project任务模式 2003 任务名称栏能不能换行输入

Microsoft Office Project 2003 实战课堂
& 编号:1423
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Microsoft Office Project 2003 实战课堂课程特色与背景&&& 本课程的总体目标是发挥项目管理应用工具的最大效益。在课程中学员将有机会根据实际案例利用Project&Professional&2003建立并优化项目计划,再通过Project&Server&实现资源共享和协同工作,亲身体验Microsoft相关内容导读“Microsoft”
&上海&(2天)Excel + Word课程,旨在帮助学员理解制作Excel表格的原则与思路,教学并练习Excel各项最为常见和实用的功能与操作,规范方法、以提升日常工作的效率与质量;掌握Microsoft Office Word 在工作中的高级应用。 &北京&(3天)Microsoft Project 企业项目实战课程帮助学员学习和掌握现代成功项目管理的概念,并能够认识国际先进项目管理的管理思路和方法;能够通过项目管理软性技能的掌握,对项目管理中的重点环节认识、了解和使用;了解Microsoft Project 系列管理软件的本质特点等。&Office&Project带来的价值,提升项目管理的能力。你将学会如何:&& ·&了解项目管理基本知识& ·&获得对于Project&2003用户界面及其工作机制的通彻理解& ·&为你的项目创建合理的且动态的模型& ·&成为优化项目计划的专家:& &&&&&&如何在你需要的时候从你的进度中挤出时间& &&&&&&如何在项目预算中找出应急储备& ·&能够编制出满足项目中干系人需求的定制的报告和视图& ·&学习如何在项目执行过程中有效地更新进度以便持续预测项目完工日期和成本& ·&同时应用Project&Professional&2003和Project&Server&2003管理项目& ·&应用企业资源池监测和管理跨项目的资源负荷& ·&记录相关的文档、问题和风险并且加以管理& ·&应用时间表和状态报告跟踪项目& ·&报告项目组合和大型综合项目进度的进展&&
课程大纲项目管理知识体系 · 项目管理的价值 ·&项目和项目的特点 ·&项目的生命期 ·&项目管理的知识领域 ·&项目管理的过程 ·&企业项目管理 ·&项目管理信息系统 Project&2003中的数据类型及其相互关系 ·&选项:项目特定选项和全局选项 ·&项目数据:任务、估算、依赖关系,最后期限、约束、资源和工作分配 ·&对象:视图、表、过滤、组和日历 应用Project&2003编制项目计划 ·&新建一个项目:输入项目信息、应用企业项目模板 ·&任务 &&&& 编制工作分解结构并形成详细任务列表 &&&& 找出恰当的大纲级别 &&&& 固定工期、固定单位和固定工时以及何时使用这些类型 &&&& 周期性任务 ·&估算 &&&& 估算的过程 &&&& 估算工作历时以及任务类型:固定工期、固定单位和固定工时 &&&& 工期估算的困难及解决方案 ·&依赖关系和网络图 &&&& 用依赖关系来表现项目中的逻辑关系 &&&& 如何确定逻辑关系中的前置和后续任务 &&&& 依赖关系的类型以及何时使用每种类型 &&&& 如何检查网络图的完整性 ·&最后期限(目标日期):最后期限如何支持动态进度计划 ·&进度约束(固定日期):进度约束的类型以及它们怎样使你的进度灵活性减小 ·&资源 &&&& 资源的类型 ·&兼职、全职的人力资源 ·&材料、设施和设备资源 &&&& 改变资源的可用性和费率 &&&& 自己输入资源或应用企业资源池 ·&日历:项目日历、基准日历、资源和任务日历,企业日历 ·&工作分配 如何管理资源的工作量 ·&应用企业资源池避免过度分配 ·&解决过度分配 &&&& 使得工作负荷可见以及发现过度分配 &&&& 何时手工平衡,何时靠Project&2003自动平衡 ·&手动进行工作量平衡 ·&自动进行工作量平衡如何缩短你的项目的历时 ·&时间的优化(资源无限的情况下):关键路径法 &&&& 自由时差和总时差的区别 &&&& 关键路径分段的情形以及如何处理 &&&& 压缩关键路径 ·&时间、成本和资源的优化(资源有限的情况下:资源约束的进度安排) &&&& 资源平衡如何对关键路径施加影响 &&&& 找出资源关键路径 &&&& 对资源关键路径进行赶工的方法 如何降低你的项目的成本 ·&成本类型:固定成本和可变成本 ·&如何在Project&2003中对每种成本类型建模 ·&将成本费率表应用于费率调整和单个资源的多种费率 ·&降低项目成本的各种措施 在发布之前检查进度 按照你希望的方式报告项目 ·&总是编制一页报告 ·&定制视图&&&&&&应用定制域、表、过滤器和分组功能 &&&& 如何应用管理器将上述定制重复使用 如何输入实际进度并且更新进度预测 ·&更新任务与更新工作分配(时间表) ·&如何进行有效的任务更新(如果你没有将实际工时传输回你的进度的机制)& 应用Project&2003作为项目的跟踪和控制系统 ·&Project&Web&Access时间表的可配置选项:布局、更新数据和报告周期 ·&从团队成员处获取时间表 &&&& 用每天的实际工时和剩余工时 &&&& 应用PWA或Microsoft&Outlook ·&项目经理检查时间表及其在PWA中的应用 ·&将时间表数据传输到Project&2003进度中 ·&在Project&2003中检查实际进展并且修订预测 管理风险、问题、文档和状态报告 ·&共享的工作区 ·&汇总和管理风险和问题 ·&发布项目文档和文档管理 ·&定制文本的状态报告模板并且将收到的报告与项目报告合并 项目组合报告 ·&Project&Web&Access的项目中心 ·&定制视图以分析进度 ·&公司主管如何分析组合视图 ·&了解访问权限分类:项目、视图和(用户)组& Microsoft&EPM&Solution的规划、部署和管理 •&&&&Microsoft&EPM&Solution的系统要求 •&&&&Project&Server的不同用户& •&&&&Project&Server的安装 •&&&&Project&Server的定制& o&&&&定制企业模板 o&&&&定制企业日历 o&&&&定制企业域 o&&&&定制企业视图 •&&&&Project&Server的管理& o&&&&管理用户和组 o&&&&管理安全性 o&&&&管理视图 o&&&&服务器配置 o&&&&管理WSS o&&&&管理企业功能 o&&&&自定义PWA o&&&&清理Project&Server数据库 课程总结 ·&成功客户&&& 中国石油&建设银行& 微软中国&中国银行& 西门子&大唐移动& 中兴通讯&松下彩管& 石化盈科&斯伦贝谢& 铁三院&&福建电信& 国家统计局&亿阳信通& 大亚湾核电站&颐中烟草& 国家税务总局&&&
课程主讲刘大双& &&& 微软&Project项目管理软件应用专家。92年加入IT业,曾任职SAS、惠普等知名IT企业。& &&& 2001至04年任职于微软公司,任Microsoft&Project产品经理,全面负责Microsoft&Project在中国的推广与服务。&刘贵明& &&& 知名顾问,悉尼大学项目管理硕士。具有8年以上世界银行和亚州发展银行投资的总承包项目和国内大型工程项目的项目管理经验,曾经任现代卓越专职项目管理咨询师。&&&
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Microsoft Project 2003 使用简介
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3秒自动关闭窗口  项目管理是为完成一个预定的目标,而对任务和资源进行计划、组织和管理的过程,通常需要满足时间、资源或成本方面的限制。要在施工中管理好一个项目,就要建立一套行之有效的项目控制系统,就要用到网络计划技术,就要处理大量的数据。实际上,项目经理完全靠人工管理一个项目常常会遇到很大的困难,微软新推出的 Microsoft Project 2003 是一种强大的项目管理软件,应用了它,就能够系统地、迅速地收集数据,进行分析处理,可以直观地、量化地了解项目的实施情况,以便及时作出调整。
  大多数项目管理工作都涉及一些相同的活动,其中,包括将项目分割成便于管理的多个任务、排定任务的日程、在工作组中交流信息以及跟踪任务的工作进展。所有项目都包括:创建计划,跟踪和管理项目,以及结束项目 3 个阶段。这 3 个阶段进行得越成功,成功完成这个项目的可能性就越大。下面就如何应用 Project Professional 2003(以下简称 Project 2003)软件,谈一些体会。
  启动 Project 2003 将自动新建一个空白项目文件“项目 1”,为了便于管理,可以将其以工程名称保存。新建的文件自动打开一个“开始工作”向导,可以利用它的提示来一步一步设置,也可以自己手工设置。(1)在项目菜单下选择“项目信息”,打开项目信息对话框。在对话框中的日程排定方法处选定从项目开始之日起。(2)在开始日期下输入计划开工日期。在 Project 2003 中日程排定方法有 2 种,一种是“从项目开始之日起”,此时开始日期可选,完成日期不可选,工期只能由要求的开工之日向将来顺序排。
  在 Project 2003 中默认的工作时间为每周工作日 5d:周一至周五,每天工作时间为 8h,在视图(甘特图)中显示为白色;周六及周日为休息时间,在视图中非工作日显示为灰色。在安排工期时, Project 2003 将自动跳过非工作日。一般来说,如果施工是连续的,下一步就是要调整工作时间,使得日期成为连续。在工具菜单下选择“更改工作时间…”,打开更改工作时间对话框,在“选择日期”下找到开工月份的日历,可以看到该日历的周六和周日均显示为非工作日。用鼠标单击选择本月的第1 个非工作日,在“将所选日期设置为:”下选择非默认工作时间,此时,可以看到该日不再是非工作日,照此将工期之内的非工作日均改为工作日。对于大量的修改,可以通过拖动的方式,将整个月份全部选择,然后,单击“确定”按钮回到主界面,可以看到视图中灰色日期已经消失。
  在格式菜单下选择“时间刻度…”打开时间刻度对话框。时间刻度对话框中有 4 个选项卡,分别是:顶层、中层、底层及非工作时间。如果是跨年度工程,可以在“时间刻度选项显示”中选择顶层、中层、底层,这样,在顶层中可以输入年份,但由于时间跨度较大,在输出报表时常无法显示,故推荐使用中层、底层。在中层中按照习惯,在“中层格式”下选择单位为月,在底层中“底层格式”下选择单位为天,依据工期长短,可以任意选取。然后,在“时间刻度选项”下“大小”选择时间刻度的缩放比例。由于未设定“非工作时间”,所以,不再设定“非工作时间”选项卡。调整网格如下:
  常用的施工进度计划中的分项工程即为任务。用鼠标在甘特视图左侧的工作表的“任务名称”列中选定要添加的任务行,然后输入任务名称,回车或选择其他单元格确定。此时,Project 2003 会自动为其分配 1 个工作日的估计工期,并且自动按照开始设定的开工时间排定工期。可以把所有的任务全部输入再调整,也可以在每个任务输入后即调整。调整任务可以单击快捷栏上的“任务信息”按钮,也可以在“项目”菜单下选择“任务信息…”,或者直接在该任务行上双击。在“任务信息”对话框中共有 6 个选项卡,现在只用到前两个选项卡。
  (2)在下拉框中选择其前置任务,在“类型”中有 4 种关系类型供选择,选择其与前置任务的关系。
  (1)首先,在格式菜单下选择“条形图样式…”,打开条形图样式对话框,目前只需设置“任务”的条形图格式,选定“任务”,在“条形图”选项卡下按照常规头部及尾部均不设置,在“中部”、 “形状”里选择细线,在图案里选择实心,在颜色里选择自动,单击“确定”确认。然后,在格式菜单下选择“版式…”,打开版式对话框,在“链接”下选第一项,在下面选择“延伸条形图填满整天”。
  (2)在文件菜单下选择“页面设置”,打开页面设置对话框。如果有多台打印机,则需要在文件菜单下选择“打印……”,打开打印对话框,在打印机中选择所要使用的打印机后,按关闭按钮,再打开页面设置对话框。首先,在“页面”选项卡中选择纸张大小,甘特图所需要的表格均较大,有条件尽量使用 A3、B4 等大的纸张。选择“打印方向”为横向。通常要在“缩放”中调整一下页数或比例以适应版面。在“页边距”选项卡中选择合适的边距,在“页眉”选项卡中选择“居中”,然后添入一号字“施工进度计划”。“页脚”按照默认的选项即可。在“图例”选项卡中“图例位置”选择为“无”,在“视图”选项卡中将所有复选框取消然后确定。
  (3)回到甘特视图,双击列标题,在弹出的“列定义”对话框中,在“标题”里添上需要的文字,如序号等,同样,更改各个列的标题名称。对不想显示的列,在右键弹出菜单中选择“隐藏列”即可隐藏;若想添加列,在右键弹出菜单中选择“插入列”,在弹出菜单中选择“域名称”中列的类型。在甘特图中左侧的工作表与右侧的图表中间的分隔可以拖动调整,拖动它可以调整所要打印输出的项目。全部调整完后打印即可。至此,一个完整的进度计划图就完成了。如果在施工中对各分部工程及施工工序都很熟悉,在工程量已知的条件下(不考虑资源)工期也基本能够估计出来,就可以很方便地利用 Project 2003 创建简单的进度计划,并可以随时随地根据不同变化而调整。如果同时考虑人员、物资、机械、资源等,就可系统地考虑创建计划,并且能够根据不同数据的变化,及时调整工期,并且可以马上知道结果。总之,Project 2003 是一个功能强大、操作简单的项目管理软件,还有很多功能等待开发和应用。
  [1] 王守清。计算机辅助建筑工程项目管理[M].北京:清华大学出版社,1996.
  [2] 赖宇阳。中文 Microsoft Project 2000 教程[M].北京:北京希望电子出版社,2001.
  碧森尤信 作者:李文波,陈柯江
  3、本网站欢迎积极投稿。Changes in Project 2010 (for IT pros)
Changes in Project 2010 (for IT pros)
Office 2010
Applies to: Office 2010 Topic Last Modified:
IT Pros can learn about the new, changed, and deprecated features of Microsoft Project 2010 and how these changes can impact migration plans.
Are you looking for help using new features in Project 2010?
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In this article:
This section highlights new features in Project 2010.
The Project 2010 user interface is redesigned and now uses the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface (UI). Introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office system, the Fluent UI makes it easier for people to find and use the full range of features that Office applications provide, and to preserve an uncluttered workspace. For more information about the Fluent UI, see the resources in
The Microsoft Office Backstage view is part of the Fluent UI and a companion feature to the ribbon. The Backstage view, which can be accessed from the File tab, helps you find frequently used features for managing your Microsoft Project files. (The File tab replaces the Microsoft Office Button and File menu that were used in earlier releases of Microsoft Office.) The Backstage view is used to manage Microsoft Project Server connections, and to check out and publish projects.
Project Professional 2010 contains the Team Planner, a resource scheduling view that lets users see at a glance what their team members are working on and move tasks from one person to another. Users can also view and assign unassigned work, view over-allocations, and see task names and resource names.
In Project Professional 2010, users can export project files to a list in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 or Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010. This provides a quick and easy way for a project manager to share status or create reports that can be viewed across the organization.
Microsoft Project Web Access is not required to synchronize with a SharePoint list. For more information, see the following:
Project 2010 changes how projects are scheduled. Factors such as task dependencies and the project calendar no longer automatically adjust task dates when a task is manually scheduled. This feature can be especially useful for early planning when the duration of a task might not yet be known. Users can place a manually scheduled task anywhere in their schedules, and Project 2010 will not move it. Project managers who are accustomed to automatic scheduling with past versions of Project can turn off the new manual scheduling feature, either for specific tasks or for the whole project. Some projects may require the powerful scheduling engine of Project to handle scheduling.
Placeholder tasks let users create a plan by using task names only. Users can enter any combination of start date, finish date, and duration and fill in the rest later.
Users can make tasks inactive and still keep them in their projects. The main value of this feature is that custom field information, resource assignments, and all other data stays in the task. (Note that these factors do not contribute to roll-ups.)Inactive tasks often have important information (such as cost information) that can be valuable for archival purposes and what-if planning.
Creating subtasks and then rolling them up into summary tasks is no longer restricted. In Project 2010, users can create summary tasks first, and the summary tasks can have dates that do not exactly match the roll-up dates of the subtasks. At the beginning of the planning phase, users might only have some high-level information about key deliverables and major milestones of their projects. In Project 2010, users can divide projects into high-level phases based on the overall timeline and budget. This means that it is not necessary for dates of individual work items to line up exactly with dates of the high-level phases.
The compare projects feature in Project 2010 now includes Gantt bars to help users see more clearly how one version of a project differs from another version.
Project 2010 now includes a timeline view. For new files, the timeline view is automatically displayed above most other views. This shows a concise overview of the whole schedule. Otherwise, users can turn on the timeline view manually. Users can add tasks to the timeline, print it, or paste it into an e-mail message for an easy-to-view project summary.
This feature lets users copy and paste content between Microsoft Office programs and Project 2010, and keep formatting, outline levels, and column headers.
Features similar to those in Microsoft Excel are available in Project 2010. These include the following:
Simplified adding of new columns. When in sheet view, a user can click the Add New Column heading, and then type or select the name of a new or existing column. An existing column can also be quickly renamed by clicking its title and typing a different column name.
Enhanced filter UI makes it easier for users to find tasks and resources.
32-bit color support and text wrapping enable users to create views that resemble Excel reports.
The most frequently used commands can now be found easily. By right-clicking any item in a view, such as bar, table cell, or chart, a mini-toolbar with a quick list of frequently used commands is displayed.
In Project 2010, users can quickly zoom in and out of the time phased section of a view by using a slider in the status bar. Move the view slider to the right to zoom in a schedule and move the slider to the left to zoom out. The view slider works in the Gantt chart, network diagram, calendar, and all graph views.
Project 2010 is compatible with previous versions of Microsoft Project. Users can create files in Microsoft Project 2007 or earlier and then open and edit them in Project 2010, although certain features of Project 2010 are not enabled. If you save the earlier version files in the Project 2010 format, all Project 2010 is available. In addition, you can create files in Project 2010 and then convert them to the Project 2007,Project 2003 , Project 2000 file formats.
This section provides information about changed features in Project 2010.
The following dialog boxes contain features that are changed:
Spelling options
Service options
The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) object model in Project Standard 2010 and Project Professional 2010 includes new classes, methods, properties, and enumerations that support the new features in Project 2010. For more information, see
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This section provides information about removed features in Project 2010.
The ability to create and use custom forms through the user interface (Tools | Customize | Forms) is removed in Project 2010.
If users previously created custom forms in their application, the forms can no longer be accessed. This is an outdated and rarely used feature. The amount of effort required to maintain the feature (for example, updating the controls to be compatible with Project 2010) is not feasible. Use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to create custom forms that replace the previously created forms. Customers usually use VBA, Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO), or other methods to perform the same task.
Because OWC is removed in Microsoft Office 2010, resource availability graphs have changed in Project 2010, and users can no longer see proposed availability on the selected task without temporarily assigning a resource to the task. In addition, users lose the split when they select to see the graph, can no longer graph multiple resources together (you must do this one at a time), and do not see numbers next to the graph saying how high the bars are. The team builder experience is also different from the assign resource experience. Team builder starts PWA, and the assigned resource uses resource graphs in Project 2010. The new graphs are customizable and are now printable.
Add-ins, sample macros, and sample project guide are not included with Project 2010. The following add-ins are incorporated into Project 2010:
Compare Project Versions
Adjust Dates
The following add-ins are removed:
Pert Analysis
Copy picture (no longer automatically creates an Office document and cannot export to the JPG format)
Save as Excel Pivot Table is replaced by Desktop Reports in Project 2010, Professional and Standard. The ability to save directly into a pivot table is removed. The File | Save As menu previously included the following:
Save as XLS
Save as XLS Pivot Table
The File | Save As menu now includes the following:
Save as XLS
Save as XLSX
Save as XLSB
Project 2010 now supports the new file formats in Microsoft Excel 2010. Users should use desktop reports to generate a normalized version of their tasks in Excel 2010.
When planning a migration to Project 2010, review what is new, changed, and removed for Project 2010.
To move from Microsoft Office Project 2003 to Project 2010, you must first convert your Project 2003 data to the Microsoft Project 2007 file format. You do this through the Migration tool, a command-line utility that is available on the Project 2007 installation disk. Note
Another option for migrating Project 2003 to Office Project 2007 data is to use the Project Server 2010 virtual migration environment (VME). The VME is a virtualized Project 2007 environment that contains all the necessary applications and utilities required to migrate Project 2003 data to Project 2007. For more information, see .
Project 2010 enables the user to save files in Project 2007 file format. Therefore, both versions can easily share data and run on the same network. Both can even be installed on the same computer though only one version can run at a time. For more information, see
(/fwlink/p/?LinkId=216931). However, the 64-bit and 32-bit editions of Project cannot be installed on the same computer. For more information, see .
In Office 2010, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 6.0 was updated to VBA 7.0. VBA 7.0 settings were reset to their defaults after migration instead of automatically repopulating. This occurred because the registry settings for VBA are in a different hive in Office 2010, as shown in the following table.
Registry subkey
Microsoft Office 2000 through
Office 2007
Office 2010
To resolve this problem, copy the VBA 6.0 registry keys from the 6.0 hive to the 7.0 hive. For more information, see
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