When the Servers go down go along有的来高分

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部叫When the Servers go Down(叫 Cuando los Servidores Caen ) 至于两嘛 黑白版彩图版 名字我知道 看发些名字 我都没印象 翻硬盘才想起 刚巧都彩图版其实部看作品比《EZ's Spirit of the Elder Lizard》《Mealtime with Zyra》《Teemo's Malady》部哔哔提莫联盟续百度些名字应该都能搜
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So after reading some of the top reviews for this game I want to throw in my 2 cents.IS DIS A SIM RACUR?No, the driving mechanic is very realistic, but it is very much an arcade racer, don't knock it for not being a sim when it's not trying to be.AMURICAN UGLEH MUSCLE CARZZ!!!!!211211!!!!The game is kinda based in America though.DA MAP IS SO TINEY!!!1!It took me over two hours in real life to drive across it, and that was the fastest route I could take, no detours.DA STORYLINE IZ bAD!!!!It's a racing game, has any racing game ever had a decent story?I KANT KUSTUMIZE ME CHARACTRYeah, because you can customize the ???? out of your carTDU2&CREWLol are you kidding me? And TDU2 had such a GREEEAAAT story. And such a GREEEAT physics engine/handling model. That game was a joke, I'm starting to wonder if people launched that on accident.UBI$OFT MICROTRANSACTIONS HURRRRRREverything you can get from microtransactions is attainable with in game money, obviously DLC cars won't be but almost every game has that even. You can complain about microtransactions all you want, they aren't going away.SURVURS ALWAYZ DOWN!I haven't seen the servers down once and I've been playing since launch day, I also played in the closed beta, never saw it then either.I'm not saying it's a perfect game, I'm saying everyone is expecting a full fledged simulator when The Crew never set out to be that, it's revolutionary in the fact that there are so many different ways to customize your car, street, offroad, etc etc etc. I mean seriously somebody listed no working turn signals as a con, that's so petty. Yeah, the mirrors don't have reflection and some of the shifting animations are fudged, sometimes the character will act like there's a paddle shift and there isn't which leaves him changing gears by swatting the air. As far as I can tell not enough people even use manual transmissions in game to care about shifting animations. Overall this is an incredibly fun game with enough to keep me coming back for a while. I paid full price for it and I don't regret it.EDIT: 12/17I saw the servers go down once a few days ago, they were down for all of 15 minutes. Yeah I was butthurt but it was pretty quick. I'm still enjoying the game but there are a couple more annoyances. PvP is a shitfest, everybody has full driving assists on and never even has to think, they go careening off walls and guard rails and beat you by 4+ seconds while you're taking care to not hit anything.The factions are odd, there's 5(I think) factions in the game but only 2 or 3 actually have people. I just so happened to put myself on one of the ones with a significant lack of people and it takes me 20+ minutes to find a PvP match for the faction v faction mode. I honestly don't see why they put so many factions in the game.Uplay's &drivehub& is showing me news from 1-15-2015 lolEDIT NUMBER 2 12/17I'm gonna try and stop looking at the other reviews for this game, I just saw somebody complain that it is difficult to get a gold medal on challenges. LOL GIT GUD, THERES ALSO PLATINUM MEDALS IF YOU ACTUALLY WOULD PUT MORE THAN 2 HOURS INTO THE GAME. The challenges are exactly what they should be, CHALLENGING. ????ing hell, you all want to be spoon fed yet you don't like the idea of microtransactions. Speaking of microtransactions, it's not like I can go buy the best parts right off the bat with real life money, I would first have to earn the part with a car, the spend real life money to put it on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT car. So in essence, I'd be spending my money to make another car just as good as one I actually earned the parts with. Yeah you can buy cars outright with real
money but without parts it doesn't matter. People are just being way too critical of this game because Ubisoft. I bet they turn around and call Far Cry 4 GOTY though...Edit 3 1/9So after getting over 120 hours and not seeing myself stopping I thought I'd throw out another update.I've seen the servers down here and there, they're fixed within 20 minutes though.I have one friend who everytime we try to crew up, it doesn't ????ing work, so we have his brother get on and crew us up. (Until they patched that a couple days ago)Ubi announced they're going to fix mirror reflections, I hope you're all happy.First DLC coming out in a week, they'll be keeping that pace for about a year, supposedly.They're also fixing the biggest gripe, the AI chase catchup whatever you want to call it, it's getting patched next week, so basically every review for this game becomes null and void. &Everyone's face when Ubi is listening and patching ????
So after reading some of the top reviews for this game I want to throw in my 2 cents.
No, the driving mechanic is very realistic, but it is very much an arcade racer, don't knock it for not being a sim when it's not trying to be.
The game is kinda based in America though.
It took me over two hours in real life to drive across it, and that was the fastest route I could take, no detours.
It's a racing game, has any racing game ever had a decent story?
Yeah, because you can customize the shit out of your car
Lol are you kidding me? And TDU2 had such a GREEEAAAT story. And such a GREEEAT physics engine/handling model. That game was a joke, I'm starting to wonder if people launched that on accident.
Everything you can get from microtransactions is attainable with in game money, obviously DLC cars won't be but almost every game has that even. You can complain about microtransactions all you want, they aren't going away.
I haven't seen the servers down once and I've been playing since launch day, I also played in the closed beta, never saw it then either.
I'm not saying it's a perfect game, I'm saying everyone is expecting a full fledged simulator when The Crew never set out to be that, it's revolutionary in the fact that there are so many different ways to customize your car, street, offroad, etc etc etc. I mean seriously somebody listed no working turn signals as a con, that's so petty.
Yeah, the mirrors don't have reflection and some of the shifting animations are fudged, sometimes the character will act like there's a paddle shift and there isn't which leaves him changing gears by swatting the air. As far as I can tell not enough people even use manual transmissions in game to care about shifting animations.
Overall this is an incredibly fun game with enough to keep me coming back for a while. I paid full price for it and I don't regret it.
EDIT: 12/17
I saw the servers go down once a few days ago, they were down for all of 15 minutes. Yeah I was butthurt but it was pretty quick. I'm still enjoying the game but there are a couple more annoyances.
PvP is a shitfest, everybody has full driving assists on and never even has to think, they go careening off walls and guard rails and beat you by 4+ seconds while you're taking care to not hit anything.
The factions are odd, there's 5(I think) factions in the game but only 2 or 3 actually have people. I just so happened to put myself on one of the ones with a significant lack of people and it takes me 20+ minutes to find a PvP match for the faction v faction mode. I honestly don't see why they put so many factions in the game.
Uplay's &drivehub& is showing me news from 1-15-2015 lol
I'm gonna try and stop looking at the other reviews for this game, I just saw somebody complain that it is difficult to get a gold medal on challenges. LOL GIT GUD, THERES ALSO PLATINUM MEDALS IF YOU ACTUALLY WOULD PUT MORE THAN 2 HOURS INTO THE GAME. The challenges are exactly what they should be, CHALLENGING. Fucking hell, you all want to be spoon fed yet you don't like the idea of microtransactions.
Speaking of microtransactions, it's not like I can go buy the best parts right off the bat with real life money, I would first have to earn the part with a car, the spend real life money to put it on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT car. So in essence, I'd be spending my money to make another car just as good as one I actually earned the parts with. Yeah you can buy cars outright with real
money but without parts it doesn't matter. People are just being way too critical of this game because Ubisoft. I bet they turn around and call Far Cry 4 GOTY though...
Edit 3 1/9
So after getting over 120 hours and not seeing myself stopping I thought I'd throw out another update.
I've seen the servers down here and there, they're fixed within 20 minutes though.
I have one friend who everytime we try to crew up, it doesn't fucking work, so we have his brother get on and crew us up. (Until they patched that a couple days ago)
Ubi announced they're going to fix mirror reflections, I hope you're all happy.
First DLC coming out in a week, they'll be keeping that pace for about a year, supposedly.
They're also fixing the biggest gripe, the AI chase catchup whatever you want to call it, it's getting patched next week, so basically every review for this game becomes null and void.
&Everyone's face when Ubi is listening and patching shit
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