yabause怎么设置中文 0.9.9 英文版设置

Yabause模拟器 v0.9.15 官方中文版
Yabause模拟器是一个很不错的世嘉土星SS模拟器,能够模拟世嘉土星游戏机(Sega Saturn),从而实现在电脑上玩世嘉土星游戏机才能玩的游戏,支持加载cds和iso两种格式的rom,该模拟器完全免费,支持简体中文,运行稳定,兼容性好,操作简单,用户其它街机模拟器的玩家一看就懂。
3、CD-ROM推荐设置为[Windows SPTI Driver]虚拟光驱
4、然后设置按键在 [Input]
Yabause模拟器 v0.9.15 官方中文版
下载不了?|Following our strict release schedule (…), here’s a new Yabause version.
This new version includes so many new stuff, I cannot list them all.
(If you really want the full list, it’s )
Just to let everyone know we’ve switched our setup to use Transifex, which should be easier to collaborate and ultimately cut down on our work.
If you’d like to help out with translating please go to
and click on Help Translate “Yabause” and sign up for an account(it’s free).
So apparently PayPal in their infinite wisdom has decided that Yabause is illegal and apparently infringing on Sega’s copyright, despite
cases that prove that emulators are perfectly legal if done correctly. It should also be noted we have never received any legal threats or letters from Sega or anyone else since our first release back in 2003. They have limited our donation account and from my understanding the account will be closed after the funds are released in 180 days.
We’re not too happy about this, but considering PayPal’s hard handed approach to dealing with anyone they deem in violation of their ToS there’s not much we can do. Anyone who’s donated in the last 60 days will have their donation refunded.
So unfortunately we can’t accept monetary donations at this time. We still accept hardware donations or job offers. Please visit
page for our list of needs.
Just want to announce that development builds are now available on the download page! This should give you guys your latest version fix until we’re ready with the stable release.
Just want to let everyone know we’re currently in the process migrating several things away all from Sourceforge. We’re well aware of the concern with the changes in Sourceforge’s business practices and we’re taking it seriously. The site itself, along with the source repository, forum and wiki shouldn’t be affected since we already moved that away from Sourceforge some time ago. However file release downloads, bug reports, and a few other odd things still need to be moved.
Please be patient, we’ll be finished soon enough.
Yabause is a Sega Saturn emulator under . It currently runs on ,
Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.
Support Yabause
You can now support our work by . This money will be used to cover costs incurred working on the project. Such costs include: Purchases of saturn-related hardware and games for testing and reverse- Purchases of supplies such as blank recordable cd’s; Any future costs incurred by the website.
Copyright &
Yabause team. All rights reserved.
The Yabause Team is not connected or affiliated with Sega&
or any mentioned company in any way.Companies and all products pertaining to
that company are trademarks of that company.Please contact that company for
trademark and copyright information.& [SS模拟器]Yabause-0.9.14 繁/简体中文版
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[软体名称]:[SS模拟器]Yabause-0.9.14 繁/简体中文版
18:38:54 上传
点选 [File] → [Settungs] → [General] → 底下的 [Translation]&&
光碟机建议设置为[Windows SPTI Driver]虚拟光碟机
然后设置按键在 [Input]
UID9236798主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分11金钱101 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间30 小时评议0
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