3dh动漫求资源源:《Alien Swarm:Infested》(2004)游戏下载地址

&&Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop 中文版
《Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop》是一款免费合作俯视射击游戏,由Reactive Drop Team制作发行。Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop作为Alien Swarm的续作和更新(或者说,扩展的作品),Reactive Drop带来了新地图、新武器,最重要的是,它加入了8人合作和PVP模式,在可玩度已经很高的基础上进一步强化的玩法。
《Alien Swarm》对于很早就接触steam的玩家来说,可能是一段共有的美好回忆。在Steam早期售卖游戏并不丰富的时候,这一款由Valve自己制作的免费合作俯视射击射击游戏成为了很多玩家和自己steam好友增进友情的首选。
作为V社自己使用Source起源引擎制作的小体量游戏,Alien Swarm远比一个简单的小品游戏内容丰富的多,也不仅仅是个简单的“《大地》copycat”。玩家使用不同的人物在外星虫群的围攻下下来,这些人物有自己的经验值系统,可以解锁不同的武器和装备,搭配不同风格的打法。
作为俯视视角射击游戏,《Alien Swarm》拥有丰富的游戏要素,玩家可以在战斗过程中流畅的翻滚,进行快速装弹,使用辅助装备,与环境交互(比如把门焊死阻止虫群的进入)等等。游戏的关卡设计也很富有变化,作为敌人的虫子种类也挺丰富,能给玩家造成不小的压力。
在那个Valve还在制作《之路》和《传送门》的时代,《Alien Swarm》的素质非常出人意料。它仿佛是V社测试自己各种点子的尝试作品,充满了灵性和激情——最重要的是,它是免费的。
在Alien Swarm本体社区已经冷下来很难拉到人玩Reactive Drop MOD的情况下,是时候趁这个机会重新拉上三五好友回去大战虫群了!隔了这么久,它玩起来依然这么有趣。
Windows(R) XP or above
Windows(R) XP or above
Pentium 4 3.0GHz
Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better
DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better
DirectX 版本
需要 10 GB 可用空间
需要 10 GB 可用空间
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关注我们:Hypovolemia mod for Alien Swarm
Get hyped for HYP, bringing blood to the mainstream !!
A hidden skirmish takes place. You work for the power elite who are obsessed with the occult. As a part of a secret special forces battalion you wreck havoc beyond all known dimensions. Your agency recovers crashed UFOs and reverse engineers alien technology in hopes of ruling the world. It makes Stargate SG1 and X-Com look like child's play. This game takes top down shooting to the next level by bringing it to the likes and standards of source. Particle effects that will leave you dazed and begging for more after an onslaught of ultra violence. Occult Scrim reveals the grim brutality of war as you mercilessly execute the fallen.
Covert warfare that spans: rival cabals, aliens, zombies, and secret mutant experiments. Covering subjects such as heavy drug use in the military, anarchy in the military industrial complex and the new world order. You are a psychic commando with the ability to astral project and remote view. A swift operator ninja who also displays great abundance of ease with firepower. There are no good guys in this realm, just shades of darkness.
Gameplay is designed to encourage relentlessness aggressive behavior and not punish you for chasing the enemy. ( CS or QUAKE type games have this problem )
Planned Features:
5 Gameplay modes ( Insta-Gib mutator for all gameplays )
Team Deathmatch
Elimination ( Last Man Standing - think aim maps )
Over 40 weapons
4 playable factions, each with individual weapon loadouts.
SPK ( Special Paranormal Korpus )
Monstrous spetznas unit given life to by the shadow kremlin. Offshoot of the KGB with at least a dozen hangers full of stashed away saucers. Russia's hidden force for technological supremacy should not be underestimated.
Chimera ( Land Air and Sea )
This beast of a unit carefully vetted a battalion of former DEVGRU operators. Accepted into the secret society they protect the very truth from being heard. Some sheep are fleeced and some are slaughtered as even witnesses are not allowed. The developing new world order is nearing a singularity which might result in a Illuminati society and scientific global dictatorship. As the dark soldiers become illuminated they rebel against their masters and one third of the battalion defects.
Known as the black knights or mainly The Merciful Angels. One hundred and eleven super soldiers that were cloned in a genetic laboratory. China is gearing for the fight in light of a cold war sequel. They are entirely bald and inherently possess enhanced psionic abilities. Remember to smoke copious amounts of marijuana to regenerate your psi-energy aka mana.
Rogue Faction
These are the elite mujahideens. Arabs and Albanians with unstoppable determination to grow their Caliphate and take over the world. They believe God doesn't want the Aliens to interfere with our humanly business. They seek to destroy all traces of alien technology. Their world mafia is the other side of the coin opposing the official government and military. They possess power over the mexican cartels and key illegal trafficking points in south of Europe, they are the shadow world government.
Spawn Protection: Say good bye to spawn killing, spawns are chosen randomly and protected by a radius. ( If an enemy player is inside this radius the game will not spawn you there. )
Multiplier Score System which recognizes skill by rewarding you for having a better kill death ratio.
Direct Aim: Holding the ALT key allows you to target any specific spot on the walls or the floor. Useful for shooting barrels or props out of your way.
Dynamic Bullet Spread
Followers of Hypovolemia.
This is what you can expect in HYP 0.5
( We are no longer calling this version 0.2 )
- Many guns have been added.
- Handgun model blowback animations.
- Optimized server-side ragdolls for faster networking, as a result - ragdolls now appear to move faster, suddenly and more violently.
Curb stomping is now a possible method of execution, by repeatedly jumping on top of incapacitated bodies! *death by trampling is possible
- Character Randomization
In Free For All, everytime you spawn, a random model will be picked for your character. Skin and body groups are randomly chosen.
While in Team-Based-Modes the randomization is more narrowly set for each Faction.
- Networked inventory system.
Ammo and ammo containers are now accurately weighed. Asymmetric balancing with US and RUS faction. Accounting for "Firepower and Less ammo" vs "Fire Rate and More ammo" dynamics.
Firing heavy caliber or grenade based weapons will now noticeably decrease weight per shot.
- Improved sound
new custom recorded footsteps sounds for all default materials.
increased the amount of custom surface props materials for variety.
Bullet whizz sounds if tracers near miss you. * sounds made already
Bullet impacts can now be heard just as far as gunshots.
Bullet impact sounds now have a different realistic sound for distant echoes.( Distant concrete can be heard being slapped, instead of sounding like it's happening next to you )
All new vox from being incapacitated, hit by explosives, arm shots, bleeding to death or actually dying. Screaming is heard interrupted mid gibbing.
* Improved Physics
Push forces for world objects is now scaled per weapon.
( I.E. Railgun will fling barrels across the room, or in many cases instantly gib the prop and send the gibs flying at high speed )
You can expect manual weapon handling for all rifles and handguns now and not just shotguns like before.
Upper-Receiver/Bolt-Carrier/Slide racking, audible cues that give your position away.
With rifles it's possible to do a quick reload by skipping racking, if you change mags before expiring the last bullet.
Equipment Changes:
Carrying over 15kg now enables equipment rustling sounds accompanying your footsteps. And enables the backpack bodygroup.
Heals 150hp with faster healrate. Regular medkit heals 50.
Introducing &medkit sacrificing&. You may sacrifice an unused medkit to increase your max health by 5hp. The maximum achievable overheal is 200hp, but be careful overdosing on nanocain leads to death.
Russian faction spawns with two vodka bottles, each healing 25hp. Charging sounds are replaced with drinking sounds.
Added variety of magazines for most weapons, including drum mags and c-mags.
New mechanic "encumbrance" momentarily increases your spread, scaled by the weight of your weapon and how fast you turn.( I.E. Handguns have low encumbrance while swinging around, while machineguns take longer to zero in after turning quickly. This accounts for swaying motions. )
Three types of shotgun ammo. Civilian Buckshot, Double-Ought buckshot and Shot ammo.
Civilian buckshot has only five pellets, While military buckshot has nine. Civilian buckshot will now be seen as red and double-ought as military green. Shot ammo is a single more powerful slug. Slugs are more accurate and will allow shotguns to play the sniping role. What will happen when somebody uses slugs in a fully automatic shotgun saiga-12 with drum mags!?!!11 1
- Modular Weapon Scripting.
No more duplicating weapon classes, this will decrease weapon code bloat a lot. We can easily support and add more weapons now.
- Improved Hud
Vector based panels. Borders will render properly on panels that resize dynamically. It's possible to use animated VTF for the background of these panels!
Better fonts that now read more clearly on most video resolutions.
Icons for PUMP-ACTION, indicating if the slide is in the forward or back state.
New font color code for brown ^&
New font effect ^s for shaking text. ( limit to 5 max for anti-trolling )
New font effect ^x randomized rapid color changing text "ACID TEXT"
- Vastly improved particle FX
More extreme muzzle flashes and more intense wall impacts - yet more optimized.
Energy weapons now leave glow sprites on impact
Russian thermobaric grenade fragments leave walls temporarily on fire.
Added support for "onbreak" spawning unique particle FX when props gib
- Casings are scaled by distance to the camera, to make them more noticeable further away. At all the close ranges the casings will be sized true for realism, while the camera zoomed out will have the casings scale up.
We working hard to deliver a good 0.2 release. New video. Get your friends and help us achieve 1k likes on our facebook before we release!
Hyp is nearing release, we've been busy smashing and gibbing bugs. Here is some gameplay footage for you all.
New updates, original soundtrack, maps, models and general progress.
We've been making some big changes to Hypovolemia!
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Just a nicer skin for Spetsnaz team.
Made for Hypovelemia v0.1 Alpha.
Hypovolemia 0.1 Alpha has been released! Come and get it!
EDIT: 12/8/2013 this verison no longer works, don't download it
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Release date
Released 2012
67 votes submitted.
Ratings closed.
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Highest Rated (6 agree)
Lots of fun, and also addictive. :)
May 17 2012 by Kwerty
Link to Hypovolemia by selecting a button and using the embed code provided
Last Update
2 years ago


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