求助war tfoot 在table底部 在哪

查看: 924|回复: 6
佣兵, 积分 429, 距离下一级还需 321 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分429 点注册时间最后登录
我想问问各位大侠。。。数字豪华版里多人送的东西在哪里啊?&&貌似有箱子的啊。。。还有不得不说画面真心好。。。。甚至比GTA还要看上去舒服 。。帧数流畅的没烦恼。。。。打起来深深的刺激啊。。。
战士, 积分 1081, 距离下一级还需 419 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1081 点注册时间最后登录
打完序章后你醒来时屋里有个小盒子,里面是火焰武器和盔甲。不过现在有BUG,PS4和PS3用户可能点不开这个箱子。DLC战马需要解锁骑马后在War table上完成几个operation获得
佣兵, 积分 429, 距离下一级还需 321 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分429 点注册时间最后登录
灰常感谢 但是我想知道多人模式送的东西在哪里啊?
公民, 积分 131, 距离下一级还需 169 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分131 点注册时间最后登录
风色挽歌 发表于
打完序章后你醒来时屋里有个小盒子,里面是火焰武器和盔甲。不过现在有BUG,PS4和PS3用户可能点不开这个箱 ...
战士, 积分 1081, 距离下一级还需 419 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1081 点注册时间最后登录
xixi2811 发表于
公民, 积分 131, 距离下一级还需 169 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分131 点注册时间最后登录
风色挽歌 发表于
战士, 积分 1081, 距离下一级还需 419 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1081 点注册时间最后登录
xixi2811 发表于
第一个人物领了,然后想重新再新开个人物玩,那套装备还能再拿吗?还是只有第一个建立的角色有? ...
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CategoriesWar Table | Dragon Age 3 Wiki
The War Table is the gathering point for the War Council to initiate field operations. The Table lists missions that can be completed by each advisor, with differing results depending on who you assign. This page has a comprehensive list of missions and their rewards.
Missions are additional objectives available via the
in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. You must complete area scouting missions to access new areas to complete your
and . Missions may require power to be unlocked, and are divided into Area Unlock Missions that can only be undertaken by a specific advisor, or Task Missions that you can chose and assign an advisor to.
Missions take a set amount of time to complete, but you may be able to reduce them for each advisor by unlocking
for their perks. Each advisor can only be tasked to one mission at at time, and will complete missions in different manners, so you should consult the reward and outcome list below. &
Area Unlock Missions
Area Unlock missions are assigned through the
and grant you access to new areas and allow you to enter and quest in those destinations.
Requires 1 Power
"Mother Giselle was last seen in the Hinterlands outside Redcliffe, tending refugees who fled the fighting between renegade templars and apostate mages. The latest reports suggest that the vicious struggle between the two groups has spread to the Hinterlands, catching the refuges - and Mother Giselle - in the middle. It is vital to protect her and, if possible, restore order to the area."
Requires 4 Power
"Ferelden has not seen significant Grey Warden activity since Darkspawn attacked the city of Amaranthine ten years ago. It is not unusual for their order to fade from public notice when there is no Blight. However, recent reports claim that a group was traveling on the northern coast line. Wardens tend to follow their own agenda, but the breech has no doubt caught their attention. If they know something, then the Inquisition should find out."
Requires 4 Power - levels 4-7
"The remaining Chantry clerics have declared the Inquisition heretical. Attempts to gather allies against the breach have been rebuffed, and at this moment we could not step foot into the capital without being attacked by a mob or arrested. We must convince the Chantry to permit us entry into the city so we can show them the "Herald of Andraste" is not the monster they believe"
This is a mandatory quest
Requires 8 Power
"Inquisition soldiers have gone missing in the marshy reaches of southern Ferelden. Because the region is largely uncharted, finding them will be difficult, but the Inquisition's advisers are determined to find out what happened and, if possible, bring their people back alive."
Requires 4 Power
"The shards acquired by the Harold of Andraste are unlike anything I've encountered.Though ancient in origin, few have been recovered before now. The breach must have disrupted whatever ancient magic was concealing them from view. i have heard of one scroll that mentions the shards. It belonged to the circle tower in markham. However, after the circles fell, the Sorrell family seized many of the valuables as compensation for donations made after their mage son was taken there. They intend to sell the scroll, along with everything else, at private auction"
Unlocks the
Requires 8 Power
"Mission Text Here."
Requires 8 Power
"Mission Text Here."
Requires 20 Power
"Mission Text Here."
Requires 5 Power
"Mission Text Here."
Unlocks Ghilan'nains's Grove in
Requires 5 Power and the completion of the quest
"Mission Text Here."
Requires 8 Power. Available after speaking to
in , during .
"Mission Text Here."
Requires 4 Power. Reach level 16.
"Mission Text Here."
Unlocks Daerwin's Mouth in
Unlocks Daerwin's Mouth in
Requires 8 Power. Available after War Table Operation:
"Mission Text Here."
Requires 8 Power. Available&upon reaching Skyhold after
"To Ambassador Josephine Montilyet,Thank you so much for your earlier correspondence. I confess it's been difficult to get those in Orlais to take this discovery seriously in light of recent events, but I am positive that scouting the Frostback Basin will yield historic discoveries beneficial to both the academic field and the Inquisition. As a staunch supporter, I am honored to be working in such great company on this historic occasion.Yours, most sincerely,Professor Bram Kenric University of Orlais"
Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a .
& 第1页:裂隙法师& & 第2页:战法& & 第3页:技师/陷阱贼& & 第4页:掠夺者& & 第5页:暴徒/炼金& & 第6页:刺客(完结)&
  1.先在war table领任务specialization for the inquisitor
  3.导师会让你去收集材料 (我等下在下面po几个我知道位子的材料怪)
  -铁牛掠夺者 (跟他对话,进入酒馆,书在他旁边)
  -V叔技师 (书在v叔在大礼堂所站位置,也就是个小火炉旁边的桌上)
  -薇薇安战法/奥法/秘法 随便你怎么叫(正厅大门往里面看右手边第一个门上去二楼)
  - 索拉斯灵界法师(他房间里,一扫就有)
  5.然后去任何营地的inspect requisitions打造,卡妈旁边的建筑里也有inspect requisition
  6.打造好之后回去交任务 BINGO 解锁(导师不会有任务标记的,但还在原来的位置,可能是bug-战士系在城墙上,法师系在科尔旁边,刺客系在商店旁边)
  地点:Exalted Plains
  跟巨龙一样 需要解锁


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