任务三国kill神将任务 1 graug 谁知道是什么东西

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备案编号:沪ICP备号-6 | 沪网文[2号谁知道暗黑BUG
进入别游戏 (安MM虫建游戏)我进打死安MM 说A2
我告诉act5能制作4bossbug吧! 要给我哦别我轻易告诉 第幕 busbugsor起杀安mm,bugsor通关bug!建游戏 第二幕 bus杀虫bugsor能面关键杀完bus门给bugsor,进使说通关bug完建游戏 第三幕 制作比较麻烦准备2需要pass第3幕杀崔范克瘸bugsor离队关键 bus带另外杀另外完任务再全部组队bus清场憎恨1层清理憎恨2层站bugsor崔范克走act2站bus站清场憎恨3层bugsor离队另外bus杀劳模通关bugsor憎恨2层站3层进红门act4bug制作完 pass第3幕角色建游戏bugsor再杀bug劳模确记bugsor单独建游戏杀完没bug 第四幕制作否则第5幕 第五幕bugsor杀baar,完任务让完任务建游戏bugsor直接杀
要问BUG MF今盛行、普及初阿呆Decho等前辈倡导知道bug mf候才始流行起呢 -0-
至今impk综合区精华帖索引找decho发表1.10mfbug介绍-王胡胡指南系列4阿呆(即DFCN)发表手手教bug kb尤其阿呆嫂(其MJ偶缅怀-0-)经BBS寻求BUG KB合作伙伴 弄bug kb直播普及工作做贡献 -0-谨文些推广bug mf前辈广喜欢MFD2玩家0楼
bug mf须知1楼
双bug kb详解2楼
单bug kb3楼
bus char比Bug mf处简单说bug mf1.10才第K每关BOSSDrop(掉宝率)比完任务略高所造种永远完BOSS任务每获更高DropMF式同单Drop高点BUG MF掉些低品质物品例金钱、弓箭袋、钥匙、卷轴① 及白色装备(包括损坏、破碎超强)所BUG MF能掉几种物品:Unique(暗金)、Set(绿色)、Rare(黄金)、Magic(蓝色)间接幅度提高MF效率获装备能性BUG掉都暗金色看起相舒服点吧 - -#掉装备跟怪物TC(treasure classic)、等级(m_lvl)关系比说Bug Km能掉落ETH SZ、ETH沙暴、暗金猪等东西更候掉些用品想靠Bug Km打CY、7+能 -0-
许选择Bug Kb本文着重介绍bug kb双Bug kb基本流程般bug kb需要完任务建游戏未完任务MF character(般师)加入游戏K baal获物品既完任务bug效阿呆流程发展变<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a5f控制2char建游戏(姑且称driver)负责TP、清场打掉前N批怪物剩(5-N)批怪baal留给MF SOR候driver进入游戏TP、清场(走前要忘BO)等MF SOR刚K完baal捡宝物、进入游戏候driver刚打剩(5-N)批怪物往复工细致明确获高效率高MF(SOR用TP所用高MF低FCR装备没问题)较高MF、高效率单位间内争取更MF数比极高MF低效率要实惠MF递缩效应、二bug kb20东西效率数才bug kb王道说N批5-N批呢
合作者速度能操作已边快边慢则取速度平衡点能driver没K<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a006e批怪mf sor进或者driver K完mf sor才匆匆赶数情况2/3或3/2配CHAR做driver呢限LSORTP PAL~~~没技术较强力冰火SOR或者用PAL路charge代替TP 慢点QR适用 -_-#MF SOR呢数都用纯冰SOR履行职责否佳选择呢冰火双修SORbug kb优劣势简单说优势火系魔用高DAM提高效率1. 独立清掉KB第2批骷髅2. 清除baal触角触角经作路障候烦让PET懂选择目标PET更乖打baal要PET阻碍减速效作用baal身发飚起
让自冰风暴受阻碍打击baal3. 够帅
谁说双修SOR能BUG KB -0- 4. 换装备作带pass双修SOR
1.11便宜许 看知道
A1,A2的BOSS,造成任务无法完成就算BUG成功,A3,A4,A5的BOSS要造成BUG是不能通过这1章的,练法嘛,一般就存冰就得了,练1个能BUGA1,2,3的(就是没过A3的),在练1个BUGKB的,BUGK A4的比较少,你想练也行
出门在外也不愁Shadow of Mordor Hunting Challenges Guide - Gosu Noob
& Hunting Challenges Guide
Hunting challenges are special side quests that require you to kill a certain type of creature for a reward in Mirrian. There are 10 hunting challenges available, one harder than the other. We give a short overview of each challenge and tactics for each creature, including screenshots and map locations for hard to find creatures.
When in close vicinity of the creature, that has to be killed in order to complete a specific hunting challenge, the following message will pop up in the middle of your screen: &#8220;The beast you are hunting is nearby&#8220;. Killing the beast will also unlock an additional lore about it.
Once you manage to defeating all creatures you will complete Master of the Wilds Trophy / Achievement and collect 2100 Mirians in total.
Kill 3 Spiders
&#8220;Kill 3 Spiders&#8221; is the Hunting Challenge no. 1. These small creatures are usually hidden in bushes and caves, and it&#8217;s very hard to spot them. You will probably complete this hunting challenge by running through some bushes or while completing other missions, because you only have to step on the spider in order to kill it. But, if you&#8217;re still looking for them, you will find a large number of spiders inside a small cave in southwestern part of the first map (Durthang Wastes).
Gosu Tip: When you enter the Wraith World you&#8217;ll be able to spot the spiders much easier, and you can defeat them with arrows. Try not to enter the cave if you don&#8217;t want to fight with a huge beast.
Kill 5 Flying Creatures
Flying creatures &#8211; birds can be found near fast travel towers. They are hard to kill, since they move constantly. The easiest way to kill them is when you enter the Wraith world and use arrows to slow time down.
Kill 3 Caragors
Caragors can be found in cages around Orc strongholds (Durthang Outskirts Stronghold for example) or you can find them from time to time at the entrance to various caves of Mordor. I suggest you tame one of the Caragors and it will be much easier to kill the others while riding, because they do not attack other Caragors (and neither will they attack you riding one). You can also kill them with two bow headshots.
Tame a Caragorn by jumping on top of him (you have to have the wraith ability as well)
Map location of some free roaming Caragorns
Killing other Caragorns is easy while you ride on one.
Another map location of free roaming Caragorns
Kill 4 Rats
I found these in Durthang West inside various pits and underground passages. That whole area is filled with structures occupied by Orcs and you can find rats roaming around pits and between Cragors cages. Use your Wraith vision to spot them easier.
Use your wraith vision to se the vermin better
Whole complex in this part of the map has rats
You can find some even outside Beast pens in the ditch between two structures.
Kill 8 Ghuls
Ghuls only come out at night so make sure you hunt for them at night (you can progress time at forge towers on the map). There is a mission after you go to the second map with lots of ghuls so you can wait until you reach that point in the main story to complete this challenge. Otherwise go to South Black Road and there is a group of Ghuls spawning and respawning always in the same spot. Kill them and run away, then come back to kill enough for the challenge since they should respawn.
Ghuls come out of the ground at a certain spot on the road.
Check out this location at night to perhaps find some Ghuls.
Kill 3 Bats
Bats can be found during the day at the entrances to any of the caves. Be careful as you approach the cave because they will almost immediately start flying away. Go into your wraith bow zoom mode and kill as many as you can while your focus lasts.
Find an entrance into a cave during daytime.
Go into wraith mode and you will see all the bats are around the entrance
They will start flying away as soon as they sense danger so make sure you snipe as many as you can
Map location of one of the caves.
Kill 1 Graug
Graug are massive beasts (similar to trolls) and they can show up in the open world from time to time, but there is also a cave where one Graug resides most of the time. Your best chance to defeat these, very hard to kill, beasts is to have it fight nearby Orcs and you join in on the fray. If you shoot the Graug with your bow and hit him in the head
with fully charged shot he becomes stunned and you can dish out a few slashes while he is like that. Be careful if you are fighting it alongside Orcs that they are not the one to kill it because you will not get credit for the challenge. You can also complete this hunting challenge during the story mission Hunting Partners where you will hunt Great White Graug, and learn how to kill and mount these creatures.
Game tells you to shoot it with a headshot to stun it
You can find Graur free roaming the road towards the Black Gate
There is often a Graur in front of the cave in the very Northwest of Udun. Sometimes he is inside the cave at the very end, but there are no Orc around to helyou kill it.
Aim your bow at its head for a stun hit.
Slash at its feet while it stands there stunned
You can see a Graur roaming the lands in front of the Black Gate in the screenshot above.
Kill A Dire Caragor
Dire Caragor can be found in a group with two-three standard Caragors and our best advice is to unlock Shadow Mount ability and mount Dire Caragor in order to kill it much easier. You can also complete this challenge during the story mission Great White Graug.
Our advice is to mount Dire Caragor
Map location
Kill a Ghul Matron
Ghul Matron appears only during the night. Go to South Black Road or Udun Crossing where a huge number of Ghuls spawm. Fight the Ghuls until a Matron emerges, but it&#8217;s important not to kill them all, leave 2-3 so they can dig more holes.
Udun Crossing location
Check out this location at night to perhaps find some Ghuls.
Kill a Horned Graug
This hunting challenge can be completed during the last story mission with Torvin Great White Graug, but you can also find them near Forge towers in Sea of Nurnen.
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