
从2008年-2014年 快猴网一直在努力做到最好
备案编号:粤ICP备号-1ASTER GDEM search system has 4 methods for tile selection. You can select tiles by one of the following methods.
?Select tiles directly
?Select tiles by polygon
?Select tiles by shapefile
?Select tiles by coordinates
If you want to reset or reselect, please click Clear button.
After selecting tiles, click Next button.
How-to (Select tiles directly)
Map can be scrolled and zoomed by cursor.
Zooming is possible both by mouse and scale bar on the top of the map.
When clicking [# Grid] button, tiles will appear.
To select tiles, press [Start] button, and click tiles by cursor.
When clicking [Clear] button or each selected tile twice, the selection is cleared.
After selecting tiles, click [Next] button.
How-to (Select tiles by polygon)
Map can be scrolled and zoomed by cursor.
Zooming is possible both by mouse and scale bar on the top of the map.
When clicking [# Grid] button, tiles will appear.
Specify point of the polygon by cursor to select tiles.
Joint the starting and ending points by double click to complete the polygon.
When clicking [Clear] button, the selection is cleared.
After drawing a polygon, click [OK] button.
How-to (Select tiles by shape file)
Map can be scrolled and zoomed by cursor.
Zooming is possible both by mouse and scale bar on the top of the map.
Specify a shape file to select tiles.
When clicking [Clear] button, the selection is cleared.
After specifying a shape file, click [OK] button.
How-to (Select tiles by coordinates)
Map can be scrolled and zoomed by cursor.
Zooming is possible both by mouse and scale bar on the top of the map.
To select tiles, enter the latitude N/S and longitude E/W to make a rectangle for your AOI. Or, when clicking each entry box and pointing on the map by cursor, the coordinates of the point are automatically entered in the box.
When clicking [Clear] button, the selection is cleared.
After specifying coordinates, click [OK] button.
Map Manipulation
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Japan Space Systems(J-spacesystems) All Rights Reserved.
Fix the polygon ?
Fix the region ?
Clear all tile selections ?
Invalid vertexes specified.
Shapefile not specified.
Invalid shapefile specified.
Too many polygons.
Northern edge
Southern edge
Western edge
Eastern edge
is not specified.
is not numerical.
is too small.
is too large.
is invalid.
Northern edge is the same as Southern one.
Northern edge value is not northen.
Western edge is the same as Eastern one.
Tile selecting failed.
Tile selecting failed.Introduction
Use of this site
Use ASTER GDEM distribution site
This page shows the use of ASTER GDEM site and features of ASTER GDEM.
For features of ASTER GDEM, go to the following page:
The use of ASTER GDEM distribution site
ASTER GDEM distribution site is easy to use for all users.
1.Data search
When clicking [Search] menu, map screen appears.
You can select tiles by one of following 4 [Select tiles directly], [Select tiles by polygon], [Select tiles by shape file] and [Select tiles by coordinates]. For map manipulation, click [Map Manipulation] button on Search page.
After selecting tiles, Login page or Agreement page appears. If you click [Agree] button, Download page appears, and you can download tiles.
2.User registration
To download ASTER GDEM, you need to register.
For user registration, you need to enter your individual information such as name, organization name, as well as your username and password.
To download ASTER GDEM, you need to register and login.
You can login with registered username and password.
Restriction for site use
In this site, some restrictions are set to avoid downloading troubles caused by heavy access traffic.
1.Access restriction
Simultaneous download is not possible by using the same client IP address.
Note that the tool for batch download by multi-session is not usable for high speed download.
In addition, note that if multiple PCs try to download from the same gateway address, they are regarded as one PC.
2.Bandwidth control
Bandwidth control is also set for website access.
Bandwidth control is set in service unit so that download is possible when the server is busy.
1.Number of simultaneous access
Up to 16 users can simultaneously download ASTER GDEM both in real-time download and backlog download. If the access number exceeds 16, the 17th download does not start until there is another opening.
2.Limit number of data download
The maximum tile number for a single download is 100. If you select more than 100 tiles and try to download them, the first 100 tiles are immediately downloaded while the 101st or later tiles are recorded in backlog, and downloaded by ftp later. In backlog download, the maximum tile number for a single download is also 100. For example, 200 backlogged tiles are downloaded in twice. Also, after the first 100 tiles are downloaded, download of the remaining 100 tiles is re-placed at the end of the download waiting list.
3.Limitation of backlog download
You can confirm the rough schedule to download the first 100 backlogged tiles on “Backlog reference” page.
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Japan Space Systems(J-spacesystems) All Rights Reserved.我的世界MT_T丶Aster三周目服务器-|神秘时代4|工业|BC管道|收藏馆|木匠 [1.7.10]
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