acer aspire v5 471能玩战地3么

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Our Score:
Touchscreen makes Windows 8 more tolerable
Comfortable keyboard
Good sized trackpad
Mediocre battery life
Hefty weight
Key Features
15.6” touch screen display
Backlit keyboard
500GB Storage
Manufacturer: Acer
Review Price: ?549.99
Acer Inspire V5-571 Touch - IntroductionWindow 8 may not be the most popular piece of software Microsoft have ever released, but one of its key benefits is the way (in theory at least) it straddles the touch screen worlds of tablets,
and the more conventional bread and butter keyboard and mouse kingdom of laptops and desktops. To make the most of this, we’re seeing a bunch of hybrid laptops that offer both keyboards and touch screens, and the Acer Aspire V5-571 Touch is another such hybrid.It isn’t a tablet with a keyboard dock, though - the screen half of it doesn’t have any of the innards that will allow you to detach it, meaning that most of the time you’ll find the tried and tested traditional computer inputs are not only sufficient, but actively desirable.Priced somewhere between the budget end of the market and the Ultrabook end, at ?600 on the surface it sounds like a compromise between power and the finger swiping world of Windows 8, while not saying goodbye to the traditional benefits of portable computing. But can it offer a worthwhile experience to make the ultrabooks sweat?Acer Aspire V5-571 Touch – Design and BuildThe V5 Touch doesn’t deviate from standard laptop aesthetics. A plasticky silver shell on the screen side, with a black undercarriage. It’s not exactly thick, as 15.6” laptops go, but at 2.4kg it’s quite weighty to be taken around everywhere with you.Lifting the lid reveals a spacious full sized keyboard, complete with a full number pad on the right hand side and a generously sized touch pad, slightly offset to the left (in order to be underneath the letters, rather than caught between them and the numbers). With the silver frame, and backlit black keys with a black rim around the screen, it’s vaguely reminiscent of the Macbook Pro, when in its open state, if it weren’t for the tell-tale signs that OSX is nowhere near this: the Start button, and the big ‘Acer’ label being the most obvious clues.It feels solidly built, and that it could take some of the knocks and scratches that life will inevitably hand it quite comfortably, and the screen, which allows you to tilt surprisingly far back doesn’t feel like it’s going to be easily moved - though of course this may well deteriorate over time.Acer Aspire V5-571 Touch – ConnectivityLike with the S7 Ultrabook we looked at recently, Acer has taken the sensible decision to move all the connectivity ports from the back to the more easily accessible sides, which we heartily approve of. Along the left hand side, you have the power in jack, VGA/ethernet, HDMI out, and 3 USB slots (2 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0) and a headphone jack, while along the right hand side you have a Kensington lock and a DVDRW drive. Wirelessly it supports WiFi N and Bluetooth 4.0, though I found during testing that the WiFi in my house was prone to dropping even while a Macbook, Note 2 and iPad were having no such difficulties.Acer Aspire V5-571 Touch – ScreenThe V5 boasts a 15.6” screen, packing a
resolution. In practice the resolution is fine for most things, but as consumers increasingly spoiled by spiralling mobile phone resolutions and the retina screen of recent iPads, it’s a touch disappointing. What’s not disappointing is the touch, which allows 10 point multi-touch, should you wish to give all of your digits a workout, and it certainly allows you to get the most out of Windows 8’s navigation functions, though this understandably gets a bit more fiddly when in ‘classic desktop’ mode. Pleasingly, it doesn’t seem hugely prone to getting noticeable smudgy fingerprints that even non-touch laptop screens seem to accumulate over time.Other than the tactile nature of it, there’s not much else really outstanding about the screen. Some of the icons in Windows 8 look quite fuzzy, and the viewing angles aren’t as good as some of its rivals, but it’s perfectly serviceable.
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Why are TR not listing the most important part of a laptop (the specs) any more?
Specs should have its own page
Matthew Salmon
The connector next to the HDMI is not a display port - its a proprietary connector for the VGA and Ethernet dongle.
The laptop has a backlit keyboard also (worth mentioning) and the version in your review is an Ivy bridge i5-3317u with HD 4000 gfx.
Lower spec sandybridge versions are available online currently which people should avoid. Cheers
Matthew Salmon
Re: The wifi issue mentioned - it just ships with a bad driver - this can be updated via the acer website..
Eric ServBasic
August 11,
Mine lasted about 8 days and permanently lost its operating system. Been reading all night seems to be more the Acer v5 than windows. Recovery Disk didnt work and the built in repair for windows took 14 hours to say no operating system It is a cheep PC but so is Toshiba and I work them to death here.
Eric / Software sales and support
September 22,
First Acer I've bought and will definately be the last.Won't connect to Wi-Fi (even after Acer sent me updated drivers),so I plugged my cable modem from my Desktop and still only limited access,which is basically none.The Techs don't know what to do.$600 piece of crap
October 7,
I bought mine at Future Shop and I asked the salesman about the wi-fi connection problem and he lied.
This laptop sucks.
I am lucky to get 30 seconds online before it goes to limited access.
I then have to disconnect and reconnect.
Worst purchase I have ever bought.
October 9,
This laptop is a good build, just remove the wifi lan card and change it to another brand for not more than eur25. Thats all...
December 28,
I hate the task bar, give me a mouse or a right / left click option anyday.
The touch screen only works 1/2 the time
February 8,
i got this computer a few months ago andabsolutley Iove it. it's a great price especially with the touch screen. i love the key board which lights up underneath. this computer starts up very quickly and is the fastest computer i have used. mine is much faster than my parents dell laptops and my ipad mini 1. the battery life isn't gonna wow you lasting no more than four hours if that. i dont find this a problem though because my laptop is always home plugged in as i use my ipad mini for traveling. this computer is very slim only half the thickness as most computers. ts not really light either so not the bets choice for traveling. i don't have any problems with screen quality. i would definitely recommend this computer if you are looking for a touch screen computer that wont break your bank
This is the bane of my current life! I have been looking for 2 laptops for my friends kids with at least an Intel HD 4000 for gaming at the bare minimum.How do review and shop sites get away without listing the most basic components of a laptop (most don't even include the specific GPU only a generic name - 'Intel integrated' )?You would be surprised to hear that even HP/Toshiba and more often don't even list this GPU detail on their website specs and sites such as NotebookReview, which should have the details, often have their specs section BLANK! WTF?! I can only imagine that people are truly stupid these days and will buy inferior and old components as long as they are packaged well.
People are being ripped off and they don't's their own fault as most people don't care about the inside as long as the outside looks good...I had the same with a friend who wanted a tablet, and despite telling him that the Nexus 10 was way superior in screen and components and cheaper in price than the Samsung Tab 10, he took the Samsung because it looked better.
January 24,
Hi, my lasted two days and then the HD died. :(
My son is going to try to put a new HD in it for me, but I have to also buy the recovery thumbnail from Acer as it didn't come with a recovery disk. What version of Windows 8 did it have on it originally? My husband has a different model Acer laptop with Windows 8.1 on it and I noticed the two days that mine did work, the Windows 8 seemed to be a little different that what is on his laptop. I want to put the same operating system back on it and can make a recovery CD from his laptop if they are the same. Thanks for any information.
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4¥49995¥69996¥45667¥49998¥50999¥648810¥34399劲爽战地3极品飞车16 热销游戏本推荐
第1页 劲爽战地3 热销游戏本推荐可能小编现在给大家带来《战地三》和《极品飞车16》上市的消息有一些OUT,但是也有不少跟小编一样的“奥特曼”才知道这个消息。《战地3》是一款由EA DICE工作室开发制作的第一人称射击游戏。游戏于日在Microsoft Windows、PS3、 Xbox 360多个平台正式发售,游戏使用寒霜2引擎,不支持Windows Vista以下的操作系统。《战地3》是《战地2》的正统续作,是EA《战地》系列的第十一部。
很多人还在抱着XP大腿不放吗?小编告诉你正版Windows 7的功能比XP强多了,也好用的多,你现在感觉不太好用,只是习惯问题,你用XP用习惯了,当初XP上市 的时候,很多人都感觉不如Windows 98好用,但现在没有人用Windows 98了,这是趋势不要OUT啦!Windows 7家庭普通版使您的日常操作变得更快、更简单。 使用Windows 7家庭普通版,您可以更快、更方便地访问使用最频繁的程序和文档。第2页 劲爽极品飞车16 热销游戏本推荐日,EA正式发行了《极品飞车16:亡命天涯》,可以说是在年末给竞赛类游戏玩家的一份大礼。
《极品飞车16:亡命天涯》是《战地3》之后EA的又一款大作,并且使用了和《战地3》相同的寒霜2引擎。在制作方面,《极品飞车16:亡命天涯》回归到Black Box工作室,而该工作室曾经制作过《最高通缉》、《卡本峡谷》等经典系列,此外,改作还采用了线性的剧情,游戏将跟随剧情发展进行游戏。可以说,《极品飞车16:亡命天涯》不管是在游戏制作,还是剧情设定上,都足够吸引玩家。
作为一款年末大作,《极品飞车16:亡命天涯》自然在硬件配置方面也毫不低调。首先,不支持windows XP系统就直接扼杀了一大票粉丝。最低配置要求:操作系统: Windows Vista SP2 32-bitDirectX: DirectX 10CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equal AMD内存: 3 GB硬盘空间: 18 GB显卡 (AMD): 512 MB 显存 ATI Radeon 4870 or better显卡 (NVIDIA): 512 MB 显存 NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT or better推荐配置要求:操作系统: Windows 7 SP1 64-bitDirectX: DirectX 11CPU: 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad or equal AMD内存: 4 GB硬盘空间: 18 GB显卡 (AMD): 1024 MB 显存 ATI Radeon 6950显卡 (NVIDIA): 1024 MB 显存 NVIDIA GeForce GTX560
从官方配置数据来看,《极品飞车16:亡命天涯》的硬件要求着实不低,不过根据一些本友实际游戏测试得知,像目前较为主流的NVIDIA GT 540M这样的独立显示芯片,在低特效,分辨率下,游戏运行的实际帧数已经可以维持在25~30FPS。
由于官方进行了锁帧,所以即使是再出色的硬件配置,其游戏运行的实际效果最高也只有30FPS。不过,尽管帧数被限制,但想体验更高的游戏效果,强悍的硬件配置自然是不可或缺的。第3页 GT550M显卡 i5芯彪悍联想Y470热销【11月05日 PChome北京讯】“彪悍的小Y不再是传说”已经成为大家耳熟能详的一句广告语,联想Y470采用英特尔Sandy Bridge新平台酷睿i5-2410M处理器,4GB内存,750GB硬盘,NVIDIA GeForce GT 550M显卡性能强劲,目前官网售价5799元。
配置方面联想Y470采用英特尔酷睿i5-2410M处理器,4GB DDR3 (支持扩展至8GB)、750G SATA 硬盘、NVIDIA GeForce GT 550M独立显卡、JBL专业品牌音响,SRS Premium Sound认证音效;接口方面:4个USB2.0接口(其中一个和Esata共用),Esata Combo,VGA接口,RJ45,全阵列式抗噪麦克风,支持立体音的耳机插孔/音频输出,六合一读卡器(SD/SD-pro/MMC/MS/MS-pro/XD),HDMI高清输出接口。
2.3GHz,可睿频加速至 2.9GHz主频
NVIDIA GeForce GT 550M独显
Windows 7 Home Basic
参考价格:5799元第4页 i7芯GT550强显 同方X46H至尊版5699元清华同方作为业内追求高性价比精品路线的电脑品牌,推出了一款14寸配置i7-2640M处理器+2GB GT550M顶级独立显卡+4GB高速内存+750GB极限容量硬盘的全新高性能笔记本钢铁侠X46H,据了解钢铁侠X46H有银色与红色两种主题配色,感兴趣的朋友不妨关注一下。
配置方面,同方钢铁侠X46H配备了与其它主流高端影音娱乐本一样的硬件平台,全新英特尔SNB i7 2640M处理器,拥有高级的睿频加速技术2.0,可为用户提供最强性能的同时,又可兼顾低功耗节能功效于一身。4GB大容量内存,750GB海量硬盘存储空间。同时,同方钢铁侠X46H还配备了NVIDIA GT550M显卡,完美支持DirectX 11各种视觉特效,还创新性的提供高达2GB 128位的独立显存。
参考价格:5699元第5页 华硕G73YI72Jh-BR 20000元华硕G73外型酷似隐形战机线条设计的机种,拥有横扫千军的慑人战斗力。整机采用英特尔酷睿i7-720QM处理器、ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 独立显示、EAX Advanced HD4.0音频技术,引领你进入超凡的虚幻世界。
配置方面,整机采用英特尔酷睿i7 720QM四核处理器,1GB GDDR5显存的ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870独立显卡,标配4GB内存,640GB硬盘,这样强悍的硬件搭配足以应对目前几乎所有的游戏。
英特尔酷睿i7 720QM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870
Windows 7 Ultimate
华硕G73YI72Jh-BR采用英特尔酷睿i7 720QM处理器,ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870独立显卡,在配置上已达到当今最顶尖层面,为笔记本用户提供了超强的DX11游戏体验。这款强大的游戏笔记本目前报价2万元,预算充足的高端玩家不妨关注一下。
[参考价格]:2万元第6页 Alienware M15x游戏本报价15999元Alienware M15x(ALW15D-358)采用铝镁合金材质,在屏轴部分设计有防滑胶便于用手握持,外壳线条凶悍;采用15.6英寸LED背光屏幕,分辨率为;AlienFX发光键盘、QuickTouch系统触控板、阵列式麦克风;可以将其看成是Alienware M17x的缩小版本,但是整机重量依然不轻,约为4.08千克。
配置上,Alienware M15x(ALW15D-358)采用Intel 酷睿 i7 740QM和4G内存的组合给你强劲动力;存储上,500GB硬盘和DVD光驱;显示上,ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850独显和15.6寸宽屏;预装Windows 7 Home Premium系统。
接口和网络上,拥有3×USB2.0接口、IEEE 1394a、RJ-45、eSATA、DisplayPort、8-in-1、VGA、DisplayPort、8合1读卡器、ExpressCard;Intel WiFi Link a/g/n) 半高迷你卡和1000Mbps以太网卡。
Alienware M15x(ALW15D-358)
Intel 酷睿 i7 740QM(1.6GHz)
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850
Intel WiFi Link 5300
[产品型号]:Alienware M15x(ALW15D-358)
[参考价格]:15999万元第7页 Acer 8943G(7744G64Wnss) 13000元Acer近日推出的全新高端游戏笔记本8943G(7744G64Wnss),采用18.4英寸超大宽屏,搭载Intel酷睿i7处理器,ATi Radeon HD5850高端独立显卡,并配有蓝光光驱。这款机型目前报价15000万元,身为游戏发烧友的朋友们不妨关注一下。
外观方面,Acer Aspire 8943G以简洁、利落的设计原则塑造了全新的外型风格。颇具质感的圆形金属转轴将顶盖的银色侧边框与机身的黑色侧边框和谐地联系起来,十分自然。工作区的键盘区域与触控面板区域通过银色与黑色、亚光与光泽的块系划分。
配置方面,整机采用Intel酷睿i7四核处理器740QM,ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850 高端独立显示芯片;标配4GB DDR3内存,640GB超大硬盘,蓝光光驱。从硬件来看整机相当强悍。
接口方面,这款笔记本配备有多合一读卡器、eSATA接口、IEEE 1394接口、CIR 红外接口、HDMI 接口(支持HDCP)等。
Acer 8943G(7744G64Wnss)
Intel 酷睿 i7 740QM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850
Windows 7 Home Premium
Acer 8943G(7744G64Wnss)采用Intel酷睿i7 740QM四核处理器,搭配ATi Radeon HD5850独立显卡,提供了非凡的游戏性能。18英寸超大LED背光宽屏配合蓝光光驱,又为高清视频带来了完美的解决方案。
[产品型号]:Acer 8943G(7744G64Wnss)
[参考报价]:15000万元第8页 编辑小结


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