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Buy Infestation: Survivor Stories
$14.99 USD
"[★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆] Great atmosphere, until you are killed by a player. Not much to say, survival horror, your worst enemy is not a zombie, chaotic gamers."
Recent updates
3 December
Hey Survivors!
-Clan tags removed
-Nameplate mouseover removed
-Repair kit disconnect fixed
-Caliwood missions now working ((Don't forget you can complete missions on Hardcore and get experience easily this way for simple tasks such as killing zombies or looting specific items and they are repeatable upon death))
-More optimizations
-A few areas that were missing spawns now have spawns
-Fixed the disconnecting bush in San Pavel
-Missions are now working
We are aware of an issue with the VOIP servers disconnecting users and are looking into resolving this.
Want to discuss the patch?
- /index.php?/topic/156159-patch-discussion-121/
25 November
Hey survivors,
Servers will be going down at roughly 3 PM PST for.... PATCH TIME!!!
Here's the details!
-Trial servers disabled (a trial can now only play on private servers where trials are enabled)
-New Hardcore Servers available
-Caliwood is moved off of the PTE for official release!
-Premium Caliwood Servers are now available
-The number of colorado servers has been reduced to make room for new Caliwood Servers
-Veteran servers reduced to a single Veteran Colorado and Veteran Caliwood
-Crossbow has been buffed, now holds 5 arrows.
-A single arrow is now a bundle of up to 5 arrows.
-Airport fences have been slightly reworked to have more entrances to the airfield
-Fixed zombie pathing in some areas of the map that they were walking through objects
-Official release!
-Zombies have been removed from the center map construction yard in an attempt to bring down server load on Caliwood, loot remains in this location.
-Various player respawn location fixes
-Dev Event Servers 1 & 2 have returned for casual fun PVP.
The loadout is pistols and crossbows. (NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT. WILL HAVE A FIX BY TOMORROW)
Tired of getting sniped by a team of 8 guys in Clearview? Introducing Hardcore servers targeted specifically for players in the community that always want a fresh survival experience in the Infestation universe. If you are the kind of player that wants to loot and fight players using only gear they recently looted and found then Hardcore Servers are for you.
Global Inventory is DISABLED
Market Access is DISABLED
Lockboxes are DISABLED
Repair bench is DISABLED
Safezones are still enabled for trading
You must create a HARDCORE character
When you die on hardcore, it is forever. Characters must be recreated on death.
You can unlock perks on hardcore characters, but they are lost on death.
Loot persists on hardcore servers only.
IE HardcoreBOB goes looting on US Hardcore 1.
He then logs out and joins US Hardcore 2.
He keeps his items in the Hardcore Universe.
Hardcore characters CANNOT play on regular servers.
Hardcore characters can ONLY play on Hardcore Servers.
Want to discuss the patch?
- http://forums.infest...cussion-112514/
About This Game
Infestation: Survivor Stories is a Survival Horror MMO that immerses players in a zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic world in which a viral outbreak has decimated the human population leaving in its wake, a nightmare of epic proportion.
A Huge Persistent World: This is an nonlinear open world game
Explore, Scavenge, Kill, Survive: You are one of the few survivors and must navigate the desolate countryside exploring cities and scavenging for items
Group with other players to increase your chances of survival
Combination of First-Person and Third Person Perspectives
Meld of PVE (Player versus Environment) and PVP (Player versus Player)
Safe Settlements where Players can access their global inventory
Create your own Clans
Reputation system – Choose to become a lawman or bandit
Leave Messages for friends in the game world with a time capsule
Immersive environment with unique and spine chilling sound effects
Huge variation of melee and firearm weapon types
System Requirements
OS:Windows Vista/Windows 7 (enhanced for 64-bit OS)
Processor:2.4 GHZ Quad Core or better
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia GTX 460/ATI Radeon HD 5850
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:Windows Compatible Sound Card
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
OS:Windows 7 (enhanced for 64-bit OS)
Processor:2.4 GHZ Quad Core or better
Memory:4 GB RAM
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:Windows Compatible Sound Card
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
o (C) 2012 OP Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. The Infestation: Survivor Stories name and logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of OP Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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0.4 hrs on record
I would actually pay to remove this from my games list.
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1.7 hrs on record
Honest Review:The less than 2 hours of my gameplay was riddled with Hackers using no clip, aimbot, superjump, super strength, unlimited health, no detection etc etc.I died countless times in 30 Minutes from hackers shooting more than 2.5 KM / 3 Miles away, through walls.The mechanics in the game are poor, as well as the melee.I want a refund please!This game should be put under review or removed from Steam!The developers don't care, as they have not bothered to patch it since a year ago!Credit the buyers of this game with vouchers or other!
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0.6 hrs on record
Got the steam key for free from a friend who bought the game from the website before it was on steam.I still feel like I was ripped off.
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547.1 hrs on record
From someone who has over 400 hours in this game, I can tell you that this game is not worth $1.It used to be fun in alpha, before they started tweaking everything, and giving streamers special treatment, and hiring people who bashed the game constantly.There's bugs everywhere, there's always been bugs, and there will always be bugs because they developers are idiots.There's been a cheating problem since the beginning and there will always be a cheater problem. I seriously recommend you not play this unless you plan on cheating yourself, because that is the only way you'll ever survive, unless you're actually good at FPS's, which in that case, be prepared to be banned at random times because a streamer said you cheated.In the beginning, the developers stole their terms of service from League of Legends, banned people at random to scare off cheaters (their version of an anti-cheat), and used fake screenshots which resulted in the game originally being pulled from steam. (Seriously.) It's for some reason been allowed back onto steam, and I believe everyone should know of this games terrible past and know that it's not changed one bit. Sergey even went as far as to lie in interviews about this game, and delete any comments or reviews that said otherwise. Avoid this game at all costs.
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1.3 hrs on record
Uninstallation simulator.
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1.1 hrs on record
Every time I see this game in my library, I want to shoot myself.in the head.twice.
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5.6 hrs on record
I swear the illuminati was behind this. If you purchase it and spend 50K irl money on pw2 items, then you just join a game, get hit to death by a floating flashlight, then you just wasted all your money. I rather shove a glass bottle in my eye sockets and a nuke in my anal opening than see the game in my library again.
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3.9 hrs on record
instant regret
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0.9 hrs on record
I want to be fair to this game but so far my experiences with it have been really bad.You start by getting thrown into the wild miles from everything with no idea what to do, when you finally make it to somewhere you're forced to sneak about in near useless fashion to collect supplies and HOPE you get a decent weapon- which doesn't matter if it's melee because the combat in this game is just dreadful.Having to run for 40 minutes through nothing is also dreadful.Oh and the stupid zombie movement and that delightly lag thing when enemies hit you where you were rather than where you are.I cannot in a clear mind recommend this game in it's current state because so far I've yet to find anything positive to say and I truly regret buying this game. I hope it gets better and become worth the time but right now, it's not worth it.
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3.4 hrs on record
The deinstallation works fine.
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1.2 hrs on record
I'd happly give everything to get this game removed. This game is terribleI'd rather masterbate with sandpaper than ever play this game again.i've played some ???? gamesbut this takes the ????ing biscuit.Bad game0/10
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26.3 hrs on record
Bad game, Perma banned me for getting my password wrong 3 times..
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1.8 hrs on record
How did this game got a 20/100 is my question.Like serious, this ain't a game. Games are suppost to be fun but this piece of shít is clearly not fun to play.I had to do alot of shít to get this game to work, then when it worked i was pumped to play it.Oh boy that was probally the worst 1.8 hours i've ever put into a game.Bad Optimalisation - FPS is horrible, even on a fúcking Titan this game runs on 24-30 fpsYou start out with a flashlight, some food, bandages, and some other ??????ít.And you're supposed to kill ZOMBIES with a FLASHLIGHT?It took my litteraly 5 minutes to kill a single zombie.But i know why the devs gave you a horrible starting loadout, so you can buy equipment with microtransactions.Yeah, MICROTRANSACTIONS in an already paid game.How can you do this devs?And, don't let the cool looking screenshots and trailers tell you otherwise.Worst EUR15,- spend.Period
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2.2 hrs on record
Gave me ebola
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113.1 hrs on record
If aids were a game...
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6.5 hrs on record
I'm actually ashamed to have this in my library. I'd rather saw my knob off with a chainsaw.
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3.9 hrs on record
I'd install this game again just to uninstall it. No pain, no gain.
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21.2 hrs on record
This game gave me ebola
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434.8 hrs on record
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225.8 hrs on record
HA. Caught you off guard with this &postive& review.
Nah, i just wanted to show the developers what a thumbs up looks like. This game blows ????.
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Title: Infestation: Survivor Stories
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 17 Dec, 2012
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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