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Buy Divinity Original Sin
&#36;39.99 USD
Buy Divinity Original Sin Digital Collectors edition
Includes two copies of Divinity: Original Sin, one Source Hunter DLC pack, plus one Beyond Divinity and one Divine Divinity. Send your second Divinity Original Sin copy to a friend!
&#36;69.99 USD
Buy Divinity Original Sin - Source Hunter DLC pack
Unlocks Divinity Original Sin: The Golden Grail DLC, Divinity Original Sin: Zandalor's Trunks DLC, Divinity: Original Sin Design Documents and Art Pack, and Soundtrack. (DLC will only be made available on release.)
&#36;9.99 USD
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"A little obtuse in places, but otherwise this is the best new RPG in years. Demands your time and your brain, but it's worth it."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
29 September
If you see any update flash by today, we fixed two missing dialogs for French, Russian and German. We also removed &zero width space& characters from all text in the game because our font does not support it and would show a square.
Larian Studios
26 September
Hello everyone!
For those of you that speak Polish: rejoice! You can now play Original Sin in Polish!
For those of you that do not speak Polish: you can also try to play it in Polish, but it's one tough language, let me tell you. In any way, we fixed a couple of small issues in English, French, German and Russian as well. (E.g. typos, magically generated items in English...)
“Hands down the best classic-style RPG in years”
9/10 –
“An incredible title that provides many hours of entertainment”
9/10 –
“Outstanding tactical combat and engaging quests make Divinity: Original Sin one of the most rewarding RPGs in years.”
9/10 –
About This Game
Gather your party and get ready for a new, back-to-the-roots RPG adventure! Discuss your decis fight foes in turn- explore an open world and interact with everything and everyone you see. Join up with a friend to play online in co-op and make your own adventures with the powerful RPG toolkit.
In Divinity: Original Sin you take on the role of a young Source Hunter: your job is to rid the world of those who use the foulest of magics. When you embark on what should have been a routine murder investigation, you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a plot that will rattle the very fabric of time.
Divinity: Original Sin is a game that gives you a lot of freedom and plenty of gameplay mechanics to use or abuse. The game's epic story may drive you toward your ultimate end-goal, but how you get there is entirely up to you.
Or up to you and a friend, because Divinity: Original Sin can be played completely cooperatively, and features both online and local drop-in/drop-out multiplayer. Great adventures become even greater when shared with a trusted comrade-in-arms!
Become part of a reactive, living and vast open world. Explore many different environments, fight all kinds of fantastical creatures and discover tons of desirable items.
Experience gripping party- and turn-based combat. Manipulate the environment and use skill & spell combos to overcome your many foes: Use magic to make it rain on your enemies, then cast a lightning spell to fry them to a crisp. Experiment with different skill combinations to ruin the day for enemies and townspeople alike.
Play with a friend in co-op multiplayer. Make decisions together (or disagree entirely), as your interactions and relationship with your partner influence the game.
Unravel a deep and epic story, set in the early days of the Divinity universe. No prior experience with other Divinity games is necessary, however. The game takes place well before its predecessors, Divine Divinity and Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga, but will still feel familiar to fans.
Classless character creation lets you design the character of your choice. Endless item interaction and combinations take exploration and experimentation to another level of freedom.
Create your own adventures and share them online. With Original Sin comes the powerful toolset used by the game's designers. Yours are endless new stories to make and share with other players!
The Digital Collector's Edition contains:
2 copies of Divinity: Original Sin: one for you and pass on the second key to a friend
Award-winning Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity
The Golden Grail DLC: an in-game item that allows you to colour your items in gold and sell them for more.
Zandalor's Trunks DLC: enjoy a unique in-game undergarment as rare as it is opinionated.
Design Documents
Art Pack
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP3 or higher
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E6600 or equivalent
Memory: 2048 MB RAM
Graphics: HD Intel Graphics 4000 or NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 8800 GT (512 MB) or ATI(TM) Radeon(TM) HD 4850 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX9c compliant
OS: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1
Processor: Intel i5 2400 or higher
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 550 ti 1GB ram or or ATI(TM) Radeon(TM) HD 6XXX or higher
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX9c compliant
OS: OS X 10.8.5
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Additional Notes: HD3000 & HD4000 benefit from 8Gb of memory
OS: OS X 10.9.3
Processor: Intel i5 or higher
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel Iris (Iris Pro) or
ATI(TM) Radeon(TM) HD 6XXX or higher or NVidia 6xx series or higher
Hard Drive: 10 GB available space
Additional Notes: HFS+ filesystem with case-sensitivity is not yet supported
(C)2014 Larian Studios. All rights reserved. Divinity, Divinity: Original Sin and Larian are registered trademarks of Larian Studios.
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132.1 hrs on record
The short version:Divinity: Original Sin aims to be a modern day Ultima 7 and is reminiscent of many of the older games in the genre, it will make many of you who did like games such as Baldurs Gate II and Planescape Torment very happy indeed, especially if you also like turn based tactical combat. Players will be able to create a team, make choices and see how the consequences of their actions bear out. The long version:This is a game with little to no hand holding and it does not insult your intelligence by making this game accessible to your five year old sister, no this game is a deep tactical turn-based RPG experience.
Not only will you have freedom over your choices in the story (consequences and choices, even disagreements, will affect how things go), but also in how you get there.You will be forced to interact with the world and speak to the people in it to gain information and quests, this is especially true as there are no exclamation marks over their heads telling you that this person is important or that they have information you need. It's also a game that rewards exploration, should you be careless enough you could find yourself completely missing out on certain quests. You can even kill most npc's in the game should you wish to do so (with the exception of a very few plot specific ones), but be careful of what you decide to do, there will be consequences for your actions.There will be puzzles, lots of traps and mysteries to solve and interesting ways to approach many of the quests, you have the freedom to go wherever you want and the areas/monsters -wont- scale to your level, meaning you could die a very horrible death by exploring too far when you are low level. You could also be very skillful with the items/weapons at hand and somehow actually kill that level four troll while you are just a meager level two knight.Being a rogue is especially fun as you can steal nearly everything, including snatching paintings off the walls, pick pocketing their weapons or even keys to their homes for a later &visit&. Stealth is also very viable when stealing, but be careful, if you are caught people will dislike you and that will affect prices and information you can get, eventually you will be thrown into jail. Once there your partner can either come and bust you out or... well.. i wont spoil the surprise for you, suffice to say that there are more ways than one to get out of jail.Party-based turn-based combat will encourage players to shape and control the game's environments, and to discover and utilize various skill and spell combos that you can choose for your party membersBut the best part is the superb co-op experience, gone are the days when only player 1 gets to decide upon important decisions. You can both talk to any and all npcs and you both take part in dialogues during important events or with certain npcs, and should you two disagree on how to resolve a quest or dialogue you can have your characters argue over it. They will also react to certain things, for example, if you steal something your partner can start up a dialogue with you to either condone your actions or condemn them.As to not spoil anything in the game this example is merely fiction and not present in the game. (Not to my knowledge at least)example: You find a valuable gem on the beach and player 1 wants to sell it while player 2 wants to try and find the owner of it, stating that its immoral to take such a valuable object from someone who obviously dropped it.
Player one then gets a few different dialogue options to try and talk some sense into the other player's character, he can choose between a string of diffrent types of retorts and some might be intimidate, persuade, charm etc. After he has chosen his retort player two can choose a counter argument and will utilize the skill you chose and a game of rock, paper, scissors will commence, you will utilize the skillpoints in that particular skill you choose to gain an advantage over your friend in this game.
Depending on the outcome it will either be in favor of your decision or not, this will also give you points in various personality traits such as romantic or pragmatic depending on what you choose to say and these points will net you bonuses to your personality and other skills. Also it can be quite possible to make the two characters hate/love each other in the end.This went on far longer than i intended so i will end this here by saying that the game is great and hopefully it will stay as amazing as it is now throughout the whole game (currently playing through it). Also, im Swedish so my english and grammar is not perfect, apologies for that.
Posted: 30 June
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92.5 hrs on record
Divinity Orginal Sin = Baldurs Gate 3! Seriously, after i started the game and played it for the first hour i had to shut it down and make sure, that i actualy started Divinity: Original Sin , because it was just THAT good! :DIts basicaly Baldurs Gate 3 and it will also be one of the best coop games ever. You can play the wohle game with drop in/drop out co-op with some friend/random guy. You can have a total of 8 Characters (2 starting chars, 2 henchman and 1 summon each). There are currently 4 companions (full story) and 42 Henchmens (hireable for gold). More will be released for free.On game start you create 2 Chars. You can fully customize em, like gender, class, perks, skills, stat points etc. There are no restrictions and you can actualy make some crazy characters.Fighter with earth magic who uses 2 hand weapons, crossbow and tanking skills? check.Rogue with teleport powers, haste, backstab and charming skills? check.Witch that curses, throws fireballs, heals your party while beeing guarded by a huge lighting elemental? checkRanger with cooking skill, sneaking, able to talk to animals and trading + crafting skills? check The visuals Spell SFX are realy amazing. And bloody hell, this game is challenging! No, there isnt any crap like flys or rats to kill. An undead knight is actualy as strong as your own fighter char. If you make one wrong descision or move, youre dead....thats simply it :D.For example, if you fight an undead army (3 fighters, 1 mage, 2 archer for example) and just one undead fighter gets near your mage, he will kill your mage in 2-3 hits :).i recommend playing the game in co-op with 2 chars that have the lone wolf perk. This way, its basicaly 2 vs the rest of the world, while each player has a realy strong and epic char due to the lone wolf stat bonuses. Lone Wolf makes the character unable to hire an companion but he gets huge bonuses (like 70% more life, more AP) but you can still summon. So in the end you can have the 2 chars + 2 summons if you play with lone wolf perk.Combat in this game is turn based. All actions use action points, the faster (dextery + speed stats) your char is, the more AP you get. There is a huge range of skills + spells and not 2 of em are the same. Each spell is unique and you need to decide round for round what skills youre going to use...there is no &press X to win& ;)Also, the soundtrack used in this game is realy epic...its kinda like skyrim one, with drums and chanting womans and stuff. i just think 130 different soundtracks are a bit to much, but hey...more is allways better, right?Now to the bad points:i dont recommend the game at all to casual players. Its like the ultimate anti casual game, because if you just run around, clicking through npc dialoge and run like a chicken into the next fight, you will end up dead, with no way of winning. There is alot of lore around in the game and if you just skip through it all, you will have no clue what the heck is going on around you.All loot is random, which can lead to some crazy playthoughs. Its perfectly possible to have allmost no chance of winning anymore, because you only found crap or you used all items. Even the merchants have random stuff. On the other side, its also the reason why the game has a huge replayability. You never know what you find around the next corner. The game also has a realy complex crafting system, from cooking to crafting new sword, there is something for everyone.Edit: Having now played 60+ hours, this game is my new all time favorite RPG. By reading the forum, i found out that, i have finished around 1/3 of the game. Crazy!
:)Overall, i give Divinity Original Sin a 9 out of 10.If you have any questions just add me in Steam :)
Posted: 27 June
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41.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is so good I can't even write a joke-y review about it. Even though it is in early release, it is still one of the most fun games I have played this year. It draws heavy inspiration from older games such as Baldur's Gate and Planescape:Torment , and with its beautiful graphics, the isometric gameplay makes myself (as a fan of those games) feel right at home.What makes Original Sin so good, is that it fills a gap that has been missing in the past couple of years. Character driven RPGs that don't hold the players hand through the whole ordeal are far and few between. The isometric view gives combat a strategic feel, and gives life to the world as your character interacts with the environments around it.The combat is challenging, satisfying and very strategic. Using rainspells to create puddles, and then electrifying those puddles to stun opponents is a strategy which the developers try to tout in many of the dev diaries. I went in thinking &great, thats going to be it, oh well.& But when I pulled off feats such as teleporting a skeleton with a bomb on his back into a crowd of enemies, I felt a magical little feeling in my belly.The story is pretty interesting so far, and follows two Source Hunters as they Hunt Sourcerers (Yeah, okay, its a little dumb). But its good. The game however isn't for everyone. It may not be for those who don't enjoy reading and paying attention during their RPGs, as there is very few instances of voice acting, and even fewer instances of quest markers. Everything is derived from the well-written dialogue between your characters and NPCs, and from exploring your surroundings.The game runs great. Let me stress that. I don't have a gaming computer, I don't even have a gaming laptop. I have a crappy Dell thats a few years old, and doesnt have a dedicated graphics card. And the game runs smooth as butter on Medium/Low.It really is a great game, and I urge anyone who is in the mood for a very fun RPG that doesn't hold your hand to pick up a copy.Oh, and there is co-op multiplayer! I haven't tried that yet, but if I had I'd probably be telling you how sexy it is.
Posted: 26 June
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177.1 hrs on record
I've been waiting since the likes of Planescape Torment and Baldurs Gate 2 for a game to match their sheer perfection, many games came quite close, but Divinity Original Sin just manages to hit so many nails on the head its not funny. It looks great and still plays fine on my aging PC, it has a great storyline, it's two protagonists have some great interactions and dialogue. The voice acting is spot on and it has the most sublime OST.The combat is turn-based but do not let this put you off, there are so many choices in combat with the interaction of spells with each other and the environment, that the game just begs you to experiment with different tactics.This game just oozes pure class, it was a labour of love for Larian and it shows in every tiny detail of the game.If you like RPG games (or even just pure quality games), you need to play this game, it is the benchmark I will use in comparing other games in future.Well done Larian.
Posted: 30 June
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40.2 hrs on record
The next Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights/Fallout.
Two-player coop for the main story line, with an editor that supports creation of 4-player coop campaigns (similar to NWN's editor).
Combat is turn based, built from what appears to be Pathfinder's table top combat rules, (attacks of opportunity, etc), but with Fallout's AP (action point) system, very elegantly done.There is also a &social combat& system, where you and your friends can &fight& over dialogue choices in which a final winner ultimately decides the outcome this is done via rock-paper-scissors.
Character's can gain or lose personality points based on the outcome of these conversations as well, (whether they are altruistic in nature or perhaps more cut throat).
These stat changes also help in other areas later on.Finally, a living, breathing world in which there are often times multiple possible solutions to a problem.
Can't pick a lock?
Bash the door (and possibly damage your weapon in doing so).
Can't bash the door?
Want to try to steal something but someone is watching?
Have your friend distract them with conversation!
Is something burning that shouldn't be?
Cast a rain spell or dump water on the fire.
Want to combine abilities for combat?
Have someone cast a poison cloud, and then ignite it with a flame arrow!
The list goes on and on.Crafting is similar to the Android game &Alchemy& or Minecraft, in which you start with basic items, combine them, and can ultimately craft higher level items.
This game should be a crafters dream.
The voice additions really bring the world to life, but can be a bit annoying in crowded places, as you hear multiple conversations going on at the same time.
The developers will hopefully tone this down a bit.The world is gorgeous, filled with little details that can be seen by zooming in closely, and your characters perception trait will help you spot items (press and hold alt).
Characters range from dark and evil, to light hearted and humorous (see if you can find the very old talking clam), and is reminiscent of Baldur's Gate.
The world does not hold your hand in this aspect.
It does give you tools, such as waypoint markers for your map, that help you keep tabs on where certain things are, and it will auto-populate the map with buildings of notable remark, but the rest is up to you.
You will have to enjoy reading.
All that said, for old school RPG'ers longing for the days of old, with a new modern technology, wait no more.
Divinity: Original Sin should scratch that itch.
I've spent too much time typing this, game on!
Posted: 30 June
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