
爱人心中的那把钥匙你找到了吗?How do I recover or replace a lost Microsoft Office product key?
How do I recover or replace a lost Microsoft Office product key?
Losing your product key can be a frustrating experience, especially if you need it to install Office. To explore options to recover or replace a lost Office product key, choose your Office version:
Office 365 Home, Office 365 Personal, or Office 365 University
You likely won’t need to recover or replace the product key if the subscription has already been redeemed. To install Office, go to , sign in with the Microsoft account tied to your subscription and click the Install button.
If you sign in to your account page with a Microsoft account that’s not linked to your subscription, you’ll get this message on the page: “Office isn’t associated with this account.” You’ll need to sign in with the Microsoft account that was used when you redeemed and installed Office for the first time. If you continue to have problems signing in to your account page, please
to review your options.
If you bought the box product at a store and you haven’t installed and redeemed the Office subscription yet, the product key can be found in the packaging. For more information, read .
Office 2013 Home and Student, Office 2013 Home and Business, or Office 2013 Professional
You likely won’t need to recover or replace the product key if you purchased Office 2013 online or it’s been installed once before. To install Office, go to , sign in with the Microsoft account tied to the product and click the Install button.
If you’d prefer to install Office using a disk and you need the product key, you can find it on your account page. Under the Account Options, click Install from a disk. On the next screen, click on I have a disk, and then click on the View your product key button to display the install product key.
If you sign in to your account page with a Microsoft account that’s not linked to your subscription, you’ll get this message: “Office isn’t associated with this account.” You’ll need to sign in with the Microsoft account that was used when you redeemed and installed Office for the first time. If you continue to have problems signing in to your account page, please
to review your options.
If you bought the box product at a store and you haven’t installed Office 2013 yet, the product key can be found in the packaging. For more information, read
Office 2010 Home and Student, Office 2010 Home and Business, or Office 2010 Professional
You may be able to recover the Office product key online. This option is available if you purchased, downloaded, and installed Office 2010 online or, at one point, the key was associated with a Microsoft account. To recover the product key, go to
and sign in with the Microsoft account tied to the install. The account details page will contain the product key and provide a download link to install Office.
You may also be able to recover the Office product key in the confirmation email you received if you purchased the product online. If you purchased Office 2010 directly from Microsoft, search for “Microsoft” in your emails. If you purchased from a third-party retailer try searching the retailer’s name. Check all mail folders including the Junk folder for this email.
If you bought the box product at a store, the product key can be found in the packaging. For more information, read .
You can also . Support may be able to help you if you have a valid proof of purchase. If you don’t, there is very little they can do. While we understand this can be frustrating, please note that this is similar to other company or store policies when you lose your proof of purchase for their products.
Microsoft Office 2007 or earlier versions of Office
If the product key is lost,
as they may be able to help if you have a valid proof of purchase. If you don’t, there is very little they can do. While we understand this can be frustrating, please note that this is similar to other company or store policies when you lose your proof of purchase for their products.
What are my options if I can’t find my product key and I don’t have a valid proof of purchase?
We recommend you consider . Here are the benefits if you’re an Office 365 customer with an active subscription:
You can sign in to your account page and install Office
without the need of a product key.
You can install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs, and 5 mobile devices (if you purchase Office 365 Home).
It enables you to install Office in a range of languages.
You’re entitled to the newest version of the Office applications whenever they are available.
You can also try uploading your document, workbook, or presentation to OneDrive and then opening it with an Office Online application. Office Online is free to use and while it may not provide all the features and benefits that come with an Office 365 subscription, it may help you open, edit, and print your file if you need to do something quickly. For more information about uploading files to OneDrive, go to .
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魔兽世界里的FB哪些需要钥匙? 怎么获得钥匙?
奥金奈钥匙(队伍每员都需要拥钥匙才能进入英雄模式副本)需要层城市-崇敬打进入奥金顿副本英雄模式途径售处:沙特拉斯城层城市NPC:拿杜焰煅钥(队伍每员都需要拥钥匙才能进入英雄模式副本)需要荣誉堡或者萨尔玛-崇敬打进入狱火堡垒英雄模式途径售处:狱火半岛荣誉堡(联盟)萨尔玛(部落)NPC:勤官员乌尔克光钥(队伍每员都需要拥钥匙才能进入英雄模式副本)需要间守护者-崇敬打进入光穴英雄模式途径售处:塔纳利斯光穴NPC:阿鲁尔米水库钥(队伍每员都需要拥钥匙才能进入英雄模式副本)需要塞纳奥远征军-崇敬打进入盘牙水库英雄模式途径售处:赞加沼泽塞纳奥避难营NPC:费德安迅矛虚空锻造钥(队伍每员都需要拥钥匙才能进入英雄模式副本)需要沙尔塔-崇敬打进入暴风要塞英雄模式途径售处:沙特拉斯城光平台NPC:阿尔玛破碎厅钥匙(需名队员拥钥匙进入副本)要队伍名员拥钥匙打破碎厅前门同达70级拥350点锁技能盗贼打取钥匙任务影月谷叫杀掉铁匠戈尔兰克 任务始怪位于黑暗神庙阿塔玛尔平台掉落铸模让始系列获钥匙任务杀掉位于黑暗神庙外叫做铁匠戈尔兰克兽铁匠身获粗制钥匙铸模始:粗制钥匙铸模拾取绑定唯物品始项任务需要等级68铸模背面刻着狱火堡垒外形进入堡垒(任务)任务目标:粗制钥匙铸模带给狱火半誉堡原力指挥官达纳斯任务奖励:12650经验(70级奖励7金59银)250点荣誉堡声望宗师邓福莱(任务)任务目标:粗制钥匙铸模带给荣誉堡邓福莱任务奖励:3150经验(70级奖励1金89银)25点荣誉堡声望邓福莱请求(任务)任务目标:给狱火半岛荣誉堡邓福莱带4魔化铁锭2奥术尘4火焰尘任务奖励:12650经验(70级奖励7金59银)250点荣誉堡声望比狱更热(任务)任务目标:杀死狱火半岛狱收割者未淬火钥匙铸模插入尸体淬火钥匙带给荣誉堡邓福莱任务奖励:破碎厅钥匙15800经验(70级奖励9金48银)350点荣誉堡声望比狱更热任务奖励进入破碎厅钥匙毒蛇神殿任务链(盘牙水库25团队副本)想要进入斯琪士副本需要进入奴隶围栏(62-64级盘牙水库副本侧)英雄模式第Boss面远碰困笼异教徒囚徒斯卡提斯提供叫做卡尔德棍棒 任务完任务必须屠龙者格鲁(格鲁巢穴25团队副本)身印记夜屠杀者(卡拉赞10团队副本)身获烈焰印记获两道具施随进入毒蛇神殿洞穴暗影迷宫钥匙(需名队员拥钥匙进入副本)与破碎厅相同要名队员拥钥匙让每队员进入副本进入暗影迷宫钥匙由赛瑟克厅(67-69级奥金顿副本翼)终Boss神爪艾奇斯掉落阿卡特拉兹任务链及钥匙(需名队员拥钥匙进入副本)与破碎厅相同需要名拥钥匙队员或者锁技能达350盗贼阿卡特拉兹钥匙必须完虚空风暴暴风尖塔任务链任务让沙特拉斯城阿达NPC让找钥匙两半组合起阿卡特拉兹钥匙半部由机械室(70级暴风要塞副本翼)计员帕萨翁掉落钥匙半部由植物园(70级暴风要塞副本翼)扭曲碎裂掉落任务线:虚空风暴暴风尖塔始三角测量第点任务目标:使用三角测量装置找第测量点找向位于虚空风暴乌特斯力浮岛保护监视哨商哈兹报告任务奖励:4金40银12300点经验(70级7金38银)250点际财团声望三角测量第二点任务目标:使用三角测量装置找第二测量点找向位于虚空风暴阿拉力浮岛桥旁边图鲁曼降落点附近风商图鲁曼报告任务奖励:4金40银12650点经验(70级7金59银)250点际财团声望完三角测量(精英)任务目标:找阿塔玛尔水晶并且展示给虚空风暴暴风尖塔通讯王哈拉玛德图像(建议玩家数:2名)任务奖励:4金40银12650点经验(70级7金59银)500点际财团声望沙特拉斯城特殊货物任务目标:阿塔玛尔水晶交给沙特拉斯城光平台阿达任务奖励:面选择:阿达胸甲拾取绑定胸部 板甲1106点护甲+35力量+27耐力耐久度135/135装备:提高命等级22点装备:提高致命击等级25点纳鲁裤拾取绑定腿部 布甲130点护甲+27耐力+22智力+25精神耐久度65/65装备:提高术技能造治疗效77点沙特拉斯护腿拾取绑定腿部 皮甲243点护甲+35力量+25敏捷+27耐力耐久度75/75装备:提高野性战斗技能等级22点获:13金20银获增益状态:阿达祝福:提高近战远程攻击强度200点提高术造伤害效115点持续120钟获:19000点经验(70级11金40银)1000点沙塔尔声望闯入阿卡特拉兹(机械室植物园完)风暴眼任务链及钥匙(风暴要塞25团队副本)团队每都需要拥风暴钥匙才能进入眼并没门钥匙像龙火护符型入口道具完影月谷诅咒密码任务链邮箱收卡德加封信邀请谈谈指示找阿达阿达给3任务:纳鲁试练:仁慈 -必须完英雄模式破碎厅(70级狱火堡垒副本翼);纳鲁试练:力量-必须完英雄模式暗影迷宫(70级奥金顿副本翼);纳鲁试练:坚韧-必须完英雄模式阿卡特拉兹(70级暴风要塞副本翼)通三项测试收项测试:纳鲁试练:玛格瑟顿;完任务收风暴钥匙作奖励让进入眼副本任务:纳鲁试练:仁慈任务目标:沙特拉斯城阿达希望能狱火堡垒破碎厅找未曾使用刽手斧任务必须英雄模式完任务奖励:500点沙尔塔声望任务:纳鲁试练:力量任务目标:沙特拉斯城阿达希望能找卡利苏拉三叉戟虚空低语者精华任务必须英雄模式完任务奖励:500点沙尔塔声望 任务:纳鲁试练:坚韧任务目标:沙特拉斯城阿达希望能暴风要塞阿卡特拉兹救米尔豪斯玛拿斯通任务必须英雄模式完任务奖励:500点沙尔塔声望任务:纳鲁试练:玛格瑟顿任务目标:沙特拉斯城阿达希望能杀死玛格瑟顿任务奖励:70级获24金60银风暴钥匙 凤凰烈焰指环拾取绑定唯手指+24耐力+30火焰抗性
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