
  哇塞,学校一对即将毕业的新人在四食堂举办婚礼了,好多银好多银啊。没有豪华酒店,没有神圣烂漫的教堂和神父,有一颗陪伴彼此到老的心,就足以让婚礼美的让人激动,幸福四溢。怎么样?羡慕的举个小爪啊···        @以后请叫我小聪明:学校四食堂有人举行婚礼!!!霸气侧漏!!!要不要都回来结婚?!!    网友送上深深的祝福:  @浪花朵朵童鞋:行啊,老婆文凭一起拿下。   @好芜聊:祝福学弟学妹!  @走走走走去撒哈拉:昨天刚到学校就晃瞎了我的钛合金  @Hobo_EasyCrew:那个男的是四食堂老板儿子。。。。  @WHTV嵇铖: 吹牛逼时讲的,没想到哈真有人这么搞………   @独木向南:啊!!学弟学妹们果然生猛啊!!早知道昨天回学校热闹一下了,不知道没有饭卡能不能蹭饭…  @桔梗四月: 各位来宾请带好饭卡!
楼主发言:2次 发图:4张
  @Air夕阳醉 2楼
19:44:00  才毕业,工作住房有着落没有?那么急干吗?要是有BB了,养的起吗?  -----------------------------  等你28或者以后结婚的时候,  你就不这么想了。  OVER!
  工作一到两年就需要解决房子,车子问题,还极有可能需要养活下一代.   家里有钱呢,还靠谱些,不然纯粹就是找死行为了.
  有才 呵呵
  @Air夕阳醉 2楼
19:44:00  才毕业,工作住房有着落没有?那么急干吗?要是有BB了,养的起吗?  -----------------------------  你好现实哦!
19:44:00  才毕业,工作住房有着落没有?那么急干吗?要是有BB了,养的起吗?  -----------------------------  @超超dcc 26楼
01:07:00  你好现实哦!  -----------------------------  你不现实你试试!
  喜欢归喜欢。祝福归祝福,但早婚真不是什么好事,回看同学里那几对,基本事业都无起色,贫贱夫妻百事哀,毕业后再聚,明显有区别,整个精神气都很差劲,家里有钱的倒是还好,不过已经散了三对儿了,唉~~~~最惨的是两对儿都有孩子,可怜的小孩!!也有幸福的,少之又少,最怕结婚立即生孩子的,如若父母也在工作,只好自己带,二十出头就把自己变成黄脸婆,与社会脱节,不知人到中年回首起来是否唏嘘自己最好的年华! 当然孩子教育的好最好,但是自己还是个孩子,根本就教育不好也带不好孩子,朋友是幼师,对我说幼稚园两级分化很严重,越年轻的父母的孩子越皮,越不整洁,时常看见年轻的父母姗姗来迟,还没出幼稚园已经不耐烦调皮的孩子,于是一巴掌上去,,不是他们不爱孩子,只是没有耐心也不懂,这样长大的孩子可想而知,还有好多是长辈带小孩,老套教育方式,孩子对父母陌生,更不能理解大人的辛苦,只知道你不陪我玩耍也不陪我学习,还是奶奶亲.............说道这里我的承认我说错了,早婚没什么,爱至情深的必然结果,但是早生孩子真的很不好,无关家境,既然生孩子就要有责任心去陪他,教育他,身边真的好多早生孩子的,还美名其曰现在年轻早生,身体恢复的好,再说父母身体也好可以带孩子,于是乎无责任心的生完孩子到处跑到处玩,有责任心的被孩子栓的死死的,整日围着孩子转,青春和机遇一去不复返.............~晕 罗里吧嗦说太多了,总之新人看的出很恩爱,祝福他们!!
  @许我向你看7 29楼
10:42:00  喜欢归喜欢。祝福归祝福,但早婚真不是什么好事,回看同学里那几对,基本事业都无起色,贫贱夫妻百事哀,毕业后再聚,明显有区别,整个精神气都很差劲,家里有钱的倒是还好,不过已经散了三对儿了,唉~~~~最惨的是两对儿都有孩子,可怜的小孩!!也有幸福的,少之又少,最怕结婚立即生孩子的,如若父母也在工作,只好自己带,二十出头就把自己变成黄脸婆,与社会脱节,不知人到中年回首起来是否唏嘘自己最好的年华! 当然孩......  -----------------------------  祝福
出门在外也不愁aaaaaaaa啊啊aaaa啊啊aaaa啊啊啊终于回江苏了坑爹的老家= =_华丽大枪吧_百度贴吧
aaaaaaaa啊啊aaaa啊啊aaaa啊啊啊终于回江苏了坑爹的老家= =收藏
1楼 16:24&|
2楼 16:30&|
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Buy AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!
$9.99 USD
Packages that include this game
Buy AaaaaAAaaaAAA!!! + The Wonderful End of the World
Includes 2 items:
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, The Wonderful End of the World
$14.99 USD
Downloadable Content For This Game
$1.99 USD
&Aaaaa! wowed me with its boisterous celebration of carelessness illuminated by harsh neon lights... Quite a rush!&
PC Gamer (Nov '09)
&...charmed us from the moment we loaded up our beta...&
EDGE Magazine (Sep '09)
&Aaaaa! is still an original, frequently hilarious work that will renew your faith in the indie gaming scene.&
&Aaaaa! is a simple concept pulled off spectacularly.&
Indie Games - The Weblog
&Many hours were spent playing this surprisingly compelling BASE jumping simulator, which brilliantly conveys the fun Dejobaan must have had making it.&
Gamasutra's Best Of 2009 (top 5 PC Games Honorable Mention)
About This Game
Looking for the Oculus Rift version? Wan't to BASE jump on Mac or Linux? .
BASE jump through a floating city, creating your own stunts to delight your fans.
You dive off a skyscraper, relying on quick reflexes to negotiate the intricate tangle of girders that make up the floating city. All eyes are on you as the judges mark your score. One hundred points for hugging those exposed struts as you fall. A thousand for planting a kiss on the side of that building. Twisting and turning, you thread the needle between two billboards, earning cheers from your fans.
But while reflexes are important, it's quick thinking that gets you the win. One block away, you spot a crowd of protesters decrying your sport, and make a split second decision. You break off course, stare them straight in the eye, and flip them the finger. They explode into a burst of fury, but the judges absolutely love it, bumping you up to first place. Now all you have to do is to make that landing without ending up a loose sack of broken bones.
80 levels take you through cities of floating billboards and buildings, and fly you inches away from the side of a mountain.
Unique game mechanics allow you to create your own stunts to score.
Give your fans the thumbs-up for points, or annoy protesters with rude gestures.
Snag a can of spray paint and tag government buildings for an extra challenge.
Special meditation mode helps you relax, with free anti-meditation mode to help you stop relaxing.
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP/Vista
Processor:1.5 GHz processor
Graphics:3D card with 128MB video memory
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Copyright (C) by Dejobaan Games, LLC
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1.2 hrs on record
Do not buy this version! There is a newer version, &... for the Awesome&, which has all this game's levels, plus new levels, better graphics, controller support, and a Linux version.
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0.9 hrs on record
Can't recommend it for the sole reason that the semi-sequel AAAAA for the awesome is the exact same game but has more levels.
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7.3 hrs on record
My Take: A frantic paced game where you attempt to reach perfection on each level and will not rest until you have five stars. Rude gesture to all the protesters out there. Graphics: Simple polygons, but everything is distinctive enough that you can make out what's what during high speeds.Sound: Enough entertaining noises to distract you from how annoyed you are.Music: Not good enough to listen to on its own, but well suits the pace of the game.Controls: Standard look and movement bindings, but I should figure out better bindings for the other actions. I end up accidentally pressing a wrong key at inopportune times.Did I Finish It: Not 100%, but I got to the end.Will I Play it Again: Depends on how much content is in AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!, which I have yet to play. It's is supposed to have the same levels remastered, so I'm going to say no.Should You Buy It: If the above holds true, they're the same price so don't bother.
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9.1 hrs on record
First of all: The title is awesome and it's a great example for the kind of humor that Dejobaan Games stands for. Now, what is this game about? There's no real story to speak of. You are some guy, who does BASE jumps from very large buildings. Don't mistake this game for some sort of simulation though, you don't just jump off of real skyscrapers, but rather interesting and fictional constructions and there is quite an array of things to do on your way down. The game is very highscore oriented, so the most replay value comes out of reaching the best score you possibly can on each level and while that could sound dull to some, I really enjoyed playing it.
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1.8 hrs on record
DO NOT BUY THIS VERSION OF THE GAME. Instead, buy AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - For the Awesome because it's the exact same game + a bunch more levels. I have a detailed review for that game on its store page. Read that maybe. Here's a short version:Ultimately, you should watch a gameplay video and imagine about a hundred levels revolving around that central theme. It's a unique concept executed fairly well, with a weird sense of humor and fast-paced arcade-style point collecting.
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1.8 hrs on record
One of the best falling simulators I've ever played.
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0.9 hrs on record
accurate and heart-wrenching videogame adaptation of The Bridge, a 2006 Britsh-American documentary film by the acclaimed visionary Eric Steel. in AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity the player takes the role of an unnamed jumper reliving his leap off of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge in purgatory, unlocking his way to heaven by falling down stylized levels while flying near buildings (hereby believed to be the game's way of portraying the monumental, almost skyscraper like undertaking of preparing for death) and flipping off spectators (perhaps a representation of the filmmaker's own Jungian psyche) among other objectives. It is the deepest game of the 21st century and is easily the greatest example of storytelling in any medium, the Citizen Kane of videogames, proving that interaction fiction can truly become art. Robert Ebert once remarked that this game made him reconsider his views on mortality and also jumping off of buildings. playing his game was a life-changing experience and immediately after playing i conspired to jump off a building with a parachute while trying to flip-off everyone i see on the way down.10/10 it's ok
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0.3 hrs on record
Just a little. . .no.
That's too fast.
OMG, I made it. Do again.
Do again.Game play video (I know I suck) :
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0.5 hrs on record
Voice acting is annoying and the gameplay is repetitive. There's no way to differentiate between the levels you can unlock so you have to spend your hard earned in game currency pretty much blindly.Fun for a little bit, but not worth it.
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1.4 hrs on record
not bad for the price. fast and addictive. it makes you want to replay the level over and over again.
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1.8 hrs on record
Its a skydiving score attack game. Rack up points by scraping by building by the skin of your teeth. The game gets repetitive quickly as most levels are similar, and you will have to replay levels many times to get a perfect score to unlock more levels. The game ends up being a one-trick pony.
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0.4 hrs on record
Base jumping through a psychadelic landscape.
Good to start out with but gets old VERY fast.
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0.1 hrs on record
amazing what people will pay for these days
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2.1 hrs on record
Here is a game that loses its appeal in about 30 minutes. Sure, the first 5 or 10 minutes you think the game is kinda cool, but by minute 15 you will have decided the game is a bit boring and repititous, by minute 30 you will have decided the game is no longer fun to play, and after 2 hours of game play you will think there are far better uses of Harddrive space than AaAaAA!!!
- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity.
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8.7 hrs on record
Another Dejobaan title that starts with Aa... or something similar to keep it high on a list alphabetically. This was fun for about two levels and then it quickly loses any luster.
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2.1 hrs on record
I really enjoyed this game, mostly becaus most games aren’t about skydiving off buildings. I’ve come back to play it for a while, I want to say I’ve got about 2 hours into it. At this point, I need to replay some levels to get more points to unlock more stages, so I doubt I’ll play it again and beat it, but it was fun for the low price of whatever I got it for. Overall, I would recommend this if it’s cheap enough.
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1.1 hrs on record
A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
I got all the hugs and kisses I never got as a child!
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6.4 hrs on record
An extremely simple concept, which often leads to very addictive games. Short description, you jump of things and try to hit the landing zone in one piece. Doing that is generally achievable. Doing it with high points, a bit more tricky, and therein lies the fun. It's kind of hard to describe, look at their promo stuff, they're not lying, it is a fun game. For the price, definitely worth it.
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0.3 hrs on record
A game in which you scream because you didn't bother taking proper safety precautions. Nothing more to say about this title.
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5.2 hrs on record
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity is a game in which you play a virtual basejumper who jumps through a series of maps attempting to rack up points by staying close to obstacles, spray-painting buildings, flipping off people who dislike you, and breaking plates with points on them while still landing safely. The levels are mostly very stylized (with a few which are meant to mimic natural landscapes). The game is very entertaining for the first bit, but is best experienced in bite-sized chunks. Once you've done a few levels, take a break and come back later - it can get repetitive rapidly, and while the later levels definitely add a lot more to keep track of, the core mechanics remain consistent.It's a pity, because the later levels are the better ones in the game, but ultimately, since the replayability is based off of the levels you've unlocked it doesn't feel like there's a great deal of depth beyond what you see on the surface.I had a good time with it. However, I've only played about 5 hours and I feel &done& with it - I don't have any particular desire to go back into it. If you're looking for a neat, stylized experience? Hard to do any better. Just don't expect a whole lot of play time for your dollars.
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Includes 7 Steam Achievements
Title: AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 3 Sep, 2009
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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