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MiHua Inc.>>泰拉瑞亚绿色版[v1.2.4.1版]
Terraria Changelog
&Pumpkin Dressers now properly take Pumpkins to craft.
&Spooky Wood Dresser is now obtainable.
&Fixed a bug where Ebonwood Clock would require wood rather than Ebonwood.
&Fixed a bug where the Sapphire Staff would require Silver Ore instead of Silver Bars.
&All summoning weapons now cost 10 Mana to use. This will allow them to get the Mythical prefix.
&All of Fishron&s weaponry now sells for 5 gold coins. This will fix the low prefix costs.
&Fixed an issue with Flipper Potions grammar.
&Angler&s quests now show when using other languages. The text is still in English...translations should be happening soon.
&Topaz Gemspark Blocks now emit yellow light rather than purple.
&Fixed a bug where Duke Fishron did not drop Greater Healing Potions when dying.
&Fixed the bug where the wiring system was not activating Doors, Music Boxes and Fountains properly.
&Added Cactus Platforms and Tables.
&Fixed a crash when using Team Dye with a Flying Carpet.
&Made Smart Cursor smarter when placing Minecart Tracks.
&Fixed a bug where trying to use multiple Truffle Worms while line is pulled would make numerous Fishrons appear.
&Fixed a bug where trying to use a fishing pole while pulling a snapped line would make the bobber appear again.
&Flailron&s chain will now go back faster if it is too far and disappear if it still cannot catch up.
&Fixed a bug where Smart Cursor wall would not ignore doors pillar when open.
&Fixed bug where Sleeping Angler Kid would move slowly on tiles if attacked by monsters.
&Fixed bug where wing time would go into infinity if you held the jump button while standing and having Rocket Boots equipped.
&Fixed bug where Palm Wood and Boreal Wood wouldn&t merge with other wood types.
&Fixed bug where Palm Wood and Boreal Wood were not blocking light.
&Fixed a bug where Lamp Posts would emit blue light when they are off.
&Fixed a leak in the net code.
&Fixed bug where the Minecarts could go ultra-speed using boosters. (sorry guys )
&Fixed bug where the player would stay rotated when leaving a Minecart.
&Elf Vanity now drops from Zombie Elves during a Frost Moon.
&Sails now cost 50 copper a piece.
&The proper items will now drop on Mediumcore/Hardcore deaths.
&You can now place Fishing Rods, Rod of Discord, and the Coin Gun in the Weapon Rack.
&The Traveling Merchant now sells animal skins at random.
&Cooked Fish and Cooked Shrimp are now crafted at a Cooking Pot rather than a Furnace.
&Pressure Plate Tracks will no longer change to regular tracks in certain setups.
&You can now craft Steampunk Candles.
&Fixed bug where High Test Fishing Line accessory did nothing. It now makes sure the line won&t snap.
&Fixed bug where pressing &Reset to default& in controls would reset the quick mana key to M rather than J.
&Booster Tracks and Minecart Track intersections can no longer be triggered as rapidly.
&Fixed bug where the players hand would draw behind the head when wearing Bee Armor.
&Fixed a typo in one of the Merchant&s first names.
&Living Fire Blocks no longer die if they are dropped in lava.
&The Anchor weapon now comes back to the player if it gets too far away.
&Fixed bug where fishing bobbers would not disappear when you die.
&Fixed bug where Palm Wood weapons could not get prefixes.
&Fixed bug where hardmode dungeon casters would shoot more than 1 projectile in multiplayer.
&Fixed a bug where the Hornet, Imp, and Slime minion buffs did not disappear upon leaving a world.
&Added the missing Boreal Wood weaponry.
&Fixed issues where the Truffle Worm would be consumed without summoning Duke Fishron.
&Only one Duke Fishron can be summoned at a time. The bobber will not bob if one is already alive.
&Reverted a floating character fix. Platform elevators will work again.
&Ocean mobs can now spawn on biome oceans, this applies to the Sleeping Angler Kid as well.
&Turtle and Spider armors now dye properly.
&Fixed bug where glowsticks will not be sel.ected when the mouse is near the player in a dry area.
&Zephyr Fish now has a proper tooltip.
&Crimson Axe Banner has a new (fixed) look.
&Mannequin and Womannequin have a new item icon.
&Fixed the Ebonwood/Shadewood clock mixup.
&Using Paint Sprayer with Brick Layer or Cement Mixer now places at the proper speed.
&You can now turn when placing Minecart tracks.
&Obsidian Chest recipe actually works now and Dungeon chests have recipes.
&Fixed a bug that would make recently summoned minions vanish in some circumstances.
&Fixed bug that made the game crash when using the anchor under certain circumstances.
&Fixed bug where Frost Moon waves 14 to 19 had &Santank& instead of &Santa-NK1& for the name.
&Fixed bug where upon loading the player might sometimes have empty spaces between their buffs.
&Frost Armor now correctly plays a special sound when hit.
&Coralstone Blocks now show up on the map.
&Fixed bug where Twin Minion pairs could go uneven / re-summoning would fail.
&Fixed bug where trees won&t grow behind biome wooden fences.
&Right-clicking to open a chest, Piggy Bank or Safe will no longer pick up an item from the stack where the cursor is.
&Fixed bug where &Wyverntail& was named &Whyverntail.&
&Fixed crafting exploit when you right click items in the inventory.
&Golden Clock now correctly drops from pirate invasions.
&Flesh Blocks now have a squish sound when hit.
&Added Glass Chest.
&Fixed bugs where swinging coins could do damage.
&Fixed an issue where some cloaks were drawing over the Minecart
说明:.NET 4和.XNA 4是游戏必备运行库,如果不能玩请运行游戏目录下的EXE安装它们
游戏公告:目前部分玩家反馈本站下载游戏安装时, 个别杀毒软件会出现将游戏安装文件误报为病毒的情况,不过请大家不用担心,本站游戏均为主流杀毒软件检测及人工检测双重质量把关,只要在本站下载的游戏都是经过严格测试,不会带有任何病毒木马程序的,请各位用户放心使用。
军营中的艰苦训练,练就强大胸肌,等待首长的检阅 2014单机大作你都玩了吗?还没玩的赶紧下载!
圣诞老爷爷发礼物了,等我去把被子改成大袜子先 想好好看个书都被自己的胸部挡住视线,简直太苦恼了
详细图文评测出炉有图有真相,可运行国外大作。 国外已经基本上不卖它的游戏了,安心做个手柄吧!
CopyRight&2004年-年 < 游迅网 All Rights Reserved
备案编号:沪ICP备号-6 | 沪网文[2号泰拉瑞亚1.2.4.1第2期,有了掠夺鲨、枪 - 泰拉瑞亚视频 - 爱拍原创补丁& 攻略
当前位置:&&&&&&&&泰拉瑞亚 开服工具
泰拉瑞亚 开服工具
2 打开exe文件
3 开始配置服务器
4 开始游戏即可
泰拉瑞亚 完整硬盘版
游戏大小:9.3 MB
8.5 星级评分 极品,游戏迷必玩


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