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> &>& > 帮你解决办公室装修烦恼的五个应用
  网站目录 谭思 3月19日编译办公室往往是人们的家外之家,你应该把它装扮成一个很令人惬意的地方,下面这五个应用程序可以帮助你对办公室进行创造性的设计和装饰。1.MagicPlan (Android和iOS平台)测量尺寸和绘制草图是繁琐而容易出错的事情。有了MagicPlan,你就可以使用智能手机或平板电脑的摄像头来丈量你的办公室尺寸,并生成一个平面图。然后,你可以将带着你富有想象力的计划把去家装店选择材料,看起来就像一个专家。2.craftgawker(iOS平台)我们很多人花大部分时间呆在办公室,那么,为什么要让自己的工作空间看起来平淡乏味?craftgawker里每天都有无数的创意手工点子分享,它们都非常漂亮,也很容易做,材料也容易找。该应用还汇集了网友撰写的各类手工教程,图文并茂。3.Paint Harmony (Android平台和iOS平台)市场上有好几种颜色取样应用,其中大多数是由品牌商赞助的,所以它们专门推销品牌商的颜色样本。但Paint Harmony不同,它是从你的照片中进行色彩取样,并将取样和57个品牌涂料匹配。此外,Paint Harmony还可以让你将颜色样本在你的墙壁照片上进行调试。4.Handyman Calculator (Android平台)接下来要计算一下你的办公室装饰工程将耗资多少。Handyman Calculator可以帮助你很快捷地完成这个任务。该应用是一款多功能的计算器,不仅拥有普通计算器的全部功能,而且还能根据不同行业进行自定义定制,同时也支持单位的即时转换。更重要的是,它具有建筑装饰材料——包括草种、地膜、石膏板——的费用的专门计算方式,。5.Friend Trusted (Android平台和iOS平台)如果你发现为照明系统重新布线是一件你无法应对的事(部分原因是你意识到你不知道什么是欧姆定律),这时当然要寻求帮助。你可以请教Friend Trusted。你可以使用Friend Trusted将你面临的问题拍成照片,并写一段简短的描述。然后,Friend trusted会为你提供来自专业人员的意见和服务信息。Friend Trusted上拥有的家庭维修专业人士包括水管工、杂工、电工、园丁、木工、搬运公司、建筑公司、清洁工和女仆等。
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编辑点评: 手工控们的宝典,汇集了网友撰写的各类手工教程,图文并茂。重点是教程的作者们的审美都不赖,成品很漂亮。
*** This app is no longer supported and doesn't work on iOS 9. The app will be retired shortly. There is a universal craftgawker app that works on iOS 9. ***** This is the lite version. Check out the NEW and improved "craftgawker" app with infinite scrolling, ability to jump back to any page, improved design and much more! **Looking for arts and crafts ideas? Then the mobile companion
is the perfect iPhone app for you. craftgawker is a photo gallery that allows you to visually search and discover handmade arts and crafts to inspire your own projects. We publish photography submitted by craft bloggers from around the world. Our editors review submissions daily and choose the highest quality, most creative images to showcase.We realize once you get hooked on gawking at amazing craft photos, you'll need to constantly look to get inspired. To accommodate this addiction, we currently publish new images every weekday. Thanks to the thousands of incredible bloggers who submit to the site, we have an extensive archive of arts and crafts that you can visually browse and search by category, tags and popularity.To get more details about a photo, simply tap on the image and you'll be taken to the submitter's blog post where you may find a tutorial or the inspiration for the item. If you register and create an account with us, you will be able to save your favorite photos by tapping on the heart icon.Features:-VISUALLY BROWSE arts & crafts photos by latest submissions, popular posts (most clicked/most favorited), category or your marked favorites.-DISCOVER new, creative projects from thousands of craft bloggers.-SEARCH thousands of craft photos for ideas and inspiration.-SAVE photos to your personal favorites screen.-SYNC favorites between the mobile app .-SHARE your favorite photos with friends via Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, Tumblr and more.-SHAKE your device to randomize on any thumbnail photo screenNote: This app is designed for iPhones/iPods and not for iPads. An iPad app is currently in development.
你也可以扫描二维码下载到你的手机里> craftgawker
应用大小:9.6 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
简介:This is craftgawker's biggest and best redes...
This is craftgawker's biggest and best redesign yet! We listened to your feedback, added all the features you requested and completely rebuilt the app. This new app allows you to try out all the enhanced features for free before deciding on an in-app purchase to access all posts. Check out these major improvements over the craftgawker lite app!* Removed ads (does not include ads on external blog links) * Improved user experience, design and navigation
* Added infinite scrolling* Ability to jump back to any page you want with page counter* Change sort order or time frame in the search menu* Ability to exclude search terms * Added popular counts (number of times gawked and favorited) * Add notes and tags to your favorites to help organize them * Tap + hold on photo to share to Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and more * Tap + hold on photo to translate a foreign language post or report an issue* Simplified login and registration * Ability to add the description to the thumbnail view for iPhoneLooking for arts and crafts ideas?
app has been updated with new features and has over 41,000 creative ideas and DIY projects. We showcase the highest quality, most creative images by craft bloggers from around the world.To get more details about a photo, simply tap on the image to visit the submitter's blog post where you'll find a tutorial or the inspiration for the item. Register and create an account with us to save your favorite projects.The app is free, but limited to 72 posts per screen with an in-app purchase to access all posts. This app is ad-free with exception of ads on external blog links.*** All access in-app purchases are separate for iPhone and iPad. As always, free access to all posts available
and craftgawker lite app. ***** This is NOT an update or upgrade of the craftgawker lite app! The original iPhone app is now called craftgawker lite and is still free to use. **
Features: -VISUALLY BROWSE arts & crafts projects by latest, popularity, category or saved favorites. -SORT images by most favorited, most gawked and/or by date posted.-SEARCH over 41,000 craft posts for ideas/inspiration from thousands of craft bloggers.-INFINITE scrolling.-SAVE photos to your personal favorites page and add notes/tags to organize them.-SYNC favorites between the app . -SHARE your favorite photos to Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, e-mail and more.-TRANSLATE foreign language posts into your native language. -UPDATED every day except Saturday with new posts.-CURATED by a team of editors to ensure quality of photos and projects.Connect with us...Website: /Twitter: @craftgawkerFacebook: /craftgawkerPinterest: /gawkerverse/
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