dk战场天赋小德什么天赋杀人效果最好?(Cataclysm 4.0.6)

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07-10-12 21:36
World of Warcraft PTR Patch 2.3.0
The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at
The latest patch notes can always be found at
Zul'Aman is a 10-player, level 70 outdoor i tance located in the Ghostlands.
Players will be able to confront six new bo es including the Forest Troll
Warlord Zul'jin.
Guild Banks Introduced
The Guild Bank is a shared repository for an entire guild and will be acce ible
through new NPC's called guild bankers. The Guild Bank will allow players with
the a ropriate permi io to store items and money for use by the rest of
the guild. Permi io to withdraw and deposit money and items are controlled
by the guild leader through the guild controls menu. The Guild Bank is divided
up into separate ta so that the guild leader may restrict acce or group
items into distinct categories.
Up to 6 purchasable ta each containing 98 item slots
Permi io to view/deposit/withdraw per tab
You may use your Guild Bank withdraw limits to pay for item repairs (now
enabled on all merchants)
Tra action logs of the last 50 actio in the bank viewable on a per tab
Experience: The amount of experience needed to gain a level has been decreased
between levels 20 and 60. In addition, the amount of experience granted by
quests has been increased between levels 30 and 60.
Expertise: We have added a new stat and a ociated rating called expertise
and expertise rating. Expertise rating converts to expertise at the same rate
that weapon skill rating formerly converted at. Each point of expertise reduces
the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by 0.25%.
Healing reduction effects will now affect all health drain ells and abilities
(e.g. Mortal Strike will reduce health gained from Drain Life).
Healing: Almost all items and enchantments that provide bonus healing now
also provide a smaller number (a roximately 1/3) of bonus ell damage. There
are a few items and enchantments where this was not po ible, such as random-stat
items and Zul'Gurub enchantments, but this is now the case on virtually all
other items.
On Kill Effects: Items and abilities that trigger on killing an enemy will
no longer trigger on using an ability that kills your pet.
Weapon Skill: All items and abilities that granted weapon skill have been
changed. In most cases, they were converted to expertise or expertise rating.
Ranged attacks do not benefit from expertise, so ranged weapon skill has generally
been replaced by critical strike bonuses or hit bonuses. In a few cases, talents
have been changed to other effects to avoid granting players exce ive amounts
of expertise.
A new flight path has been added to the Rebel Camp in northern Stranglethorn
Flying units can see ground units and vice versa at any altitude.
Players no longer gain the moving AOE radius bonus if they are jumping.
Client ell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player
is already casting another ell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting
in macros to compe ate for latency.
Vendor Discounts: All vendors with an a ociate faction now give discounts
at all levels above neutral.
Friendly: 5% discount
Honored: 10% discount
Revered: 15% discount
Exalted: 20% discount
Quest givers who have available daily quests will have a blue exclamation
point i tead of a yellow one.
Pets will try to get behind their targets when engaging in melee combat.
Racial Abilities
Dwarf: Gun Specialization now increases chance to critically hit with Gu by 1% rather than increasing weapon skill.
Gnome: Escape Artist cooldown increased to 1 min, 45 sec.
Troll: Bow and Thrown Specialization now increases chance to critically
hit with those weapo by 1% rather than increasing weapon skill.
Daily quests have been added targeting a random battleground for that day.
Look for Alliance Brigadier Generals and Horde Warbringers near your faction's
battlemasters in all major capitals.
Dro ing the Flag in a battleground will now result in a debuff that will
not allow you to pick up the flag again for 3 seconds.
Druids who are shapeshifted when they receive the Restoration buff from
battlegrounds will now correctly regenerate mana.
Players will now be able to cast ells for free in the Battleground before
it begi .
Players will now be able to cast ells for free for a few seconds after
being resurrected by a Spirit Guide in the Battleground.
Alterac Valley
Additional Warmasters no longer report for duty upon destroying an enemy
tower. However, destroying an enemy tower still eliminates the a ociated o osing
All Warmasters are linked to each other and their re ective Generals and
can no longer be pulled individually.
Honor from capturing towers has been increased.
All Commanders and Lieutenants have left Alterac Valley in search for other
battle o ortunities.
Players will no longer be sent to their starting tu els on death unle that team controls no graveyards in the battleground.
Many NPCs in Stormpike and Frostwolf holds are no longer elite
Bonus Honor in Alterac Valley is now only awarded during the battle for
destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Upon conclusion of the
battle, bonus honor is also awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain,
and for victory in the battle. The total bonus honor awarded should be similar
to the previous total.
The Horde and Alliance now have a limited number of reinforcements available
in the battle for Alterac Valley. The number of reinforcements available is
reduced upon player death, lo of towers, and death of Captain Galvangar or
Balinda Stonehearth. In addition, all available reinforcements are lost upon
the death of General Drek'Thar or Va dar Stormpike. If a team is reduced to
zero reinforcements, the o osing team wi the battle.
Towers and Graveyards in Alterac Valley are now captured in 4 minutes (down
from 5).
Eye of the Storm
The points awarded from capturing the flag in Eye of the Storm is now increase
based on the number of bases the capturing team ow .
Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm
Additional bonus honor is now awarded upon conclusion of the battle.
Barkskin: It is no longer po ible to cast this ell while Cycloned.
Cure Poison and Abolish Poison are now usable in Tree of Life Form.
Cure Poison, Abolish Poison and Remove Curse range increased to 40 yards.
Entangling Roots: It is no longer po ible for multiple Druids to have
Entangling Roots on the same target. In addition, it will now always be removed
correctly if multiple Druids overwrite each other's Entangling Roots.
Feral Attack Power: Items that granted bonus attack power in Cat, Bear,
Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms have been re-evaluated. In almost all cases, the
attack power on the item has been increased. This change corrects an i ue
where feral weapon damage was not keeping up with other cla es in its rate
of increase.
Force of Nature: This ability will no longer automatically break stealth
on victims in its casting area. Nearby stealthed characters may still be attacked
if they are too close to the summoned Treants.
Heart of the Wild: This talent no longer provides 4/8/12/16/20% bonus Strength
in Cat Form. I tead it provides 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack power.
Hibernate: This ell will now always be removed correctly if multiple
Druids overwrite each other's Hibernate.
Inte ity (Restoration) increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration.
Primal Fury: This talent will now be learned correctly even if purchased
while the Druid is dead.
Rebirth cooldown reduced to 20 minutes, from 30 minutes.
Remove Curse is now usable in Moonkin Form.
Shapeshifting Spells: Some of these ells were causing additional unintended
threat. That additional unintended threat has been removed.
Soothe Animal: This ell now properly co umes Nature's Swiftne .
Tranquility now gai additional benefit from ell damage and healing
Arcane Shot (Ranks 6 and above) now di el 1 Magic effect in addition to
their normal damage.
Explosive Trap: The initial damage dealt by this trap is now also increased
by 10% of your ranged attack power.
Immolation Trap: The total damage dealt by this trap is now also increased
by 10% of your ranged attack power.
Misdirection: This ell will now always be removed correctly if multiple
Hunters overwrite each other's Misdirection.
Readine : This talent now finishes the cooldown on Kill Command.
Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap and Explosive Trap all gain additional damage
based on ranged attack power.
Serpent Sting: The total damage dealt by this sting is now also increased
by 10% of your ranged attack power.
Steady Shot: Tooltip clarified to indicate base weapon damage is used in
the damage calculation.
Trueshot Aura (Marksma hip) no longer costs mana to cast and will last
until cancelled.
Wyvern Sting (Survival) is now i tant cast and has a maximum duration
of 10 seconds in PvP.
Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance mana costs reduced.
Arcane Meditation (Arcane) increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration.
Detect Magic removed. All players may now see their target's beneficial
effects at all times.
Evocation now regenerates 15% of total mana every 2 seconds rather than
increase Spirit based regeneration.
Fire Ward and Frost Ward now gain additional benefit from ell damage
bonuses. Base a orb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced.
Hypothermia duration increased to 45 sec.
Ice Barrier now gai additional benefit from ell damage bonuses. Base
a orb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced.
Improved Fireball: The reduction in damage coefficient caused by this talent
has been removed.
Improved Frostbolt: The reduction in damage coefficient caused by this
talent has been removed.
Polymorph: It is no longer po ible to polymorph a player and have that
player remain mounted. In addition, it will now always be removed correctly
if multiple Mages overwrite each other's Polymorph.
Portal Spells: Portal ells to capital cities can no longer be cast in
Remove Curse range increased to 40 yards.
(NEW SPELL) Ritual of Refreshment available on trainers at level 70.
Paladi Ble ing of Light: Lower ranks of Flash of Light and Holy Light are now
properly penalized when used with this Ble ing.
Clea e and Purify range increased to 40 yards.
Crusader Strike (Retribution) cooldown reduced from 10 to 6 seconds.
Exorcism mana cost reduced.
Hammer of Wrath mana cost reduced.
Holy Wrath mana cost reduced.
Improved Seal of the Crusader (Retribution) benefits folded into the base ell. This talent now gives the benefits of the Sanctified Crusader talent
i tead.
Judgement of Light: The combat log will now show the mana gained from rank
5 of this ability as Judgement of Light i tead of Seal of Light.
Pursuit of Justice (Retribution) is now 3 ranks and increases movement eed by 5/10/15% and also reduces the chance you'll be hit by ells by 1/2/3%.
Sanctified Crusader (Retribution) renamed Sanctified Seals, which now increases
your chance to critically hit with all ells and melee attacks by 1/2/3% and
reduces the chance your Seals will be di elled by 33/66/100%.
Vengeance (Retribution) duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
Vindication (Retribution) frequency and duration increased and now reduces
all attributes by 5/10/15%, not just Strength and Agility.
Weapon Expertise (Protection) renamed Combat Expertise, now increases expertise
by 1/2/3/4/5 and total Stamina by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Chastise (NEW) is now available to Dwarf and Draenei priests at level 20.
Chastise causes Holy damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds.
Circle of Healing: The base amount of healing from this ell has been
reduced along with increasing the bonus it receives from bonus healing effects.
Characters with more than 1338 healing will see their Circle of Healing heal
for more than previous patches. Characters with le than 1338 healing will
see their Circle of Healing heal for le .
Cure Disease and Abolish Disease range increased to 40 yards.
Divine Spirit: It is no longer po ible for a target to simultaneously
have Divine Spirit rank 5 and Prayer of Spirit Rank 1 ico showing at the
same time.
Elune's Grace (Night Elf) effect changed to reduce chance to be hit by
melee and ranged attacks by 20% for 15 seconds. There is now only 1 rank of
the ell.
Fear Ward is now available to all priests at level 20. Duration reduced
to 3 minutes, cooldown increased to 3 minutes.
Fixed a bug where the global cooldown was triggered when shifting out of
Holy Fire: The tooltip on rank 4 has been adjusted.
I er Focus: Rank 4 will now properly affect Lightwell.
I er Focus: This effect is now properly co umed by casting Mind Soothe.
Meditation (Discipline) increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration.
Pain Su re ion (Discipline Talent) is now usable on friendly targets,
i tantly reduces the target's threat by 5%, reduces damage taken by 40% and
its cooldown has been reduced to 2 minutes.
Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing and Holy Nova (healing effect) now
gain additional benefit from ell damage and healing bonuses.
Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Prayer of Fortitude and Prayer of
Spirit mana costs reduced.
Power Word: Shield now gai additional benefit from ell damage and healing
bonuses. Base a orb values of ranks 10, 11 and 12 have been reduced.
Shackle Undead: This ell will now always be removed correctly if multiple
Priests overwrite each other's Shackle Undead.
Shadow Word: Death: Resilience no longer reduces the backlash damage from
this ell.
Starshards (Night Elf) is no longer cha eled, costs 0 mana, is now a Magic
effect, lasts 15 seconds, causes damage every 3 seconds and has a 30 second
All poiso will now enchant the weapon for 1 hour, increased from 30 minutes
Blind is now a physical (no longer a poison) attack. Reagent requirement
removed. Now shares the same diminish category as Cyclone and is now diminished
in PvE as well as PvP.
Fleet Footed (A a ination) now increases movement eed by 8/15%.
Kick: Interrupting a cha eled ell with this ability will now always
properly prevent casting ells from the same ell school for 5 sec.
Precision: This talent now also a lies to ranged weapo .
Remorsele Attacks: This talent can no longer be triggered by the death
of a rogue's target dummy or other pet.
Riposte is now subject to diminishing retur in PvP.
Rogue's Deadly Throw mi ile eed increased significantly and are duration
increased slightly.
Ruthle e now only affects melee finishing moves. It no longer works
with Deadly Throw.
Shadowstep (Subtlety) can now be used at any time, not only while stealthed.
Threat caused by next Ambush, Garrote or Backstab is reduced by 50%. Cooldown
increased to 40 seconds.
Chain Heal: The toolti on tanks 1-3 have been adjusted.
Chain Lightning cast time reduced to 2.0 (from 2.5), mana costs reduced,
benefit from ell damage reduced a ropriately.
Cure Poison and Cure Disease range increased to 40 yards.
Earth Shield: This ell will now always be removed correctly if multiple
Shaman overwrite each other's Earth Shield.
Earth Shock: Interrupting a cha eled ell with this ell will now always
properly prevent casting ells from the same ell school for 2 sec.
Elemental Focus (Elemental) now reduces the mana cost of the next 2 damage ells by 40%.
Frost Shock is no longer subject to diminishing retur .
Grounding Totem: This totem is now destroyed upon redirecting any ell
to itself.
Lightning Bolt cast time reduced to 2.5 (from 3.0 where a licable), mana
costs reduced, benefit from ell damage reduced a ropriately.
Lightning Mastery (Elemental) cast time reduction reduced to .1/.2/.3/.4/.5
Lightning Overload (Elemental) now has a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to occur
and the additional ell causes half damage and no additional threat.
Mana Spring Totem effect increased.
Mental Quickne (Enhancement) now also increases ell damage and healing
equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power.
Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at
the a ropriate weapon masters. The Enhancement talent has been replaced by
Shamanistic Focus.
Shamanistic Focus (New Enhancement Talent): After landing a melee critical
strike, you enter a Focused state. The Focused state reduces the mana cost
of your next Shock ell by 60%.
Shamanistic Rage (Enhancement) now also reduces all damage taken by 30%
for the duration.
Spirit Weapo (Enhancement) threat reduction increased to 30% from 15%.
Rockbiter Weapon: For ranks 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 the increased damage resulting
from this enchantment has been reduced slightly to match the intended numbers
given in the tooltip. Ranks 1, 2, 3, and 9 are unchanged.
Water Shield: This ell no longer costs any mana to cast and its duration
has been shortened. At the end of its duration, it now grants mana for any
remaining globes. In addition, the mana granted per globe has been su tantially
Windfury Weapon: This enchantment can no longer be triggered while you
are disarmed.
Banish can no longer be cast on targets ta ed by other players or grou .
Conflagrate: The Immolate debuff will now always be removed correctly when
this ell is cast.
Drain Life and Siphon Life now reduce the amount healed when the warlock
is affected by healing reducing effects (e.g. Mortal Strike, Wounding Poison).
Hellfire: This ell will no longer cause enemy ells to increase casting
time or reduce cha el time. It will also no longer prevent flag captures in
Nether Protection (Destruction) now has a new, more distinct visual effect.
Ritual of Souls now takes significantly le time to cast and complete.
Seed of Corruption detonation will now obey line of sight.
Shadow Embrace: This talent's effect can no longer trigger other effects.
Shadow Ward: This ell now gai additional benefit from ell damage
bonuses. Base a orb value of rank 4 has been reduced.
Soul Siphon (Affliction) now increases damage by 2/4% and no longer affects
Drain Mana.
Charge will work more often when targets are up agai t u athable areas
like walls and poles.
Defiance (Protection) now also grants 2/4/6 weapon expertise.
Devastate (Protection) now combines the effects of Sunder Armor into its
effect. It is also now affected by all talents and items that affect Sunder
Disarm is now subject to diminishing retur in PvP.
Improved Berserker Stance (Fury) now also reduces all threat caused while
in Berserker Stance by 2/4/6/8/10%
Improved Intercept and Weapon Mastery have swa ed locatio in the talent
Intervene will no longer place you in combat.
Hamstring now has a 10 second duration when used on PvP targets.
Mace Specialization (Arms) now has a reduced chance to occur but generates
7 rage i tead of 6.
Pummel: Interrupting a cha eled ell with this ability will now always
properly prevent casting ells from the same ell school for 4 sec.
Shield Bash: Interrupting a cha eled ell with this ability will now
always properly prevent casting ells from the same ell school for 6 sec.
Shield Slam (Protection) now always tries to di el one Magic effect on
the target.
Sweeping Strikes and Deathwish have swa ed locatio in the talent trees.
Sweeping Strikes (Fury) now lasts 10 seconds and affects your next 10 swings.
Tactical Mastery: This talent also now grants greatly increased threat
from Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst when in Defe ive Stance.
Weapon Mastery (Arms) now reduces duration of Disarm effects agai t you
by 25/50% rather than giving you a 50% chance to avoid or full immunity to
Disarm effects.
Whirlwind: This ability now strikes with both weapo when a Warrior is
Profe io You can now control-click on a recipe to see how the item that is made
by that recipe will look on you in the dre ing room.
Added a sound for when a cauldron is created.
A new world drop recipe for an Adamantite Weapon Chain has been added.
This new weapon chain both reduces disarm duration and increases parry rating.
Daily cooking quests are now available from The Rokk in Shattrath City!
In addition to gold, you can receive random cooking reagents and new recipes
as a reward for completing these quests.
Duration of wizard and mana oils created by enchanters has been increased.
Engineers can now create incredible new flying machines! Find Niobe Whizzle ark
in Shadowmoon Valley to learn these fantastic new pla .
Pla for a new Field Repair Bot are rumored to belong to a select few
Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountai .
Players can now track fishing nodes. This ability is learned from a journal
sometimes found in crates obtained through fishing.
New fish can now be caught in Zul'Aman and Deadwind Pa . Recipes for preparing
these new fish are obtained through the daily cooking quests.
Fishing difficulty reduced for some areas in Nagrand.
Picking her will no longer cause effects on items to trigger.
A new skyfire meta gem recipe can be obtained from the Coilskar Siren of
Shadowmoon Valley. This new meta gem increases critical strike rating and critical
strike damage with ells.
Stylin' hats no longer require Zhevra leather.
Greatly increased the radius of the Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration,
Drums of Speed, and Drums of War.
Removed the casting time from the Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration,
Drums of Speed, and Drums of War.
Slightly increased the radius of Drums of Panic.
Reduced the casting time of Drums of Panic and added a global cooldown
equal to the casting time.
Drums of Speed and Drums of Restoration are no longer world drop recipes,
and can now be obtained from the Mag'har and Kurenai faction vendors with revered
A new recipe is available from Grand Master leatherworking trainers to
create glove reinforcements, providing a su tantial armor bonus. Reinforcements
are a permanent enchantment and ca ot be placed with other permanent enchantments.
New recipes are available from Grand Master leatherworking trainers to
make 20 slot quivers and ammo pouches.
New recipes are available from the Honor Hold, Thrallmar, and Lower City
quartermasters to create 24 slot quivers and ammo pouches.
Mining will no longer cause effects on items to trigger.
All old world dungeo have had their loot revisited. Players will now
find that all loot dro ed i ide i tances will be of Superior quality.
Arena Relics: New relics have been added to su ort all talent trees for
relic users. In addition, most of the arena-system relics have been renamed
so there is a more co istent naming convention.
Arakkoa Feather: This item can now be sold to a vendor.
Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality: This item will no longer trigger when
the victim of your finishing move is immune to that attack.
Ashtongue Talisman of Vision: The mana granted by this trinket has been
Ashtongue Talisman of Vision: This item will no longer receive multiple
chances to trigger per cast of Stormstrike.
Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal: The damage over time affect from judgments
has been adjusted so that it will work properly. It now has a shorter duration,
and is not refreshed by melee attacks.
Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal: The damage over time effect from this trinket
is no longer refreshed by autoattacks and does not charge mana.
Band of Eternity will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's
Black Bow of the Betrayer: The triggered effect from this item will no
longer use up charges of Misdirection. In addition, the triggered effect will
no longer break crowd control effects.
Bloodsea Brigand's Vest will now make the correct sound when moved in a
player's inventory.
Boundle Agony can now be disenchanted.
Cataclysm Raiment: The bonuses on this set have been adjusted.
Cooldown removed from Noggenfogger Elixirs. The shrink effect will no longer
stack with other shrink effects.
Cowl of Benevolence will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's
Crystalforge Raiment: The bonuses on this set have been adjusted.
Darkmoon Card: Vengeance: This item will no longer trigger from environmental
Dro ed items that were rings/trinkets/one handed weapo that were previously
unique are now unique-equi ed. That mea that you can have more than one
of those items, but you can only have a single one of them equi ed.
Enriched Terocone Juice: This item now properly provides mana regeneration
no matter how it is used.
Expose Weakne : The triggered effect from this talent will no longer use
up charges of Misdirection.
Felsteel Chests: The loot from these chests has been improved.
Gladiator's armor pieces of like nature from various seaso will now all
meet the requirements for their shared set bonus. This mea if you are using
2 pieces of Season 1 gear and 2 pieces of Season 2 gear of the same design
you will now have your 4 piece set bonus.
Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets: The bonus damage on these gloves has been
increased from 4% to 5%.
Grand Marshal's Dragonhide Helm: The intellect on this item was increased
slightly to match the equivalent Horde-only item.
Hand of Antu'sul: The effect that triggers from this item will no longer
cause a cooldown on Warrior's Thunderclap ability.
Lightfathom Scepter will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's
Lockboxes will now di lay the numerical lockpicking skill required to
open them.
Low Level Cloth Items: All agility and strength on low-level cloth items
has been replaced with other stats, usually bonus ell damage, but also sometimes
other stats beneficial to mana users.
Mercile Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets: The bonus damage on these gloves
has been increased from 4% to 5%.
Mr. Pinchy: This item no longer destroys itself when its charges run out.
This resolves some bugs that occurred when its final charge was used.
Mystical Skyfire Diamond: A cooldown has been added to this item's effect,
but the chance for it to trigger has been increased.
Ogri'la Faction Vendor: This vendor now sells potio useable anywhere
for a large number of Apexis Shards.
Overseer Disguise: It is no longer po ible via use of this item to be
on a mount while in Moonkin Form or Tree of Life Form.
Pendant of the Violet Eye: This trinket will no longer fire multiple times
from a single casting of some Paladin ells.
Shadowmoon Grunts will no longer drop Black Temple quality loot.
Shiffar's Nexus Horn: Many ells and abilities can now trigger this item
that were unable to before.
Skyshatter Raiment: The four piece bonus is now being a lied correctly
and the two piece bonus will affect the correct ells.
Tidefury Raiment: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this set
has been increased.
Tome of Fiery Redemption: This item no longer can be triggered by casting
ble ings.
Totem of the Thunderhead: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by
this totem has been increased.
U table Flask of the Sorcerer: This flask will now provide the bonus to
healing ecified in its tooltip.
Vambraces of Ending will now make the correct sound when moved in a player's
Dungeo and Raids
Players that complete the attunement quests for Tempest Keep and Coilfang
Resevoir may now choose to di lay a new title, "'character name' Champion
of the Naaru."
Elite mo outside of pre-Burning Crusade dungeo have been changed to
The level ranges of pre-Burning Crusade dungeo have been adjusted to
a narrower range.
Meeting stone level requirements, the Looking for Group system, and quests
have been adjusted to match the new dungeon level ranges.
Auchenai Crypts
Wandering Ghosts are now neutral to players
Summoned Ghosts now take longer to summon in.
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls
Mo i ide Sethekk Halls will now continue to award Lower City reputation
into Exalted.
Caver of Time: Battle of Mount Hyjal
Increased the reputation awarded for killing Archimonde in Hyjal Summit.
Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair
Mind Exhaustion is not a lied until Magtheridon is succe fully banished.
The number of creatures that must be killed in the Karazhan Servants Quarters
area before a minibo aw has been reduced.
Phase hounds in Karazhan will now phase out le frequently.
Coldmist Widows no longer wipe threat when casting Poison Bolt volley.
The Che Event che in Karazhan now has a tap list so it can only be
looted by players who were involved in the che event.
Wrath of the Tita will no longer cause Shackle Undead to break.
Tempest Keep
The Blood Elves that patrol the Tempest Bridge no longer patrol directly
into Prince Kael'thas Su trider's chamber.
All four advisors have had their health reduced by 10%.
All of the summoned weapo have had their health reduced by 10%.
The ability "Meteor" has been renamed to "Dive Bomb".
New random Daily Dungeon quests have been added for both the heroic and
non-heroic five-person Outland dungeo , as well as for the 5-person Caver of Time i tances. Each day both a single heroic and a single non-heroic dungeon
are randomly targeted by these quests. The Co ortium quest givers can be located
in Shattrath's Lower City
Aether rays can now be wrangled earlier.
Dustwallow Marsh
Many new quests have been added to the zone.
The Steamwheedle Cartel have just completed building the new town of Mud rocket
in south west Dustwallow Marsh.
Level 1-60 dungeon quests have had their experience and faction rewards
Many elite creatures and quests in the level 1-60 experience have been
changed to accommodate solo play.
Nutral, the flight master in Shattrath City, now has a quest for characters
who are level 70 and do not yet have a riding skill of 225. The quest will
direct a character to visit the a ropriate riding i tructor in Shadowmoon
Valley so that the player will know where they can purchase the skill nece ary
to use a flying mount.
The icon for the Charged Crystal Focus has been changed.
The Repolarized Magneto Sphere now only functio within the Blade's Edge
Mountai .
Upon completion of the Ghostlands quest, "A Little Dash of Seasoning",
if a character still has the Apothecary's Poiso it will be removed from their
User Interface
The Auction House UI has been much improved. The usele categories have
been removed (Plate-Cloak for i tance) and a number of additional sub categories
have been added. In addition, many items have had their category changed so
that they make more se e.
The Auction house time periods have been changed. Now items can be put
up for sale for 12, 24, or 48 hours. The option to put up items for 8 hours
has been removed.
The Battle Map has been renamed to the Zone Map and can be turned on for
any zone rather than just PvP objective zones. There is now a drop down in
the world map screen that allows you to choose when the zone map should di lay.
Items that have cooldow will now di lay the base cooldown time in the
item tooltip.
Game objects that you can interact with have a glow around them and di lay
their name over the object to make them more obvious.
Items with Metagems in them will now di lay the gems required to activate
the metagem and whether those requirements have been met on the item tooltip.
When you take damage and have a full screen UI up, the edges of the screen
will flash red so you know you are under attack.
I ect distance has been increased to 30 yards.
When you i ect another player, you can now see their talent choices as
well as their equipment.
The Mind Control and Po e ion action bar has been revamped.
You can now send up to 12 items in a single mail me age.
When you have an outgoing mail open, you can right-click on items to attach
them to that outgoing mail.
When you have a trade window open, you can right-click an item to move
it to the trade window.
When you have unopened mail, you can mouse over the recent mail icon and
get the name of the people who most recently sent you the mail.
When you eak with an NPC with a single function (Banker, Flight Master,
Etc) and who has no other go ip optio or quests you will go straight to
their functional pane rather than to the go ip pane. Most importantly this
mea that clicking on a flight master will bring up the flight path map directly
rather than the go ip pane with the option to bring up the flight path map.
Quests that are much below your level will now have the tag (Low Level)
in the go ip pane attached to the quest. This will make it easier to tell
which quest to accept when a quest giver has both low and high level quests.
You can now set the loot threshold (/threshold) with a word as well as
the loot threshold number for an i tance-
/threshold Epic- also sets the party loot threshold to Epic items or better
/threshold Rare-sets the party loot threshold to Rare items or better quality
Cor es that belong to someone in your party, but that you ca ot loot
will say in the cor e mouseover who has loot rights on that cor e. This will
help ski ers who want to know who to talk to in order to skin their cor e,
as well as master looters when ecial loot dro on a normal mo ter. Everyone
will then see that there is a mo ter that the master looter has loot rights
The raid panes that have been pulled out into the gamefield should save
their option settings between se io now.
When raid bo es send an important me age to the center of your screen
it will be larger and have an effect that makes it more noticeable.
The raid warning command now a ears in a larger font in the center screen
and grows and shrinks slightly when it a ears to make it more noticeable.
NPCs with a single function will now di lay an icon that indicates their
function on mouseover.
When an Addon attempts to perform an action that is prohibited in combat,
you will get a chat me age "Interface action failed because of an AddOn".
This only occurs once per login.
Many interface elements now di lay players in their cla color so you
can easily recognize what cla a player is. Interface elements affected by
this are LFG, Cha el UI, Guild and Who.
The value of the TargetNearestDistance setting is validated at load time.
If a non-standard refresh rate is selected in the video optio , it will
now be saved.
Many On Use items now di lay the cooldown in the item tooltip.
The tooltip for Block on the character sheet now di lays the amount of
damage reduced by a succe ful block.
New macro commands: /targetlastenemy, /targetlastfriend
New macro command to target by entire name: /targetexact
For more details on UI macro and scripting changes, see the
World Environment
Stranglethorn Vale
Saltscale Tide-Lords no longer have frost nova
The fear on Mosh'ogg Lords is reduced
Lowered the fireball damage of Defias Pillagers
Increased the cooldow on the heals of Kurzen Medicine Men
The standard Disarm ability that many creatures use now has a duration
of 5 seconds i tead of 6 seconds.
Sonic Burst now silences for 6 seconds i tead of 10.
Bug Fixes
An i ue with awn rates in Forge Camp: Terror and Forge Camp: Wrath has
been fixed.
Fixed the position of one of the Box of Mushrooms objects at Ango'rosh
Stronghold for the quest, "Stealing Back the Mushrooms".
Fixed the position of a mineral node in the Blade's Edge Mountai so that
it is no longer floating in the air.
Fixed a problem with the directio in the quest, "The Ultimate Blood ort".
Fixed a bug in the pet sheet stamina mouseover tooltip that showed an incorrect
health increase value.
Fixed an i ue with aura stacking and debuff cooldow when rea lying
a debuff after being charmed.
Libram of Saints Departed: This relic now functio properly again.
人海茫茫得一知己难啊!▍ ★∴ 
    ....▍▍....█▍ ☆ ★∵ ..../  
      永远不要给你的人格与灵魂出价!!! m  
07-10-12 21:38
All I have to say is : Paladi are so strong!!!
人海茫茫得一知己难啊!▍ ★∴ 
    ....▍▍....█▍ ☆ ★∵ ..../  
      永远不要给你的人格与灵魂出价!!! m  
07-10-12 22:25
我的狮子座 版号:738655(一个说话的地方)
07-10-13 12:50
September 25
07-10-13 19:30
07-10-14 01:27
魔兽世界2.3.0Patch Notes中文翻译版(依然有更新东西)
Patch 2.3.0
" 大家应该还记得edwin发的技术贴“施法取消提高DPS——古老而实用的技巧”([
另外,之前提前打断的方法,虽然有助于将网络延时的影响尽可能的减小,但是却要冒过早打断施法的风险,这个问题在新的版本出来之后则是完全没有必要担心了。 "
-工程师现在可以制造奇妙的新型飞行装置!在影月谷的Niobe Whizzle ark先生那儿可以学到很好很强大的新图纸!分为普通和史诗两种!
-战斗之鼓 恢复之鼓 速度之鼓 战争之鼓的作用范围大大增加
-战斗之鼓 恢复之鼓 速度之鼓 战争之鼓的施法时间被移除
-荣耀堡/萨尔玛/贫民区的军需官出售一种新配方 24格箭袋和子弹袋!
只有麦瑟里顿被完全放逐 才会得到精力耗尽的debuff(可以提前N多时间开点,又方便又好的修改)
只需杀死更少的野兽 野兽bo 就会出现
要塞桥上巡逻的血精灵不再走进凯王子的寝室了 囧死了.
-当你和单一功能 c说话时(比如银行管理员,飞行点管理员等等),如果他们没有其他闲聊选项或者任务,你将直接进入功能面板而不是一句无聊的闲聊面板。最主要的意思就是,右击飞行点管理员将直接进入目的地选择地图,而不是一句闲聊再选择进入飞行地图。
-比你等级低很多的任务会直接在选择任务窗口有标示(低等级)。这样可以在从同时有高和低等级任务的 c处接任务时更方便确定任务。
-/threshold 史诗-会让拾取方式限制设置为史诗及以上档次的物品
/threshold 稀有-会让拾取方式限制设置为稀有及以上档次的物品
-当raid bo 有特别信息发出时,会显示在屏幕中央并且有能让你注意到的特效。
-新的宏命令:/targetlastenemy, /targetlastfriend
更多关于UI和宏的调整请关注UI &am Macro forum.
] | 本地热帖
本页运行 0.0 秒
2009年08月22日 08:08:26
人熟悉,最具标志性的一些地方注入新的活力,为游戏增加新功能和大量新的内容以供玩家探索。”暴雪娱乐的创始人兼CEO Mike Morhaime说:“想到能让来参加暴雪娱乐嘉年华的朋友们首次了解到《魔兽世界:大灾难》的魅力,我们就感到非常高兴。我们期待着和朋友们分享每一步制作过程中的点滴信息。”
  狼人来自别的地方... 甚至是另一个我们不知道的时间。他们有着狼的内在,长久以来都在试图包容自己的内心的野兽之魂。
焦点关注: ·全站 目前:
(6-30) 資料庫查詢
[08/02] 藏寶箱將於 8/5 (五) 進行機器更換維修公告 , 預計 開始時間: 10:00 結束時間: 17:00
[05/05] 新增
[03/20] 魔獸藏寶箱新增
(用講的真的好容易喔= = 70牧單解?)
我打 /tar 光底啃咬者
北邊隧道34.66 中間的那一層,上面的是階梯.
坐標在 39.24附近
奥奇奈营地 在
奥齐顿 外圈左下角
坐标 34 70
在奥齐顿右侧 夹在俩灵魂尖塔中间
坐标 49 67
我也是找了好久 希望有所帮助
可是我的任務到這就斷了= =
f in說:
高山鳴禽 的這個成就
板鱗魚: 在安戈洛環形山的拉卡
