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Poll: Romney, Clinton top 2016 field - We use cookies to improve your experience on this website. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of cookies.
| Cookie preferencesBy Sara Fischer, CNNJust Watched
02:14Mitt Romney leads a hypothetical Republican presidential field, according to a new pollHillary Clinton tops the Democratic side for the 2016 nominationThe GOP has a sprawling field of up to 16 candidates leading into 2016Mitt Romney
to make a third run for the White House, but according to a new , Republican voters aren't ready to give up on the idea just yet. While there is no clear frontrunner for the Republican ticket in 2016, most likely GOP voters say they would choose the former Massachusetts governor for the nomination, among 16 potential contenders.According to the survey, 20 percent of voters say Romney would be their first choice for the nominee, with retired neurosurgeon and conservative activist Ben Carson coming in second with 10 percent of the vote.Other big name contenders, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, round out the top four, garnering 9 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee takes fifth place with 7 percent of the vote.In what could be a telling 2016 indicator, when Romney is removed from the competitive set, the first place spot goes to Bush, who has had some family members
to throw his hat in the ring for months. But even though Bush leads the pack among the hypothetical field of 15, he only edges Carson in second place by 3 percentage points, and Huckabee in third by just 4 points.On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton unsurprisingly receives an overwhelming majority of support, with 65 percent of left-leaning Americans saying she would be their choice for the 2016 nomination. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive favorite, and Vice President Joe Biden, fall way behind to take second and third place -- with 9 percent and 10 percent, respectively.But when Clinton is removed from the vote selection, Biden pulls more support among voters, who say they would prefer him as their 2016 Democratic nominee with 41 percent, versus 20 percent for Warren.The poll surveyed 1,045 Americans, including 510 Republicans and right-leaning independents and 457 Democrats and left-leaning independents. The survey was conducted by telephone from Nov. 21-23.美国点击排行榜
友情提醒:龙腾网友发言前,请仔细阅读 ,龙腾严禁人身攻击、脏字辱骂等违规行为,请龙腾网友自觉维护龙腾良好的讨论氛围.龙腾欢迎网友对翻译提出意见和建议,但请勿打击翻译积极性,勿对翻译出言不逊,违者龙腾将不得已做出相应处理.The American Dream is out of reach - Jun. 4, 2014
The American Dream is out of reachBy Tami
The American Dream is impossible to achieve in this
So say nearly 6 in 10 people who responded to CNNMoney's
American Dream Poll, conducted by . They feel the dream
-- however they define it -- is out of reach.
Young adults, age 18 to 34, are most likely to feel the
dream is unattainable, with 63% saying it's impossible.
This age group has suffered in the wake of the Great
Recession, finding it hard to get good jobs.
Younger Americans are a cause of great concern. Many
respondents said they are worried about the next
generation's ability to prosper.
Some 63% of all Americans said most children in the U.S.
than their parents. This dour view comes
despite most respondents, 54%, feeling they are better off
than their own parents.
The downbeat mood is not surprising, say economic
mobility experts.
"The pessimism is reflective of the financial realities
a lot of families are facing," said Erin Currier, the
director of the Economic Mobility Project at Pew Charitable
Trusts. "They are treading water, but their income is not
translating into solid financial security."
The vast majority of Americans have higher incomes than
their parents, but that's in large part because most
families have two earners now, she said. Only half have
more wealth, she said. Meanwhile, the savings rate is low
and unemployment is high. College costs are rising faster
than inflation and
is exploding.
People also tend to be more pessimistic about the next
generation's fortunes in general than their own children's
prospects, Currier said. In Pew's polls and focus groups,
parents say that it will be tougher for their children to
succeed, but they still believe it's possible.
Perceptions, however, aren't supported by the facts,
experts said.
The American Dream is not dead, said Ron Haskins,
co-director of the Brookings Center on Children and
released earlier
this year concluded that
is worse in the U.S. than in many other
developed countries, but has not changed significantly over
time. Researchers found significant differences in
across the nation.
Those who live in areas with higher economic growth and
better schools have a greater chance to climb the economic
ladder. The studies also found that areas with large
African-American populations, such as the South, have lower
rates of mobility for all residents.
"Mobility is an issue, but it hasn't gotten any worse,"
Haskins said.
CNNMoney's American Dream Poll comes from telephone
interviews with 1,003 adult Americans, conducted by ORC
International from May 29 to June 1, 2014. Both landlines
and cell phones were included in the sample.1. When the temperature goes up to 3 Centigrade, the snow will melt.
温度上升到3C, 雪就要融化.
2. Figure 3 c shows 2 popular forms of an edge detection mask.
3. The products have gained CCC, CE and ISO
certificate guarantee.
产品通过了中国3C认证, ce认证及ISO国际质量体系认证.
4. Repeat Step 3 a to 3 c for the rest of letters.
5. The new dual - functional toughening agent SWR - 3 C was used to toughen nylon ( PA ) 6.
采用新型双官能化增韧剂SWR—3C对尼龙 ( PA ) 6进行增韧研究.
3C-ORC-AI 简称为3C或者ORC 3C,是warcraft魔兽冰封王座里一款非常流行的对抗类RPG地图。C即Corridor,意为通道走廊。3C就是3条通道走廊,游戏里面激烈的对抗就发生在3条通道上。ORC是为了纪念最初作者PLA,他是魔兽+ORC+战队的成员,截至2011年1月,最新版为3C ORC AI V1.85。
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1 year ago
Washington (CNN) – What a difference a month makes.
indicates a dramatic turnaround in the battle for control of Congress in next year's midterm elections.
Democrats a month ago held a 50%-42% advantage among registered voters in a generic ballot, which asked respondents to choose between a Democrat or Republican in their congressional district without identifying the candidates.
That result came after congressional Republicans appeared to overplay their hand in the bitter fight over the federal government shutdown and the debt ceiling.
But the Democratic lead has disappeared. A new CNN/ORC poll indicates the GOP now holds a 49%-47% edge.
The new survey was conducted last week and released Tuesday.
The 10-point swing follows a political uproar over Obamacare, which included the botched rollout of and controversy over insurance policy cancelations due primarily to the new health law.
The turnaround in the CNN/ORC poll follows similar shifts in recent national surveys from Quinnipiac University and Fox News.
At a news conference two weeks ago, President Barack Obama acknowledged that problems plaguing the startup of the new healthcare law could hurt Democrats.
"There is no doubt that our failure to rollout the ACA smoothly has put a burden on Democrats, whether they are running or not because they stood up and supported this effort through thick and thin," Obama said.
The CNN/ORC poll, released as the President makes a West Coast campaign fundraising swing on behalf of fellow Democrats, indicates both parties making gains within their base.
"It looks like the biggest shifts toward the Republicans came among white voters, higher-income Americans, and people who live in rural areas, while Democrats have gained strength in the past month among some of their natural constituencies, such as non-white voters and lower-income Americans," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
"If those patterns persist into 2014, it may indicate that Obamacare is popular among those who it was designed to help the most, but unpopular among the larger group of voters who are personally less concerned about health insurance and health care," Holland said.
Republicans currently have a 17-seat advantage in the U.S. House with the Democrats holding a 55-45 majority in the Senate.
While the generic ballot question is one of the most commonly used indicators when it comes to the battle for Congress, the poll results are a long way from predicting what will happen next November.
"There is just under a year to go before any votes are actually cast and the 'generic ballot' question is not necessarily a good predictor of the actual outcome of 435 separate elections," Holland cautions.
"A year before the 2010 midterms, for example, the Democrats held a six-point lead on the generic ballot but the GOP wound up regaining control of the House in that election cycle, thanks to an historic 63-seat pickup," he said.
The poll was conducted November 18-20 for CNN by ORC International, with 843 adult Americans, including 749 registered voters, questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
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