aspects of the game. You build buildings and order them to produce wood, ore, food, silver, crystals, or gold (cash shop currency). These resources can be used to buy heroes (like LoL champions), buy hero skins, buy talents, upgrade buildings, upgrade talents, send heroes on quests at the tavern, or rest heroes at the inn (heroes need to rest after a match or quest).Casuals might also like the Zuma-type game in the actual MOBA part of the game. On the 5v5 map, you can have 3 laners, 1 jungler, and 1 playing Zuma, which helps your team maximize everybody's XP gain. When playing Zuma, a successful game rewards you with a one-time consumable scroll that you can send to anyone on your team, including yourself. The spell on the scroll, and the strength of the spell, is something you select before each Zuma game. For instance, you could start the 5v5 match and play Zuma to create a level 1 healing scroll for your jungler, or a level 5 AoE damage scroll for an early lane push.Finally, for casuals, there is also a PvE map, ranging from easy, medium, hard, to very hard difficulty. And by PvE, I don't mean a &vs AI& game, where you're still in an arena but fighting bot players. This map involves protecting a central location from waves of enemies. There are also side quests throughout the &match&, such as escorting an NPC down a lane or defeating all of a specific type of enemy on the map. Hardcore players can enjoy the endgame, because there is quite a grind when you want to pwn with the best in the world. Your city can produce talents, but you are also rewarded talents when you play and especially when you win. Talent rarity is similar to WoW's, where some are junk and others are legendary, going from yellow, green, blue, purple, to orange. Each talent also has five ranks each, and you can, using WoW terms, disenchant all your junk talents in order to enchant your purples and oranges.Endgame players can also enjoy the theorycrafting that comes with the flexibility of talent and stat builds. Using LoL terms, some heroes can be built for AD or AP (like LoL's Ezreal or Tristana), and some benefit from both (Akali). Most talents give you passive stat upgrades (+7 agility or +2.2 health regeneration), but others give you a usable skill (temporary invulnerability or immobilize enemy or self heal). I have only three complaints about Prime World.1) Matchmaking can sometimes fail you horribly (or benefit you immensely), matching up lesser geared/experienced teams against epicced out players. Mind you, bad matchmaking does not always guarantee a loss for the underdog.2) Disconnects are an issue. On a good day, all my games go smoothly and everybody has good games. On a bad day, half my games turn into 5v4 or 5v3.3) My biggest complaint is that all players globally play on the same server, and most are Russian, which leads to ZERO communication. The best you can do is to know the game, know every class, have good map awareness, and hope that your team is as good as you are.Bottom line: I love this game now. I would say it's more casual than LoL, where people rage on you for being new and not executing your skillshots or timing your CCs perfectly. But then again, maybe they do rage here in Prime World and I just can't understand the Cyrillic alphabet. :)
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52.4 hrs on record
Introduction:It's a fun game. It's another MOBA-type of game, similar to famous games like DotA2, LoL and HoN.It has a very unique system, where your passive skills are equipable instead of simply having it. Ingame, you buy your skills with your money, instead of items to boost your stats.Also you have a &town-like& system, where you can build buildings and get points, which in the end are usable to upgrade and/or get new skills.The character selection is rather small and characters can only be unlocked by leveling your account or with real life money.Story0/0:Gameplay 4/10:Character-balancing is not handled well, some characters and animations are far too good, while others are terrible. And if you play against someone who has better passives, you probably won't win, because he will at some point outstat you. Also, you can play a &mini-game& to gain experience/money and give free special items to your team members, which is kind of nice. But sadly, even though that the town-system and equipable skills-system are definitly something new, they overall can't fix a broken game.Graphics 3/10:It's not really good looking, the map looks lifeless and the character-models all look dull and straight out of something between a PS1 and PS2 game.Conclusion:It's not a good game, the cons are overpowering the pros. If you want to mess around with friends or something like that, it's fun. But if you want to play it seriously, go and play some other MOBA.Total Rating:3,5/10
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0.6 hrs on record
I'm recommending this game only because it's free and everyone should give it a try. The graphics are average for today. The tutorial could use a little more clarification. The minigames are not appealing to me, while I know they are to many others.
I did not play long because it is not appealing to me overall. Judge for yourself if you can handle the download time (which isn't bad compared to some out there).
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4.4 hrs on record
a moba game where you also build a castle in the same way you build a town/village in so many browser/app games.loot and rpg elements, wich does make it so you can change the way your hero lvls inside a battle, so dont have to worrie about what you need to upgrade in the fight.
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1.1 hrs on record
I cant even install it it gets an upadate during the patch and it wont fix its self i've tryed redownloading plenty of times untill they fix it i cant recommend this game.
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18.4 hrs on record
LoL + Castle Sim.
Games amazingly fun!
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10.4 hrs on record
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2.0 hrs on record
Really great game,don't know why so much hate.
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29.5 hrs on record
they tried to go with the moba feels like league has... but it ended up being all rubbish. I like the fact that I get my own castle and to build it all up, not to mention leveling up heroes and getting custom items to them. however when they release a new character... that's where it gets all bad.... either the guy they introduced is to OVER POWERED or just broken. I remember this scorpion guy who could place eggs on the ground. when you killed him he would come out a new from his egg which was far behind the tower.Well beside this... the game have a reason for you to go afk... in the base there is a board thing which plays like ZUMBA oh damn oh damn it's fun, but if you play ''Zumba'' for to long... your team will rage. the only good reason to play ''Zumba'' is to get these scrolls which you can choose what they will give to which of your allies. I normally give it to the guy who is doing the best.Oh yeah I forgot there is some questing where you play PVE to level up and gear up..... at times your allies will be very stupid.... unless you are premade 5 people which makes it a ton easyer.Enough said... Do I recommend this game even for all it's broken and OP stuff.... Yes it's an diffrent experince and it's quite fun when you start to win and get powerful yourself. If this review is convising enough for you to play this game? Then go for it and if not then watch a review and maybe you will get lucky enough to get into it.
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12.2 hrs on record
Lag, long queues, poor match making, nothing special to make worth learning. Save your time, Play Dota.
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73.0 hrs on record
New to the game but it seems cool. I like the fact that you have to build the carachter before the match starts
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2.3 hrs on record
The gameplay wasn't entertaining enough to keep me interested for more than a few hours, once I learned what the differences were between this and League of Legends / DoTA2 I quickly started to dislike the game. Overall I wouldn't recommend it but that's just because I prefer the gameplay provided by LoL/DoTA2.
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513.5 hrs on record
A moba game with its roots coming from Russia.The game consists of various unique features which are for example : + 2 Factions that war against eachother, you have to pick 1 faction to join, based on which faction you choose there are 2 unique heroes to play. + The &lobby& in this game is your castle, you are a castle lord and you can construct buildings that produce ressources and forge talents for your heroes to use + Previous mentioned talents are the &items& (more of less) of the heroes you play, you can equip a total of 36 talents on 1 Hero and every learned talent represents 1 Lvl. + Most heroes can be played differently based on your preference, for example the hero &Mage / Sorcerer& can be played either INT to increase Fire Flail damage on impact and Demon Summon passive AoE damage, or you can build him STR to increase Demon Summon ATK dmg, Transformation DoT and Energy Barrier DoT. + Different game modes depending on the time of the day, Dragonwald, 3v3, Native Terrain and more.One huge negative aspect though:HUGE language barrier because the communtiy consists 97% of russian players.There was an english server once but it wasn't popular enough and merged with the russian one.For some people it's a real pain in the ??? to play because of the language barrier but as I mostly only play with friends it's not that bad.Also, typical for a moba, this game will probably make you rage about how stupid some people can be, but that's a given!
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17.6 hrs on record
This game is in no way balanced. And only three people I've met so far speak English. That being said, 10/10, best Facebook game I've ever played. Better name would be Russian World
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1,187.5 hrs on record
Prime world is a dying game which does not address the matchmaking (which is broken) and the players that play on the Keeper side will sandbag every match in order to win. They enter with overleveled characters and stomp the competition with 4 and 5 man premade teams. If you are going to download this game, wait until they fix it first.EDIT:this game is ONLY good if you play it for as many hours as i did, if you play, play on the overpowered characters (listed by their brokenness Blademaster/Sesha, Witch/Moira, Nox/Vryl, Haka/Daka, Firefox, Cryo, or Jaegar/wolfmaster) because if you don't you'll get stomped and left in the dust. there are some of these heroes just mentioned that are raking in the resources because they are so easy to play, (i played my blademaster with crappy stuff on him and retired him when he was level 12 because i was so bored, seriously, he's immortal after level 13). I still wouldn't recommend this game because the heroes are so underbalanced and there is a definate lack of initiative on balancing the characters. Until the characters are balanced, my recommendation stands, don't play it if you are NEW.TLDR: don't play it if you're new, you'll get stomped.
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Title: Prime World: Thrones
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Release Date: 31 Mar, 2014
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