
5 Excellent Open Source Content Management Systems To Start A Website - Yasir Hashmi | Tech Humanoid
After the dot-com boom in the ‘90s, the Internet has grown to be less of a novelty and more of a necessity. Whether you’re the CEO of a big corporation or just an everyday Joe Schmoe, it’s nearly impossible to live in complete isolation from the online world. According to , over half of the Western world has regular access to the Internet. That means that Internet users are no longer in the minority and being online is slowly becoming a critical aspect of living in the West.
There are few examples that show this best than the sheer number of personalized websites, forums, and blogs that litter the online landscape. Every day, more and more people are building their own websites and leading their own communities. Soon, owning a website will be akin to owning a car or a house.
If you’re looking to start a website of your very own but don’t have much technological knowledge or experience, your best bet would be to get familiar with content management systems, or CMS’s. They are built to take care of all the backend programming and database maintenance, allowing you to focus on creating the website that you want.
Here are some of the most well-known free and
content management systems that will help you get started.
It’s impossible to talk about CMSs without mentioning . Even though WordPress started off as nothing more than a simple blog publishing product back in 2003, it has since evolved into something much more.
With such a large and passionate modding community behind it, WordPress has become one of the best CMSs on the market. By playing around with various , you can transform an unremarkable WordPress blog into a beautiful, fully-functional website. In fact, if you weren’t aware, MakeUseOf runs on WordPress, and we have lots of WordPress tutorials for you to take advantage of.
WordPress is powered by PHP and MySQL.
first came on the scene back in 2005 as a derivative of its predecessor, . Since then, Joomla has been downloaded over 23 million times and remains as one of the most popular CMSs in the world. Take a glance at any list of CMSs and you’ll always find Joomla in one of the top 3 spots.
The great thing about Joomla is that your website can be as lightweight or as heavyweight as you need it to be. There are hundreds of
available that will help you mold your website into doing exactly what you wish.
Joomla is powered by PHP and MySQL.
In the world of CMSs,
is one of the oldest contenders still around. It was initially released back in 2001, making it older than both of its biggest competitors, WordPress and Joomla. It wasn’t until 2007 that this CMS started booming in popularity.
Drupal is somewhat unique in that its continued survival is due in part to the huge community of volunteer contributors. The developers have embraced the open source aspect of Drupal, thus splitting the CMS into 2 main portions: the core, which is maintained by the developers, and the modules, which are maintained by community contributors. At this time, there are over 9,000 of these
available for download.
Drupal is powered by PHP and any of the following databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, or MariaDB.
CMS Made Simple
has a pretty clever name. Its initials are CMS, which makes it recursive. For those of you that are tech-geeks, I know that you just smirked on the inside.
In the world of CMSs, CMS Made Simple is a late comer, having been introduced in 2009. However, despite its youth, this CMS has received millions of downloads already and has quickly burgeoned into popularity – and for good reason.
Unlike other CMSs, which encourage their users to fiddle around with code and programming, CMS Made Simple aims to provide its users with an easy road towards developing and customizing a website without having to deal with a lot of the technical mumbo-jumbo behind the scenes. If you don’t intend to hack around with the underlying code that powers your website, CMS Made Simple was made just for you.
CMS Made Simple is powered by PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Interestingly enough,
has the same roots as WordPress. In 2003, both CMSs branched off of a preceding blog system called b2/cafelog, of which WordPress became the official successor. While b2evolution isn’t as widely known or respected as WordPress, it does have its fair share of features that prove useful and worthwhile.
b2evolution is perhaps best known for its inherent support for multiple blogs, admins, and users under a single installation. Most other Content Management Systems would require some sort of extension or plugin to support these features – particularly the multi-blog feature. b2evolution handles it all straight out of the box.
And even though b2evolution has a unique feature set right from the get-go, the system can be extended by installing third-party
b2evolution is powered by PHP and MySQL.
Have you ever used any of these open source CMSs? Tell us about your experiences with them.
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当日统览: 农历:乙未(羊)年四月十四
丁不剃头头必生疮 未不服药毒气入肠
嫁娶 结婚 订婚、纳采、订盟、会亲友、安机械、结网、冠笄、祭祀、求嗣、进人口、经络
开市 开业、作灶、动土、行丧、安葬
1、23- 1甲子时 冲马 煞南 时冲甲午 天刑 地兵
赴任 词讼 修造 装修 动土
2、1- 3乙丑时 冲羊 煞东 时冲乙未 日破
日时相冲 诸事不宜
3、3- 5丙寅时 冲猴 煞北 时冲丙申 路空 天贼 大退 临官
祭祀 祈福 斋醮 开光 赴任 出行
4、5- 7丁卯时 冲鸡 煞西 时冲丁酉 路空 三合 天德 宝光
求嗣 订婚 嫁娶 结婚 求财 开市 开业 交易 安床
祭祀 祈福 斋醮 开光 赴任 出行
5、7- 9戊辰时 冲狗 煞南 时冲戊戍 不遇 白虎 进贵
祈福 求嗣 订婚 嫁娶 结婚 修造 装修 入宅 搬家 开市 开业 交易 安葬
赴任 出行 白虎须用 麒麟符制 否则 诸事不宜
6、9-11己已时 冲猪 煞东 时冲己亥 玉堂 帝旺 驿马 少微
修造 装修 盖屋 移徙 安床 入宅 搬家 开市 开业 开仓 求嗣 嫁娶 结婚 赴任 出行 见贵 求财
7、11-13庚午时 冲鼠 煞北 时冲庚子 天兵 狗食 喜神 日禄
求嗣 订婚 嫁娶 结婚 出行 求财 开市 开业 交易 安床 赴任
上梁 盖屋 入殓 祭祀 祈福 斋醮 酬神
8、13-15辛未时 冲牛 煞西 时冲辛丑 元武 同类 右弼
见贵 求财 嫁娶 结婚 进人口 移徙 安葬
赴任 出行 修造 装修 动土
9、15-17壬申时 冲虎 煞南 时冲壬寅 六戊 左辅 进贵 司命
赴任 见贵 出行 求财 嫁娶 结婚 进人口 移徙 安葬 订婚 作灶 祭祀
10、17-19癸酉时 冲兔 煞东 时冲癸卯 贵人 大进 福星 长生
祭祀 祈福 酬神 出行 求财 见贵 订婚 嫁娶 结婚 修造 装修 安葬 青龙 求嗣
11、19-21甲戍时 冲龙 煞北 时冲甲辰 日刑 地兵 青龙 进贵
祈福 订婚 嫁娶 结婚 安床 移徙 入宅 搬家 安葬
赴任 出行 修造 装修 动土
12、21-23乙亥时 冲蛇 煞西 时冲乙已 天官 贵人 三合 明堂
赴任 出行 求财 见贵 祭祀 祈福 酬神 修造 装修 盖屋 移徙 作灶 安床 入宅 搬家 开市 开业
嫁娶 :男娶女嫁,举行结婚大典的吉日
祭祀 :指祠堂之祭祀、即拜祭祖先或庙寺的祭拜、神明等事
安葬 :举行埋葬等仪式
出行 :指外出旅行、观光游览
祈福 :祈求神明降福或设醮还愿之事
动土 :建筑时、第一次动起锄头挖土
安床 :指安置睡床卧铺之意
开光 :佛像塑成后、供奉上位之事
纳采 :缔结婚姻的仪式、受授聘金
入殓 :将尸体放入棺材之意
移徙 :指搬家迁移住所之意
破土 :仅指埋葬用的破土、与一般建筑房屋的“动土”不同,即“破土”属阴宅,“动土”属阳宅也。现今社会上多已滥用属阴宅择日时属阴宅须辨别之。
解除 :指冲洗清扫宅舍、解除灾厄等事
入宅 :即迁入新宅、所谓“新居落成典礼”也
修造 :指阳宅之造与修理
栽种 :种植物“接果”“种田禾”同
开市 :“开业”之意,商品行号开张做生意“开幕典礼”“开工”同。包括:(1)年头初开始营业或开工等事(2)新设店铺商行或新厂开幕等事
移柩 :行葬仪时、将棺木移出屋外之事
订盟 :订婚仪式的一种,俗称小聘(订)
拆卸 :拆掉建筑物
立卷 :订立各种契约互相买卖之事
交易 :订立各种契约互相买卖之事
求嗣 :指向神明祈求后嗣(子孙)之意
上梁 :装上建筑物屋顶的梁,同架马
纳财 :购屋产业、进货、收帐、收租、讨债、贷款、五谷入仓等
起基 :建筑时、第一次动起锄头挖土
斋醮 :庙宇建醮前需举行的斋戒仪式
赴任 :走马上任
冠笄 :男女年满二十岁所举行的成年礼仪式
安门 :放置正门门框
修坟 :修理坟墓
挂匾 :指悬挂招牌或各种匾额
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六曜赤口年五行砂石金十二神闭执位月五行白腊金岁煞岁煞南日五行长流水月煞月煞东喜神正南月令辛已福神西北月名季春财神正南物候王瓜生阳贵神正东月相残月阴贵神东南耕田十二牛耕田治水三龙治水得金六日得金分饼一人分饼年七煞丑山年空亡辰巳年三煞在西 占申山、酉山、戌山月七煞山月空亡申酉月三煞在东 占寅山、卯山、辰山日七煞戌山日空亡午未日三煞在南 占巳山、午山、未山日禄申命互禄 甲命进禄九星五黄-天符星(土)-凶神本日之吉凶东方氐土貉-凶氐星造作主灾凶,费尽田园仓库空,埋葬不可用此日,悬绳吊颈祸重重,若是婚姻离别散,夜招浪子入房中,行船必定遭沉没,更生聋哑子孙穷。本日河图洛书九星吉凶五鬼为天符,当门阴女谋,相克无好事,行路阻中途。其位镇中央 威扬于八面走失难寻觅,道逢有尼姑,此星当门值,万事有灾除。应廉贞之宿 号为正关煞诗曰:太岁乙未年,五谷皆和穗。燕卫少田桑,偏益丰吴魏。春夏足漂流,秋冬多旱地。桑叶初生贱,晚蚕还值贵。人民虽无灾,六畜多瘴难。六种不宜晚,收拾无成置。卜曰:岁逢羊头出,高下中无失。叶贵好蚕桑,斤斤皆有实。
日一二三四五六 |
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