玩英雄联盟老是崩溃游戏环境崩溃 错误代码 0 5 540 是怎么回事 而且键盘鼠标都不

时间: 22:34 来源:转载 编辑:lucy
“脚本_2.替换.bat” - 替换当前目录“League of Legends.exe”的鼠标指针“整组_1.提取.bat” - 提取旧版本/自己喜英雄联盟掉帧欢的鼠标指针“League of Legends.exe”程序(全部英雄联盟鼠标指针鼠标指针)“整组_2.替换.bat” - 替换当前目录“League of Legends.exe”的全部英雄联盟指针缩小鼠标指针使用方法:1. 复制“League of Legends.exe”到本目录2. 执行“脚本_2.替换.bat”3. 打开“已替换”文件夹,把“League of Legends.exe”复制到英雄联盟指针修改器游戏目录如果“Cursor”文件夹里面英雄联盟指针的鼠标指针不适合你你可将自己喜欢的指针替英雄联盟掉段换到“Cursor”文件夹里面但注意文件名英雄联盟会掉段位吗必须相同然后再执行“脚本_2.替换.bat”或者你找到自己喜英雄联盟掉段规则欢的鼠标指针“League of Legends.exe”程序(英雄联盟掉帧旧版本)1. 复制“League of Legends.exe”(旧版本/自己喜欢英雄联盟掉fps的鼠标指针)到本目录2. 执行“脚本_1.提取.bat”提取指针3. 复制需要替英雄联盟鼠标指针换的“League of Legends.exe”到本目录4. 执行“脚本_2.替换.bat”替换指针5. 打开“已替换”文件夹,把“League of Legends.exe”复制到英雄联盟指针修改器游戏目录温馨提示:“整组”的使用方英雄联盟指针修改器法和“脚本”一样,区别在于是替换“英雄联盟指针全部鼠标指针”。0704教程 下载地址:0620版教程:(使英雄联盟掉段用美服版本“League of Legends.exe”)准备工作:1. 非国服的“League of Legends.exe”程序(因英雄联盟会掉段位吗为无TP)2. 寻找一个已经替英雄联盟掉段规则换好指针的“League of Legends.exe”程序(最好是英雄联盟掉帧自己喜欢的)(我这里找了一个是英雄联盟掉fps签名5月24日的“League of Legends.exe”)教程开始:1. 把已经替换过英雄联盟鼠标指针指针的“League of Legends.exe”程序复制到“本目录英雄联盟指针缩小”(自己喜欢的指针)2. 执行“脚本提取.bat”3. 复制非国服的“League of Legends.exe”程序到“英雄联盟指针修改器本目录”4. 执行“脚本替换.bat”5. 将替换好的“League of Legends.exe”程序复制到“英雄联盟\Game”目英雄联盟指针录下替换原文件(注意备份)6. 在游戏自行体验0620教程 下载地址:* 目前盒子收英雄联盟掉段录的“League of Legends.exe”是美服,签名:5月24日版本今天游戏更新了,“League of Legends.exe”肯定会被还原到带英雄联盟会掉段位吗TP的6月15日版本* 本教程“League of Legends.exe”使用是美服,签名:6月5日版本(非“LoL英雄联盟掉段规则多玩盒子”的5月24日)因为我没有用英雄联盟掉帧盒子游戏还有,我上次提供英雄联盟掉fps的免TP“League of Legends.exe”只适用于不使英雄联盟鼠标指针用盒子的玩家使用“LoL多玩盒子”,“League of Legends.exe”程序会被替换回签名英雄联盟指针缩小5月24日的盒子版本也就是为什么指针还是原来样英雄联盟指针修改器子的原因(没有被替换)所以为了减少麻烦,上一个演示教程是英雄联盟指针直接用盒子的“League of Legends.exe”程序也是为了解决这个问题,但部分玩家说替换不了,建议替换时,暂时退出杀软保护因为某些杀软很敏感,如果执行bat批处理,很有可能这个操作会被阻止0616英雄联盟掉段版教程:(使用盒子版本“League of Legends.exe”)准备工作:1. 多玩LoL盒子(英雄联盟会掉段位吗下载地址:2. ResHacker(下面附英雄联盟掉段规则件内附)教程开始:1. 首先查看国英雄联盟掉帧服原来“League of Legends.exe”文件大小:10.7M2. 打开盒子,勾选“无限视距”英雄联盟掉fps或者“打野计时”,然后“启动游戏”3. 这时国服“League of Legends.exe”文件大小:9.18M (已没有TP了)4. 将“League of Legends.exe”复制到“替换英雄联盟鼠标指针lol鼠标”文件夹5. 执行“替换.bat”6. 把新的“League of Legends.exe”替换到客户英雄联盟指针缩小端\Game目录下7. 登录游戏体验0616教程 下载地址:其他服“League of Legends.exe”应用在国英雄联盟指针修改器服上方法:由于别的服务器(英雄联盟指针美服/台服/韩服 之类)没有TP问题如果想用美服/台英雄联盟掉段服/韩服的“League of Legends.exe”代替国英雄联盟会掉段位吗服的“League of Legends.exe”只需将“League of Legends.exe”复制到“替换英雄联盟鼠标指针lol鼠标”文件夹执行“替换.bat”上面操作完毕可直接在其英雄联盟掉帧他服(非国服)游戏体验。但在国服身上,替换完指针,不修改版本号,开始游戏时,就会发生这英雄联盟掉fps种情况:解决上面问题:替换完指针后,用“UltraEdit”软英雄联盟鼠标指针件打开“League of Legends.exe”然后按“Ctrl+G” 十六进制跳转,在“转到地址英雄联盟指针缩小”输入:&font color=&#ffafbf5h(目前英雄联盟指针修改器所有1.0.0.140通用地址)将鼠标光标位置上的“英雄联盟指针00”替换成“31”最后保存文件并替英雄联盟掉段换原来游戏的“League of Legends.exe”即可。替换LoL软件 下载地址:附上“League of Legends.exe”程序(4英雄联盟会掉段位吗个版本)* 分别是“盒子版本(0524)”和“美服版本(0605英雄联盟掉段规则)”各两个(原始指针/替换0620教程指针)* 0524适合使用英雄联盟掉帧盒子的用户,而0605适用不使用英雄联盟掉fps盒子的用户下载地址:但是感觉好厉害你的贴子很不错。推荐一下! O(∩_∩)O.总评分:&金钱 + 100&如果附件有问题,请“短信息”联系,我会尽快修复并英雄联盟鼠标指针提供完善版本。度娘盘:/share/home?uk=(不英雄联盟指针缩小定时更新附件,您可以通过“立即关英雄联盟指针修改器注”获取信息)新《语音包帖英雄联盟指针子》地址:/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=&fromuid=2414357丨快乐de小2b丨新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限40积分501英雄联盟会掉段位吗精华0UID帖子金钱1097 威望0Lv.4, 积分 501, 距离下一级还需 499 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝谢谢LZ分享新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分5600英雄联盟掉段规则精华0UID帖子金钱7353 威望0Lv.7, 积分 5600, 距离下一级还需 4400 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝感谢分英雄联盟掉帧享&&新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分584英雄联盟掉fps精华0UID帖子金钱1775 威望0Lv.4, 积分 584, 距离下一级还需 416 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝一直 报错,无法进入游戏,是怎么yuelaner_dw新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分5355英雄联盟指针缩小精华1UID2414357帖子金钱241710 威望1Lv.7, 积分 5355, 距离下一级还需 4645 积分UID2414357帖子威望1 多玩草526 草元宝帅帅0825 发表于一直 报错,无法进入游戏,是怎么如果是按照视频那么做,发生错误几率很小的。请确定盒子和LoL客英雄联盟指针缩小户端是最新版本。如果附件有问题,请“短信息”联系,我会尽快修复并英雄联盟鼠标指针提供完善版本。度娘盘:/share/home?uk=(不英雄联盟指针缩小定时更新附件,您可以通过“立即关英雄联盟指针修改器注”获取信息)新《语音包帖英雄联盟指针子》地址:/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=&fromuid=2414357新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分584英雄联盟掉fps精华0UID帖子金钱1775 威望0Lv.4, 积分 584, 距离下一级还需 416 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝现在盒子的 反TP不能用的,用了就无限崩溃,点上功能就崩溃yuelaner_dw新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分5355英雄联盟指针缩小精华1UID2414357帖子金钱241710 威望1Lv.7, 积分 5355, 距离下一级还需 4645 积分UID2414357帖子威望1 多玩草526 草元宝帅帅0825 发表于现在盒子的 反TP不能用的,用了就无限崩溃,点上功能就崩溃或者直接下载这个exe。指针是教程里的。如果附件有问题,请“短信息”联系,我会尽快修复并英雄联盟鼠标指针提供完善版本。度娘盘:/share/home?uk=(不英雄联盟指针缩小定时更新附件,您可以通过“立即关英雄联盟指针修改器注”获取信息)新《语音包帖英雄联盟指针子》地址:/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=&fromuid=2414357新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限30积分100英雄联盟会掉段位吗精华0UID帖子金钱379 威望0Lv.3, 积分 100, 距离下一级还需 150 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝下载的也不能用啊...新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分6230英雄联盟掉段规则精华0UID帖子金钱408102 威望4此账号已被遗弃Lv.7, 积分 6230, 距离下一级还需 3770 积分UID帖子威望4 多玩草62 草元宝yuelaner_dw 发表于这是一篇很傻瓜式,自己可手动替换英雄联盟指针修改器LoL的鼠标指针。替换指针前提关英雄联盟指针系到游戏TP问题。所以视频教程也有如何 ...楼主好猛 ~ 觉得reshacker的命英雄联盟鼠标指针令行很难,一直没去学. -.-顺便问下,用命令行替换的话,指针序号(7,8,9,10。。那里)会不会英雄联盟指针缩小改变??手动替换会改变。LOL.EXE修改直接搜版本号,搜到之后再按次F3,在右侧那用10进制英雄联盟指针修改器修改就可以了- -此账号已被遗弃,【LOL】的帖子不再英雄联盟指针维护/答复问题。yuelaner_dw新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分5355英雄联盟指针缩小精华1UID2414357帖子金钱241710 威望1Lv.7, 积分 5355, 距离下一级还需 4645 积分UID2414357帖子威望1 多玩草526 草元宝本帖最后由 yuelaner_dw 于19:43 编辑ただのおっさん 发表于楼主好猛 ~ 觉得reshacker的命英雄联盟鼠标指针令行很难,一直没去学. -.-顺便问下,用命令行替换的话,指针序号(7,8 ...自己也是个比较懒的人,所以什么都喜欢自动的。一个一个来替换英雄联盟掉段规则实在太花时间了。脚本那里我选择英雄联盟掉帧了指针组(Cursor Group)只要组改变了,上面的指针也会跟英雄联盟掉fps随组改变(Cursor)这也是可避免很多英雄联盟鼠标指针不必要的问题发生。修改版本号,可能习惯用UE了,成了自然。虽然有很多PE英雄联盟指针缩小软件也能完成。如果附件有问题,请“短信息”联系,我会尽快修复并英雄联盟鼠标指针提供完善版本。度娘盘:/share/home?uk=(不英雄联盟指针缩小定时更新附件,您可以通过“立即关英雄联盟指针修改器注”获取信息)新《语音包帖英雄联盟指针子》地址:/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=&fromuid=2414357yuelaner_dw新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分5355英雄联盟指针缩小精华1UID2414357帖子金钱241710 威望1Lv.7, 积分 5355, 距离下一级还需 4645 积分UID2414357帖子威望1 多玩草526 草元宝崇尚之境 发表于下载的也不能用啊...至于怎么不能使用,请说明下和附图。我现在就是用这英雄联盟掉fps个文件游戏的。原程序是美服的League of Legends.exe所以属性还显示1.0.0.140如果附件有问题,请“短信息”联系,我会尽快修复并英雄联盟鼠标指针提供完善版本。度娘盘:/share/home?uk=(不英雄联盟指针缩小定时更新附件,您可以通过“立即关英雄联盟指针修改器注”获取信息)新《语音包帖英雄联盟指针子》地址:/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=&fromuid=2414357新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限50积分2405英雄联盟会掉段位吗精华0UID1496828帖子金钱15645 威望3Lv.5, 积分 2405, 距离下一级还需 95 积分UID1496828帖子威望3 多玩草10 草元宝新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分789英雄联盟掉段规则精华0UID帖子金钱3628 威望0Lv.4, 积分 789, 距离下一级还需 211 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝替换后360老是报错,然后游戏弹不出新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限30积分181英雄联盟掉帧精华0UID帖子金钱534 威望0Lv.3, 积分 181, 距离下一级还需 69 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝yuelaner_dw 发表于如果是按照视频那么做,发生错误几率很小的。请确定盒子和LoL客英雄联盟指针缩小户端是最新版本。执行 bat文件之后 客户端由9.17m变成9.12m 然后进入游戏&&英雄联盟鼠标指针鼠标没有变化,退出来看客户端 又变成9.17m了&&这是神英雄联盟指针缩小马情况呢?新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限30积分181英雄联盟掉帧精华0UID帖子金钱534 威望0Lv.3, 积分 181, 距离下一级还需 69 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝kingbone 发表于执行 bat文件之后 客户端由9.17m变成9.12m 然后进入游戏&&英雄联盟鼠标指针鼠标没有变化,退出来看客户端 又变成9.17m了& &...哦&&搞定了&&要先英雄联盟掉段登陆到lol界面~元宝专属一阶勋章。已绝版马年新春勋章手机APP马年迎春,马上有钱!LOL战斗力9000以上需要金钱:1100Powered by手机盒子客户端点击或扫描下英雄联盟会掉段位吗载【频道】《LOL英雄联盟》英雄联盟 看他出手的时候以英雄联盟掉段规则为肯定是个逗B 但这才是真英雄联盟 玩家自制逗比塞恩农出英雄联盟掉帧了10000点HP是什么样子播放:1177英雄联盟 玩家自制 无脑吸血这就是为什英雄联盟掉fps么我爱狼人的理英雄联盟 玩家恶搞 练习赛上Doublelift以小英雄联盟鼠标指针兵充当辅助英雄联盟 牛人教你用吉他弹奏别英雄联盟指针缩小有风味的LOL主题曲播放:2090英雄联盟 片头英雄联盟 活动现场英雄联盟 每日悲剧TOP3,第126期英雄联盟 每日悲剧TOP3,第125期,盲僧有肉不能吃!英雄联盟 每日悲剧TOP3,第123期英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 问心无愧教你如英雄联盟指针修改器何杀掉队友英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 深海泰坦遭遇会英雄联盟指针变硬的诡异BUG英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 巨魔你的棒棒还有英雄联盟掉段这样的功能么英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 不要以为这样英雄联盟会掉段位吗就死不掉哦英雄联盟 搞笑视频 逗比的胜利失英雄联盟掉段规则败转瞬间英雄联盟 搞笑视频 排位赛各种看不懂的英雄联盟掉帧镜头你中枪了么播放:2761英雄联盟 搞笑视频 别以为这样你们英雄联盟掉fps就能安全回家播放:1375英雄联盟 拉住蓝霸符英雄联盟 关于扎克的小贴士 在弹跳过程中依英雄联盟鼠标指针旧会中盲僧英雄联盟 lol 猴哥太牛了,技术流,反杀盖伦 龙龟分享给站外好友页面地址:FLASH地址:HTML代码:通用代码:可以让视频在手机、英雄联盟指针缩小平板电脑上播放!举报此视频包含英雄联盟指针修改器不当内容:请填写你要举报的内容,标明举报内容英雄联盟指针所在地时段,将有助于我们更及英雄联盟掉段时的处理举报内容。感谢您对PPS英雄联盟会掉段位吗的支持!广告和欺诈触犯我的版权你可以把视频下载英雄联盟掉段规则到不同的设备使用电脑飞速下载轻英雄联盟掉帧易收藏喜欢的视频使用苹果设备支持iPhone、iPad英雄联盟掉fps高清视频亦可离线观看使用Android设备支持手机、平板英雄联盟鼠标指针高清视频亦可离线观看拍下二维码,视频随身看用PPS影音IOS/Android版英雄联盟指针缩小扫描二维码,在您的移动设备英雄联盟指针修改器上继续观看视频,也可以分享给您的好友。英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 不要以为这样英雄联盟会掉段位吗就死不掉哦手机没装PPS影音?频道信息:《LOL英雄联盟》播放:118.59万《英雄联盟》是由腾讯英雄联盟掉段旗下的独立子公司[1]Riot Games开发的3D竞英雄联盟会掉段位吗技场战网游戏,其主创团队是由实力强劲的魔兽争霸系列游戏多英雄联盟掉段规则人即时对战自定义地图(DotA-Allstars)开发的核心人物,以及动视暴雪等著英雄联盟掉帧名游戏公司的美术...、程序、策划人员组成,将DotA的玩法从对战平台英雄联盟掉fps延伸到网络游戏世界。除了DotA的游戏节奏、即英雄联盟鼠标指针时战略、团队作战外,《英雄联盟》拥有特色的英英雄联盟指针缩小雄、自动匹配的战网平台,包括天赋树、召唤师英雄联盟指针修改器系统、符文等元素,让玩家感受全英雄联盟指针新的英雄对战。[]注:数据来自爱奇英雄联盟掉段艺、PPS全平台英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 不要以为这样英雄联盟会掉段位吗就死不掉哦上传时间:英雄联盟掉段规则16个月前上 传 者:精彩视频天天所属频道:《LOL英雄联盟掉帧英雄联盟》上 传 自:分&&&&&&类:英雄联盟掉fps体育暂无相关内容视频简介:英雄联盟 搞笑镜头 不要以为这样英雄联盟会掉段位吗就死不掉哦现在可以用QQ账英雄联盟指针缩小号直接发表评论,分享给我的好友大家都在看互联网药品信息英雄联盟指针修改器服务许可证:互联网医疗保健信英雄联盟指针息服务许可证:Copyright&2005 - 2014 PPStream, Inc. All Rights Reserved后使用快捷导航英雄联盟鼠标指针没有帐号?查看: 312|回复: 0新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分316英雄联盟会掉段位吗精华0UID帖子金钱1195 威望0Lv.4, 积分 316, 距离下一级还需 684 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝缩小指针 我把勾去掉进游戏怎么还是那个小指英雄联盟掉段规则针求大神教下怎么还原成大指针需要金钱:1100Powered by手机盒子客户端点击或扫描下载后使用快捷导航英雄联盟鼠标指针没有帐号?查看: 758|回复: 6新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限30积分112英雄联盟掉fps精华0UID帖子金钱1008 威望0Lv.3, 积分 112, 距离下一级还需 138 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝求解改LOL里鼠英雄联盟鼠标指针标指针大小新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限50积分1313英雄联盟指针缩小精华0UID帖子金钱9077 威望0Lv.5, 积分 1313, 距离下一级还需 1187 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝不知道& && && && && && &子不语 孑然矣新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限105积分103161英雄联盟指针修改器精华0UID9201636帖子金钱157685 威望10月下闻蝉音,            英雄联盟指针      一了相思情.Lv.12, 积分 103161, 距离下一级还需 31839 积分UID9201636帖子威望10 多玩草984 草元宝子不语 孑然矣新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限105积分103161英雄联盟指针修改器精华0UID9201636帖子金钱157685 威望10月下闻蝉音,            英雄联盟指针      一了相思情.Lv.12, 积分 103161, 距离下一级还需 31839 积分UID9201636帖子威望10 多玩草984 草元宝看楼下怎么说我爱爱我的你。新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限50积分1011英雄联盟掉段规则精华0UID帖子金钱6118 威望0Lv.5, 积分 1011, 距离下一级还需 1489 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝用盒 子不行么新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分28338英雄联盟掉帧精华0UID帖子金钱150 威望1Lv.9, 积分 28338, 距离下一级还需 6662 积分UID帖子威望1 多玩草16 草元宝设置& && && && && && && &新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限80积分12620英雄联盟掉fps精华0UID帖子金钱8782 威望0Lv.8, 积分 12620, 距离下一级还需 7380 积分UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草元宝龙之谷活跃勋章在龙之谷版面活跃英雄联盟鼠标指针而奖励的勋章阳光热情勋章阳光热情勋章初级在线标兵论坛在线时间达1000英雄联盟指针缩小小时即可申请元宝专属一阶勋章。已绝版初级灌水标兵
网友热议:李思S说:没有无限视距,还要盒子干嘛。笔记本玩起来比大显示屏吃亏好么- -盲区恩多。&&&&&我有大杰宝说:无盒子不开撸的时代已经过去,没有无限视距的盒子要你何用,废物一个,垃圾软件果断卸载@LOL盒子 杭泰路&&&&&&手机用户萝卜好帅说:盒子没有无限视距!!!!!我的天!!!!!!!!我不敢相信我要在紫色方怎么玩!!!&&&&&只言片语lsy说:@多玩英雄联盟盒子 无限视距下架,没有无限视距我就是塑料组的渣渣好吗,我们又不是职业玩家,干嘛非要这么搞,无盒子不开撸,盒子拜拜,英雄联盟拜拜....&&&&&陌上云轻2009说:lol盒子没有无限视距了,瞬间就不想打了&&&&&
...盒子界面没有无限视距,没有野怪倒计时选项,进游戏看不见阵营... 24k 572*362lol多玩盒子为什么没有无限视距了
26k 500*215盒子以为没有无限视距 我们就玩不了么??照样无限视距 照... 118k 960*720盒子以为没有无限视距 我们就玩不了么??照样无限视距 照... 116k 960*720盒子以为没有无限视距 我们就玩不了么??照样无限视距 照... 25k 406*239没有无限视距 准备卸载盒子里o盒子君请问你跟别的插件有... 50k 540*959...盒子没有换肤功能了!按这个趋势,无限视距将成为下一个被打击... 74k 542*427盒子如果没有了无限视距你怎么看
268k lol无限视距修改工具 盒子这么鸡肋,突然没有无限视距各种不... 7k 224*208...无限视距功能.
注:在操作时,需要确保无线视距没有被锁定,... 37k 361*171lol无限视距怎么开
32k 353*183
484 人浏览
161 人浏览后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
查看: 25682|回复: 39
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限50积分1472精华0UID帖子金钱39695 威望0
Lv.5, 积分 1472, 距离下一级还需 1028 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草1440 草元宝
本帖最后由 哥是知心姐姐 于
06:51 编辑
选完英雄后,游戏崩溃After Champion Select, the game crashes
1. Did you copy someone else's install? You need to
2. Double check your Firewall, Ports and Anti-Virus settings with the tips listed above.
4. Did you recently use System Restore? Try this:
-Go to your League of Legends Folder (Default- C:\Riot Games\League of Legends)
-Open LoLLauncher.exe.version (C:\Program Files\League of Legends\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_launcher\managedfiles\0. 0.0.## &- Highest numbered folder) using a text editor like notepad
-Where the file reads &1.0.0.###&, lower the ### in between the quote tags by one, save the file and then start the launcher to try to re-patch.
& &查看防火墙和杀毒软件设置
& &更新directx
& &如果还不行: 重新更新lol。
5 BugSplat 错误 I got a BugSplat Error
1. BugSplat is Riot's critical and compatibility error reporting tool. It's used to identify game conflicts with your specific system.
2. Unfortunately, this means that these issues happen on a case-by-case basis and it's hard to offer a fix on the forums.
3. Some basic things to try include , updating your DirectX, Video Card Drivers, Microsoft Dot NET Frameworks, Windows Updates, Reinstalling LoL
4. Because these issues are system specific, if you want to submit a ticket/make a thread please always attach your DxDiag report.
升级DX,显卡驱动,Dot NET framework,重装lol。基本是系统出问题了。
提示verify that there is enough space in your TEMP folder问题并退出或者卡顿。
1 升级显卡驱动
2 打突破2G内存补丁(xp)
3 降低你游戏的分辨率,刷新率,关闭垂直同步
运行英雄联盟\Air\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources的Adobe AIR Updater.exe
提示: 目前的大部分崩溃的原因是由于本次更新较多,LOL客户端内核错误,猜测是和内存空间分配有关。不能正常游戏的玩家朋友请理性对待。
以下是拳头公司的官方FAQ (英文):
Wrenchmen's Toolbox
Here's a list of common problems and questions as well as a few ideas on how to solve these issues. Before you post a new thread, make sure to check here for a solution to your problem.
If you'd like to search directly for your issue, or want to see a complete list of common problems start with the Knowledge Base
If you don't see your issue, or the solutions here don't work, feel free to post in the forums for the helpful and well-tooled Wrenchmen, fellow players and occasional Riot Support Staff. Make sure to Attach any relevant files to your post.
All issues are sorted in order of their possible occurrence from before you get in, to after you're done playing. The fixes aren't necessarily in the order that you should do them...but they are kind of in that order. Please note, whenever you test out a fix, you should always join a practice game, this lets you avoid being flagged by LeaverBuster if it doesn't work.
Remember this is all to help you help yourself, if you'd like additional support, please open at ticket at
or post a thread in the Help and Support Forums.
Getting Started - Setup and Install
Where do I download this game?
2. Please make sure you select the regional client you wish to use (North American vs European)
3. If the first link or Pando is giving you trouble, Use this link
What are the Minimum System Requirements?
New Downloader Support
I'm new, now what?
1. You may want to visit the New Player Help Forums
I accidentally made my account on the wrong server!
1. It is not possible to transfer accounts between servers, you will need to create a new account in the correct region.
Launcher Issues - You just clicked on the game icon, it's trying to patch...or not.
Basic Launcher Troubleshooting
2. If #1 and the info below don't fix your issue, Make sure you attach your logs
Server Status: Unavailable/Busy
1. The servers are actually down, check The Server Status Forum, there's usually an announcement.
2. You need to Enable Scripting.
3. Or this Fix from Microsoft
4. Your Internet Explorer is in Offline Mode, change it.
5. You're set to use a proxy server, turn it off, Internet Options -& Connection -& Lan Settings -& Set to Auto Detect
6. Turn off Certificates in IE, IE Options & Advanced & Restore Advanced Settings, IE Options & Advanced & Uncheck &Check for server certificate authentication&
7. Run through the other Windows & IE Troubleshooting in the KB
8. Try powercycling (restarting) your modem.
9. Reset your Internet Security Settings, Internet Options-&Advanced-&Reset Button
10. Make sure your computer's clock is synced
11. Check the Server Status Forums
12. Uninstall Pando Media Booster
Launcher Closes Without Warning / Does not open when clicked
1. Try running as an admin by right clicking on the executable and selecting &Run As& and &Administrator&
2. Try removing and Reinstalling Adobe AIR.
3. Make sure your Internet Explorer Settings are set properly.
4. If you recently did a system restore, had a virus or did a Windows reinstall, you may want to try Reinstalling League of Legends.
Error Message: &Unable to connect to the network&
1. The game needs to be installed in a subdirectory in order to work properly
2. You might have been logged in during downtime, try again in a bit
I get a RADS error - Could not to connect to HTTP server / Patcher Kernel Stopped Working
1. Close out your game/patcher, hit ctrl+alt+delete and make sure all instances of LoL.Launcher are gone, then restart the patcher process and let it sit.
2. Go to your Riot Games/RADS/System folder under your default install path, and run the rads_user_kernel.exe file, then try starting your patcher.
3. Try deleting your LoL_Air_Client folder (the default install path for this folder is c:\Riot Games\RADS\Projects) and then repatching.
3. See this article, About changing to a public DNS
4. Replace &install directory&/RADS/system/rads_user_kernel.exe, with this file
5. Try installing, Microsoft Dot NET Framework 4.0 and, Dot NET 3.5
The Launcher stops downloading
1. Let the Launcher run for up to 15 minutes
2. Restart the Launcher
3. Power Cycle (restart) your modem and/or router
4. Make sure that lol.launcher.exe is listed as an exception in your firewall
5. Turn off Peer 2 Peer transfer in your Patcher options
6. Temporarily disable firewall and anti-virus software.
7. Click on the two gears in the upper right of the patcher window and try the repair option.
8. Did you visit the Internet Connection Troubleshooting Articlein the KB?
9. Try Reinstallingyour League of Legends
The Launcher has experienced an error?
1. Make sure you are current on your Windows Updates
2. Make sure you have Dot NET Framework 3.5 or uninstall then reinstall your Dot NET Framework.
3. If you are running Windows Vista/Windows 7 make sure the install path is NOT in Program Files
4. Are you having A Connection Failure on logging in?
5. Reinstall League of Legends
I get &the application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect&
1. Make sure you're up to date on your Windows Updates
2. Make sure you have Dot NET Framework 3.5/4
3. Install, Microsoft C++ Redistributable (Note: Link for x86 only, if you're running a 64 bit OS, find the correct version)
4. Reinstall your League of Legends,
I get, &Client Version 1.##.## is rejected by the server&
1. Close any instances of PVP.net or the LoL launcher and restart your patcher. Allow it to complete.
2. After the patch process finishes, hit the button with 2 gears in the upper right corner of your patcher and complete the repair process.
3. If you are able to login, you may also want to try starting a custom game to see if you're still getting the version rejected error.
4. If that did not work, close your launcher and Delete lol_air_client and lol_launcher from (default path) C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects
5. Uninstall Pando Media Booster
6. Make sure you're up to date on your Windows Updates
7. Try running the game as an administrator, right click on the executable, select &Run As& &Administrator&
The Patcher crashes my computer
1. Reinstall your Video Card and Network Drivers
2. You may have bad memory/need to downclock your RAM,
3. You may have other bad hardware
I can't click the Play button on the patcher
1. Your Active Scripting is disabled, Go to Internet Options -& Security -& Active scripting (near the bottom) -& Enable -& OK. Restart the launcher.
2. Go to your projects folder (Default path is C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects) and delete you lol_air_client, then restart your patcher.
3. You could be using an old version of the patcher, redownload and install League of Legends.
None of that worked, my internet is teh pwned
1. Power Cycle (restart) your modem and router
2. Try plugging directly into your modem if you use a router.
3. Reinstall your network card drivers.
4. Reinstall League of Legends
5. Make sure you Check your Required Network Ports
6. Make sure Your Open Ports are Open you can also try
7. Make sure You forwarded the correct ports on your router
8. If using a Bigfoot Killer NIC, set it to LLR App Mode
9. Run , post in the forums with your results/issue
10. Check with your ISP about issues / blocking
11. If your Peer 2 Peer is blocked, try
12. Try using this Standalone Client
Cannot Login / Account Issues
Connection Failure: Unable to connect to PVP.net
1. Try syncing your Windows Clock, double check the time, date and year.
2. Make sure your Windows is up to date at
3. Make sure you Have opened your required network ports
4. Make sure You’ve updated your Firewall including this EXE (default install path), C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\0.0. 0.68\deploy\LolClient.exe and this website, beta.
5. Check out this article in the KB, On Connection Failures
6. Follow the other 12 network troubleshooting steps above
Invalid Username / Password
1. Try again
2. Try again, again
3. Did you make a New Account yet? Link for US only.
4. Try Recovering Your Account
5. Make sure you're on the correct Client (US vs EU)
6. Servers may be down, try again later, (or Try again, again, again, but later)
Some sort of Maestro Error
1. Restart your computer
2. Temporarily Disable/Make exceptions in your Anti-virus/Anti-spyware software
3. Temporarily Disable/Make exceptions in your Firewall
4. Disable process protection software.
5. Make sure you're running software in Administrative Mode/With admin privileges
6. In Windows Vista/Windows 7, double check your Account Controls
7. Reset your Internet Explorer Settings and make sure you have not disabled scripting options
8. Double check this article On Maestro Problems
Why was my name changed or How can I get my name changed?
1. Your name was reported and Riot agreed it was offensive.
2.If Riot changed your name or you accidentally put your real name as your summoner name, please open at ticket here and they should be able to accommodate you. For other requests, please try cr Riot generally doesn’t grant other name change requests.
3. If you would like to change your name for any reason, name changes are available in the PVP.net store.
Can I transfer characters / my account?
1. Unfortunately, it is impossible to transfer ANYTHING between accounts or from NA to EU servers under any circumstances. This includes, purchased unlocks, special skins, etc. Please be sure you upgrade accounts only when you are sure you wish to play on that server.
I've accepted the Summoner's Code but my name is still grey.
1. Take a look at This Thread
How do I change the game default language?
1. See the Changing in-game language guide here.
I get a certificate error
1. Your computer's clock my not be listing the correct date, Make sure you sync your computer to the actual date
2. Turn off Certificates in IE, IE Options & Advanced & Restore Advanced Settings, IE Options & Advanced & Uncheck &Check for server certificate authentication&
3. Make sure your Windows Settings are properly configured.
4. Update your Internet Explorer, or if you have a more updated version of Internet Explorer you may have to uncheck these settings instead: &Check for server certificate revocation,& &Check for publisher's certificate revocation,& &Warn about certificate address mismatch.&
PVP.net Graphics Issues / Can’t See Store, Etc.
Nothing shows up when I go into the store / I get a black screen
1. Restart your client
2. Check to make sure you have cookies enabled in your Internet Settings.
3. You need to have TLS 1.0 & SSL 3.0 enabled, in Control Panel -& Internet Options -& Advanced tab, all the way at the bottom
4. Reset your Internet Explorer Settings
5. Make sure you're not set to &Work Offline& mode in IE.
6. Update your Internet Explorer.
The Lobby / Store does not display properly / at all
1. Reset Internet Explorer to Default Settings. Tools -& Internet Options -&
Store Purchase Issues
Says my store session has expired
1. Check to make sure you have cookies enabled, we love cookies, pie
I bought something from the store but it failed/errored/double charged
1. Open at ticket with Riot Tech Support with any issues related to real money. Make sure to include your name, your account name, when & what you bought and how you bought it.
2. If you tried to purchase with a credit card, See this article.
3. Check the Knowledge Base on Riot Point Purchase Errors
4. Check out this
I bought a champion and he/she/it is not showing up
1. There is a visual bug where after you purchase a character they may still appear grayed out even if they are selectable. When you go into champion select, make sure your filter is set to All and try clicking on the picture.
2. Sometimes the system also takes a little while to update. Try logging out and coming back in to see if the champion becomes available.
3. Please check the PVP.net Store FAQ on store issues.
4. If you've waited a while and for sure can't select the champion, please open at ticket at
My Prepaid Credit/Debit Card did not work for my purchase
1. Visa/Mastercard require you to register your prepaid card before you can make online purchases. Registration should be available at your card provider's website.
2. Please see This Prepaid Card Thread for more information
I can't purchase anything with Paypal
1. Hit the Tab button twice then hit your Spacebar
2. Clear out your Internet Explorer Cache and Browsing History.
3. Review PayPal Display Issues in the Knowledge Base
I want to install a custom skin but am afraid
1. Be afraid, modifying game files can cause your patcher to freeze
2. If you still want to do it, please Review this guide.
I would like a refund
1. Refunds are not able to be provided for most purchases.
2. For all issues with specific purchases, please open at ticket here
Can't Enter A Match / Matchmaker Issues
Before I enter a match, everything goes black/game doesn't start
1. Your graphics card might not support Shader 2.0 - I.E. get a new graphics card
2. Make sure your computer meets the Minimum Requirements
3. Make sure Your display settings are set properly.
4. If you can't get in, you can also Change your resolution out of game
5. Check the Graphics troubleshooting guide
After Champion Select, the game crashes
1. Did you copy someone else's install? You need to Reinstall the game
2. Double check your Firewall, Ports and Anti-Virus settings with the tips listed above.
3. Use This link to update your DirectX install
4. Did you recently use System Restore? Try this:
-Go to your League of Legends Folder (Default- C:\Riot Games\League of Legends)
-Open LoLLauncher.exe.version (C:\Program Files\League of Legends\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_launcher\managedfiles\0. 0.0.## &- Highest numbered folder) using a text editor like notepad
-Where the file reads &1.0.0.###&, lower the ### in between the quote tags by one, save the file and then start the launcher to try to re-patch.
I get an &Out of Range Error& when starting a match
1. Make even more sure Your Resolution is set properly
I get a Shader Model 2.0 or Direct3D Error
1. You do not have the correct graphics cards drivers installed, please, reinstall or updated your drivers
2. You need to update your DirectX,
Queue Is Taking Forever
1. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes, more if you're in higher ELO
2. Try going out and coming back into Queue
3. Server may be doing an update or having issues, try playing a practice game. Title said game &Queue Hurts My Wookie&
In Game Graphics Issues
Graphics Troubleshooting
1. See the Graphics Troubleshooting Guide
Players Jump Around / Go fast
1. Should be resolved, if not you have an AMD and can set the affinity of the game to use 1 cpu
2. Right click on the league of legends process (not the launcher) in the task manager while the game is running and click set affinity and select only one cpu. You'll need to do that every time
I can't see the ground / My terrain flickers / I get artifacts on the terrain
1. In your in-game graphics settings, try enabling &Fast Terrain&
2. If already enable, try disabling
I'm a left hander / How do I use the keypad?
You can add these to [GameEvents] (add it if it doesn't exist) to input.ini file (default location, C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\game\DATA\CFG\defaults)
evtScrollUp = [Num8]
evtScrollDown =[Num2]
evtScrollLeft = [Num4]
evtScrollRight = [Num6]
IMPORTANT: Make sure not to modify the input.ini file under defaults as that will break patching. Modify the one under League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\release s\0.0.0.###\deploy\DATA\CFG and add one if it doesn't exist. You can use the one under defaults as a guide.
FPS Issues In Game
I have bad FPS in game
1. Read the FPS Guide in the Knowledge Base
2. Take a look at the FPS Troubleshooting Guide
The mouse pointer / menus are slow
1. You have an integrated graphics card which doesn't run as well.
2. Turn off any running anti-virus scan or other program using lots of resources
Lag (Latency) and Disconnection Issues In Game
I lag in game
1. Turn off other downloading / streaming
2. Power Cycle (restart) your modem and router
3. Try plugging directly into your modem if you use a router.
4. Reinstall your network card drivers.
5. Run , post in the forums with your results/issue
6. Check with your ISP about issues / blocking
7. Try some Connection Troubleshooting Tips
I always get disconnected in the middle of the game
1. Well, try reconnecting they still need you!!!
2. Check to see if you can still get online somewhere else.
3. Check your router settings or try plugging directly into your modem
I'm still connected, but I can no longer move or do anything
1. Disconnect and reconnect to the game, you may have to shut down the client
I got disconnected and have Game Still In Progress, but can't reconnect
1. Wait 20-30 seconds and try again
2. Try using this, Disconnection workaround tool
3. The server may have crashed in which case everything’s going to be borked for a little bit. Come back in an hour and try again.
Ranked Play
I have an extra loss on my ranking
1. Leaves and disconnects FOR ANY REASON, still count towards your total played games.
2. Queue Dodging, Leaves or Disconnects on either team will result in a loss and reduction in ELO.
I don't show up on the Ranked Ladder
1. You must have at least 4 games played and a minimum ELO of 1200+ to be shown.
Leaver Issues / Disconnects / Bad Players
I got a BugSplat Error
1. BugSplat is Riot's critical and compatibility error reporting tool. It's used to identify game conflicts with your specific system.
2. Unfortunately, this means that these issues happen on a case-by-case basis and it's hard to offer a fix on the forums.
3. Some basic things to try include taking a look at this article in the KB, updating your DirectX, Video Card Drivers, Microsoft Dot NET Frameworks, Windows Updates, Reinstalling LoL
4. Because these issues are system specific, if you want to submit a ticket/make a thread please always attach your DxDiag report.
I have a leave, but it wasn't on purpose
1. The leave system was always intended to flag disconnects for any reason. Even if you didn't rage quit, you still get a leave.
2. If you acquired a leaver mark due to circumstances beyond your control, (including disconnections, game crashes, etc.) unfortunately it is not possible to remove leaver marks from individual player accounts.
I was banned what do I do?
1. There are several types of bans ranging from temporary suspensions to permanent account bans, you should automatically receive an e-mail with ban information and terms if this occurs.
2. If you want to find out more or feel you have been unjustly banned, please open a ticket at
Post Game Issues
I didn't get any IP from the game I played
1. Were you playing a practice game? After 5 games in a 24 hour period you will no longer receive IP or XP.
2. Open a ticket at with your account name, when you played and what happened.
My game crashes after I finish a match / It says I'm still in game
1. If you're in Vista or Windows 7 it may have just minimized, also a known issue
2. You may need more system resources (RAM). You should have at least 2 gigs
3. Avoid clicking the &skip waiting for stats& button, or give the server time to synchronize
4. See this Article if you get a, &Session Closed& Message
How Do I Report a Bug?
1. Please reply or make a new post in the Bug Reporting Forums
Someone Hacked My Account! Help!
1. Try using the automated account recovery system
2. Open a ticket at
Terms of Service - EULA
1. Terms of Service
2. End User License Agreement
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texun& &&&就是一个SB公司& &什么都做不好还敢发补丁& & 脑子怎么长的
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这服务器 真心伤不起了
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游戏不给力,开始在玩家电脑上找原因了, 。& && && && &&&费解ING
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Adobe AIR Updater.exe没有这个文件
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限20积分19精华0UID帖子金钱90 威望0
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你说的我都不知道怎么做- -
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哥是知心姐姐 发表于
选完英雄后,游戏崩溃After Champion Select, the game crashes
1. Did you copy someone els ...
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Adobe AIR Updater.exe这个文件没找到啊
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