
中国FPS联盟's Archiver
发表于 2006-7-8 11:59
鬼泣3-Bo 战心得
dF:^(l NFl'v
Devil May Cry 3
r sQ/`\6^Ip'p+Z+zh ,p0f_3q!A:@NU 对付死神时的注意点与但丁差不多,主要是在死神显形后就用贝尔沃夫夹杂幻影剑猛攻.用Starfall与镰刀相拼可加不少华丽度.BOSS隐身后听到钟声的花依然要注意,地面上有水波那它就会从地下窜出,如果空中出现黑云,那它就会使用突进攻击,提前判断,积极移动并使用跳跃或类型特技便可躲过.
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Y0h BnQ!J!S
eZnU|3p#L/fD 地狱三头犬的攻击方式比较丰富,且头部和脚部的冰层有防护罩的作用,使其防御力十分突出.低难度时,猛打猛拼的打法也行得通,不过高难度下BOSS的攻击力十分惊人.这里推荐一种相对安全的打法.就是躲在离BOSS最远处,连续使用幻影剑和球形剑气攻击,其威力相当惊人.当然遇到空中落冰锥等攻击还是要躲一躲的.
"GU\'|d2yE%w3M 因为弗吉尔技能的全面性远不如但丁,所以对付高难度时的蜈蚣会有一定困难.关键在于利用地形让BOSS的紫色电球贝墙壁挡住,而且只要BOSS每一轮从洞中窜出,弗吉尔都跳到上层,那么蜈蚣对地的几种攻击就完全失效了.在BOSS的攻击停止后球跳上它的背脊猛砍.BOSS的弱点在头部,如能跳在头上攻击,效果更加明显.受到一定伤害时BOSS会翻身,此时利用类型特技的多段滞空就不会掉下去,这样可以在一回合内有更多攻击机会.
火神&am 风神(AGNI&am RUDRA)
]oAT*M8p q
x+?MF"K^ 对付风火双刹最重要的是要调整好视角,最好两个BOSS的动作都可以看到,以免在攻击一个BOSS时,另一个BOSS偷袭.与BOSS多次相杀的话手中的刀会弹落并出现硬直,此时可连续猛攻.用贝尔沃夫的LunarPhase比较容易制造相杀.打倒一个BOSS,另一个就会变身,实力会上升不少,所以推荐打法是尽量让两人的体力都下降到很低水平时再杀死其中一个,这样会容易一些.当然,对变身后BOSS的攻击手段很熟悉的话也就无所谓了.
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/h)Ms^6@_7n3l 用弗吉尔打这个BOSS还是比较轻松的.BOSS的两个肺部推荐攻击右肺,在跳跃后使用Trick Up后再使用Helm Breaker,再落下过程中可以踩着肺部再使用Trick Up跳起,之后再用飞踢.如此循环便能无视杂兵打爆肺部.心脏露出后便全力攻击,但也要注意身后的杂兵.心脏放出的激光不难应付,有节奏地跳跃即能躲避.肺部复活后照上面步骤重复操作便能将BOSS击溃.
B9@,kqNw'q)?.q@ 对付蝙蝠魔女,球形剑气又有机会唱主角了.在魔女身体周边有蝙蝠防御时,便先接近BOSS,诱使她使用原地旋转,此时便离远了使用球形剑气攻击,一轮3个就能把BOSS打硬直了.此时立即接近BOSS换贝尔沃夫拳打脚踢,伤害值可观.如果魔女在比较远的地方出现,那么Stinger和二段跳后的飞踢都是迅速接近BOSS的方法.全屏地面放电在空中或在台阶上均可躲避.重复以上打法,一颗避免BOSS使用多种随机的攻击方式,相对来说就会简单许多.(在后期注意她来吸血)
S9I$E a.h
D ^1{%D&^U9~&Z(@r
rv&i&|R.z 大怪物贝尔沃夫开始一般会使用三段挥拳攻击,可看准时机利用瞬间移动的无敌时间来回避.BOSS的左眼要害日本刀空中二段斩的大判定很容易攻击到,Rising Sun后接Starfall也有机会命中眼睛.BOSS张开翅膀的大范围攻击可用Trick Dowm回避.跑开后的BOSS会将巨大的牢笼打向弗吉尔,这种攻击方式,只要贴近BOSS右后侧便安然无恙,并可趁势给予其连续伤害.BOSS横冲直撞时不宜进攻,还是回避后等待BOSS放牢笼再进行攻击.
D @!l`C:otpd
1o;\"H7D} 在桥上的部分,如果弗吉尔能够及时蓄力使用球形剑气,并能三发全中的话,BOSS是会立即倒下来的,此时便可全力攻击.如不能中止BOSS的行动,那么就要立即借左右墙壁进行三段跳来回避BOSS的撞击.从桥上落到斗技场后,马车的攻击方式会增加很多,常规打法很烦琐.以前在游戏光环里曾由达人玩家演示过让马车原地不动的方法,弗吉尔也是可以采用相同思路的.一开始便用飞踢把黑马打倒在地,追打几下后立即跑开.BOSS站起来时会先用大范围紫色光球,只要离得够远,就不会被打中.然后BOSS会甩出一圈冲击波,此时用二段跳后的飞踢回避冲击波并接近BOSS,然后用攻击力最大的几招连续攻击黑马,这样可以将马再次打倒.如此循环便能毫发无伤地打败难缠的马车.
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H_R)^7r Ej,T 用弗吉尔对付身手敏捷的女主角,首先时要积极变动视角莱搜索她的位置.如果她的目光并没有发现弗吉尔,那么就可以利用书房的地形与之周旋.女主角长期看不到目标时,就会使用火箭筒发射小型追踪导弹,因为其攻击准备时间比较长,此时就应该立即现身,用飞踢接近并命中BOSS.打击BOSS时注意不要过早使用吹飞攻击,打到第七八下再使用,攻击效率会比较高.被打飞的女主角还会立即反击,要多加小心.如果始终能然BOSS处于看不到弗吉尔,但玩家却知道其位置的情况下,那么就会有比较多的攻击机会.
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l0MKg#g&\{ 同行者的打法大家应该早就知道了,平常攻击他是没有用的,一般是把场地周围的灯全部打亮再击中攻击.只是在高难度下,灯亮的时间短,BOSS也会不停将灯打灭,所以要出现灯全亮的情况其实并不容易.所以推荐用将BOSS发出的黑球打回去的方法.首先要先打亮两三个灯,如果BOSS向后一跳就说明要发黑球了,此时站好位置,球飞过来时就用Lunar Phase踢回,因为这招判定时间长,就算同行者把球再打回来也不要紧.如果怕同行者第三次把球打回,那第一次可以用普通攻击打回,然后再用Lunar Phase.弹回去的黑球攻击力还是不错的.
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"]rRtH3gu-s 这场BOSS战属于耐力战,方法基本固定,因为阿克汉的攻击方式比较单调,只有追踪线粒体比较有威胁,需要看清了再躲.平常就多用贝尔沃夫或日本刀的空中二段斩攻击.BOSS放出大量蚰蜒时,可边躲边用幻影剑,看准时机使用Rapid Slash可以一次消灭多只蚰蜒.体力二分之一以下时,可以让另一个没有体力限制的弗吉尔主攻,自己则躲在远处发发幻影剑和球形剑气什么的,只需小心回避线粒体攻击即可.相对来说要比第一形态还安全些.另外,2P手柄依然可以控制另一个老哥.
3k.[w b V,t9f8M \Y8p!|r
DS+q5b?-z@-g 虽然弗吉尔有三个形态,但打法方面可以说时大同小异.用弗吉尔打弗吉尔关键点自阿与每一轮攻击的效率.弗吉尔可以被连续攻击的破绽一般发生在其攻击收招动作以及使用球形剑气的场合.只要提前判断并跳起使用飞踢,就可以进行一轮有效的攻击了.此时建议都用贝尔沃夫攻击,连击组合方式为拳拳脚脚Rising Su gt;Starfall拳拳Lunar Phase,注意中途不要用幻影剑追打,这样的一轮攻击回有不小的伤害,而且最后一击不会被BOSS BLOCK掉.13和17关的弗吉尔会变魔人,也就是说会回复体力,如果打的比较消极,那BOSS的体力很快就加回来了.高难度最终BOSS的攻击可是相当犀利的,至于能否回避其多样化的攻击那就要看个人修为了.
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T4mV TT#S5U'x
q-i!B#j q J H-Y^ 小丑时特别版中唯一新增的BOSS.在第5,12和17关必经之路的明显位置,会出现一个传送点,进入后便会与小丑对决,但只有第5关的小丑是强制战斗,后面两次可以不必理会.小丑共通的几种形动方式是连续隐身,此时就用突进和幻影剑追着打,小丑听下来休息时是连续攻击的好机会.之后小丑一般会放出大量的弹球,一种是快速的,有节奏地使用Trick Up和Trick Down便可回避;另一种慢速的在屏幕中持续时间比较长,此时可贴着场地边缘移动,应该能看清有威胁的球.放球时小丑的防御力加倍,可在远处用幻影剑削减BOSS体力.
&K/b,h |L 第12关和第17关出现的小丑在体力较少时会踩在一个有脸的大球上,攻击方式多了好几种.球的厉害之处是会配合弹球进行多重攻击,一种是发出光壁限制弗吉尔的移动范围,不足为惧;一种是大球嘴里吐出炸弹,一般用左右翻滚莱回避;至于小丑的踩球撞击,只要在版边就比较容易躲过.小丑踩球一段时间后就会让球自爆,再踩上新的球,但如果能在规定时间内给予球一定量的伤害,那么是可以把球打破的.此时小丑会从球上摔下来,并会有很长时间的硬直.把所有的狠招都用吧!只需一两个回合,可恶的小丑就再也蹦腾不了了.
发表于 2006-7-8 12:00
'W Ql(A-p
Devil May Cry 3
'aOg qxY#^b,w
Z,cj0H0_S*yEk*Y Lady: You've heard of it haven't you? The Legend of Sparda. When I
0iEuPyU.op%b was young my father would tell me stories about it. Long ago, in
.F#E J-br)Y^ ancient times, a demon rebelled agai t his own kind for the sake
)C+U7X}e fX of the human race. With his sword, he shut the portal to the
xE!R9f%[ Z/je$[G demonic realm and sealed the evil entities off from our human
$y+g W6tTz world. But since he was a demon himself, his power was also
~ g)k)k1G G/@!C;k7Y tra ed on the other side. I never believed it. I thought it was
!c:V&tlwsN just a child's fairy tale. But I discovered that this so-called
oF%[&I"{3M4O legend wa 't a myth at all. Sparda existed. How do I know?
0bC,^K9y/a x1Xi8M Well……I met the so of Sparda--Both of them. Though the same
!U vs`4kY;S5K lood of their father flowed through their vei , the two battled
AR6cP g$det each other fiercely like arch enemies. It seemed as if they
Xns/x derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly
4R^ y/K"{:UW fighting. But in the end……only one was left standing.
Jw9lP/kcO6j5D 片头CG
vx%ao/`wv:U 蕾蒂:你听说过吗?来自斯巴达的传说。在孩提时代,父亲告诉了我关于他的故事。在很久以前的亘古时代,一个来自黑暗的恶魔因为人类的缘故背叛了自己的族群。他举起和自己同名的巨剑,战胜并封印了恶魔。然而,斯巴达本身也是一个恶魔,他的力量亦来自于黑暗。这真是让人难以置信,我认为那只不过是一个美妙的童话。然而后来,我发现这不仅仅是一个神话。传说中的黑骑士斯巴达确有其人。你问我怎么会知道?那是因为我遇见了他留下两个遗孤——一对双胞胎兄弟,哥哥维吉尔,还有弟弟但丁……他们继承了黑骑士的血脉,但是却如同最仇视的敌人一般争斗……这种兄弟相残似乎使他们获得了某种扭曲的快感。到最后,只剩下了其中一人仍然独立于那儿……
2lh s]l@
&LI/WI^ay1n Mi ion 1
a$C u3UZ s Dante: Sorry, not open for busine yet.
+ LX5J7c"U:H0l 但丁:对不起,尚未营业。
l Dante: I haven't even picked a name for this joint and I'm already
b%sp getting calls.
"Im6N$Rf)_A/J 但丁:我还没来得及为事务所起名字就有生意上门了。
Z'DD N#gzqjR U!I Dante: You a customer too? Well……if you want to use the bathroom,
0[][$eu help yourself, toilet's in the back.
G9J#G3op)v%eW 但丁:你也是客人之一?好吧好吧……如果你想用浴室的话,请自便,卫生间在后面。
r7|'X~N9mZ Arkham: Is your name Dante……the son of Sparda?
e&PFNE(N9v 雅克罕姆:你的名字是但丁……斯巴达的儿子?
Nu2yJ:e y2`;G Dante: Where'd you hear that?
'd^H8THcy8V 但丁:你从哪听来的?
(r4fVH,W/Hp Arkham: From your brother. He sent this invitation for you. Please
QpF?:]1v!}"VA accept it.
{/l!Nh3N%g? 雅克罕姆:从你哥哥那里。他送来这份请柬,请接受。
8?'f&yT Y/Q~"~ Dante: Invitation huh?
X3R ]_E R2f 但丁:邀请,啊哈?
{q/P\:WC Dante: This party's getting crazy! Let's rock!
(_^&f7FgM+s+v'^#?I 但丁:这个舞会趋于疯狂!让我们大干一场吧!
g*GRsn.d+^3fF"x Dante: The end? Don't bet on it!
'^'hg7EF0E6G 但丁:结束了?别在这上面押宝!
];Mm mRO\4o&E Dante: I can already tell, looks like this is going be one hell of
3@*s^F-N a party!
&LH.`'s,{u 但丁:我能说,眼下这种局面堪比地狱盛宴。
|{ wC
:O"zZQf&_"fHu Mi ion 2
'P-T;vV6A:Ul2~!r Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't
X"M3RPnG,Sa;m)I| even named it yet! You're going to pay for that.
Vu`!kz}-u 但丁:该死的!你们这些杂碎完全毁坏了我的事务所!我还没能来得及给他命名呢!你们得准备好为此付出相应的代价。
8Z/]#@vG%rB Dante: I hope you all have enough to cover all this!
LL.[+E+w \ Md oaJ 但丁:我希望你们都有能力负担得起这笔账!
A d
Eq_+u:bJ'| Dante: It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the
9G/t+?;V!Xxv%X time go? No doubt you've got some fun pla ed for me. Right
e&TZ4O3p ?T#{nh
;hc~.ZT3l2f1p 但丁:距离我们上次相见已过去一年有余。时间流逝中究竟发生了些什么?毫无疑问你对我一定有所企图。没错吧,维吉尔?
5m8mn nZ9b!?`
6I%g3lw1j iEwy&J2a
q(@6L\q]m1xj Mi ion 3
6J%PpVQ!z+{#_ Vergil: Arkham.
K2X~ 维吉尔:雅克罕姆?
%oaPewU)^ Arkham: Well,doe 't it excite you? The Temen-ni-gru has revived,
}6e$Xgs the Great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the
%F&kVd:` L o Human World and the Demon World. I 't it a magnificent view? The
9G0nk wM4wx;e greatest minds of their time, those who revered Evil, co tructed
N`Vj,l-] this glorious edifice. Now, after two milleniums of confinement,
,u,[ r?s*M it can at last fulfill the purpose for which it was intended……
,UE6P XM 雅克罕姆:怎样?难道那没有使你热血沸腾吗?黑暗的力量已经复活了,那曾经是联系人界和魔界的最伟大的统治者。这还不够壮观华丽吗?在那个时代热情崇拜着恶魔的信徒们,建立了这座光辉的圣殿。如今,2000多年的拘禁后,终于能够将那些梦想变为现实……
L*_#Xww+Iy-l,q5t Vergil: That's none of my concern. Did he have it?
Tu]:Yp1E3w~ R3r:p 维吉尔:那些和我并无瓜葛。他有那东西吗?(指但丁的结晶项链,母亲的遗物)
4R]M n
h9o re1x,v Arkham: Of course. He's taking good care of it.After all, it is
*Oj5[aPS!pZ ~:nl1jA the only memento left from the mother you both lost.
VQP2Td)bQ 雅克罕姆:当然……他保存得非常好。毕竟,那是你们的母亲留下来唯一的回忆。
d+lB&SY{z Vergil: But he has no idea of its true power.
Cfe'ku.y-` 维吉尔:但他并不知道那东西真正的力量。 cY1Y6?;Cs!t| Lady: I found it!
j.q5MYP7U,FS 蕾蒂:终于被我找到了!
,miR q3o_c1b Cerberus: Leave now, mortal! The likes of you are forbidden in
p(rDN? N| this land! You who are powerle are not worthy to set foot here!
&|N)Fl#rjS 赛布勒斯:马上离开,你这个人类!类似你的访客都被封冻于此地!你这种手无缚鸡之力的人没有呆在这里的资格!
l\/g+K7{v'r Dante: Wow, I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a
?%dl+u({9k6K y8[-H"iN'k dog show, you'd definitely take first place.
T*my S }4zqd
p 但丁:哇,在这之前我还从来没有见过会说人话的小狗。要知道如果是在一场宠物秀上,你定能夺得冠军。
ZR9{-ip7j9z/`x9m Cerberus: You, a mere human, make a mockery of me?!
)Z1r"Q|7_ R H 赛布勒斯:你,一个渺小的人类,居然敢嘲笑我?!
u Dante: Easy, Fido! How about I take you out for a walk? Come on
t]e:l t1Q u y, let's go!
{ tnp/_ 但丁:简单,你这个畸形怪物。我带你出去遛遛如何?来吧,小狗,我们走!
Hcq Cerberus: You'll regret this, you worm!
/rAtF\!n4? 赛布勒斯:你会后悔的,可怜虫!
i%l!r$B3^k ` Dante: It's showtime! Come on!
G_7V d)| 但丁:是该时候秀一场了!来吧!……来吧!
Gd0N!o%S YD5W1VT-e Cerberus: You are not human, are you?
8@ Wel w`PRPm? 赛布勒斯:你不可能是人类,你……?
W8E&Sefj Dante: Who knows? I'm not even sure myself.
tW`W8|w 但丁:谁知道呢?我自己都不太确定。
Wu'acenQA Cerberus: Regardle , you have proved your strength. I acknowledge
1?"M(T^"s4D&fd your ability. Take my soul and go forth! You have my ble ing!
0GJ!c;\g D
Fs5d 赛布勒斯:没关系,你已经证明了你的力量。现在我认可你的实力。带上我的灵魂前进吧!你将得到来自于我的祝福!
m-{gr3Z/p Dante: Too easy!
{vf 但丁:易如反掌!
D Dante: Are you going to the party? What's the hurry, didn't you
fPq0u"Ud;q get an invitation?
SkPtHsS 但丁:你急着去参加舞会吗?是不是太匆忙了点,没忘记带上邀请函吧?
F+er4QQ Dante: This just kee getting better and better!
y^~Pcbf 但丁:事情变得越来越有趣了!
LaC b"d3d^
%P?4F/jV C-do^K!FB
8mRlV(v&} MISSION 4:
a3WI&{$[0yM1t Vergil: Looks like we have an uninvited guest.
cVrtsI-] 维吉尔:看来我们有一位不速之客。
?Z'v"X Arkham: Is that so?
bw1U$rD&Y*z 雅克罕姆:是那样吗?
)T&| r`!yJh T Vergil: A human, a woman.
&Y(i#i6m5J)A-Z%K 维吉尔:一个凡人……一个女人。
K J nOO`m:m Arkham: I'm afraid I should ask the uninvited one to leave. That
P-Fi6sH0qw&P is what you want. Actually, I ha en to be acquainted with that
j`8x!WS!Bl*|${ woman. A storm is a roaching.
\,iB.m'IKrh:H 雅克罕姆:恐怕我要去请她离开此地,那也是你所希望的。事实上,我和她有些瓜葛。一场暴风雨要来临了。
"bX"E7j Vn3z@1^9\(z Jester: Yoo hoo! There's no need to use violence, devil boy. Wait,
eH6Ow2J ^z wait, wait, better listen to what others say, lad. This tower here
JW#I$k~HS is very sturdy, you see. Your tricks will do no good. No good!
S{2o1LI m1z\wV`p 杰斯特:哟呵!没有必要使用暴力,恶魔小子。等等,等一等……你应该听一听好心人的告诫,男孩。塔的这部分非常坚固,如你所见。你的小把戏毫无益处,毫无益处!
2H/]y3Z3G$jb Dante: Zip it, or I'll pierce that big nose.
/\2~:[Y-N 但丁:住口,或者你不想再要那个可笑的大鼻子。
P$k%_6\&w^t Jester: That could be a problem! Just hear me out. You've got
F6Wf%jx othing to lose, right? My name is Jester, and I know a thing or
0j wu q6GVz two about this place. That thing there is a power generator for
t5V,W F9`
o#z this entire sector. In order to open the door, you need to a ly a
h)jIi+]#vD2F little SOMETHING to it first. Do you know what THAT is, kid? Or is
Ik!uzCi+a that too difficult fou you?
(f#u)eZSD 杰斯特:那麻烦可就大了!请听听我的建议吧,对你没有任何损失,不是吗?我的名字是杰斯特,关于这座建筑略知一二。此处有一个强大的机关,用来控制这扇门,你必须先达成某个“小条件”才行。你知道那是什么吗,孩子?或者说那样的迷题对你来说难了点?
gM5Zp.y| s)I Dante: Get to the point. Or do you wa a keep on dancing?
4\Y'KI9|,dO 但丁:说重点!或者你想一直这样不停地跳舞。
;CN5Q6g#_8|sL f Jester: Actually, I prefer a sword to be my partner. May I have
f9p this dance, my lady?
*\ Z0O#w L$x 杰斯特:事实上,我只想要一把剑来当我的舞伴。能够邀您共舞吗,亲爱的***?
w1a5KLz Jester: Bingo!THAT is WHAT the SOMETHING is. Remember that, kid!
[8Cn Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!
6C_@s9lMx)I 杰斯特:宾果!那就是我说的小条件。记住它,孩子!如果你不太信任你的大脑就在手心里记录下来吧。
&C(j0NO](T:E&kp9gx0TyB Dante: I see, thanks. You still pi me off, though.
*d'\2Qea{"|3C 但丁:我明白了……谢谢。但你仍然让我反感。
)[)HqDv`,y Mi ion 5
|@Z3J[w.B Jester: Thanks for destroying the lock for me, devil boy! And
/Z;a5Ga^9o0c7H welcome to Hell!Please accept my gift. Don't be humble, just take
j0K,y-J4Z#rF it! After all we're buddies, aren't we?!
+_$];e&VQ!@ 杰斯特:谢谢你解除我的禁制,恶魔小子!欢迎来到地狱!请接受这点小意思。不要客气,只要尽情享受便可!毕竟我们是好兄弟,不是吗?
| `.C
f Dante: Well, i 't that ecial? To be honest, I was expecting
zt b5V aX9Ze"p omething a little better than this.
5B_9?(Gwwe8i 但丁:嗯……这还不够特别吗?说句实话,我还指望能够受到更加隆重的款待呢。
1~na&XX K Rudra: Look brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company!
w-UL EN9o;U 楼陀罗:看啊,兄弟!好多年过去了,但我们终于等来了客人!
8o@[Fx/j Agni: I see that!
TY#IE@y'[ 阿奢尼:我看见了!
oO/o J.p/S\gO Rudra: We must entertain our guest!
_8_m3nY 楼陀罗:我们要盛情款待我们的贵宾!
]"uyu,a {j6T2B Agni: You're right! We have to be gracious hosts!
T)_Y@B(L 阿奢尼:你说的对!我们是通情达理的主人!
\|2oX3}3Y Rudra: What should we do?
? @ u,f;L 楼陀罗:我们该怎么做?
$N#T]jS3a Agni: How do I know? We need to come up with something!
$m$UmY"x_#Q 阿奢尼:我怎么知道?我们必须做点什么……
u]#k?^+m Rudra: Brother, our guest is sighing.
Ps9nv4R5G,i e,C'Pu
t 楼陀罗:兄弟,我们的客人在叹气。
`'`+vNI*EZr:B Agni: Sigh? What is SIGH?
j-syU1gx^Bj)H 阿奢尼:叹气?什么是“叹气”?
)`B'E/t;g$d;L{_ Rudra: Well a SIGH is when……
}3O R
t%A 楼陀罗:嗯……叹气就是……
%@9L)ms0N!`f2k Dante: Enough already! How long are you two go a keep carrying on
p%{)uJj-M9h)L`8n like this? In case you didn't get the hint, I'll ell it out.
S4?e Your GUEST wants to go through. Got it!
R @m0nh 但丁:够了!你们两个还要唠叨多久?如果你们还不懂暗示,我就详细拼出来。你们的客人想要从这里通过,明白了吗?!
S~ v2j Agni: Our job here is to guard this door!
6|3O*r2v:]6b4y.c-A&}o7wj 阿奢尼:我们的职责是守住这扇门!
QB"YM pF Rudra: That's right! We ca ot let you pa !
q@#aJ1M"T.A 楼陀罗:说的对!我们不能让你过去!
wMOj0IK Agni: Wait!
3j$?1h;c*Y 阿奢尼:等等!
KfJ#Y Rudra: Yes, wait!
Y$tR X6X:muy2p B 楼陀罗:对,等等!
b"t(H/Mj,ti ui Agni: We have been waiting for a long time!
6^G)D1~6a R 阿奢尼:我们已经等待了太久。
L,\ Rudra:Yes, a very long time!
6{%r;q3NJp W 楼陀罗:没错,一段及其漫长的时间!
M3m'\0db]J Agni: For someone stronger than us.
an1ZxA:? qL 阿奢尼:等待一个比我们更强的人出现。
h Rudra: Someone who can control us.
k6aP%t@0EeG7k)p 楼陀罗:一个能够控制我们的强者。
_,s1R |` Agni: My name is Agni!
*L9m'jyU 阿奢尼:我的名字是阿奢尼!
YX&t@mD+t Rudra: And my niame is Rudra! You shall take us with you!
:NE _5[*Y_p 楼陀罗:我是楼陀罗!你得带上我们一起前进!
U#t8[;X/q Agni &am Rudra: We could be a great help to you!
#v s4xQE"nP[){q 阿奢尼 &am 楼陀罗:我们对你益处极大。
pV5[S(^ Dante: Okay, but on one condition.
)HF$WD)\ T?;t5z 但丁:好吧……但有点问题。
F6Z.J|)BZI;Z\A"d Agni &am Rudra: What is it? Name it.
z%xXA-q.J7`\ 阿奢尼 &am 楼陀罗:什么问题?说吧!
'W$m*[:g8J+rz;z+LH Dante:No talking.
:Xz!?~K4dAt 但丁:少说废话。
M.|nLp7x\ Agni &am Rudra: Fair enough. As you wish.
#JPix+DI 阿奢尼 &am 楼陀罗:别激动。如你所愿。
r3Tm I Agni &am Rudra: Impre ive……
cxd ljo]JQ w 阿奢尼 &am 楼陀罗:印象深刻……
S,n8w-v,s9l [ Dante: No Talking!
&[u/kB8OB 但丁:不要废话了!
'g;t?(g)]Mb Dante: Good.
#tjA*| B.| ~1n 但丁:这才乖……
Ma H W6L#y3q
|rAt:ZI~_B @;u Mi ion 6
({2UH@o~\ Arkham: Well, well. You've grown stronger.
CVr:_,F@6Td 雅克罕姆:嗯,嗯……你变化很大。
/pFe!e.VS `;\ g(Z Lady: Go to hell!
s c-Lh(\ s 蕾蒂:下地狱去吧!
2uE+X\@K Arkham: You point a gun at me? Your own kin? Your dear papa?
"c;JB/B/{$EF!we 雅克罕姆:你用***指着我?你自己的家人?你亲爱的爸爸?
1z X!e%P6D }F Lady: The only family I ever had was my mother, and she's dead!
F jv3c 蕾蒂:我唯一的家人只有母亲,她已经去世了! 雅克罕姆:你太让我心碎了。毕竟,我是那个为你取名字的人……我亲爱的女儿!
ZTt&mwf:?s Arkham: You break my heart. After all, it was I who gave you your
1~!N9Z*_5\g8{ ame……my darling daughter!
2E ]BH$x@
Yy9Po9c Sx Mi ion 7
yY{Z2r{`"y Dante: Well, this is my kind of rain. No wonder the sky looks so
z(PCE9Qu fu y today.
0zIw7Gq0c^8oH"Bw 但丁:嗯……这场雨真对我胃口。怪不得今天的天空看起来如此滑稽。
&| ` {:_4^P8~4p Lady: Let me go!
H/U0mWJU 蕾蒂:让我走!
%f,\1c,p*qg,m6NN Dante: Let you go? But it'd be a waste if you ended up as just a
&Yx1j4{KW-^:]z retty stain.
V h v1P%P@'M 但丁:让你走?如果你以这种难堪的结尾收场那将是一种浪费。
.b0Yp3m'jHM J Dante: What the hell was that for?! Here I am trying to help you,
Yo:g7L1s h1XIc and you show your thanks by shooting me?!
W)j#Ucb R.\qA 但丁:这算什么?!我在此是为了要帮助你,而你却对我开***来表达你的感激?
9yVn(j/P;u/`$I]z3Hx Dante: Whatever, do as you please.
K+j/X P$l$F 但丁:不管怎样,干你想要干的吧。
&H(W6|1Ua&oG Lady: So, he's a demon, too……
2]+T-zoTT 蕾蒂:看来,他也是一个恶魔……
Ru0z rd%D2h Dante: I'm begi ing to think I've got rotten luck with women.
e}B+WVU 但丁:我开始相信自己和女人不对味。
$S9Ob9FCTt Vergil: You showed up.
:Y^(x%p/u+OG#Z 维吉尔:你终于来了。
#cST9N^ u2_+[ Dante: You sure know how to throw a party! No food, no drinks, and
p2d&m/k8V.\ the only babe just left.
m`M)Z 但丁:你的确清楚该怎样搞砸一场舞会!没有食物,没有酒,唯一的舞伴刚刚落荒而逃。
4o7z%Cn \$H}+F[ Vergil: My sincerest apology brother. I was so eager to see you, I
5]l"W7HWcBA2F couldn't concentrate on preparatio for the bash.
's TZ\v,A2b~ 维吉尔:至我最诚挚的歉意,亲爱的弟弟。我如此渴望快点见到你,以至于没有花过多的心思准备这场舞会。
t"k*fIJ(p Dante: Whatever, at any rate, it's been a whole year since we last
&a^d)MnDO} met. How about a ki from your little brother? Or better yet how
{t8~U7f8[^G about a ki from THIS!
*f ~4jxV9h*Q ]0o4A'm 但丁:不管怎么说,无论如何,自从我们上次见面后已经过去了整整一年。要不要我这个当弟弟的给你一个吻?或者让白***给你一个吻!
jh u5CvTn0Upz Dante: So this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion,
(|PbJa@4l$? g%H;k!N c9q
|-~On5w-R _8` 但丁:看来这就是人们常说的温馨家庭聚会,嗯?
n2O1bvn Vergil: You got that right.
'X!xo0K4ag%m,buC 维吉尔:你已得其精髓。
Cz)c.[!u[1kE4j)G Vergil: Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father
omv+G Sparda?
N0d@vb#e;f+a 维吉尔:为何你拒绝继承力量……来自我们的父亲斯巴达的力量。
d?R;qK/G Dante: Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you,
~-}/K,x']k that's all.
8F,|N-K3vJ'LK]6Y s 但丁:父亲?我没有父亲,我只是不喜欢你,仅此而已。
-g3uLXA^!ey#DZ Vergil: Foolishne , Dante. Foolishne ……Might controls
L(PnZ~"[C x3Zi%n everything. And without strength, you ca ot protect anything. Let
8L Tn^U[#[9Z alone yourself.
1OV!n4pv#B 维吉尔:愚蠢,但丁……你真蠢……力量决定一切。没有力量,你无法保护任何事物。更别说是你自己了。
,D_Bx!@s9x;x Arkham: Do you finally have it?
b,{ ?LKDO` 雅克罕姆:你终于到手了吗?
6a!ZCrSop Vergil: Yes! Now the ell Sparda cast will be broken!
\-CE 维吉尔:没错!现在斯巴达的封印终于要被解除了!
~ }P]:y9q,A Vergil: I see, a devil i ide you has awakened as well.
YF+x`y 维吉尔:我明白了,你体内的恶魔也觉醒了。
Qs ig Arkham: Wait! We should leave. For the moment we have all that we
3@$l0h(K0wS eed.
-Z/b0v:h ~ 雅克罕姆:等等!我们得离开这里。现在我们已经得到所有我们想要得到的东西了。
P X5i[Y
/ZU!ty_L`l{ Mi ion 8
\z-C"pi+[ IrK Arkham: People once cried out in fear of this tower. Temen-ni-gru,
S\iZ+?;M+w!E a foundation that brought out fear. Fear……Yes, fear. Can't you
$Vx.dtqq*^n feel it? The rage and agonies of the people. Those who were
gg]/['vWJ {6g3_ confined here. With their desires for Evil being unfulfilled. It
5fr ~ W9J@%ca%E was all because Sparda slammed the door to the Demon World in
:i+N_R\ their faces.
l4D0_gR3O,a| 雅克罕姆:人们曾经因为对于这座塔的恐惧而尖叫哭泣。Temen-ni-gru,带给我们恐惧的根源。恐惧……是的,恐惧。你难道感觉不出来吗?来自凡人的狂暴和苦恼。那些被幽禁在此地的人,他们对于恶魔的热望没有得到满足。这就是斯巴达封印联系着地下世界和人类世界之门的原因。
h;Hk5oH Vergil: What's wrong?
q#_Y1tj+w/Z 维吉尔:出了什么事?
R(~jgf i"}~ Arkham: Nothing.
\`/|.kHZ.Q 雅克罕姆:没事。
v q}(M8j.O;cn5X`
,X9m+Af U8a)?8O
R-Z Mi ion 9
4J-H0}y&iGn Dante: So this is the next stage?
2R3L$r9lY/o 但丁:那么这就是下一个舞台?
r*I4yJu4mKQ@M"{ Lady: Wait!
a$K~5_~7~*J[Jh 蕾蒂:等一下!
Sup}7V2AB] Dante: If you're asking for a date, forget it. Cause I make it a
.I$F/]AB,ik-I{ oint not to go out with women who shoot me in the head.
~.b)ME 但丁:如果你要和我约会,劝你还是死心吧。因为我从不和曾经拿***指着我脑袋的女人外出。
(hO^ he#j Lady: Date a demon? I'm not that de erate. Besides, I really
1PpI*b(S0M2Z't don't care for guys who stink like blood.
h 蕾蒂:和一个恶魔约会?我没那么无聊。而且,我真的对浑身散发着血腥气的小子没兴趣。
gc~Bc"v+l&N(` Dante: You're right. So, tell me! What's your name?
xO!yK} W!e 但丁:看来你是对的。那么,告诉我你叫什么名字?
_5xj&IZ Lady: I don't have a name.
A2S 蕾蒂:我没名字。
)N~`3O1E0Vqi%D'_ Dante: Okay, then what should I call you?
r3io7`.v8P9k 但丁:好吧,那我怎么称呼你?
#~wkT/y:Y'~_ Lady: I don't care. Whatever you want.
RO fY0Oh 蕾蒂:我无所谓。随你高兴。
}4}*QBdo Dante: Whatever, Lady.
P$TzD4nZ,~[0f2_ 但丁:那样的话……蕾蒂。
+Gn[3X]aH Dante: I'll leave this to you. Cuz I don't want to mi the party.
SH9n"b 但丁:我把这里留给你了。因为我不想错过舞会。
Yy'j1X4v1E3q Lady: Who counted on you anyway?
/as\7[$h#ODh,k `m 蕾蒂:谁要指望你来解决?
,t GL`aw%~{ Nevan: Welcome,sir.I s this your first time here?
~ cl'Zf5h*R 妮娃:欢迎,先生。这是你的第一次造访吗?
8f9U2O8H M cL*B Dante: Yeah it is. You'll be nice to me, won't you?
^)GOe j 但丁:没错。你会热心款待我的,对吗?
z^\ Nevan: Of course I will. I'll treat you so nicely, you'll never
n?9U!zy.Q*g FBYW want to leave.
-MNTQUYQ 妮娃:我当然会。我会无比热情地招待你,让你永远也不想再离开这里。
~~4RR dSc)L Dante: Now that's what I'm talking about.
}Ro+C1e 但丁:那正是我所希望的。
9D.ri't#S Nevan: Then, come on sugar.
^9d6\x v3j 妮娃:那就来吧,甜心。
,L4R.|!eba,S-\3[\wX Nevan: My, you're sweet.
(m S2N9r]NG
Z 妮娃:哦,你还真是温柔啊。
RD&w7C:K!K&@9Nhb.u Dante: You'd think so, wouldn't ya?
@ ad3J 但丁:你不正这么想吗?
AEp*k9g Nevan: All right. I'll help you. Your father was a handsome devil.
H9?;A%Q-[l But you're no slouch yourself.
1uDc3W._^0J6T 妮娃:好吧,我会帮助你。你父亲是一个绅士俊美的恶魔。不过你也不赖。
6^/{(T"g-O*?Q Lady: Welcome back.
w_)f,P8_ 蕾蒂:欢迎回来。
O0Nv.GxG,O'u A
:JPD S7`fs9{R1E@6N
@Vx&c A)A,T Mi ion 10
N*w ?.|a4Nd Arkham: Soon, we will reach the lair of judgement. Temen-ni-gru
`Td'yT\L will finally regain its full function and lead us into the Demon
y2\7q)C9Y%`(\ World. The world where Sparda's power has been sealed. And the one
|}ToH who will lift the incantaion is you, his own son. It must be fate.
Dm7T(G0k-w.\ 雅克罕姆:很快,我们就能到达审判之所。Temen-ni-gru将最终获得它全部的功能并指引我们到达地下世界。被斯巴达所封印的世界。而能够解开那个封印的不是别人,正是你,斯巴达之子。那是命中注定的。
%{ kmz_ y
D"I Vergil: Does that woman really bother you?
5}*z s n@-JX 维吉尔:那个女人让你分心了吗?
w xp#nw/R Arkham: What are you talking about?
aU3y0iXr Ra0~1x 雅克罕姆:你在说什么?
|)A Vergil: Why didn''t you kill her? Perha because she's your
2]+e,M#[YF?A*v qE w daughter? Did some pesky fatherly love get in your way?
7nu3Q/Jo+oK.f 维吉尔:你为什么不杀了她?或许就因为他是你女儿?那种无稽的父爱阻止了你的行动?
I-Ne0C:m(c-v1wX{2o Arkham: That's none of you're……
~quy$Pg:N 雅克罕姆:那与你无关……
,`a\ S/fV
^jZ Vergil: To further your study of the black arts, you sacrificed
:Q1k-jjl+`)@c your loving wife. To become a devil as well. Knowing this I
_C/|lFq"|NC0\ thought you'd be more useful to me, but I was wrong. No wonder
^S/?BB2Uk your attainment of power is incomplete.
JEH0Jn's(T^ 维吉尔:为了更深研究你的那些黑魔法,你亲手弑杀了结发妻子。只为要变成一个真正的恶魔。就是知道这点让我觉得你对我也许有更多的帮助,但是我错了。无疑你得到的力量不完整。
y C;}'@:|v Arkham: What about you? You're an incomplete being as well. Both
j_?+n6XD,L demon and human blood mingle in your vei .
J dev2Mu ~$b 雅克罕姆:那么你呢?你不也是一个不完整的存在吗。恶魔的血和凡人的血同时流淌在你的脉中。
2v\.M+Y:N&~8[ Vergil: Shut up.
(p:U YW}qBE+x 维吉尔:闭嘴!
-P%wGp%n4h G Vergil: Now that the final door is open, I have no use for you.
\#n@%d 维吉尔:现在最后的门已经开启,我不再需要你了。
3V:F(@v(R&C"v#H Dante: Well that was quick.
T D{]8^$wB,`Y/t 但丁:速度惊人。
O"U@c|5p#A*l%o*`? Lady: That man……did you kill him?
X(Ak1Fy3Y(R 蕾蒂:那个人……你杀了他?
%f3[5tcM"m Dante: So what if I did?
m]S)oGq)q2T9{ 但丁:那么如果我干了又会怎么样呢?
q7p't rs Dante: Ooh, I love a fast woman.
t6t(Y 但丁:哦,我喜欢干净利落的女人。
2NoUO!R$m6n Lady: Shut up!
v T b5uMB8p 蕾蒂:闭嘴!
&~M:Fr(w~o7c Lady: He was o e ed with becoming the Devil. So much he killed
w{/@!}*R j his own wife. For that he butchered i ocent people too. He's the
U%S H7G!j0y'pE most vile kind of creature. To top it off, that filthy scum is my
_bA+]/E3Q l1H father.
i'XC W4z|y?"G 蕾蒂:他孤注一掷想要变成恶魔。所以他杀了自己的结发妻子。为此还牺牲了许多无辜者的性命。他是活物中最卑劣的一种。除此以外,那个人渣还是我父亲。
M#Vbe po Dante: Well, we have something in common. I have a dysfunctional
"g#_(Hs-L!t#~4eI#yu family too.
(U~p [TR#\aZ 但丁:嗯,看来我们有些地方不尽相同。我也有一个那样的家庭。
)GDwnZr Lady: And what would you know about family?! You're a demon! This
x;t w is my father……my family! This was all su osed to end by my hand!
VA&Bx~5m~ 蕾蒂:你知道什么是家吗?你是一个恶魔!这是我父亲……我父亲!这一切本该由我来亲自了解。
#@7]rKL%C;] Dante: Aren't ya go a shoot? Well that's a switch.
LQb2{ re"I 但丁:不来一***吗?变得还真快。
1V&Gs B&`g Lady: Just go. I don't care anymore.
5k2g8A2R#G O 蕾蒂:走吧。我不会在乎更多了。
K M3D n6BO| Dante: Family, huh?
(a.aG:b X$G 但丁:家庭,嗯哼?
)\&Q3t:` _'QJ(`3w#qn[x
&lu Dw\R"r,Pr
z.R+B,BK9z Mi ion 11
lFM7pK Arkham: Where am I? It's dark, I can't see anything.
-W}Qz4]K[ 雅克罕姆:我在哪?太黑了,我看不见。
.`]!K|V(TF Lady: You're still alive, I see.
8o]}v*q.{H 蕾蒂:你还活着,看上去是。
H'UI'M&Nu0] Arkham: Mary? Is that you? What's ha ening? Where's your mother?
5p!@$_^ n~ 雅克罕姆:玛丽?是你吗?发生了什么事?你母亲在哪?
j Lady: My mother?! you killed her, remember?
*R Y#q"c,La%{ 蕾蒂:我母亲?!是你亲手杀了她,想起来了?
;k#L JE} q kg:p/Y.Vf Arkham: Yes……That's right. I killed her, with my own hands. What
a;V|&Nf0S&| gm horrible thing have I done? I was too weak. I succumbed to his
#CU5E#~#A8V#} influence.
W#Z,jaAf&I6c 雅克罕姆:是的……就是那样,我亲手杀了她。我竟然干了那样可怕的事?我太虚弱了。我屈服于他的势力。
.j4E~ev;ic%D Lady: You mean, you were pose ed? Father?
@ wuEQ&j6R"k
@F 蕾蒂:你的意思是……被控制了吗?父亲?
)@*z}a8L9Li Arkham: Yes, I was manipulated. Manipulated by a Devil, named
xoRfi(N`'f Vergil.
h^*pm;W5B 雅克罕姆:是的,我是被操纵的。被一个名叫维吉尔的恶魔操纵。
0C+A(S.\EudX.L Lady: Vergil.
c)a'\0E+R 蕾蒂:维吉尔。
TSM gj0h u Arkham: He's attempting to bring the demon world back to this
H+M9@v/I-{y^ gF+_S modern day. A world that Sparda once sealed off.
5y/hh,D$]s*`E 雅克罕姆:他企图在如今的时代再次复兴地下世界——一个被斯巴达的力量所封印的世界。
8X{9q3_EX2TiA Lady: Sparda? I thought he was a myth.
@W$_XW 蕾蒂:斯巴达?我听说过这个神话。
x Q7Ch+Y
R Arkham: If the demo return, this world will be thrown into
cbOn6i/E chaos. Stop him. Stop Vergil!
` ~ 雅克罕姆:如果恶魔们卷土重来,这片净土将再度陷入混乱。阻止他,阻止维吉尔!
/zU9^Xe!xzZ Lady: Me?
$[ XrkfbQ 蕾蒂:我吗?
T:htc Arkham: You are such a sweet child, just like your mother.
&W:o},u0R 雅克罕姆:你真是一个好孩子,就像你的母亲。
s n@*gD Lady: Father! FATHER!
C5M$k Qlf 蕾蒂:父亲,父亲!
PT}/c)ps#Xl \_ LADY:Vergil!
Y&R8{ 蕾蒂:维吉尔!
7['V vT2xw$x9]S Beowulf: Sparda! SPARDA!
7_l*I;A\'}n^2v(`Y 贝尔渥夫:斯巴达!斯巴达!
/[j,}6S,gL6S [ Dante: Aww, you poor thing. Didn't your mother ever teach you how
2ou+YWk/s to use a door?
%U+X#@%~#u K1m 但丁:啊,可怜的孩子。难道你的母亲没有教会你怎么使用门吗?
1pP-I4g%Ca v Beowulf: That odor I know it!
\? _[KL\] 贝尔渥夫:那种味道为我所熟知!
x,H fSe#jC Dante: Gimme a break. Tell ya what, next time I'll try and wear
aMO1{1w@ ome cologne, okay?
&`yZ{2`go m*{ 但丁:把戏结束了。我下次会记得喷古龙香水的,行吗?
n U;?4W0u Beowulf: It's the stench of betrayal, the odor of that accursed
@/DV Sparda!I will a ihilate every last blood relation of Sparda!
o9amRk 贝尔渥夫:那种恶臭泄漏了你的行踪,来自该死的斯巴达的味道!我会消灭任何一缕斯巴达的血脉!
/r\J$@?J G Dante:A son cleaning up his dad's me ,huh?Where've I heard this
0A+Ku7l/BM;u&F~Y@ tory before?
7Xo7O:z@_q\ 但丁:老子的烂摊子要让儿子来收拾,嗯哼?之前我在哪里听到过这个故事。
5Th7C~_PT Beowulf: The odious one whose heart pum the blood of Sparda!
D S Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent! I shall hunt you
#C[ybmd down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your
u(}wL_/]~7sN foul smell!
6y~]VO6Y4l1z0j 贝尔渥夫:流着斯巴达之血令人憎恶的家伙!虽然我失去了视觉但我记得你的味道!我要把你打倒哪怕永远这样纠缠下去,直到世界上再也没有一丝你们的味道!
*zkFNY^9dl*v Dante: Why do I have to take the heat for my father? Come on, man!
&g$yG'[ i
F Cut me some slack!
/J%{+oo1a8C 但丁:我为何要担负起父亲遗留的问题呢?!来吧,伙计,放松点!
#Y_$] u)b]J#~ U
E~ wis
bhz,bW6M u5?0Y8ak Mi ion 12
!g&l9qZ1XH Jester: This is amazing! Even the Devil boy is no match for it!
LeO@%q 杰斯特:太令人惊奇了!连恶魔小子也不是他的对手!
\%j1j'bcN"y Jester: You're not go a shoot me, are you? If you do, I'll die,
Y;E you know.
 y&]0cJ 杰斯特:你不会想要射死我,对吧?如果你那么干了,我会死的,你知道。
])`\SA0GW $Z Dante: If that's what it will take to shut you up. It bugs the
2N#JzLHdaK:r crap out of me when someone talks more than I do.
3O4pg4U3H#b!V$a 但丁:如果那么干能够使你闭嘴的话。当有人话比我还多的时候我会不胜其烦。
D8K4s#GR,X5A3U Jester: Don't act so rashly, my boy. I've got a doozy of a story
W8KmFw,g for you, but if you uff out my voice like that, I won't be able
H7Wf K W W4F to tell it, now will I?
|t^xYQF 杰斯特:别那么不耐烦,我的孩子。我有一个故事想要讲给你听,但如果你像那样打断我的话,我就无法讲下去了,不是吗?
l8_!r3x@.FV"P Jester: I thought I was a goner for sure.
/Kc.A5J7U8b-h!o 杰斯特:我想我是一个过来人。
#iU4q{:\)H"XS Jester: Oo ! You saw it too, didn't you? That huge tower jutting
:VU/N_4dr@ out of the ground? That thick shaft that causes women to shudder
r&h(_ p(_;h4R_.@ is actually a tu el--linking the demonic domain to the human
oqg&|V"d world.And of course, your brother, Vergil is the one who controls
f,sp:X%qWV it by using your mommy's amulet.
MO6D$O+Hk ^ 杰斯特:嘿!你也看见了,不是吗?这座塔从地面伸出来?那跟巨大的让女人们战栗的轴其实是一条隧道——连接着地下世界和人类世界。当然,是你的哥哥维吉尔用你们母亲的遗物所引发出来的。
4YH&N:Brb bg(UG Dante: Amulet?
5h[7\qj{1tA { 但丁:那项链?
{ [ w}6y Jester: He's headed to the control room in the basement. If you
"Q&C6r&D,ub'V(P don't hop down there quick like a bu y he'll open the gate to
.[$GA8@ M0pP
C+Af hell. I 't that a scary thought?
fiF2m#v;|b-U 杰斯特:他已经向着控制室出发了。如果你不能像野兔一样快速追上他的话,他就要打开通往地狱的大门。那不是很可怕吗?
-] u A\1}m9{ [%Z^8T Dante:And you're telling me this because?
k |1]&L
`ScR5^v 但丁:你告诉我这些是因为?
` `nb\_\ b'u
j'Y Jester: Oo , I forgot to mention one teeny wittle item. That
Bz3n#K9Z0_5[ gizmo there is actually the KEY to move forward. But the tricky
mv2c-A;_;`7I'q thing is, it sucks the souls of those who hold it. So I think
l!U)T:]E#P(k5V;Q you'd better hurry!
} K R cp ^TT7u_ 杰斯特:嘿!我忘记说一件最细微的小东西了。那样小东西其实是前进的钥匙。但狡猾的是,钥匙会吸取持有者的灵魂。所以我认为你要赶快了。
K$w.L2L.c8SR)u8?5[ Jester: But, in return for your soul, it'll give you power!
k"cw ~0t&x%z
?'j;Vd Marvelous, i 't it? Just let your young irit drive you and go
^HA_0f1}|,D8Ntb for it!
s0aN(n3\5C9iR*y 杰斯特:但是,作为吸取你灵魂的交换,它会赐予你力量!多么奇妙啊,不是吗?让你年轻的心灵驱使你加快速度去寻找它吧!
?6r_+t3S'TT Dante:Wish you would have told me that in the first place,ya big
:k,j^B%M+y+~} mouthed moron!
*lY({-etY-?7i3[2V 但丁:真希望你能在一开始就告诉我这些,大嘴巴的**!
FI0g at Dante:Talking about Horse Power.
|Bx+m\@A 但丁:这就是人们常说的“马力”?
]5mA4A};ZA&I Dante:A chicken race with a horse,huh?Fair enough……
\x|3z)]Wm 但丁:马和小鸡比赛跑,嗯哼?够刺激的……
%T;DJ.A"g3kX Dante:First chicken,now Gladiator.This just kee getting better
shhj and better!Too bad there's no body here to enjoy the show.
U!s `f$e\o 但丁:首先是小鸡,现在又来士兵。真是越来越有趣了!太可惜了没有人旁观这场表演。
0P!w$`Z pu+y@4C%R9U Beowulf:I found you,seed of Sparda!I told you that I remember your
AU rancid scent!No matter where you run to,you can never hide from
&D7fm+nP1Zd 贝尔渥夫:我找到你了,斯巴达的种!我告诉过你我记得你身上的味道!无论你逃到哪里,都不能在我面前隐身。
:X-Vor(Hcj5n Lx1L(~0z Beowulf:Y-You are not the one I faced before……But this
WJ mell……There are two of them!That excrement Sparda had two so ……!
*My3i,f]Y L 尔尔渥夫:你……你不是我之前遇到过的他……但是这味道……有两个!斯巴达有两个儿子!……
7e7k d'{tt0l$r
w/Z $T9soQ| _
hBO&Z8HhKa 7p:w,Z.gycm%x
Ay Mi ion 13
v`vt+P8Q4CZ Vergil: Why i 't this working?! Is there something mi ing? Must
&L:oh!K!N(D,Mt7Ek W more blood be shed?
O'fx+t4xe 维吉尔:为何启动不了?还有什么缺少吗?或许是需要更多的鲜血?
kl.? y Dante: You seem to be in a bad mood.
c 但丁:你看起来心情很糟。
6Oy5^Ahhl Vergil: Dante.
W:aY;tB?7\ 维吉尔:但丁。
8M3G$h)vs:P"W Dante: So my mother's amulet is the key that unlocks the door to
*bU&wU;{A the Demon World. Good plan, Pop.
v|"W9\-^1RY9M l 但丁:母亲的项链就是通往地下世界的钥匙。好主意,父亲。
h H\u(} r7P+?f(AF,B Vergil: Just the o osite actually……Originally it was the key to
T,@6IVFB the Demon World but was given to huma as a gift.
C_;B h"Xu|0w 维吉尔:事实正好相反……这本来就是通往地下世界的钥匙只不过被当作礼物送给了凡人而已。
;faO0I'LPs| Dante: It doe 't matter to me one way or the other. More
5X:qr J"R0J importantly, I've come all this way. I'm sure you have time for
(S'^@ I"wl8\;wY9u one more game, right?
2J[qR$S 但丁:对我来说怎么样都无所谓。更重要的是,我已经来到此地。我想你肯定有时间来玩一局,对吧?
.fi;w~e&z| Vergil: Why not? After all we share the same blood. I'll just use
0J:J;R9R t/D_n{*GQL more of yours to undo daddy's little ell.
+f~#`aS6?ha1r 维吉尔:为什么不?毕竟我们流着相同的血。我正好可以用你的血来解除父亲的封印。
B[non7^ Dante: So, you want a piece of me, literally. Okay bro. Come and
L)W}jzu,fI9B get it, if you can!
`uI/Ua$?W 但丁:那么,你想要我?真是缺乏想象力。好吧,哥哥。来拿我的命,如果你能的话!
|X\^,|vL Dante: Sorry, but this is no place for a little girl. So beat it.
~P\Y9yet V;m
@ g+H 但丁:对不起,不过这里没有小女孩的位置。赶紧离开。
ts)j g.j]?'}
j:z Lady: Shut up!
P9~oj7M3n,G 蕾蒂:闭嘴!
Ng Lady: You forced him into this!
Wl U3J8U6ct)A 蕾蒂:是你故意逼迫他到这步田地!
i,I+f` Vergil: Is that what you think? Foolish girl.
d `!t 维吉尔:你就是那样想的?傻女孩。
u:rH d/X Jester: Bravo, bravo! I never dreamed that things would go so
? moothly. Well done, everyone. Well done!
gL 杰斯特:好极了,太棒了!我从未料想事情居然如此顺利。干得不错,各位来宾,干得好!
acSNd&g{:R Dante: You!
R x,]*@
R}{/V 但丁:你!
j"P Jester: Don't be a bad girl, Mary! Or you can expect a anking
4|2}:Q/T^~6N0A!O from daddy later! Jester's go a ank your butt. Spank you on the
:z8o,z%ZLB8l] utt.
p"V&x ]*M[D 杰斯特:别当坏女孩,玛丽!或者你想稍后被你爸爸打屁股!杰斯特来打你屁股,来打你屁股!
h'\,M"C{(z Vergil: I ane buffoon. I don't know where you came from, but you
+y4I?'f[3B don't belong here. Now leave!
B$O`:hh?]5SE 维吉尔:疯狂的小丑。我不知道你从何而来,但你不属于这里。现在赶紧滚!
Y-lmJy/{ v Jester: Zowie, that was close! But you've taken quite a trouncing
0jJn8n2g*P today, haven't you, Vergil? You could've cho ed me into confetti
we/t8} K,x y now if you were in tip-top condition.
6Mz,p#RFM@ 杰斯特:哦,只差一点就大功告成了!但你今天大伤元气,不是吗,维吉尔?你现在已经不能把我撕碎了,如果你还处于颠峰状态倒能办到。
6t;\s!G0{$g:C5g Qm Vergil: Damn you!
n0C N4L/S)J 维吉尔:该死的你!
)ZB-]Ht9o Arkham: You have lost……because you underestimated huma .
qq!p.bt iO
W 雅克罕姆:你失败了……因为你对凡人估计不足。
2l\JfHhg Lady: What's going on?!
3E0H@A!p 蕾蒂:发生了什么事?!
ng ~;r`.C Arkham: Good girl, pure and i ocent……just like your mother.
*A0d V s,s/A!@z 雅克罕姆:好姑娘,纯洁无辜……正如你的母亲。
U`n Lady: You bastard!
Ew8G M"]]e 蕾蒂:你这个杂种!
.aasI yp Jester: It's time for your anking, my dear!
ZD)jGsP#g 杰斯特:该打你屁股了,亲爱的!
(g4n o`2t
i~ Jester: You want to know why the eel didn't break, hmm, Vergil?
7K8[rR h)g1?1m` You have the two amulets and Sparda's blood. You had everything
OpmU0J:T`GX you needed to unleash the evil!
+i th!ba 杰斯特:你想知道为何封印没有解除,嗯,维吉尔?你已经有了两块结晶,也有了斯巴达的血。你已经有了任何你需要的东西来释放黑暗!
)iC-Q:RJ7f'd Dante: I told you before, I don't like anybody who has a bigger
X7FT$VH mouth than mine.
+ReQ[^_2I,TG$M ? 但丁:让我先告诉你件事,我不喜欢任何比我大嘴巴的人。
-B1T(?9\fw Jester: You are wounded and weak. Even I can do……this to you!
_-K2~LqBY[ 杰斯特:你受到重创并且虚弱。甚至连我都能够……对你这样!
AUA%[:{my Arkham: Two amulets……a set of Sparda's blood. Now I need one more
H%w"f"F\ D D key. He sacrificed two things to su re the tremendous force of
as+o8K@_`6w this tower: His own Devil's blood and a mortal prieste . I needed
tz5Ej t2k_W8Q you, in whose body flows the same blood as the sacrificed woman.
4it(y%[O.G%Z His ell ca ot be undone without your blood!
AMH XaTKr"hNQ(LY 雅克罕姆:两块结晶……斯巴达的血。现在我需要另一把钥匙。斯巴达用两件东西封印了这座塔的力量,他自身的恶魔之血和一个凡人女性祭祠。我需要你,体内流有和她一样血的人。想要解除斯巴达的封印就不能没有你的血!
#O-M+kG|T$r }7ya9\P Jester: It was quite a ride you know! If any of you had died
g-{U[e ~ efore getting here, our little plan would have gone to
JMkUr L bnk waste!Therefore, my job was to make you battle each other in order
x4^6z `0|*E9la%O2H to weaken you. But at the same time, I had to guide you here and
R/{,I_]&_ make sure that you were kept alive. I even went so far as dre ing
z1Ptg like a complete idiot! It's time for bed, Mary. You can visit your
D'BDpw dear mother.
!X1z7d*fL x'r.d 杰斯特:真够麻烦的事!如果你们中的任何一个人在此之前死去,我们的小小计划就会化作泡影!因此,我的职责就是让你们自相残杀以削弱你们的力量。但在此同时,我必须要指引你来到此地并保证你还活着。我甚至跑了那么远的路还穿得像个十足的傻瓜!该上床了,玛丽。你马上就能见到你亲爱的母亲。
2[&x6M$e8R Lady:Try me.
%FO_DF4p/W 蕾蒂:上吧!
J*P5N0i0b*? Vergil: It's time for the clown to bow out, Arkham.
+W/@q.R rLT 维吉尔:是小丑该滚蛋的时间了,雅克罕姆。
l)a lC Dante: Dude, the show's over!
l2yKkbP 但丁:老兄,表演结束了!
h%iki-X`V Arkham: Impre ive. I expected nothing le from the Devil's
7mh#D@9U1~ descendents. But aren't you forgetting something, Vergil?The ell
3sT ?{:S(lg(y0| is broken. What do you think will ha en next? Let's welcome
ST6vkD2` ]F 雅克罕姆:印象深刻。我希望恶魔的后裔们同样表现出色。但你们真的没有忘记什么吗,维吉尔?封印已经解除了。你想然后会怎么样?让我们一起迎接混沌的到来吧!
QGI'E Arkham: Just sit and wait! Wait for the birth of a new God! I
B ]^"N/fXSQ bu hall take over the power of Sparda!
!~V~}$O0_*YT| 雅克罕姆:坐着等就好!等待一位新神的诞生吧!我将会接管斯巴达的力量!
X_*d yJ` j
d \p.rD#Z@;J*U0X Mi ion 14
-AvmM?/H%X Dante: Are ya go a go?
5i8N'a X5Pseh!o4A 但丁:你也要去?
Y3jH9c3dv2c"N Lady: Yes, I'm going to finish him off.
pu 蕾蒂:没错,我要去终结他。
g$b$K$W3G J Dante: Well, you might as well forget it. Cuz, you're no match for
S&d&Z N J X him.
irL&z WQQdk-nq 但丁:嗯,你最好把这事给忘了。因为,你跟本不是他的对手。
/@uC*N9RMr4u?y@ Lady: Regardle , I must go. I had a chance to stop him before,
[b:HjpD ut I couldn't. I'm re o ible for all this me .
8t-s-h_.H 蕾蒂:无论如何我都必须去。我本来有一个机会可以在此之前就把他干掉,但却没有做到。我必须对场混乱负责。
A;mj#t2F{,f7j Dante: Re o ible? Does it bother you that much?
GT"p0w ]
t,Mb:}#J*_t 但丁:负责?对你而言有那么严重吗?
&hWB;J(C;Qc&M Lady: He's my father. Besides, who else can undo what he's done? A
U+^-GG r[~;K? demon like you, wouldn't understand……
2p$o@J P3A[ 蕾蒂:他是我父亲。除此之外,又有谁能够逆转他所做的一切呢?一个像你这样的恶魔,是不会了解的……
1Pz6R$z_ Dante: Father and family, huh? Well I'll go too. But you'd better
GL8{ HR4D[ hurry if you don't want me to take all the credit.
&\'V v%x!BU6{ 但丁:父亲和家庭,嗯哼?好吧,我和你一起去。但你得快点如果你不想让我独占功劳。
b mD'gVZ-b_
{4^,rlQ7V6A$b w0n
R Mi ion 15
(M\zSn4`i Arkham: He plucks the threads that make us dance, finger and toe!
,`Z%S.v,lTF We surrender in joy to the lowest of the foul and rank: we
Q ubmerge through darkne , rancid filth. Hour by hour, we move
oBv}L;H{ downward, ever closer to Hell, in a slow, steady gait. Now, let
Sv#_J*`k} the world resonate! Sloth! Gluttony! Greed! Envy! Lust! Wrath! And
:a9yrV%d?D:U Pride! A bell of chaos that tolls human desires! After two
dopj'LC e)B thousand long years, the once sealed gate to the Demonic World
| t
E4k.Y'ST;] will open! Destruction! Carnage and De air! Let your i tincts
X(`d2j8iyG7J drive you! Entrap this world in fear! As its very name
L$rPR(e ?)J
E Temen-ni-gru strikes terror into the heart of mankind. Then I will
.u(W N)Q#x9[ ecome the ultimate ruler of this wasteland engulfed with
KS#R+diC9Y andemonium! The demonic power that Sparda once imprisoned……will
K!e]J&r0? c e mine!
nRwO;_}m"Z y 雅克罕姆:他抽去了操纵我们舞蹈的傀儡线,手指和舌头!我们任由罪恶和低贱来摆布:我们浸淫于黑暗,沉迷于污秽。时时刻刻,我们向着地狱逐渐堕落,以某种缓慢而稳健的速度堕落着。现在,让这个世界产生共鸣吧!懒惰!暴食!贪婪!妒忌!淫欲!愤怒!还有骄傲!让凡人那丑陋的欲望敲响混沌的丧钟吧!在2000年后的今天,这一度被封印的异界之门将重新开启!毁灭,杀戮和绝望!让本能来指引你们!让这个世界陷入到恐惧中去吧!让Temen-ni-gru这个名字来激起凡人心底最深处的恐惧吧。然后,我就将成为这片再生于混沌之地的主宰!这座一度被斯巴达封印的恶魔塔……将会成为我的囊中之物!
!dK)}.Y8x%pR xJ
y j(`0l'gm`}B
u ATz;` Mi ion 16
i)nqS v Dante: Now, this is what I'm talking about!
9{b"IQj,y 但丁:现在……这就是我所说的那样!
h M&v$o2Z-tg4E Dante: What's wrong,you tired? Then stand back. I'll take care of
4F_5^&E eO this.
Oq C%Kl` 但丁:怎么,你累了?那就一边去,我会解决掉的。
w.h,v J Ypg7H Lady: No,YOU stand back.
c9nl@1r+j/L,\ 蕾蒂,不,是你靠边站。
R[e{-rNu Dante: I told you, you can't do it. Don't you get it? This is not
'K%KI M2{3f6l a human's job.
5t%zp:f;q fo)J$Sm 但丁:我告诉过你,你干不了的。你还不明白?这不是凡人的力量能做到的。
gQ H"~:Q C0Xwh*` Lady: You're the one who doe 't get it. It's not something you
$p"CJ.k.w can reason with. It has nothing to do with me being a human and
\hv-Q~4G8V you being a demon. I'm driven by the inability to forgive him.My
8s9duw} S,DVO)I oul is screaming, demanding me to kill him.T hat's enough
5f}3yX!Z$H1_F)c motivation to keep me going. Besides, this is my family matter.
]Q[J's F9w3k&` You should stay out of it.
x ]:Fh i%m 蕾蒂:你才是要搞清楚,这并不是你能说得通的事。这些事与我是凡人或你是恶魔无关。我无法原谅他的所作所为。我的灵魂在对我尖叫,指引我必须杀了他。那已足够成为我坚持下去的动力。另外,这是我的家事,你最好与此撇清关系。
IZF/r^RE Dante: Okay Lady, I get the picture now. But I can't just sit back
]X%?bt-rhR l and watch either. I'm pretty pi ed at him too, you know. Now, get
4G%\pH_ out of my way or there'll be some co equences.
h5v k q%d-a 但丁:好吧,蕾蒂,我现在明白了。但我可做不到袖手旁观。他也惹到了我,你明白吗?现在,从我的视线里消失否则后果自负。
#I Iw;C)P I@LP*F Lady: Fair enough. I wa 't pla ing to let any demon live anyway.
7AOWu#m Not even one!
X'^$W 蕾蒂:上吧。我已决心要把你们杀的片甲不留。决不放过任何一个!
j(Se.~)J"yY5T Dante: I'll take care of him.
2g9[E^0v 但丁:我来对付他。
;@9x$sO0j/d.EXp Lady: Why do you care so much?
Ev+q8_^;IA 蕾蒂:为何你总要多管闲事?
E/_!m d/h&f-D4jp Dante: This whole busine started with my father sealing the
@)]T@ entrance between the two worlds. And now my brother's trying to
Jxw S.iv^E reak that ell and turn everything into demonville. This is my
W%W\u family matter too. Quite frankly at first I didn't give a damn.
T%J O5K%N]f"N#[ But because of you, I know what's important now. I know what I
6H9reb1iB oK.H eed to do.
Q`qdC:ut7g 但丁:这整件事都起源于我父亲封印了异界之门。而现在我的哥哥要试图解开封印让人类世界陷入黑暗的沼泽。这也是我的家事。坦白来说在刚开始我毫不在乎这一切。但是因为你,我知道了现在什么才是最重要的。我了解了自己的使命。
z k%P Lady: Wait!
[8Q)tH9OfS!{-hc{%\ 蕾蒂:等等!
&\z-Qw*W;Jp(O Dante: Trust me, I'll make things right for you. That's what my
R(ZR`zx+U oul is telling me to do.
7L I^ky%B:l 但丁:相信我,我会为你把一切都摆平。那就是你的灵魂告诉我该做的。
mh_Ie}+E$yWI Lady: Use this.
Wy*Br(b*O 蕾蒂:带上这个。
^ y^ Dante: How much is it go a cost me?
"` o7`FV@fM/B.B 但丁:我该怎么付帐?
.q6m)URN0w[x Lady: You can give me your name.
5[ P V3ZH;Ijx5W Q+o 蕾蒂:告诉我你的名字。
R fCjj+o$jH Dante: Dante.
6\y bJdJ 但丁:但丁。
t]+i RH.cj Lady: Dante. Please, free my father.
D_[@? ]b 蕾蒂:但丁,求你了,请让我的父亲得到解脱。
]?0]vd(m*w(Hv\ Dante: I will, Lady.
,BI-akW8] [4O 但丁:我会的,蕾蒂。
4L j@(D0_J#I
%@i d_'_ K Mi ion 17
a$R0]3r3a Dante: I know why you're here. You're here to ask me some
h3Isc nO|Ua` questio . Well too bad.I've already a wered them myself. I don't
4qR#i!v:e8L` eed you anymore. Come on, you poser.
u[%h%E7\g3~ 但丁:我知道你为何在这里。你在这里是为了要问我一些问题。只是很可惜,我已经回答了所有的问题,我不再需要你了。来吧,你这冒牌货。
k,S Dante: Huh, thought I lost my shadow for a sec.
9w8dV:bD1H9IW.Y)Nn 但丁:啊哈,我还以为自己的影子丢了呢。
;h~qmtX Mi ion 18
+?|!]q?:v b`:d{v Dante: Well then, let's wrap up this crazy party, shall we? Gotta
9vc IhK6Z clean up the me father left behind.
V4ndh [/? 但丁:现在,让我们结束这场疯狂的舞会吧,怎样?把父亲遗留下来的混乱统统解决掉。
D{GSbo `
d J)QVq Mi ion 19:
q#LxL*Abm*GWe Arkham: Welcome, what do you think after looking at your father's
PC ~@"f7O~R,w image?
)h!xBC;C 雅克罕姆:欢迎,在看到你父亲的形象感觉如何?
jzq{'W6P8`.p"i Dante: It's like staring into a backed-up toilet. Why do you
p:]}g7{/~ always stick your nose in other families'busine ? Come on dude.
}8k `iV!t Don't you have any ho ies?
V\|-NT9H:g 但丁:就像盯着一个倒吊的厕所。为什么你总要来管别人家的闲事?来吧,小丑,你就没有其他爱好吗?
p!R z._^@#f R Arkham: You can still talk big after seeing THIS!? I feel the
4vv:~FSdj9K devil's power overflowing my body! The power of Sparda!
@'m4O$g5K c)? 雅克罕姆:在看到这个以后你还能说大话吗?!我感觉到恶魔的力量流淌在我的四肢里!来自斯巴达的力量!
K:Hq"D] Dante: Dude, my father wa 't so hideous. Can't you tell by
1F"I^8xZ looking at me? Anyway, that shape suits you better. Let us begin
t+av-j)@.i the main event!
p5zW6j2PY 但丁:伙计,我父亲可没你那么丑陋。看看我再说吧……不管怎样,你还真适合那副丑样子。让我们来大干一场吧!
CwR)N[xg?){"`-X8hf Arkham: No use! Regardle of how strong you are, you're nothing
Z!TJ%df+M%V,_4? ut a half-breed. You ca ot defeat a pure demon, the real Sparda!
i8h m}j 雅克罕姆:没有用的!无论你再怎么强大,不过是个半恶魔。你不能和纯血统恶魔——真正的斯巴达相比!
u]c^`,m-\)W Arkham: What's this? Damn you!
k;`x!j4HM 雅克罕姆:怎么回事?该死的你!
w1]DM6m3Lz Vergil: I've come to retrieve my power. You can't handle it.
F zut8GY 维吉尔:我来取回属于我的力量。你无法掌控它。
X}*RY^ Dante: Look at you……making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my
)^A8{l([ h otlight.
2k j[x6N 但丁:看看你……如此戏剧性的登场把我的风头都给盖住了。
\uk%OI{ Vergil: Well……you don't po ibly believe that he deserves to be
hg]T&OL4]6R our main event now do you?
`3T6Y h+po$X 维吉尔:嗯……你不相信他会成为真正的主角,不是吗?
!gCC6oiqgM0RW@ Dante: Now that you mentioned it, you're right.
bn5D1kajSv+s 但丁:现在你指出了这点,你是对的。
8@'J4uB2S3J Arkham: Do you feel you can defeat me? Defeat the power of your
/cNr:C2bF T father, the great Sparda!
Z:O s!Sq'cIB+~
Q 雅克罕姆:你感到你能打败我吗?打败你父亲的力量,黑骑士斯巴达的力量!
D1O9VC1W3{!X;c Vergil: You should come to realize you ca ot control the power of
[iFeX)ay\2fO Sparda.
u_c 维吉尔:你应该意识到你无法控制斯巴达的力量。
%Q%s@ O\ Al Dante: You're wasting your time, buddy.
7g8d/vO~Fd 但丁:你是在白费力气,老兄。
h%_ Dante: I think he needs to learn the hard way!
]2USK,ing+o 但丁:我想他需要好好上一课
,f*Wz pBNR Vergil: I'll try it your way for once.
&I)h%I&m6Yb 维吉尔:这一次我会试试看你的方式。
8[/TB&Hi$qwz+J Dante: Remember what we used to say?
[p8j)u;r]a 但丁:还记得我们过去怎么说?
%i"E3U8_.S UG Arkham: Don't do it!
K-L2d)v*PO 雅克罕姆:不要那样!
$?/b+y%Y t'to Dante &am Vergil: JACKPOT!
O0Z:QdY?6\*h 但丁 &am 维吉尔:将军!
})W2m ^6j Arkham: I have the true power of Sparda……!
/O Ly:rfp9b 雅克罕姆:我拥有斯巴达真正的力量!……
#H6^ ^6NuG A
M Vergil: Not very cla y for someone's dying words.
K'?'D\&ev 维吉尔:真是没品的遗言啊。
`O%]K'`8H XuV8q
d!d p Mi ion 20
BR(O7Pg9c Arkham: Why? How could I……?! I shall become a god! No one here can
lQb)p#`+vb top me!
LC)jP.y(G e 雅克罕姆:为什么?这不可能?!……我该成为神!这里没人能够阻止我!
8S3Ltu,A2~(j Lady: What a surprise. Here I was looking for you and, long and
WA0W@8C` ehold, you come to me.
lZ(E*Xq X\^r7w 蕾蒂:真是让人吃惊啊。我找了你那么久一无所获,你却自动出现在我面前。
hL([~*E?^vQ-B.z Arkham: Mary……
Vr%`"VpJ8]0|m{ 雅克罕姆:玛丽……
3Ca.t6VZG9A'}cv$R Lady: Don't ever call me that again. My mother was the only one
B u6[.m A@*W who could say my name.
O^ 蕾蒂:不要再用那个名字叫我。我母亲是唯一有权利这么叫我的人。
9f4A.Hb-A0wJ Arkham: Wait, please! Do you really want to shoot me? Can you
^ Dk#J.LH~(f9q hoot me, your own father?! What have I done wrong?! Even the
;tWy!` D^)XU heroic Sparda sacrificed a woman so that he could become a legend!
+J;N5Pg#{%N I wished to be a god! And I sacrificed one miserable human being
rWR`V1u for that reason. That is all! Was that really so awful? I have
W s:W#u*rG
EgOn ome unfinished busine to take care of. Help me, Mary.
]|dOS`E5W 雅克罕姆:等一等,求你!你不是很想射死我吗?你能下得了手吗,对你的父亲?!我做错什么了?!斯巴达也曾经牺牲了一位女祭祠才成为了传说!我希望成为神!我不过是为此牺牲了一个微不足道的凡人罢了。这就是全部!那真的很恶劣吗?我还有些事情没有完成,帮帮我吧,玛丽。
L P+V eOc?#z Lady: Mary died a long time ago, my name is Lady. Goodbye father.
G 蕾蒂:玛丽已经死去很久了,我的名字是蕾蒂。再见,父亲!
,ptW(v5h,M.e2o Arkham: No!
,t;|6K1d"Lu2x1n"|O 雅克罕姆:不!
2N%|S8et T:`O Lady: Here I thought I wa 't go a cry.
0FP R8BI(Q'Fd;w 蕾蒂:我本以为自己不会流泪。
@[u1M Vergil: Give that to me.
!Blv6YK~.M 维吉尔:把那给我。
_$O*VU_7QTl.JWoY Dante: No way, you got your own.
0HGbo*Ln 但丁:没门,你有你自己的那一半。
S-eM4v;\%Q5Y Vergil: Well I want yours too.
+v:k*e,_q0M,Gq 维吉尔,可我也想要你的那半。
:a4L1a$h9D Dante: What are you go a do with all that power, huh? No matter
7s e]];U ]!q how hard you try, yo're never go a be like father.
QzX`9ZdN 但丁:你想要那种力量做什么,嗯哼?不论你再怎么努力,你永远也无法变成父亲。
o6I{OE4](@d B Vergil: You're wasting time!
"w%C5[hszc'J 维吉尔:你这是在浪费时间!
OxK4X"k Dante: We are the so of Sparda! Within each of us flows his
M G"v/K)c M7YI"NS lood, but more importantly, his soul! And now my soul is saying
7i.AZo:ez it wants to stop you!
l Kk8?ah"Cc+xPX7^ 但丁:我们是斯巴达之子!我们体内都流有斯巴达的血,但更重要的,是他的灵魂!而现在我的灵魂在说必须要阻止你!
(\f{D C4|-N7CnI Vergil: Unfortunately, our souls are at odds brother. I need more
x-\8y ower!
'QplsU$y*R 维吉尔:很不幸,我们的灵魂并不一致。我需要更强大的力量!
0x7wP D Z,@#}
` Dante: And we're su osed to be twi .
a UjPxUN;tsYE 但丁:我们注定是双生子。
2X2D(E ]k*Z"cD Vergil: Twi ……right.
O(\v&P HM"J%E8HW"{ P 维吉尔:双子……没错。
f{%^-Z|4T.Ab} Vergil: Am I……being defeated?
E{:i ^?g8d*j 维吉尔:我被打败了吗?
xS6N'XDL-q Dante: What's wrong? Is that all you got? Come on get up, you can
|Xg}fa6Bj do better than that.
:V}o4Q$~&]7N 但丁:怎么了?你不是得到一切了吗?快站起来,你能够做的更好。
7[q)i)d*fL&J#@p#y Vergil: The portal to the Human World is closing, Dante……because
Wv?Z@ e Y the amulets have been separated.
W&Q h$_9`^ 维吉尔:异界之门正在关闭,但丁……因为结晶项链分开了。
%pR])c0|&V;P'rUY1{ Dante: Let's finish this Vergil. I have to stop you, even if that
;v8}m9{3C#M mea killing you.
h:t$Y4V'j~ 但丁:让我们结束一切吧,维吉尔。我必须阻止你,即使那意味着杀了你。
7@:d+z(f&j Vergil: No one can have this, Dante. It's mine, it belongs to a
K6?%Z|*C:T0C3XS~ on of Sparda!
bg5R-K 维吉尔:没人能够拥有这个,但丁。这是属于我的,属于一个斯巴达之子!
IM8PK0vOE!q$ro Vergil: Leave me and go, if you don't want to be tra ed in the
2g_$L$m:M7JUE Demon World. I'm staying, this place was our father's home.
kGH?4Ro 维吉尔:不要管我,快走吧,如果你不想被卷入地下世界。我要呆在这里,这里是我们的父亲斯巴达的故乡。
H&Mlni{z*YI3I Dante: What an ordeal. You're still here?
(| ^_;G
s]J 但丁:真是的,你怎么还在这里?
|0i7N ui Lady: I need that back.
t3} Eo/]8r 蕾蒂:我得要回那个。
e/Yo6r EH$e7} Dante: No late charges I hope.
JB0n6ASZ 但丁:我可不想支付后续费用。
u2X_{f+Xx%a Lady: I'll think about it.
-DEoR zVq#Q%XD 蕾蒂:我要考虑考虑。
U$Q&Wz"BNA$h{Bu Dante: We should be fine for now. But I'm sure they'll be back
@W%XAR;__ UR,}Z
I`2a oon. Very soon.
Vj2QZ 但丁:现在事情已经解决了,但我肯定它们有朝一日会卷土重来,很快……
%iC$?zb6HV Lady: Are you crying?
{(U(q2F$Cw 蕾蒂:你在哭吗?
.O^f;xb3xe7p9X Dante: It's only the rain.
^2C R0C*o
E^n 但丁:不过是雨水罢了。
(A5gL(pnh.k Lady: The rain already sto ed.
{K:p pM!i+lH 蕾蒂:雨早就停了。
Cl+V Dante: Devils never cry.
&VS0w6s_1Ej7AY#N 但丁:恶魔从不哭泣。
F@"y Lady: I see.Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he
qQ5Ql(vU loses a loved one.Don't you think?
f/e8T%l0| fd7d 蕾蒂:我明白。或许在某处,当一个恶魔失去他所爱之人时,他就会哭泣吧。你认为呢?
}V 4l2ANV5q-Gv Dante: Maybe.
0x.x[7rf\Q 但丁:也许。
n yf:Q`%]j
DQ Lady: By the way. Looks like we're go a be busy for a while.
Du 蕾蒂:顺带一提。看起来似乎我们要忙活一阵子了。
-~2kiC0@[} f6\ Dante: Well bring it on! I love this! This is what I live for! I'm
F)c[,j ]F
AQo a olutely crazy about it!!
}1a{+YK6p fz 但丁:嗯,来吧!我爱这样!我就是为此而活!我全然为此而疯狂!!
]y*h Lady: What ha ened next? Nothing really. We took care of all the
O remaining devils and that was it. I still have a job to do that's
w"\*d)mY$hb3O far from done, which is to eliminate every last demon. I need to
;rS1m5]?+b.ZpuJ e ure that mo ters like my father never come about again. And he
;VQwb\:nK romised to help me hunt down the demo , even though he's part
1@:gQP}*I7[/^(o one himself! But now I realize that there are huma as evil as
)]k#t"ck@TQG[3[ any devil as well as kind and compa ionate demo in this
!x-v7Pi!LVyJ universe. At least I've found one so-called devil who is able to
ng*N5?({Y#{ hed tears for those he cares about. That's enough for me to
]4IoJ" M
[-H elieve in him.
ZBR7}Dr W%` 尾声CG
R"},b~&w!d9{x5l 蕾蒂:后来发生了什么?真的没什么。我们解决了塔里所有残留的恶魔们。我仍然在奋斗直到干掉这世上的最后一只。我必须保证像我父亲那样的怪物不会再出现。而且他也同意帮助我消灭恶魔,虽然他身上也流有一半恶魔的血!但我明白了这世上有着和恶魔一样污秽的凡人,也有着像凡人一样善良的恶魔。至少我发现这个恶魔会为他所爱而流泪。这已足够成为我信任他的理由。
o'^+z8p%D3lU Dante: Now I can start my busine .
zW[({6xbZ1u 但丁:现在我要开始营业了。
!}O @8D:R(^ Lady: Oh, eaking of a kind devil, he fanally decided on


