饥饿游戏3 arewherever you are歌词you 是什么歌

饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟插曲《The Hanging Tree》中英文歌词介绍及MV欣赏 来源:爱福清网 由奥斯卡影后詹妮弗-劳伦斯领衔主演的好莱坞科幻电影《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(上)》正在热映中,日前曝光了一款插曲MV《The Hanging Tree/上吊树》,劳伦斯惊艳开嗓,以低沉慵懒的性感声线,演绎了这首纯澈至极的小清新民谣,独特声线让人欲罢不能。下面小编为大家分享一下这首歌曲的歌词和MV,一起来欣赏一下吧! 电影《饥饿游戏3》插曲《The Hanging Tree》MV 电影《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(上)》插曲《The Hanging Tree/上吊树》 编曲:James Newton Howard 演唱:Jennifer Lawrence 中英文歌词: Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 They strung up a man 一男人吊死在此 They say who murdered three 说是谋害了三条生命 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异 If we met up at midnight 我们夜半时分 In the hanging tree 索命树下见 Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 Where the dead man called out 此处男子的亡灵 For his love to flee 呼唤爱人逃离 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异 If we met at midnight 我们夜半时分 in the hanging tree 索命树下见 Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 Where I told you to run 告诉过你要逃离 So we"d both be free 唯有你我才能解脱 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异 If we met up at midnight 我们夜半时分 In the hanging tree 索命树下见 Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 Wear a necklace of rope 带上希望的锁链 side by side with me 吊在我身旁 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异 If we met up at midnight 我们夜半时分 In the hanging tree 索命树下见 Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 Where I told you to run 告诉过你要逃离 So we"d both be free 唯有你我才能解脱 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异 If we met up at midnight 我们夜半时分 In the hanging tree 索命树下见 Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 They strung up a man 一男人吊死在此 They say who murdered three 说是谋害了三条生命 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异 If we met up at midnight 我们夜半时分 In the hanging tree 索命树下见 Are you, Are you 你是否,是否会 Coming to the tree 来到这树旁 Where the dead man called out 此处男子的亡灵 For his love to flee 呼唤爱人逃离 Strange things did happen here 这里有奇怪的事发生 No stranger would it be 简直不能再诡异


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