
From Dota 2 Wiki
This article is about the in-game item. For the Beta memorial gems, see , , and .
The Bloodstone is an
listed at the Main Shop, under . However, it requires items from the
to be completed.
Pocket Deny
Instantly causes you to die.
Cast Range: 100 300
Deals damage in the form of
equal to the owner's current health to the owner upon cast.
Dying this way counts as a .
Can be cast and can kill the caster while .
AffectsSelf / Allies
Begins with 12 charges, and gains a charge each time an enemy hero dies within 1675 range. Each charge grants 1 mana regeneration per second and reduces respawn time by 3 seconds. If the bearer dies, 500 + 30 health per charge is restored to all allies within a 1675 radius, while the Bloodstone loses a third of its charges.
Charge Gain Radius: 1675Death Heal Radius: 1675Charge Gain per Enemy Hero Death: 1Mana Regen Bonus per Charge: 1Respawn Time Reduction per Charge: 3Death Base Area Heal: 500Death Bonus Area Heal per Charge: 30
When having multiple Bloodstones, the one in the higher inventory slot gains charges.
The top left inventory slot has the highest priority, the bottom left one the lowest.
The effects of Bloodstone charges from all Bloodstones a hero owns fully stack.
Gains a charge whenever an enemy hero dies within the radius, or whenever the owner makes a kill from any distance.
When multiple heroes in a team have Bloodstones, each hero can gain a charge from the same enemy death.
Each charge directly increases , so each charge regenerates 0.1 mana in 0.1 second intervals.
The number of charges lost on death (including , e.g. ) is rounded up.
Despite the visual effects, the area heal is applied instantly in the entire radius.
The area heal upon death does not affect
Cannot reduce a hero's death time below 1 second.
Leshrac, Timbersaw, Storm Spirit
Techies, Lina, Zeus, Skywrath Mage, Rubick, Death Prophet, Puck, Shadow Shaman, Necrophos.
The bloodmark left at the owner's death location (unused)
Bloodstone replenishing allies' health拍拍部落关服了,有人记得这款游戏么。_街头篮球吧_百度贴吧
The Flock steam已出,...
如果把西游记倒过来看,其实更精彩。如来派师徒四人带上 八部天书和去东土大唐传教,在一路上遇到了各种妖怪,打 来 打去发现他们都是有后台的,无论怎么作恶都不受惩罚,八戒 和沙 僧觉得太黑暗了,无奈一个躲进了,一个钻进了 河,只有悟 空坚持正义一路斩妖除魔护送师傅东去传教。结果天庭对悟空实在 忍无可忍就和如来达成协议——我们可以保证平安到长安, 不过你得把这个刺儿头给办了,如来 同意了,在一翻阴谋之 下,白龙重伤坠入山涧,悟空败了,被压在了五指山下,而唐三藏 却抛弃了孙悟空,孤身来到长安,在长安传完教,被封为御弟,享 受完荣华富贵,寿终正寝。就这样过了五百年,悟空终于从五指山 下逃了出来,一声不吭,把天庭 搅了个天翻地覆,天庭被逼无奈许诺让 化为人身,封为天蓬元帅,封为,只要他们 能够杀掉孙悟空。最后的最后,因为兄弟相残而心灰意冷的悟空去 寻找菩提祖师解惑,然后他封印了修为,如意金箍棒扔进了化 作定海神针,回到,陪着猴孙过完了平凡的一生,最终 在花果山的山顶化作了一块石头…… 这才是真正的社 会!????? _


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