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display: 'inlay-fix'机战按键精灵近战挂机脚本,在教教我怎么用。我不懂按键精灵_百度知道
&quot,1;ffff&303b8&0 and y&lt.最好关闭与按键无关的其他软件 避免出现游戏变卡 影响脚本正常运行  &#47,1;=0  MoveTo 312 390  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  EndIf  Return  Sub 同意组队  VBSCall FindColorEx(270;,275,y1)  VBSCall FindColorEx(605,c.8,1;.8,140;;=0 and y1&gt.8,y1)  VBSCall FindColorEx(311,0,y2)  If x1&&quot,855;=0 and y1&=0  VBS i=x1;,855;&=0 and y2&c3f7&quot,x1,b,从右到左1,479.8;=0 and y1&gt.首先要选择职业 0近战 1远战  2;=0 and y&gt,&4  Delay 225  MoveTo 510 500  LeftClick 1  Gosub 快速找怪  VBSCall FindColorEx(85,&quot,0:r=&0&quot,zidongjianwu,580.8,y)  If x&,0,y)  If x&lt,&quot,x;ffff&quot,y2)  If x2&gt,y3)  If x1&gt,1,y2)  If x2&gt.8,x,238.8,xp  VBS m=85,0;,339:j=&quot,y2)  If x1&=0 and y2&gt,0,l,480,1;,x1,399;;0 and y&lt,x;=4  KeyPress 113 1  VBS jn1=0  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 技能2  IfColor 139 45 ae21 2  Delay 32  VBS jn2=jn2+1  If jn2&&quot.8,y1)  If x1&gt,100.8;=0  MoveTo x+n y+m-n  RightClick 1  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 快速找怪  VBSCall FindColorEx(313,b-50:h=y1  VBSCall FindColorEx(g-5,y1)  If x1&gt,180;=0 and y&=0  VBS k=x1;,0;.8,x2,1,1;&&quot,x,0;;0 and y&lt,&quot,520;,x1.8.要把显示人物名字的选项关闭  3;ffffff&&quot,920,l-8;;c3ff&quot,480,g+45;=0  MoveTo 906 237  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  EndIf  Return  Sub 关闭导师界面  VBSCall FindColorEx(269;ad497f&quot,g,1:b=&quot,339,&0  Delay 520  MoveTo 100 330  LeftClick 1  Gosub 快速找怪  VBSCall FindColorEx(85;303b8&quot,b-30.8,x2,&.8,0,278,235,312,328,175.8;=0 and y1&gt,1,1;&quot,0;&quot,0,920,0;=0  MoveTo g h  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  VBS q=&quot,a:b=y1  VBSCall FindColorEx(a+5,236,520;0  Delay 520  MoveTo 920 330  LeftClick 1  Gosub 快速找怪  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 攻击怪  VBSCall FindColorEx(479;&#47,0;;,479;ffb783&;;303b8&quot:g=&quot,182,&quot:i=&quot,100,1,补红  UserVar zidongzhaoguai=1 0定点刷怪 1自动刷怪  UserVar zidongjianwu=1 0不自动捡物 1自动捡物  UserVar xp=1 选择使用哪种XP技能,x1.8,1;.8;=0  VBS a=x1;ffff&quot.8;=0  VBS q=x1,520;,855,49;=0 and y1&&303b8&quot,135,h-25;45b0c9&quot,1;=0 and y2&gt,&quot,650,0;106d21&quot,10,y)  If x&  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 捡流星  If zidongjianwu=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,x;,391,920,x1:f=&,r  VBS dim zhiye:j=y1  VBSCall FindColorEx(i-5,0;;&quot,y)  If x&ffff&&quot,&quot,i+45,&=0  Gosub xp1  Gosub xp2  Gosub xp3  EndIf  Return  Sub xp1  If xp=1  MoveTo 935 540  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  EndIf  Return  Sub xp2  If xp=2  MoveTo 881 547  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  EndIf  Return  Sub xp3  If xp=3  MoveTo 812 551  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  EndIf  Return  Sub 无弹回城  If zhiye=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(575;,l-45,&quot,0;;=0  MoveTo g h  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  VBS g=&;,100;0  KeyDown 17 1  LeftClick 1  KeyUp 17 1  EndIf  Return  Sub 技能1  IfColor 139 45 ae21 2  Delay 32  VBS jn1=jn1+1  If jn1&gt,1,234,920;303b8&quot,x,x1,&quot,y)  If x&;,y)  If x&gt,&quot.8,jn2  VBS jn1=0,1;=0  VBS e=x1.8,y2)  If x2&=0  MoveTo i j  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  VBS i=&quot,10,0.8;=0  MoveTo k l  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  VBS k=&101010&&quot:r=y1  VBSCall FindColorEx(q-5,h-5;&c7ff&quot,1;;  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 捡熟练度  If zidongjianwu=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,313;;=0  VBS c=0  MoveTo x+20 y-20  LeftClick 1  Delay 32  Gosub 攻击  VBSCall FindColorEx(83,520;,&quot,&0  Delay 32  VBS d=d+1  If d=6  KeyPress 119 1  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 拒绝交易  VBSCall FindColorEx(133,x;&quot,399,k+45,&=0  VBS c=0  MoveTo x+20 y+20  LeftClick 1  Delay 32  Gosub 攻击  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 攻击  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,520.8;&,232,r-20,0;=0 and y&0  Delay 32  VBS c=c+1  If c&=0  MoveTo x+n y+m  RightClick 1  Gosub 技能1  Gosub 技能2  Else  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,233,0,y2)  VBSCall FindColorEx(326,100;303b8&&=0 and x2&gt,y2)  If x1&gt.8,x2.可以使用带加PW的4号核心  4,f-30;,&;;,12;=0 and y2&gt,922,y)  If x&gt,0,1:k=&quot,&quot,855;=0 and y2&gt:e=&quot.8.8;;8b16ab&quot:q=&0 and y&lt,6;=0 and x2&gt,&quot.8,y)  If x&:f=&quot,y1)  If x1&gt,y)  If x&lt,&quot,100,2;=0 and y&gt.脚本支持两个技能 放的时候最好一个用PW的 一个用EN的  5;=8  KeyPress 114 1  VBS jn2=0  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 补红  IfColor hp*1,x,&quot,q,238;,j-30;0 and y&=0 and y2&gt,0;c7ff&quot,y1)  If x1&gt,1,q+5;=0 and y1&gt,0:jn2=0  UserVar zhiye=1 选择职业 0近战 1远战  UserVar hp=50 红量&%多少时;=0  MoveTo 223 394  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  EndIf  Return  Sub 关闭推荐任务  VBSCall FindColorEx(905,100;=0 and y3&F1红 F2 F3技能 F8回城卷  VBS dim hp,d;,0,y)  If x&lt,y1)  If x1&gt,0;303b8&quot,0:f=y1  VBSCall FindColorEx(e+5,x2;=0 and y2&ffff&=0  MoveTo a b  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  VBS a=&quot,x2;&quot,y1)  If x1&gt:l=y1  VBSCall FindColorEx(k-5,x1,k;,2,500,1;  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 捡聚态水晶  If zidongjianwu=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,x2,0;303b8&quot,x;  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 捡粉红水晶  If zidongjianwu=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,x;,x1,1;=0  MoveTo e f  Delay 32  LeftClick 1  VBS e=&quot,j,140,314,225,x2,1,r-30;0 and y&lt,0,x,1,1,0;ffff&=0 and y1&gt,&quot,x.XP技能从右到左1;aeff&quot,1,396;&quot:j=&quot,1,658,520,y2)  If x2&gt,0,a+45,550.8,0,y2)  If x2&gt,1,&quot,236.8,1;303b8&&quot,0,x2,1.13+121 31   KeyPress 112 1  EndIf  Return  Sub 捡钱  If zidongjianwu=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(35,480;=0 and y&gt,i,&quot,x2:n=10  VBS a=&quot,&;=0 and y&gt,85,3 根据喜好自己修改用哪种XP 默认1  6;,3  Rem 机战  Gosub 找怪  Gosub 攻击怪  Gosub 补红  Gosub 捡钱  Gosub 捡熟练度  Gosub 捡流星  Gosub 捡粉红水晶  Gosub 捡蓝水晶x  Gosub 捡聚态水晶  Gosub 检测xp  Gosub 无弹回城  Gosub 拒绝交易  Gosub 同意组队  Gosub 关闭推荐任务  Gosub 关闭导师界面  Delay 32  Goto 机战  Sub 找怪  If zidongzhaoguai=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(85;8b6ff&quot,900;,x3,920;;=0  VBS c=0  MoveTo x-20 y-20  LeftClick 1  Delay 32  Gosub 攻击  VBSCall FindColorEx(99,y1)  VBSCall FindColorEx(276,f,389,920,y1)  VBSCall FindColorEx(220;&=0 and y1&gt,393,y)  If x&lt,1,100,177;=0 and y2&=0  VBS c=0  MoveTo x-20 y+20  LeftClick 1  Delay 32  Gosub 攻击  VBSCall FindColorEx(479;;303b8&=0 and y&gt.F1红 F2 F3技能 F8回城卷  7;=0 and x2&gt,510;=0 and y2&gt,1,510,x1.8:l=&cdb886&quot,m;=0 and y1&gt,&quot,0,&quot,922,f-50,j-10;94f729&quot,x2;dec7b5&quot,x,140,1,1;;  VBS c=0,y2)  If x2&gt:h=&quot,480;,&quot,y)  If x&=0  VBS g=x1;;=0 and y2&gt,&916e23&quot,907;=0 and x2&gt.8,920,n.8:h=&quot.8,y)  If x&gt,e,1,&quot,&quot,920,271,315,&quot,&quot,h:d=0  VBS dim jn1,1,140:l=&quot,0;=0 and y1&gt,zidongzhaoguai.8;&quot,0;&quot,x1.8:b=&quot,607:r=&quot.8;&quot,e+45,100;0  Delay 520  MoveTo 510 200  LeftClick 1  Gosub 快速找怪  VBSCall FindColorEx(85,&quot  我刚玩没几天
希望有用~~~~~~~~~  1;  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 检测xp  VBSCall FindColorEx(800,0;  EndIf  EndIf  EndIf  Return  Sub 捡蓝水晶  If zidongjianwu=1  VBSCall FindColorEx(35;=0 and x3&gt
还是不知道怎么用- -
505RightDown 1RightClick 1Rem ==========以上是按键精灵录制的内容=========
MoveTo =鼠标移到
RightDown =右键按下
RightClick=右键单击注,360RightDown 1RightClick 1Delay 252MoveTo 520.:调整脚本循环为(循环到案终止键为止)
把终止键从默认调整为 * 号或其他按键
只能挂技能(天翔断空斩)没楼上的功能强大.但简单实用《本人在40大区8区 罗技G25
有时间一起玩撒点新建在基本命令栏里插入以下内容Rem ==========以下是按键精灵录制的内容==========Delay 250MoveTo 526
出门在外也不愁半夜刷怪挂机 - 远征2视频 - 爱拍原创


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