
简体中文的简写是 CHS - Simplified Chinese英文的缩写是 EN
我大大的推荐这家.好.,ABC恬下英语、E x say英语不错滴,会了解下你的英语水平然后帮你设置相关的学习课程,从学习效果来说是非常好的,不过上课前和任课老师沟通下再决定。这个是一帮不怎么会英文的尼康人设计的是日文发音的第一个字母Ck是Cnese Kantaiji (Cnese 简体字(かんたいじ))Ch是Cnese Hantaiji (Cnese 繁体字(はんたいじ))
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。15,030被浏览1,590,909分享邀请回答88448 条评论分享收藏感谢收起1.1K53 条评论分享收藏感谢收起常见的英文缩写
VIP = very improtant person重要人物
IMP (import)进口
EXP (export)出口
MAX (maximum)最大限度的
MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度
DOC (document)文件、的单据
INT (international)国际的
EMS (express mail special)特快传递
IRC(International Red Cross)国际红十字会
UNESCO(the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织
W.C(water closet)
CIA(central intelligence agence)美国中情局
FBI(feberal bureau of investigation)美国联邦调查局
FA(football association)足协
WTO 世界贸易组织
UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会
American Accounting Association 美国会计协会American Advertising Association 美国广告协会
American Arbitration Association 美国商务仲裁协会
AAL:American Airlines 美国航空公司
A.B.C.C.:Association of British Chambers of Commerce 英国商会联合会
ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局
AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司
ACC:American Chamber of Commerce 美国商会(又简称Amcham)
A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会
AF:Air France 法国航空公司
AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行
AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织
AGM:annual general meeting(公司股东)年度大会AID:Agency for International Development(美国)国际开发署
AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会
ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会
Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所
ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织(2001年10月将在中国上海召开部长级会议和非正式首脑
CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官
IT是Information Technology
DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer.
BBS是英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文意思是电子公告板系统,现在国内统称做论坛。
XP,是英文Experience(体验)的缩写, 自从微软发布Office XP后,成为软件流行命名概念.
USA 美国: United States of America
UK 英国: United Kingdom
PRC 中国: People's Republic of China
WTO 世贸组织: World Trade Organization
WHO 世界卫生组织: World Health Organization
CAAC 中国民航: Civil Aviation Administration of China
OPEC 石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index),英文缩写为CPI
GDP即英文gross domestic product的缩写——国内生产总值
GNP(Gross National Product)——国民生产总值
生产者物价指数(PPI):Producer Price Indexes
PMI即采购经理指数(Purchase Management Index),英文缩写为PMI.PMI是一套月度发布的、综合性的经济监测指标体系
NNP(Net National Product) NNP=GNP-折旧.
NI(National Income) 国民收入
PI(Personal Income)个人收入
DPI(Disposable Personal Income)DPI=PI-所得税=个人消费C+个人储蓄S.NHS(National Health Service),即英国国家医疗服务体系
out-patient department 门诊部
In-patient department 住院部
Nursing department 护理部
Admission office 住院处
Discharge office 出院处
Registration office 挂号处
Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室
Consultation room 诊察室
Isolation room 隔离室
Delivery room 分娩室
Emergency room 急诊室
Ward 病房室
Department of internal medicine 内科
Department of surgery 外科
Department of pediatrics 儿科
Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科
Department of neurology 神经科
Department of ophtalmology 眼科
E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科
Department of stomatology 口腔科
Department of urology 泌尿科
Department of orthopedic 骨科
Department of traumatology 创伤科
Department of endocrinology 内分泌科
Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科
Department of dermatology 皮肤科
Department of infectious diseases 传染病科
Department of pathology 病理科
Department of psychiatry 精神科
Department of orthopacdic surgery 矫形外科
Department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科
Department of cerebral surgery 脑外科
Department of thoracic surgery 胸外科
Pharmacy dispensary 药房
Nutrition department 营养部
Diet-preparation department 配膳室
Therapeutic department 治疗室
Operating room/Theater 手术室
Blood-bank 血站 Supply-room 供应室
Disinfection-room 消毒室
Dressing room 换药室
Mortuary 太平间
Record room 病案室
Department of plastic surgery 矫形外科
Department of physiotherapy 理疗科
electrotherapy room 电疗科
heliotherapy room 光疗科
wax-therapy room 蜡疗科
hydrotherapy room 水疗科
central laboratory 中心实验室
clinical laboratory 临床实验室
bacteriological laboratory 细菌实验室
biochemical laboratory 生化实验室
serological laboratory 血清实验室
X-ray room X光室
doctor’s office 医生办公室
intensive care unit 重症监护病房
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
你自己就是管理员啊哈哈 不过得用电脑网页版扇贝弄
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇产科
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
中药局Chinese Medicine Pharmacy
公用电话Public Telephone/Pay Phone/Telephone/Public Phone
日常生活训 区Daily Activity Training
日间门诊Clinic Area
日间 院Adult Day Care Center
日间照护Day Care Center
出院室Discharge Office
加护病房Intensive Care Unit(ICU)
打卡刷卡区Clock In / Out
民众意 箱Suggestions
各科门诊Out-Patient Departments(OPD)
早产儿室Premature Babies
佛堂Buddhist Prayer Room
吸烟区Smoking Area
志工服务台Volunteer Services
衣室Dressing Room
巡 箱Patrol Box
夜间门诊Evening Clinic
居家护 Home Health Care
居家护 室Home Health Care
治 室Treatment Room
社福卫教室Social Work and Health Education
门诊大厅Outpatient Hall
门诊注射室Outpatient Injection
门诊满意调查回收意 箱Suggestion Box
门诊检验OPD Laboratory
待产室Labor Room
急诊暂 观察室ER Observation Room
恢 室Recovery Room
候诊区Waiting Area
员工意 箱Suggestions
晒衣场Clothes Drying
气喘卫教室Asthma Health Education Room
消毒锅区Equipment Sterilization
病毒室Viral Laboratory
健儿门诊Well Baby Clinic
公共空间健保卡换卡服务中心National Health Insurance Card R
Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇...
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
产后妇 中心Postpartum Care Center
产后护 之家Postpartum Care
发烧筛检站Fever Clinic
诊 室Consulting Room
新生儿病房Neonatal Ward
隔 检疫舍Quarantine House
团体治 室Group Therapy
语言治 室Speech Therapy
药处Medicine Receiving
卫教公布 Health Education Bulletin Board
卫教室Health Education Office
婴儿室Baby Room
检查室Examination Room
总 层 引Floor Plan
转诊中心Referral Center
药物谘询Drug Information
药库Drug Storage
护 之家Nursing Home
接待,服务及休闲区 水间Kitchen / Drinking water / Hot Water
饮水机Drinking Fountain
配膳间Meal Checking
美发(容)院Beauty Salon
商店街Shopping Arcade
员工餐厅Staff Restaurant / Cafeteria
西餐厅Western Restaurant
贵宾室Guest Room / Reception
会客室Reception Room
阅览室Reading Room
放映室Projection Room
影印室Copy Room
育婴室Nursery Room / Mother and Baby Room
哺乳室Nursery Room
值班室Duty Room
警卫室Security Room
接待,服务及休闲区停 管 中心Parking Service Center
调 室Dispatch Room
司机室/司机调 室Drivers‘ Lounge
值日室Duty Room
值班休息室Duty Office
医师休息室Physicians‘ Lounge
儿童游戏场Recreation Area
医 器材贩卖部Medical Supply
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
投 篮 方 式 篇
bank shot 擦板球
double pump 拉杆式投篮
fade-away shot 后仰式跳投
hook shot 钩射投篮
jump shot 跳投
layup 带球上篮
perimeter shot 中距离投篮
set shot 立定投篮
three-point shot 三分球
统 计 术 语 篇
assist 助攻
block shot 阻攻
defensive rebound 防守篮板球
field goal percentage 投球命中率
field goal 投球命中
free throw percentage 罚球命中率
free throw 罚球
offensive rebound 进攻篮板球
rebound 篮板球
scoring 得分
steal 抄截
three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率
turnover 失误
场 地 装 备 篇
backboard 篮板
back court 后场
freethrow lane 罚球圈
freethrow line 罚球线
front court 前场
game clock 比赛用时钟
halftime 中场休息时间
hoop 篮框,篮圈
mid-court 中场
painted area 罚球圈
restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域
rim 篮框,篮圈
scoring table 记录台,记分台
shot clock 时限钟
three-point line 三分线
top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线附近
wing (左、右两边)底线区域
blocking foul 阻挡犯规
buzzer 蜂鸣器
charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规)
dead ball 死球
defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分
delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行
disqualification 犯满离场
double dribble 两次运球
ejection 驱逐出场
elbowing 打拐子
expiration 时间终了
first half 上半场
first period 比赛的第一节
NBA篮球英语术语投 篮 方 式 篇dunk 灌篮bank shot 擦板球do...
Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队
LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队
LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队
Phoenix Suns 凤凰城太阳队
Portland Trailblazers 波特兰开拓者队
Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王队
Seattle Supersonics 西雅图超音速队
Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队
Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金队
Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队
Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队
Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队
Vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队
Miami Heat 迈阿密热浪队New York Knickerbockers 纽约尼克斯队
Philadelphia 76ers 费城七六人队
Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队
Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队
New Jersey Nets 新泽西网队
Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才队
Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰队
Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队
Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队
Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队
Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队
Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队
Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿队
Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙队
VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (imp...
Football, soccer, Association football 足球
field, pitch 足球场
midfied 中场
kick-off circle 中圈
half-way line 中线
football, eleven 足球队
football player 足球运动员
goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员
left 左后卫
right back 右后卫
centre half back 中卫
half back 前卫
left half back 左前卫
right half back 右前卫
forward 前锋
centre forward, centre 中锋
inside left forward, inside left 左内锋
inside right forward, inside right 右内锋
outside left forward, outside left 左边锋
outside right forward, outside right 右边锋
kick-off 开球
bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球
chest-high ball 平胸球
corner ball, corner 角球
goal kick 球门球
ground ball, grounder 地面球
hand ball 手触球
header 头球
penalty kick 点球
spot kick 罚点球
free kick 罚任意球
throw-in 掷界外球
ball handling 控制球
block tackle 正面抢截
body check 身体阻挡
bullt 球门前混战
fair charge 合理冲撞
chesting 胸部挡球
close-marking defence 钉人防守
close pass, short pass 短传
consecutive passes 连续传球
deceptive movement 假动作
diving header 鱼跃顶球
flying headar 跳起顶球
dribbling 盘球
finger-tip save (守门员)托救球
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关闭对话框看不懂这些英文缩写,还怎么愉快的聊天……看不懂这些英文缩写,还怎么愉快的聊天……棒棒宝宝百家号你有没有过在与老外聊天,特别是短信聊天的时候被莫名其妙的英文缩写搞得一头雾水?甚至有些缩写还带着英文俚语,所以只看着一串字母很难明白这代表的什么意思。今天小编搜集了一些老外在聊天中常用的缩写,一起来学习吧!tbd -- to be determined 待确认The decision is tbd since we still need some critical information.结论还未作成,因为我们还欠缺一些关键的信息。FYI -- for your information 供你参考;顺道一提(通常 FYI 会用大写)FYI, (...) is an incredibly informative website.给你参考一下,(......) 是个有非常多信息的网站。rsvp -- please reply 请回覆The conference meeting is set, rsvp by tonight.会议已经确认好了,请在今晚回覆这封邮件。*补充*rsvp 目的是邀约宾客的主人,希望你能够礼貌性地回覆是否参加。这个字的原意是来自法国的 répondez s’il vous plat ,也就是请你回覆 (please reply) 的意思哦!etc. -- et cetera …等等It’s strictly prohibited to put the following items in the carry-on baggage: liquid, guns, sharp objects,etc.乘客们被禁止在背包里携带下列几种物品。(液体类、枪枝、尖锐物品、等等)Q&A -- questions and answers 有问有答Taylor Swift is having a live Q&A with her fans on Facebook.泰勒斯正在脸书上和她的粉丝们进行有问有答直播。fwd / fw -- forward 转寄Since this e-mail is highly confidential, don’t fwd to other people.因为这封邮件是最高机密,所以请不要转寄给其他人。cc -- carbon copy 副本CC means the recipients who are not directly relevant to the information but to be aware of the content they received.副本意指「知情信件内容但又没有和他们有直接关系」的收件者。asap -- as soon as possible 尽快;越快越好Please fill out this survey and have it signed asap.请尽快把这份问卷调查填好并签上名。ttyl -- talk to you later 晚点聊I have to prepare for my business presentation tomorrow, so ttyl.我得准备明天的商业演讲了,晚点再聊。afk -- away from keyboard 不在;不在位子上I have to be afk for a meeting and will be back in 30 minutes.我等会儿有个会议,会有30分钟不在位子上。知识小拓展AAdd = Address 地址afaic = as far as I'm concerned 就我个人而言,依我看afaik = as far as I know 据我所知afk = away from keyboard 离开aka = also know as 亦称为,别名ambw = all my best wishes 祝好amigo = friend 朋友(源于西班牙语)asap = as soon as possible 尽快atst = at the same time 同时Bb4 = before 在...以前b4n = bye for now 先拜拜bbs= be back soon 很快回来bbl = be back later 稍后回来bbn = bye bye now 先拜拜B/C = because 因为bcnu = be seeing you 回见bd = birthday 生日bf = boyfriend 男友bbf = best friend forever 永远的好朋友bhl8 = be home late 晚点回家biz = business 生意br = bathroom 浴室brb = be right back 马上回来brt = be right there 马上到bs = big smile 大大的微笑Cciao = goodbye 再见(源于意大利语)cio = check it out 来看看,查出来csl = can't stop laughing 笑得停不下来cmi = call me 打给我cu/cya = see ya = see you 再见c u l8r = see you later 待会儿见c u 2nite = see you tonight 今晚见cub = call you back 回头打给你cul/cyl/cul8r = see you later 待会儿见Ddgt = don't go there 不要去diik = damned if I know 鬼知道,我真的不知道ditto = agree 同意,你说的对,同上diy = do it yourself 自己做;自制DL = download 下载dltm = don't lie to me 不要对我说谎dunno = don't know 不知道Eeom = end of message 信息结束em = them 他们(宾格)enuff = enough 足够eta = estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间etc = et cetera 等等etd = estimated time of departure 预计离开时间Ff2f/ftf = face to face 当面,面对面f2t = free to talk 畅所欲言FAQ = Frequently Asked Question 常见问题fe = for example 例如FMI = for more information 详细信息fya = for your amusement 开玩笑的啦FYI = For Your Information 供参考Gg2g/gtg = got to go 该走了,该下线了gtgb = got to go, bye 该下线了,拜拜g8t/gr8 = great 太好了GD = good 不错gf = girlfriend 女朋友GG = Good Game/Gotta Go 游戏打得好/该走了gj = good job 干得好GL = Good Luck 祝好运gn/gn8/gnight = good night 晚安gtgp = got to pee 去上个厕所gtsy = glad to see you 很高兴见到你HHAGO = Have A Good One 致以良好祝愿(电邮结束语)hak = hugs and kisses 抱抱亲亲HAND = Have A Nice Day 一天过得愉快hb = hurry back 很快回来hhok = ha ha, only kidding 哈哈,开个玩笑而已hiho/hola/yo/hi/hey = hello 你好,大家好Iiac = in any case 无论怎样IC = I see 我知道了idk = I don't know 我不知道idst = I don't say that 我没那么说过idts = I don't think so 我不这么认为ifu = I'm fed up 我受够了ILY = I love you 我爱你imo = in my opinion 我认为imho = in my humble opinion 以我拙见iow = in other words 换句话说irl = in real life 在真实的世界里Jj/c = just checking 随口问问j/k = just kidding 只是开玩笑j/w = just wondering 只是好奇jic = just in case 以防万一Kk/kk = OK/OK,OK 好的kinda = a little bit 有一点kit = keep in touch 保持联系kx = kiss 亲吻Ll8r = later 待会儿lol = laughing out loud 大笑lmk = let me know 告诉我ltns = long time no see 好久不见lv = love 爱Mm8t = mate 同事,伙伴,同伴mob = mobile 手机M or F = Male or Female 男的还是女的msg = message 消息myob = mind your own business 管好你自己的事Nn = and/know/now 和/知道/现在N/A = not available/applicable 没空,不适用nbd = no big deal 没什么大事ne = any 任何ne1 = anyone 任何人nm = never mind 没事儿,别介意nmp = not my problem 不是我的问题nn = nite = night 晚安noyb = none of your business 不关你的事np =no problem 没问题nvm = never mind 别介意Ooic = oh, I see 哦,我知道了ol = office lady 女白领omg = oh my god 我的天哪ooo = out of office 不在办公室otoh = on the other hand 另外,另一方面Ppcm = please call me 请打给我pic = picture 图片,照片pls/plz = please 请po = piss off 滚开pov = point of view 观点ppl = people 人们pro = professional 专业的PS = Post Scriptum/postscript 另外,附言,又及Rrgds = regards 祝好ruok = are you okay? 你好吗rly = really? 真的吗?r = are 是Ssoz/sry = sorry 抱歉spk = speak 说;讲srsly = seriously?真的吗?sum1 = someone 某人Tta = thanks 谢啦tba = to be announced 待公布tbc = to be continued/confirmed 未完待续/待确认tho = though 尽管,虽然tia = thannks in advance 先谢谢tm = trust me 相信我tmb = text me back 回我短信tmi = too much information 太多信息ttyl/ttul = talk to you later 待会再跟你聊ty = thank you 谢谢你thx/tx/thks = thanks 谢谢tyvm = thank you very much 非常感谢Uu = you 你ur = your 你的u r = you are 你是Vvg = very good 非常好Ww8 = wait 等等wb = welcome 欢迎回来wan2 = want to 想要wca = who cares anyway 谁在意呢wdys = what did you say? 你说什么?wdyt = what do you think? 你怎么想?we = whatever 不管怎么样wknd = weekend 周末wot/woot/w00t/wut = what 什么?wru = where are you? 你在哪?wuzup/sup = what's up 怎么样,有什么事吗?XX = cross 交叉xint = excellent 出色的Xmas = Christmas 圣诞节xu = kiss you 亲吻你YY = why 为什么ya = you 你yep/yup = yes 是的ynk = you never know 你永远不会懂yolo = you only live once 人生只有一次YR = Yeah, Right 嗯,对Zzc = zone center 区中心zh = zero hour 零时数字2 = to/too2nite = tonight4 = for86 = eating snacks 吃东西(读音像)有木有很全面!介么介么多的缩写你get到了吗?本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。棒棒宝宝百家号最近更新:简介:为国内学生提供升学、留学、考试等信息作者最新文章相关文章本主题由 小缺希 于 15.01.26 21:08:29 移动
hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=你好,大家好wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(熟人之间候)回答时有事说事,没事用??“nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等。再见cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见laterz=later=cya later=see ya later=see you later=再见gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安nn=nite=晚安一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。惊叹赞扬OMG=oh my god=我的天;**!OMFG=oh my f ucking god=我的老天;**靠;wtf=what the f uck=怎么会事!?;我日!;n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!)rullz=强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!)you rock!=你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。)笑lol=laughing out loud /laugh out loud=大笑lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了排序:hehe&haha&lol&muwahaha&lmao&rofl暂时离开brb=be right back=马上回来例子gettin some food to eat,brbbbs=be back soon=很快回来bbl=be back later=过会儿回来例子im gonna go out for a while,bbl特殊用语w00t=woot=what=虾米?!主要表示what和yeah的意思,例如惊叹和兴奋。=l33t=leet=elite=很强,超强的西西例子l33t demo;lefuzee is l337!lame=滥;衰例子dude,thats the lamest thing ive ever heard.哥们,这是我听过的最sb的事情。dude=d00d=(原意:花花公子)哥们,朋友pffffff=whatever=随便;爱咋咋地;(??”f??“的多少和??”pffffffff??“的长短代表你的感情激烈程度)n00b=newbie=新人,新手;小嫩手sry=不好意思;表情符:);D;o;o:&---(gay smile)\o/---(欢庆)\\o ---(欢庆)o//---(欢庆)D:---(吃惊)Oo=O_o=虾米!(挣大眼睛表示惊叹)&3=心,表示喜爱其他FU=f uck you=*你;滚STFU=Shut the f uck up!=***给我闭嘴!k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩sux=s uck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;滥gimme=give me=给我xfer=transfer=传输em=them=他们的宾格thx=thanks=谢谢happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!=生日快乐dunno=dont know=不知道kinda=a little bit=有点例子The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it done as soon as possible.tho=though=虽然尽管例子That demo was very nice,kinda old tho.那个demo很不错,虽然有点老plz=please=请cmon=c'mon=come on 加油/别吹了/快点/起来(这个词意思太多了,不赘述了)suka=s ucker s uck(吮吸),er(表??”人??“),吮吸的人...没天真到无邪的人都能明白了。enuff=enough=足够hax=hack=cheat=作弊,说谎(很地道的词,老外用的比较多)ty=thank you 原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了conn=connection=线路,网络,网络类型(例句:what conn do you have?/cable )asap=as soon as possible 尽快imo=in my opinion 我认为smh=shake my head (摇头叹气)dayum=damn=dangttyl=talk to you laterb/c=becausej/j=j/k=j/p=just joking,kidding,playing (开玩笑)w/=withw/o=withoutholla=来和我讲话,also,holla at yo boy,holla at yo girl etc.atcha=at youDIY:Do It Yourself的缩写,自己动手做的意思SOHO:Small Office Home Officer的简称,意思是??”在家办公?”。C U/c ya :See You的缩写带音译,I C:I See的缩写带音译,我知道了FT:分特,Faint的缩写,昏倒、晕厥之意。SP:support,支持。LOL:Laugh Out Loud,大笑。KFC:Kill fu*king customers。PK:player kill。BTW:By the way,顺便说一句。BRB:Be right back,马上回来。TTYL:Talk to you later,回头再谈。BBL:Be back later,过会儿就回。PPL:people,人们。PLZ:please,请,也有缩写成PLSR U OK:Are you OK?IOWAN2BWU:I only want to be with youM$ULKeCraZ:Miss you like crazyCUL8R:see you laterIMHO:In my humble opinionasap:as soon as possiblefor:42:tou=youur=yoursms/txt 短信dunno =dont knowtmr/tomolo/2molo =tomorrow2day =todaynite =night2nite =tonightl8r =lateru =your =areur =yourluv =lovewat =whatoic =oh I seecoz ='cause =becausen =and2 =too =to =two4 =for (所以241=two for one )wanna =want to (不知道這個算不算)gonna =going to (同上)w/=withw/o =withoutDun =dnt =dontttyl---&talk to you laterlol---&laughing out loudlmao ---&laughing my ass ofAFAIK as far as I knowAFK away from the keyboardASL age,sex,locationATB all the bestB beBAK back at the keyboardBBL be back late(r)BCNU be seeing youBFN bye for nowB4 beforeBRB be right backBTW by the wayC seeCUL8R see you laterF2F face to faceF2T free to talkFWIW for what it?‘s worthFYI for your informationGAL get a lifeGR8 greatHAND have a nice dayH8 hateHSIK how should I know?HTH hope this helpsIANAL I am not a lawyer,but…(as a disclaimer)IMHO in my humble opinionIMO in my opinionIOW in other wordsJIC just in caseJK just kiddingKIT keep in touchKWIM know what I mean?L8R laterLOL lots of luck/laughing out loudMOB mobileMSG messageMYOB mind your own businessNE anyNE1 anyoneNOYB none of your businessNO1 no oneOTOH on the other handPCM please call mePLS pleasePPL peopleR areROTF(L)rolling on the floor (laughing)SIT stay in touchSOM1 someoneSPK speakTTYL talk to you laterTX thanksU youWAN2 want toW/withWKND weekendWU what’s up?X kissXLNT excellentXOXOX hugs and kissesYMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)YR your2 to,too2DAY today2MORO tomorrow2NITE tonight3SUM threesome4 for更多的缩写参考,有的比较冷门:数字:2 =to/too2B or not 2B =To be or not to be4 =for4ever =foreverA:ASL =Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC =As Far As I?‘m ConcernedAFAIK =As Far As I KnowAFK =Away From KeyboardAIAMU =And I’m A Monkey?‘s UncleAISI =As I See ItAKA =Also Known AsAMBW =All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS =And Now For A Word Word From Our Web SponsorAOTS =All Of The SuddenASAFP =As Soon As ??“Friggin??”PossibleASAP =As Soon As PossibleATST =At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA =Are We Going To Have To Go Through This AgainAWGTHTGTTSA =Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainAYSOS =Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 =BeforeB4N =Bye For NowBBFBBM =Body By Fisher,Brains by MattelBBIAB =Be Back In A BitBBIAF =Be Back In A FewBBL =Be Back LaterBBN =Bye Bye NowBCNU =Be Seein’YouBF =BoyfriendBFD =Big Fing DealBFN =Bye For NowBHOF =Bald Headed Old FartBIF =Basis In FactBITD =Back In The DayBiz =BusinessBM =Byte MeBMOTA =Byte Me On The AssBNF =Big Name FanBOHICA =Bend Over Here It Comes AgainBR =BathroomBRB =Be Right BackBRT =Be Right ThereBS =Big SmileBT =Byte ThisBTDT =Been There Done ThatBTSOOM =Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW =By The WayBTWBO =Be There With Bells OnBWDIK =But What Do I Know?BWO =Black,White or OtherC:Cam =Web CameraCIAO =Goodbye (in Italian)CID =Consider It DoneCIO =Check It OutCIS =CompuServe Information ServiceCMF =Count My FingersCof$=Church of ScientologyCRAFT =Can?‘t Remember A Fing ThingCRAWS =Can’t Remember Anything Worth A ShCSL =Can?‘t Stop LaughingCTC =Choaking The ChickenCU =See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R =See You LaterCWYL =Chat With You LaterCYA =Cover Your AssD:DBEYR =Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDD =Due DiligenceDDD =Direct Distance DialDETI =Don?‘t Even Think ItDGT =Don’t Go ThereDHYB =Don?‘t Hold Your BreathDIIK =Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD =Do I Look Like I Give A d\amnDILLIGAS =Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC =Don’t Know Don?‘t CareDL =DownloadDLTM =Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ =Don?‘t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB =Don?‘t Read If BusyDS =Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT =Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG =Evil GrinEOM =End Of MessageESO =Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF =Face To FaceFAQ =Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS =Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE =For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN =Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF =Friend Of A FriendFTASB =Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT =FaintFTL =Faster Than LightFTTB =For The Time BeingFUBAR =Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB =Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD =(Spreading)Fear,Uncertainty,and DisinformationFWIW =For What It’s WorthFYA =For Your AmusementFYI =For Your InformationFYM =For Your MisinformationG:G2G =Got To GoG8T/GR8 =GreatGAL =Get A LifeGDGD =Good,GoodGF =girlfriendGG =Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO =Garbage In,Garbage OutGIWIST =Gee,I Wish I?‘d Said ThatGL =Good LuckGLYASDI =God Loves You And So Do IGMTA =Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY =Got Nothing But Love For YouGR&D =Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR =??“Growling??”GSOAS =Go Sit On A SnakeGTG =Got To GoGTGB =Got To Go,ByeGTGP =Got To Go PeeGTH =Go To HellGTSY =Glad To See YaGYPO =Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO =Have A Good OneHAK =Hugs And KissesHB =Hurry BackHD =HoldHHO1/2K =Ha Ha,Only Half KiddingHHOK =Ha Ha,Only KiddingHIOOC =Help!I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz =How isHTH =Hope This (That)HelpsHUA =Heads Up AceHUYA =Head Up You?‘re aI:IAC =In Any CaseIAE =In Any EventIANAC =I Am Not A CrookIANAL =I Am Not A LawyerIBT =In Between TechnologyIBTD =I Beg To DifferIC =I See/In CharacterIDGAF =I Don’t Give A FIDGI =I Don?‘t Get ItIDK =I Don’t KnowIDKY =I Don?‘t Know YouIDST =I Didn’t Say ThatIDTS =I Don?‘t Think SoIFAB =I Found A BugIFU =I Fed UpIGGP =I Gotta Go PeeIIIO =Intel Inside,Idiot OutsideIIMAD =If It Makes An(y)DifferenceIIRC =If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM =If It Were MeILICISCOMK =I Laughed,I Cried,I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My KeyboardILY =I Love YouIMHO =In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO =In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO =In My OpinionINMP =It’s Not My ProblemINPO =In No Particular OrderIOH =I?‘m Outta HereIOW =In Other WordsIRL =In Real LifeISS =I Said SoITM =In The MoneyIYKWIM =If You Know What I MeanIYSS =If You Say SoJ:J/C =Just CheckingJ/K =Just Kidding!J/W =Just WonderingJAFO =Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK =OK/OK,OKKFY =Kiss For YouKISS =Keep It Simple StupidKIT =Keep In TouchKMA =Kiss My AssKWIM =Know What I MeanKX =kissKYPO =Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R =LaterLD =Long DistanceLDTTWA =Let’s Do The Time Warp AgainLLTA =Lots And Lots Of Thunderous ApplauseLMAO =Laughing My Ass OffLMK =Let Me KnowLOL =Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love)LTIC =Laughing ?‘Til I CryLTNS =Long Time No SeeLYL =Love Ya LotsLYLAS =Love You Like A SisterM:M8T =MateMHOTY =My Hat’s Off To YouMM =Market MakerMorF =Male or Female?MOTD =Message Of The DayMOTSS =Members Of The Same SexMTFBWY =May The Force Be With YouMWBRL =More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB =Mind Your Own BusinessN:N =And/Know/NowNAK =Nursing At KeyboardNAZ =Name,Address,Zip (also means Nasdaq)NBD =No Big DealNBIF =No Basis In FactNFI =No Fing IdeaNFW =No Fing WayNIFOC =Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM =Never MindNMP =Not My ProblemNMU =Nothing Much YouNOYB =None Of Your BusinessNP =No ProblemNQOCD =Not Quite Our Class DearNRG =EnergyNRN =No Reply NecessaryNYCFS =New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS =On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW =Oh,By The WayOIC =Oh,I SeeOICU =Oh,I See YouOMDB =Over My Dead BodyOMG =Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK =Open Mouth,Insert KeyboardNo,Not AgainOOC =Out Of CharacterOOTB =Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT =Off TopicOTOH =On The Other HandOWTTE =Or Words To That EffectOZ =stands for ??“Australia??”P:PEBCAK =Problem Exists Between Chair And KeyboardPEM =Privacy Enhanced MailPic =PicturePIMP =Peeing In My PantsPITA =Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ =PleasePMFJI =Pardon Me For Jumping InPO =Piss OffPOS =Parents Over ShoulderPOV =Point Of ViewPPL =PeoplePro =ProfessionalPS =By The Way/PhotoshopT:TAH =Take A HikeTANSTAAFL =There Ain?‘t No Such Thing As A Free LunchTARFU =Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM =Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI =The End Of The World As We Know ItTFN =Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS =ThanksTIA =Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL =Think I Am In LoveTIC =Tongue In CheekTLA =Three Letter AcronymTLGO =The List Goes OnTM =Trust MeTMI =Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI =There?‘s More Than One Way To Do ItTPTB =The Powers That BeTSR =Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN =Ta Ta For NowTTT =That’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL =Talk To You LaterTWHAB =This Won?‘t Hurt A BitTY =Thank YouTYVM =Thank You Very MuchU:U =YouUR =YourU R =You areunPC =unPolitically CorrectURYY4M =You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM =Values For MoneyVG =Very GoodW:WAG =Wild Ass GuessWAI =What An IdiotWB =Welcome BackWCA =Who Cares AnywayWDYS =What Did You Say?WDYT =What Do You Think?WE =WhateverWEG =Wicked Evil GrinWG =Wicked GrinWGAFF =Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM =What’s In It For Me?WIT =Wordsmith In TrainingWITFITS =What in the F is this ShWOG =Wise Old GuyWot/Wut =WhatWRT =With Respect To/With Regard ToWTF =What The FWTG =Way To Go!WTSDS =Where The Sun Don?‘t ShineWYMM =Will You Marry MeWYP =What’s Your Problem?WYRN =What?‘s Your Real Name?WYS =Whatever You SayWYSIWYG =What You See Is What You GetWYT =Whatever You ThinkX:X U =Kiss YouY:Y =WhyYa =YouYA =Yet AnotherYAFIYGI =You Asked For It You Got ItYDKM =You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup =YesYGBK =You Gotta Be Kiddin?‘YMMV =Your Mileage May VaryYNK =You Never KnowYOYO =You’re On Your OwnYR =Yeah,RightYSYD =Yeah,Sure You DoYTTT =You Telling The Truth?YYSSW =Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever


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