
我喜欢的运动英语作文 【范文十篇】
范文一:篇一:我喜欢的运动 My Favorite Sport
There are many kinds of interesting sports, such as basketball, football, swimming and running, but the most I like is swimming. When I was a little child, my father took me to the river which near my house to learn swimming. Then, I found it's really fun and cool when I swim in the water, especially in summer, It's the most exciting thing to do when summer comes. I like swimming. It's so wonderful.
有很多种有趣的运动,比如说篮球,足球,游泳和跑步,但是我最喜欢的是游泳。当我还是个小孩的时候,我父亲就带我到附近的河里学游泳。后来,我发觉游泳真的很有趣,在水里游的时候很凉快,特别是在夏天。当夏天到来的时候,最令人兴奋的事就是游泳。我喜欢游泳,感觉好极了。 篇二:游泳是我最喜欢的运动Swimming is My Favorite Sport
I’m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim gradually. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I believe it is due to swimming that I’m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn’t wait to swim now. But it is ten o’clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone.
除了游泳之外,我对体育既不感兴趣也不擅长。在我还是个婴儿的时候,我就会游泳了。我妈妈告诉我,在我出生20天的时候她就让我拿着个救生圈在水里游了。之后慢慢的我就会游泳了。我长大后非常喜欢游泳。我一年四季都游泳。在夏天游泳,把我的体温降低了可以让我感到很舒服。在冬天游泳让我我感到很兴奋也很有成就感。总的来说,游泳可以使我保持身心健康。每当我感到难过时,我就会去游泳,然后我就会充满能量而且得到放松。我相信我很瘦得归功于游泳。谁想减肥,加入我吧。我们可以在游泳中交到很多朋友。噢,我等不及要游泳了。可是现在是晚上十点。我要去睡觉了。大家晚安。 篇三:我喜欢的运动 My Favorite Sports
Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China. It’s my favorite, too. It’s a good way of exercise, and it’s easy to play. You don’t need many skills. I often play table tennis after class. Most of my classmates like it. So we always have partners. But if you want to play well, it’s not so easy. You must focus on your gesture, your hands and your steps. I want to be better, so I practice it very often. I have my own teacher to teach me. I work hard on it.
奥运英语作文:我最喜欢的中国射击运动员(The Chinese sport shooter I like best)
The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.
Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:
In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev (Russia) who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.
I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great sprite.
????Water gymnastics are also known as synchronized swimming that are among popular Olympic sports. It is an Olympic sport that mixes swimming with ballet and gymnastics, and includes diving, stunts, lifts, and endurance movements. Water gymnastics are the synchronized swimming which didn't become an Olympic sport until 1984, when both duets and teams of four to eight swimmers were allowed to compete.
????I like water gymnastics best for many reasons. First of all, I am a good swimmer. Therefore, I am interested in all kinds of Olympic swimming sports. Especially, I am fond of water gymnastics for two major reasons - the fabulous movements and those sexy and those very beautiful female swimmers. Most importantly, I like the great music and their fabulous performance in water ballet. When I watch this Olympic sport, I can learn their professional techniques in swimming. For example, swimmers' performance is evaluated based on a series of predetermined elements, such as execution of strokes and transitions, difficulty, and synchronization.
????Arm sections and figures, similar to those of figure skating, are also required, and all elements must be presented in a specific order. Because synchronized swimming routines require exceptional breath control, judges also take into consideration the ability of the swimmers to preserve the illusion of effortlessness while holding their breath for up to two minutes.
????Last and certainly not least, water gymnastics is my most favourite Olympic sport. I like water gymnastics best among all kinds of water sports. Not only am I attracted to their fabulous movements in the water, the energy in the music, their beautiful, sexy and healthy figures also bring me an ultimate hearing and visual pleasure. If I have to choose my most favourite sport, I will choose water gymnastics for the best choice. Nevertheless, I am really getting into this amazing water sport because I'm fond of its techniques and movements!
范文四:运动场上人山人海,一片热闹非凡。同学们身穿运动服,像穿着节日的盛装,整齐的坐在自己班级规定的位置上。天空瓦蓝瓦蓝的,一只只大雁像一架架飞机排成一字形,在我们上空旋转,助威。     我一共有三场比赛:100米,60米和4乘100米的接力赛。现在,让我来为你讲解一下最精彩,最惊心动魄的4乘100米接力赛吧!在10月24日这个神圣的日子里,我们在足球场上举行了4乘100米的接力赛。“请五年级女子4乘100米接力赛的选手报道。”“请五年级女子4乘100米接力赛的选手报道。”我们听见了,并小跑着,向篮球场跑去。报道完毕以后,便随着队伍向跑道“进发”。摩拳擦掌,眼睛里燃烧着火花,整个足球场上弥漫着一股浓浓的“火药味儿”。第一棒的同学站在自己的起跑线上,手中紧握接力棒双眼直盯着前方,耳朵仔细的听着裁判的枪声“各就位,预备---蹦”选手们像一只离旋的箭,一般,飞快的冲了出去,而自己班级里的同学则大声喊叫道:“冯函奕,加油!冯函奕,加油!冯函奕,加油!冯函奕,加油!”可她跑的很快,还没来得及细细感受那种荣誉感的时候,就老早跑远了。终于的最后一棒了,我摆好姿势,看着第三棒的同学离我越来越近,我的心就“嘣,嘣,嘣。”的跳个不停。接到棒的时候,我的心中只有一个字“冲!”,可我们在前面就慢了下来,所以,在怎么努力也无济于事。所以,我们班得了个倒数第一。
范文五:篇一:我最喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal
Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people. The dog can feel the
human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent.
我最喜欢的动物是狗。我最喜欢它的原因是因为它很能干。狗是人类最好的朋友。它也是老人们最好的伴侣。狗是通人性的。如果他们的孩子不在他们身边,很多老年人会养狗。老年人可以把对他们孩子的爱放到狗狗的身上,这也能温暖他们的心。导盲犬是非常有名的。他们是特殊的狗。这些狗会引导眼睛看不见的主人找到正确的路。看,我就说狗狗是非常能干的。 篇二:我喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal
I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives. So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.
我喜欢狗,因为它们是人类的好朋友。他们可以为我们做很多有用的事情,如,保护房子,问候客人,帮助警方等等。一些受过训练的狗甚至可以引导盲人、拯救人们的性命。所以他们都被当做是我们的家庭成员。我希望有一天狗能与人类和谐共处。 篇三:我喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal
I have a parrot. It's my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that.
We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesn't change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that it's a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that it's some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when it's boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.
Dolphinis my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are! Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.
Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins Dolphinis
我喜爱的动物。 它是其中一个最珍贵的动物。 他们的身体是非常长的,大约一zhang(丈)。 海豚在海居住。 他们在鱼,虾居住等等。海豚是非常友好和平安的。 他们从未攻击人。 反而,他们在过去几年救了许多人民处于危险中。 多么有用海豚是! 海豚是非常聪明的。 人们经常训练他们,以便他们可以给带来人们很多幸福和喜悦的海豚展示。
Unluckily,海豚的数量变得越来越小。 由于水污染,越来越少有海豚的空间。 许多人民通过寻找海豚挣金钱。 如果我们don’t保护他们, we’ll可能失去我们的好朋友一天。 作为学生,我希望人们应该越来越采取行动保护海豚
I most like the animal is a porpoise, as they are lovable, and they have the black eye and the small nose, they are very docile, they like flattering you, tours in yours side tours, their skin traces very smoothly comfortable, is also very warm. I like the puppy
Compared with the past, the giant panda habitat has been reduced by 4 / 5, is the only remaining more than 1 square kilometer was also distributed in more than 30 county, which is facing severe habitat fragmentation and fragmentation. This is less than 1,000 wild giant pandas being cut into 20 small isolated populations. This situation will reduce the genetic diversity of giant pandas, leading to adapt to the giant panda breeding, disease resistance, such as the declining ability to more easily into its critically
endangered situation.Although the authorities greatly strengthened the promotion and protection of giant pandas, there is still a small number of people take the risk, poaching, smuggling and illegal activities of giant pandas. This giant panda reproduction of the population pose a deadly threat to the protection of giant pandas is still a long way to go. And I hope that we work together to protect giant pandas!
I love rabbits very much because they are always submissive and lovely.
Rabbits have red eyes which make them look cute.Their hair feels soft and their long ears always make me think that they are clever.
Once I owned a rabbit at home.I looked after it every day and loved it very much.But one day it fell down the floor and died.
I missed it so much that when I heard something about the rabbits,there was a lovely and smart guy jumping in front of my eyes.
一旦我在家拥有了一只兔子。我每天照看了它并且爱非常。但是一天它跌倒了地板并且死了。 我非常错过了它,当我听见了某事关于兔子,有跳跃在我的眼睛前面的一个可爱和聪明的人。
As is known to all,dogs are huaman's best friends,they can be our cute pet too,so many people like them very much.
The little dogs are very adorable.Some just have dogs for pleasure,and they even build house for their dogs.
The dogs are human's best friends,for example.Some dogs are trained to catch bandits,some are able to guard our home.And if you are police,the dogs can be very helpful in many fields,because they have acute sense of smell.Moreover,if you walk the dogs outdoors at night,you will not feel afraid.
2.小狗很可爱.一些人养狗解闷(for pleasure).还给他们建造住处.
3.狗是人类的朋友.有能捉贼(catch bandits).有的能看家如果你是警察.狗可以在很多方面帮助你.因为他们嗅觉(sense of smell)灵敏.夜间带狗出去.你就不会害怕(feel afraid)
俗话说的好:生命在于运动。的确,适当的运动可以使我们身心健康。虽然我个子长的不高大,但是我很喜欢运动。   小 荷 作文网 运动不仅可以强身健体,更是我的爱好,羽毛球、足球、跳绳甚至网球等运动项目都是我的“拿手好戏”!做完功课的时候,我经常会叫上爸爸妈妈一起去打羽毛球,打个3局2胜,时常把妈妈打球打的累趴下了,那时“常胜将军”的我可得意啦!放暑假的时候,约上三五个好伙伴在草地上踢上个小型“世界杯”,英勇冲锋,扑救补位,总能玩得不亦乐乎。当然在运动玩耍的同时,我也很注意安全的哦,一直会记得妈妈的那句警示语“安全第一,运动第二”!   运动还能开拓我的思维呢! 最近一直跟爸爸在学下棋,起初我一点也不会,但不久在爸爸的耐心教导下我学会了下象棋和五子棋。知道了下棋的规则,更懂得了“走一步,想三步”的道理。虽然我现在的棋技还不精湛,但是我已经学会开动脑子去下棋,偶尔也会给爸爸来个“下马威”哦。   我喜欢运动还有另外的一个重要原因,因为运动还可以为国争光呢!每当看到飞人刘翔、巨人姚明、巾帼李娜等这些赫赫有名的运动健将赢得比赛为国争光的时候,我都会羡慕不已,心里更会暗暗在想,我现在一定要更好的运动锻炼,将来也要向运动健儿一样,让我们的五星红旗高高地飘扬在比赛的最高空。   运动的好处有什么多,你心动了吗?心动不如快行动,还等什么?现在就开始运动吧!
范文九:我很喜欢运动,因为运动给我带来了很多欢乐,我最喜欢的运动有跑步、溜冰。   说起跑步,我就想起了童年那骄傲的我。  
  有一天,吃过午饭,我和爸爸到小区里散步,我们边散步,边谈论着千奇百怪的话题,最后,不知不觉就谈到了跑步,我突然心血来潮,对爸爸说:“爸爸,不如我们俩就来个跑步比赛吧,我们从健身场跑到大门口,看谁先到,怎么样?”爸爸说:“好的,三二一,走!”爸爸的话音刚落,我立刻象风的速度一样冲了出去,我的速度真快呀!象一匹急风烈马,像一阵疾风。我心想,我跑的这么快,老爸肯定追不上我了。我边想边得意。这时,我离终点只差七八步了,这时爸爸突然超过了我。结果,还是爸爸赢了,虽然我跑输了,但从此我却喜欢上了跑步。   小 荷 作文网   还有,每当吃过晚饭,我就会到楼下从车的后备箱里把我的溜冰鞋拿出来,细心地穿上,然后两脚先站成八字,站稳后再一左一右、一右一左地溜起来,我还会穿着溜冰鞋走路、跳高和原地转圈,我还会一只脚蹲着溜呢!     看,这就是爱运动的我!我希望我长大了以后当一名溜冰运动员,我会努力的,除了这两项运动,我的爱好很多别的运动呢!
范文十:轮滑,属于一种不太被多数人采纳和喜欢的一种运动,但它在运动中为人们达到的健身效果是毋庸置疑的。往往因为一些客观的原因 这项运动在社会上的传播 没有特别好,但我自小便对它有种说不出的感情,自小便特别喜欢。
  在生活里,因为学习的忙碌,去到户外的时间不多。有一次,我和同学去到下面的公园里广场玩,我们穿上各自的鞋,开始比赛。滑行不到三米的时候,我摔倒了,左手因为支撑,猛的摔下,痛了三天。因为长时间的不练习,技艺生疏。同时也提醒我,就算在忙也要练习自己喜爱的事物,否则,在与别人相比,会被看低。     我喜欢轮滑这项运动,不熟悉轮滑的人,不了解轮滑的人,自然在心理上可能会有些小小的排斥,只有真正懂它,爱这项运动的人,才会在这项运动的过程中,体验到满足。


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