
估计 也不行
用人脑演奏婚礼进行曲 14集 16 lol:-) 第一季
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软件下载的官网是:/ 只需要开着LOL就好了,简单、好用、不占资源哦!
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lol盒子怎么用其他推荐  这是一个金属探测器(类似扫雷器)的论坛上的帖子,翻译了一部分过来,大家看个乐。  不过,指望捡东西谋生,怕是指望不大,特此警告。  这些人多是用地下金属探测器探宝的,所以,走路时喜欢在地上乱看,呵呵。
楼主发言:75次 发图:0张
  I thought a fun new thread would be to hear about everyone's finds that they came across ON TOP of the ground while detecting!One thing I noticed right away when starting this hobby, is the large amount of coins and other things on the surface, just laying on the grass. I guess I never noticed this stuff until I started detecting and actually LOOKING at the ground. I recently found two Canadian "Toonies" and two "Loonies" this way. I also found four quarters, laying neatly in a stack in the grass at a local high school field. Strange, but true non the less.I'd love to hear everyone's 'best finds' that were found "just laying there" while out detecting.H.H !!   0. 我想发起这样一个讨论,会很有趣。大家都说说自己“在地面上”发现的宝贝! 我在开始玩金属探测时,注意到一件事,那就是大量硬币,以及其它东西,就躺在地面上、草丛里。我想我从未注意过这些东西,直到我开始玩金属探测,那之后,我就  总是低着头走路了。最近,我就这样发现了两个加拿大“通尼”,两个“鲁尼”。还发现过四个1/4美元硬币,整齐地躺在本地高中的草坪里。这很奇怪,但事情就是这样的。我很喜欢听到你们大家讲讲“肉眼”发现最棒东西的故事。
  I haven't found anything really unusual on the surface - but since I've been using my machine more consistently...my wife and I have been having a running competition on who can find the most clad when taking walks, walking the dog, etc. The parking lot around our complex gives up numerous coins every day to my wife...  Good idea for this thread!:bthumb:   在我使用金属探测器前,从没在地表发现过不寻常的东  西。现在,我跟妻子比赛看谁能发现最棒的,无论散步时、遛狗  时,等等。我妻子在公司附近的停车场找到过很多硬币,她  赢了。呵呵。
  I'm starting a collection of stretchy bracelets that I've found on the ground while metal detecting. So far I have 3 nice ones that I actually wear!   我玩金属探测器后,开始收集带松紧带的手链,目前为止  ,找到3个不错的,经常戴着。呵呵
  I have found a 14K gold necklace on the grass under a tree.  I also found a ' pot pipe ' on a campus. it still hadsome good stuff in it.harry(PA) :coffeecup   在一棵树下的草丛里,找到过一个14K金项链。在一个校  园里,发现过一个烟斗,烟斗里还有点好东西呢!呵呵。
  A few years ago while I was walking downtown on the main street. I found a cloth sack  (about 7" tall and 5 or 6 inches wide)  with a zippered top on it. I opened it up and it was filled nearly to the top with nickels / dimes & quarters.  I knew right away what it was so I took it to the police station.  The meter maid was doing her rounds and got talking to someone and just walked away and forgot to pick it up.  When I got to the station I sure enjoyed seeing the look on her face when I handed it to her, as she was getting ready to tell the captain about it.?  几年前,我走在城市主街上,发现一个布袋,20厘米高  ,十几厘米宽,上面有拉链。打开一看,里面几乎满是镍币  、一角硬币、1/4美元硬币。我立即明白这是有人丢了的东西  ,就拿到了警局。 原来,是一位女士,跟人说话的时候,曾经把袋子  放在脚边,然后就走了,忘了拿上。 后来,我赶到警局,很开心地看到那个女士,亲手  把袋子交给她,她正打算把这事上报老板呢!
  Golf balls.:redface:   脸红这说:高尔夫球。
  golf balls eh? No matter how far out the railroads i hunt are on i allways find them. I didnt find it wile detecting but the insulator i found from 1876 was found onthe ground, t think that that must have sat there for about 100 years before i came by and being right in the middle of a large city it would seem that someone out drinking (i allways find tons of beer bottles on tracks) would have stumbled across it. Nope, but the weirdest thing i have found metal related was a pully that i think was used to string the wire for the old phone line across. Unfortunatly, it now lies in the city dump somewhere... On a side note wile not found on the ground my uncle Joe found all sorts of weird stuff diggin holes for somthin, dont remember exactly what his occupation was but he found all sorts of bottle dumps, random junk, and even railroad cars burried in the ground. Theres some weird stuff down there, he recalls there beig a housing devolpment built on top of more glass than dirt, weird stuff. Sorta like the houses built on the old corning glass works dumping grounds. Neighbor dug up all sorts of random metal wile making holes for his fence, hmmmm.   在地面上,我找到过一个1876年的绝缘子,我想它一定  在那里躺了100年以上,我叔叔还找到过一节火车车厢。  ps:不太会翻译,大家凑合着看吧,O(∩_∩)O~。
  I was detecting on the beach last year in the surf,when I came across a lot of shells.In those shells was a old pipe for smoking tobacco.It is made of some type of bone,the aqurium personel said its probaly whale bone.It is white in color.:cool:  我去年曾在海浪里探测金属,当我走过一堆贝壳时,在  里面发现一个装烟草的烟斗,是某种骨头做的,一个有经验  的人说,很可能是鲸鱼骨头,白色的。  ps:翻译在TXT文件里,靠过来就乱了格式,回车到处都是了,懒得改了,抱歉。
  It was before I started detecting, I had lost my engagement ring and I scanned the ground everyday. About 6 months later there it was stone up on the ground, right beside the front path.   我开始金属探测前,曾丢过一个订婚戒指,每天我都到  处找。6个月后,我家门前路边,就在地面上,才找到它!
  I found a $5 bill once in the gutter on my way into the local tackle shop. Inside 2 kids were reaching into their pockets looking confused. When one asked the other if he had the $5. That's when I pulled it out and told them where I found it. The owner wouldn't let me pay for my bucktails that day!   我发现过一张5美元的钞票,那是在进入杂货店的路边水  沟里。店里2个男孩,正把手伸进口袋里乱翻,面露疑惑。一个问  另一个,那5美元是否在他口袋里。我拿出那5美元,告诉他  们哪里找到的。后来,店主没收我买东西货款的零头。
  dave in iowa  There was or is still a guy on the site that found 130 ten dollar bills wrapped in a band on the side of the road last year , anyone remember him ?:smile: when i was a kid, i was waiting for a bus to go to school and in the hollow part of a huge tree on our street i found a 20 dollar bill .   衣阿华州的戴夫  有个家伙,去年在路边捡到130张10美元的钞票,卷成一捆的,大家都还记得他笑得合不拢嘴的样子呢!   我还是个孩子时,在路边等校车,无聊中看了看旁边大树的树洞,里面竟然有一张20美刀的纸币。
  One day i decided to walk home from work,my apartment was about a mile and a half from work.Almost home on a busy street in the distance i spotted something along the side of the road as i got closer it appeared to be a pellet gun,i bend down and pick it up and it seemed quite hefty and to my suprise it was a 9mm semi auto hand gun which had one round jammed in it and 7 more in the clip. the pistol was a 9 shot and i imagine someone fired the 1st round and the second got jammed sideways and they just tossed it out the car window.   一天,我打算从公司走回家,我家在1.5英里外。快到家  时,在一条主街上,路边,看到一个东西,走近了,原来是  把手枪。我弯腰捡起来,挺沉的,是把9mm半自动手枪,里面  一颗子弹卡在枪膛里,七颗子弹在在弹夹里。这把枪,能装9  颗子弹,我猜想有人只射出了一颗子弹,就卡壳了,然后他  把枪从车窗扔到外面。   其他人问:没交给警察?如果是我,我会用笔挑起  来,或者用手套,然后交给犯罪调查科。没准涉及犯罪呢!  可怕的发现啊!   发帖者:哈哈,没手套、没笔,那时。我就拿起来  ,放进包里。这里的警局有个赦免流程,每年一次,任何人  上交的火器,不问出处,集中销毁,还有奖励——后来,他  们给了我100美元。5年了,没听到丢枪的任何消息。
  Found  Hey everyone :wave:  Last summer my dog woke me up for my morning walk. In the middle of the street about 75Ft from the garage door looked like a long snake :yikes:. Freaked me out. I don't like them . Fortunately it was a binder chain from a truck about 5Ft long with the heavy links and a hook. I was relieved it wasn't a cobra :oops:. The dog just laughed at me :lol:. Smart dog. :rofl:  Thanks :wavey:  Leo   上个夏天,我的狗早早得就吵醒我,让我开始晨练。街  上,离我家车库25米的地方,看着像一条长蛇,哎呀,把我  吓坏了,我可不喜欢这东西!幸运的是,那是条卡车上的链  子,2米长,很多重铁环,还有个钩子。看到不是眼镜蛇,我  才放松下来。那条坏狗还笑我呢!呵呵,聪明的狗狗。  PS:发帖者是女性。
  That is where most of my finds come from. I have found a roll of dimes, hundreds of pennies, $20 bill, a few $1, a 14k cross charm, many many more things. KKfry always says I have hawk eyes. I even once found a blank money order for 300 bucks. I had it traced and returned it. It was someones rent money.   找到过各种东西。一堆一角硬币,几百个便士,一张20  元纸币,一些一美元的,一个14K十字架,许多许多其它东西  。KKfry总说我是鹰眼。我还发现过一张支票,300美刀,还  给了失主,是张付租金的支票。
  Man, I don't even know where to start on this one.  My parents and I picked my grandmother up at the airport and I found a wallet with $300, ID's, and credit cards in it. We sent it back to the person and never received any thanks for it.  Was walking on the beach in Ocean City and found a $20 bill and $5 bill crumpled together blowing down the beach in the wind, another time found a $5 blowing around.  Found $20 bill under a table at a restaurant  Found a $5 and a $1 floating in the ocean  Found a waterproof divers watch buried in the sand in about a foot of water, still working, and I still have the watch.  Found a mens diamond ring in an alleyway, gold with seven small diamonds in it. I still have it, but the former owners finger was HUGE, and the thing slides right off my THUMB.  Found a plain-jane wedding band, but can't quite tell if its a valuable metal.  I CONSTANTLY find change wherever I go, and about a month ago I bought a sub at quiznos, and in my change was a 1963 silver quarter.  There's more, but thats all I can recall at the moment. :biggrin:   兄弟,我都不知道如何说起。 我父母和我去机场接我奶奶,发现个钱包,里面有  300美金,身份证、信用卡。送还失主,没得着个谢字。 在大西洋城的海边走,发现一张20美元和一张5美元  的纸币,揉成一团,北风从海岸吹过来。还有一次,看到一  张5美元纸币,在地上随风跑。 餐厅桌下,一张20美元。 海里飘着,一张5美元,一张1美元。 一个潜水夫手表,埋在沙子里,还在走着呢!那只  表,我现在还留着。 一个男士钻石戒指,金质带有七个小钻,那是在一  条小巷发现的。东西还在我手上,不过,失主的手指一定很  粗,戴在我大拇指上都晃悠。(译者:是耳环吧?呵呵) 一个plain-jane结婚band,不知道值钱不? 到处都能发现零钱,大约一个月前,我在地铁里买  点东西,找零里,有个1963年的银币,1/4美元的。   还有,不过想不起来了。
  The absolute BEST Barber dime I've ever found was an eyeball-find... sitting right on top of the ground on some razed lots... man, do I love hunting those lots!   最棒的东西,肉眼发现的,一个一角理发师硬币(注:美  国的古币)!就在一个遗址的地面上,伙计,我太喜欢在那里  寻宝了。
  I have found a $20 bill and some change. The bill was cool but my best find ever was an old perfect Arrowhead. Me and my dad used to hunt them. I found one just sitting next to a rock, I still remember it and I was like 10-13, Beale.   发现过20美元纸币和一些零钱,挺不错的。但我最棒的  发现是一个古箭头,很完美的那种。我和我爸经常出去找这  类东西。 我在一块岩石边找到过一个,我还记得这事,那年  我才12岁。
  Zman  Zman New Member  Joined:  Apr 24, 2007  Messages:  1,163  Likes Received:  1  Location:  Upstate NY  When I was young I found this big cast iron Amish guy. Ive never seen another like it, cleaned up nice and still have it. However, it doesn't even come close to what everyone else has found. The gun thing was a bit freaky I have to say.   小时候,发现了一个门诺教的大铁像,后来再也没见过  类似的东西,洗干净后,挺不错的,现在还留着。其他人也  没发现过类似的东西。  楼上发现的枪,太诡异了,不得不说。
  I also found a loaded gun.  Must have been about 10 years ago and it was laying on the ground at the post office.  Had a lady walking by into the USPS watch it while I went inside and got the postal manager on duty.  He used a pencil to pick it up and called the police.  Find change on the ground all the time.  Found the 5 bill and 3 one dollar bills in the same week just a short time ago.  发现过一只上膛的枪。 肯定是10年年前的事情了,枪就在邮局地上。 我进入邮局时,一个女士正朝着特快专递走过去,  我喊了值班经理,他用一只铅笔挑起枪,又叫了警察。   经常在地上发现零钱。 发现过一张5美元纸币,以及3张1美元纸币,就在不  久前的同一个星期里发现的。
  When I was a kid, I found a HUGE diamond ring on the street, near my house. (the bling of the stone caught my eye). It was so big, I figured it was fake, so I put it in my pocket.  And forgot about it.  Later my mom found it in the dryer and asked me about it. I told her the story and she got out her loupe and checked it out. She agreed with me and said it was probably fake as it was almost perfectly clear. I put it in my nightside table.  A couple of days later, my mom called me out of class at school to ask me where the ring was.  Turns out one of our neighbors (who had a ton of money) had bought it for his wife and it was real... They were very glad to get it back, as it was worth well over $15,000. (back in 89).  My neighbor told me that anytime I wanted to borrow his car I could.  So I used his porsche 911 on a few dates... It was a blast!  I've been hooked on finding stuff since.   我小时候,在街上找到过一条巨大的钻石戒指,就在我  家附近,上面的钻石太晃眼了。它太大个了,我觉得肯定是  假的,就放进了自己兜里。后来,就忘了这件事了。 后来,我妈妈在干洗机里看到了它,问我怎么回事  。我就说了,妈妈拿出她的放大镜检查它,她也同意一定是  假的,戒指上的玻璃,太亮了!我把戒指扔进抽屉里,就没  管过它。 几天后,我妈把我从教室里喊出来,问我戒指放哪  里了? 原来,那是我的一个邻居(大富翁)买给他夫人  的,是真的戒指!那个所谓的假戒指比真金都真,价值15000美元(1989年的美元)。 我的邻居告诉我,随时都可以借他的车开出去玩。 所以,我约会时,借过几次他的保时捷911,真拉风  ! 自动那时起,我就被找东西这个爱好迷住了。
  I've found two guns, one a rusty sawed off shotgun I found while working at a stream and another time an old single shot 22 rifle also found while working at a stream site. I turned both in to the local State Police barracks. I found a rolled up $20 dollar bill last month in a parking garage at the University of Maryland. I'm constantly picking up change pretty much every place I go. Amazing how all those pennies (and nickels and dimes and quarters!) add up when I toss them into the old bean pot! One of my sisters found a 1/4 carat diamond ring at a park many years ago. Many earrings in parking lots! Found an old dive watch while snorkeling in Belize this past winter.   捡到过两把枪,一把是一只生锈的短管散弹枪,在我干  活的溪流里;另一次是一只单发.22来复枪,在另一个溪流里  。我把它们送到了州警察局;  上个月,在马里兰大学停车场  ,发现一卷20美元的钞票;我到处都能找到零星硬币,无论  我去哪儿。  我也很好奇这些硬币加起来有多少,反正我都扔  进一个旧的豆罐子里了,有镍币、一角硬币、1/4美元硬币;  还发现过一个旧的潜水员手表,那是在上个冬天,伯利兹。
  Went to my nephew's ice hockey game today and when I stepped out ot the car I picked up a dime off of the lot, turned out to be 1956.   今天,去看我侄子的冰上曲棍球比赛,我走出汽车时,  在停车场捡到一个一角硬币,1956年的。
  A "Elk" tie tack with a diamond in the antlers. Found in the gutter (My brother and I when we were just pre-teens).   一个麋鹿牌领带夹,角上有颗钻石。我和我哥在排水沟里  发现的,那时我十二三岁
  went to chutes and ladders here in Houghton to md and found a dollar bill sticking out of the sand.  Then when I was 13 my folks and I were walking through the skywalk at st.marys of duluth I saw an envolope lying there I didnt pick it up I should have though because two days later I read in the duluth news tribune that $1,500.00 was lost in that spot.:yikes:   在霍福屯的斜道上,发现一美元,插在沙土里。13岁时,  我和一个亲戚走过圣路易斯的天桥,看见一个信封,没捡起  来,如果捡起来,就发了。2天后,新闻说有人在一个信封里  丢了1500美元!哎呀!
  Back about 1985, a friend and I were getting ready to go into the water with our water machines, when he reached down within 8" of my foot, and picked up a 14k sapphire ring. We hadn't even turned on the machines yet. :banghead:. Took me a little while to get over that.   1985年,我和一个朋友带着水下金属探测器下水。他刚进  入下水20厘米,就捡起来一个14K金的蓝宝石戒指——我们还  没打开金属探测器呢!呵呵,好一阵子后,我才把此事从大  脑中除去。
  While I was over in Greece, Metal detectors were Verboden!!!! I started snorkeling on the busy beaches and found a pile of silver chains, Rings and goodies with just my eyes! Not one peace of gold.:doh:  在希腊的时候,金属探测器是禁用的。我在一个人很多的  海岸潜水,用肉眼发现一堆银链子、指环,没有金质的东西  。
  I found a dead guy on the ground.   别人问:Are you serious because I'm very gullible.   回答:LOL Yes Im serious. It was a suicide. He shot himself in the chest with a shotgun. :doh:   发现一个死人,自杀的。  别人问:真的?太可怕了。  回答:那个人用手枪射向自己的胸部。
  On the Ground finds  This week alone I have found 2 pair of eyeglasses, 3 pennies 2 dimes, a quarter, a fishing lure, lots of fishing weights, and a fake silver ear ring.  Jeepdude66   仅这一周,我找到2副眼镜,3个便士,2个一角硬币,1个  四分之一美元硬币,一个鱼饵,许多钓鱼的铅垂,1个假的银  耳环。
  I was going home one day and found a nice leather date book in the road.  I called the guy and it was a book he keep all is business info in. He left it on his toolbox and it fell off. He was very happy to get it back. He lives 3 houses down from my parents. He told me he would be back after he want to see a guy about a job he was doing. That was 8 years ago. He never came back. I also found a bank envlope with a 20 in it in my parents front yard. Some guys i worked with found a wallet in the road. They went through it and found it had 5 dollars in it. They took the money and called the guy to give it back. They meet him and gave it back. He didn't give they any money for giving it back. They were mad.   一天,我回家,发现一本不错的皮质记事簿。  我叫住丢东西的那家伙,他说那本记事簿记载着他所有的业务信息。他把本子放在工具包里,但是,本子从包里掉了出来。得回本子,他很高兴。这家伙就住在我父母家附近,距离3栋房子。  他说还有活要干,马上就回来。那是8年前,但他再也没回来。  我还捡到过一个银行信封,里面是20美元纸币一张,就在我父母家前院。  有个工作伙伴,路边捡到个钱包,里面有5美元。归还给失主,失主一份赏金也没给。  他们都疯了!
  Too much to mention  My favorite finds are usually arrowheads by my all time favorite is Trilobites 'a fossil'.  My best example is posted as my Avitar.  Oh yeah several rings necklaces braclets earrings  (Gold and silver) on top of ground or on the roadways.  Out4gold  (Go Texas: Home of "Olympic Gold")   我找到的通常是箭头,最有趣的的是一次发现了一个三叶  虫化石。其它的就是几个金银材料的戒指、项链、手镯、耳环了。
  This is a cool thread. There are many places that could be thought of as traps. Its places where paper money or coins collect. In couches or under the back seats of cars are good traps for coins. So is under soda machines or around old pay phones. Paper money gets trapped between buildings and around bushes or any place the wind settles. My bro used to work at a self storage place and there where two traps there between the rows of storage units. When he would do clean up he would always find paper money in the trash and leaves that the wind would deposit in these two locations.   很多地方容易发现东西。它们通常堆积在那里,有纸币,  有硬币。长椅下、车辆后座下、饮料自动贩卖机下,都容易  有。纸币通常在建筑物与丛林之间,或者风小的地方。  我哥哥在一个自动存包处工作,储物箱格之间有两个地方,  每次他打扫那里时,他总能在各种垃圾中发现点东西。
  I went to one of my favorite schools and as I was turning on my Silver umax, I looked down and there was 2-$20 bills folded together. I turned the detector off and went home. Most of my finds have been on my bicycle as I rode to my favorite search place-I once found a billfold that had been thrown away but a folded $100 bill(older date) was hidden in the crevice of one pocket. As I was walking through a casino, I found 2-$100 bills on the floor in front of several players-they watched me pick them up but were so mesmerized by the slot machines they quickly looked away as if totally blinded. The list is endless and I count it as a gift from God. So it's nice to be able to look down as you look UP.:bow:   有一天,我到了最喜欢的一个学校,打开金属探测器的同时,四下看了看,有2张2美元的纸币折叠在一起。我关掉金属探测器回了家。  发现的多数东西,都是我骑车去自己喜欢的地方,在那儿找到的。一次,我发现一个钱夹,被人扔在路边,里面一个夹缝中,还折叠着一张100美元的纸币。  又一次,我走过一家赌场,看见地板上有两张100美元的纸币,就在地板上,在几名赌客前面。他们看着我捡起那钱,但是,由于看到我手中的金属探测器,那台长条形的怪机器,他们纷纷转头,装作没看见。  发现的东西,如果列个表,会无限长,我把它们看做上帝送来的礼物。所以啊,低头走路比看着天走路强!
  顶楼主,你应该发到 英语杂谈 去。那里英文的东西少,你去了准火。
  小时候听小伙伴说家附近工地挖出僵尸(其实就是一个普通的古墓),跑去看。  就几个工人守着(大概是在等相关单位的人员吧),一台挖挖机边上,几堆乱石堆着。没意思就走了。  结果在边上的挖出来的土堆里看到一个造型奇特的棒状物,我拉出来一看是把剑,全铁的,连剑柄都是铁的,很沉。但很多锈了,整个剑都是黑青色的。  我不懂,拿回家用火烧,然后用砂纸砂,砂出来也是黑色的…………  后来就放在灶台边上也没管了,被我妈用来通蜂窝煤渣了……。  -------------------------------------  我老丈人以前在老家打石头修房子,一块石头破开后里面有个人形的化石(老丈人当然不晓得是化石),老丈人觉得很不吉利,又打个地方把石头埋了。我决定过些时间去挖挖看。
  @探子出发 哈哈 有意思
  @Miss阿拉蕾 38楼
11:44:03  很有意思~~,到现在我捡到的价值最大的就是一条金手链~很小的时候捡的~  -----------------------------  我家人也捡过一条金手链。我妈妈眼睛不好,有点近视加散光,可她常在地上捡到钱,50,100,几百都有。我最多在地上捡过10元,今年夏天
  @三棵小葱 40楼
13:07:32  我在超市的小推车里发现一个小孩子的手圈,是银子做的。  -----------------------------  终于找到了,是我孩子丢的
  @好大树一棵 34楼
10:25:54  顶楼主,你应该发到 英语杂谈 去。那里英文的东西少,你去了准火。  -----------------------------  呵呵,多谢支持。  发在这里,是因为喜欢这里。  这里的人,都有积极的心态!  我们不是没有郁闷,但郁闷时,我们会走出去,从而排解郁闷。  有点鄙视总是发牢骚的人,外国叫他们“loser失败者”。  东北有句话说:有招想去,没招死去。话糙理不糙。
  楼主捡到的最大、最棒的东西,那就是儿子了。  孩子上小学时,我还觉得咋自己就当了爹了呢?  看来一准是捡来的,哈哈。
  再说个严肃的:  成功的人,都是因为解决了某种问题,才获得成功。  知识,是成功的必备工具。  书上、网络上的公开课等,有无数免费的知识,为啥大家都不去“捡”呢?  百思不得其解。
  My Sister in law (Married to my younger brother) was on her walk the other day and noticed some leather in the bushes. She thought someone might have ditched a purse, but it was an Air Force Survival knife.  She knows I collect knives, so I am the recipient of this knife now... How cool is that??? New Knife.jpg  This knife is a Camillus NY, Air Force Survival Knife, Ive cleaned and sharpened it.  A nice piece now...   我弟妹前几天走在路上,注意到树丛里有个皮制的东西。她想,谁丢了个包?可那却是一把空军救生刀。  她知道我喜欢收集刀具,所以,现在我是那把刀的拥有者,太酷了!  刀,是纽约Camillus的,我清晰后,又磨刀,让它锋利。现在刀的状态真棒!
  Spent 6 hours on the beach this weekend. Found the usual stuff: bottle caps, pulltabs, clad coins (about 8 dollars worth), though no jewelry. On the way off the beach, on the footpath, laying in the grass: gold earing with a small diamond in it. Would have been nice to dig this up, but I am not complaining either!   本周末,在海边找了6小时。没啥特别的东西:瓶盖、易拉罐拉环、现代电镀的硬币(而非稀有金属的)价值8美元,虽然没有珠宝。  离开的路上,小径中,草地里,有个金耳环,上面还有颗小钻石。  如果是挖出来的就更好了,不过,我也不抱怨啥!
  还有几个回帖,是这么说的:  我也收集刀具,最喜欢的是那种水果刀,英国标准纯银做的,也有金质的。  通常的农夫都有一把,这是因为:  这种刀,从不生锈,水果中的酸性物质会锈蚀刀具;刀上的锈迹,会让水果在切开时,有种特殊的味道,干扰口感,让农夫无法弄清水果的成熟度是否合适采摘。  不附着水果的液汁,水会自动滑落;  当然了,有了不锈钢后,这种刀具就不再生产了。  PS:我怎么没想到过这些功能?看来富国富人的思维方式,的确不同啊,大气。
  Back in the 80's a friend of mine and myself were relic hunting in some woods. We had found some relics in the area. My bud got a reading in some leaves and he went to clear the ground of leaves and straw with his boot. I saw something pop out of the leaves when he did this. He started searching in the leaves for the object and he found it and started yelling... he couldn't nor could I believe it. A large round iron piece of artillery cannister from the war of Northern Agression ( or Civil War). This was not in the ground, but was lying in about 4 or 5 inches of leaves and pine straw. That was a pretty rare occurence.   80年左右,我和朋友在林子里探索被遗弃的村镇。这个地区,我们发现过一些遗物。我朋友端详地面上的叶子,然后用靴子清理地面的落叶和松针。这时,我看到有个东西从落叶总露出来,我朋友大叫起来,那声调,我都不敢相信是他发出来的。  一个大个的,圆形炮弹筒!北方入侵时期的(或者叫做美国南北战争)。  东西露在外面,而是在落叶和松针下10-12厘米处。  这事,挺稀罕的。
  I moved into my current apartment in 1986. My downstairs neighbor used to complain about my music, I never thought it was loud but I would turn it down anyway. One night while coming home in a rainstorm, I stumbled across a wallet in front of my building. It contained $750 and my neighbor's I.D.,, I rang her bell and when she opened the door, The stench of marijuana almost knocked me over,, I handed her the wallet and she couldn't thank me enough. She never complained about my music again.   我86年搬到现在住的公寓。我楼下的邻居总抱怨我玩音乐。可我从没觉得自己声音太大,不管怎么说,我还是把声音弄小了点。  暴雨后的一个晚上,楼前,我被一个钱包绊了一下,里面有750美元和我邻居的证件。  我按响她家门铃,她开了门,一股大麻的恶臭,几乎将我击倒在地。我递给她钱包,她感激不尽。  后来,她再也不抱怨我的音乐啦!
  That's one of the wonderful things.........You just never know when, where, what but it'll be there for you to find   真是个奇妙的发现——你永远不会知道啥时候、在哪里,或者发现什么,但是,那奇妙的东西,就在那里等着你来呢!  PS:探宝者的名言,呵呵。
  I found a two dollar bill neatly folded floating in a water filled ground point on the flight line in Okinawa back in 1988 on Kadena AB. It has been in my wallet ever since. It is my lucky 2 dollar bill.   捡到过2美元纸币,漂在水上的,那是在冲绳县的一条空中航线附近。  后来,这钱一直呆在我的钱包里,那是我的幸运钞票。
  I also remember as a kid when my brother was cultivation some beans around a old home site he got off the tractor and found an Indian Head penny on top of the ground.   我也记得,当我还是个孩子时,我哥在豆子地里耕地,那是一座老房子附近。  他下了拖拉机,捡起一枚印第安头像银币,就在地面上捡的!
  How about Alligators ,,,do they count,?,;) found about a 6 footer laying on a bank of a canal I was detecting last week end,Iwas only about 10 feet away from him,,he jumped,,then I jumped,,I hope they count,,,,MEGAGOLD wont let me count the snakes I found layin around down here in Florida,,,but it seems like a Gator is worth something:cool:  短吻鳄算吗?发现一条6英尺长的,就在运河岸上,当我上周末探宝的时候发现的。  我离它10英尺远,它跳起来,我也跳起来了!  我希望这算个很棒的发现,在弗罗里达,在路边发现蛇,怕是不算数的。但是短吻鳄,很酷的!
  Hey Doc I just found a baby snake (about 6 inches) in the dirt pile I dug the other day. I vote they count. And I wouild rather find a gator than it find me.   楼上的DOC,前几天,我挖土时,也发现一条小蛇,大约15厘米长。  所以,我赞成这是个不错的发现。  我宁愿发现一条短吻鳄,也不愿意它发现我,呵呵!
  I for some reason i always seem to notice things on the ground weather its while walking or driving. Back in 2004 I found seven wallets on the ground in Maryland,Delaware and Texas. I was able to return them all to the owners money credit cards included. They were shocked yo get them back intact and it made me feel good.   因为某种原因,无论开车还是步行,我都喜欢看地面。2004年,我发现了7个钱夹,那是在马里兰州、特拉华州和德克萨斯州。  我能做到把这些钱包都还给失主,无论里面有钱,还是信用卡。  失主都很吃惊东西能原封不动地回来,这让我也感觉很好。
  the other day a guy at work asked if i had change for a 20. i told him no and i asked if he was wanting change for a drink he said yes. so i opened my bag and gave him change. when i went outside to my work truck i got in and had to clean the side window. i went around the side of the truck and found 20 bucks.   前几天,在工地上,一个家伙问我能不能找开20块的零钱。  我说不能,接着,我问他是不是想要零钱买水喝啊?他说是的。  我就给了他点零钱。  我回到卡车上,看到侧面车玻璃上有个东西,挡住了我的视线,下车一看,20美元纸币!
  The other instance was a $20 bill I found wedged in the case of someones old cassette mix-tape at a local Goodwill. The best part about that, aside from the money, was that the tape was full of songs that I enjoyed.   另一个例子是张20美元纸币,我发现这张纸币插在一台老式卡座录音机里(没看懂,at a local Goodwill,是说扔掉录音机的人,希望捡到的人有好运气,所以才放进去20美元?太诡异了)。  最棒的是,出了那张纸币,磁带里全是我喜欢的歌!
  when i was 12, i was mowing a lawn for a guy in the neighborhood and looked down on the ground near a old shed foundation and found a 1907 barber quarter sticking out of the ground. I still have it to this day. Thats what eventually hooked me on detecting.  two years ago, i was doing some map research in my area, stopped at a old victorian home on the edge of a corn field, it was pretty bad shape, i walked all around the house in the field and found a large disc on top of the ground, after cleaning, found that it was a 1849 large cent, still have it.  also tons of clad, since i started detecting im always looking at the ground, drives my wife nuts:lol:   12岁时,给邻居家草坪割草,一处老房子的地基附近,一个1907年的理发师1/4美元硬币,就插在地上。到现在,我还保留着那枚硬币。我迷恋金属探测,就是因为这件事。  2年前,我在地图上找适合金属探测寻宝的地点,看到一片麦田边上,有座维多利亚时代的老房子,外形十分破败。我去了那里,围着房子转圈,发现地上有一张1849年的老唱片,现在还我还保留着它。  也找到过无数现代硬币,自从我开始探宝,也养成了看地面的习惯,这个毛病,都快把我老婆逼疯了!呵呵。
  a silver chain and tons of pennies all the time especially now that it's rained a whole lot.   一条银链子,还有成吨的便士。  啥时候都能发现,尤其是现在刚下过大雨。
  I found my oldest americian coin on top of the ground. 1817 large cent. My brother found a 1783 8 reale while arrowhead hunting   我找到的最古老的硬币,是1817年的1分大硬币。  我哥找箭头的时候,找到过一个1783年的8宫殿硬币。
  I have a friend who lost his class ring while canoeing in the river. Several years later he found it on a sand bar.  Many years ago, I found a partial Sharps rifle in a barn. Looks like kids had been playing with it and set it along a wall. Gun fell over and I found it buried many years later.  I also found a nice bit of yellow recently, just lying in the coral on one of our beaches.   我有个朋友,他划独木舟时,丢了个旧戒指,几年后,又在一片沙滩上找到了它。  很多年前,我发现了一把特喜欢的来复枪。那是在一个谷仓里,看起来像是过去的孩子们玩枪之后,就把枪靠在墙上了,后来,枪倒在地上,被尘土覆盖了起来,直到我找到它。  最近,我家附近的海滩的珊瑚礁里,找到了点不错的金质物品。
  Well let's see.Baseballs,soccer balls,plenty of clad change,frisbees,toys,gloves and did i mention even more clad change.lol   哦,让我看看啊,垒球、足球、几十个硬币、飞盘、玩具、棒球手套,我说过那是很多很多硬币吗?哈哈哈。  PS:这厮是个拾荒者吧?呵呵。
  I hate the kind of folks that get out of a big Cadillac, reach for their wallet, and start counting $100 dollar bills by the thousands...Some guy did this in a Wal-Mart parking lot one time in the space next to ours...I got out of our car, and saw him drop a $100 bill...He must not have noticed...I walked around to him, covered the bill with my foot, and started looking at his car and told him I thought it was pretty nice...He walked away, and I reached down and picked up the bill...lol  我恨装大款的人:下了打凯迪拉克,伸手掏钱包,开始数几千块百元大钞——那天,那家伙就在超市停车场的空地上干这个呢!在我旁边——我下了车,看见他掉了一张一百的——他一定没注意到——我走过去,用脚踩住钱,看着他的车,说这车真不错——后来,他走掉了,我弯腰捡钱——哈哈哈。
  wind traps  i find more ontop then in the ground my fav is windtraps. no matter where im at i check for windtraps( for those who dont know a windtrap is an area that trash gathers when the wind blows) Every time I stop for gas or what every if theres been wind i scan for trash against fences, shrubs. I just walk to it and scan the trash. at gas stations i regulary find a 10 or a 20. the most ive ever found at one time was 250 bucks in a bank envolope   风笼子  我最喜欢找的地方,是风笼子,发现过很多东西。无论在哪里,我都会搜索一下风笼子。  什么?你不知道啥是风笼子?风笼子是一种地方,垃圾被风刮走,会停在风小的地方,那里就是风笼子。  每次我去加油站,或者其他风小下来的地方,我都去翻垃圾。在加油站我一般能找到10、20美元的纸币。最棒的发现是一个银行信封(取钱时,银行送的,装钱的信封,我猜是这样的东西,国内似乎没这规矩),里面有250块。
  Although I am new and just reading stuff right now, I wanted to add that I too find coinage, only one 10 dollar bill and a railroad spike around town. At least a penny a week, nothing spectacular.   我是新来的,刚开始用金属探测器找东西,也刚看到这些帖子。  我想加几句,我也能找到硬币,还有一张10元纸币,还发现过我家附近的一颗铁路道钉。  大概一星期找到一个便士,没啥别的稀奇的。
  When I was at Camp Lejuene, NC, I found 50 $1.00 bills rolled up and wrapped in a rubber band. It was my first trip off base into Jacksonville. I got off the bud at the wrong stop and just happened to see the money lying in the weeds next to the stop. I looked around and started laughing out loud. The buildng behind the bus stop was a strip club. I guess someone lost all of their play money when they got off the bus.   当我在北卡罗来纳州野营时,捡到50张1美元纸币,用松紧绳捆成一卷(ps:看来老美喜欢把钱捆成一卷啊!)。  那是我第一次离家去杰克逊维尔,我在一个错的车站下了公车,就看见车站边的地上有钱。我四下看看,开始大笑起来。  车站后面,是一家脱衣舞俱乐部,估计是有个寻欢的家伙把玩的钱都掉在这儿了。
  now this blew our mind, the we bbq'd  I give my word this IS the Truth. We were broke and standing around burning our garbage in our burn barrell. The flames were just coming out the top, not to high. We were getting hungry and really didnt have much of anything good':shocked: we wanted to eat. Just as we were saying we wished we could BBQ and strike me dead if this is a lie but all of a sudden the fire made a big PUFF of smoke as it cleared down came floating like a leaf falling from a tree a 10 DOLLAR BILL with just the edge in flamage!!That is no joke!! I snatched that sucker in mid air looked up to the sky and said "what kind of cruel joke is this Lord! The flames went out the bill was spendable.I :bow:went and got steak to bbq   我发誓所说的都是真的。我们破产了,要离开家,那时正站在烧桶旁烧掉家里的垃圾。火焰刚冒出烧桶,不算太高。我们都饿了,也没啥好东西吃。就在我们说希望能吃到烧烤,然后开枪自杀时,烧桶发出一声爆响,然后喷出一团浓烟。烟雾散去后,一张10美元纸币,像一片叶子那样,从树上掉了下来,就落在烧桶沿上。不是开玩笑!!我抓住钞票,望着天空说:“上帝啊,多残酷的一个笑话啊!”火焰一喷出来,现金就掉下来啦!  后来,我们就去买烧烤的肉排去了。
  First Treasure Hunt.  I bought a used Garrett detector at a yard Sale for $50 dollars. I replaced the battery and headed to the local park. Within an hour I had recovered hundreds of pennies, nickels, dimes, a few quarters and two wedding bands. Suddenly I turned to see a policeman just a few feet away. He screamed. "PUT THAT STUFF DOWN AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THE FOUNTAIN!!!!"   第一次探宝。  买了个二手盖瑞特探测器,花了50美元,那是个庭前旧货售卖会。  我换掉旧电池,掉头奔进本地的公园。一小时内,就发下了几百个便士、镍币、一角硬币、几个1/4美元硬币和两个结婚戒指。  突然,我发现一个警察就站在两步外。他喊道:放下东西,滚出公园去!
  @littlebaggio 37楼
11:36:09  在中国,是不是打扫大街的每天都会捡到钱?  -----------------------------  回头,我替你问问啊。哈哈。
  Any time I go to the park or a school, I always check the gravel parking lots. There's always some clad, there.   每次我去停车场或学校,我都看看沙石地面的停车场。  一般都会有几个硬币。
  Last year while detecting a tot lot. I saw something on the ground and it was an Ipod shuffle. Sold it to a buddy of mine so I was happy.   去年,在一个小地方探宝,看见地上有个东西,是个苹果的MP3播放器——Ipod shuffle。  卖给我的一个伙伴了,挺高兴的。
  Well the best thing I ever found the wife won't let me keep. Back in the day when I was riding bikes hot and heavy. After one party whose guest list was all bikers. I found a very attractive young woman passed out from to much hairy buffalo and very scantly dressed. I wanted to keep her but the wife said no. So I carried her into the house where the party was at and left her inside on the couch. Instead of passed out on the front yard.  Sometimes wifes just have no sense of humor:pmad:  哦,我捡到的最棒的东西,我老婆不让我留下。  那天,我从一个单车骑行者聚会回家,又累又热。路上发现一个喝了太多“多毛野牛”的漂亮姑娘醉倒路边,身上还没穿几件衣服。我要带她走,媳妇不让。  所以,我只好把她带到聚会的房子里,放在沙发上,总比路边躺着强吧?  有时候啊,我媳妇一点幽默感都没有,呵呵。  For anyone who does not know what a hairy buffalo is. You start with a clean trash can, New really is best. metal, toss in lots of cut up fruit, a couple of big hunks of ice. Then fill with any drinkable alcohol until the trash can is full, stir with what ever you have handy and bottoms up. When everything else is gone you eat the fruit. Yummy:prolleyes:   对于不认识“多毛野牛”的人:弄个干净的饮料听,最好是新的、金属质地的。向里面扔进去切好的水果,一些大块的冰,在倒满可以喝的酒精。拿随便什么东西彻底搅拌。当啥东西都被吸收了以后,就可以吃里面的水果了。  美味啊!
  Over the years I have found hundreds of things on the ground. Lots of odd bills, several wallets, way too much stuff to even remember.  几年来,我找到过几百样东西。多数是旧钞票、几个钱包,好多东西都记不得了。  I used to know a guy who made a hobby of going into hotel lobby's , he would sit on the couches and feel down the sides for coins. He used to find a lot this way.  我知道有个家伙,他喜欢到旅馆大厅,坐在那里的沙发上,用手摸索沙发缝,找到了很多硬币。  I used to live next to a Romano -Arab castle in Spain, detecting wasn't allowed so I used to walk around after heavy rains and check out the gulleys and pathways for metal objects. On my best day I found 10 coins and a gilded  brooch, the coins ranged from Roman to medieval . The brooch was 18th c.  我曾在西班牙的阿拉伯城堡罗马诺附近住过,哪里不许使用金属探测器,我只好在大雨之后到处乱转,在溪流和小路上找东西。最幸运的那天,找到10个硬币和一个镀金胸针。硬币的年代,从罗马时期到中世纪都有,胸针是18世纪的。  Another great place to look is at outdoor music festivals, take a walk around at dawn and you will be amazed what people leave behind.  另一个好地方是户外音乐节,黎明时分四处走走,你会吃惊人们竟然留下这么多东西。  If you live near a beach , try to be among the first few people who walk along the strand line in the morning, some days you will find large quantities of coins exposed by a high tide or wave action, this also applies to GOLD, I have found 2 diamond rings within 10 minutes eyes only. Another day I found 3 gold chains also exposed like this.  如果你住在海边,争取做最早醒来的人,去海边转转,有时候,会发现很多硬币,就露在涨潮后的岸边,金子也有。有一天,我用10分钟时间,肉眼就发现过2个钻石戒指。另一天,又找到3个金链子。  If you look you WILL find..........:pcool:   用眼睛看,就能找到——太酷了。
  When I Was a littke kid i found $100. dollars in a coward of people. About a month ago i took the dog to the park and found a gold piece. But most of the time I find one dollar bills.   小时候,在人群里,找到过一张100美元的纸币。  一个月前,公园遛狗,发现一块金子。  多数时候,都是一元纸币。
  does on top of sand in river count?  my first "mding" was at a place called paradise beach in sacto..(slight exageration name wise) and w/in 10 min of getting to the river, i found a glee club pin from the 40's, a silver/pearl earring from taos, a 10 k pin and the best was when i was wading in the shallows, i saw a flash of gold then sand, then gold then sand etc...it was about 22 in long w/ a huge crusifix and 18k, heavy big loops in chain work, made in spain:wavey:   第一次金属探测,是在斯科特一个叫做“天堂海岸”的地方(名字有点夸张啊),到达河边后,10分钟内,发现了一个快乐俱乐部的40年代的别针,一个陶斯珍珠银耳环,一个10k的别针。最棒的是,我在浅水处蹚水时,看见一会儿是金子的闪光,一会儿是沙子——那是一个22英寸长的大基督受难像,还有18k的,很沉的环子,估计原来是一条链子上的,西班牙造的。  PS:真的吗?不敢相信啊。
  While at Mission Beach I saw a glint of Gold in the sand and reached down and picked up a 24" Necklace with a Crucifix both 18K and the Crucifix was 2" long and it was an older one with the body of Christ on it. Someone stole it before I left San Diego in 1986...   在米神海岸的时候,发现金色闪光,下去捡起来,是个24英寸长的项链,下面挂着基督受难像,18k金的,有2英寸长,是个古物。  我离开圣地亚哥前,有人偷走了那条项链,那是1986年。
  "Believe it or not" I got into detecting last spring and on my very first hunt (not counting my backyard) I found a $20.00 bill next to the parking lot getting out of my car. I also use the ginkoware database program to keep track of finds, and set one up for "Coins found on ground" and found over $50.00 in clad by just looking on the ground and near vending machines, etc. All just for curiosity sake.   不管你信不信,我是从今年春天才开始金属探测的(自家后院探测不算),我找到20美元的一张纸币,那是在停车场下车的时候找到的。  我用银杏数据库软件记录发现东西的地方,地上发现的东西,大概有50美元的新硬币,都是用肉眼在地面上找到的,多数是在自动贩卖机附近。  呵呵,这些发现,都是因为好奇心的缘故,才有的。
  Too much to mention  I have found an enormous amount of stuff on top of the ground or in the grass over the past 40+ years I have been detecting. Some very valuable and most not so. (This is not including Fossils and Arrowheads)  This is the most recent surface find.  The fine detail on this IH is remarkable! It had to have been lost as a new cent. Found heads up and the back still had a little luster. I stuck it in my pocket and the only dings are where if contacted my pocket knife.  It was found, after a rain event, where an old house had been torn down.  说起来就太多了。  我发现过大量的东西,地面上有,草丛里也有。我探东西40年了。  有些很有价值,多数不值钱。(不含古物和箭头)  图片是最近在地表发现的。(无法下载,原图为一不规则圆形的金币,上有三叶虫,很精美)。  发现的细节,颇不寻常。它一定是很新的时候丢的。捡起来的时候,边缘还发亮呢!我把它夹紧口袋,只在碰到我的刀子时,响了一声。  是雨后发现的,那里有座老房子,下雨时倒了。
  A gold ring  I'm a new member here and just ran across this thread...wow has it been running for a long time! Never saw a thread stay aroung this long. Anyhow, on subject, last summer I found a 10 C. gold ring (ladies ring) with a large, very nice garnet stone in it. Saw a similar one that was for sale for around $100. bit the stone was about half the size of mine.  MrGee   金戒指  我是新手,刚看了看帖子——  哇,这个帖子的时间好长啊,从没见过这么长的。  夏天,发现个10世纪的女士戒指,上面有颗不错的石榴石。  见过一颗类似的石榴石,比我的小一半,售价100美金。
  Found a wallet at my work with 2000 in cash and 5000 in travelers checks.  工作的地方发现一个钱包,内有2000现金和5000旅行支票  I was a cashier at a restaurant at the Seattle waterfront back in 1990. It was in the summer packed with tourists. A guy left his wallet on the counter. He was gone. Somebody told me that there was a wallet, so grabbed it and turned around and there was my manager with his hand out. lol. I was going to give it to him anyways. He took it to his office and opened it to see who it belonged to and lo and behold... PAYDAY!!!   1990年,我是西雅图河边餐厅的一个收银员。那个夏天,旅行者很多。一个家伙把钱包放在柜台上就走了。有人告诉我柜台上有个钱包,我一把抓住,可以,一转身,就看见我们经理正伸着手呢!哈哈哈。只好给他,他拿到办公室看了又看。  We put it in the safe. An hour or so went by and this guy runs up to the counter literally crying. I knew what he was crying for because I would be doing the same thing. He looked everywhere he said. We gave his wallet back to him and for a reward he gave me 20 bucks. I should have kept the wallet. JK Good things happen to honest people. I was happy that he got his wallet back.  我们把钱包放进保险柜,一小时后,失主跑到柜台前直叫唤。我知道他为啥喊,要是我也会这样的。他说到处都找遍了!把钱包递给他,他给我20美元。我本该昧了这些钱,但好人有好报,归还失主我也挺高兴的。  ok after reading this i thought..what does this have to do with metal detecting? sorry guys for being OT.   读到这里我想,用金属探测器探宝的人,该怎么做呢?  抱歉,兄弟们,我out啦!
  Last year I found a $50 dollar bill on the floor in Arby's.  Food was real good that day.   去年,在阿贝餐厅的地板上,我捡到一张50美元钞票。  那天的饭,真好吃!
13:08:00  @Miss阿拉蕾 38楼
11:44:03   很有意思~~,到现在我捡到的价值最大的就是一条金手链~很小的时候捡的~   -----------------------------   我家人也捡过一条金手链。我妈妈眼睛不好,有点近视加散光,可她常在地上捡到钱,50,100,几百都有。我最多在地上捡过10元,今年夏天  -------------------------  捡过100多,因为地上有土有小石子,再加上车压,已经很脏有点破了  
  没图你说个JB  英:You say a JB without pictures  日:JBはありがとうございました理解しなかった  法:JB ne vous ai pas la figure d'un  俄:JB не показатель за  德:Ohne Bilder sagst du JB  意:JB non ha figura di un  拉丁:JB non vobis ad figuram  瑞典:JB inte siffra dig f?r en  芬兰:JB ei hahmon varten  荷兰:JB geen cijfer u voor een  西班牙:JB no te diste cuenta de un  希腊:JB δεν σα? ?ριο για το  韩国: 汪汪汪汪汪汪汪汪汪.....  越南语:JB ?& kh&ng t&m b?n cho m?t  爱沙尼亚:JB ei kajastu teid  菲律宾:JB ay hindi tayahin mo para sa isang  加利西亚:JB non figura por un  海地克里奥尔语:Jb pa t 'figi wpou yon  匈牙利:JB nem alak, a  冰岛:JB ekki tala vi&&ig um  印尼:JB tidak angka anda untuk  爱尔兰:N& raibh t& SCP figi&r le haghaidh  拉脱维亚:JB neparādījās jums  立陶宛:JB nebuvo figūra jums  马其顿:Б. нети е за  挪威:JB ikke finne deg for en  波兰:JB nie posta? za  葡萄牙:JB n&o figura porum  罗马尼亚:JB nu ai figura pentru o  塞尔维亚:?Б ниси цифру за  斯洛伐克:JB nefiguroval v&s  斯洛文尼亚:JB nisi ?tevilka za  斯瓦西里:JB hakuwa na takwimu kwa ajili ya  土耳其:JB bir i&in rakam vermedi  乌克兰:JB непоказникза  威尔士:Nid yw ffigur JB wnaethoch chi am  上海:么读弄刚则卵泡啊  天津:妹有图你说个嘛JB玩儿  北京:没个小画片儿你丫淡逼个jb  重庆:没图你说个J8(全是一声)  香港:屌你啊,无图你讲乜HIGHT啊  东北:没图跟这掰扯什么JB玩意儿  辽宁:没图得瑟个篮子球  本溪:图都没有害来这嘞嘞个大JB啊!  四川:莫的图你娃说个锤子哦  成都:图都莫球得,你说个鸡儿啊 图都木得,你说个锤锤呦  绵阳:没图你娃说个铲铲  陕西:抹油头你设个锤子尼 么得图 你社个鸡娃子! 么图腻舍个球  陕北:甚图也摸,你说球狼  广东:都冇图睇你系度讲棱嘢啊  广州:冇图你讲禄漆啊  揭阳:无图吕担个JB  潮汕:无图吕搭条狼  汕头:无图吕啖支浪啊?  河北:没图你说个渣渣 气死偶咧  保定:木图你说个几保  福州:末度女供些弄粑粑  闽南:毋图哩嗊啥蓝叫  沙县:莫督列挖价级吧  桂林:没图你讲我条卵阿  河南:木纽图说个JB啊  开封:没有图你搞蛋呗  周口:没图,你侃个屁啊  平顶山:都木牛图!你说类是个啥球啊  信阳:没爹头嗯shue个j8安?  湖南:图都冒得你讲个毛啊  长沙:冒的图你港杂叼哦  湘西:图都米的,你港个JB  常德:没得图你港个JB啊  衡阳:冒得图你广甲卵啊  浙江:那度侬国国JB啊  温州:闹图你过改堕落炮啊  温岭:图啊无,港个卵啊  临海:妞图恩港个JB啊  武汉:冒的图你说个蝻子阿 冒的图你说个雀雀  荆州:图都没得,你讲个JB  黄陂:莫得头你甩锅莫伊尼  山东:木图你说个吊啊 木图你叼吱吱末  日照:木图你叨叨个屌  胶东:么有图你锁个鸡儿  青岛:木有图你说个蛋子  贵州:没图叫个JB毛  都匀:没图你吼个JB  贵阳:图都米有 你吼个JB  兰州:木有图你佛个球  宁夏:木有土片你说求捏  云南:图都某得么你讲个毛线谬得图,你说陀斑鸠说  昆明:某得图你发个球了么  海南:佛无鲁拱么蓝爬  安徽:阔图恩感个屌毛啊  蚌埠:没有图你叽歪鸡嘎子的该  马鞍山:每图你虚个资巴  怀宁:谬头恩港果JB  桐城:谬投恩港个吊  枞阳:缪头恩干么撇在  合肥:木有屠里讲个几把  铜陵:么滴图恩敢个吊啊  江西:冒有图,嫩哇咯屌哦  南昌:毛图嫩挖条卵呐  赣西:冒图恩挖挫卵  莲花:毛图!你哇古哪噶啦?哇个卵啊?  宜春:冒凸昵挖喳卵啊  鹰潭:米有图恩哇个JB  抚州:冒图捏挖个卵  溧阳:么肚尼钢撸哒  徐州:没图 你叽歪个吊  镇江:么的掉图,你讲个几把啊  扬州:不得图你锁个继八  福清:某毒女共个比扬  


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