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为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或ll cool j中
【中字】Music Triangle苏志燮新MV花絮(VS俞承豪朴信惠)--百度俞承豪吧出品
Taylor Swift beatboxes while LL Cool J Sings “Mean”
【猴姆独家】Pitbull联手J. Lo新单We Are One官方中字mv大首播!
【猴姆独家】Pitbull联手Jennifer Lopez和Cláudia Leitte新单We Are One (Ole Ola)官方中字mv大首播!
【中英字幕】J 姐霸气!!Jessie J - Who's Laughing Now [纯冲字幕组]
译文润色:纯 冲
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【中英字幕】Jessie J -
Domino [纯冲字幕组]
翻 译:Leon Ju (QQ:)
[HJSUN]Sistar - So Cool(feat. DJ Doc)新歌MV
说唱乐长青树LL Cool J超赞动感节奏饶舌Hush
无法忍受这样一位出色的Rapper不为人所了解,提到说唱,对于初听RAP的fan来说可能首先想到的是近年比较火热的Eminem,以及一些说唱名人如JAY Z、P Diddy和一些其他的匪帮说唱。但又有多少人了解LL Cool J这样一位80年代就出道的说唱老前辈呢,他可是说唱界元老级人物,80年代出道至今一直活跃在乐坛,来听听这位说唱乐长青树LL Cool J的新近单曲Hush~这首单曲很棒,多好我就不说了,自己去听听看吧~
 “我要让人们知道我是有史以来最好的说唱乐歌手,”说唱界元老级人物LL Cool J这样说,而他也确实是有史以来最好的说唱乐歌手之一。
LL的事业很是令人惊叹。LL是有史以来第一位连续出版了8张白金销量专辑的说唱乐歌手。同时,LL十分富有创新意识,乐于尝试他人从未涉足的领域,他第二专辑中的“I Need Love”是第一首以民谣形式出现的说唱乐。此外,LL还是第一位拍摄现场音乐录像的说唱乐歌手。在他的职业生涯中,LL获得了无数的奖项,其中包括1991年及1996年两次荣获葛莱美最佳说唱乐歌手奖,15次纽约音乐奖,10次灵魂乐奖,以及1997年MTV终身成就奖等等。
他的艺名全写即是Ladies Love Cool James(女士们爱酷吉姆士)
[7 Aurelius]
Hush baby, wanna let ya know
This is how its gonna go
[beat starts up]
[Chorus - 7 Aurelius]
Hush baby, wanna let ya know
This is how its gonna go
If u wanna come and play
Gotta do it my way
Hush baby, dont talk so much
Just wanna feel ya touch
Everything will be ok
If u do it my way (my way, my way)
Hush baby [echoes]
[Verse 1 - LL Cool J]
U feel so good
Rest of my life i wish i could
Hold u tight and take a flight out the hood
Was i foul or just misunderstood?
Mind-mannered or up to no-good
It really doesnt matter, either way i should
Maximize the moment and hold ya close
Jump in the drop spider and cruise down the coast
Who loved u the most?
I was never ghost
When lives was on the line
Confusion in ya mind
Runnin outta time
Drama of all kind
But theres faith in our mind
We spiritually inclined
Sometimes i flip
Sometimes u flip
Sometimes we wild out and act like lunatics
We movin too fast, the whole world\'s in a rush
Everybody just hush...
[Chorus x1]
[Verse 2 - LL Cool J]
I the pain, the drama
The villa in the bahamas
The highs, the lows
The hoop-t, the Rolls
The money flowin
Certain doors that we go in
The people we meet, the hands that we shake
Whether its Mortans or Sizzla steak
But everything will be okay
[w/ 7 Aurel
格莱美开场片段:LL COOL J说杰克逊激励了他
Ll Cool J - Freeze
Paradise MTV Version夏威夷风情
【中英双语原创字幕】Jessie J - Price Tag ft. B.o.B.
中英双语原创字幕 Jessie J - Price Tag ft. B.o.B
【猴姆独家】麻辣鸡Nicki Minaj联手LL Cool J即兴rap助阵第54届格莱美宣传片曝光
【猴姆独家】麻辣鸡Nicki Minaj联手LL Cool J即兴rap助阵第54届格莱美Grammy宣传片曝光
【宁博】HipHop领军人物LL Cool J 联合 TheDream 最新超强新单曲
LL Cool J的原名叫作James Todd Smith,出生在Hollis一个充满音乐的工人家庭中(“我的祖母是吹萨克斯的,我的祖母参加唱诗班,我的母亲会演奏手风琴”)。在9岁时,他便学会了作词,而在13岁时,他已制作了他的第一首歌曲。在录音室里,年轻的LL发现他可以逃离现实生活,可以插上音乐的翅膀完成自己的梦想。
  1984年,年仅16岁的LL被Rick Rubin和Rusell Simmons所发现,并和刚成立的Def Jam唱片公司签下了10张专辑的和约。LL是该公司的第一位歌手。
  “LL是我们公司的基础,”Simmon回忆道,“他的专辑《I Need A Beat》为我们公司赢得了开门红,这真是一张十分出色的专辑。”
  在过去的15年中,LL和Def Jam公司合作,在Hip Hop领域中取得了辉煌的成就。Def Jam成了说唱乐坛知名的品牌,而LL的事业则更为令人惊叹。LL是有史以来第一位连续出版了8张白金销量专辑的说唱乐歌手。同时,LL十分富有创新意识,乐于尝试他人从未涉足的领域,他第二专辑中的“I Need Love”是第一首以民谣形式出现的说唱乐。此外,LL还是第一位拍摄现场音乐录像的说唱乐歌手。在他的职业生涯中,LL获得了无数的奖项,其中包括1991年及1996年两次荣获葛莱美最佳说唱乐歌手奖,15次纽约音乐奖,10次灵魂乐奖,以及1997年MTV终身成就奖等等。
  “他是Hip Hop领域中最为重要的人物之一,”Def Jam公司的总裁Kevin Liles说道,“当你提到Hip Hop你就会想起LL Cool J。”
Radio killer
Y'all think they can handle this one man
Call the radio and tell 'em this your song (this your song, this your song, this your song, this your song)
Girl come on (girl come on, girl come on,)
Cuz im your baby, im your baby, im your baby, im your baby
Im your baby, your baby, your baby, your baby
Im your baby, your baby, your baby, your baby
Im your baby, your baby
Met this little girl, she was off the hook
I got cold chills when her body shook
Hot sex on the platter no need to cook
I let her steal my heart like a horny crook
Had her grinding and winding against my leg
She messin with my head, wanna play in the bed
Sexy pumps on, toenails red
Your bodys a gun baby, pump me full of lead
It hard to hold you when you movin' vulgar
Peace sign on your eyes like John Travolta
My pulp ain't fiction, it's an addiction
To see your booty clap on the floor in the kitchen
Nasty girl, taught me all the lingo
While mama play bingo, she ride mandingo
She dont give a damn if im married or single
She makes me tingle
Shawty im your baby, im your baby, im your baby, im your baby
Im your baby, your baby, your baby, your baby
Im your baby, your baby, your baby, your baby
Im your baby,
第27话 詹伯奈的诞生
【中英字幕】Jessie J ft B.o.B - Price Tag [纯冲字幕组]
天玥翻译作品(河北农大 QQ:)
Linkin Park 林肯公园 精选:
Ke$ha 钱妞精选
Rihanna 雷哈娜 精选
Justin bieber精选
Katy perry精选
Britney Spears 布兰妮全集
Christina Aguilera 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉精选
Ne-yo 尼欧 精选
Taio Cruz 精选
Katy perry精选
LL Cool J Ft. LeShaun - Doin' It 中英双语MV
中美舞林对抗赛 HOK VS 刘福洋 完整视频
【翎】Taylor Swift联手LL Cool J第54届格莱美宣传片出炉
【翎】小美女Taylor Swift联手今年格莱美的主持人LL Cool J为第54届格莱美拍摄的宣传片出炉
Mama said knock you out
LL Cool J - Mama said knock you out
【中字】130803 不朽的名曲(COOL篇)
郑俊英 TalkLive Full Cut
制作by 郑俊英中文网 转载请注明 谢谢!
由于优酷转码的问题 视频高清出不来 清晰版本请至土豆观看 ?/programs/view/qjraJKAjbls/
【Edwin】第54届格莱美宣传片之小美女Taylor Swift和LL Cool J篇!
Thanks For More!
【MV】Cool Things to Find 中英字幕
这个视频是模仿dumb things to die而制作的,很有趣味。视频制作人支持NASA项目,支持外星探险,从歌词中也可以得知一二
【猴姆独家】震精了!“挑眉男”陈以桐联手J Rice用中英文惊艳翻唱光良经典情歌《童话》
【猴姆独家】震精了!“挑眉男”陈以桐Jason Chen联手J Rice用中英文惊艳翻唱光良经典情歌《童话》!
[中英字幕] Yolanda Be Cool - We No Speak Americano
澳大利亚双人电子组合Yolanda Be Cool的红遍欧洲的电子舞曲,目前已经在丹麦,瑞典,荷兰等多个国家夺冠,7/5在英国发行,英国单曲榜首周排名#5
【OURDEN字幕】Jessie J Ft. B.o.B - Price Tag 中英双语MV
Jessie J Ft. B.o.B - Price Tag 这一切和钱都无关,我们不能给人的生活标价
模仿LL Cool J , DMX , Snoop Dogg , JayZ
Mrs. Right
中美舞林对抗赛 杨帅官方完整视频
《嘿 哥们》 LL Cool J 23
[TSKS]111210我们结婚了 酒窝夫妇CUT E09[韩语中字]
[TSKS]111210我们结婚了 酒窝夫妇CUT E09[韩语中字]
【中字】苏志燮 完整版(VS俞承豪朴信惠)--百度俞承豪吧出品
Rock The Bells
LL Cool J - Rock The Bells
说唱牛人模仿LL Cool J,Snoop Dogg,DMX,Jay Z
说唱牛人Aries Spears现场模仿LL Cool J,Snoop Dogg,DMX,Jay Z
Lupe Fiasco,Common,LL Cool J格莱美提名晚会演唱经典The Message
嘻哈,说唱,R&B 最佳网站
更多最新的嘻哈音乐,R&B音乐,视频 尽在聚蚁网
超经典的民谣形式说唱:LL Cool J—I Need Love
说唱乐长青树LL Cool J超经典的民谣形式说唱乐I Need Love,是第一首以民谣形式出现的说唱乐。这首I Need Love在1987年荣获了全美节奏蓝调榜冠军,并被获选为滚石杂志「流行音乐百大经典」之一。呵,MV有点老了,87年的,不过经典是不会过时的,喜欢的朋友就顶一下吧~
这样出色的一位Rapper不为人所了解实在可惜,提到说唱,对于初听RAP的fan来说可能首先想到的是近年比较火热的Eminem,以及一些说唱名人如JAY Z、P Diddy和一些其他的匪帮说唱。
但又有多少人了解LL Cool J这样一位80年代就出道的说唱老前辈呢,他可是说唱界元老级人物,曾缔造多项第一纪录:是首位缔创连续8张白金畅销专辑、连续7首金唱片销售单曲的嘻哈歌手,至今全球累积销售已飙破20白金;也是首位以饶舌歌曲称霸Billboard流行单曲榜缔造新纪录的嘻哈艺人;更是参加"MTV不插电演唱"的第一人。
他的艺名全写即是Ladies Love Cool James(女士们爱酷吉姆士)
When I\'m alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall
and in the back of my mind I hear my conscience call
Telling me I need a girl who\'s as sweet as a dove
for the first time in my life, I see I need love
There I was giggling about the games
that I had played with many hearts, and I\'m not saying no names
Then the thought occured, tear drops made my eyes burn
as I said to myself look what you\'ve done to her
I can feel it inside, I can\'t explain how it feels
all I know is that I\'ll never dish another raw deal
Playing make believe pretending that I\'m true
holding in my laugh as I say that I love you
Saying amor kissing you on the ear
whispering I love you and I\'ll always be here
Although I often reminsce I can\'t believe that I found
a desire for true love floating around
Inside my soul because my soul is cold
one half of me deserves to be this way till I\'m old
But the other half needs affection and joy
and the warmth that is created by a girl and a boy
I need love
I need love
Romance sheer delight how sweet
I gotta find me a girl to make my life complete
You can scratch my back, we\'ll get cozy and huddle
I\'ll lay down my jacket so you can walk over a puddle
I\'ll give you a rose, pull out your chair before we eat
kiss you on the cheek and say ooh girl you\'re so sweet
It\'s deja vu whenever I\'m with you
I could go on forever telling you what I do
But where you at you\'re neit
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