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& & 大唐芙蓉园,位于城南的曲江开发区,与遥遥相望。它是在原唐代芙蓉园遗址以北,仿照唐代皇家园林式样建造的,是中国第一个全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园,占地面积一千亩,其中水域面积三百亩,总投资十三亿元人民
& & 园内建有紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、杏园、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、唐市等许多仿古建筑,是全国最大的仿唐皇家建筑群,其建筑是由中国著名的工程院院士张锦秋大师设计的。
& & 园内有全球最大的户外香化工程,无论你走到哪里,都可以闻到阵阵幽香;有全球最大的水幕电影及水景表演,集声、光、电、水、火为一体;是首个将人们的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉完美的融为一体的五感主题公园;
& & 全国最大的仿唐宴开发基地——御宴宫;园内还有全国最大的展现唐代诗歌文化的雕塑群以及全方位再现唐长安城贸易活动的场所——大唐集市。
& & 园内分帝王文化、女性文化、诗歌文化、科举文化、茶文化、歌舞文化、饮食文化、民俗文化、外交文化、佛教文化、道教文化、儿童娱乐、大门景观文化、水秀表演十四个景观文化区,集中展示了唐王朝辉耀四方的精神风貌,璀璨多姿、无以伦比的文化艺术。
& & 年大唐芙蓉园灯会是以盛唐文化为背景,为广大游客送上一场规模庞大、别具一格、年味十足的灯会主题活动。除 了传统的宫灯、龙灯以外,还推出了鸟叔、愤怒的小鸟、喜羊羊、灰太狼等新颖独特、贴近热点、适合不同年龄层次的游客观赏,除此之外,还有舞龙舞狮、锣鼓表演、祭灶仪式....。.游客可一边欣 赏民俗表演,一边品尝来自全国各地的美食小吃,琳琅满目,让人垂涎欲滴,活动期间,还有皇帝贵妃、大唐武士、太监宫女、西域风情集体上阵,带给您一次梦回 唐朝的穿越之旅。
& & 中国有正月十五闹元宵,赏灯展,猜灯谜的传统娱乐活动,正是这些富有中国风的传统节日的存在才丰富了我们的娱乐生活,西安大唐芙蓉园这天的人气很旺,四面八方的游客选择在这里和许许多多的人一起度过这个欢乐的节日,大部分都是一家老少齐出动,带着蹦蹦跳跳的孩子,来大唐芙蓉园感受新春灯会的浓重气氛。夜景中打着灯笼映照着一张张欢乐的笑脸,紫云楼倒影在水中,观赏性极佳的莲花灯飘在水中,烛光悠悠。恰似一袭美景,令人回味无穷!
& 大唐芙蓉园是中国全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园。
& 大唐芙蓉园内建有紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、杏园、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、唐市等许多仿古建筑,是全国最大的仿唐皇家建筑群。
& &大唐芙蓉园内有户外香化工程,有水幕电影及水景表演,有仿唐宴开发基地——御宴宫。
& &西安出发:乘坐21、22、24、41、212、224、237、320(游9)、601、609、610、715、720路可到大唐芙蓉园景区(可从火车乘K5到大雁塔再乘坐以上车辆)。
& 成人票: & & & & &票面价120 预订价80并可获得28元点评奖金 & & & &
&&特定日期价: & & &票面价90 预订价80 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&&
& 新春花灯夜场票: &票面价40 预订价35 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& A2叠10:A2叠10-旅游?体验 & 稿件来源:新闻晚报 &
解放牛网版权所有 未经许可不得转载  概况    曲江文化源远流长,兴起于秦汉,繁盛于隋唐。    秦时,利用曲江地区原隰相间,山水景致优美的自然特点,秦王朝在此开辟了著名的皇家禁苑--宜春苑、乐游原,使曲江成为上林苑的重要组成部分。    唐代,曲江进入了繁荣兴盛的时期。    曲江从秦到隋唐,历时1300年之久,是中国古代园林及建筑的集大成者。其被辟为皇家园林,建有芙蓉园、紫云楼、杏园、汉武泉、青龙寺、大慈恩寺和大雁塔等诸多景观。    当时的芙蓉园被辟为皇家禁苑--芙蓉苑(也称芙蓉园),并修建了紫云楼、彩霞亭等重要建筑。唐玄宗为潜行曲江芙蓉园游幸作乐,沿城墙专门修筑了由皇宫至芙蓉园的夹城。每逢曲江大会唐明皇则携宠妃百僚登临芙蓉园紫云楼与民同乐,唐长安城万人空巷,皆欢聚游宴于曲江,大唐盛况可见一斑。    今天的大唐芙蓉园是西北地区最大的文化主题公园,占地面积1000亩,其中水面300亩,总投资13亿,建于原唐代芙蓉园遗址以北,是中国第一个全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园。包括有紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、杏园、陆羽茶社、唐市、曲江流饮等众多景点。它也创下了多项记录:有全球最大的水景表演;是首个五感(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉)主题公园;拥有全球最大户外香化工程;全国最大的仿唐皇家建筑群。大唐芙蓉园全面满足各类游赏者体验需求,被称为&国人震撼、世界惊奇&不可不游的圣地。    自日开园以来,大唐芙蓉园吸引了无数游客前来光观体验,在&五一&黄金周期间,大唐芙蓉园游客量在全国主题公园中连续三天高居榜首,创下了骄人的成绩;同时,它还接待了多位国家领导人和省市重要领导,台湾国民党主席连战和亲民党主席宋楚瑜访问大陆期间,也曾先后参观游览过大唐芙蓉园并欣然题词。    大唐芙蓉园以它独特的魅力和无可比拟的历史地位,成为华夏子孙寻根追梦的文化祖庭和重温盛世的精神家园,它将带您进入中国唯一的盛唐文化之旅。    Tang Paradise    Originated in the period of the Qin (221--206BC) and Han (206 BC--220 AD)    Dynasties and experienced its heyday in the Sui (581--618AD) and Tang (618--907AD) Dynasties, Qujiang Lake culture has a very long history.    The imperial court of the Qin Dynasty established a famous royal garden by making full use of the low wetland, the beautiful mountain and the lake in Qujiang Area.    Qujiang Area went into its prosperous period in the Tang Dynasty.It was cut out as the royal garden --the Lotus Garden,& was put up at the same time with Ziyun Tower Block and Caixia(Rosy Cloud) Pavilion inside. Emperor Minghuang of the Tang Dynasty would always go at the head of hundreds of officials and concubines to Ziyun Tower Block on the day of Qujiang Fair and enjoyed the fair with local people. All the streets in the Tang Chang'an city were vacant because people were all out in Qujiang indulged in wining and dining and looking for fun. This exemplified the great prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.    Tang Dynasty Reconstruction Project is one of the largest tourist programs in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 1,000 mu (about 165 acres) and is established with an investment of 1.2 billion Yuan. Located to the north of the original Tang Dynasty Lotus Garden site, the present Tang Paradise is the first theme park fully demonstrating the charm and grandeur of the royal garden in Tang Dynasty. It includes the attractions of Ziyun Tower Block, Elegant Lady Area, Imperial Banquet Hall, Fanglin Fragrant Garden, Phoenix Theater, Apricot Garden, Lu Yu Teahouse, Tang Marketplace and the Floating-drink at Qujiang Lake. The Tang Paradise boasts many new records: the largest show on water the first theme park of five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch and smell senses); the biggest out-door fragrance project in the world and the biggest reproduction of the Tang royal garden complex in China. Tang Paradise is a comprehensive resort center which& attracts people from different walks of life. With&
it's surprising charm it has become a must see attraction in Xi'an.    银桥飞瀑    位于园区御苑门内,一进园门,迎面而来有数尺银白的瀑布挂于眼前,这就是银桥飞瀑。相传唐代宗时,长安城大旱月余,百姓生活困难,于是请天竺高僧施法招龙,以求云雨,高僧命其徒弟取了尺余长的树皮,将一条小龙放置于其上,以香炉圣水放置于前,念一番咒语,然后把小龙投于曲江中,只见有一尺余长的白龙摇头摆尾地从曲江水中腾空而起,转瞬之间变得身长数丈,颜色如鲜艳的白色绸锻,直上云天。瞬间乌云翻滚,电闪雷鸣,暴雨下了起来。这就是有名的&曲江白龙显神灵&。银桥飞瀑由几十米高的石山组成,瀑布飞流而下,如烟似雾。站在瀑布前,水花四溅,晶莹剔透,在阳光下,还可见彩虹飞架,异彩焕发。    紫云楼    历史上的紫云楼,据载建于唐开元十四年,每逢曲江大会,唐明皇必登临此楼,在欣赏歌舞、赐宴群臣之际,常凭栏观望园外万民游曲江之盛况,与民同乐。而园外民众则雀跃争相一睹龙颜为快。依据史料重建的紫云楼位于现园区中心位置,也是全园最主要的仿唐建筑组群之一。主楼共计四层,面积8632m2。    一层由反映贞观之治的雕塑、壁画和大型唐长安城复原模型,国家一级唐文物展等组成。    二层由唐明皇赐宴群臣,八方来朝、万邦来拜大型彩塑群雕,反映大唐盛世的壁画群组成。    三层为品茗观赏唐乐舞厅。    四层由高达八米的如意铜塔为中心,由唐投壶游艺等各种文化娱乐活动设施组成。    Ziyun Tower Block    According to the historical records, Ziyun Tower Block was built in the 14th year of the Kaiyuan period (726AD)。 At that time, Emperor Minghuang of the Tang Dynasty would always ascend the building on the day of Qujiang Fair. He enjoyed singing, dancing and bestowed banquet to his ministers in it. He also liked to take a look behind the rail at the boisterous locals outside the resort wall and enjoyed the festive atmosphere. At the same time, people outside were also eager to take the chance to see their emperor. Now Ziyun Tower Block is rebuilt in the center of the garden based on the description of it in the historical records. It is also the most important Tang Dynasty style complex in the garden. There are four stories in the main building with a floor space of 8,632 square meters.    Sculptures and mural paintings reflecting the prosperous time in the Zhenguan period (627--649AD), the model of Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty and the top-class cultural relics from Tang are displayed on the first floor of the building.    On the second floor is a large group of colorful sculptures depicting the scene of a royal banquet bestowed by the emperor for distinguished guests both from home and abroad. There are also some mural paintings displaying the great prosperity of the Tang Dynast on this floor.    On the third floor is a showroom where people can appreciate the singing and dancing of the Tang Dynasty while sipping the fragrant tea.    There is a copper Ruyi(as you wish)tower with the height of 8 meters in the center on the fourth floor. Here one can enjoy all sorts of entertainments featuring the culture of the Tang Dynasty.    唐诗峡    唐诗峡是一组总长度为120米的,以表现唐代文化高峰-唐诗为主题的综合性文化景观。    将精选的唐诗,由著名书法大家书写,镌刻于诗峡摩崖之上,又辅之以相关大唐榜书、中国印、瓦当图案等多种文化形式补白和诗峡的山势奇峻完美结合,形成精神内涵丰富,人文与自然景观情景交融的独特境地。    Tang Poem Valley    The Tang Poem Valley with a total length of 120 meters is a comprehensive, poem-themed spot, manifesting the prime of the Tang Dynasty culture.    This is a unique dreamland of man-made and natural scenery, with rich spiritual connotations, where the famous calligraphists wrote them down and then had them inscribed on the cliff. Official documents, Chinese seals, tile patterns and other cultural forms also supplement it.    诗魂    唐诗是我国古典诗歌的瑰宝,也是世界文化遗产的明珠。    唐代都城长安是与西方罗马比肩而立的世界名城,它不仅是唐王朝的政治中心,也是唐代诗坛的中心,诗人荟萃,灿若群星。诗家两千三百多位,诗作四万八千余首,传诵不衰,脍炙人口,已与民族血肉相融,与民族精神同在,实属中外罕见,是中国诗歌艺术的巅峰时期。    诗魂是目前全国使用石材最多的大型群雕,占地约1480m2,最高立像高达九米。该雕塑群通过耸立的山峰形象,来表现唐诗在唐代文学中的重要地位和诸多唐代著名诗人创造的、后世所无法企及的文学艺术高度。    The Soul of Poetry    Poetry composed in the Tang Dynasty is the gem of classic poems in ancient China. It is also the shining pearl among the legacies of the world.    The capital city of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty was a popular international metropolis as attractive as Rome in the west at that time. Chang'an was not only the political center of the Tang Dynasty, but also the center of poetry at that time. Many poets gathered here like the glistening stars in the evening sky. Over two thousand three hundred poets composed more than forty-eight thousand poems in the Tang Dynasty. These poems are deeply loved by people in different periods of time and will continue to be appreciated by generations to come. They have already become part of the national characteristics and the national spirit. This cultural phenomenon is rarely seen in the history of other countries. Tang Dynasty is the climax of poetry composing in the history of Chinese poems.    This is a group of sculptures of famous poets from the Tang Dynasty. They are sculpted and arranged at different points on a man-made mountain that occupies an area of 1,480 square meters. This group of sculptures consumes the most stone among all the group sculptures in China so far. The biggest standing sculpture here is 9 meters high. The sculptures on the man-made mountain symbolize the significance of poetry in the literature of the Tang Dynasty and the unparalleled level of literature art approached by the famous poets of the Tang Dynasty.    彩霞亭    据唐史记载彩霞亭与紫云楼建于唐开元年间芙蓉园内。    重建的彩霞亭是与仕女馆相连而又相对独立的亭、廊结合式的仿唐建筑,沿湖而建,由北向东依水延伸,时而和湖畔接壤,时而宁立湖水之中,总体造型流线掠影,如一抹彩霞,总长度为270米,是仕女馆全面反映唐代空前开放的社会里自由女性精神风貌主题的延伸空间。    其以展示&大唐巾帼、风情万种&为主标题的,唐代百位杰出女性的诗画组成,亦是以唐代女性传奇故事为题材反映唐代女性生活百态的故事长廊。    Caixia (Rosy Cloud) Pavilion    According to the historical record, Caixia Pavilion and Ziyun Tower Block were originally built in the Lotus Garden in Kaiyuan period (713---741AD) of the Tang Dynasty.    The reconstructed pavilion is connected with the Elegant Lady Area and is joined with some pavil the whole area is quite outstanding at the same time. It starts from north and goes all the way to the east along the lake. For some sections, it and for other sections, it runs across the lake right in the center. The whole area looks like a strip of colorful cloud. The total length of it is 270 meters. It is the extension of the theme of the Elegant Lady Area.    The fine poetry and true-to-life drawings about over one hundred prominent ladies of the Tang Dynasty in the passageways vividly expose the glamour of the women and their legendary experiences. It is indeed a legend passageway about the Tang Dynasty    仕女馆    仕女馆是由以望春阁为中心的仿唐建筑群组成,是以全面展现唐代空前开放的社会里自由女性的精神风貌为主题的展示区域。    唐代女性积极向上、乐观自信,甚至可以像男子一样着男装外出进行观灯、春游、荡秋千、打球,而且在唐朝中国女性就开始大胆热烈的追求她们的爱情和婚姻,唐代女性是中国历史上少有的颇具特色的一代女性,其中以武则天、上官婉儿和太平公主尤为代表。    仕女馆主体建筑望春阁共计三层,面积3383m2。    一层通过壁画、场景、实物等来展示唐代女性服饰文化。    二层通过壁画、场景、高分子仿真雕塑等展示唐代女性参政议政主题。    三层通过壁画、场景、声光电特技等展示唐代女性的爱情主题。    其它空间不定期举办各种形式唐代女性主题展示。    Elegant Lady Area    The Elegant Lady Area consists of a group of Tang-style buildings with Wangchun (Fascinating Spring) Pavilion in the center. The theme of the show area fully demonstrates the unconstrained spirit of the women in the Tang Dynasty.    Women of the Tang Dynasty were active, progressive, optimistic and confident. They even put on man's attire and went out watching lantern-shows, going for spring outings, treading on the green, playing on the swing and playing polo game. They also pursued their loved ones actively and daringly. In terms of characteristics, women of the Tang Dynasty were very peculiar in women's history of China. Among them, Empress Wu Zetian, Lady Shangguan, and Princess Taiping are the most representative historical figures.    The main building of the show area has three stories and covers an area of 3,383 square meters.    The first floor is illustrated with mural paintings, models and exhibits that show the clothing culture of women in the Tang Dynasty.    On the second floor are
models and life-like sculptures that demonstrate how important women were in the Tang Dynasty political affairs.    In the showroom on the third floor are also some mural paintings and models that depict the theme of love of the Tang Dynasty through special technology of sound and light.    Shows of different themes about the Tang Dynasty women will also be held occasionally here.    旗亭    旗亭位于紫云楼的对面,隔湖相望,名称来源于唐人薛用弱写的&集异记&中的故事&旗亭画壁&,描写的是一日诗人王昌龄、高适、王之涣三人相约在旗亭小聚,饮酒间,来了几位歌妓,三人便打赌要品赏她们唱的诗歌,如三人的诗入乐传唱的多,谁就是魁首,几轮下来歌妓中无人唱王之涣的诗,王之涣颇为尴尬,指着其中最美的一位歌妓打赌一定会唱他的诗,结果如王之涣所料,歌妓唱出了王之涣的千古名作&黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山&&&随后三人便与众歌妓一起入席,共醉一天,成为一段诗坛佳话,后人把此事称为&旗亭画赌场&。    Flag Pavilion    The pavilion is on the opposite side of the Ziyun (Purple Cloud) Tower Block with the lake in between. The name of the pavilion derives from the story written by Xue Yongruo of the Tang Dynasty. As the story goes, one day, three poets of the Tang Dynasty, namely Wang Changling, Gao Shi and Wang Zhihuan, came to the pavilion for a drink. While enjoying the drinks, there came several singsong girls. The three poets betted on whose poems would be adapted into songs most by the girls. After some time, no singsong girls ever sang any poem by Wang Zhihuan. The poet felt so embarrassed that he pointed to the most beautiful girl and said:& I bet she will put my poem into her song.& Just as the poet expected, the girl sang the ever-lasting lines by Wang Zhihuan: &Far into the distance the Yellow River flows down, knife-cut towering mountains stand behind the desolate town&. After this, the girls joined the poets and they all went to the table drinking joyfully for the rest of the day.    Later this anecdote became popular in the poetry circle and was fondly called &The Bet at the Flag Pavilion&.    丽人行    位于大唐芙蓉园芙蓉湖北岸的雕塑群,占地1820平方米。取自杜甫名篇&丽人行&&三月三日天气新,长安水边多丽人&之诗意,参以唐代仕女上巳节游春踏青的民俗风情为基本素材,塑造出不同形态的仕女形象。    Spring Outing of Elegant Ladies    On the north bank of the Tang Paradise in the garden are a group of sculptures. It covers an area of 1,820 square meters. These sculptures show the elegant ladies in different postures and are scattered along the lawn beside the pond. The creation is based on the description of a poem written by a poet called Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty. &So fresh is the air in spring, swarms of elegant ladies at the waterfront are seen.& The creation also comes from the traditional practice of treading on the green in the Tang Dynasty.    杏园    唐代的杏园因园内盛植杏林,故名杏园,是一处著名的园林风景区。每逢早春之际,满园杏花盛开,人们便来此赏花游览。杏园也是唐代新科进士举行杏园探花宴的场所。据统计,唐代有155名状元,高祖时期的孙伏伽为唐代第一科状元,也是我国历史上记载完备、有据可查的第一位状元。    现重建的杏园为庭院式的仿唐建筑群,面积2134平方米。依仿唐时杏园探花宴的习俗,现杏园是以反映唐科举文化为主题的展示、经营场所。    Apricot GardenThe Apricot Garden named in this way is due to the fact that there used to be many apricot trees here in the Tang Dynasty. It was a quite famous garden at that time. People came to appreciate the flowers on apricot trees upon the blossom time in the Tang Dynasty. Apricot Garden was also the place where the successful candidates of the imperial civil examination would give banquets to celebrate their success. According to the historical records, there were all together 155 Zhuang Yuan (people who won the first position in the imperial civil examination) in the Tang Dynasty. Sun Fujia was the first when the Tang Emperor Gaozu was in power. There was a complete historical record about him in the Tang Dynasty.    The reconstructed Apricot Garden is in the Tang courtyard style. It covers an area of 2,134 square meters. Now the garden is used to hold banquets in the typical style of the Tang Dynasty. It exemplifies the imperial exam culture of the Tang.    陆羽茶社    中国茶文化源远流长,最早可追溯到传说中的神农氏。当时,茶主要是作药用,后把茶作为祭品、煮羹食用,而后煮水清饮直到泡饮。    西周初期,我国就开始记载茶事,随后茶业文献不断出现,但大多是只言片语或断简残章,直到唐代中叶,陆羽撰写成世界上第一部茶叶专著&茶经&。才从根本上改变了这种状况。此书是一部关于茶叶生产的历史、源流、现状、生产技术以及饮茶技艺,茶道原理的综合性论著,是一部划时代的茶学专著。    以唐代&茶圣&陆羽命名的茶社&陆羽茶社&是园林庭院式的仿唐建筑群,面积1310m2,是以彰显唐茶文化主题,由帝王茶艺、文人茶艺、世俗茶艺,茶艺茶具、清供清玩,茶艺表演等组成的综合性、欣赏经营性场所。    Lu Yu Teahouse    Chinese tea culture has a very long history. It can be traced back to the ancient legendary figure Shennong about 5,000 years ago. At that time, tea was used as medicine. Later it was used for sacrifice and the ingredient for making porridge. After that, people boiled tea in hot water and then drank it. Eventually people immersed tea in the hot boiled water for a moment like what they do now and then enjoy it.    The records of tea in China could be traced back as early as the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046---771BC)。 Afterwards people put down many documents concerning tea. What can be seen now are just some incomplete articles from different times in the past. It was not until the middle of the Tang Dynasty that the first book on tea entitled &On Tea& was written by Lu Yu, a tea scholar. It was the first book about tea in the world. It put an end to the embarrassing situation----no books about tea. On Tea is a comprehensive book that tells us about the history of tea production, its origin, current situation, production skills, the way of drinking tea and the theory of tea preparing. It is an epoch-making book about tea study.    This is a typical Tang courtyard-style architectural complex with a total area of 1,310 square meters. The teahouse is established here representing the rich and profound tea culture of the Tang Dynasty. There are three different kinds of tea ceremonies: the royal teahouse, the teahouse for literary men, and the teahouse for the ordinary. People can appreciate the tea serving ceremony in distinctive styles and tea sets in unique shapes.    儿童游乐区    唐代神童不胜枚举,位于西门北侧的儿童游乐区,以&神童文化&为核心,通过妙趣横生、寓教于乐的娱乐设施展现唐代先进的科技,形式多样的景观手法展现唐代神童故事、传奇以及丰富多彩的唐代少儿游乐活动。有虎子寨、水车、自凉亭、元白梦游曲江、神童之路等。    Children's Playground    The Children's Playground is located to the north of the West Gate. The theme of it is centered on &Culture for the Gifted &. It displays the advanced technology of the Tang Dynasty through the interesting and instructive entertainments. There were many gifted children in the Tang Dynasty. The varied scenes tell us not only the stories of those gifted children, but also their legends. At the same time, the place demonstrates the big range of entertainments for children in the Tang Dynasty, such as the Hu Zizhai(Tiger Stockade Village), the Water Wheel, the Automatic Cooling Pavilion, the Prominent Tang Poets Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi Roaming Qujiang in Dream and the legendary stories of four Tang gifted children.    盛唐御宴& 传承古今    御宴宫--中国唐御宴基地,斥资一亿元打造的中国唐文化主题餐饮中心,营业面积15600平方米,拥有440个车位的大型停车场。这里有钓沉稽古的皇家宫廷盛宴、壮丽恢弘的仿唐建筑群,有奢华瑰丽的一览式主体大厅和豪华包间,更有唐歌乐舞伴宴,创造典雅的就餐环境。    极品美食飨贵客,盛唐御宴迎游子。这里曾接待过多位国家领导人以及众多明星,是省市政府指定的接待单位。台湾前国民党主席连战和亲民党主席宋楚瑜访问大陆期间,曾在这里品尝过盛唐御宴,并给予极高的评价。    御宴宫,用品位缔造美食巅峰,用美食传承中华文明。    Imperial Banquet Hall    There was a famous banquet named &Shaowei (burning the tail) Banquet&. Short after the high officials were appointed in the Tang Dynasty, they would treat the emperor with carefully prepared delicacies. The delicacies were called &burning the tail&. Usually there were fifty-eight different kinds of expansive dishes offered at the banquet.    Lying to the north of the West Gate, the Imperial Banquet Hall has a total area of 15,600 square meters. It is a place demonstrating the culture of eating and drinking in the Tang Dynasty. It offers fine food, beautiful table wares, intoxicating scenery and melodies. It is a special place cut out for people to drink and eat in the royal garden. People can come here for parties and royal style banquets either for themselves or for business.    曲江流饮    展示文人酒文化的自然休闲景点,最早出现于东晋,盛于唐,延续于宋,影响至现代。作为长安八大景之一的&曲江流饮&,在唐代为皇帝赐宴、进士们曲江流杯换盏、聚宴言欢、抒发壮志的宴饮场地。酒文化的形成过程,在一定程度上来说也是文人饮酒寄情,探求深层人生意义的过程。    Floating-drink at Qujiang Lake    This was a natural resort for literary men to relax over liquor. It appeared as early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317--420AD), flourished in the Tang Dynasty, continued into the Song Dynasty and influenced the people in modern times. In the Tang Dynasty, rowing boat over drinks floating on the river water at Qujiang lake& was one of the eight renowned beautiful scenes. This place also used to be the venue for emperors of the Tang Dynasty to bestow banquets to the scholars. The scholars got together here and had non-s teased one another and expressed their ambitions. The formation of &wine culture&, to a certain degree, is also one in which man of letters tried to explore the meaning of life and convey their sensation through poems while drinking wine.    凤鸣九天    唐代演出非常盛行。唐玄宗酷爱戏剧,亲自于宫中梨园进行教习,兴之所至,还亲自装扮上台。后代的戏曲艺人因此称自己为梨园弟子。当时长安城戏场规模都很大,可以同时有多种节目演出,容纳众多观众,& 据载当时的小型戏场就可以&座客千官盛,场开百戏容&。    芙蓉园内的凤鸣九天剧院位于园区南门北面,面积5830平方米,& 可容纳600名观众,& 并设有贵宾休息厅等辅助空间,& 剧院金碧辉煌、皇室风范,是一个蕴涵盛唐风韵的现代化设施一流的皇家内苑式剧院,是全园盛唐文化主题演出的核心表演区。    剧院的保留主打节目,以中国最佳编导阵容编排的歌舞剧&梦回大唐&,以现代艺术的手法,配以全新的视听效果,表现了壮丽恢弘,大气磅礴的盛唐风貌。    Phoenix Theater    Entertainment was very popular in the Tang Dynasty. Tang Emperor Xuan Zong loved opera so much that sometimes he went to the royal dramatist-training theatre world to show the performers how to do it. Out of delight, he even performed in the theatric costume occasionally, so the later traditional opera artists call them disciples of Theatre World. There were many theaters on a large scale in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty. Many operas were on show in different theaters at the same time. Each theater could hold lots of audience. As the records describe, a small theater in the Tang Dynasty could seat over one thousand official audience and entertain them with over one hundred operas.    Facing the South Gate, the theater covers an area of 5,830 square meters. It has a capacity of holding 600 audiences at a time. There is a VIP lounge and some auxiliary places for audiences inside. The theatre is magnificent-looking and boasts a typical royal style of the Tang Dynasty. It is a representative in-the-garden royal theatre with the glamour of the Tang Dynasty in its prime period. It has very modern and first-class equipments and facilities. It is the most important performing place with the theme of prime Tang culture.    The most impressive program in the repertoire is the song-dance-drama &Return to the Great Tang in Dream&. It is put on show by the best play-write, best choreographer and best director of China currently. It shows the splendid grandeur and spiritual broadness of the prime period in the Tang Dynasty with the help of modern artistic expression and the all-new visual and audio effect.    梦回大唐剧情介绍    *序&游园惊梦&揭开盛唐面纱,体验穿越时空的奇妙。人们的思绪随着那神奇的霓裳羽衣的彩翼升腾、飞翔,飞向那久远的盛唐。    *第一幕&梦幻霓裳&与贵妃共舞    仙乐四起,敦煌壁画上的飞天仙女随着音乐的流动和灯光的变化缓缓升起,美若天仙的贵妃身披七彩霓裳羽衣,舞裙轻摆,似神鸟展翅,引出一段华美的霓裳羽衣舞。    *第二幕&梦邀秦王&大唐军威,威震八方    战旗猎猎,盾阵威严,点将台上唐明皇奋力击鼓,盾阵在鼓声中变换各种对型,短剑长戈,层层叠叠,所向披靡,展现了排山倒海、气壮山河的大唐军威。    *第三幕&梦浴华清&出水芙蓉,惊为天人    层层薄纱缓缓飘起,体态优美、冰清玉洁、闭月羞花的贵妃浴中独舞;明皇踏至,又带来一段至美至柔,至纯至真的爱情双人舞,共同演绎着一段流传千古的佳话。    *第四幕&梦萦西域&天国胸怀,包容万千    热情妖媚的胡璇之舞、俏丽敏捷的羯鼓之舞、粗犷奔放的胡腾双刀舞、幽默风趣的羌笛、胡琴对奏引出魔幻性感的印度蛇之舞,万国朝贡,共庆太平盛世。    *第五幕&梦游曲江&万众欢腾,天下太平    春光明媚,江水轻轻,曲江映照着雁塔,街头武术惊心动魄,杂耍妙趣横生,大头娃娃憨态可掬,踏青少女春心荡漾,剑器狂草洋洋洒洒,蹴鞠马球神采飞扬。    *第六幕&梦回大唐&大唐盛典,万民祈福    大唐盛殿金碧辉煌,盛唐大典仪态万方,唐明皇与杨贵妃端坐龙椅之上,率百官祭天拜地,祈福万民。这时众多唐宫佳丽身披唐代盛装缓缓上殿,一展中华服饰之风采。万众高歌,响彻云霄,焰火绽放,整场演出在高潮中落下帷幕。    Synopsis of the dance drama    *Prelude:& Waking from a Dream is a disclosure of Tang Dynasty's Flourishing Age to make you enjoy the odd experiences in passing time and space.    A modern guider steps on the stage and then is surrounded by multicolored splendid camlets. You'll be brought deep into the dream and your soul is returned to the Tang Dynasty's Flourishing Age.    *Scene 1: Dance of Imperial Concubines in Fantastic and splendid camlets    Flying fairies in Dunhuang Mural slowly rise with music and varying light, Concubine Yang in multicoloured Splendid camlets dances on the stage like a fairy, dazzling or stunning in effect.    * Scene 2: Meeting with Emperor Qin in Dream to stand out Tang Dynasty's army portliness    Flags, shield battle array, drum sound of Tangming King, short swords and long daggers represent a strong Tang Dynasty's army portliness.    * Scene 3: Concubine Yang dressed in vaporous muslin da Tangming King comes to dance with her together, deducting an ancient much-told story.    * Scene 4: A Dream in Western Regions to represent a great bosom    Fervent Huxuan dance, pretty Jie Drum dance, boorish Huteng Double Sword dance,    Indian Snake dance accompanied by Qiang flute and Hu hamlet celebrate the millennium together.    * Scene 5: Travel in Qu River to celebrate the millennium    Enchanting Spring, bright river water, Qu River and Yan Pagoda facing with each other, amazing street martial arts, humourous sideshows, naive big-head moppets, beautiful maids wandering on spring grass, voluminous grass styles and ancient football performance in high spirit.    * Scene 6: Back to the Grand Tang Dynasty in Dream, pray for blessings at Tang Dynasty's Grand Ceremony    Tangming King and his wife Yang in chairs lead their officers to pray for blessings to their peopole. Meanwhile, many beautiful women in Tang dresses step on the palace to show Chinese fashions. Finally, the whole performance ends in songs and under skyrockets.    30集大型历史剧    最富戏剧色彩的唐玄宗与杨玉环坎坷动人的爱情故事    由西部电影集团和西安大唐芙蓉园影视文化传播有限公司    联合出品    30集大型历史剧《大唐芙蓉园》    由著名导演周晓文执导,继《天龙八部》之后的又一力作    唐市    唐长安城设有东市、西市,是长安城工商业市场。西市为国际贸易市场,周围居住了不少外商。东市周围多是勋贵官僚第宅,其商业反不如西市繁荣。    唐市位于园区南面,由唐集市和百戏场组成,面积12122平方米,以古长安城进行贸易交易、商业活动的东市和西市为缩影,以反映唐代&众商云集、内外通融&的商业文化氛围为核心。是集观赏、游乐、消遣、体验、交流、消费为一体的唐朝风俗文化街,设有手工艺、民艺、百戏、饮食、茶酒文化、美术书法等特色项目,是西安最具吸引力的高档次、高消费的文化购物区域。    Tang Marketplace    There was an East Market and a West Market in the Tang Chang'an city. The West Market was an international one with a lot of foreigners living around. Many local Chinese officials were living around the East Market which was not as busy as the West Market.    The Tang Marketplace is located in the south of the garden and composed of markets, the tribute gift street and theater square. It covers an area of 12,122 square meters. This is a microcosm of East Market and West Market of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty that presents the bustling commercial activities between Chinese and foreign traders in the Tang Dynasty. People can observe and experience the social life in the style of the Tang Dynasty on the two markets and in the theater. It is also a great chance for people to come and appreciate the uncommon workmanship of crafts, the folk arts, local operas from different parts of the country, foods and drinks, tea and liquor, paintings and calligraphy. It is one of the most attractive entertainment and shopping centers in Xi'an.    芳林苑    位于园区东面,具有纯正的古典园林气息、皇家风范,是大唐芙蓉园集商务接待、宾馆住宿、休闲娱乐为一体的独具特色的精品小酒店。内设63套客房,面积13199平方米。    整个建筑以简约的唐代风格为主,并以低层组团式布局,建筑主要采用楼、馆、舍的结合布局,另外建筑组团之间用廊连接,整个区域内设亭、景观小品等加以点缀。    Fanglin Fragrant Garden    Located in the east of the resort, the Fanglin Fragrant Garden is a guesthouse in the royal style of the Tang Dynasty and built in the grove that is made in a very classic way. It is a place for business people and holidaymakers with all sorts of entertainment facilities. It has 63 suites and a floor space of about 13,199 square meters.    The main building is put up in the frugal style of the Tang Dynasty. It is connected with groups of low buildings by passageways. Passageways also join different groups of the low buildings. The living quarter is decorated with some pavilions and man-made stone plants.    水幕电影    水幕电影是大唐芙蓉园夜间大型水上主题表演的重要组成部分,也是园区夜间主题演出活动的一大亮点,是皇家园林内集科技性、艺术性、娱乐性为一体的现代观赏游乐项目。    水幕电影是集音乐喷泉、激光、焰火、水雷、水雾为一体的世界级大型现代水体景观,堪称水火奇观。宽120米的水幕以激光辅助,突出水幕上水的流动质感,利用激光表演点、线、面立体多方位,组成音乐、喷泉、激光三者结合的立体水上效果,给人以不同感官上的刺激,让游赏者体验绝无仅有的开放式水景意境及水景奇观。    Fireworks Island    Built up for setting off the fireworks, the Fireworks Island is a scenic attraction in the center of the lake. Surrounding it are varieties of flowers and lush grown grassland. The shades of trees are swaying in the wind under the sky with scarce clouds during the day. In the evening, the island radiates beautifully dazzling&
lights. The performance of fireworks comes in harmony with the theme of the park.
曲江一带素来是西安的文脉之地,秦汉隋时这里便建过囿,到了唐代,更是皇家御苑和公共自然景区。但唐末以后,所有建筑、植被被毁于兵火,残山剩水,废成了一片荒野。新世纪之初,江的北岸大兴土木,再建芙蓉园,辟地999亩,水阔333亩,建筑面积近10万平方米,创意之新,做工之良,叹为观止。园内南为山峦,北为水面。如果进西御苑门,一经芙蓉桥,日光便先来水上,山势急逼到眼前。沿波池阪道深入,愈入愈曲,两旁嘉树枝叶深深浅浅,疑有颜色重染,树下异草,风怀其间。山峦东高西低,紫云楼建于主峰之侧,阙亭拱卫,馆桥飞渡,雄伟不可一世。登楼临窗,远处的秦岭霞气蒸蔚,似乎白云招之即来。回首北边湖面,烟水浩淼,白鹭忽聚忽散。对岸有望春阁,却是另一番态度。一个如龙盘山顶,一个如凤栖水边,两相欲语,却一湖雾漫,白茫茫一片,好象又坐忘于数千年里的往事中,销形作骨,铄骨成尘,更因风散。忽听得有丝竹管弦从山后传来,寻声而去,过南馆院,转廊槛,由码头驾船到凤凰池,但见笋穿石罅,荷高桥面。山后果然有戏馆,有唐集市,有曲水流觞,有御宴宫,只是游人如蚁,极尽繁华。绕过山脚,找一块僻静处,路上就有灰雀,鸡蛋般大,超落如掷石子,撵了灰雀到一片林前, 看小桃开泛了,道边花分五色,忽一齐飞起,方知是蝴蝶蹁跹。从溪上小桥通过,步入峡谷,唐人诗句刻于崖上,一群小儿在下咿呀念诵,便见一鸭从溪中爬出,摇头晃尾而来。抱鸭出谷,拣一奇石歇息,盯一处妙地,思想此间可起小楼,驯鹿招鹤,指月评鱼。正得意着,天空恰好飘一朵云,倏忽细雨洒下,细雨是脸上有感觉,衣衫却不湿。跳跃着跑进一簇馆舍,却怎么也找不着出路,流水穿过这家庭院又穿过那家楼阁,墙那边的葱竹竟荫了墙这边的弄堂。蓦然回头,竟是长廊,廊则绕湖南往湖北,走走停停,还不够山颠、坡侧、临岸、水上的楼亭台阁依势而筑,隐显疏密。扶廊栏探身,湖水是掬不着的,荷叶翻卷,俯仰绿成波浪,金鲤成群,宛若红云铺底。遂坐船自划到湖心岛上,岛上有古石,藓斑大如铜钱,有老梅枝压亭檐,立于亭前听一女子弹琵琶,忽见湖面微皱,如抖丝绸,岛似乎在移动。买一杯茶来,慢慢品尝,直至天近黄昏时,再驾船到北岸,望春阁下,丽人馆外,成群结队的女子,个个衣着新鲜,或嘻戏于浅水滩,或围坐于草坪中,有花能解语,无树不生香,她们即看风景,又让人看,一直要等待夜幕降临,观看水幕电影和焰火表演。闻名来游园,游园而忘归。芙蓉园之所以让国人震撼,世界惊奇,它不再是中国传统的山水写意园林的模式,而将盛唐最有代表性的,如帝王、诗词、歌舞、市井、佛道、饮食、妇女、杏园、茶酒、科技等主题文化让建筑园林大师们赋以景点,每一处都有说法,每一处都成了文化祖庭。古人讲:&天生大唐则有长安这样的城邑以成其都,有长安城则有曲江这样的池园来辅助其功&。几千年来,中国从未象当今如此渴望强盛,人民从未象当今渴望生活的从容优雅,芙蓉园体现了大唐气象,传达着一种精神上的向往和需求。人无精神者颓,城无精神者废,国无精神者衰,芙蓉园建在西安,西安有了自信自强,中国何不昌盛呢?
    On the Tang Paradise    ------------- By Ping'wa, Jia
    Qujiang area has always being regarded as a holy place of Xi'an. As early as in the Qin, Han and Sui dynasties, amusement parks had been built here. In the Tang Dynasty, it undoubtedly became the imperial courtyards and a public scenic spot. However, by the end of the Tang Dynasty, all the buildings and plantations had been ruined by the war fire. Barren mountains and dead water was taken into a land of deserted place. At the beginning of the new century, Tang Paradise has been rebuilt in the north of Qujiang Lake covering a land area of 999 mu and water area 333 mu respectively with a total construction area 0.1 million square meters. All the buildings created with marvelous innovation and exquisite craftsmanship totally takes one's breath away.    Tang Paradise has hills in its south and water in its north. Going from Royal Garden Gate, you come to the Lotus Bridge, then encounter the sunlight and face the hills ahead. Down along the pond and slopes, you are going further and further with beautiful trees and plants on both sides in fresh and rich colors, it seems that they have been dyed by each other. Under the trees is peculiar grass, which bestows you a romantic sentiment. Hills are slanting from the east to the west with Ziyun (Purple Cloud) Tower Block on one side. Towers, pavilions and bridges are arranged in an insufferably arrogant manner. Standing by the window, you will find rosy clouds coming from Qinling Mountains and white clouds are within your reach. Looking back at the lake in the north, mists and puff of water come into your eyes with aigrettes flocking and departing in the water. On the other side lies Elegant Lady Area, which with quite another view. One is like a dragon lingering on top of the hill, the other like a phoenix, resting aside the water. It seems that both castles are i or seems they are recalling memories of thousands of years ago. Suddenly, astringed and woodwind music approaches eardrums from the hills behind. Chasing the sounds, you come to the south of garden, pass by the verandah, go to the Phoenix Pond by boat, you will find bamboo shoots come from the squeezing stones and lotus flowers are as high as the bridge. Really, theaters are just behind you: Tang Marketplace and Floating-drink at Qujiang L Imperial Banquet Hall with people hustling and bustling. What a luxury! Winding over the hills, find a quiet place, you may find gray sparrows as big as an egg, jumping and landing like throwing stones. Chasing the sparrows into a forest, you will find peach trees are blossoming in various colors. When flying away, you just find that those are butterflies. Coming from the small bridge over the brook, you now approach the valley on which engraved Tang poems. A group of children are babbling the poems. Then, a duck comes into your eye, wagging its head and tail. Picking up the duck and resting on a piece of stone, then an idea hits upon: this is an ideal place to build a house, in which I can
appreciate the moon and fishing. What a romantic place it is. Being immensely pleased with such an idea, a piece of cloud appears, accompanied with drizzling rainfall, touching my face but cannot soak my clothes. Jumping and running into a hall, but I cannot find the way out. Water is running from this courtyard to that courtyard, young bamboos are shielding the walls. Looking back suddenly, there is the long corridor winding from south to the north around the lake. Walking, pausing now and then, pavilions are built against the hills, slopes, banks and water sometimes dense, sometimes sparse. Holding the railing to stroke the water in the lake, it is impossible to scoop up, but you will enjoy the curled lotus leaves, water waves and golden fish flocking inside the water, it seems that a piece of red cloud has been spread on the bottom of the lake. Rowing boat to the island in the center of the lake, an aged stone meets your eyesight on which grows mosses the size of a piece of coin. The branches of plum trees touch the eaves of the pavilion. Standing by the pavilion, you can appreciate pi'pa music played by a lady. Suddenly, lake wrinkles just like somebody is shaking the silk. It seems that the island is removing. Having a cup of tea, sip slowly till dusk. Then row the boat to the north bank. Under the Elegant Lady Area, outside of the Spring Outing of Elegant Ladies, a group of girls are in fashionable clothes. Some are
some are sitting on the grass. Flowers and trees are living creatures, too. These ladies are enjoying the sightseeing and they are the sightseeing in the eye of me! Till the sky falls down its canopy, people will enjoy the water-screen films and firework performance.    Visiting Tang Paradise for her great fame, but I forget to go home. Why is it so attractive as to shock our compatriots, as well as foreign friends? Because it is not merely a freehand brushwork of Chinese painting, but a comprehensive collection of things, which are of, Tang characteristics, such as emperors, poems, music and dances, fairs, Buddhism, food, women, apricot gardens, tea and wine, science and technologies etc. Architects are bestowing these with a specific theme, which makes these themes the sources of Chinese civilization. Just as the ancient people said: &It is so lucky for Tang Dynasty to take Chang'an and it is equally lucky for Chang'an city to hold such a scenic spot as Qujiang.& For thousands of years, Chinese people have never been expecting their country being prosperous and themselves being so leisurely and elegant as today. Tang Paradise has embodied the grandeur of the Tang Dynasty, which transmits an enthusiastic spirit and optimistic pursuit. People will become lost a city will decline if it lacks spirit and a nation will collapse if it lacks spirit. Tang Paradise has been built in Xi'an, which brings confidence and self- there is no reason why China will not become prosperous?
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