3下列哪一项不属于用矫治力限制下颌骨关节炎向前生 长引起的变化

Vertical dimension record: A three dimensional phenomenon. Part II
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, April 1985, Pages 573-577
Vertical dimension record: A three dimensional phenomenon. Part II
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New York University, College of Dentistry, New York, N.Y. USA
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1.1. Face height and profile have two displacement dimensions that can be measured: the superior-inferior face height measurement, and the anterior-posterior displacement of the midsagittal profile measurement.2.2. The superior-inferior displacement is largely a function of movement of the lower lip and related mandibular structures. The anterior-posterior displacement is generally associated with movement of the upper lip, particularly the tubercle.3.3. The changes in one dimension are usually a function of change in that is, an increase in height may be associated with contraction
or conversely, reduction of vertical height may be associated with expansion of the dental arches.
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, 1988, Pages 573–581Initiation and Termination of Cyclic Nucleotide Action
[53] Purification of calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterase by affinity chromatography on calmodulin fragment 1&77 linked to sepharose, Because of the presence of many calmodulin-binding proteins in brain, affinity chromatography based on binding to calmodulin lacks specificity. Additional conventional purification steps are needed, prolonging the length of the purification procedure, causing a reduction in yield and increasing the probability of proteolysis and subsequent decrease of calmodulin stimulation. The lack of specificity of the calmodulin affinity chromatography step can be overcome by the use of calmodulin fragments. The N-terminal half-fragment of calmodulin, fragment 1-77, binds cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase but does not interact with most of the other calmodulin binding proteins present in brain extracts. Thus, affinity chromatogramaphy on fragment 1-77 coupled to Sepharose can be used to selectively purify the phosphodiesterase. A three-step method, based on the specific interaction of the enzyme with calmodulin 1-77, allows the rapid (2&3days) purification of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase to a high specific activity and with retention of a large stimulation by calmodulin.
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