
帝国全面战争达斯8.0 - 博文详细
帝国全面战争达斯8.0Tue, 26 Mar :16 GMTDarthMod Empire v8.0 Platinum帝国全面战争达斯MOD8.0白金版"The Changelog of a 13GB mod"一个13GB大小的MOD的改动列表Battles Gameplay及时战斗的游戏表现Finally the BAI has become better than the average human player. The quest has ended....电脑战斗方面的人工智能终于好过一般人类对手了,这方面的探索终结了……New formations make the BAI far more effective, especially in defense. Several adjustments to formations and other settings make the BAI to line up better, generally to behave much more efficiently and be more challenging. You should now notice increased difficulty even in custom battles. The New formations make the BAI to form also double or triple lines when needed, which is necessary when it commands a... 40 Unit army... the new feature of DarthMod Empire (read below).新的阵型使战斗人工智能更有效,特别是在防御中。一些阵型方面的改动以及其他改动使战斗人工只能更好地维持战线,一般来说表现得更有效且更具有挑战。你甚至能在自定义战斗中注意到难度增加了。这些新阵型使战斗人工智能能在必要的时机下列出两列或者三列阵线,这个必要的时机是当它控制40单位的部队时,这也是达斯MOD的新功能(见下文)。Much better melee mechanics resulting to more violent hand to hand battles and animations. Changes in unit movement and physics mechanics together with other settings provide much more dynamic melee, ferocious and violent, as realism requests. By improving a lot the melee and animation mechanics units become much more agile when fighting and also the BAI is benefited by being more responsive. Unit speeds and responses superbly balanced not only for more violent melees and better timed volleys but also for much less Siege Lag.好得多的肉搏机制导致更激烈的手动战斗和战斗画面。单位行军机制已经物理机制的改动已经其他设定提供了更富有变化,残酷,激烈的肉搏战,正如真实战斗中发生的那样。通过肉搏和动画机制的诸多提升,部队在战斗时更灵活,战斗人工只能也得益于反应灵活。部队的速度和反应得到极好的平衡,不仅是因为更激烈的肉搏和更佳的齐射,而且得益于更少了攻城战延迟。Melee penetration increased to the extreme cinematic effect.肉搏战的冲击性增加到极致的战斗画面效果。Unit Vertical rank space increased to proper levels (Maybe it contributed to the Fort Lag).部队的经验增长空间增加到合适的水平(也许它有助于围城战延迟)。Several improvements to projectile physics and trajectories.炮弹物理机制和弹道得到少许提升。Morale more dynamic (Units are affected more from musketing and cannon fire but do not shutter and can regroup). Native American morale increased for balance.士气更富于变化(部队更易受燧发枪设计和炮火影响,但不易溃散,能重整)。为了平衡印第安土著的士气提升。Some repairs in the formations in the off sets to achieve even better BAI.为了让战斗人工智能表现更好,阵型方面有一些修复和调整。Wider firing range for straighter AI musket lines.电脑的直线型火枪阵线设计范围更广。A small fatigue error penalty in naval battles is fixed.海战中的一个小的疲劳惩罚错误被修正。BAI should form better musket lines and be much less hesitant.战斗人工智能能组建更好的火枪部队阵型,且不太可能迟疑不前。Ships firepower and accuracy fine tuned and corrected in some cases (for example 2nd rate was showing less firepower than 3rd rate). This affects autoresolve which now should be completely error free and the real time battles which are even more realistic and challenging.在一些情况下海军舰船的火力和准确度被调整和修正(例如二级舰的火力比3级舰略少),这种效果被自动解决,现在没有错误,而且及时战斗更真实更有挑战性。Ships mass increased to have more inertia effects.舰船的惯性得到极大的提升。Rocket and Mortar ships heavily capped.火箭船和臼炮艇受到的阻力被加强。Cannon Range differs now according to caliber.火炮根据口径,射程不同。Increased the damage of carronades significantly.大口径舰炮的伤害增加。Increased the Naval Cannons ranges.海军火炮的射程增加。Increased the Naval Cannons hitpoints so that they do not get destroyed so easily.增加来海军舰炮的生命值,因此他们更难被摧毁。Naval Mortars and Rockets range decreased so that they are not overpowered in naval battles.海军火箭船和臼炮艇的射程被减小所以他们在海战中不再有压倒性优势。Enhanced the naval physics (ships are affected more by tides and collisions).加强了海上的物理机制(舰船更易受海浪和碰撞影响。)A small unbalance in unit cost upkeep for some 1st rates is resolved.关于一些1级舰维护费的一些微小的不平衡现象被修正。Ships have more damage endurance for more spectacular naval battles, especially the heavy ships above 2nd rate which are big targets but can win now more evidently due to their general superiority.舰船在大规模海战中具有更大的生存力,特别是2级舰以上的重型舰船,他们是大目标但是因为它们自身的优势更易取胜。Infantry squares more resilient against cavalry.步兵方阵在对抗骑兵时更具有弹性。Re-balanced all the reload rates so to make the squares to fire more rapidly (they took ages and their reload rate is hard coded and cannot be changed specially) and the BAI even more responsive. Now the squares are more useful than ever and the BAI muskets more than ever without melee bug.所有的装弹速率被重新平衡使方阵的火力更猛烈(它们取决于年代而且装填速率是被加密的不能单独修改,而且战斗人工智能反应更快。现在方阵比以前更有用,而且战斗人工智能在没有肉搏战错误的情况下比以前更常用火枪射击。Solid cannon shots have now shockwave effects for realistic impacts, just like in Napoleon: Total War. (Artillery accuracy reduced for balancing, DarthMod submods should update the Artillery Accuracy stat accordingly).为了表现真实的效果,实心炮弹现在具有更大的冲击波,就像在拿破仑全面战争中那样,(为了平衡火炮的精度下降,达斯次级MOD相应地会升级火炮准确状态。)Various unit balance costs and stats here and there.多种单位的花费和状态调整。English and European factions Ship Marines have now the historically correct model (The Scrooge McDuck hat is over).英国和欧洲国家海军陆战队现在依据历史有了正确的兵模(Scrooge McDuck式样的帽子不再存在了。)Pirates and Crimean Khanate have now an enriched unit roster (In Vanilla it was annoyingly limited).海盗和克里米亚汗国现在有更丰富的兵种。(在原版中被极大的限制了。)Garrison has some upkeep cost to simulate the siege negative impacts to economy for the defender.要塞有了一些维护费,这是为了模拟围城战对防御者经济的负面影响。Many units of minor factions unlocked for custom battles.在自定义战斗中小国家的许多单位解锁。Mortar and fixed artillery can now move slowly so that they are more useful and, for god shake, they could move. (Now when the attacker brings his mortars in range, you are in trouble).臼炮和固定式火炮现在可以缓慢的移动所以现在他们更有用,看在上帝的份上,他们可以移动了。(现在攻击者会让他的臼炮移动来攻击你,你麻烦了)Campaign Gameplay战役的游戏表现。Newer unmodded Total War games have inferior Campaign AI & Diplomacy than this!甚至是最新的不加载的MOD的全面战争系列游戏都不会有如此出色的战役人工智能和外交!More aggressive CAI as you requested.正如你们要求的,战役人工智能更有攻击性。Better CAI money management and more reasonable diplomacy.战役人工智能更会理财和理智外交。CAI should stay around its ports more often so to defend them more effectively.战役人工智能会更频繁地呆在他的堡垒内以至于他们的防守更出色。CAI should make more global invasions.战役人工智能会发起更多的全球性入侵。CAI should develop and research more efficiently.战役人工智能会更有效的发展和进行研究。CAI Land Auto-Calculation Improved (it should be more difficult to win sieges by autocalc and generally the losses seem more logical).战役人工智能自动陆战的计算提升(自动战斗解决围城战更难,一般来说损失更有合理性。)Better Naval battles auto-calc.战役人工智能自动海战更好。Several double entries in CAI handicaps have been erased. Probably this bug caused/enhanced the Turn Delay in late campaign and also some CAI handicaps may have been overridden by zero, such as research bonuses, so now research should be more rapid for the AI.一些对战役人工智能的限制以及被移除,也许做几个BUG造成/加重晚期战役的回合过场时间,所以这些限制被移除了,比如科研回合数,所以现在电脑对手的科研速度更快。CAI army and navy composition even better. All the special and elite units are preferred by the AI more.电脑对手的陆海军部队构成更出色,电脑对手更多地选择特殊部队,精锐部队。CAI should repair ships much more frequently.电脑对手更频繁地修理舰船。CAI should calculate correctly the necessary army size to counter the human player in the campaign open fields and sieges (Prepare to take heavy losses in the battlefield.在战役的野战,围城战中,电脑对手会正确调整部队规模来对抗人类对手(准备在战场上承受更惨重的伤亡吧。)CAI should disrupt and raid trade routes more.电脑对手将更频繁地切断和袭击贸易路线。Major nations should now try more to make distant colonies and not to conquer bordering provinces. It was the age of colonization so they should do that.主要国家现在更多去尝试建立远离本笃的殖民地而不是征服周边地区,真是一个殖民时代他们理应如此。Major nations like Russia should focus on military & conquering more.主要国家比如俄国将更加关注于军事和征服方面。Fleets canceling naval invasions and remaining idle should be fixed.舰队取消海上进攻和保持空闲的错误将被修正。Some very important diplomacy fixes which resulted in wrong (opposite) bonuses/penalties for alliance/trade breaks.一些很主要的外交错误将被修正,它们导致结盟/贸易关系破裂的错误(相反的)的惩罚。The Native Americans and Minor nations support their allies more.美洲印第安人和小国更支持它们的联盟。Minister Diplomacy bonuses increased so their role to be more critical.外交大臣带来的效果增减加强了所以他们的角色更关键。CAI should evaluate more aggressively the inter-faction relationships in the mid-game and should try invasions than peace.电脑对手将更活跃地建立派系间的关系,在游戏中期将尝试打破和平的状态。CAI should send bigger stacks to capture a settlement.电脑对手将投送巨大的兵力去攻占城市。Diplomacy even more reasonable with Factions considering more the inter-faction relationships according to CAI type.外交行为将更加理智,因为根据电脑对手的种类Money should now affect more the CAI diplomacy.与电脑对手的外交中,金钱起的作用更大。CAI will be more mobile across the campaign map and also this should affect positively the known Ottoman turn lag.电脑对手将更多地在战略地图上移动,这个有助于解决已知的奥斯曼帝国的回合延迟问题。Fortifications are now more expensive so that AI and Human player do not build them easily.堡垒更贵,所以现在电脑和人类对手都不能容易地建造他们。The bug that prevented the Native Americans to build bowmen in Ultimate and Custom Campaigns is now fixed (This was caused by a Vanilla error).使印第安人不能在战役和自定义战斗中生产弓箭手部队的BUG被修正(这是原版的错误引起的)All campaigns have now starting Indiaman ship types removed (because they are removed from the game as all the ships can trade in DarthMod).所有战役中的印度商船被移除(因为它们在游戏中被删除了,而达斯MOD中所有船都可以做贸易)Late Campaign repairs and enhancements (Sweden has now correct Victory Conditions and all Victory Conditions have been extented).晚期战役被修正和增强(瑞典的战役胜利条件被修正,所有战役胜利情况被扩大。)In some campaigns the Thirteen Colonies are granted as Major Faction, affecting this way their CAI role accordingly.在一些战役中十三殖民地被升格为主要派系,相应地,十三殖民地作为电脑对手的行为也改变。Effects & Sounds画面和声音。Empire: Total War had never that cinematic feel!帝国全面战争从未有过的画面体验!The new effects (based on the BSM of Mech_Donald) are extraordinary, similar to those of DarthMod Napoleon. They are balanced so as to provide maximum smoke effects without much lag and will be enabled by default.新的特效(基于Mech_Donald)的BSM)非常出色,和拿破仑全面战争的达斯MOD相似。它提供了大量的烟雾效果,且没有延迟,这是默认开启的效果。There is also a new Lite BSM version that in fact is a much more improved old Heavy BSM version. It provides much more enhanced effects but with much less FPS loss than previously.有一个精简的BSM版本,比旧的重量级的BSM版本效果要好,它提供了好得多的增强效果,但是比起以前来说,帧数损失更少。Several fantastic musket sounds imported to mix superbly with the old musket sounds and to provide a unique battle experience and epic feel. These musket sounds are offered kindly by Shokh and are also used in his mod "American Civil War - The Blue and the Grey".一些吸引人的燧发枪音效被引入,比起旧版来说,提供了更独特的战斗体验和史诗般的感觉。这些音效由Shokh友情提供,也用于他的MOD”美国内战:蓝与灰”The Brigadier Graham Music Mod is enhanced and now the Deployment and Battle music tracks are not "Chill out" type but soundtracks which cause tension and cinematic feel. (The mod is free and not used for commercial reasons and all rights of the included tracks belong to their respected owners).Brigadier Graham音乐MOD被增强,洗澡部署和战斗阶段的音乐不是“放松”的类型,音乐将营造紧张和电影化的感觉。(此MOD是免费的,不用于首页用途,所有版权包括音乐属于它们令人尊敬的版权所有者)The New Launcher新启动器The best that is ever created for DarthMod series!它是达斯MOD系类发布以来最好的启动器。The new launcher is made from scratch by husserlTW and is much simpler and functional than the previous. You enable all your options from the front panel and you are ready to start the game. If you require more info you can find it in its included help section.新启动器由husserlTW制作,比以前更简单和富于实用性。你可以在主面板设定所有选项当你准备启动游戏时。如果你需要更多信息,你可以在启动器里找到它的帮助文件。All options have been specially fine tuned to follow the new gameplay base of DarthMod Empire 8.0.所有选项依据达斯MOD8.0的新游戏体验调整过了。Projectile trails can now be enabled and are better than the "laser looking" vanilla.炮弹弹道现在可以被显示,比原版中像激光一样的效果好多了。There is now again a No Fort Option created by Shokh (the developer of ACW mod).现在又有无要塞选项,制作者Shokh(ACW MOD的制作者)The RTI campaign has been removed because of bugs.因为BUG太多,RTI战役被移除。You can now play Multiplayer with DarthMod Empire's excellent gameplay and gigantic list of units by enabling the Multiplayer option of the Launcher and searching for compatible players (Needs player testing).你现在可以在达斯MOD中玩联机对战,而且联机战斗中可以使用巨大单位的部队(需要玩家测试)Now you can play the specially created single player 40 Unit Campaigns (up to 40 units in an Army and 30 units in a Navy).现在你可以玩40单位部队的战役(一个满编的陆军有40个单位,一个满编的海军有30个单位)They are the following 95 (!) special campaigns:一下是95个特别战役。    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:    Ultimate Campaign Early (14 Campaigns)    DME_40Units_UC_Britain    DME_40Units_UC_France    DME_40Units_UC_Austria    DME_40Units_UC_United_Provinces    DME_40Units_UC_Spain    DME_40Units_UC_Prussia    DME_40Units_UC_Poland    DME_40Units_UC_Ottomans    DME_40Units_UC_Russia    DME_40Units_UC_Sweden    DME_40Units_UC_Maratha    DME_40Units_UC_Mughal    DME_40Units_UC_Cherokee    DME_40Units_UC_Iroquois    Ultimate Campaign Late (15 Campaigns)    DME_40Units_UCL_Britain    DME_40Units_UCL_France    DME_40Units_UCL_Austria    DME_40Units_UCL_United_Provinces    DME_40Units_UCL_Spain    DME_40Units_UCL_Prussia    DME_40Units_UCL_Poland    DME_40Units_UCL_Ottomans    DME_40Units_UCL_Russia    DME_40Units_UCL_Sweden    DME_40Units_UCL_Maratha    DME_40Units_UCL_Mughal    DME_40Units_UCL_United_States    DME_40Units_UCL_Cherokee    DME_40Units_UCL_Iroquois    Grand Campaign (11 Campaigns)    DME_40Units_GC_Britain    DME_40Units_GC_France    DME_40Units_GC_Austria    DME_40Units_GC_United_Provinces    DME_40Units_GC_Spain    DME_40Units_GC_Prussia    DME_40Units_GC_Poland    DME_40Units_GC_Ottomans    DME_40Units_GC_Russia    DME_40Units_GC_Sweden    DME_40Units_GC_Maratha    WarPath (5 Campaigns)    DME_40Units_WP_Iroquois    DME_40Units_WP_Huron    DME_40Units_WP_Plains_Nations    DME_40Units_WP_Pueblo_Nations    DME_40Units_WP_Cherokee_Nations    UpRising (10 Campaigns)    DME_40Units_UR_Iroquois    DME_40Units_UR_Huron    DME_40Units_UR_Plains_Nations    DME_40Units_UR_Pueblo_Nations    DME_40Units_UR_Cherokee_Nations    DME_40Units_UR_United_Provinces    DME_40Units_UR_United_States    DME_40Units_UR_Spain    DME_40Units_UR_France    DME_40Units_UR_Britain    Custom Campaign (40 Campaigns)    DME_40Units_CC_Britain    DME_40Units_CC_Thirteen_Colonies    DME_40Units_CC_France    DME_40Units_CC_Louisiana    DME_40Units_CC_Austria    DME_40Units_CC_United_Provinces    DME_40Units_CC_Spain    DME_40Units_CC_New_Spain    DME_40Units_CC_Prussia    DME_40Units_CC_Poland    DME_40Units_CC_Ottomans    DME_40Units_CC_Russia    DME_40Units_CC_Sweden    DME_40Units_CC_Savoy    DME_40Units_CC_Persia    DME_40Units_CC_Morocco    DME_40Units_CC_Knights_of_St_John    DME_40Units_CC_Maratha    DME_40Units_CC_Mughal    DME_40Units_CC_Mysore    DME_40Units_CC_Italian_States    DME_40Units_CC_Hannover    DME_40Units_CC_Denmark    DME_40Units_CC_Portugal    DME_40Units_CC_Crimean_Khanate    DME_40Units_CC_Venice    DME_40Units_CC_Genoa    DME_40Units_CC_Bavaria    DME_40Units_CC_Westphalia    DME_40Units_CC_Georgia    DME_40Units_CC_Wurttemburg    DME_40Units_CC_Dagestan    DME_40Units_CC_Courland    DME_40Units_CC_Saxony    DME_40Units_CC_Cherokee    DME_40Units_CC_Huron    DME_40Units_CC_Inuit    DME_40Units_CC_Iroquois    DME_40Units_CC_Plains_Nations    DME_40Units_CC_Pueblo_Nations    DME_40Units_CC_Barbary_StatesHow you play them? You enable one from the launcher and then you load it from the saves of the game.你怎样能玩到它们呢?你可以在启动器里使一个可用然后读取存盘。The Music and Drum & Fife addons are now pre-included in the mod (no need to download them separately).附加内容The Music and Drum & Fife现在已包含在MOD中(不用单独下载了)You can now easily restore the game status to Vanilla to play Vanilla MP whenever you want or to disable the mod for your own reasons (play a vanilla campaign, uninstall the mod completely etc.).你可以容易地恢复游戏到原版去玩原版的联机当你需要时或者由于某种原因要禁用MOD时(玩原版战役,或者完全卸载MOD等等) 安装说明  First, you must fully patch the game Empire: Total War.The 1,6 patch is the latest.首先,你必须要拥有完整的帝国全面战争1.6版本。1.6版本在游戏中的菜单左下角会显示v.1.5.0 build
.。如何确定你的帝国是否是1.6版本呢,不光是看版本号,还需要查看在你的data下是否有patch5.pack这个文件。温馨提示,如果没有这个文件,在游戏中很容易出现新国际卡回合的问题。下载1.0升级至1.6版本覆盖文件可以在顶置里找到,制作者是河马。其他均为转载。请各位玩家尊重原创者。Patch 1.6 is actually called v.1.5.0 build
due to a mistake of The Creative Assembly.So how do you know for sure that you have the patch? You fully install  the game and update with Steam and then check in your game folder if  there is a file patch5.pack. If this file exists then your game is up to date.Uninstall any previous version of DarthMod (DM or DMUC).卸载掉已经装有的任何版本达斯mod。Verify Game Integrity with Steam (See how->Link).这里是正版玩家才需要做的事。也就是利用steam来检查完整性,以保证是个干净的帝国。Run the Installation Package (File DarthMod_Empire_v8.0_Platinum.exe) and just follow the instructions.运行达斯8.0的主程序进行安装。(安装路径为, 游戏本体所在盘:\Empire Total War 比如  E:\Empire Total War。请保证文件为英文名)[Optional]Before installation you can also delete the file preferences.empire_script.txt   在安装前你可以删除掉位于c盘的preferences.empire_script.txt 这个文件。in %appdata%\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts.      路径为 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData \ Roaming\ The Creative Assembly\ Empire\scripts  此为win7版本的情况This file can be responsible for CTD or freezes for various reasons and  so then it needs clean up. (The game produces a new one after delete).      警告!如果不事先删除这个文件,会导致正版游戏被冻结或是盗版游戏出现不能进入游戏的尴尬。所以在安装前务必先删除此文件。     下载包分5个,总大小是2.8G左右,安装到游戏后,包括游戏本体后大小为28G资源名称下载DarthMod Empire V8.0 Platinum上一篇:帝国全面战争MOD...下一篇:帝国全面战争明朝...返回博文列表浏览:726评论:0发表评论


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