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So, it doesn’t affect me as a mod and it doesn’t matter? Nice. You exposed me! ;)
How would knowing the “””””””””karma rules””””””””” that is general to the website (hint: it’s not a rule) and completely out of my control do anything to affect my ability to mod the sub adequately? (hint: it wouldn’t). Nice try clinging onto any little thing, though, your persistence is pointless but amusing. A waste of time, though, so have a nice day/night, dude.
karma rules
Fucking lol. I actually exhaled out of my nose irl. Congratulations.
Here you go, since you can’t look for yourself.
“9) DON'T BE A JERK! Don't childishly insult others with 3edgy5me crap, or use offensive insults like retard and autist. No racism, no dick-shaming, no fat-bashing, no height-shaming, no insulting people with acne, etc. If someone isn't being nasty to you, don't be nasty to them. Mods get the final call on determining who has violated this rule. Everyone should be at least mostly civil on here.“
It is safe to say that calling rape supporters and/or misogynists pieces of shit is not a childish insult, being a jerk, or 3edgy5me. Sucks for you.
Anyway, if you’re just here to whine about assholes being called assholes and being unable to figure out for yourself how Reddit works and pretending like the mods have some evil conspiracy against you, I’m done here.
Do you understand that your overall karma does not reflect your specific karma for a particular subreddit. I’m pretty sure that if you’re downvoted enough on a specific subreddit (or maybe just not upvoted enough?) it sets the 10 minute thing. How much ‘enough’ is, I you’ll have to google it.
It’s safe to say that it’s reasonable to insult based upon character, that’s not called being a jerk - it’s calling it as you see it. If you call a woman a piece of shit for being a woman, that’s not so cool. If you call an incel a piece of shit for advocating for rape, oh. That’s reasonable. Hopefully you can understand the difference. If not, oh well.
when your karma for a particular subreddit stoops too low
What replies are remaining where Incels are being called words that are specifically against our rules to be used as insults? (ex: retarded, autistic, etc.)
I’ve already removed posts doing that and they get reported by users who contribute here every time it happens. Your assumptions are embarrassing you and you’re digging yourself a hole with your silly victim mentality. From what I know, the 10 minutes thing is automated and happens when your karma for a particular subreddit stoops too low. Snap out of it.
We don’t call them that, hon.
NSFWIt’s ironic that the swastika is positioned farther to the left because fascism* is far right. You’re kind of embarrassing yourself.
NSFWThere was quite a few shocking and “extreme bait posts” on that subreddit, then. It made up the hefty majority.
Yes there was misogyny, so what? Lol.
Good job proving you’re no different after waltzing in here screeching about how not every incel is ideologically similar. Alright, bye.
doesn’t understand hyperbole
You said you weren’t going to condemn incels. If you disagree with them, why don’t you argue with them? We’re not exactly the misogynistic ones. Unless you agree with them.
People can say and think whatever they want. I’m not going to reprimand people for exercising that right.
Reeee fuck you for thinking/saying all incels are the same everyone is different! Not all incels!!!!1! Here I am reprimanding you even though I said I wouldn’t condemn saying or thinking anything!1!1!!!!
Okay, bud.
What I want you to do is irrelevant. I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. If you continue to break the rules as you did with calling every little thing you don’t like or understand retarded then yeah, I will. Otherwise I’ll just roll my eyes at your naivety.
Haha, what. Now you’re trying to distort what the black pill is. There’s not very diverse ways you can interpret it. Incels did have a very common specific ideology based around misogyny. This sub would not be able to thrive if incels are diverse ideologically as you think you guys are. Literally just go to the website and on any thread you will find misogyny. That’s not a coincidence. It’s not hard to comprehend. Sit down somewhere.
I visited that sub frequently in order to contribute to this one. The fact that you actually commented or posted is irrelevant. I couldn’t even comment or post because that’s how bigoted they are. Definitely not misogynistic when I got banned specifically for being a woman.
If everyone can and will think what they want and there’s no point in reprimanding anyone for it then stop getting all triggly and pissy in here over what we think or say about you.
Anything that goes against the black pill would get overwhelmingly downvoted or even removed. The best part is that Incels are the ones who say you aren’t truly an Incel or are a fakecel if you don’t accept that particular ideology, and try to enforce it upon literally everyone else. But yeah, it’s totally us trying to limit you to one particular, specific ideology.
It’s pretty much common sense on Reddit that Incels, as an online community, do largely embrace the black pill. That’s a fact. Are there outliers? Sure. I don’t care. It doesn’t change the trend of opinions among the majority.
If you really think that there isn’t an underlying ideology that was encouraged on that subreddit and transferred to the new website, then whatever. That’s your ignorance to deal with.
Incels was a fun world of diversity where anyone could express any opinion and there’s no way to predict if it will get downvoted or not. You know, because “not all incels think that way!” is more important than the fact that “the majority of incels who browsed the subreddit think that way!” is a very accurate statement.
“retarded” Try reading rules every now and then.
That being said, “you implied it with your post” translates to your way of saying “I interpreted it in such a way that ensures I’ll be angry no matter what so even though you didn’t say this I’ll pretend you did anyway!”
The majority of Incels upvoted thing A and thing B despite the fact that A and B contradict each other. Considering the fact that Incels integrate both A and B into an ideology that the vast majority of them accept and perpetuate, they are contradicting themselves. Sorry that you can’t understand that concept.
Or like, maybe, like, I never said every incel is the same mentally and maybe you’re, like, being a crybaby and wandering in here battling a strawman. Incels overwhelmingly upvoted both “prostitution doesn’t count” + “sluts are degenerates” and yet also upvoted, like, the “femoids only want sex work to be illegal so we have no pleasure outlet at all” so, like, the majority vote contradicts itself among incels like, all the time.
“Nah, that’s unrealistic. A more realistic option would be transferring their consciousness to a simulation and making them only experience suffering for all of literal eternity.”
So prostitution doesn’t count for them and doesn’t provide the pleasure they want, they think it’s degeneracy, and a woman being a whore should be punishable by death... but they’re going to throw a fit if it’s criminalized?
Ah, yes. The roast beef theory. A scientific, biological theory.
What’s a problem? Stereotypes are a serious problem. You not getting laid is not. It’s not a problem that someone isn’t giving you consent to have sex with them, they have no obligation to do that. Sorry to break it to you, but I couldn’t care less if you stay blue-balled forever. You’re not entitled to sex with Asian women just because you’re Asian - nobody is sexually entitled to someone else’s body.
This whole “subhuman” stuff is tiring and meaningless, the only people classifying and treating you as subhuman are you and the people who push your pissy ideology.
Nobody consents to having sex with Asian men
Not only is that logically absurd, but you’re acting as if someone refusing to have sex with someone else is an issue that needs to be resolved in some way. If you think stereotypes are causing Asian men to struggle to find someone to have sex with then go advocate against stereotypes and give a woman a reason to want to have sex with you. Whoever told you that you are entitled to or need sex in the first place and that sex is what determines someone’s humanity lied to you. Tell them to get a job as a brain surgeon and do themselves a lobotomy.
The average is actually 38 and a half inches. I left the last loser normie boyfriend I had because he only had 12 inches. Like, I could hardly feel anything. I guess I’m just so used to Chad’s 5,026 inches that I’m desensitized to anything else.
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