
gown:n.女礼服,女裙服; (法官等穿的)长袍; (外科医生手术时穿的)罩衣 She wore a black silk evening gown. 她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服。 The gown a surgeon wears during an operation is usually green. 外科医生在做手术时穿的手术服通常是绿色的。 gracious:adj.亲切的,和蔼的;优美的;雅致的,雍容华贵的 She is tall and gracious. 她身材高挑,落落大方。 He is gracious to his inferiors. 他待下级和蔼可亲。 graduate:n.毕业生;研究生 adj.研究生的 v.(使)毕业 int.(表示惊讶)天哪!grain:n.谷物,谷粒,颗粒;少量,微量 grant:n.授给物 vt.授予,给予 As my wife,I think you should grant me this favor. 作为我的妻子,我认为你应该给我这份关切。 graphic:adj.生动的,形象的;绘画的,文字的,图表的 The report gave a graphic description of the earthquake. 报告生动地描述了地震的情况。 The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography. 平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。 grave:n.坟墓 adj.严重的,严肃的 n.擦破(处)graze:vi.(牛、羊等)吃青草 vt.放牧(牛、羊等) ;擦伤) (皮肤等) ;擦过,掠过 They grazed the goat on the hillside. 他们在山坡上放羊。 We are grazing the sheep in the next field. 我们在旁边的地里放羊。 She fell down and grazed her knee. 她摔倒在地,碰破了膝盖。 grease:n.(动物)油脂;润滑脂,润滑油 vt.用油脂涂,给??加润滑油 You should grease your guns. 你该给你的枪上油了。 The engine was covered with grease. 发动机上有层油脂。 He puts grease on his hair to make it shiny. 他给头发擦上发油使它发亮。 If you grease the lock it will turn more easily. 如果你给这把锁涂上油脂,转动起来就容易了。 grief:n.悲伤,悲痛;悲伤的事,悲痛的缘由 come to grief 失败,遭受不幸 She did not show her grief when her son died. 她儿子去世时她没有显露出悲伤。 The poor woman was buried in grief after her son died. 这个可怜的妇人在儿子死后一直沉浸在悲痛之中。 grieve:vi.感到悲痛,伤心 vt.使伤心,为??而伤心 grieve for/over 为??感到悲痛 The little girl was grieved by the death of her dog since had been real and deep. 宠物狗的死亡使小女孩很悲痛,因为她对狗的感情真挚而深厚。 It grieves me to see him in such bad health.heraffectionforthepet 看见他的健康状况如此不佳,我很伤心。 grill:v.烧烤;拷问 n.烤架;烧烤餐馆;烤肉;格板 grim:adj.讨厌的,糟糕的;严厉的;冷酷的,无情的 The grim reaper looks a little startled. 那位冷漠的收割者看起来有点吃惊。 His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their job. 当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十分冷酷。 What grim weather! 多讨厌的天气! grin:n.咧嘴笑 grin and bear it 无怨言地接受(或承受) They grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets. 当我给他们糖果时,他们高兴地咧开嘴笑了。 I knew she was joking because she had a big grin on her face. 我知道她是在开玩笑,因为她脸上堆满笑容。 grip:vt.握紧,抓牢;吸引住??的注意力 n.紧握 groan:vi.呻吟,抱怨;发出呻吟般的声音 n.呻吟,抱怨;呻吟般的声音 He groans in pain. 他痛苦地呻吟着。 The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it. 那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发出嘎吱的响声。 groove:n.沟,槽 Wheels leave grooves in dirt roads. 车轮在泥路上留下凹痕。 The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off. 洗涤池上开槽是为了让水流走。 grope:vi.暗中摸索,搜索;探索,搜寻 vt.摸索(路等) grope for/around 搜索,暗中摸索;grope for 探索 He blew out the candle and groped his way to the door. 他吹熄蜡烛,摸索着走到门边。 I groped for the door handle in the dark. 我在黑暗中摸索着门把手。 We groped our way through the dark streets. 我们摸索着走过黑暗的街道。 gross:adj.总的,严重的;粗俗的,臃肿的 guarantee:n.保证,担保物 vt.保证,担保guardian:n.监护人;守卫者,保护者 Are you the legal guardian of John? 你是约翰的法定监护人吗? hail:n.雹;一阵 vi.下雹 vt.高呼;为??喝彩 hail from 来自,出生于 An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street. 一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。 It’s hailing outside. 外面在下冰雹。 The boy’s breaking of window glasses caused a hail of abuse. 这个男孩打碎了窗户玻璃,招致了一阵恶骂。 hamper:vt.妨碍,束缚,限制 n.(有盖的)大篮子 The work in the office was hampered by a constant stream of visitors. 接连不断的参观者妨碍了办公室的工作。 Small farms and the lack of modern technology has hampered agricultural production. 农场规模小,又缺乏现代化技术,已妨碍了农业生产。 The commission would find itself hampered at every turn if its members couldn’t reach an agreement. 如果成员之间不能达成一致,那么在每一个转折时期委员会都会发现成员互相抵触。 The local business was not much hampered by the sudden outbreak of the epidemic. 当地的商业并未受到流行病突发的太大影响。 handbook:n.手册,便览 We bought a tourist handbook before going travelling. 出去旅游前,我们先买了一本旅游手册。 handicap:n.(身体或智力方面的)缺陷;障碍,不利条件 Are you trying to handicap me? 你想妨碍我? Deafness can be a serious handicap. 耳聋算是严重的缺陷。 He was handicapped by lack of education. 他因文化水平低而吃了亏。 harassment:n.骚扰,扰乱;烦恼,烦乱 hardy:adj.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的; (植物等)耐寒的 A few hardy people swam in the icy water. 一些强壮的人在冰冷的水中游泳。 harmony:n.调和,协调,和谐 in harmony (with) (与??)协调一致, (与??)和睦相处 We can work in harmony. 我们能协调一致地工作。 hasty:adj.草率的,轻率的;急速的,匆忙的,仓促完成的 They drew a hasty conclusion. 他们草率地作出了结论。 His hasty temper made him offensive. 他的急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。 hatch:v.孵出,孵;筹划 n.舱门;开口;孵化 hatch out (小鸡等)孵出 There they hatch their villainies. 在那里,他们谋划着罪恶勾当。 Chicks are hatching from the eggs. 小鸡正从蛋壳里孵出来。 Three of the chickens hatched today. 今天有三只小鸡出壳。 hatred:n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 haul:vt.(用力)拖,拉; (用车等)拖运,运送 n.拖,拉,托运;一次获得(或偷得等)的数量 If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to haul away all the rocks. 如果想进隧道,首先你必须移走这些岩石。 They hauled the boat up the beach. 他们把船拖上岸。 haunt:vt.常出没于;使苦恼;萦绕 n.常去的地方 The phrase often haunted his brain. vt.妨碍,使不利 这个短语经常浮现在他脑海里。 A spirit haunts the castle. 幽灵常出没于古堡。 The years of the war still haunt me. 战争年代的往事仍常浮现在我的脑海。 hawk:n.鹰,隼; (主战或主张强硬路线的) “鹰派”人物 vt.叫卖,兜售 Jerry hawked his ring for 30. 杰里以 30 美元沿街兜售他的戒指。 Hawks will not pick other hawks’ eyes out. 同类不相残。 hazard:n.危害,公害 vt.尝试着做(或提出) ,冒??风险 I did not fear to hazard another sound of derision. 我不怕冒再次被嘲笑的危险。 heap:n.(一)堆,大量 heave:v.(用力)举起,提起;扔; (沉重地)发出(叹息、呻吟等)(有节奏地)起伏,隆起;呕吐,恶心 n. ; 举起,升降 heel:n.脚后跟,踵,后跟 heighten:v.(使)提高,加强 The Christmas encounter heightened Mary’s frustration. 圣诞节的遭遇加深了玛丽的挫败感。 When she heard the news she was heightening tension. 当她听到那则消息,她变得越来越紧张。 It’s the music to heighten the dramatic effect. 那是用于提高戏剧效果的配乐。 heir:n.继承人 Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown. 查尔斯王子使王位的合法继承人。 hemisphere:n.地球的半球;大脑半球 The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South America. 西半球使指南北美洲。 henceforth:adv.从今以后,从此以后 We are done with the nation;henceforth we deal only with 我们已经征服了这个国家,从今以后我们只需对付这些骑士了。 The man said that he would work hard henceforth. 那人说从今以后他要努力工作了。 herb:n.药草, (调味用的)香草,草本植物 I had to take the herb tea although it’s bitter. 虽然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。 heritage:n.遗产,继承物,传统 These beautiful old palaces are part of our national 这些美丽的古老宫殿是我们民族遗产的一部分。 hesitate:vi.犹豫,踌躇,含糊;不情愿 hierarchy:n.等级制度;统治集团,领导层 highlight:vt.强调,突出,使显著 n.最精彩的部分,最重要的事件the knights.heritage. hike:n.徒步旅行; (数量、价格等)增加,上升 vi.徒步旅行 vt.提高(价格等) We can hike back down to the lake. 我们可以徒步走回湖边。 hinder:vt.阻碍,妨碍 His career was not noticeably hindered by the college. 他从没上过大学这一事实并没有明显地妨碍到他的事业。 Heavy snow hindered the construction work. 大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。 The crowd hindered him from leaving. 人群使他无法脱身。factthathehadneverbeentohinge:n.铰链 vt.装铰链 vi.以??为转移 hinge on/upon 依??而定,以??为转移 The door opens easily because the hinges were oiled. 这门开起来很容易,因为合页上了油。 historian:n.历史学家,史学工作者 Historians advise that we should never forget the past. 历史学家们告诫我们,我们不应该忘记过去。 hitherto:adv.到目前为止,迄今 Hitherto , much of the attention has centered on investment. 迄今为止,中国南部和国外投资吸引了人们主要的注意力。 This is a fact hitherto unknown. 这是一个至今无人知道的事实。southernChinaandonforeignhoist:vt.举起,升起,吊起 n.起重器械;举起,升起,吊起 During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to hoist building materials to the upper floors. 建造摩天大楼时,用起重机将建筑材料吊上较高的楼层。 The sailors hoisted the flags in the morning. 水手们早晨把旗子升起来。 He hoisted the package over his shoulder. 他把包裹扛上了肩。 We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。 homogeneous:adj.同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的 Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class they believe this kind of homogeneous grouping is advisable. 一些教育家把在能力上相近的学生组成一个班级,因为他们相信这种同类分组是可取的。 hop:v.人单足跳;跳上(车等) n.蹦跳;短程飞行 A hare hopped straight into the doorway. 一只野兔跳进了门廊里。 hose:n.(橡皮或帆布等制的)软管,水龙管 vt.用软管淋浇(或冲洗) The room was hosed down by the fire department. 这个房间被消防部门用水龙带冲洗过了。 This fire hose is about sixty feet long. 这段消防水管大约有 60 英尺长。 hospitality:n.(对客人的)友好款待,好客 I was deeply impressed by the hostess hospitality much. 我被女主人的热情好客打动了,在晚宴上玩得很开心。becauseandenjoyeddinnerpartyvery Giving a gift can convey a wealth of meaning about your appreciation hospitality and the importance you place upon the relationship. 送一份礼物表达你对他们热情款待的深深谢意和你对双方友谊的无比珍视之情。 The host’s hospitality left us a very good impression. 主人的好客给我们留下了非常好的印象。 hostage:n.人质 hostile:adj.敌方的,不友善的 hound:n.猎犬 vt.追逼,烦恼,纠缠 The poor guy was hounded by his creditors. 这可怜的家伙被他的债主追逼。 They went hunting with a pack of hounds. 他们带一群猎狗去打猎。 The police are always hounding me. 警方一直在追捕我。 household:n.家庭,户;家务 adj.家庭的,家喻户晓的oftheirhover:vi.(鸟等)翱翔;逗留在近旁,徘徊;彷徨,犹豫 The criminal is hovering between life and death. 这个犯罪分子在生死之间徘徊着。 The mercury hovered around 35℃. 气温停留在 35℃左右。 The hawk is hovering overhead. 鹰在头顶上盘旋。 howl:vi./n. (狼、狗等)嗥叫; (风等)呼啸; (因愤怒、痛苦等)吼叫,哀号 Suddenly,they hear a dog howl,and they all stop working. 突然,他们听到了一声狗叫,就都停止了工作。 The dog howled over its master’s body. 狗对着主人的尸体哀嚎。 huddle:vi.挤作一团;蜷缩 vt.聚集 n.挤在一起的人 The refugees huddled on the floor. 难民们蜷缩在地板上。 The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子们在山洞里挤成一团取暖。 He huddled the children into the automobile. 他急急忙忙地把孩子们推进汽车。 The novel appeared to have been huddled together. 这部小说看来是草草写成的。 hug:vt.(热烈地)拥抱;紧抱,怀抱 vi.紧抱在一起,互相拥抱 n.紧抱,热烈拥抱 The child was hugging her doll. 那孩子紧抱着她的洋娃娃。 The president hugged himself with pleasure over the quick withdrawal war. 总统为自己能从海湾战争中见好就收感到暗自庆幸。 hum:vi.哼曲子;发嗡嗡声 vt.哼曲子 n.嗡嗡声,营营声,嘈杂声 The only sound he heard was the hum of the machine. 他听到的唯一的声音就是那台机器的嗡嗡声。 She continued to hum the song over and over again. 她一遍又一遍地不断哼唱那支歌。 humanity:n.人类,[总称]人;人性;人道,博爱;[pl.]人文学科 All the social sciences focus upon the study of humanity.fromthegulf 所有的社会科学都集中于对人类的研究。 We should treat people and animals with 我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。humanity.humidity:n.湿度,潮湿,湿气(humid 的名词形式) It’s said by forecast that the humidity in the air today is 60%. 据预报说今天的空气湿度使百分之六十。 hurl:vt.猛投,狠掷;大声叫骂 He gathered the books and hurled them into the fire. 他把书集中到一起,然后把它们扔进了火里。 The hunter hurled his spear at the tiger. 猎人用力把他的长矛向虎投去。 hurricane:n.飓风 The hurricane has a speed of 73 miles per hour. 飓风每小时 73 公里。 It was blowing gales of hurricane this time yesterday. 昨天的这个时候正刮着狂风。 hypothesis:n.假设,假说,前提 hysterical:adj.情绪激动的,歇斯底里般的 She let out a few hysterical shrieks. 她发出几声歇斯底里的尖叫。 ideal:adj.理想的,观念的,空想的 n.理想,理想的东西(或人) be ideal for sb./sth. 适合?? identical:adj.完全相同的,同一的 identical to/with sb./sth. 与??完全一样 identification:n.身份证明;鉴定,验明,认出;认同 Voters would be required to show identification every time they go to the polls. 选民每次去投票都要出示身份证。 identify:vt.认出,鉴定;把??等同于 ideology:n.思想(体系) ,思想意识 They should study Communist ideology to avoid being seduced by illegal profits. 他们应该学习共产主义思想来抵制非法利益的诱惑。 idiom:n.习语,成语; (在艺术等方面所表现的)风格,特色 idiot:n.白痴,傻子,笨蛋 He is an idiot to agree. 他要是同意,就太傻了。 ignite:vt.点燃,引发 vi.着火 The fuel of continental missile is supposed to be 洲际导弹的燃料得用这种装置点燃。 ignore:vt.不顾,不理,忽视 He got up to shake her hand,but she 他站起来要与她握手,但是她不搭理他。 illegal:adj.不合法的,非法的 illuminate:vt.照明,照亮;阐明,启发ignited by this device.ignoredhim. The huge bonfires illuminate our happy faces. 熊熊篝火照着我们幸福的脸庞。 A sudden smile illuminated her face. 突然的微笑使她容光焕发。 illusion:n.幻想,错误的观念;错觉,幻觉,假象 We must look beyond illusions and assumptions and try to discover what is missing. 我们必须看透幻想和主观臆断,并努力找出遗漏的东西。 The magician made us think he cut the girl into pieces but it was merely an illusion. 魔术师让我们以为他把那个女孩切成几块了,但那只不过是个幻觉。 He cherished the illusion that he was best,but in fact he was wrong. 他抱有他是最棒的幻觉,但事实上他错了。 illustrate:vt.(用图等)说明 imaginary:adj.想象中的,假想的 imaginative:adj.富有想象力的,爱想象的 She is a very imaginative student. She’s always talking about travelling to outer space. 她是一个想象力很丰富的学生,总是谈论关于遨游外太空的事情。 The story is imaginative. 这个故事是虚构的。 He is an imaginative writer. 他是个富有想象力的作家。 imitate:vt.模仿,效仿,仿制 Jody imitates Sandy in doing this thing. 乔迪仿效桑迪做这件事。 imitation:n.模仿;仿制,伪制品;赝品 That’s not an original Rembrandt,it’s an imitation. 这不是伦勃朗的真品,是赝品。 The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa. 这所房子是仿造古罗马别墅式的建筑。 immerse:vt.(使)浸没; (使)沉浸在, (使)专心于 immerse in (使)沉浸在,专心于 They were immersed in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just outside their lab. 他们专心于自己的科学研究中,对实验室外发生的一切全不知晓。 Please immerse the plant in water for a few minutes. 把那棵植物在水里浸泡几分钟。 He immersed himself totally in his work. 他埋头于工作。 immigrant:n.移民,侨民 immune:adj.免疫的,有免疫力的,不受影响的;免除的,豁免的 immune to 不受影响的;immune from 免除的 The viruses stimulated the immune system. 病毒激活了免疫系统。 He seems to be immune to criticism. 他似乎不受批评的影响。 The criminal was told he would be immune if he helped the police. 这个罪犯被告知,如果他协助警方就可以免于被起诉。 impact:n./v. 影响,作用,冲击 Deep Impact 电影《天地大冲撞》 impair:vt.损害,损伤,削弱 Too long jogging can impair your lungs. 慢跑时间过长对肺不好。 His illness has impaired his efficiency. 生病降低了他的效率。 impart:vt.告知,透露;赋予,给予 He told me not to impart it to anyone without his own permission. 他告诉我,未经他允许不可以把此事透露给任何人。 A teacher’s aim is to impart knowledge. 教师的作用是传授知识。 impatient:adj.不耐烦的,急躁的;热切的,急切的 imperative:adj.必要的;紧急的,极重要的;命令的 n.必要的事,必须完成的事;祈使语气(的动词) Military orders are imperative and cannot be disobeyed. 军令如山,不可违抗。 Prompt action is imperative. 果断的行动是必要的。 It’s imperative that you apologize to him immediately. 你必须立即向他道歉。 Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。 imperial:adj.帝国的,帝王的; (度量衡)英制的 来自 empire n.帝国 The imperial gallon is not the same as the US gallon. 英制的加仑和美制的容量不同。 impetus:n.推动,促进,刺激;推动力 Sometimes scandals can give an impetus to social reforms. 有时流言蜚语可以推进社会改革。 implement:vt.使生效,履行,实施 n.工具,器具,用具 It took the company a year to implement the plan. 该公司花了一年的时间来实施这个计划。 implication:n.含义,暗示,暗指;卷入,牵连 implicit:adj.不言明的,含蓄的;内含的,固有的;无疑问的 implicit in 内含的 Her shyness is implicit in her. 她生性羞怯。 imply:vt.暗示,意指 You’ll unwittingly imply that I’m clumsy. 你会无意地暗示说我很笨拙。 impose:vt.把??强加,征(税) impose on/upon 把??强加于 Regulator has no power to impose fines but can revoke license. 执法者无权罚款,但有权吊销营业执照。 impulse:n.冲动,一时的念头;推动,驱使;脉冲 on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮 In fact as he approached this famous statue,he only barely resisted reach into his bag for his camera. 实际上,当他走近这座著名雕像时,他差点忍不住冲动从包里拿出相机来。theimpulseto He bought the house on an 他凭一时冲动买下了这所房子。impulse.inaugurate:vt.开始,开展;为??举行就职典礼;为??举行开幕式,为??举行落成仪式 He will be inaugurated as president in January. 他将在一月就任总裁。 The city library was inaugurated by the mayor. 市长主持了市图书馆的落成仪式。 incentive:n.刺激,鼓励 There are not enough incentives for students to study hard. 学生们没有足够的动机来促使他们努力学习。 He hasn’t much incentive to work hard. 他没有努力工作的动力。 They don’t try very hard if there is no incentive. 没有奖励,他们工作就不太努力。 incidence:n.发生率 At present,it is not possible to confirm or to refute the suggestion that there is a causal relationship between the amount of fat we eat and the incidence of heart attacks. 有人认为: 脂肪的摄入量和心脏病发病率之间存在着因果关系, 但现在我们很难决定应该赞成还是反驳 这种观点。 incident:n.发生的事,事件 incidentally:adv.顺便说及地,顺便提一句 I must go now,incidentally if you want that book I’ll bring it next time. 我得走了,顺便提一句,如果你想要那本书,我下次带来。 incline:n.斜坡 vt.使倾斜inclusive:adj.包括一切的,包括一切费用在内的;所有数目(或首末日期)包括在内的incorporate:vt.包含,加上,吸收;把??合并,使并入 Their suggestions will be incorporated in the plan. 他们的建议被纳入这个计划当中。 Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan. 你的很多建议已经被纳入新计划中。 We had to incorporate for a company for tax reasons. 鉴于税务原因,我们得组成公司。 incredible:adj.不能相信的,不可信的;难以置信的,惊人的 incur:vt.招致,遭受,引起 It is foolish to incur the wrath of Henry. 去惹亨利生气是愚蠢的。 The hunter incurred great danger in killing the wolf. 猎人打狼时承受着巨大的危险。 indefinite:adj.无限期的;模糊的,不确定的 He has rather indefinite views on the question. 他对该问题的看法颇暧昧。 He gave me an indefinite answer. 他给我的答复模棱两可。 She’ll be away for an indefinite period. 她将离开一段时间,何时回来未定。 independence:n.独立,自主,自立 indicative:adj.标示的,指示的,象征的;陈述的 n.陈述语气 be indicative of 标示的,指示的,象征的 All the ceremonies at the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australian flavor , indicative of their multicultural communities. 2000 年奥林匹克运动会的所有仪式都具有独特的澳大利亚风格,显示了它们是一个多文化的社会。 Is a large head indicative of high intelligence? 头大是不是表示智慧高? Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest in the problem. 他们没有采取行动,表明他们对这个问题不感兴趣。indifferent:adj.冷漠的,不积极的;一般的, (表现)平平的 indignant:adj.愤怒的,愤慨的,义愤的 Mr. Smith became very indignant when it was suggested that mistake. 当别人暗示史密斯先生犯了错误时,他变得非常愤怒。 The members of Parliament were indignant that the government them. 议会成员对政府没有与他们协商这件事很愤怒。 He is indignant at the false accusation. 他对被诬告愤愤不平。 indignation:n.愤怒,愤慨,义愤 They felt strong indignation against their teacher. 他们对他们的老师感到强烈愤慨。 I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed. 我对不公平地被解雇表示愤慨。 indispensable:adj.必不可少的,必需的 indispensable to/for 必不可少的,必需的 This education is indispensable for whatever career you select. 不管你选择什么样的职业都少不了受这种教育。 individual:adj.个别的,独特的 n.个人,个体hehadmadeahadnotconsultedinduce:vt.引导,劝;引起,导致 induce sb. to do 诱导某人做某事 When he realized he had been induced to sign the contract by intrigue,he to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement. 当他意识到自己被诡计诱导着签了合同时,他威胁说会采取法律行动来取消合约。 I couldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air. 我们无法劝服那老太太乘飞机旅行。 Too much food induces sleepiness. 吃得太饱会引起睡意。threatenedindulge:vt.使(自己)沉溺于,满足(自己的欲望等) ;纵容,迁就 vi.沉溺,纵容自己,肆意从事 indulge in 沉溺,肆意从事 On weekends my grandma usually indulges in a glass of wine. 我的祖母常在周末会畅饮一杯。 He indulged his children too much. 他太纵容他的孩子们了。 It pleased me to indulge her wishes. 放手满足她的欲望,使我感到高兴。 He no longer indulged himself in smoking. 他不再过度吸烟了。 industrial:adj.工业的,产业的 inertia:n.不活动,惰性;惯性 The problem is not resistance,but inertia. 问题不在于阻力,而是由于惰性。 inevitable:adj.不可避免的,必然的 infant:n.婴儿 adj.婴儿的,幼稚的 infectious:adj.传染的,有传染性的;有感染力的 It’s considered an infectious disease. 它被认为是一种传染病。 The flu is highly infectious. 流感的传染性很强。 When you have this anthema,you are still infectious. 身上还有这种疹子就仍然有传染性。 He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters. 他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。 inferior:adj.下等的,劣质的 n.下级,下属 (be) inferior to 比??差的,比??地位低的 infinite:adj.无限的,无数的 inflict:vt.把??强加给,使??遭受,使??承担 inflict on/upon 把??强加给,使??承担 Who would inflict such an ordeal on a child? 谁会让一个孩子遭受那样的折磨? Don’t inflict your belief on me. 不要把你的想法强加于我。 ingenious:adj.设计独特的,巧妙的;善于创造发明的 This book shows that he is an ingenious author. 这本书表明他是一个有创造力的作家。 ingredient:n.(混合物的)组成部分, (烹调的)原料; (构成)要素 inhabit:vt.居住于, (动物)栖居于 You can lock me up in a dark dungeon inhabited by snakes and toads. 你可以把我关在一个有蛇和癞蛤蟆栖居的黑暗地牢里。 Fish inhabit the sea. 鱼栖息于海中。 Only a few people inhabited the island. 只有少数人在这个岛上居住。 inherent:adj.内在的,固有的,生来就有的 inherent in 内在的,生来就有的 He has pointed out the dangers inherent in this type of nuclear power station. 他已指出该类核电站的危险所在。 He has an inherent distrust of foreigners. 他天生对外国人不信任。 There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。 inherit:vt.继承(传统等) Jim has been living in the lap of luxury since he 自从继承了父亲的遗产,吉姆就过着极其奢华的生活。inheritedhis father’s money. inhibit:vt.阻止,妨碍,抑制 Childhood viral infections will inhibit the development of brain cells. 童年时期感染病毒将会抑制脑细胞的发展。 initial:adj.最初的,开始的 n.[常 pl.](姓名等的)首字母initiate:vt.开始,创造,发起;使初步了解;接纳(新成员) ,让??加入 n.新加入组织的人 In November 1987 the government initiated a public debate on the future the official sports policy. 1987 年 11 月政府就官方体育运动方针的未来发展方向发起了公开的辩论。 initiative:n.主动性,首创精神;主动的行动,倡议;主动权 inject:vt.注射(药液等) ,给??注射;注入,引入,投入 I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject new ideas world. 我毫不怀疑在现代社会中引起新思想的可能性。 His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth. 他的药可以注射或口服。 The nurse injected penicillin into her arm. 护士给她的胳膊注射了青霉素。 inland:adj.内陆的,内地的 adv.在内地(内陆) ,向内地(内陆) I headed inland for some place of hiding. 我跑到内陆去找藏身之所。 Beijing is an inland city. 北京是一个内陆城市。 inlet:n.小湾,水湾;进口,入口 There’s a thousand little inlets and backwaters all through here. 这里有上千个水湾和死水潭。 Here is just the fuel inlet. 这儿正是燃料入口。 innovation:n.新方法,新事物;革新,创新 It was a period of innovation. 这是革新时期。 After being led by him,one innovation after another are showing. 从他领导后,一个又一个革新项目出现了。 innumerable:adj.无数的,数不清的 That trail has vanished,leaving innumerable unanswered questions. 那个痕迹消失了,留下了无数个未解之谜。 The stars in the night sky are innumerable. 夜空中的星星数不清。 input:n.输入,投入的资金,输入的数据 vt.把??输入计算机directionofintothemoderninsane:adj.极蠢的,荒唐的; (患)精神病的,精神失常的,疯狂的 I know all about your insane plan. 我对你的愚蠢计划了如指掌。 That person is insane. 那人精神错乱。 I have an insane desire to finish that thing. 我疯狂地渴望去完成那件事。 insect:n.昆虫,虫 insert:vt.插入,嵌入,登载 insight:n.洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解 have an insight into sth. 对??有深入见解 insist:v.坚持,坚持要求,坚持认为 insist on/upon 坚持,强调,坚决要求 If you insist,I’ll sing my song. 如果你们非坚持不可,我就唱我自己的歌吧。 inspiration:n.灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物) Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature. 许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得他们的灵感。 His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。 inspire:vt.鼓舞,给??以灵感 inspire sb. with sth./inspire sth. in sb. 激起某人的??,使某人产生?? His courage inspired a country;his heart defied a king.(勇敢的心) install:vt.安装,设置;使就职,任命 installment:n.分期付款,分期交付; (分期连载的)部分 We will pay for houses by monthly installments. 我们将按月分期付款买房。 When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? instance:n.例子,实例,事例 instantaneous:adj.瞬间的,即刻的 None of them had a chance,It happened instantaneous. 他们谁都没有机会,一切发生得太突然了。 instinct:n.本能;直觉,生性 institute:n.研究所,学院 vt.建立,设立 China has instituted a system of regional ethnic groups. 中国在少数民族聚居区建立起了民族自治系统。 institution:n.协会,制度,习俗 instruct:vt.教,指示,通知;教育 instruct sb. in sth./doing sth. 教某人某种技巧 They instruct us on what is justice. 他们教导我们什么是正义。 instrument:n.仪器,工具,乐器 instrumental:adj.起作用的,有帮助的;用乐器演奏的 instrumental in 有帮助的,起作用的 His information was instrumental in catching the criminal. 他提供的消息对于捉拿那个罪犯很有帮助。 His instrumental works are popular amongst the students. 他的器乐曲在学生中很受欢迎。 Our artistic director was instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come. 我们的艺术指导帮助请来管弦乐队。autonomyinareasinhabitedbyminority insulate:vt.使绝缘,使隔热,使隔音;隔离,使隔绝(以免受到影响) The ice shelves insulate the Antarctic continent from wind. 厚厚的冰层使得南极大陆不受风的影响。 insurance:n.保险,保险费 intact:adj.完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的 She hopes that her honor could remain intact. 她希望她的名誉能完好无损。 integral:adj.构成整体所必需的,基本的 Is that an integral part of your job? 那是你工作不可或缺的一部分吗? integrity:n.正直,诚实,诚恳;完整,完全,完善 They have always regarded a man of integrity and fairness as a reliable friend. 他们一直认为诚实、正直的人是可信赖的朋友。 Mutual respect for territorial integrity is one of the bases upon which our countries develop relationships. 互相尊重领土完整时我们两国发展友好关系的基础之一。 You can trust him,he is a man of complete integrity. 你可以相信他,他是一个刚正不阿的人。 Our integrity as a nation is threatened by these separatist forces. 我们国家的完整受到了这些分裂主义势力的威胁。 intellect:n.智力,理解力;才智非凡的人 He is a child of great intellect. 他是个极具聪明才智的男孩。 Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别就在于具有思维能力。 intellectual:n.知识分子 adj.智力的 intelligible:adj.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的 I have failed to make it intelligible. 我没能把它弄清楚。 intense:adj.强烈的,紧张的;认真的;热情的 intensify:v.(使)增强, (使)加剧 The strong wind seemed to intensify the cold. 猛烈的大风似乎使天气更加寒冷了。 intensive:adj.加强的,精耕细作的 intent:n.意图,意向,目的 adj.专心的,专注的;急切的 to the intents(and purposes)几乎在一切方面,实际上;intent on 专心的;急切的 He was intent on saving money. 他一心想攒钱。 She is intent on getting the job done quickly. 她决定尽快把这件事情做好。 Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable. 你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。 She behaved foolishly but with good intent. 她的行为很蠢,但却是好意的。 interact:vi.相互作用,相互影响 He has to be able to interact with them. 他必须要能与他们互相配合。two interaction:n.相互作用,干扰 intercourse:n.性交;交流,交往,交际 A friendly intercourse has been opened between the two countries. 两国已开始了亲密的往来。 English is more widespread and more used in international intercourse than German. 英语在国际交往中比德语使用得更为广泛。 interfere:vi.干涉,干预,妨碍 interfere with 干扰 I’ve always tried not to interfere in your affairs. 我始终尽量不去干涉你的事。 interim:adj.暂时的,临时的 n.间歇,过渡期间 in the interim 在其间 They planed to set up an interim government. 他们打算组建一个临时政府。 intermittent:adj.间歇的,断断续续的 The crowd cheered and there were intermittent shouts. 人群欢呼雀跃,间或有人尖叫。 They saw the intermittent flashes from a lighthouse. 他们看见了灯塔发出一闪一灭的光。 He has intermittent bursts of interest. 他的兴趣是一阵阵的。 internal:adj.内的,国内的;内心的 interpret:v.解释,说明,口译 interpret??as?? 把??理解为?? I interpreted her answer as a refusal. 我把她的回答理解为一种拒绝。 interrupt:v.打断,打扰,中止 intersection:n.道路交叉口,交点 intervene:vi.干涉,干预;干扰,阻挠 I shall call on you tomorrow if nothing intervene. 如果没有别的事,我明天就来拜访你。 I was alone during intervening years. 这期间的若干年里,我一直一个人。 I will come if nothing intervenes. 假若没有别的事,我一定来。 intimate:adj.亲密的,个人的 vt.暗示,提示 n.至交,密友 She told her mother about their intimate relationship. 她把他们的亲密关系告诉了妈妈。 intimidate:vt.恐吓,威胁 The criminal intended to intimidate the witness. 罪犯打算恐吓目击证人。 intricate:adj.错综复杂的,复杂精细的 Although the body is made up of many different tissues,these tissues an intricate and orderly fashion. 尽管人体是由不同的组织构成的,但这些组织却以一种复杂而有序的方式排列。 This is a novel with an intricate plot.arearrangedin 这是一本情节错综复杂的小说。 I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth. 我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。 intrigue:vt.激起??的好奇心(或兴趣) ,迷住 vi.耍阴谋,施诡计 n.阴谋,诡计,密谋 They are intriguing against my friend. 他们在密谋陷害我的朋友。 She was intriguing with her sister against her mother. 她和妹妹串通捣鬼和母亲作对。 Some of the members had been intriguing to get the secretary dismissed. 有些人一直密谋想让老板把秘书解雇。 intrinsic:adj.固有的,本质的,内在的 Diamonds have little intrinsic value and their price depends scarcity. 钻石本身并无什么内在价值,其价格几乎完全是因为其数量稀少所致。almostentirelyontheirintuition:n.直觉,由直觉获得的信息 It is very strange but I had an intuition that the plane would crash. 很奇怪,我当时就有种直觉,觉得飞机会失事。 His intuition was telling him that something was wrong. 直觉告诉他出事了。 invalid:adj.(指法律上)无效的,作废的;无可靠根据的,站不住脚的 n.(需要有人照顾的)病弱者,残 疾者 He never fully recovered,and had to spend the rest of his life as an invalid. 他没能完全康复,于是不得不成了一名残疾者度过余生。 The girl spent all her spare time to take after her invalid mother. 这个女孩把她所有的业余时间都用来照顾长期生病的母亲。 invaluable:adj.非常宝贵的,极为贵重的,无价的 I regard my life as invaluable. 我认为自己的生命是无价的。 Your help is invaluable to us. 你对我们的帮助时非常宝贵的。 He has many invaluable paintings. 他有许多珍品画。 invariably:adv.不变地,始终如一地,总是 inventory:n.详细目录,存货清单 invert:vt.使倒转,使倒置,使颠倒 Please invert the picture. 请把图片倒过来。 The chairs were inverted on the table. 椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。 invest:v.投资,投入;授予 Ask him if he wants to invest his money in a movie. 问问他,看他是否想把钱投资在电影上。 investigate:v.调查,调查研究 You really can’t investigate the matter 这件事你真的不能公开调查。 invisible:adj.看不见的,无形的 involve:vt.使卷入,牵涉;包含,含有openly. irony:n.反话,冷嘲;具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄 irrespective:adj.不考虑的,不顾及的 irrespective of 不考虑的 They,irrespective of race,sex,occupation,family background,have the right to vote. 无论种族、性别、职位和家庭背景,他们都享有选举权。 irrigation:n.灌溉 Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions. 干旱地区需要灌溉才能使作物生长。 irritate:vt.使恼怒,使烦躁;使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛 Please do not be irritated by his offensive remarks since attract attention. 请不要因为他无礼的言语生气,那只是他想吸引别人的注意力罢了。 His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。 Wool irritates my skin. 毛织物会使我的皮肤过敏。 isle:n.小岛,岛 Do you know the locations of the British 你知道不列颠群岛的位置吗? isolate:vt.使隔离,使孤立 issues:n.问题,发行,分发 item:n.条,条款,一条 ivory:n.象牙;象牙色,乳白色 Gold、slaves and ivory were sent north. 黄金、奴隶和象牙被运送到北方。 jeopardize:vt.危及,危害 The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously two countries. 两国在贸易限制上的分歧可能会危及他们之间的关系。 v.发行,分发,发出heismerelytryingtoIsles?jeopardizerelationsbetweenthejerk:vt.使猝然一动,猛拉 vi.猝然一动 n.急推,急拉,急扭 He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and jerked it in a single nod,a gesture boys used then for OK when they were pleased. 他扬起眉毛,头伸向前,猛然点点头,这是那时男孩子们高兴时用来表示 OK 的姿势。 He jerked the string and the puppet jumped. 他猛然一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。 The bus jerked to a stop. 公共汽车猛然刹车停住了。 The knife was stuck,but she pulled it out with a jerk. 那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔出来。 jog:v./n.慢跑; (尤指不正当地)轻轻碰撞(或推搡) jog sb.’s memory 唤起某人的记忆 He goes jogging every night. 他每晚慢跑。 The wagon jogged along on the rough road. 马车沿着崎岖不平的道路颠簸前行。 You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing. 你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。 judicial:adj.司法的,法庭的,审判的;公正的 The workers decided to take judicial proceedings against the company. 工人们决定对公司正式提起诉讼。 junction:n.联结点, (道路等的)会合点,枢纽 The accident happened at one of the country’s busiest railway junctions. 事故发生在该国一个极其繁忙的铁路交叉点处。 They decided to effect a junction of two armies. 他们决定两军会师。 junk:n.废旧物品,破烂 vt.丢弃,废弃 junk mail 垃圾邮件 We junked those old-fashioned clothes. 我们把那些过时的衣服扔掉了。 He threw away all the junk in the boot of the car. 他把汽车行李箱中所有废弃的旧物都扔了出去。 She likes to pick up some interesting junk in junk shops. 她喜欢在旧货店买些有趣的旧货。 justification:n.正当的理由,借口 He needed justification to investigate the issue. 他需要有正当理由去调查那件事。 juvenile:adj.少年的,少年特有的;幼稚的,不成熟的 keen:adj.热心的,激烈的;敏锐的,敏捷的 The old are dead keen on fishing. 老人们酷爱钓鱼。 kidnap:n.绑架,诱拐 kidney:n.肾,肾脏 Each man has a pair of kidneys. 每个人有一对肾脏。 kit:n.成套工具, (适应特定需要的)成套用品;配套元件 kid out 装备 They all were kitted out for skiing. 他们都配齐了滑雪的必需品。 The nurse has taken a first-aid kit. 护士已经带上了一套急救用品。 They marched twenty miles in full kit. 他们带着全副装备行军二十英里。 knit:vt.编织;使紧凑;皱(眉) vi.编织;愈合 Maybe I should knit myself a sweater. 或许我该给自己织一件毛衣。 She often knits while watching TV. 她常常一边看电视一边织毛衣。 knob:n.(门、抽屉的)球形把手,球形柄; (收音机等的)旋钮;小块 You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on. 你可以拧电视上右边的旋钮把它打开。 label:n.标签,标记,符号 vt.贴标签于;把??称为 vt.用系带束紧 vt.装备 n.未成年人,少年lace:n.网眼花边,透孔织品,花边;鞋带,系带 She wears a dress with delicate lace. 她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。 If you don’t lace up your shoes,you’ll trip over. 如果你不系好鞋带,你会被绊倒的。 lame:adj.跛的,瘸的;站不住脚的,差劲的,蹩脚的 He was lame from the incessant fighting. 由于不断的战斗,他瘸了。 He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of crutch. 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。 He gave a lame excuse for being absent. 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。 lane:n.(乡间)小路,跑道;航道,航线 lash:v.系牢;鞭打;猛烈抨击 n.鞭打;眼睫毛 lash out (at)猛烈抨击 The annual heavy rains started to lash at the city. 每年一次的大雨开始在这座城市肆虐。 He beat the prisoner with a lash. 他用鞭子抽打囚犯。 The waves are lashing against the rocks. 波浪冲击着岩石。 The cat lashed her tail. 这只猫急速摇动着尾巴。 latent:adj.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的 You’ve just unwittingly brought home a latent virus. 你无意间已经把一种潜在的病毒带回家了。 He was infected with a latent infection. 他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。 The manager did not find her latent abilities. 经理没有发现她潜在的才能。 latitude:n.纬度;[pl.]纬度地区; (言行、行动等)回旋余地,自由 The latitude of the island is 30 degrees north. 这个岛的纬度是北纬三十度。 At this latitude you often get strong winds. 在这一纬度地区,经常有大风。 T he new law allows firms a lot less latitude than their goods. 新法律在允许各商行给产品定价的自由上比以前少得多了。 layer:n.层,层次 layman:n.门外汉,外行 This book is written for professionals and 这本书既可供专业人员阅读,又可供外行看。 Layman is not a clergyman or a priest. 普通信徒有别于教士和牧师。beforeinfixingthepriceoflaymen alike.leaflet:n.传单,散页印刷品,小册子 v.(向??)散发传单(或小册子) The students were leafleting passers-by in the street. 学生们正在街上向路人发传单。 I pick up a leaflet about the care of teeth. 我拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单。 They distributed leaflets to customers. 他们给客户散发传单。 lease:n.租约,契约 vt.出租;租得,租有 leather:n.皮革,皮革制品 legal:adj.法律的,合法的 legend:n.传说,传奇故事;传奇人物 The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad. 这位音乐家把传说编成了一首美丽的民谣。 He is a legend in his lifetime for his scientific discoveries. 他的科学发现使他一生成为传奇人物。 legislation:n.法律,法规;立法,法律的规定(或通过) legitimate:adj.合情合理的;合理的,法律认可的 vt.使合法 Have online casinos been legitimated? 在线赌场已经合法化了吗? I’m not sure that his business is strictly legitimate. 我说不好他的生意是否全部合法。 Politicians are legitimate targets for satire. 政治家理所当然是讽刺的靶子。 leisure:n.空闲时间,悠闲 lens:n.透镜,镜片,镜头 lever:n.杠,杠杆;途径,手段,工具 vt.(用杠杆)撬动,撬起 He levered a crate open to reveal an antique vase. 他敲开板条箱,里面露出一个古董花瓶。 Move this lever to change gear. 换挡时扳动这根操纵杆。 This latest incident may be the lever needed to change government policy. 最近的事件或许可以作为迫使政府改变政策所需的手段。 levy:vt.征收(税等) n.征税,税款 It’s not permitted to levy extra local taxes on various investment projects. 禁止对各种投资项目征收附加本地税。 The government levies a fine against the factories for polluting the air with smoke. 政府向以烟尘污染空气的工厂征收罚金。 The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war. 国家征召所有壮丁参战。 liability:n.责任;[pl.]负债,债务;不利条件,起妨碍作用的人(物) The enterprise should shoulder unlimited liability. 该企业应该承担无限责任。 Taking extra vitamins may reduce your liability to cold. 多吃一些维生素会减少你得感冒的可能性。 If your liabilities exceed your assets,you may go bankrupt. 如果你所负的债超过你的资产,你就会破产。 liable:adj.易于??的,可能的 liable to 可能的,易于??的 liberal:adj.心胸宽大的,慷慨的;自由的,自由主义的 lieutenant:n.陆军中尉;海军上尉 He was promoted to lieutenant. 他被提升为陆军中尉/海军上尉。 likelihood:n.可能,可能性 limb:n.肢,臂,腿;树枝 limitation:n.限制,限度;[常 pl.]局限 limp:adj.软弱的,无生气的,无精神的;软的,松沓的 vi.一瘸一拐地走,蹒跚 She watches him limp to the entrance. 她看着他蹒跚地走向大门。 He walks with a limp. 他走路一瘸一拐。 She went limp and fell on to the ground. 她腿一软,就跌倒在地。 linear:adj.线的,直线的,线状的;长度的;线性的 linen:n.日用织品,亚麻织品;亚麻布 I want to buy a new bed linen. 我想买一个新床单。 This skirt is made of linen. 这件裙子是亚麻的。 liner:n.衬里;大客轮 You’d better use the liner shipment to deliver the goods. 你最好用班轮运送这些货物。 linger:vi.(因不愿离开而)继续逗留,留恋徘徊;继续存留,缓慢消失 linger on 继续存留 He lingered around the corner to wait for her. 他在墙角徘徊着等她。 He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home. 别人回家后,他仍在学校外面徘徊。 The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind. 美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。 literacy:n.识字,有文化,读写能力 Mass literacy was only possible after the invention of printing. 发明了印刷术后文化教育才得以普及。 literal:adj.照字面的,原义的;逐字的 Some people think that a literal translation,or word-for-word translation,is easier than a free translation. 有些人觉得直译,或者说逐字逐句的翻译,比意译容易。 A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. 逐字翻译不一定最接近原义。 literally:adv.逐字的,照字面的;真正地;简直 literary:adj.文学(上)的;文人的,书卷气的 literature:n.文学,文学作品,文献,图书资料 litter:vt.乱扔东西于 vi.乱扔废弃物 n.废弃物,被胡乱扔掉的东西;一窝(仔崽)(一堆)杂乱的东西 ; The floor is littered with torn pages. 碎纸屑扔了一地。 There were piles of litter in the streets. 街道上垃圾成堆。 Our cat has a litter of four kittens. 我们家的猫一窝养了 4 只小猫。 n.跛行 He was fined for littering on the sidewalks. 他因在人行横道上乱扔杂物而被罚款。 locality:n.地区,地点 There are several supermarkets in the locality. 这个地区有好几家超市。 locomotive:n.机车 lofty:adj.高傲的,傲慢的;崇高的,高尚的;高耸的,极高的 He is eager to express the lofty emotion he felt for her. 他急于向她表达他对她的情感。 He has lofty ideals about life. 他对人生抱有崇高的理想。 I don’t like her lofty treatment of her visitors. 我不喜欢她对来访者的高傲态度。 logical:adj.逻辑的,合乎常理的 longevity:n.长寿,寿命 longitude:n.经度 The town is at longitude 24 degrees east. 这个镇位于东经二十四度。 loom:n.织布机 vi.阴森地逼近,隐现;即将来临 I don’t know how to use a hand loom. 我不知道怎样使用手工织布机。 The mountainous island loomed on the horizon. 那座巨大的岛屿隐隐约约浮现在地平线上。 The convention looms as political battle. 这场大会将是一场政治角斗。 lounge:vi.(懒洋洋地)倚, (懒散地)躺;闲逛,闲荡 n.休息厅,休息室 I’d rather take coffee at home than lounge outside. 我宁可在家喝咖啡,也不愿到外面闲逛。 She is waiting for me in the departure lounge. 她在候机室等我。 Don’t lounge around all day,do something! 别整天闲逛,做点事情吧! loyal:adj.忠诚的,忠心的 be loyal to 忠诚于?? loyalty:n.忠诚,忠心 lubricate:vt.使润滑 We stopped the car to lubricate the wheels. 我们停车给轮子加润滑油。 luggage:n.行李 luminous:adj.发光的,发亮的;光明的 I bought an alarm clock with a luminous dial,which dark. 我买了一个闹钟,钟面能发光,即便在黑暗中也能看清楚。 There are many luminous road signs along the roads. 沿着路有许多夜光路标。canbeseenclearlyinthe lunar:adj.月的,月球的 It was reported that there would be a 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。lunar eclipse tomorrow evening.lure:vt.吸引,引诱,诱惑 n.吸引力,诱惑物;诱饵,鱼饵 You shouldn’t be lured by beauty and power. 你不该被美色和权利所诱惑。 He left home because of the lures of the life in the city. 由于受到城市生活的诱惑,他离开了家。 The travel brochure lured me into taking a Caribbean vacation. 这本旅游小册子诱使我去加勒比地区度假。 luxury:n.奢侈,奢侈品 machinery:n.机器,机械 magistrate:n.地方行政官,地方法官,治安官 He worked as a magistrate after graduation. 他毕业后任地方行政长官。 magnet:n.磁铁,磁体;有吸引力的人和事物 magnetic:adj.磁的;有吸引力的 magnificent:n.壮丽的,华丽的;极好的 What a magnificent sight it is! 景色多么壮观啊! magnify:vt.放大,扩大;夸大,夸张 These changes have magnified social distinctions. 这些改变扩大了社会差距。 The microscope magnified the object 100 times. 这台显微镜将物体放大了 100 倍。 magnitude:n.重要性,重大;巨大,广大 I don’t realize the magnitude of this meeting. 我没有意识到这次会议的重要性。 The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening. 这种流行病传播范围之广令人惶惶不安。 You haven’t realized the magnitude of her achievement. 你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义。 maintain:vt.维持;维修,保养;主张;赡养 Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain,requiring professional dry cleaning. 有些制服保养起来很贵,需要专门的干洗。 majesty:n.[M-]陛下;雄伟,壮丽,庄严 Their Majesty will open the new bridge today. 国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥通车典礼剪彩。 majority:n.多数,大多数 mall: (由许多商店组成的)购物中心 management:n.管理;处理;管理部门,管理人员 China’s large and medium-sized state Enterprises need right now. 目前,中国的大中型国有企业迫切需要提高他们的管理水平。toimprovetheirmanagement maneuver:n.策略[pl.]演习 v.(巧妙)控制;用策略 The troop is too big to maneuver very well. 军队太庞大,不利于妥善调度。 manifest:adj.明显的,显然的,明了的 vt.显示,表明,证明;使显露,使显现 They manifested dense interest in their studies. 他们对学习显示出了浓厚的兴趣。 His generosity manifests itself in times of need. 他的慷慨在困境中表现了出来。 It manifested itself to all of us. 那对我们大家来说是显而易见的。 manipulate:vt.操纵,控制,影响; (熟练地)操作,使用 Computer users can manipulate these programs. 电脑用户可以熟练操作这些程序。 mansion:n.大厦, (豪华的)宅邸 He lives in Victoria Mansions. 他住在维多利亚公寓。 manual:adj.用手的,手工做的 n.手册,指南 n.制造,制造业manufacture:vt.(大量)制造,加工 manufacturer:n.制造商,制造厂manuscript:n.手稿,原稿,底稿;手写本 I read his novel in manuscript. 我看过他小说的手稿。 marble:n.大理石; (用玻璃、石头等制成的)弹子;[pl.]弹子游戏 This table is made of marble. 这个桌子是大理石的。 My little son has many marbles. 我的小儿子有许多弹珠。 margin:n.页边空白;差数,差额;余地;边缘 marginal:adj.微小的,少量的,不重要的;仅以微弱多数票获胜的;记(或印)在页边的,有旁注的 There was a marginal note in my uncle’s handwriting. 页边有一个注解是我叔叔的笔迹。 marsh:n.沼泽,湿地 It’s dangerous to be alone in the 一个人在沼泽地里是很危险的。marsh.marshal:n.元帅;总指挥; (美)执法官 vt.整理,集结 I marshaled the guests at a banquet. 我给参加宴会的人安排座位。 He was an Air Marshal before retirement. 他退休前是空军中将。 masculine:adj.男性的,男子的;男子气的 He exudes a masculine self-confidence. 他流露出男人的自信。 That coat is masculine. 这件外衣是男式的。 mask:n.面具,面罩,口罩;伪装 vt.遮盖,掩饰 The guests felt puzzled but masked their doubts. 客人们困惑,但掩饰着怀疑。 mass:n.众多,大量;团,块,堆;[pl.]群众; (物体的)质量 adj.大量的,大规模的 v.积聚,集中massacre:vt.大规模屠杀,残杀;彻底失败 n.大屠杀,残杀; (比赛等)惨败 The press has reported the massacre of thousands of people beliefs. 新闻界报道了那场因宗教信仰原因而对千万人的大屠杀。 The game was a complete massacre,we lost 10-0. 那次比赛真是一次惨败,我们 0 比 10 输了。 massive:adj.大的,大而重的;大块的;大量的,大规模的 masterpiece:n.杰作 The book is his masterpiece. 这本书是他的杰作。fortheirreligiousmature:adj.成熟的,成年人的;深思熟虑的; (票据等)到期的,应支付的 vt.使成熟 These experience have matured us greatly. 这些经历人使我们成熟了许多。 maximum:n.最大量,顶点 adj.最大的,最高的,顶点的meadow:n.草地 There are many herds of cattle in the 牧场上有许多牛群。meadow.mechanical:adj.机械的,机械制造的,机械学的,力学的;呆板的 mediate:vi.调解,斡旋 vt.经调解解决;经斡旋促成 mediate in/between 调解,斡旋 Ross was trying to mediate the argument between Mike and Monica. 罗斯正在尽全力调解迈克和莫妮卡之间的争论。 medieval:adj.中世纪的;中古(时代)的 medium:n.媒介,媒介物,传导体 adj.中等的melody:n.旋律,曲调;悦耳的音乐 Next the melody is taken up 这主调接着由长笛合奏。 melt:v.(使)融化; (使)溶化; (使)消散 The sun melted the fog. 日出雾散。by flutes. memorize:vt.记住,熟记 He memorized all the words on the list. 他把表上的所有单词都记在心里了。 menace:n.具有危险性的人(物) ;威胁,威吓 vt.威胁,威吓 Rick menaced me with his fist clenched. 里克握紧拳头威胁我。 That film creates an atmosphere of menace. 那部影片营造出吓人的气氛。 These weapons are a menace to world peace. 这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。 Your vicious dog is menacing my cat. 你那条恶狗对我家的猫太凶了。 mental:adj.心理的,精神的,思想上的; (治疗)精神病的;智力的 mercury:n.水银,汞 The mercury is rising. 温度正在上升。 He has no mercury in him. 他没有精神。 mere:adj.仅仅的,纯粹的 merely:adv.仅仅,只不过 He said that he was merely taking a nap. 他说他只不过是打了个盹。 merge:v.(使)结合, (使)合并, (使)合为一体 Advertisers want to merge music with commercials. 广告商们想把音乐和商业融合起来。 The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged. 行进中的两路纵队越走越近,终于合成一路。 The bank merged with its major rival. 该银行与其主要对手合并了。 merit:n.长处,优点,价值;功劳,成绩 vt.值得,应受 My answers should merit a higher grade. 我的答案应得到更高的分数。 messenger:n.送信人,信使 Maybe I can act as a 也许我能给你当信差。messengerfor you.metallic:adj.金属的,金属制的;有金属特性的,像金属的 This is kind of metallic paint. 这是一种有金属色泽的涂料。 I heard metallic sounds when I was studying. 在我学习的时候我听到了金属撞击的声音。 metropolitan:adj.大都市的,大都会的 They are journalists from several major metropolitan newspapers. 他们是来自首都几家大报纸的记者。 She left the small island and became famous in metropolitan France. 她离开小岛而在法国的大都市中成名。 midst:n.中部,中间,当中 in the midst of 在??之中;正当??的时候 migrant:n.移居者,移民;候鸟,迁移动物 migrate:vi.(候鸟等)迁徙;移居(国外) ,迁移 Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 有些部落为了寻找新鲜的牧草而带着他们的牲畜迁移。 We find that some birds migrate twice a year between hot and cold countries. 我们发现了一些候鸟每年在炎热和寒冷的国家间迁徙两次。 mild:adj.温柔的;温暖的;轻微的 militant:adj.激进的,好斗的 n.激进分子,斗士 One militant group warned the government to take notice. 一个激进团体警告政府要加以注意。 military:adj.军事的,军用的 n.军队,武装力量millionaire:n.百万富翁,大富翁 The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire work. 这个懒惰的女孩正梦想着嫁给一个有钱人,从此不再工作。andthereforewon’tdoanymingle:vt.使混合,使相混 vi.混合起来,相混合;相交往,相往来 Now the cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar. 这一刻,欢呼声和掌声混成一片持久的隆隆声。 He mingled in the crowd and lost in sight. 他混入人群,看不见了。 Although the colonists mingled to some extent with the native Americans,the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive. 虽然殖民者在一定程度上已与美洲土著相融合,但印第安人对美国文化和语言的影响并不广泛。 miniature:adj.小型的,微小的 n.微小的模型,缩影;微型画,微型人物像 in miniature 小规模,小型 The toy maker produces a miniature copy of the space station, exact in every detail. 玩具制造商生产了一种太空站的微型玩具,每个细节都很精确。 He showed me the miniature of the mansion. 他给我显示了大厦的模型。 He owns a detailed miniature of the Titanic. 他有一艘泰坦尼克号的精致小模型。 She is just like her mother in 她简直是她母亲的缩影。 minibus:n.小型公共汽车 minimal:adj.最小的,最低限度的miniature.minimize:vt.使减少(或缩小)到最低限度;极力贬低,对??作最低估计 The fire has caused great losses,but the factory tried to minimize the consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported. 大火造成了巨大损失,但厂家却开脱说损失并没有报道的那样严重,借此来降低事故的影响。 minimum:n.最低限度,最小量 minority:n.少数,少数民族 mint:n.薄荷;铸币厂 vt.铸造(硬币) ;创造(词等) Many people like to chew mint gum in the summer. 许多人喜欢在夏天嚼薄荷口香糖。 The poet minted several words that cannot be found in any dictionary. 诗人造了几个词典里找不到的词。 misery:n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 They were lonely in their misery. 他们孤独地承受着自己的痛苦。 The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people. 暴风给成千上万的人带来灾难。 I am ill with misery. 我病得难受。 misfortune:n.不幸,厄运,逆境;不幸事故,灾难,灾祸 He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination. 他很倒霉,在考试当天生病了。 mission:n.使命,任务,使团 Mission Impossible 谍中谍 missionary:n.传教士 The missionary was sent to India last 这名传教士去年被派到印度。 adj.最低的,最小的year.mistress:n.情妇;主妇,女主人 The dog ran alongside his mistress. 狗在女主人的身边奔跑。 The poet addressed many poems to his mistress,praising her beauty. 这位诗人为他心爱的女子写了许多诗,歌颂她的美丽。 moan:vi.呻吟,呜咽;抱怨,发牢骚 moan about 抱怨,发牢骚 vt.抱怨 n.呻吟声,呜咽声;怨声,牢骚 She moans in pain. 她痛苦地呻吟着。 Each time she moved her leg,she let out a moan. 每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。 What is he moaning about? 他在发什么牢骚? He moaned about his misfortune to anyone who would listen. 他向每一个愿意听的人抱怨他的不幸。 mob:n.暴民,乌合之众 vt.成群围住,聚众袭击 We see the players mobbing Wayne after his goal. 我们看到在韦恩进球后,队员们围了上去。 Pop stars are always moaning about being mobbed by their fans. 流行歌星总是抱怨他们受到歌迷的包围。 The waiting newsmen mobbed forward. 等候的记者们蜂拥向前。 The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。 mobile:adj.运动的,流动的,多变的 n.移动电话 The actor with a very mobile face was very funny. 这个脸部表情多变的演员很有趣。 mobilize:vt.动员;调动,鼓动起 vi.动员起来 The government mobilized millions to build dams. 政府动员千百万人来修建水坝。 mock:vt.嘲笑,嘲弄; (为了取笑)模仿 vi.嘲笑,嘲弄 adj.模拟的,演习的;假的,假装的 She was mocked by those ignorant boys. 她被那些无知的男孩子们取笑。 The army training exercises ended with a mock battle. 军事训练演习以一场模拟战结束。 She opened her eyes wide in mock disbelief. 她睁大眼睛假装不相信。 We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs. 我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰。 modest:adj.谦虚的;适中的;羞怯的 Our company is growing with 我们的公司正在稳步成长。modest rate.modify:vt.更改,修改, (语法上)修饰 The challenge is to help them to 这种挑战有利于改进他们的生活方式。 module:n.组件,模块,模件; (航天器的)舱 The crane hoists the module aloft. 起重机把建筑部件升到了高处。 molecule:n.分子modify their lifestyle.momentum:n.动力,冲力,势头;动量 gain/gather momentum 发展加快,势头增大 The investigation gathered momentum in the spring. 调查的势头在春天开始增大。 As the rock rolled down the mountainside,it gathered momentum. 石头滚下山时,它的动量增加。 The struggle for independence is gaining 为独立而斗争的势头日益增长。momentum everyday.monetary:adj.钱的,货币的,金融的 Japan’s central bank decided to keep its monetary policy unchanged. 日本中央银行决定保持货币政策不变。 The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。 monitor:n.班长;监视器,检测器; (计算机)显示器 Doctors often monitor patients carefully. 医生经常细心观察病人的情况。 vt.监听,检测monopoly:n.垄断,专卖;垄断物,垄断商品,专卖商品 That country almost has a monopoly of the memory-chip market. 那个国家几乎独占了内存芯片市场。 The telecommunication service is a government monopoly. 电信为政府专营。 He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. 他似乎认为只有他才聪明。 moral:adj.道德的,有道德的 n.[pl.]品行,道德规范;寓意monster:n.怪物;极其残酷的人;巨人,巨兽,巨大的东西 adj.大的,庞大的 I came to believe that if I became a monster,I wouldn’t be scared anymore. 我开始相信,如果我变成一个残酷的人,就不会再受惊吓了。 The machine is a real monster. 这台机器真是个庞然大物。 Dinosaurs are monsters. 恐龙是种巨兽。 morality:n.道德, (行为等的)道德性;德行,品行;道德观,道德准则 Many people think that the standards of public morality have declined. 许多人觉得公共道德标准有所降低。 Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否有所改进? They are discussing the morality of abortion. 他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。 moreover:adv.而且,再者,此外 He won the championship. Moreover,he received $1000. 他拿了冠军,此外还得了 1000 美元。 mortal:adj.终有一死的;致命的;你死我活的,不共戴天的 n.凡人,人类 We are all in mortal danger. 我们都处在致命的危险之中。 Man is mortal. 人都是会死的。 His injuries proved mortal. 他的伤成了致命伤。 mortgage:n.抵押,抵押借款 vt.抵押 Now my houses and lands are all mortgaged. 现在我的房子和田产都抵押出去了。 I can buy the house only if a mortgage for 2000 dollars is available. 只有拿到了两千美元的抵押贷款,我才买得起那栋房子。 He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。 motel:n.汽车旅馆 He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling. 他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接着旅行了。 motivate:vt.作为??的动机;激励,激发 They trained and motivated these natives. 他们训练和激励这些当地人。 motive:n.动机,目的 He could not find an adequate 他找不到做这件事的足够动机。motivein doing this.mourn:v.哀悼; (对??)感到痛心(或遗憾) We mourn the passing of a good man. 我们为一个好人的逝去而表示哀悼。 The old woman still mourns for her son. 这位老太太还在为儿子的死伤心。 muddy:adj.泥泞的,沾满烂泥的;暗淡的;糊涂的 vt.使沾上烂泥 The passing car muddied her through. 汽车驶过,溅得她浑身是泥。 They walked along a muddy road. 他们沿着一条泥泞的道路走着。 multiple:adj.复合的,多重的,多样的 n.倍数 Yao planed to establish a multiple neighborhood service center. 姚计划建立一个多功能社区服务中心。 multiply:v.(使)增加, (使)繁殖;乘 multitude:n.大量,许多;[the ~]大众,民众 a multitude/multitudes of 许多,大量 The teacher was followed by a multitude of children. 老师的后面跟着许多孩子。 A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibition hall. 大群人聚集在展览大厅的门口。 The multitude may laugh at his music,but we know better. 一般人也许会嘲笑他的音乐,但我们更了解它。 municipal:adj.市的,市政的 I logged on to municipal network. 我登录到市政府的网站上。 I study in a municipal college. 我在一所市立大学上学。 She works in a municipal library. 她在一所市立的图书馆工作。 murmur:v./n. 小声说(话) ;小声抱怨,咕哝; (微风、流水等)发出连续而低沉的声音 Tony murmured in awe at Crash’s pronouncement. 在克莱史作出决定以后,托尼害怕地小声咕哝。 muscular:adj.肌肉发达的,强壮的; (有关)肌(肉)的 His naked body was taut and muscular. 他裸露着的身躯结实而强壮。 mute:adj.缄默的,无声的;哑的,不会说话的; (字母)不发音的 Jean muted the sound on the TV. 吉恩将电视的音量调到最低。 He’s mute on the subject of social system. vt.消除(声音) ,减轻(声音) 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。 He’s deaf mute and cannot tell anyone secret. 他是个聋哑人,不会把他们的秘密告诉任何人。 mutter:v./n.轻声低语,小声抱怨 He muttered that he had done nothing at all. 他咕哝着说他什么都没干。 She kept on muttering to herself. 她老是一个人嘀嘀咕咕。 Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines. 演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。 mutual:adj.相互的,共同的 The countries wanted mutual protection. 国家之间需要互相保护。 myth:n.杜撰出来的人(或事物) ;神话 na? ve:adj.幼稚的,轻信的;天真的 Parents take a great interest in the na? questions raised by their children. ve 父母对孩子们提出的幼稚而又天真的问题怀有浓厚的兴趣。 napkin:n.餐巾 He has much learning,but he hides it in a napkin. 他学识渊博,可是并没有把它发挥出来。 narrative:n.叙述文,故事;叙述,讲述 I began the narrative of my experience for the last year. 我开始讲起自己去年的经历来。 Narrative makes up most of the book. 这本书的大部分篇幅都是叙述性的。 The writer had great skill in narrative. 这位作家极擅长叙述。 nasty:adj.令人讨厌的,令人厌恶的;难弄的,困难的;严重的,恶劣的,险恶的;下流的,道德败坏的 The nasty neighbor and his wife hand their tickets to the attendant. 那个令人讨厌的邻居和他的太太把票递给服务员。 What a nasty man! 这个恶人! He is a person with a nasty mind. 他是个思想肮脏的人。 navigation:n.航行(学) ,航海(术) ,航空(术) ;导航,领航 necessitate:vt.(使)成为必要,需要 That issue may necessitate some lifestyle changes. 那个问题可能会使某些生活方式的改变成为必要。 It’s an unpopular measure,but the situation necessitates it. 这是不得人心的办法,但形势需要这样做。 Your proposal will necessitate borrowing more money. 依你的建议就必须增加借款。 negative:adj.否定的,消极的;负的,阴性的 n.(照相的)负片,底片;负数 She was confused with the transfer of positive and negative electrical charge. 她被正负电荷的转变搞糊涂了。 neglect:vt./n. 忽视,忽略,疏忽 She has to struggle with the indifference or neglect of others. 她不得不与别人的漠视或疏忽抗争。 negligible:adj.可忽略不计的,微不足道的 The damage to his car was negligible;therefore,he could repair it himself. 汽车损坏得不是很严重,所以他可以自己修。 The damage to my car was negligible in the accident,but I have a lingering even today. 虽然在那场事故中,我的车子没有怎么损伤,但甚至到今天,我还在担惊受怕。 negotiate:v.洽谈,协商;顺利通过,成功越过;协商,谈判 neutral:adj.中立的,中性的 nickel:n.镍; (美国和加拿大的)五分镍币,五分钱 Can you give me a dime for two nickels? 你能不能用两个五分镍币给我换一个一毛的镍币? nickname:n.绰号,诨名 vt.给??起绰号 Jess is just my nickname-my real name is Jessica. 杰西只是我的昵称,我的真名是杰西卡。 They nicknamed him “Lofty” because he was so tall. 他们给他起了个绰号叫“高个儿” ,因为他身材很高。 nil:n.无,零 nominal:adj.名义上的,有名无实的; (费用等)很少的,象征性的;名词性的 The bonus to employees is merely a nominal sum. 雇员们只得到了点儿象征性的奖金。 The chairman is only the nominal ruler of the country. 主席只是那个国家名义上的统治者。 She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。 nominate:vt.提名,任命 I was nominated to the R&D department. 我被指派到研发部门工作。 I nominate her to present us at the meeting. 我推荐她代表我们出席会议。 She had been nominated as candidate for the presidency. 她已被提名为总统候选人。 The board nominated him as the new director. 董事会指定他为新董事。 nonetheless:adv.尽管如此,依然,然而 You’ve done your homework,but you’re wrong nonetheless. 你是完成了作业,但是你做错了。 norm:n.标准,规范;[常 pl.]准则 notable:adj.值得注意的,显著的,著名的 n.名人,要人 Richard was one of the most notable figures in our town. 理查德是我们镇最有名望的人之一。 He is a notable artist. 他是一位著名的艺术家。 notation:记号,标记法 notify:vt.通知,告知,报告fear notion:n.概念,观念;意图,想法, (怪)念头 notorious:adj.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的 That part of the city has long been notorious for its street violence. 长期以来,该城的那个地区因街头暴动而臭名远扬。 Hitler is a notorious killer. 希特勒是一个臭名昭著的刽子手。 notwithstanding:adv.尽管 Notwithstanding her friends were against the match,she married the poor tinker. 尽管朋友们反对,她还是嫁给了那个贫穷的修补匠。 Notwithstanding her naughtiness,I love my little girl. 尽管我的小姑娘很淘气,我还是很爱她。 He tried to prevent the marriage but it still took place notwithstanding. 虽然他竭力阻止这桩婚姻,但还是成了事实。 nourish:vt.养育,喂养,滋养;怀有(希望等) ,增强(希望等) He has long nourished the dream of returning to his motherland. 他一直怀着回国的梦想。 Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby. 我们供给婴儿营养只需喂奶就够了。 novelty:n.新奇事物;新奇,新奇感,新奇性;新颖小巧而廉价的物品 There was novelty in the scheme. 这个计划里面有许多新奇之处。 The novelty of his surroundings soon wore off. 他对环境的新奇感不久就淡薄了。 numerical:adj.数字的,用数字表示的,数值的 Nowadays,the numerical skills of children develop very early. 如今,孩子们的数字技能被开发得很早。 numerous:adj.众多的 nurture:vt./n. 养育,培养,滋养 It is a way to develop and nurture young talent. 这是一种发展和培养年轻人才的方法。 He wants to take the nurture of that delicate child. 他想去照料那个纤弱的孩子。 The child got his nurture from his loving parents. 这个孩子的教育来自他慈爱的双亲。 Most vegetables we buy in winter are nurtured in the greenhouse. 我们冬天买的大多数蔬菜都是在温室里培育的。 nutrition:n.营养 Our bodies need adequate nutrition. 我们的身体需要充足的营养。 This food provides all the nutrition your dog needs. 本食品含有狗所必须的一切营养。 oak:n.栎树,橡树;栎木,橡木 The door is made of oak. 这门是橡木做的。 oath:n.誓言,誓约;咒骂,诅咒语 on/under oath 在法庭上宣过誓 Did they make you take an oath? 他们要你发誓了吗? Repeat the oath after me. 请跟着我宣誓。 The judge reminded the witness that she was under 法官提醒那个证人她已经宣过誓了。oath.obedient:adj.服从的,顺从的 In some countries,students are expected to be quiet and 在有些国家里,人们期望学生们在课堂上安静、听话。 My brother is an obedient boy. 我弟弟是一个听话的男孩。 The dog is obedie


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