进游戏显示open script window.openfailed 是什么意思

生化危机启示录刚进入游戏,报failed open file nativePC 11_010_0.wmv 2 求高人解救啊!!_百度知道
生化危机启示录刚进入游戏,报failed open file nativePC 11_010_0.wmv 2 求高人解救啊!!
baidu.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http/question/.baidu,送上网址,我有一个这样的回答.com/question/,有帮助采纳<a href="http
出门在外也不愁From RootzWiki
OpenRecoveryScript is a
scripting engine that allows applications to pass commands to a custom recovery.
It is similar to extendedcommands used in ClockworkMod Recovery. However, OpenRecoveryScript is completely open-source, unencrypted, and available for every app to use without requiring a paid or limited API.
Currently OpenRecoveryScript is supported on TWRP 2.1 and higher. Efforts were made to port OpenRecoveryScript to ClockworkMod Recovery, however it was no longer necessary once Koush changed the license on ClockworkMod Recovery to the Apache 2.0 license. This change allows for the creation and distribution of versions of ClockworkMod Recovery that do not have extendedcommands support encrypted to only work with ROM Manager, or the ROM Manager Premium API. Previously, it was possible to compile ClockworkMod Recovery with extendedcommands decrypted and available to other apps, however distribution was not possible due to the copyright constraints. Despite this, open versions of ClockworkMod Recovery have yet to be created due to the popularity of TWRP.
Documentation for OpenRecoveryScript has been provided by Dees_Troy of TeamWin. Some modifications have been made for formatting and readability:
Script file needs to be: /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
Each line represents a different command. Commands are executed in order, top to bottom. If an error occurs, the script will stop executing. Commands must be lower-case. If a parameter is needed, the parameter will follow the command with a space. The following commands and parameters are available:
install path
Full path to ZIP to be flashed.
Example: install /mnt/sdcard/goomanager/developer-rom-version-signed.zip
wipe partition
partition can be cache, data, or dalvik
backup SDCR123BAEOM foldername
S System partition
D Data partition
C Cache partition
R Recovery partition
1 Special partition 1
2 Special partition 2
3 Special partition 3
B Boot (kernel) partition
A .android_secure
Apps saved to external storage via Android 2.2+ native method
E sd-ext partition
O Enable backup compression
Reduces backup size but takes slightly longer
M Do not create MD5sums
foldername Optional
Folder name in the device's TWRP backups folder, not the full path.
Example: /mnt/sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/(Device serial number)/foldername
restore foldername SDCR123BAEM
foldername Full path to backup folder
Example: /mnt/sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/(Device serial number)/foldername
Specifying partitions is optional.
If none are specified, all partitions within the folder will be restored.
Specifying a flag for a partition that does not exist in the backup folder will not create an error.
Flags for restore are the same as backup, with the exception of the O flag, since there is no compressing to be done.
mount path
unmount path
set variable value
Use this to change variables that are in the TWRP settings file.
mkdir /path
Fully recursive (equivalent of mkdir -p /path), will create all folders needed in the full path.
cmd command
Command line command with any parameters
install /sdcard/rom.zip
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
backup SDBOM (Will backup system, data, and boot and use compression and skip MD5 generation)
backup SDBOM myrom (Backs up the same as above in a folder called "myrom")
restore /sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/*serialno*/myrom (Would restore all partitions found in "myrom")
restore /sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/*serialno*/myrom DM (Would restore only the data partition in "myrom" and skip MD5 checking)
mount system
unmount system
set tw_signed_zip_verify 0 (Would turn off zip verification)
set tw_time_zone CST6;CDT (Would set the time zone to central time)
mkdir /sdcard/folder1/folder2 (Would potentially create two folders on your sdcard if they don't already exist)
cmd chmod 755 /system/bin/htcdumlock (You need to have system mounted for this to work)
cmd htcdumlock restore (This would restore the original boot if the user is using htcdumlock)
. . Retrieved on .
. . Retrieved on .
. www.teamw.in. Retrieved on .
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This page was last modified on 26 October 2012, at 21:14.
This page has been accessed 43,249 times.这两天QQ华夏更新后游戏不能登陆,进入游戏显示load all script failed、g.Create()failed_百度知道
这两天QQ华夏更新后游戏不能登陆,进入游戏显示load all script failed、g.Create()failed
可是还是这样。我已经卸载游戏再安装好几次了?求高手解释.Create()failed、g这两天QQ华夏更新后游戏不能登陆,百谷殿,我在北方三区;load all script failed”,这是怎么回事、初始化游戏系统失败,进入游戏显示&quot
出门在外也不愁进入游戏出现Failed to open archive interface.MPQ ,如何解决?
下载的WOW 无法开始 开始后出现Failed to open archive interface.MPQ.求高手帮忙解决?我点自动修复的,他说魔兽文件过大,修复不了
09-05-14 &
应该是一个interface.mpq调用方面的问题。程序应该没有问题,但是因为直接拷贝是没有注册信息的,因此会在不同的平台上产生各种各样的错误。 重装是最简单的方法。 interface 这个文件是放插件的,.MPQ是暴雪的压缩文件格式..所以你的是插件设置,或版本等等导致游戏错误啦 没有打开文件 interface.MPQ: 系统找不到指定的文件。 好压结束申请 缺少interface.MPQ:文件 修复下 魔兽文件夹里有修复软件的 这几个办法都试试吧,个人感觉是插件出了问题吧,修复下,或者重新装下都应该可以解决你的问题
那个的意思是没有打开文件 interface.MPQ: 系统找不到指定的文件。 好压结束申请 缺少interface.MPQ:文件 修复下 魔兽文件夹里有修复软件的
请登录后再发表评论!为什么ovpn连不上 (ovpn 常见问题) 请求 高手来 解 详细 ~!_百度知道
为什么ovpn连不上 (ovpn 常见问题) 请求 高手来 解 详细 ~!
443 failed:443Sat May 07 14, will try again in 5 seconds.15, will try again in 5 seconds: &#39:26 2011 Attempting to establish TCP connection with 203:26 2011 Local Options hash (VER=V4).15.124:443 failed:135 ET:12 2011 TCP:0 EL:26 2011 Data Channel MTU parms [ L: OpenVPN 2:38:0 ]Sat May 07 14:38: Connection timed out (WSAETIMEDOUT)最后一段话会一直显示下去 ~:38;:17 2011 OpenVPN 2:39:443 failed.3 i686-pc-mingw32 [SSL] [LZO2] [PKCS11] built on Aug 20 2010Sat May 07 14: connect to 203:39:38 2011 TCP:1450 EF;Sat May 07 14:38: Connection timed out (WSAETIMEDOUT)Sat May 07 14;8192] S=[8192-&gt.124:25 2011 LZO compression initializedSat May 07 14:46 2011 TCP; or higher to call user-defined scripts or executablesSat May 07 14:0 AF.15, will try again in 5 seconds:40 EB:140 EF.1 requires &#39:Sat May 07 D:26 2011 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4).124.1: &#39;--script-security 2&#39.198: connect to 203.124:38: R=[8192-&gt:38:44 EB;1 ]Sat May 07 14:0 ET.198: Connection timed out (WSAETIMEDOUT)Sat May 07 14:38:38:0 EL: connect to 203;Sat May 07 14;c:25 2011 NOTE:1544 D;8192]Sat May 07 14:3&#47:25 2011 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:26 2011 Socket Buffers我的显示 是这样的:38!
请求高手来解 啊 ~:38
15,试着 telenet
203.124, will try again in 5 seconds.15: connect to 203.198.124:443 failed: Connection timed out (WSAETIMEDOUT)网络连接有问题TCP
124.198.124。还有先检测一下配置的IP地址的正确性.198: connect to 203.198。最好是检查一下203.15.15:443端口开放情况.124:443 failed 描述的TCP连接建立失败.15。establish TCP connection with 203:443


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