为什么plague inc 攻略lnc这个游戏耍不起

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UID7880524主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1376金钱1040 荣誉3 人气54 在线时间15439 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分1376金钱1040 荣誉3 人气54 评议0
英文名称:Plague Inc: Evolved
制作公司:Ndemic Creations
发行公司:Ndemic Creations
  玩家在选定好病原体开始游玩后,在世界地图上点选一个国家或地区作为传染源之地,然后利用获得的DNA 点数进化瘟疫。所有的病原体的属性皆由传染(Transmission)、症状(Symptoms)和能力(Abilities)三者构成,其中传染属性主要有动物性传播、空气传播、水源传播、血液传播和昆虫传播,症状属性囊括诸多致命性与非致命性的发病表现,而能力属性则包括抗寒能力、抗热能力、抗药能力和病原体的特殊能力&&玩家需要通过 DNA 点数妥善进化三者的属性,从而强化病原体的传染性(Infectivity)、严重性(Severity)和致命性(Lethality)。因此,游戏的通常目标就是使病原体感染至全世界,并在解药成功研制前将所有人类至于死地。
3.0GHz i5 Dual Core同性能CPU
Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 / Radeon HD 3600同性能显卡(1 GB显存)
1 GB可用空间
Windows 7 / Windows 8
1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上
2. 开始游戏
文件名:5484300.rar 文件大小:320.02M
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UID8376532主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱12 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
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UID8279502主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分19金钱216 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间108 小时评议0
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UID3518499主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分8金钱132 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间15 小时评议0
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res trerg t 4y&&y436554
UID572043主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分71金钱1811 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间481 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分71金钱1811 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
瘟疫公司:进化|Plague Inc: Evolved|免安装绿色版|解压缩即玩]
UID6275922主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分9金钱58 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间12 小时评议0
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UID2657350主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分14金钱378 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间108 小时评议0
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Plague Inc 修改 作弊 指南
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在线时间4578 小时 UID
红苹果, 积分 336, 距离下一级还需 164 积分
# BACTERIA# Global Var Data Export : 12/05/12 at 18:45 global: disease_type_gui:Bacteria 病原体名称# disease_nexus:usa #the country to start disease at global_air_rate:1&&通过空气(航班)的传播速率(?),越大传播越快 global_sea_rate:1 通过海洋(航班)。。。。 global_land_rate:1 通过陆地。。。。 # disease stats
global_infectiousness:0 初始传染性 global_infectiousness_max:1 最大传染性1 global_severity:0 嘛……反正就是游戏里病毒的那三个参数了 global_severity_max:1 global_lethality:0 global_lethality_max:0
wealthy:0&&这是在不同区域里的适应性,比如这一行是 有钱的 ,数字越大,就表示在有钱的区域里越容易传播(?) poverty:1& & 贫穷的 urban:1& && &城市的。 rural:1& && &&&农村的。 hot:0.1& && & 热的。 cold:0.1& && &冷的。 humid:1& && &潮湿的。 arid:1& && && &干旱的 mutation:0.5& &变异性,数字越大越容易自己突变。 land_transmission:1 # 1=normal, 0=no transmission& &能否通过陆地传播,1为可以传播,0为不能传播。 sea_transmission:1 # 1=normal, 0=no transmission& & 海洋。。。。 air_transmission:1 # 1=normal, 0=no transmission& && &空气。。。。 corpse_transmission:0 # 1=normal, 0=no transmission&&尸体。。。(有时候,世界上还有人没被感染,但是所有被感染的人都死了,游戏就结束了,因为这个病原体不能通过尸体传播(比如细菌。。。 #base_corpse_transmission:0.1好了,下面就是升级项的解释了,由于重复项很高,只列出了一个,其他的都差不多# VIRUS Tech Data Export : 29/05/12 at 19:27 disease_tech: air_1:&&name:Air 1&&名字,一般,只建议修改一个就够了。&&grid_type:transmission&&grid_position:40&&base_graphic:air_transmission&&graphic_overlay:tech_1&&description:Gives pathogen ability to travel on dust particles. Increase infectivity, especially in arid environments and plane transmission&&tech_requirement_or:0&&tech_requirement_and:0&&start_point:1&&cost:-9& &只建议修改这里,本来是研发Air 1需要9个DNA,我们把这个 -9 改成 3000 ,就变成了,研发这个送我3000个DNA。。。DNA多了可以不用其他改了也就没啥意思了(其实修改游戏本身就没啥意思吧魂淡!。。。。&&change_to_infectiousness:4&&这一堆change_to_表示对后面那啥的影响,。&&change_to_severity:0&&change_to_lethality:0&&change_to_land_transmission:0&&change_to_sea_transmission:0&&change_to_air_transmission:9& &因为是Air 1的升级,所以只影响空气传播速率。。。。&&change_to_wealthy:0&&change_to_poverty:0&&change_to_urban:0&&change_to_rural:0&&change_to_hot:0&&change_to_cold:0&&change_to_humid:0&&change_to_arid:0.8&&哦,还影响干燥地区的传播速率。。。。。&&change_to_corpse_transmission:0&&change_to_cure_base_multiplier:0&&change_to_research_inefficiency_multiplier:0&&change_to_mutation:0复制代码
world.txt& && & 各个州的参数
综上,只建议修改Air 1里面的cost:-9为3000.。。。其他不动都可以了
1. 从iTunes下载 并安装正版软件,或盗版
3. 将 iPhone/iPad 与电脑连接,打开目录管理软件 iTools或者 DiskAid 或者 iExplorer
4. 找到软件安装目录 Plague,寻找文件 /Plague.app内 上面讲的那一堆txt门&&(以下两种解锁方法任选其一)
5.1 修改解锁: 将上述文件拷贝到 PC 端,使用记事本打开,编辑对应的参数,之后将修改后的文件传回 Library/Preferences 目录下覆盖同名文件
5.2 覆盖解锁:下载
(52 KB, 下载次数: 2973)
14:08 上传
(只修改了升级Air 1的消耗),解压,并复制到 //var/mobile/Applications/*************/Plague.app 目录下覆盖同名文件
IMG_0597.PNG (653 KB, 下载次数: 0)
14:08 上传
<p id="rate_020" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
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在线时间17 小时 UID
iphone5. 11 完美越狱?下载的游戏1。0版本
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在线时间2325 小时 UID
对夏目玲子于 22:52在楼主发表的主题评分:人气:+1;
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在线时间272 小时 UID
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在线时间16 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间4578 小时 UID
引用第3楼snake1217j于 12:57发表的
iphone5. 11 完美越狱?下载的游戏1。0版本
装好后进游戏闪退!请问大神怎么解决!超级想玩这个游戏 1.0我也会闪退
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间4578 小时 UID
引用第5楼bzd_user于 15:44发表的
其实关键是不知道怎么增加severity,人类一旦开始研究,CURE增长速度就奇快。 第三页Abilities,左下角开始的那几个,反解析,DNA随机排列,升满就行了
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在线时间1100 小时 UID
沪ICP备号-1 丨 深公安网监备案号 5
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5 of 127 (4%) Achievements Earned::
Personal Achievements
Bacteria Victory
Win a game with Bacteria on Normal Difficulty or higher
Bottle Smasher
Smash a Blue cure bubble and slow down the Research Team
Evolve your disease
Evolve your disease to become stronger
RMS Watch List
Get your Plague on the RMS Watch List
The End Plague
Win one game with any disease type and any difficulty
Win a game by eradicating humanity with the Neurax Worm
Not Another Zombie Game
Win a game with the Necroa Virus without making a single zombie
The Glorious Dead
Win a game with the Necroa Virus
Insane Bolt
Sprint to victory and set a world record by winning the game with Bacteria in under 365 days
Virus Victory
Win a game with Virus on Normal Difficulty or higher
Fungus Victory
Win a game with Fungus on Normal Difficulty or higher
Parasite Victory
Win a game with Parasite on Normal Difficulty or higher
Prion Victory
Win a game with Prion on Normal Difficulty or higher
Nano-Virus Victory
Win a game with Nano-Virus on Normal Difficulty or higher
Unlock Cheatmodes
Unlock the cheats by winning a game on Normal for ALL disease types
Banana Skin
Prevent PfiGlax modifing the Necroa Virus
Kill the DarkWater research team
Discover the Waking Dead combo
Breathe Deep
Infect the Chernobyl research team
Brown Streets
Discover the Public Defecation combo
Chinese Nuclear Retaliation
Make the USA nuke China
Contaminated Package
Let humans spread the disease via blood transfusion
Stop DarkWater from discovering a Necroa Virus weakness
Don't Ask Me
Make the PfiGlax modification project fail
Due Diligence
Stop PfiGlax finding a link to the Necroa Virus
Successfully use the Zombie Horde active ability
Getting Colder
Trick the Egyptian DNA tests
Hide and Seek
Prevent link with Chernobyl exclusion zone
I'll Be Back
Successfully use the Zombie re-animate active ability
Is it a bird?
Discover the Vampire Bat combo
It's a Trap!
Wipe out the Giza expedition
Discover the Blood in the Air combo
Discover the Projectile Vomiting combo
Non Starter
Stop DarkWater from analysing the Necroa Virus
Discover the Swineflu Combo
Olympic Spoiler
Help the Olympics go viral in the UK
Patient Who?
Stop the CDC finding Patient Zero
Peer Pressure
Have your plague discovered after riots force a government investigation
Plague in Space
Infect astronauts before they launch a space mission
Discover the Profuse Bleeding combo
Revenge of Osiris
Invalidate the knowledge of the pharaohs
Discover the Runner combo
Russian Nuclear Retaliation
Make the USA nuke Russia
Discover the Spitter combo
STALKERs delight
Cause a nuclear meltdown
Discover the Tank combo
Discover the Bath Time combo
Test This!
Force Chernobyl research to be put on hold
Touchscreen Trash
Disrupt the iCure and stop it helping cure research
Discover the Oops symptom combo
Use your head
Discover the Cranial Dispersion combo
Walking Contradiction
Discover the Walking Contradiction combo
Who needs DEET
Avoid insect bites
Z Com: Enemy Undead
Destroy a Z Com fortress
Assuming Direct Control
Win a game by enslaving humanity with the Neurax Worm
Neurax Worm Victory
Win a game with Neurax Worm on Normal Difficulty or higher
Bio-Weapon Victory
Win a game with Bio-Weapon on Normal Difficulty or higher
Complete Black Death
Score 3 biohazards with Black Death scenario
Complete Created Equal
Score 3 biohazards with Created Equal scenario
Complete Global Warming
Score 3 biohazards with Global Warming scenario
Complete Golden Age
Score 3 biohazards with Golden Age scenario
Complete Ice Age
Score 3 biohazards with Ice Age scenario
Complete Mirror Earth
Score 3 biohazards with Mirror Earth scenario
Complete Pirate Plague
Score 3 biohazards with Pirate Plague scenario
Complete Shut Down Everything
Score 3 biohazards with Shut Down Everything scenario
Complete Smallpox
Score 3 biohazards with Smallpox scenario
Complete Sovereign Default
Score 3 biohazards with Sovereign Default scenario
Complete Swine Flu
Score 3 biohazards with Swine Flu scenario
Complete Volcanic Ash
Score 3 biohazards with Volcanic Ash scenario
Complete Who Cares
Score 3 biohazards with Who Cares scenario
Complete Xenophobia
Score 3 biohazards with Xenophobia scenario
Super Sparrow
Get 3 biohazards with each disease in Pirate Plague scenario
Get 3 biohazards with each disease in Volcanic Ash scenario
Mr President
Get 3 biohazards with each disease in Shut Down Everything scenario
Unknown Origin
Score 3 biohazards with Unknown Origin scenario
Nipah Virus
Score 3 biohazards with Nipah Virus scenario
Frozen Virus
Score 3 biohazards with Frozen Virus scenario
Artificial Organs
Score 3 biohazards with Artificial Organs scenario
Make a celebrity cry
Contagion Cancelled
Prevent a film about your plague being made
Who needs Science
Show the world how useful homeopathy is
Who needs brains
Take humanity back to the stone age
I never asked for this
Feel the negative side of artificial organs
Bacteria Master
Beat Bacteria on mega-brutal difficulty
Virus Master
Beat Virus disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Fungus Master
Beat Fungus disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Parasite Master
Beat Parasite disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Prion Master
Beat Prion disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Nano-Virus Master
Beat Nano-Virus disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Bioweapon Master
Beat Bioweapon disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Neurax Master
Beat Neurax Worm disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Necroa Master
Beat Necroa Virus disease type on mega-brutal difficulty
Normal Shuffle
Win 5 times in a row on normal difficulty with the shuffle strain enabled
Mega-Brutal Shuffle
Win 5 times in a row on mega-brutal difficulty with the shuffle strain enabled
Win 5 times in a row on normal difficulty with the lucky dip strain enabled
Lottery Winner!
Win 5 times in a row on mega brutal difficulty with the lucky dip strain enabled
Discover the Boomer combo
Apes will Rise!
Destroy humanity with the Simian Flu and let the apes take over
Not Just a Pretty Face
Make every ape in the world intelligent
Film Fanatic
Recreate the setting of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film
Great EscApe
Break apes out of the primate shelter
Trojan Horse
Create a trojan plane and use it to infect a new country with the Neurax Worm
Published Scenario
Publish a Plague Inc:Evolved Scenario to Steam Workshop
Did I mean to do that?
Reverse Simian evolution
Family. Future.
Create an ape colony to bring intelligent apes together
Go Simian-faeces
Destroy a Gen-Sys lab
The Traveller
Move intelligent apes to a new country
Evade a drone attack
Apes. Together. Strong.
Gather 500,000 apes in a single country
Scare humans into becoming hostile to apes
Shouldn't Keep Pets
Allow all the apes to die
An Ape is for Life…
…Not just for Christmas
Simian Master
Beat the Simian Flu on mega-brutal difficulty
Evolve 'Total Brain Death' in the first year and win
Do it like they do
Discover the Discovery Channel Combo
Ape's Creed
Discover the Assassin Combo
Like flies round…
Discover the Fly Magnet Combo
Rude Awakening
Discover the Rude Awakening Combo
Red Ape Redemption
Discover the Red Ape Redemption Combo
Blind Genius
Discover the Blind Genius Combo
Not Necroa
Discover the Zombie Panic Combo
Attack of the Drones
Have a colony destroyed by a drone
On The Naughty List
Put humanity on Santa's naughty list
Ultimate Christmas
Discover the Ultimate Christmas Combo
Complete Teleportation
Score 3 biohazards in the Teleportation scenario
Complete Santa's Little Helper
Score 3 biohazards in the Santa's Little Helper scenario
GLaDOS Says Hi
Make a teleport attempt end in tragedy


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