happy war 海岛奇兵每日奖励水晶最后一个是什么

黄龙骑士团论坛是全战玩家自费建立的非盈利性游戏社区,请勿在论坛内发表违反中国互联网管理条例的帖子,请勿在论坛内发广告,请勿恶意灌水。为了营造一个良好的氛围,即日起将启动邮箱激活账号及限制新账号发帖功能,带来不便敬请谅解,谢谢合作。 附:
在线时间555 小时最后登录阅读权限35积分1408UID106413
骑士, 积分 1408, 距离下一级还需 2592 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币1408 枚注册时间精华0帖子
回复 28楼 kicd 的帖子
沒記錯的話....同樣的地圖, 等比例放大, 有199個地區
現在基本上沒動那個了, 忘了
尼瑪, 又清空我簽名和頭像
在线时间121 小时最后登录阅读权限25积分615UID111651
军士, 积分 615, 距离下一级还需 185 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币615 枚注册时间精华0帖子
回复 31楼 TCJ 的帖子
在线时间555 小时最后登录阅读权限35积分1408UID106413
骑士, 积分 1408, 距离下一级还需 2592 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币1408 枚注册时间精华0帖子
回复 32楼 SinkLow_Yu 的帖子
在线时间0 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分160UID133405
民兵, 积分 160, 距离下一级还需 190 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币160 枚注册时间精华0帖子
在线时间121 小时最后登录阅读权限25积分615UID111651
军士, 积分 615, 距离下一级还需 185 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币615 枚注册时间精华0帖子
回复 33楼 TCJ 的帖子
在线时间555 小时最后登录阅读权限35积分1408UID106413
骑士, 积分 1408, 距离下一级还需 2592 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币1408 枚注册时间精华0帖子
回复 35楼 SinkLow_Yu 的帖子
太多太擠, 之前有人發布過加了不只27城的個人補丁, 可以說明htb還沒到199的上限
尼瑪, 又清空我簽名和頭像
在线时间20 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分251UID108529
民兵, 积分 251, 距离下一级还需 99 积分
战斗力2 佛罗林币251 枚注册时间精华0帖子
在线时间50 小时最后登录阅读权限60积分1327UID109756
战斗力0 佛罗林币1327 枚注册时间精华0帖子
回复 36楼 TCJ 的帖子
在线时间22 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分220UID121720
民兵, 积分 220, 距离下一级还需 130 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币220 枚注册时间精华0帖子
在线时间204 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分221UID38584
民兵, 积分 221, 距离下一级还需 129 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币221 枚注册时间精华0帖子
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沙发空缺中,欢迎您对本视频评论![C] Happy Wars 欢乐战争 攻略及个人心得_xboxone吧_百度贴吧
[C] Happy Wars 欢乐战争 攻略及个人心得
好久没看到有详细的攻略贴 Happy wars是最近xbox one上面刚上的一个免费多人休闲游戏 并且自己最近玩happy wars比较多 结合外网一些经验 就想这一起分享给众吧友 希望对想玩这个游戏的朋友有帮助..有些东西摘自 HAPPY WARS WIKI:
这是链接 有兴趣的朋友可以从上面看 挺详细的
有错误还望体谅)Happy Wars is a multi-player action game with comical characters battling in over-the-top combat arenas. Players can assume any of 6 Warrior, Mage, Cleric, Berserker, Zephyr, or Engineer in a variety of battlefields including fantastic grasslands, a dark world and the ocean floor. Extend your territory by occupying the scattered bases and cooperate with teammates to attack the enemy's castle. For solo fun, the player can take on missions in the Story Campaign.欢乐战争是一个多人的动漫卡通动作战争. 玩家可以使用六种不同的职业(后面会对每一个职业进行补充) warrior 单手剑带盾战士(攻守兼得) Berserker (双持武器的战士 爆表的输出 牺牲防御)
Mage 主打雷火技能的法师(偏向攻击性)
Zephyr 主打风元素的法师(偏控制型)
Cleric 牧师(团队后排主加血buff为主 副建筑)
Engineer 工程师 (特点是 以建造武器为主 加速建筑) 每一场竞技将有多种地图可以挑选, 包括草原,黑暗世界 还有海洋阶梯.多人模式. 通过团队的合作来占领地方的城堡. 对于单人游戏. 可以选择剧情模式. 以下开更
界面篇此楼是界面介绍我门可以看到 上面有几栏英文选项Battle:战斗模式选择Character:肯定是角色选项拉Shop:商店Collections: 收集BUFF跟物品, 每日领奖跟 任务Tutorial:教学quick match:快速比赛 也就是你单人或者 跟好友一起游戏的选项co-op mode:多人合作模式 进去组人 或者跟好友一起过剧情player match: 好友之间的 对战(输赢不加经验)Skirmish mode: 自己带领AI 打敌人Story campaign: 故事模式这个是你点quick game 之后 会出现的第一个 开始比赛! 第二个选择地图 第三个 你的上一把战绩当你进入快速比赛之后 会看到你的名字出现在右方(我这没出现因为我还没连进去就已经截图哈)然后你可以通过 invite a friend 拉好友一起游戏 snap party 是开启一个派对 通过派对的拉好友可以一次性拉多点人character menu 也就是 调整你的角色 里面会有equipment 装备的调整 跟定制你的小人以及职业分支的选择(后面会提到)previous results 上面一样 上把战绩 leave lobby 离开房间一般来说 开一把的话需要等到10分钟左右 因为你一进去就是处于准备状态 最多是15VS15 但是不是说得满15人才会开 如果双方人数匹配也可以开始 ,另外有时候人数不足会 用AI 补足(AI名字都是很普通得英语名字例如 MATT 然后加一个. 就像MATT. MIKE.)另外 你看到别人的名字时候可以通过按键去查阅他们的资料接下来移步到character界面Equip items 装备物品item level-up 升级物品item remodeling 物品打造(点进去会有如下选项)character customization 人物定制可以换头发眼睛性别皮肤class change 职业分支选择这个游戏的职业是这样区分的 总共有3个大职业 1个职业分两种 也就是
单手盾跟双持是一起 两种法师 还有跟工程师这是item remodeling 进去后的三个选项add a buff 添加buff (关于buff 类以后会有一层详细说明) 有些装备会自带buff 或者带孔store a buff 提取一个buff 提取装备里面的一个buff 如果不想摧毁提取的装备可以使用20 happy tickets买个东西保留erase a buff 顾名思义 去除一个buff (可消耗金币)buff list: buff 所有buff单这就是上面说道的三种大职业 战士
法师这个就是我开启双手 后可以选择双持职业初始 玩家可以使用 单手盾战 雷火法师 跟另外三种分支职业 需要消耗20happy ticket开启这个游戏 主要是 使用金币跟一种叫happy tickets的东西 金币可以通过所有模式获取 而且很块 我打4 5 把基本就获得9000金币 所以这个游戏就是多打 然后抽包happy tickets 可以通过充值购买上面三种都是三种卡包 Happy cards lite
是一种通过 金币开的 开一次 900 , 有五种部位可以选择 武器 盾牌 防具 头盔 饰品happy cards 是通过充值happy tickets开启 一次20happy cards limited edition
是活动卡包 消耗24 happy tickets 一次 可以得三个装备 得好东西几率比较高接下来到了 收集的选项第一个是mission mode 就是任务 刚进去 要做的事 就是把mission mode 里面奖励都领取了 然后用送的20happy tickets去开包 还有金币开包 装备物品 捏自己小人, 每次打完 就到mission mode里面看看有没有奖励item collection 物品收集buff collection buff 收集treasure map 每天可以开一次藏宝图这是我进入到一个带领AI 打的模式你会看到 一出来给你三种职业选择
如图所示 那些1 2 3 都是防御塔 另外两个是城堡一开始都是在城堡出生等你攻占了塔 你就可以选择在那出生另外如果等时间到双方都还没攻下城堡那就要看谁拿下的塔多 则谁赢所以这个游戏可不只是你杀人多就赢 占领塔跟城堡才是主要目的就如dota一样 你占领了对面的塔 你就可以在那个地方重生 复活 支援的更快 就更容易打到对方那把去这游戏还是比较将就脑子跟团队配合团队配合的号 知道怎么抢据点
获胜才会更轻松下面就是进入游戏的战斗UI左上角是等级 每个人出生默认1级 带2个随机技能,使用技能 击杀地方 建造工具 塔都会增加经验 记住 5级满级 每升一级就会随机得到一个1技能. 装备可以打上技能BUFF 从而 一开始就可使用多的技能右上角是地图 显示据点塔 还有对方
时间右下角是技能图标(每个技能后面会详细讲解)Y 是团队技能; 需要释放后 团队一起站到圈圈配合使用B 跟A 都是 个人技能 每件装备都可以升级 一般满级10级只有某些高级的武器才可以升到11 12级都是通过一个10级的武器 达到满级后进化怎么确定武器是否可以升级呢? 就是通过在item collection 看到你的武器右上角是否带有EVO字母 表示可以进化然后每件装备都有 一个锁头 理解为负重量 然后你的角色 右上角所示 也有一个锁头 就是表示你现在负重量可以承担多少 每升级都可以 增加负重量 我忘了初始多少哈所以 不是说你充值开到好武器就武器 你也得有负重量啊 然后通过搭配 攻防坚守 才可生存下面是控制篇
控制器篇LT 键 用于建造 战争武器(牧师或者工程师 在攻城时候可以放置
梯子让人修键,在野外可以建造 等武器) 或者拆塔抢塔 摧毁敌方大本营RT 键 对于 单手盾跟牧师工程师来说 用盾防御 对于双持来说意义不大 对于法师 可以使用远程元素攻击(因为法师的A键技能是 将随机的元素buff加到武器上 或者队友 例如你把雷buff加到武器上 你可以通过rt键远程电击敌人)LB 键 用于切换技能 例如LB+A 就是切换A键使用哪个技能RB 键 用于 跟队友使用预设的功能沟通 例如 一起进攻 跟随我 治疗我 或者用于占领对面之后 嘲讽键Y B A 都是技能键X键是普通攻击键 每个职业多次双击X 出的连招也不同右摇杆 控制视角
左摇杆是移动方块键看战绩地图 菜单键退出下面是详细职业技能分析篇
职业篇战士类单手盾跟双持很多技能都通用 但是双持肯定不能用盾牌技能 然后对比单手 某些技能又会得到加强单手盾牌战士The Warrior is one of three АVailable class archtypes in Happy Wars. The Warrior's abilities are used for physical attacks, defense, and quick movement. The Warrior's Cheer can increase max HP and AP, as well as Attack Power. The Warrior's skill set makes this character best for fighting on the front line, shield up, swinging his or her weapon. The Warrior's advanced class counterpart is the Berserker, which wields a second weapon, instead of a shield.战士是三种职业的其中之一, 使用物理攻击, 防御 以及较快的移动速度. 战士的主要升级增加更多的生命还有体力. 战士的技能使得他们是团队的前排, 举起盾牌 晃动他们的武
器. 战士的进阶职业是双持. 可以代替盾牌使用两把武器战士每次升级增加的攻击力Non-Skill Abilities: 普通攻击的能力Super Enchant Attack - Press X and Right Trigger at the same time when your weapon is enchanted for a one time powerful attack. This will cause your weapon to lose its enchantment. (Can be used by both Cleric and Warrior classes)连续按三次X 会造成强大的普通攻击Dash Attack - A dash attack can be done by hitting 'X' and the joystick in a direction at the same time.冲刺攻击 - 冲刺攻击可以在同一时间打“X”和摇杆的方向进行。Uppercut Attack - A smash attack can be performed by double tapping RT, no AP required.勾拳攻击 - 红极一时的攻击可以通过双攻RT,无需AP进行。Rapid Stab Attack - Rapidly tapping X will make you take ТWo swings, and if it was successful, you will initiate a rapid combo of stabs. If the final hit connects, the enemy will stagger away.快速刺 攻击 - 快速攻X将让你带两个波
动,如果它是成功的,你会开始刺的快速组合。如果最终命中连接,敌人会错开了。A键技能Smash 击飞 A skill that's more powerful version of
the uppercut attack (double-tap RT), that launches any enemies away from the Warrior. This skill is useful for sending enemies off the map. &Smash Power Up& buffs increases the distance enemies fly away from the smash attack. 朝你方向的敌人使用这个技能 可以将其往你面朝的方向击飞( 尤其在悬崖 桥 海边, 直接把敌人击飞到 地图外面可以直接KO 你的敌人)Spinning Blade 旋转攻击 ( 双持的标志是红色的)A skill that spins the Warrior around in circLЕS in one direction, attacking all enemies surrounding the Warrior. The Spinning Blade has three phases, each phase increasing in damage, speed, and range. In addition, the color of the spin changes for each phase, blue being first phase, dark blue for the second phase, and red for third phase. While spinning, the movement speed is decrease. Moreover, Spinning Blade ends if the player runs out of AP, releases the A button, stun, frozen, smash, or KO. &Super Spinning Blade& buff increases movement speed while spinning.使用此技能让你往一个方向旋转(双持可以控制方向,单手不行) 攻击你周围的敌人. 旋转攻击有三个阶段, 蓝色,深蓝色跟红色. 当你使用此技能你的移动速度会下降, 按住A键将会一直旋转攻击.旋转攻击将会停止 如果你用完你的体力AP, 或者你松开A 键 受到击飞 KO 冰冻 都将会停止旋转. 超级旋转BUFF 技能会增加 旋转的速度Rush 突击 Activating the skill makes the Player to run forwards, leАVing a smoke trail, and knocking any enemies that touches the Warrior's way. Getting frozen, KO, or knocked away will end Rush. If ТWo Rushing players collide, both players will rebound, canceling each others' rush. Rush lasts five seconds.
&Smash Power Up& buffs increases the distance enemies fly away from the rush attack. &Longer Rush& buff increases the timer when using Rush.激活此技能使玩家带着烟雾往前冲刺 然后击倒挡在你面前的敌人. 受到冰冻 击飞 KO 也会使你中途停止rush.如果两个使用rush的玩家同时相对. 两人都将会倒下 还有停止突击. smash power buff 会增加 敌人被击飞的距离. long rush buff 会增加rush的时间Charged Attack 蓄力攻击 Charge an attack in one, ТWo, three, four, or five stages to release a powerful blow. Each stage hАVing different damage output, one being the weakest, and five being the most powerful. Each time a new stage is achieved, the sword will flash and makes a ringing noise. It takes five seconds to fully charge. Releasing a stage five attack will cause the player to jump into the air in a spinning motion, dealing heАVy damage. The player will walk slower while charging the attack. Taking damage while charging will abruptly end the Charged Attack.蓄力攻击 分成1 2 3 4 5 种阶段, 按住A键可以蓄力. 每一种阶段有着不同的伤害. 1-5 从弱到强. 蓄力5秒最久. 放开A键释放蓄力攻击. 5S 的蓄力攻击可谓是升龙拳 跳起来秒
对方. 使用蓄力攻击时候 行走变慢
蓄力时候受到攻击将会被打断B键技能Rocketman火 箭 人The player will charge in a spot, without moving, after a delay, the Player will fly at high speed and explodes, by releasing the B button, or upon reaching a certain destination using LS to direct, knocking enemies away and dealing heАVy splash damage. While charging for the attack, the Warrior is vulnerable to damage and taking damage (aside from Lightning Enchant basic attacks from Mages and Ballista/Gatling Gun) will prematurely end the skill. Be wary, this skill can be stopped in mid-air. &Quick Rocketman& buff accelerates the speed of activation and execution of the skill.玩家将会原地蓄力 几秒不能移动. 玩家会以很快速度飞起来 然后爆炸 当你蓄力松开B键后. 使用LS 可以调整你飞的方向还有距离. 击倒并对敌方造成强大的攻击. 在充电时攻击战士很容易受到伤害和受到伤害(除了从法师和弩车/加特林炮闪电附魔基本攻击)将提前结束的技巧。 quick rocketman buff 会减少 蓄力的时间Roar吼叫 The Player will stand in a position and roar, causing the surrounding players, those aren't defending, to be stun for a certain period of time. Enemies can shorten the effect by spinning the LS various times. &Fast Roar& buff shortens the activation of the skill.玩家会站在原地对周围的敌方进行吼叫, 敌方将不能抵御 受到周期眩晕. 受到吼叫的敌方可以通过快速摇动LS 摇杆苏醒.
FAST roar buff减少吼叫的激活时间Super Guard 超级盾牌 Activating the skill, causes the Player's shield to hАVe a white aura surrounding it. When guarding, the shield develops a flat circular field. Guarding Defense and Antimagic Guard is increased. Super Guard can block the most power attacks, except Smash Effect, and is able protect allies behind the shield. The skill cannot be dispelled, and is lost after a period of time, or when the Warrior runs out of AP.激活此技能使玩家 有一个白色光环. 当你使用盾牌. 盾牌会出现一个圆的风扇形, 增加对魔法物理的抵抗. 超级盾牌能够阻挡更多的攻击, 除了被击飞效果. 它能保护在你身后的队友. 这个技能将不能激活如果你用完ap 体力
Stone Throw 扔石头 Stone Throw 扔石头 The Player will throw a big stone, sometimes different oВJects will appear, at an enemy. When an enemy is hit, it will deal heАVy damage, and has a chance to cause a KO. It's very effective to stop an enemy on the run. Stone Throw guarantees a KO effect on an enemy hit from behind, unLЕSs the enemy has a resistance equipped. &Longer Stone Throw&buff increases the distance when throwing.玩家向对方丢出一个大石头. 如果敌人受到石头的攻击. 受到强烈攻击并且有几率击晕或者ko. 对于逃跑的敌人十分有效Shield Charge 蓄力盾牌EnabLЕS you to guard with your shield while rushing the enemy. Press and hold B button to charge up through 4 levels and extend the effective distance.[1] ilar to Charged Attack, the player will be slowed while charging the attack. In addition, the player is put into a guard state while charging the skill. Once launched, the player loses their guard state and becomes vulnerable to attacks. 让你能够使用盾牌当你 突击敌人. 按住B 蓄力然后有4中阶段. 类似 上面的蓄力攻击. 玩家将会减慢速度当你 蓄力攻击. 此外,玩家被置于保护状态,同时蓄力技能。一经使用,玩家失去他们的保护状态,并成为容易受到攻击。Y 技能-团队技能Cheer 鼓舞 When the host launches Cheer, all surrounding players will shout, causing the skill to activate. The more players that participate in Cheer, the effects of the skill will increase. Participants are vulnerable during the Cheer until the buff is applied, but participants will still receive the buff if they were in the Team Skill at the time of its initiation. This skill can be dispelled and can also be dispelled during the Cheer animation (before the buff is applied).当你使用鼓舞.周围所有队员将会站进来来激活技能. 更多的队员加入 将会获得更大的提升.参与者将会得到cheer的buff . buff效果是增加攻击力还有HPGroup Rush全队突击~Requires 2-8 Players~(Japanese: 全军突撃 Full Army Charge) A larger scale version of Rush. The more players that participate in Group Rush, the longer the skill will remain active.需要2-8人 群体突击 更多人加入伤害时间都增加Iron Phalanx铁壁阵 All participants enter a guard state that is able to block from all sides. Participants that stay within the circle around the host gains defense in proportion to the number of participants. Mages, Zephyrs, and Berserkers will gain temporary shields and any non-basic Warrior class may attack while guarding. Unlike normal guarding, players may turn while guarding in Iron Phalanx. Press Y the host cannot leave the skill. The more players that participate in Iron Phalanx, the longer the skill will remain active and an increase in defense.所有队员进入一个铁壁状态从而去挡住四面八方. 队员围绕着中心 得到防御姿态. 法师 双持战士都能进入到盾牌姿态. 不像普通的盾牌防御. 按Y 取消盾牌姿态, 发起者不能离开盾牌模式 , 更多人加入效果增强TipsThe Warrior has a selection of stuff right from the start. Each of these weapons is better than the default weapon, so make sure you check your inventory. if you have a weapon that is better, you should make that your new weapon.Don’t try to learn all the skills at one time. Take your time and learn them one by one. Start off with the two default skills—Smash and Stone Throw first. Then, get yourself used to harder skills, like the Rush or Spinning Blade skills.At first, it may seem a bit difficult to kill your foes. The Kill Score is not only credited to the player who gave the final blow, but some credit also goes to any other player who assists in the kill.You should learn how to guard and retreat. A warrior's shield is their lifeline, especially in intense combat!Also, you can knock enemies off the map to kill them. This will bring instant death to enemies, even if their gear is better than yours. You can do this with the [A] skills Smash, Rush, or Charged Attack and the [B] skill Rocketman. You can attack without AP using the shield bash or by using a weapon with the Smash Effect skill.If you see an ally fighting an enemy 1 on 1, you might be able to earn some Kill Assist Score by supporting your ally. You can do this by throwing stones, using rapid attacks, or by using magic. A single attack by these actions can deal multiple damage points to the foe. If these work, you can earn the points.Attacking someone from behind deals double damage. Be sure to use strategic positioning to your advantage. If you get these chances, make every hit count. If you get the chance, throw a rock at them. This attack can knock your opponent out.For more information about buffs click here.Be careful when using dash a if used towards a ledge, your character will not play the animation of nearly falling off and you will instead fall off of it instantly.(这里太长而且太困我就翻译了 0 0)战士有一个选择的东西,从一开始。所有这些武器比默认的武器更好,所以一定要检查你的库存。如果你有一个武器,那就是更好的,你应该让你的新武器。不要试图去学习所有技能在同一时间。把你的时间和一个学习它们。有两个默认技能扣球和石首扔开始。然后,让自己习惯更难的技能,如疾走或旋转刀的技能。起初,它可能看起来有点难以杀死你的敌人。杀得分不仅记谁给了最后一击的球员,但一些信贷也去谁在击杀协助任何其他球员。你应该学会如何防范和撤退。一个战士的盾是他们的生命线,尤其是在激烈的战斗!此外,您还可以敲敌人从地图上杀死他们。这将带来即时死亡的敌人,即使他们的装备比你的好。你可以用[A]技能粉碎,拉什,或被控攻击和[B]技能ROCKETMAN做到这一点。你可以攻击没有使用AP的盾击或使用与扣球效果的技能武器。如果你看到一个盟友的战斗1敌人1,你也许能获得一些杀协助得分的支持你的盟友。您可以通过投掷石块,利用快速的攻击,或者通过使用魔法做到这一点。通过这些行动一次攻击可以处理多个点的伤害对敌人。如果这些工作,你可以赚取积分。从背后攻击别人处理双倍伤害。一定要用战略定位,你的优势。如果你得到这些机会,使每个命中次数。如果你有机会,扔石头他们。这种攻击可以敲你的对手了。有关爱好者更多信息,请点击此处。使用周围暗礁冲刺攻击时要小心;如果用一个走向窗台,你的性格不会玩了近脱落的动画,你反而会脱落它的。
这层是双持狂战士双持除了不能用单手的盾牌技能 还有团队技能的铁壁阵 其他都可以使用The Berserker class is an advanced class of the Warrior archtype.
The Berserker is able to wield a second weapon instead of a shield, sacrificing defense and health for massive amounts of attack power. The Berserker's abilities are mostly improved abilities of the Warriors, while also introducing new abilities.狂战士是战士的一种进阶职业. 狂战士可以使用第二把副武器代替盾牌. 牺牲防御跟生命来获得 更大的攻击力.狂战士能力对比战士有更大提升 拥有新技能AbilitiesThe Berserker uses the same abilities as the Warrior class, while at the same time adding the increased attack power of two weapons. However, new Berserker exclusive abilities have been added, adding even more to the Berserker's power level. The Berserker is unable to use four Warrior skills, which are Super Guard, Roar, Spinning Blade, and Iron Phalanx unless given a Skill+ buff. Weight cap is 45 at level 60.狂战士使用跟战士一样的属性. 但是增加更强的攻击力. 然而 新的狂战士技能增加更强大的等级. 有些技能狂战士无法使用. 超级盾牌 吼叫 旋转攻击(自带更高等级的旋转攻击) 铁壁阵, 除非装备打上技能buff 方可使用狂战士的负重量是45 当你达到60级A 按钮技能Double Spinning Blade 双持旋转攻击A Berserker exclusive, this version of Spinning Blade spins both of the Berserker's weapons at high speed, dealing more damage and leaving little tornadoes of energy that deal damage when stepped in. The radius of the attack is considerably smaller, making it more useful for single combat. However, this version of Spinning Blade actually can be controlled with the Left Stick, unlike the normal Spinning Blade.狂战士独有的旋转攻击技能.能够使用两把武器在高速的旋转下造成更强大的伤害力跟造成小型龙卷风, 范围较小更适合击杀单人. 不同于单手的旋转攻击. 双持的旋转攻击可以控制旋转方向B 按钮技能Dual Tomahawks 丢双战斧 Another Berserker exclusive similar to the Stone Throw. The Berserker throws both weapons at an enemy, then the weapons fly back to the Berserker. It is possible to stun enemies with a hit from behind, and the throw may automatically aim at a ballista on castle walls.另一个双持战士独有的技能, 类似单手的丢石头. 狂战士向敌人丢出两把致命的武器. 出手跟收回都将造成伤害. 有几率眩晕敌人如果你从后方丢掷. 双战斧自动瞄准城墙上的炮弩(用于摧毁敌人的防守武器)Berserk 疯狂吼叫A variation of Roar, this attack does not stun enemies instead dealing them very minor damage and slight knockback and strengthening the Berserker by increasing Attack, increasing HP regeneration and AP regeneration for a short amount of time.是 吼叫的一种新版本. 疯狂吼叫无法眩晕敌人 但是可以大幅度提高使用者的攻击力 生命恢复速度还有 AP体力恢复速度Y 按钮团队技能 A dangerous team skill that usually deals massive damage to one area. With 2-8 allies, your little group forms a missile shape, and when the attack is released, everyone launches forward as if they were using the Rocketman skill.一种对一片区域非常致命的团队技能,需要2-8个队友激活, 小队排成导弹队列 然后攻击将启动. 每个队员向前方发射 就像使用 火箭人技能一样Tips提示 (机翻)The Berserker has very little health. It is a good idea to build a tower at first to get you some XP, then to build as many as possible.If you are confronted, block. When an opening appears, use your Double Spinning Blade and attack. Usually this attack is powerful enough to smash through Sacred Armor and sometimes even walls!The best equipment you want to get is weaponry. Armor isn't a big factor in being a Berserker. Dealing more damage is an easier way to stay alive, considering your skills and stats.The Berserker has only one exclusive team skill, so make it count. Use a Multiple Missile to clear out large clumps of enemies and to strike the gate. A Rocketman can deal astounding damage with the correct equipment, sometimes even more damage than a Rush.Unlike the Warrior, they cannot attack while guarding (although they can shield bash). And due to the lack of a shield, Berserkers do not block as much damage, as Warriors or Clerics, while guarding.Dual Tomahawks is your ranged skill. Unlike Stone Throw, it can hit multiple enemies, temporarily stunning them and hits twice (once when thrown and once when coming back), and also retains enchantment effects (i.e. using Dual Tomahawks with Ice enchanted weapons may freeze enemies). Do not neglect this skill if you are facing single enemies as this does not use too much AP. It may also be used as an opening attack before using Dual Spinning Blade.Avoid facing groups of Mages that are focused on you. While you can guard the attacks, you do not block as much damage as the Warrior or Cleric as well as having not too much HP.The Berserker is not as versatile as the basic Warrior, partially due to its inabilty to attack while guarding and reduced health. Be warned against skilled players.狂战士有很少的健康。这是首先要建立一个塔让你一些XP,然后建立尽可能多的一个好主意。如果你面对,块。当一个开口出现,用你的双旋转刀和攻击。通常这个攻击强大到足以冲破神圣护甲,有时甚至是墙。你想获得最好的装备是武器。护甲不是作为一个狂战士的一大因素。处理更多的伤害是一个简单的方法来维持生命,考虑你的技能和统计。狂战士只有一个专属团队的技能,所以要指望它。使用多导弹来清除敌人的大团块和罢工门。一个ROCKETMAN能处理惊人的伤害与正确的设备,有时甚至比火拼更多的伤害。不像战士,他们可以在守卫(虽然他们可以盾击)无法攻击。并且由于缺乏一个盾,狂战士不阻止太大的伤害,因为勇士或神职人员,同时守着。双战斧是你的远程技能。不像扔石头,它可以(抛出时一次又一次快到的时候回来)打多个敌人,暂时昏迷他们,打了两次,还保留结界的影响(即采用双战斧与冰陶醉的武器可能会冻结敌人)。不要忽略这个技能,如果你正面临着一个敌人,因为它不使用太多的AP。它也可以用来作为使用双纺纱刀片之前的开口攻击。避免面对那个正在专注于你的法师团。虽然可以防范的攻击,你不要阻止太大的伤害的战士或牧师,以及有没有太多的HP。狂战士是不是多才多艺的基本战士,部分原因是由于其inabilty同时守着,减少健康的攻击。被警告反对熟练的玩家。下面更新牧师职业
这层是牧师职业牧师是乙方的中排, 论攻击他打不过战士法师, 跟单手盾一样 牧师可以使用盾牌, 但是他不可以边使用盾牌边攻击 而且也没有盾牌技能The Cleric is one of three available classes in Happy Wars. The Cleric's abilities range widely and include buffing, healing, resurrection, summoning builds,
and negating enemy buffs. The Cleric's Sacred Song can cause faster HP and AP recovery. Due to its wide range of skills, it commonly maintains a middle ground between the Warrior and Mage classes. It's advanced class counterpart is theEngineer.牧师是欢乐战争中三种职业的一种. 牧师的技能范围包含特别广 包括 BUFF 的增加/移除 治疗 复活队友 战争武器的建筑 还有 赋予队友buff. 牧师的歌颂技能增快HP跟AP 的回复速度.
因为牧师技能的多样性 他们是队伍的中排 在战士跟法师 之间. 牧师的进阶职业是工程师每升一级的属性增长Non-Skill Abilities: 普通攻击能力Super Enchant Attack - Press X and Right Trigger at the same time when your weapon is enchanted for a one time powerful attack. This will cause your weapon to lose its enchantment.超级附魔攻击 - 按X,右触发在同一时间,当你的武器附魔了一次强大的攻击。这将导致你的武器失去它的魅力。Shield Bash - Rapid double tap of the (RT) will cause the Cleric to perform a type of shield smack. 盾牌强击. 快速的双击RT 将会使用 一种盾牌强击攻击方式Successful smack will cause enemies to be knocked airborn. Blocking enemies sometimes will stumble and the block will be temporarily broken. Works the same as the Warrior non-skill shield bash.成功的击飞会使敌人飞向空中. 阻断敌人有时会绊倒和块将被打破暂时。工作原理一样的战士非技能盾击。A button skills A按钮技能Heal 治疗Press A to cast, use the D-Pad to choose player, then press A to invoke. XP given is inversely related to the healed player's initial health (lower health yields higher XP). Gives no XP if used on yourself. &Fast Heal& buff heals players instantly.按下A 使用右摇杆去选择要对哪个单位使用治疗技能.松开A键确定. 当你成功使用技能后 你会获得XP经验.Fast heal buff 会治疗玩家更加快速Dispel 净化Yields 4 XP per player (ally or enemy) affected. Can negate a number of things, including:获得4点经验.. 可以消除一些debuff 包括Take off lightning, freeze and KO effects on allied players. Also, takes off any enchantments on enemy players. 净化对闪电 冰冻 KO友军造成的这些debuff , 净化掉敌方武器的附魔Negates Wall and Sanctuary, disperses Summoned Materials, and certain skills - Cheer, Sacred Song, Dash, Cyclone, Cyclone Rush and Sacred Armor. (Note: It does not work against Super Guard.) 净化掉敌方
壁垒 治疗区域 护甲加强(这些都是技能的buff) 还有 鼓舞 冲刺之类的 增益buffResurrect复活 Revive a dead teammate marked by a blue X on the battlefield. Yields 15 XP if successful. 不用多说拉, 复活队友 得到15XP 如果复活队友Sanctuary 避难所&Set up an area for healing allies' HP. Area disappears over time.& 设置一小块区域 进入区域的友军可以获得生命的增加 , 避难所一段时间后消失Aura 体力增加区域Creates an aura in which allies' AP is restored. The aura disappears after a set time.& 创造一小块区域使进入的友军的体力得到快速增加. 一段时间后消失B button skills B按钮技能Summon Materials 召唤材料Summon materials for various builds. All summoned builds can be destroyed by enemies, dispel by foes, and if materials are left untouched, they will disperse after enough time has passed. Builds include:召唤有用的资料来建筑, 召唤的材料可以被队友或者敌人建造. 或者被 净化消除.
如果材料太长时间不被建筑将会消失. 以下是可以被建造成的武器:A Ballista: A large crossbow, rapidly fires large bolts with great range. 弩炮 大范围杀伤武器A Flower cannon: A rotating machine-gun like cannon which fires large splash damage shells.花瓣大炮. 旋转发射 炮弹 有溅射伤害A Ladder: Can be built around the enemy castle to gain access to the battlements on the castle walls. While building the ladders, the opposing team will not be alerted to your presence. 在敌方城堡周围建造一个梯子 可以攀登 进入敌方城堡内. 梯子不会出现在敌方的小地图上A Battering ram: Destroys the enemy castle's gate in no more than five hits even if it is on full HP, can only be built directly in front of the enemy's castle gate. 攻城车. 对敌方城门造成大量伤害./ 好像是5 次之后 满血的城门就会被摧毁 (在攻城车隔壁按住LT 使用)Dash 冲刺
Cast on an allied player or yourself and get a speed boost to cover large areas quickly. Gives 10 XP if used on allies. Dash lasts 20 seconds.使一个友军或者自身获得移动速度的增加 使用后自身获得10点XP . 提升移动速度20秒Sacred Armor 神圣护甲Cast on an allied player or yourself to negate a set amount of damage until the armor breaks or disperses after enough time has passed. Deals 10 XP if used on your allies. If you use it on yourself, no XP is given. Sacred Armor has different design for each class. The design for Sacred Armor chang check &Misc.& down below for more information.对自身或者附近的队友增加一个神圣护甲 来吸收伤害. 神圣护甲将会消失如果吸收了太多伤害. 自己获得10XP 在使用此技能给队友后.
对自己使用不会获得XP. 不同的职业 获得不同样子的护甲:Warrior : A red and white milk carton with a picture of a cow 战士或者一个牛奶盒子(套在头上)Cleric : A fragile brown cardboard box. 法师是获得一个纸皮头套Mage : A white orange juice box with pictures of oranges 牧师是获得一个橙汁头套
Wall 壁垒Cast a wall to block access to specific areas, can be destroyed by enemies and/or allies, will disappear after 25 seconds has pass, or if cast again by the same person. &Solid Wall& buff increases damage durability of wall.建造一堵墙壁在地形上 阻挡敌人的前进., 可以被敌方或者友方摧毁. 25秒后会消失.
SOILD war buff 会增加壁垒的坚韧性Y button skills Y按钮团队技能Happy Miracle 幸福奇迹 Resurrects any allies nearbly and transforms any nearby enemies into flowers which will easily be killed with a single hit, the flower effect wears off after enough time has passed. Effect area is cylindrical with infinite height and depth, and the radius is wider with more participants. 复活所有附近死亡的队友还有让周围的敌人变成一朵花. 然后变成花的敌人会很容易被击杀. 影响的范围随着更多人的加入而增加半径范围Sacred Song神圣歌When the host activates sacred song, all participants will sing a song, while singing pressing X will cause the player to headbang. This will increase max HP, AP, Defense, and HP & AP recovery dependant on how many players join in. Max HP is 1/2 of AP and defense gained. Each participant is given 5 XP times the number of participants (up to a maximum of 45).当牧师发起圣歌技能 友军的参与. 激活后增加HP跟AP 的最大值 然后回复速度也会随着更多人的加入而增加.每有一个参与者 激活者获得5点XP(上限45)Transport 运输 Teleports all participants to an allied tower or castle of the caster's choosing. Gives 10 XP to each participant. 传送友军单位到友军的塔 或者城堡. 或者10点XP 如果有1个人加入TipsGeneral 提示(机翻)The Cleric isn't as well-suited for melee combat as much as the Warrior. Consider building up score first, and/or picking weaker foes.Because of this, you would be better off building your score by spamming aid to your comrades.When in downtime, consider adding Sacred Armor to your allies and/or healing them.Team SkillsHappy Miracle has a long cooldown. Use it wisely.Use Transport to catch your enemy off guard while they try to ambush your castle, then again to go back to the front lines.Recommended BuffsShorten Cooldown: The Cleric is a skill-based class, so consider adding this to increase skill output.Max AP Up/Conserve AP: See above.&Skill&+x3: The exact skill you choose for this class depends on the specific purpose you will be using this class for.温馨提示一般牧师是不是非常适合肉搏战不亚于战士。考虑建立得分第一,和/或采摘弱的敌人。正因为如此,你会过得更好用垃圾邮件来援助你的战友建立你的分数。当停机时间,考虑增加神圣护甲,以你的盟友和/或医治他们。团队技能快乐的奇迹有很长的冷却时间。明智地使用它。使用传输赶上你的敌人防不胜防,而他们试图伏击你的城堡,然后再次回到了前线。推荐抛光轮缩短冷却时间:牧师是一个基于技能的课,所以考虑增加这对提高技能输出。最大AP上/ AP保护:上面看到的。&技能&+ X3:你选择这个类的确切技巧取决于你将使用这个类的特定目的。下面是工程师
这层是 牧师的进阶职业工程师工程师不同于牧师 工程师不能加血 加AP 更多的是 在地上埋地雷 找合适的地点建造战争武器 修复城墙什么的 The Engineer is the Advanced Class for the Cleric. It wields more construction-based abilities, effectively orienting them towards construction over team support. It was released during the Anniversary Update.工程师是牧师的进阶职业.
他主要是作用在建筑能力. 通过建筑打造工具给予团队帮助. Abilities 能力The Engineer possesses the same abilities as the Cleric. However, the Engineer has skills that support structures. The Engineer retains the qualities of a Cleric, such as the inability to attack whilst guarding and the shield bash. Weight cap is 40 at level 60.工程师的属性跟牧师一样. 然而工程师的技能偏向于建筑的支持. 工程师保留了一点牧师的能力. 使用盾牌防卫时候无法攻击 还有 使用盾牌强击的能力. 工程师的负重量是40 当你达到60级A Button Skills A按钮技能Repair 修复 An Engineer exclusive skill, this allows the Engineer to repair structures, including their team's castle gate. Only repairs structures not being used by the enemy. The ability requires the A button to be held down and while the ability is active, it will use AP. Deals very minor damage to enemies.工程师的独有技能 让工程师有能力去修复建筑物. 包括城堡门 还有战争武器(只能当没有敌方使用的时候) 这个能力当你按住A键时候启用 修复会消耗体力Crash Work 强力修复Another Engineer exclusive ability, this applies a buff to the player that increases build rate via two hammers. While building with this buff active, it will use AP.另一个工程师独有的技能. 这使工程师获得一个强力修复的buff 从而使用两把锤子 加强修复 建造的速度 当你激活此能力会消耗APRemote Bomb 遥控炸弹Plants a bomb which can be set off later. Inflicts heavy damage against buildable mounted weapons. This skill is only available via the &Remote Bomb+& buf在地上放置一个炸弹. 对一个区域造成强大的爆炸 当你引爆它.
这个技能只有在装备上加入 remote bomb buff时候才可以使用B Button Skills B按钮技能Update 升级 A variation of Summon Materials, this ability allows the Engineer to upgrade the building materials of the Ballista and Flower Cannon to materials for the Gatling Guns and Rocket Launchers, respectively. Update will not upgrade already built structures, nor will it upgrade the Battering Ram or Ladders.召唤资源材料的一种技能. 这个能力让工程师有能力去更新建筑材料.
可以升级弩炮到加特林机枪 花瓣炮弹升级到火箭发射器.
更新技能无法更新那些已经建造好的建筑 .也不能升级 攻城车跟梯子Y Button Skills Y 团队技能Ultimate Weapon 最终兵器(变成机器人)Requires 4-8 other players. Applies a very powerful buff to the initiator in the form of a Robot. While riding the Robot, your abilities will change to 3 different abilities for all button skills. (A, B, and Y). Durability increases with the number of participants. However, the robot is vulnerable to any attacks with smash effect (i.e. shield bash, rush, rocketman, smash, cyclone, smash effect, bomb rocks etc...). For example: if the robot gets hit with a shield bash, it will get stunned for a short period of time.需要4-8个队友的激活. 获得一个强力的BUFF 让工程师变成一个机器人. 当工程师坐上一个机器人. 你的技能会变成3个新的机器人技能. 分别是A. B
伤害会随着一开始参与者的增加而提升. 然而机器人更容易受到一些技能的攻击 例如 (盾击 突击 火箭人
击飞 旋风 炸弹什么的) 例如 机器人受到盾击 时候 会停止一段时间下面是三个机器人技能Drill Charge - The A button skill is drill charge which resembles a much more powerful version of the Warrior class Dash Attack. 充电钻 - A键技能是它类似于一个更强大的版本战士的突击。Laser - The B button skill is laser attack that damages enemies around you after a brief moment. Holding the B button before releasing will increase the distance of the laser impact around you. The initial laser shot deals little damage and knockback while the explosion created deals great damage and smash knockback.激光-B按钮是激光技能, 对周围敌人造成强大的伤害. 按住B 在释放他之前会增加激光释放的距离. 最初的激光照射处理的小伤害,并击退,而爆炸产生的交易极大的破坏,粉碎击退。Rock Barrage - The Y button skill launches a barrage of rocks similar to the Warrior class Stone Throw that can KO enemies. 岩石弹幕- Y按钮发射大量石头 类似战士的丢石头, 可以击晕敌人Tips 提示(机翻)The Engineer class is best played defensively as the player has no support abilities which means you are much weaker ability wise than you would be as a cleric.If the team is struggling to capture a tower then construct a Gatling gun or a rocket Launcher and support them with suppressive fire from the Built turret.Gatling Guns make a perfect defensive weapon when an enemy team is about to raid the big tower. A group of Gatling guns is enough to mow down a squad of players in under a minute assuming teammates are using them.The Ultimate Weapon ability is the only offensive ability an engineer has available and when successfully constructed it can take on groups of players fairly easy combine that with other engineer ultimate weapons and it would have enough firepower to clear out mass waves of enemy players or bots.温馨提示工程师类是最好的防守发挥作为球员没有能力的支持,这意味着你有多少能力较弱明智比你会作为一个牧师。如果团队正在努力捕捉塔然后构造一个加特林机枪或者火箭炮和从建炮塔压制火力支持。加特林枪做一个完美的防御性武器时,敌人的团队即将袭击大塔。一组加特林机枪就足以修剪下来的玩家小队在一分钟之假设队友使用它们。终极武器能力是唯一的进攻能力的工程师具有提供构建成功时,它可以采取的玩家群体很容易结合起来,与其他工程师终极武器,这将有足够的火力来清除敌对玩家或机器人群众性波。下面更新雷火法师职业
这层更新使用雷火属性的法师使用雷火的法师叫做MAG 不同于Zephyr . Mag 比较倾向于攻击性 技能都是伤害比较高的 MageThe Mage is one of three available class archtypes in Happy Wars. The Mage uses Magic based attacks and enchants. Mages are used for ranged attacks [RT], enchanting weapons [A], area of effect attacks [B], and highly damaging team skills [Y]. This gives Mages ranged attacks with some of the highest damage output abilities among the three classes. The Mage has very low health and very low defense, so be wary when using the Mage. Mages are often most effective behind the front lines enchanting teammates and using ranged attacks to help support the team in reaching the enemy castle and winning. There is also a new advanced class, the Zephyr, focused more on battlefield control and enemy manipulation, such as utilizing teleportation spells to swap places with enemies and cyclone traps to keep large clusters of foes in one spot.法师是欢乐战争中三种职业之一. 法师使用魔法来攻击跟附魔. 法师可以使用远程攻击 通过按RT键. 给武器附魔按A键. 一个区域内的元素攻击B 键技能.
法师是三种职业中伤害最高的. 但是法师的血跟防御都很少. 所以使用法师时候得小心点. 法师通常给前排的队友武器附魔 然后在后排使用强大的法系技能来控制局势. Zephyr(风使者)是Mag法师的进阶, 专注于战场的控制跟限制敌人. 例如 跟敌人调换位置的技能. 黑洞可以把敌人拉近一个地方.战斗中升级的属性增长A Button Skills A按钮技能A按钮都是元素附魔类 有风 雷 火 冰, 对友军使用武器附魔获得5点XP对友军使用,按住A键然后右摇杆选择友军 释放A键去使用 对自身同理所有元素的远程攻击都是使用RT 触发X键对于法师来说 也是普通攻击 但是小几率触发元素攻击RT键(耗费AP)有更高的几率触发 对于法师来说. 迫不得已才近战使用X键攻击Fire Enchant 火元素附魔Great for enemies that are running away. It also has a random chance of dealing increased damage when damage is inflicted by an enchanted weapon. It also causes enemies to pause their current attack. (i.e. A warrior is about to rush and bowl away your allies, you hit him with a fireball and he clumsily stops charging.在敌人逃跑时候使用火元素更好. 但你武器带有火元素.有一个随机的几率使得火的攻击能力得到提升. 当然火攻击可以使听人停止攻击 例如(战士使用突击攻击你的队友, 你使用火元素RT 攻击他会打断他)Wind Enchant 风元素附魔 Has a high chance to stagger enemies backwards when damage is inflicted by an enchanted weapon. (&Smash Power Up& buff increases the distance of the stagger) Short range, but great spread.很大机会击退敌人当你使用风元素附魔攻击. 小的攻击范围但是高效的击退敌人Lightning Enchant 电元素附魔 Has a high chance to Stun and slow enemies down when damage is inflicted by an enchanted weapon. Good for slowing down enemies.高几率是眩晕和减缓敌人移动速度当你使用电元素攻击他们. 对想减速敌人是一个很好的选择 Ice Enchant 冰元素附魔Has a low chance to freeze enemies in place when damage is inflicted by an enchanted weapon. Snowballs have a higher chance to freeze enemies than physical attacks. Can go over some obsticals.\低几率是冻结敌人当你使用冰元素物理攻击敌人.
雪球攻击(就是使用RT) 有高几率冻住敌人B button skills B按钮技能Lightning Strike 雷击An Area of Effect spell with a long range casting range. After cast, there is a two second delay before any possible damage can be inflicted. Enemies hit are either knocked away or staggered, depending on distance and if they were blocking. &Smash Power Up& buffs increases the distance that enemies are knocked away.在一个小区域内 放置一个闪电符号(按住B键 用右摇杆控制放置地点), 2秒延迟后 释放雷击. 进入区域的敌人会被击中(高伤害)后击飞或者简直. 取决距离或者他们被阻挡住. Smash up buff 增加 雷击对敌人造成击倒的距离Wind Trap 风陷阱Wind Trap) Set a single mine type trap on the ground that automatically deals damage to an enemy upon contact and throws them in a direction. Wind traps are visible by both allies and enemies as a blue or red circle, respectively. &Smash Power Up& buffs increases distance enemies are thrown.在地上放置一个风陷阱并自动对靠近的敌人触发. 击飞他们到一段距离(在敌方追你时候 你在悬崖边 桥上放置 可以直接击飞敌人 秒杀他们) 友军可以看到风陷阱是蓝色 敌人可以看到是红色. Magic Napalm 奥秘炸弹Hold down to set remotely detonated explosives along the ground. They explode in the order in which they are placed upon release of the button. Magic Napalm damages and throws enemies. &Smash Power Up& buffs increases distance enemies are thrown.按住B键 右摇杆控制地点然后释放来引爆奥秘炸弹. 奥秘炸弹 爆炸并且击飞敌人 强大的伤害Blizzard 暴风雪A close range Area of Effect spell, damaging and potentially freezing all enemies around the mage. There is a delay before the spell is cast and can be interrupted before then.小范围的冰元素技能. 冰冻住所有靠近你的敌人. 会有一小会的施法时间.
Shapeshift 变形术Shapeshift lets you change into a rock, a mushroom, or a clump of grass. Sitting still on the map will make players indistinguishable from other plants and rocks. Players using Shapeshift will still appear on the mini-map, however.变形术使你变成一块石头 蘑菇或者小草.
会使其他玩家对你的视觉受到干扰. 但是, 你使用变形术后仍然会出现在小地图上Y button skills Y团队技能Tornado 龙卷风 With between 4 and 8 other people in a V shape, the mage can create a large tornado to pick up and throw large groups of enemies for an instant kill. The size, power and duration of the tornado increases with more players participating4-8个队友加入变成一个V字形队列. 这魔法创造出一个巨大的龙卷风从而卷起大量敌人并且杀死他们. 龙卷风的大小 距离 力量 随着加入成员的增加而增强(使用右摇杆来控制龙卷风移动方向)Lightning Arrows 光箭With between 1 and 8 other people in a line, the mage can cause all participating players to launch a hail of magical arrows to deal a large scale attack. Participants are able aim the arrows independently.1-8个队友的加入 战列成一排. 这魔法让每个加入的队员发射大量的光箭打击敌人. 每个人可以通过右摇杆来控制射击的方向 (通常在后排发射可以产生巨大效果)Meteor Storm 流星陨石With between 3 and 8 other people in an X shape, the mage can start a Meteor Strike, dropping large fireballs on enemy players for massive Area of Effect damage. More participating players increases the power, frequency, and duration of the Meteor Strike.3-8个人的加入 排列成X形状. 这魔法可以使用陨石降落. 丢下大量巨大的火陨石来打击大范围的敌人. 更多人加入阵容 产生更强大的陨石跟数量 范围(毁天灭地)Tips 提示(机翻)The Mage class can a bit difficult to manage at first. However, the mage is a class that can be very powerful once you have the right gear. Initially, it’s the class with the lowest HP and tends to exhaust its AP quite frequently.You may find the mage skills difficult to learn at first. If that’s the case, play the game in Training mode to get the hang of it. During gameplay, you will generally learn two [A] button skills. Get yourself acquainted with all four mage Enchant Skills.Try to join a cleric's Sacred Song skill. Your AP will recover rapidly for its duration allowing for a lot of magic attacks.Try to be with a group of people when using the Mage. The more people involved, the more power is available.Unlike the other two classes, mages cannot block. Do not melee unless you are sure your foe cannot strike back (Fire and Ice are the best enchantments for a melee strategy).While enchanted, press [RT] and [A] at the same time to unleash a more powerful, ranged attack based on your current weapon enchantment. It consumes much more AP, but is useful for dealing increased damage, a larger affected area, or status effects when in a intense situation. For example, a single big snow ball can freeze an entire Group Rush in place.Unless you equip Skill+ buffs, Lightning Strike is the initial [B] skill assigned to the Mage. The [A] skill will vary each time you start a match.Enchant Skills gives you some extra points if you cast them upon your allies, and if you cast an enchantment on a fellow Warrior or Cleric, they may be grateful for your blessing!Here are some starter buffs: Magic Attack Up, Max AP Up, AP Recovery Up, Conserve AP, and Shorten Cooldown..How to effectively use all mage skillsFire Enchant: Does more damage and longer range. Not very different from normal magic, save for the fact you can stop enemy actions via melee as well.Wind Enchant: Good for spamming and keeping foes back, despite pitiful range.Lightning Enchant: Hold down to slow down enemies and constantly damage them.Ice Enchant: Must hold down to aim. Very tricky to handle, but once mastered can be your deadliest tool.Lightning Strike: Use to destroy ballistas on castle gates quickly. Great Blizzard alternative to attack from a distance.Wind Trap: Place around spots where enemies will often go (towers, cannons, etc.).Magic Napalm: Very deadly if used ahead of time and detonated from a distance for avoiding finding the locations.Blizzard: Use in crowds. Deadly if spammed.Tornado: This can be moved, so move it towards areas with lots of enemies.Lightning arrows: Launch a close range from gate to maul the gate. Otherwise, use close to (and facing) the frontlines to hinder (or even stop) the enemy advance. Because of it's arc, it is also effective against the structures atop the castle.Meteor storm: Use where there are crowds or points of common interest.温馨提示法师类可以有点难以管理的第一。但是,法师是一个类,一旦你有合适的档位,可以是非常强大的。最初,它是类最低惠普和趋于用尽其AP相当频繁。您可能会发现法师技能难学在第一。如果是这样的话,在训练模式下玩游戏来获得它的窍门。在游戏中,你一般会掌握两种[A]键技能。让自己熟悉所有四个法师附魔技能。试图加入牧师的神圣之歌功力。你的AP将其持续时间允许大量的魔法攻击快速恢复。尝试使用法师时,与一群人。越多的人参与其中,更多的权力是可用的。不同于其他两个类,法师不能阻止。除非你确信你的敌人无法还手(火与冰是一个近战战略的最佳魔法)不要混战。虽然根据您目前的武器附魔心醉,按[RT]和[A]在同一时间发动更强大,远程攻击。它消耗更多的AP,但对于处理增加伤害,更大的患处,或状态的影响在激烈的情况下,当有用的。例如,一个大的雪球可以代替冻结整个集团火拼。除非你装备技能+爱好者,雷击是分配给法师的初始[B]技能。在[A]技能将每次启动上场时间有所不同。附魔技能给你一些加分,如果你扔在你的盟友,如果你施放结界上的一个老乡战士或牧师,他们可能会感谢你的祝福!下面是一些入门爱好者:魔法攻击最高,最大AP时,AP恢复起来,节约AP,并缩短冷却时间..如何有效地使用所有技能的法师消防附魔:做更多的伤害和射程更远。不是很异于常人的魔法,保存您可以通过近战敌人停止行动和事实。风附魔:适合垃圾邮件,保持背部的敌人,尽管可怜的范围。闪电附魔:按住减慢敌人不断破坏他们。冰附魔:必须按住瞄准。非常棘手的处理,但一旦掌握了可以成为你致命的工具。雷击:用于快速摧毁城堡大门弩车。大暴雪替代从远距离攻击。风陷阱:斑点周围敌人的地方会经常去广场(塔,大炮等)。魔术凝固汽油弹:使用时间提前,并从远处引爆避免查找的位置非常致命的,如果。暴雪:使用人群。如果致命的垃圾邮件。龙卷风:这个可以移动,所以移动它向领域有很多的敌人。闪电箭:从门启动一个近距离打伤了门。否则,使用接近(和朝向)前线的阻碍(甚至停止)敌人前进。因为它的弧形,它也有效地抗上盖的城堡的结构。流星雨:使用凡是有人群或共同利益点。 下面更新最后一个职业风元素法师
这层更新最后一个职业 西风使者(风元素法师)不同于mag,Zephyr 善于操纵风来控制战场., 所以不能使用 雷 火冰三种伤害性技能, 但是他有自己独有的控制技能The Zephyr is the advanced class counterpart to the Mage. Its focus is on close-quarters, wind-based skills, although it also wields abilities aimed toward foe manipulation. It's lower HP makes using it quite a challenge, given the lack of long-range skills.西风使者是法师的进阶职业. 他们专注于 风元素技能. 操纵敌人. 风元素法师有着很少的HP 这导致使用有点难度. 但是他们有强大的远距离技能Abilities 能力The Zephyr retains most of the abilities a Mage has. However, it may not use the Lightning Strike, Magic Napalm, and Blizzard skills unless given a Skill+ buff. Zephyr exclusive abilities are able to manipulate enemies. Weight cap is 35 at level 60.西风使者有着大部分法师的技能. 然而 他无法使用 雷击 奥秘占但跟暴风雪除非在装备上打上技能附魔. 但是西风使者有这自己独有的控场技能. 负重量达到35 当你60级B Button Skills B按钮技能Cyclone龙卷风Summons a cyclone that slowly proceeds foward from the casting point the Zephyr is facing. Enemies hit are thrown away from the Cyclone.召唤一个小型龙旋风. 往西风使者面向的方向缓缓移动. 被击中的敌人会造成伤害并且击飞Capture After a delay, summons a wind that draws in enemies, similar to Antlion traps. This skill is aimed in a similar fashion to Lightning Strike. Players gain 2 XP over time per enemy caught in Capture. Enemy Captures being cast are indicated by a red circle with a lightning icon, similar to Lightning Strike.经过一小会施法. 召唤一个去吸 附近的敌人到中心点. 这个技能有点类似于雷击技能. 释放者获得2XP 每吸入一个敌人.
敌人会看到这个黑洞以红色标志显示. (按住B 然后用右摇杆选择地点 释放B键使用)Wind Swap 风对调Swaps places with a selected enemy after a short delay. Cannot be used on enemies in the castle. Can be interrupted if attacked and staggered or if the target is killed.跟选中的敌人使用风的能力调换位置. 不能对城堡内的敌人使用
即使被选中的敌人死亡 仍然能调换位置(按住B键 右摇杆选择单位 然后释放调换位置. 使用技巧 在地图边缘放置风陷阱 然后使用风对调 可以使敌人击飞到地图外)Y button skill Y团队技能Cyclone Rush 龙卷风突袭Requires 2-8 other players. Surrounds all participants with a cyclone that throws enemies away upon contact. The more participants in the team skill, the longer the cyclones last.要求2-8个玩家加入. 每个加入的队员获得龙卷风围绕在自身的buff. 靠近的敌人会被龙卷风击飞.更多人加入 持续的时间越长Tips 提示(机翻)As a Mage archtype, the Zephyr has low HP so distance from the enemy is required to stay alive.The Zephyr's skills allow manipulation of the enemy team and thus can be used to your team's advantage.Wind Swap allows you to swap places with an enemy regardless of distance once cast. This may be used to help your team attack fleeing individuals. It may also be used in conjunction with a Wind Trap to guarantee damage. Be wary as to who you target as the skill will end if the target is killed along with wasting AP.As Cyclone's path tends to be straight, its usefulness becomes more apparent in enclosed paths such as the bridges on Sunset.Be wary of Clerics with Dispel as it can cancel Capture before the wind itself is formed, Cyclone Rush, and a normal Cyclone.Zephyr classes have the lowest max HP of any class so far, keep your distance.温馨提示作为一个法师archtype,西风低HP所以从敌人的距离,以维持生命必需的。西风的技能,让操控敌人的队伍,因此可以用于你的团队的优势。风交换让你换一次距离投中与敌人的地方不管。这可以用来帮助你的团队进攻逃离个人。它也可以结合使用一个风陷阱以保证损坏。警惕是谁你的目标的技能将结束,如果目标是与浪费AP杀害。随着气旋的路径往往是直线,它的用处变为封闭的路径更加明显,例如在日落的桥梁。警惕以驱散牧师,因为它本身可以形成风,旋风拉什,和正常的旋风之前取消拍摄。和风类具有最低最大类的任何惠普到目前为止,保持距离。好了 上面便是对6种职业的技能分析 跟使用技巧下面应该是更新装备篇


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